,V.i,- V 9 . , , city MiH Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Hliowcr tonight anil TNhtk day. Mat. , Mbt. HI. SECOND EDITION M AII3DF0UD, OliKOON, WEDNESDAY, APlllh 10, ll.i. NO. 21. PnMy. third Yfiir Dully UkIiIIi Vnr POPE PIUS X. REPORTED DYING AT ROME m ; r PONTIFFS END ONLY QUESTION OF FEW HOURS Popo Plus Cannot Possibly Survive the Nl!il State Attendants Fami ly mid Friends Summoned to Hold Themselves Ready lor Summons Quo Doctor Refuses to Abandon Hope Out tho Oilier Admits Case Is Hopeless End Will Come Soon. .Ity Henry Wood, United Pre Cor respondent nt Rome) HOMK, April 1(1. Pin X 1h djlpg mill I he will In but u iiirHllnii of hours, according to Ilia pontiff hiother, hi sUler nml hlh church dlgulturiei.. An attache of tin vuti mil who Ik hi n mnitimi to know llm fuel ptvi mo thin information In nlylit. Dr. Marehlafnvn, however, refine to iihumluu Iiuk. KohlilntM itf Rome hnvo uhiiudourd hope of llm Pope' it'rovrry, and eeryHier. preparation r briuir mude which tuml to confirm tlio k'" ral hlii'f that the 1m will not Miivnn the lilght. , ROME. April 10. At .ix o'clock tonight tin? member. f the Pope'. nimlly'w.'rareqi.c.Mcdrnearby nml to hold ihciiioi'hi'N In rtvwlinr fur n limit Diiiiiinoim tn the bcdnidc. Dr. Amid lhl them the Pope could nut poMMibly survive the night. King Vlcliyr Emmanuel wu moat concerned tonljrht bout tho pope' condition. Itn received hourly bulle tin from the minister of tho Inte rior, who received nfllclal report from tho vatlran. lilt holiness U extremely wenk Coughing, tho result of bronchitis. Iian npK'il hi stronuth. E fit GRAVES OF CIGARETTES HAI.EM, Om., April Ifi. Grave of departed Uhlncao are tho Intent source of supply for clgarrtlea for certain youthful araokcra In rhlA city nml consequently relative and friend or tho departed one aru con Mdcruhly agitated In Chinatown, It In a custom of tho Chliiean to plnro rli;nrottiH on thu graves of tlmlr lU'iul to tooth tint in on their Journey to thu unknown Intnl. Roya hnvo learned or thin umt hnvo beim heuplng watch on thu Chinese eomo lery nt tho odgo of tho city, Chines reported to thu police today that ouo of thu boyn found eight clRnrottea on u Rravu nnd npproprlntud them for hU own iixo. L AT C1IICO, Cal April 10. Calmly tolling of how Hhu hold up William Lnmfdqlo, a chauffeur, with a big lovolvur, whllii "JoyrldliiK" with him near hero, Mlaa Myrtlo CoIIIiih, a pretty young Chtco girl, created a sensation In thu Juvenile court room horo today. Tho girl wan nrrostcd In Oakland nftor Jumping from tho spoedliiR nu tomohllo and swinging aboard a moving pmiHoiiRor train hound for that city, Hlio wan hpuiiiIIiir thu S IK alio had taken from UiihiIuIo when hIio wnu arrested In Oakland. WILSON GIVES DINNER TO CABINET MEMBERS WASHINGTON, April .10. I'iohI- ileut Wilhou will Rivo 11 (lhiiior loniRht to thu mcmhorH of IiIh tmhinot. It will ho llio fiiat fonmil fimulion of hlu ndiuiuiatition. Pope . ... ill U U t ' - Jii 1 1 1 - - iawa JJSiiir - I US 10 ACTION ON ALIEN LAND BILL HACUAMKNTO, I'al., April 1 flovornor Hiram Jobimou told llm United I'rcnn today that hn ha re ceived no communication fiom lrea Ident Wllaon In renard to any poa- alble action by tho California lccta latura on an untt-iillcn land hill. When Informed that conferencra had Iiikmi held In WnHhltiKtou at which tho proponed null-alien MIIh wuro dUcimtied, thu Rovoruor Inti mated that lio would nut bo mir prWod to hear from WaabliiRton con ceruliiK thu proiioiH'il liiunHiiron. "I would not care to atato at till tlmo," tho Rovernor aald, "what nc Hon I will tako In rnau an antt-allen bill la panned by thu U-kIhIuUiio and preaented for my approval." Honntor IllnUttll, who Introduced thu aunato aubatltulo bill, aald today that thu auuatu intiamiro would bo coiiHldered bofuro tho Iioiihu bill. "Thu uunato bill la on tho files and tho nNHombly bill la nut," ho dn clared, "I expect tho Heiiato bill to bu taken up first, but doubt It It will bn reached today. Tho corporation clauRO In tho aenato bill la onu of tho moat Important featurea, and wo will try to paaa tho hill uiiauiuiidod." BROCKTON WANTS TO SWAP WITH OREGON HAMCM. Oro., April 10. Stato Su purlutendont L. 11, Aldormau Ih In receipt of n letter from tho auporln tendeut of tho Ilrookton, Mass., achoola today nayliiR ho would llko to oxchaiiRo hIx grndo toachora nnd two IiIrIi achopl toachora with Ore eon. Tills la In lino with an agreement roaclmd botweou Alderman nnd tho auporlntondont of tho Ilrookton aohoola, whon Aldurman was In tho eaut 11 tow wooka uuo, RAM SLEN Pius X and Familiar Scenes in the Life of the Pontiff HiTnrfi Show I')" in Vnntiili, ltln ABUSE OF OFFICE WASHJNOTO.V, April lC.-I'rcsU (kill Wilson this afternoon mimrnurily removed from office Willis L. Moore, chief of the United States weather hmcuu. It whs announced nt the execute officea that the reason for flie removal wua "erioua irreguliiri tiea in office." Moom recently leiuleivd his rcsiR nation to become effective July ll, but tho pieaidenl refused to penuit him to continue in office. Mourn' removal waa decided upon at a conferuncu today botwoun l'real dent Wilson ami Secretary of And culture llouaton, "Mooro wua removed," aald lloua ton, after thu couforonco, "becauu of Rroaa mUuau of thu power of hi orflce. llo used hla aubordlunto and hla official position to promutu pur aonal mattera. That la nil 1 caru to any now. ' It waa learned that tho president, early In March, waa deluded with complaint from all parta of tho country that Mooro had omlcavorod to utllliu non-profeaaloual and vol untary weather obaorvera In an ef fort to build up a political machlno which would luauro hla appointment aa aecrotary of aRrlculturo. Tho president la aald to havo been fur nished with many Inslaucea where Mooro directed volunteer observora to wrlto to tho president, advocal Idr Mooro'a promotion. Socrotnry Houston InveatlRated and reported to tho prealdent that tho charges wcro well founded. Ho recommend ed Mooro'a lmmedlata removal and tho president concurred, DAUGHTERS OF REVOLUTION VOTING FOR NATIONAL CHIEF WASHINGTON, April 10. Tho imtiomil convention of tho OniiRh tors of tho American ltovolution nre votinp; this afternoon for natiojial offiuora, Three sets of candidates nru In tho fiold. ' WEATHER BUREAU CHEFREMOVEDFOR Fir( CliurrJi, WnlkltiR in Vatican CREW OF LIFE SAVERS CHARGED . WITHfCOWARDICE PORTLAND. Or April IS In efficiency and cowardice on Ibe part of lb Garibaldi life eavlnu crew waa openly charRed today by Charles 8. Fisher, prealdent of the Fliher Engineering, company, on of the four battered tmrvlvore who were taken oft tho -apnlicd German wind jammer Mlml In tho Nehalem break ers nfte.r cIlUBlne to thu wreckajjo for 30 hour. )u the courai of hla testimony at the hearluR In connection with the loss of the vcaaol boforo Gorman Con sul Lcchneyor of Seattle, Fisher Bald that thu ltfeaavera acted a If they had been driuklnR, Ho aald that the llfesavluR crew came up In still water on the shore aide of tho Mlml to within 10 or 12 yards of hor. The aea there wfia aa quiet aa a pond, ho aald, yet tho ltfe aavera did not como up to the vessel and take tho men cIIiirIiir there off. Tho hcarinj; was hold behind closed doors at (lie insistence of Consul Lcehueyor whoo conduct of the hearing was bitterly criticised by some of the witnesses. The two sailor survivors of tho wreck contradicted with Rreat em phasis Captain Woatphul'a statement that ho had sent u watchman down below on tho evening of tho night the fhip wns floated to notify the sea men that any who wished to ro ashoro could do so. KENT NOTINOTIFIEO1 0 REGARDING NEW TARIFF WASHINGTON, April 1C Notifi cation to ha coiiBtltuonta that thorn la n very sllfiht chnnco of tho houso minority coourlng any ohanRea In tho democratic tariff plana waa given here today by Congressman William Kent of California, progressive. On!oin nml ln Illrtliplare. TARIFF BILL 10 Fi WASHINGTON, April IC-Aasnr-nnw that the tariff bill would pu.ia the house practically in its pjeaent form was Riven President Wilfcou to day by Representative Oscnr Under wood of Alabama, chairman of tho way and means committee-nnd ma jority leader in the house. Under wood nlso predicted that the bill would reach the seuato within .three weeks, He expects tho house-to ttet speedily, a few days being devoted to general debate and then- the hill Iteing considered under the five min ute rule, schedule by schedule. - President WiImjh expeots the' bill to have nu cay time in- hu senate too. , Underwood denied today that the income tax provision propones, a; tux on insurance bcneficiuriciinsfeertmR that death nnd endowment benefits are not considered as iite'inne. Tho houso democratic, caucus con sidered today tho wool, qottou ami flax schedules. So far the assaults by tho advocates of protection upon the proposed tariff billhftve uniform ly failed. w Underwood admitted 'htt expected tho hardest fight on tho wool sched ule but wns confident that frco wool finally would win. Representative Dies velledly criti cised the president's demand for free wool, intimating dictation. Retire sentativo Ferguson of New Mexico and other southwestern members sup ported Dies. TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER BY SUPREME COURT SALKM, Ore., April 10. Tio su premo court today issued n temporary restraining order in tho caso, of A. 11. Spencer against J.. S. Barnes, upon application of tho defendant. Tho ovdor restrains Spencer from continuing execution proceedings un til noxt Monday when arguments for a permanent restraining order will bo made. ., P CON ESS IN PRESENT M BD ANDERSON IS 10 T MANDOT I.OS ANGELES, Cal., April 1C Joe Mandot of Memphis and New Orleans la the next lightweight that Hud Anderson must topple from tho pugilistic ladder It he continues his ascent. The boys wcro matched here today to box 20 rounds for Tom McCaruy at Vernon on tho evening of May 20. Tho weight will bo 133 pounds at cither 5 or 6 o'clock the night of the battlo. Anderson leaves' tonight for San Francisco, whore ho will watch Ad WolgaBt nnd Tommy Murphy In po tion next Saturday afternoon. Suu day hu will start for Medford, Ore., going thcuce- to hla home at Van couver, Wash. He will return to Loa Augelea two weeks before the Man dot battle. ' Mandot has wired McCaroy that ho will arrive hero May 0. TO SAIL DIRIGIBLE LAS PAI.MAS. Canary Islands, April 16. With hla gaa bog 'com pletely Inflated Joseph Urucker, a balloonist of Milwaukee, Wis., Is prepared today for hla dirigible trip across tho Atlantic. Ho wilt start today or tomorrow. I1RUSSKLS, April 10. Tho fourth day of tho Delginn suffrago strike found four hundred thousand work men out, according to declarations by socialists hero. Other quarters main tain, however, that not more than IlioO.QOQ nru idle. MM M CEMENT PLANT AT GOLD HILL NOW ASSURED Beaver Portland Cement C&fafly is Organized and Cmteieiy Financed Will Operate Locally UpM a Large Scale Men Will Eegin Work en ErectrM if Plant in Immediate Future Local Men Interested SALEW. Ore., April 10. The Reaver Portland Cement conipan has (lied article of incorporation with the secretary of state. The cap Ital atock la $000,000 and Portland la the principal place of business. The artlclea atate the company will en gage la anything from dlgglBg of certain klnda of clay to operating logging roada and the establishment of retail yards. Attorneys for the company appear aa the first trustees. The erection nnd operation of a $50,000 cement plant ut Gold Hill ih assured. The Reaver Portland Ce ment company has been organized to develop? and operate n quarry near Gold Hill where cement can be easily manufactured. A few jocal men are interested fn the eetapaHy but most o( the, capital to bo used Ik foreign. For some tap the prepwutum. of estnblixhiiig a large cement ptont near Gold Hill has been disctiw-cil. A number of cement rieu have reported on thu project stating that the de posits there were unexcelled in the west. Recently a number of .cement manufacturing concerns became in terested which has resulted in tho or ganization of the Heaver Portland Cement company. According to reports reaching this city from Portland, where the com pany has its principal office, and where it was financed, work is to start at once on the erection of the plant. It is said that 500 men will bo employed when the works are es tablished. W. I. Vnwler has ben nclivc in tho formation of the company nniMian looked after its interests locally. BEGIN SUIT TO KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 10. Following charges thnt it Is a com bination in restraint of trade, the preliminary bearing in the govern ment's suit to dissolve the Interna, tionnl Harvester Company wna be gun here today before Federal Kx nmiiier Robert S. Taylor of Duliith, Minn. The notion was filed in St. Paul a year ago. L! DENVER, Col., April 10. After passing tho appropriation bills oyer which both houses were deadlocked for two days, tho Colorado legisla ture adjourned at 0 o'clock today, The session lasted 100 days. The .clocks In tho aasombly cham bers were turned back to show that the legislature had adjourned at 0 WHITE HOUSE DENIES PANAMA CANAL REPORT WASHINGTON. April 10. The white house Issued today a denial ot a report that the prealdent Intends to Issue a proclamation declaring that ho favor England's contention In tho Panama canal tolls controver sy. It was stated that the prealdent has not yet considered the problem. i f"i 3 fH :!1 W 'I .J fl' T- 1 i 1' JM 'If 4?, '4 1? .!a mmmmmmmmmmm