Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 15, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    PXG1 TWO.
!!. 'J-gJ1!
!-. J. nr:
W, II. ltrct, mayor of Talent,
wan a recent visitor In Mrdford.
MIa Atn. Gould, who has been
teaching Reboot at Lotto Creek, If nt
homo again.
Wold brothers nro Into Arrivals In
Medford from California.
For sale, flno family driving or
riding homo, buggy and iiarncaa
Tula Is a good buy at J200. It In
terested wrlto Lothron Perkins, J!
lto8 Court, Medford.
Mrs. Fnd Chamberlain of itny
Gold and Mrs. M. II. I'nrkur of Cen
tral Point spent Sunday In Med ford
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hnberly nnd II.
C. llartrauft ot ltandon are visiting
In Mcdford.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Schmltt of Jack
sonvlllo woro guesta of Mr. and Mrs.
II. K. llnney Monday.
Orchard, hunting, fishing nnd
Crater Lnko scones for salo nt Qer
klng & Harmon's studio. Negatives
mndo any place, kodak finishing. 12S
Cast Main street. Phone 2 IB It.
John Owens and S. T. Sandry were
down from ltoguo It Ivor Monday.
J. Hamrlck and F. 11. Hull of
Central Point transacted buslnesa In
Mcdford Mondny.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Ilcnz arrived
In Mcdford Monday, for a short stay.
It you want your lawn mower
sharpened or repaired phono 3G0-J.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. IJarnnm are
making southern California a visit.
Mrs. Mary McGUI left for Ashland
ou Monday afternoon's train.
Lawrence- Drown came from Jack
sonville Monday to meet his wife nnd
daughter, who have been visiting In
Grant Pass.
Gerklng & Harmon, studio por
traits, homo portraits, flash lights,
kodak finishing", post card work and
enlarging.; 128 East Matn street;
telephone 215 It.
The ownership of tho United
States hotel building at Jacksonville
has parsed to J. It. Nell and E. II.
Watson .of Portland, A. Schmldllng
havlng.tleeded It to them.
James Brooke Spencer of Antelope
transacted business In Mcdford the
foro p.irt ot tho week.
Insure and bo euro. Right It wc
writo It H. A. Holmes, Tho Insur
ance Man.
D. Clngcado ot Eagle Point w.-
tho guest of his son. Harry Clngcade,
of tho Mcdford police force, Monday.
K. C. Sproat, of Wood. Cal., and 8.
J. Harris of Roseburg aro recent ar
rivals In Medford.
Kodak finishing, tho best at Wes
ton's, opposlto book store.
Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Nye of Itock
Point wcro among Mcdford relatives
and friends. Monday afternoon.
S. W. MeUcndon and A. J. Olsen
of Gold Hill tarried in Medtord Mon
Special Tablo d'Hoto dinner at
Holland hotel every evening 0c. 34
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Under ot
Phoenix precinct motored to Mcdford
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Logan of AVol
do, Josophlno county, woro Mcdford
visitors tho fore part of tho week.
Vapor baths nnd scientific mas
sago for men and women. Dr. It.
J. Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Gar-nett-Corey
bldg. Phone H5.
Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Raker aro
guests of F. T. Miles, Wells, Fargo &
Co.'s agent at Medford, and his wife.
Mr. Maker, who Is a brother of Mrs.
Miles, has Just been discharged from
tho Southern Pacific hospital In Cali
fornia, where ha underwent an oper-
Alex earner, who Is in tho employ
ot Peck & Waguer, has gono to
Grants Pass on a visit to relatives.
E, D, Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any time or
plnco by appointment. Phono M.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Wondt. Mr. and
Mrs. Hnrry Luy aud Mrs. J. M.
Cronomlllur woro among tho many
over from Jacksonville Monday.
Mansflold brothers of Talent tar
ried In Medford Monday ufternoon.
Monoy to loan ou real estate. Soo
Cnrkln & Taylor, nttornoya at law,
Owen Dunlap and A. S. Furry of
l'lioeint auotorod to Medford Mon
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. La Ponto of
Central Point mndo Medford a
Monday morning.
llest coffeo In .Medford, Manhattan
Cafo. 23
James Garvin and Robert Wilcox
spout Monday lu Madron!.
Mrs. Frank Edwnrtfa ann Her chil
dren uro down from Hutton, Cal.
MrB. Edmund Uurko was among
Medford frlendH Monday.
Mr. Mid Mm. (' 0. Qiilnn of
Grants Puss nrc among lie many
who cnnia to Medford during tho
Assessor nnd Mrs. W. T. Orivp of
Jttrkfwnvlllo motored to Mcdforn
Monday nftcrnoon.
llest coffeo In Mcdford, Manhattan
Cafo. 23
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Jones of Hoss
Inne have returned from a trip to
Mrs. F. M. Smith of Sterling has
been nt ltoguo Itlvcr nnd Wltuor, vis
iting relatlxes.
Host coffeo In Mcdford, Mnnhnttat
Cafe. 23
Mrs. R. 11. limine ot Central Point
was n Medtord visitor Monday nftcr
noon. Mrs. F. A. Halght was the soloist
at tho Presbyterian church In Ash
land Sunday morning. Mr?. Halght
was formerly contralto soloist at Dr.
Matthews' church nt Seattle, said to
bo the largest Presbyterian church in
the world.
Encourago home Industry. Uso
Ashland made brooms. They wear
better. Get them at Garnett-Corey
Hardwaro Co. 21
Miss Ida nnd Robert Wilson ot
Central Point wcro among Medford
friends the foro part of the week.
Tho altitudes ot tho principal
points of Jackson county as given by
the United States geodetic survey
are: Ashland, 1940 feet; Ashland
Butte, 7GC2; Wagner Butte. 7249;,
Sterling mountain, 7377; Siskiyou
tunnel, 45S5; Pilot Rock, 0104; Med
ford, 139S; Talent, 1444; Jackson
ville, 1C25; Eaglo Point. 1323; Grit
xly peak. G000; Mount McLaughlin.
9760; Green Spring hill, 4713; Jen
ny Creek, 339S; Dead Indian. 4400.
One year old carnntlon plants, red,
white and pink, 10c. 923 B. Main,
Jacob Schnfcr of North Jackson
ville motored .to Mcdford Monday.
Mrs. B. M. Collins nnd Miss Alice
Hoop of Jacksonville were Mcdford
visitors Monday.
Gcorgo Porter of Grants Pass and
S. P. Brown ot Gold Hilt transacted
business in Medford this week.
Medford Greenhouse. 21
II. W. Lindsay and W. S. Hoag-
inna ot central Point were among
the throng In Medford Mondny.
II. O. Simpson of Talent and
George W. Dewey of Evans Creek
anada a trip to Mcdford Monday.
I '-Beginning with Monday, April 14,
thcro will bo no service on the R. It.
V. R. between 12 and 1 o'clock p. m.
Tho car. leaving Medford at 12:30
p. m. baa been cut out. 20
Raphael Messner of Gold Hill, who
is known as Roxy, was arrested In
Red Bluff, Cal.. recently charged
with insanity. Ho was found wan
derlng about the streets ot tho Cali
fornia town on a warm spring morn
ing with four heavy coats on. Mess
ner suddenly disappeared from Gold
Hill nnd search was mado for him,
charges of Irrational conduct having
been placed against him with the In
tention of sending him to the Insane
asylum of Salem. Ho was a promi
nent socialist and onco a candidate
for representative in the Oresoa leg
islature. Something different, maternity,
surgical or any stylo corset or waist
mado to order; electrical bandages,
belts and brushes for rheumatism,
etc 227 S. Holly. 2G
Fred II. Cowles has returned from
a two inohTs' trip to New York.
Charles Tschirgl. owner of a fine
orchard property on tho Eaglo Point
roau. has returned from a winter
spent in tho cast.
When Mnyor Itiuhllght hurled tho
first ball nt tho plate this nftcrnoon
In tho Los Angeles-Portlnud gum
which Initiated tho Pacific Coast
league season In Portlnnd. It wn
estimated that more than 14,000 fans
and fnnuettofl woro within tho enclo
sure at the Vaughn atwat grounds.
Mnuager MeCredlo sent his star
southiww, Hnrry Krausu, to tho
mound, with Charley Chech of l.o
Angeles performing a like service for
Los Angeles.
Tho game was preceded by tho
greatest parade ever held In connec
tion with the opening of a baseball
season In tho northwest. It n.
so mtiled tho pageants of Rose Festi
val week and the Elks' convention.
.There More six rilvlstons In tho par
ade, each headed by a. band, with
the Los Angeles and Portland ball'
tossers In tho vanguard.
Fcare that rain would Interforo
with tho opening of the season wore
dissipated at noon, when Old Sol i -gan
a winning battlo with the rain
clouds. When tho bell clanged It
was still somewhnt cloudy, but Ideal
baseball weather.
l'KNDLKTON. Ore.. April l.V
Keiiucwiek, Wn.-lu, will lie the scene
of the fifth ntituml rouu'iitioii of Co
lumbia nml Simke river wuterwnys
association. At n bminoss session
today nn invitation from Hint oily
was iitinnitiioiily ncoeitel. Officer
will bo elected Into todny.
President Lymuti declared todnv
Hint he could not serve another term
because of his pooilion nt Washington
ns director of the national rivers nnd
harbors congros. A number of in
teroMiiij H'eehe wore delivered be
fore the association todnv.
HUATTI.H. Wash, April 1ft.--Stcerngo
passengers nnd moinliora of
tho crows on nil vemola stilling to
Alaska hereafter will have to lx vac
cinated tip show a certificate ot vac
cination not omro than five yonrs old
before they will bn allowed to sill,
according to a ru)ltig of the depart
ment ot public health nt Wnsliimr
ton, 1). C, which went Into effect I'Us
Tho reason for the promulgation
of this order and why Alaska Is sin
gled out anil made tho goat. Is a
mystery to Seattle steamship men.
Although flwt-claM pHtMongorH
tourists are exempt from the restric
tions, shipping men say, the rosult
ot the order will bo to spread Mm
Impressions broadcast over tho coun
try which will lutorforo seriously
with tho summer excursions to tlm
nurth, which yearly uro growing
more popular and add greatly to the
business of this port
HAN .11)910. Cal. April Ift -Morn
thnn $1000 lu gold coin, believed to
hno been burled by Tlbtirelo Van
Utioi, n notorious California mur
derer ami bandit, was unearthed nt
Los (Intos, near hero, wlillo iui old
ndobo house wnti being rated In a
park. Tho coin Is lu the clh
WAI.I.A WAI.I.A, WnJli.. April IV
Niirniiiii Mcl'iMiken, nltniil Mii
PMiilotiileiil of llie I'neiMe IVwwr ninl
Light ctiinnii, p'n'H on llie Walla
Wnlln rher mo inliinllv killed to
day when lie noeiileiilnllv tmii'hwil mi
ein.iil "Wili'li.
(Continued trum pngo 1.)
BOSTON, April lS.Tlio Nw
York Highlanders of tho. American
leaguo were crippled today by the
loa of Hal Chase, hwiiiiiI bniwinnn,
who Is out of the Kame with an In
jury to tho right arm. Clmmi was
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Day Phono Ul!7
Night V. XV, WVekN 103-J.l!
Phones A. E. Orr 078-31
Prices Paid by Dealers
EGOS let:
CABHAflE lffiiy-e.
ONIONS 75o$1.10.
CARROTS 75c.?l.00.
APPLES 30e75c.
HONEY 10loc lb.
CIDER 25c cal.
CHICKENS Ifons, 15c.
PORK 10 15c.
HEEF 1020c.
LARD 15c.
HACON 1018o.
II Airs 18c
IIOGS Dreaned, So; nlivo O'ie.
STEEItS Alive, Oc.
COWS Alive, 554c
VEAr, Dressed, lie.
POULTRY JJixe.I -hickeiiH, lOo;
Bpriiigu, 12o; dreaded, 12(?i)14c.
Huy uud Grain
(SelliiiR Price.)
WHEAT $1.50.
OATS $1.00.
HAY Vetch, $11 ton; Brnin, $13.
PARLEY $27 ton.
CORN $25 ton.
Meritol Tonic Digestive will tone
up your system quickly, inako you
foel strong again. Hasklus Drug
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., April 15.
Rubo WmMoll fonner pitcher for the
Philadelphia Athletics nnd later with
the St. Ijouis Drowns, is critically ill
with pneumonia nt his homo here.
Dr. H. I,. Williams, who is utteudinB
him, stntos that lie npienrs to be im
proving today.
Wndilell played for n time with the
Lo Angeles team in the Conht
League. IU is nt present n member
of the Minneapolis club in the Ameri
can association.
SALEM, Ore., April 15. The Wil
lamotte University boosters mot to
day ut a luncheon nnd entered upon
the last campaign to raise $500,000
income bearing omlowmont for tho
univerxity the conditions of tho gift
$500,000 from It. A. Dooth of Eugene.
The university hns $500,000 endow
ment but all of it is not income benr
the immigration lirc n much ai ic
Hible. "Of Into, ninny AinerioHii fituiior
luivo been tiiigmting to (.'iiiunln.
Whyf HconiiM) the land Irtws there
mnKe it po-nitil(. tir them to innko n
better living. Tho farmers who uie
going nml who have gone nrc the Mnr
dlist of AineiioiiiH. It should be our
first function to umclinmlo the con
ditions which nrc driving I hem uwny.
After that let us think of itiwtiug the
immigrant. Define any other plin-c
U considered we must think of breed
nnd butter. To invite iunulicriiiils in
by the Ihoiioiitids U tt nugniMile the
eoiiditiou thtit make willing workers
more plentiful than job. To iiggrn
Mile this condition i to pnuiiole un
rest. "To thojponplo who believe that the
great influ of foreigners will net nn
n wediio to lift us up to u higher
plane 1 suy thut the Influx will be a
wave that will destroy the iroeil '
of American workers."
The speaker showed liv figures
that mi account of the large holding
Cheaper than butter I
Better than lard
With uii Khun, but you will
not hi.- lutt.r ginssiw.
Dr. Rickert
I jc-Hlpht Hpeibilht
Ovor Kontnor'fl
Cotiolcno is bettor tlmn butter
or lard for frying bectiupo it can
bo heated nlwut 100 ilcjircea
liWier without bumiiifi or smok
ing. This extreme heat instantly
cooka tho outer surface, mid
forms a crust which prevents the
absorption of fat.
Fry fish with Cotiolcno nnd it
will never bo greasy, but crisp
aud appetizing enough to make
your mouth water.
Cotiolcno is more economical
than lard; costs no more, mid
rocs one-third farther than either
butter or lard,
omy if you aro
not using Col
tolcnc in your
Bittner's Real Estafc
& Employment Bureau
I'Olt HA Lit
ton nrr. Inrice home and Imm,
H nricH oriliHid, water right; R
iiiIIon from town. Home timber.
4 uereM. (Inn s roam Innmntow, 2
tulles from .Medlnrd: tluo Kardon
laud; nouie borrlon and Knrdeii; line
place; water (or Irrlxutloii, l'rl
ISbOU. Ilisit of trim.
it Vt nrr. amall boimn, chicken
Iiiium) nnd run, wntar fur IrYlKiitlou,
l mllra front Medford. I'rli-u
I room hmtH, lot 50x120, wood-
You arc not ' "'''- 1,H,r pnvitmMt. tsso.
room modsrn himim, hit KOxIXO,
Cottoleco 1.1 never
told In bulk ol
way in air -tight
tin pailt, which pro
tect it from dirt,
(lust and odor It
struck by a awUt ball ju.t above tho !'" " " ' '"T l "l I",, '" "",,m,K': U alway. unlfonn
elbow In battliiR prnclle ,.rdny ,n nni H. ven,Ke nereoKe of )PnJdcpmlablc
.ManaKer Knink Caaiiee. tin, club' ', " , "" , .' ""
Mxe wueii eoiiiui-ii wuii inni-r -imi-',
uud that but II Hr cent ot tho laud
occupu'il b. hums h,is In tu tin
flntt bntemflii, alao la out or the
Kamo with n wrenched knee. Denplte
the Iom of thoee two star players,
the Illghlnndora trimmed the Hon
tonlnns. Scere: i. j'
Now York 3 K 2
uoston 2 S 1
Itatturlen KontlliR aud Sweetie,
Hall and Niinnmnker. rmplrc
Hart and Dliieou.
LON'DD.N. April 15. Joseph XV.
Martin, the millionaire broker of
.Memphis. Teim., who lias been mi
"K smee April !!, was located today
in n siiburbiiii niomiii liouse, accord-
iifiT to n London uAvs njjeney. ,
With .Medford trado I Mcdford mnde.
Ilcaiitlful Hair, n Joy I'orcvcr.
If you havo a beautiful head ot
hair, try to keep it. If you havo
not, try to get it. Morltol Hair Ton
ic keeps tho scalp clean, promotes a
healthy growth of beautiful hair, and
keeps it soft and lustrous. Try it.
Hasklns Drue Store.
I-'OIt HUNT Nicely furnlHhed houge
keeplni; rooma on ground floor.
23C S. Central. 22
LOST Miscellaneous letter and pa
Kfrs on or near Main et. between
Illverslde and Ivy st Monday af
ternoon. Leavo at Mcdford Trib
une offlco for reward. 22
With Medford trado Is Medford mado
concicly defined mean DRAINS.
That' whiit make ilia McGmwi,
Slfllil. Mack and Chanco. They
are clvvayi alert to lake advantage
of every opportunity.
That'i vhy the Spalding Official
National League Cork Center Hall,
if ued in tho world tcrici.
Do you auppotc they would uie a
ball, even in practice, if it wain't
tho bett?
HHIo tlu-lr caUluKuc iiicturr and frlcc
of vry thlnir tint It up to tha mlnuta in
thdinme. Ho lr alioukl L wUhvut a
ropy, even l( be only wanta to look at
tli picture. Mailed fit nrtrw!,r.
ISO Geary Street, San FrancUco
Spallinir Ood irs for aala rverywtiera.
Society Women's Hair
A Simple Treatment That Will Make
It Truly l-'afirluatliiK Clnti.
StrniiK (iuaruiiUH-M It.
Nowadays every up-to-date woman
has radiant hair.
What n foolish crcnturo a woman
would be if sho lost tho oijiortunlty
to add to her attractions.
Yet In Amorlea todny thoro ar.
hundreds of thousands of women
with hnrsh, fndwl charaotorlorw hair
who do not make any attempt to Im
provo It.
In Paris most womon havo beauti
ful hair, and In America ull women
who use I'nrlMun SaKo has lustrous
and luxuriant hulr.
Any woman reader ot tho Mali
Tribune can havo attractive and lus
trous hair In u few dnya' time by us
Int? this great hair rojiivonntor, Par
isian Sago.
Chas, StraiiK sells n largo bottlo
for f.O cents ami guarantees It to
bntilsh dandruff, stop railing hair
uud itcliltiK scalp lu two weeks or
money buck.
ParlKlan Hiiro Is an ideal hair
tonic, not sticky or greasy. Bold
by druBKiats In every town In Amer
ica. Chas .Strain;,
for Drink Habit
We tiro 111 earnitit when we nsk
you to give OltltlN'K a trial. Yo.i
hnve nothing to risk nnd everything
to gnln, for your money will be re
turned If after a trial yuu fall to get
results from OltltlN'K. This offer
gives the wives and mother of those
who drink to cxcciu; nn opportunity
to try tho OltKINK treatment. It Is
n very simple treatment, can bo giv
en lu the homo without publicity or
loss of time from buslnerw, nnd nt n
small price.
OI11HNI-: Is prepared in two
ferms: No. 1, Bccrol treatment, a
powdor, OHHINi: No. 2, In pill form,
for thoko who dcHiro to take volun
tary treatmont. Costs only J 1.00 n
box. Come lu and tnlk over th
matter with us. Ask for booklet.
To Exchange
(eu'-rnl merchandUo slock
farm or liiromu city property.
on pawmmit; fine plaeo. $1200,
(ileal ImrRalns lu nlty property to
trndn for ImHrovml acreaito, tu large
and smnll tniels.
II .uses, and rooms, ftirtilshed and
unfurnished. List jour houses with
in, for rent.
(nils and women for general
I us- work
li.i'uh hands
I liamliermatd
J lira. I'll. mo 1 1 101). I'lloun H.tN.
I OpKKltn Nnsh Motel
HOt IMS fl and 7. I'AI.1 llf.OOK.
23 acres only 3 mites from (Vnlratl
Point with 16 acres duanled wat-r,
right, fine nlfalfa laud, part In ears I
will oxeliniiKe for good city proper!), i
A fine bungalow near l.os Angeles,
n beautiful plst to exchange for or
chard tract. We hnve picture. of this
place. Call and sou them nnd submit
your proposition.
Block ranohes, alfalfa farms ana
orchard tracts at Miry low prices and
on onsy payment plans.
Wo havo some good buys In city
Llt jour property with u. We
Imo Inijer.
Wood & Messner
H Koutli (Viilrnl Ate.
The cltlrrn t illrcftlng tlr f
tlillotia altiiugcr to our linker)', e.
lug liliu llmt lie will flml tint "lliit
of Utrryibliig" In Hie bakery lino
iH-rc. 'I lie i Illen reliable nml i
h the liiforiinilloii
IS S. Central
- rZfo3.
iiiiii ni
Beit located
and most
nn nil I nf
City. Running distilled
ice water in each room.
European Plan, a la Carte
Tariff on Rooms
12 rooms
GO rooms
60 rooms
60 rooms ftita piiiib LtA
SO rooma oils private lath
$1.00 each
l.SO each
2.00 each
2.00 each
2.60 each
30 sultei, bedroom, par
lor and bath 3.00 each
For more than one guettadd $1.00
extra to the above rates for
each additional guett.
Reduction by week or month. 9
IrVinnremenf Chttttr If, Ktltty
.. Lessee of drill and Dining Itoom, ..'
Luther Uurbnnh
of April 19
will include a special
Luther BurbanM Supplement
Gontaininp; Interesting Articles on
Luther Hurhank's Cohless Corn
His New Strawberries and Thomless Blackberry
Fruit and Nut Trees Hearing Crops When Six Months Old
His Thornless, Fruit Bearing Cactus
A Quick Growing Walnut Tree
The Burbank Potato
New h'lowers
and an explanation of his methods, together with a
special article by Klbert Mnbbard
Printed in Natural Colors
included without extra cost with the issue of
April 19
N i