fOTW TTTKffll IMC patrenize: the home industries II injond IhihIiichk mid jiocmI eill'eiiMhlp (o uhc iirclYicncc lo all nrliclcM made in (lite cominomvcnlHi. The more "-Made in Oregon" l'oo1h there arc Hold tlio richer the alnlc ho.comcH, and tho more. nOIK'V OrcifOII iicddIc hlle In mDcIkI. llllV from (Ik liruiin mei'diiuil mid full for Hu nivwIiiffH i-iii'iH(Milcfl mi llnw uiurc a " I " I j.. -. ,,. v "ii ""M I ENTITLED TO YOUR SUPPORT, Thin pnge nl' mlverllHlnj,' wan jiaid for ly the finiw lu it rpjiiVMCiilcd and they arc entitled lo Hie firnl Hiipport of every loyal citizen of Oregon. This pago rcn thciiIh t Ik largest adwrlining contract ever placed in Oregon a page once a week lor a ear in ten of the l.irgenl newhpajicrn in I he Hlnte outside of Portland. "Thin advertising has created friendly pub-' Ic sentiment all over Oregon for "Aliulu in Oregon" prodnelM. E. HOFER & SONS, Publishers, TiUi Oltl'XION MANOtfAOTOIllfltt OTPFonp math Tnmnyw. Mrcwom), onrww, monday, aptw, 11, 1013. g niTftnliff V mMoiwtmirSwmfftflvviaMif JBL tin Hit oiitlio operating plant In OrctROii, nmltco nil of tin ttivenlnirntn In lrnii iivnirltlrn only, has nil titinintclicit reetiid of hiu'cmmi, Is wrowliiB ... . I ................... ff.i.i. ull fllyfrllnf unit, II' iitior nay iy uav, mm recents iiriirni. nun, - .. buyera of llfo Innuraiico In Orsijon. Pest fox- Oregonians l&raffi I Ii. Mil-!.!) Ciunliluiit L, HAMl'lUi General MniinRor ppc rorit LEAF IIKIi clover llltM) 1(1 ruler ivlno Trail urK I In ttir V.riliwril "r Nnilhwul (iiiiitirm A"-i ir in. 1. Imm (i.r our DH! AND MMU II IWIM- rrrjr Irln titmiuM Id . lr mil in ir ciil In mi ' liiii'lri Htii. rl inaiuif.i H'rrr ' sl" rmt1i-,iintit UiM.r win Ii in nrn I'liiiiimr n.iir ituvl S aim " ii Juur inunrjr al l.umr. ORTLAND CORDAGE CO. uiIm IVrltanri. Or , Hratllr, Wstn. IVesternClayCo. Portland, Oregon Manufacturers NITRIFIED SEWER PIPE Jrtlantl Furniture Mfg. Co. I9-D9 Macadam Itond, Cortland in Rf.j.?? Oregon maue MERCHANDISE BOXES FRUIT BOXES TIN TOP BASKETS LUMBER, ETC. lUllnomahLUnihcr&BOXCO. I COIITLAND. OltCUON B VIIV IHIIXK vati:u W1IK.V B fa 1 i)y h f I i I E rou can oi:t sii. i:hi h uwiMxwn' Made in Oregon" mTLAND PULLEY CO. llH I! ' r rijBflH T t -r- - 'OTlB & ii ' ft 'rs-i i - 5 ir.v mty" orn alooa j$m I WfewSa: rM I ifs!'siCiffiSAM!fi'.3(i'! 1 ffl"5ssp Z'3WrS"T'-n3S4r' S PORTLAND, ORUGON Is the Only Life Insurance Company Exclusively Oregon CLAIlKNt'K R. HAMl'KL Assistant Manager THE Irwin-Hodson Co. Printers Lithographers Blank Booh Mahcrn Rubber Stamps anil Seals Celluloid Buttons PORTLAND, OREGON "MT. HOOD" SHIRTS anc OVERALLS Sole Jobbers of the Thos. Kay Woolen Mills FLEISCHNER.MAYER&CO. coin-LAN i, oiwaoN AHK TOH Albany Chairs and Rockers Nl VIVIY lll.HU.Nil ".MAIM; IN OIII.GON" R. Veal & Son AI.IIANY, Olti:GON' WEiNHARD'S Columbia The Beer Without a Peer Tho cholri'Ht liopa and tlio fluent Imrlty iniilt, lirtntd itcU'itllf Unltr In Jtmt tho rlK'it way, aro rooii nilln for Its ntiftoluto iurlty and cxcclU'tico. Mall us your onlum. Henry Wcinliard Brewery l'OltTUM), UltLUO.V fc. II .! "TEA GARDEN" SYRUP mrmwT in st'on JINi:8T IN FI.AVOU "GOLDEN BRAND" A Corn Syrup Mnnufartuicd by tlio PACIFIC COAST SYRUP CO. COUTLAM), OKI'dON BffTiTMnnriAU muLiiwmiin MOHAIR MILLS COUTLANI), OULGON Manufacturer of MU;h-Grndo Mohair Linings Alpacas Dress Goods Your Tailor and Irj 'uJ' Jlvrrliant for Our 1'rudurU "MADU IN OllUOON" r y IT 1 racinc race isricK C nnwnnu 101-2 CtlMMt'.ItPIAIi CtiUll lima. corrruNi) Hollow Clav Buildinn Blocks Free Brick Firo Placo Brick a Specialty Clay Partition hlo hire uhck rirc uay lauuMUtunnunraomnai FOB A M ATGH1 ESS CQMPUXIOf TINT AT YOUR DRUGGISTi illlH 1 M jl COSTS YOU NOTHINGTOTRY OUR OUAHANTtC Ull. IP tMovl lliiwl-li tfc 0V;iGHT EDWARDS COMPANY POrtTXAHO ONCCOM fmmmaMmmmmmmmiwmmmmmm MANcrAfrriiniiH or iii'jii aiiAtn. MATTRESSES PILLOWS COMFORTERS Woven Wire Springs We manufa tur nit inr. Imnill ne t'ffrr fur ule Pcttit Feather & Bedding Co. I'Ollll-AM). ()!li:u()N Tin: i:M;iiTi:n iii:iiojia.nx MIIOI!, iiiadc In Cortland, Oregon Ui!t Tlinrinan .Sine I AIAUli IN OUKGON CROWN FLOUR Latest Best CROVN MILLS Portland, Oregon Wo donlcn nnd maVo tlio ctdcliratci' AIKO PIPE ORGANS At our Cortland I'actory, 15th and lCih and Cuttycrovo Hirctta Aiiirrlra's IjitkoI Music llouxo EILERS MUSIC HOUSE nmrrrl 0"it rilom lliill.tlnff AlUcr tCtri ii Hrntti ivriunii. Or fOltTV BlUllUH PORTLAND MANUFACTURING COMPANY MautifacturirH of VENEERED FIR PANELS Hxcolslor, Coffrc Druiim, Ciirnllure .Stnrk, i:k Cases Tlulni Fruit, Hiirrtl snrk aid Itutarj Cut Vrnrrrs C. Auttop, Cicbiil'Mit ami Troaurcr ST. JtIIa, Oltl.UON Portland Wood Pipe Co. Wood Stave Pljpe MADI3 IN OltKGON OF 0l;i:iWN nil HY AN OUKCD.N COMCANY Twenty -foui Hi nnd York Strcuta Portland, Oregon V. O Ilox 71. Portland Elevator Company Manufucturorn of Passenger and Freight ELEVATORS Dumb Walters, Etc. Electric and Hydraulic Factory Untit Ninth and M'll Dtrcoto COIITLAND, OIICGON rcuiMUM.TOiiwvu'JiisiiarauL iima ii"i r t.Hhlc ilia ll't ut your 'liii miiIi uiatci'LKS TllUADS Crovont Cuiu'turcH llluw OlltM and Bklddlnc ' Wrlto for 1'rlotvi uud circular. D. R. TOLSMA & CO. m ,.1-v . s" iwir HWKnSiT2i3lr 'rmrmNm r 1 mft f2JV w ft fcU I V e$? OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Oregon Our now fnlirlcn, dcnlencd cxtlu nlvoly for woinpii'it and iiipii'b tall orlnft, aro innrio of tho bout crndcii of wool and wnrrnntod fnl cola. KM'lt TAII.OH VS I'LHl'IIASK IllKKCT FJHMI TJIK Mllh ''Swastika" Brand Macaroni, Needles and all Alimentary Pastes Made In Ortgon IMCIFIC COAST HIHCI'IT CO. Cnrll.iiid, Orrifou LOOFC FOR THIS LABEL OREGON CHAIR CO. Lino guaranteed by Manufacturer Ask Dealers for This Lino CHAIRS O All Oalt used Q in hinaf'TiLft line Orois InA'ortiiernJapMi ulicrotiliitcrs fire cold uhlch Is noccssAry to h!nlicsfclissOA(-. King 6&ft is branded Info ffie wood off his line and l$& r.u.u.Mif cc of (ho o&:, SuperiorlfofQtal Hi, uonunansh Id And Absolute Satisfaction. OccGONiCitAi;: Co. SiiA44tivVH.i B V L Spray your Trees with DEPENDABLE BRAND LIME & And you can depend on getting rcjulti Wlllamotto Valley fruit pronera who know this jruy will uso nothing olfo. XUnufi. turn if GIDEON STOLZ CO. SALEM, OREGON Write for prices Phono Main M COFFEE WHOLE ROAST STEEL CUT OR VACUUM PACKCD AS YOU LIKE Gbsset &7)evor-s tCSSibtP k W bU wHV J - kikv , L.Ti.1 akH k J "ka h. kkVkkr V. Win maUVJ . vacli wrd o , OadWA Information Freely Furnished ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN PORriAND CEMENT MANUFACTURERS 709 KOTHCIIILD UU1LDING l"ORTLANU . . . ORUGON a 'FlClrtLES A3yi.nvnw.oifiTa.' w R Kinrir(Cr0 B sST- A. i J (JlfALITV HI5.ST cinn; sxsu GALL CURE Horse Collars Mhr not demand llifm from jour dcnlcrl W.H.McMonies&Co. 1'OItTLAXII, OIIEKOX Schiller Cigar Factory okrugs Call for La Gran Marca The E. Schiller Schiller's Union 6 "MADE IS' OREGON" THE BEST Produced here or anywhere BRAND Hams Bacon Lard UNION MEAT CO. riu.srnit i'ackkiis o; iht pacific Oregon's ONLY Home Made BELTING "We make the Belt to FIT THE PLAGE and NOT make the PLACE FIT THE BELT" Davis - Scott Belting FcTy Offlf SIO-CO) C r Fo'tUnd. Or. lUwthura Ave. VW. J'bcnctJUtSW ORWOOD Shingle Stains LIco Killer, Hhrcp and Cattle Dip Wood Crcsfrratlio Itutt ltrNHnp, Damp Croof Courrt'te l'alut nam and Hoof Calut, House Calnt Floor Calnt, Yarnlsbci Faints, Oils, Etc. Oregon Wood Distilling Co. Portland, Or. Works at Llnntos EMERSON HARDWOOD COMPANY MANUFACTURERS Hardwood Lumber Flooring Portland Oregon AMERICAN INGOT IRON CORRUGATED CULVERTS Manufactured by Coast Culvert and Flume Co. l-10 E. Seventh St. Portland. Oro. Underwriters METAL WINDOWS and Pire Doors Sheer Metal Work and Koofmc Portland Sheet Metal Works Kb II St. mon i LiO n.Mad'son Cortland, Orouon wiai.7Ti,wrii The Luthe Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of SHOW CASES BANK AND STORE FIXTURES Comer Sixth and Hoyt Streots PORTLAND, OREGON A V HWTIl, i jrikii1! VT ' PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Home Office: Portland, Oregon The Only Oregon Fire Insurance Company CLOTHING Zt OREGON WOOL rUrli jut we manufartnre ind ll iifirlj tra tbnuininl Xrn'n anil I1ot' Hnlt from Vitgoa tlolti. made br th tUrfr tM2 wiMln mill tn IlrowntTlllt, Hrm nl KitKnf You fan bor th Hnlta at rrry rraaotiable prltm or aud for aampUa lo tllher of uur torf. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Portland Eugene ManbNeld Call For LIBERTY SODAS "Made in Oregon" By the INDEPENDENT CRACKER CO. Oregon Carman Manufacturing Company 3fanufarurers of all klnJs of FURNITURE Eighteenth and Upshur Streets COUTLAXD, OIIEGOX Willamette Roll News y) IS MADE AT Oregon City, Oregon "MADE IN OREGON" Well Drilling Machines Steam or Gasoline Manila nnd lVIrc Cables, Pipe and Casta?, Drilling and Fishing Tools The Star Drilling Machine Co. Works 13th and Clinton, Portland THE BEST LINOTYPE STEREOTYPE SOLDER AND BABBITT METALS ARK JLVDB BY The Pacific Metal Works PORTLAND. OREOON FRY'S SQUIRREL POISON Price 25 Cents Tho kind that kills; has been successfully used for thirty years. Small slro for rats and lulco, 10c each. IUXIEL J. FRY Manufacturing Pharmacist Saloiu, Oregon Fry's Headaeho Tublets will cure; prlco 25c, by mall free of charKo, it you cannot get from your dealer. r W W M1 1 " I" There Is a Grocer tn your tawn wrylmt MINUTE WA FlTfl Hlnnts CompoiBd "Ut tn Onian" nj lh ll. If nwtU la etliin It. uni at 10 let full i packict. NOLi'u,u,IT COMPOUND PAQFIC SPEOALTY COMPiVNY PORTLAND United States Cashier Company PORTLAND, OREOON Office; 70S Lewis ilulldlng Factery: Kenton Manufacturers of Automatic Computing Change-Making Recording and Adding Coin-Paying Machines DRINK TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR See that Trade Mark I on Ilottlc A Pare, Dellcloun, Soft Brink A Sure Thirst Qnell If ado In Oregon PURITAN MFG. CO. SS1-3S3 East Pine Street, Portland "LIONITE" STUMPING AND ROCK POWDER MADE IX OREOOX BT American Safety Powder Co. 725 Teos Bnildls?, Portland, Ore. ANDERSON STEEL FURNACE CO. Warm Air Furnaces Wood or Coal MAXUFACTUHED for tho rACIFIO COAST TRADE AT Salem, Oregon MJ: i EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKING POWDER 3IADE OF rniE CREAM OF TARTAR PICKED IX GLASS JARS C.M.Epplcy Salem, Oregon r7 pltaltj pital vliw:' 1 . T I . f C". I j Kansas mmai BLEND fixas.-sssK. 5SAI.EM.ORB0yrt- llaAan.OHlSt" ..-" rzi m 15 . . . a B uSSSViftSiir PtnrccTioM, Ii!1''" ""I 'ii'iI"Wi'I"ii' ' i 9tM WIEGON or wtmrmTTi' ,i-j Tmvff9ifi'-fTfmvm'' i 070 G118AN St. Portland, Onr !TiiJri i,!n n 1 ''V ,,.. k k.iv'4.i - .: 'yj-fjjjrl, I . T , . V