I f M FAGR K10IIT MEDFORD MA'TTi TrtTRUNE. MEDFORD. ONKflON, HATrifDAY. AIMMh 12. 11)111. 5'W?W' '"iV V " ,- vv ''! iHiiiMtnm't' '- vvw MtMifinnti .!?. mnm . . . . , .-.-i v . . , . . tit I: wl I, A' WOMAN AS A NARROW ESCAPE Mm. Sndlc Stephenson who re Biden tou(hwcst of llio city and her Infiint child hnd n miraculous es cape from RCrioua injury nt Onkdnlc nml Eighth streets Saturday, when n horse nlie wn driving hconme fright ened nt n hit of paper nnd ran away. Mrs. Slephcnsdn nnd her child were, thrown from the enrrinpe. Mr. Stephenson had tho baby in her arms. Shn slnick on her side, rolled over three timw, nnd was not injured to any extent. The child did not even cry. The horse ran into a vacant lot nnd ran around in circles until stop ped. Nothing was broken. Bystanders who rushed to her aid were tdartled to Bee Mrs. Stephenson calmly climb luto the riff and proceed on her way. MONEY HEEDED FOR ED ROOT (Continued from page 1.) NO RESENTS 1 it NIGGER i IDAHO 10 STUDY ROUE V PLAN SENIOR CLASS PLAY Tho Clinton, la., Dally Advertiser contains tho following account of the cyctono at Comanche In which Kd Itoot, then a boy of IS, waa Injured: 'Tho cyclone at Omaha on the ove nlnn ot Eaater Sunday.. March 23, re calcd to the minds ot many older cltlicns what they actually knew or had, heard of the destructive cyclono which devaitatcd tho jrrcatcr part of Comanche, Iowa, and damaged a number ot other towns 63 years njco. ''It was on the evening ot Sunday, June 3, 1SC0, at about 6 p. tn., when tho cyclone struck Comancho and practically ruined most ot that busy little city, killing quite a number out right and lujurlng many others. ''About tho only means ot sending for, help was by mounted messengers ashore and by boats on tho river. "When the news reached Lyons tli at evening, a crowd collected at once, and the ferryboat was load with supplies that could be quiciy got together, medicines were sent and every physician who could be notified went along, the late Dr. W. A.. MacQuIgg being, we believe, one of those who answered tho call for help. "Others responded from different directions, and the Injured, sick a: homeless, both In Comanche ca .n Albany, III., which also suffered se vere damage, were quickly cared for." 11 cost Albert Williams colored, porter in Dates Dros. bnrber tdiop. just $15 todny to reeitl being cnllcd n "nipper." Ho struck the man who used the term nnd was promptly hniled into court. He paid hi1 fine. Williams was rvnlkitip nlonc tho street when Dee Phclnu, n recent nr rivnl from Texas nnd n friend met him. As they panned I'helnn re- mnrked to his friend: "I didn't know you hnd any "nig- pers in this town." Williams nt onco turned nnd took nn the remark. lMiclnn nnswercd him rather shortly nnd Williams re plied with n blow. Bystanders in tcrfered. Williums stated in court thnt he was simply relenting n slur. His pockethook wns nicked $15 which he paid and returned to wotk. Hurt by Explosion J. T. Fullor of Talent was serious ly Injured Friday afternoon, when a charge, ot dynamite exploded as he waa bending oxer It. Ills face was badly battered, but ho wltl recover. Ho was unconscious for somo time. Fuller was blowing out stumps at the time. He placed a charge, tired It and retired. It failed to explode In a reasonable length ot tlmo and ho returned to Investigate. As ho was stooping over It tho dynamtto exploded, Injuring him. The Idaho Horticultural bnnrd, in search of infortunium, hit turned it c,cs in tho direction or tho Hogun Hixcr vnlley nnd during the season when tho penr trees of the vnlley nio in full bloom will hu n representa tive hero studying condition, Wight is canting considerable loss in Iniho and tho representative will study methods of control used here. J. W. MclMiersoii has wired I'm fessor O'Oarn that n representative will he here soon nnd nsks that ho bo shown through tho orchard districts. NEWBURY ESCAPES NAM Although his spnrring partner, W. K. Phipps, pled guilty to n charge of disturbing the peace nnd pnid n fine of fT, Uus Newbury fought tho case nnd wns discharged on technic ality. His hearing wns held before Justice Dox nt Jacksonville Friday afternoon. Newbury set up the fact that the complaint was based upon "best knowlcdgo nnd belief' nnd therefore it should be iiuashed. He cited sev eral decisions and waa sustained. Determined to inuko their ciasn play tho best in the history of tho hiph school, tho senior class is dili gently relu'iirsing their pints in tho famous Drondhurst fureo, "What Happened to Jones." Tho play will bo staged at the Star theatio April 17 and 18. mid tho proceeds will he given to tho fund to defray gradua tion expenses, Tho cast has been carefully selected and is being drilled by Mrs. Frank Marges. Kay Intuitu is manager. The part of Jones is to be tnken by llerbett Alford nnd Kbemxor (loodly will bo noted by Millon Sehuchnrd, the two students who have had the most histrionic exper ience. Until Wilson. Irene Smith nnd Hthel Githrio hao tint leading fem inine parts. Others who nro cast nre Kdison Marshall, Will llevercdpe, Paul Dodpe. Ralph Italeoni, Nolo IJndley, Ksther Heed, ltuth Inrcncc nnd Inn Cochran. The farcu is one that gives opportunities to each mem ber of the cast nnd is ono of tho fun niest of the old-time laugh provok ers. WASHINGTON, April 12. Presi dent Wilson expressed today tho hopo that pending legislation In California by which aliens who nro Inellglblo to American citizenship bo prohibited prom owning land would not prove objectlonabto to Japan. E3-v' a E2 W7E recommend the Royal W Baking Powder as superior to all others. It is indispensable for finest food." United Cooks and Pastry Cooks Association of the United States. Cold in Head Goes Over Night Don't try to break up that bail cold with dangerous stomach dUttirb Ing drugs, (let directly to Ihu In flamed mnmbrnno by breathing Booth's HYUMKl (proiiouuro It lllghti-me), Get a bottle for M cents at Clins. Mining's nnd try tho safe treatment thnt thuutnitUa nro using. Into n bowl of boiling wntc pour n scant tcaspoonfut of ItYO.tD,, cover head anil bowl with a town, nnd brentho deep luto the lung tlm healing vapor thnt arises. 11 rent ho this vapor for flv r ten minutes until tho bend feels film mid clear, then go to bed and sleep sound ly until morning. No conur.o or opium or harmful drug In Do.nh'a 1IY0MK1. It la made of Australian Kucalyptus and other autntoptlcs. It Is guaranteed to end colds and ca tarrh or money back. Jurt In rat ho It no stomach dosing. ant.DHK.v who aid: sicki.v Mothers who value their own com fort and the welfare of their children should never be without a box of Mother Gray's Sw.eet Powders for children, for mm throughout tho sea Hon. They brenk up colds, relieve roverlshness, runatlpatlon, teething disorders, headacho and stomach troubles. Used by mothers for 23 years. Theso powders never fall. Bold by all drug stores, 2Sc. Don't accept nny substitute. Samplo mailed FHKB. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, 1.0 Hoy, N. Y. To Exchange General mcrchandlso stock tor farm or Income city property. 23 acres only 3 miles from Central Point with IS acres deeded water right, flno alfalfa land, part In pcani. Wilt exchnngo for good city property, A flno bungalow near Ixja Attgclci, a beautiful placo to exchange for or chard tract. Wo have picture.! of this placo. Call and sou them and submit your proposition, Stock ranches, alfalfa farms ann orchard tracts at very low prices and on easy payment plans. Wo hnvo somo good buys In city properties. List your prucrty with us. Wo lutvo buyers. Wood&Messner H South Central Ave A Word to the Fathers and Mothers of Medford On a recent Sunday morning a paper wuh road by tho Pastors in our church urging parents to have careful oversight of their children at all times; inti mating t liat thorn woro dangers to their moral na turi's lurking in our midst. WHAT CALLED OUT THIS WARNING? Was it not, that certain events transpiring anions us woro uncovering .somo of tho plague, spots in our city That the attention of dti'ens was being railed, not only to the existence of those plague spots, but also to the fact that while these dens of infanmy were known to our officials thoy woro not closed. GOVERNOR WEST SAYS. "Any municipal official who pormits or ondorsos tho oxiatonco of thoso institutions lays himnolf opon to pronooution un der Soction 2044 of Lords Orogon Laws," and ho of fers to help officials who are cleaning up such places. How long will the fathers and mothers of Alod ford allow snob a condition to exist hero, when tho governor of our state offers to help clean up? Advt. 1000 Rooms Wanted In order to accommodate tho peoplo attending tho Odd I'cllon Orand liodgc anil Itebckah AciuMy to bo held In Medford May 20:i-22. PHI out printed blank below and mall to John A. Perl, Sec. Itooiu Committee, not later than April 20, III order that list can In. classified. We will have rooms available from May 20 to 23 as follows).' Dooms with bath it per day for one per per eon: ft per day for two persons, Ilooms without bitti it -..per day for ono person; it .....'. por day for two person's. Street and Nuumber. - Name , t4tS ( f ! ! t t t t t t T I t T T I X I mmmmm$.$m$m$m5m.. ..4 Spring House Bteanin Made Easy The Medford Mail Tribune wishes to announce arrival of the first carload of National Vacuum Cleaners THESE WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO OUR READERS OLD AJSXJ .NJIiW ALtir.Xi iW'Ti' CIL. I NATIONAL VACUUM CLEANER by agreeing to subscribo to tho Daily Mail-Tribune for six months at tho regular rate. A $10 $4 TERMS To subscribers where the Mail Tribune is delivered by carrier, $.1 nt the time of placing order and $3.00 on delivery of Cleaner, and agreeing to subscribe for Tho Mail Tribune for six months at the reg ular subscription price 50c per month. To Mail Tribune Subscribers One of these $10 National Vacuum Cleaners and the Daily Mail Tribune for two months, both for $5.00 cash in advance, as a two months' subscription must accompany each order. In case of old sub scribers, two months will be added to your present subscription and with new subscribers will bo started at once. With I'uKMil i'lexlblu No.ilc. ssW Jim MsM Meant u Chum, Kaiiltury Home, lstr-IT KEEPS YOUR HOME SANITARY. , , 2nd PROTECTS YOUR HEALTH. U '. 3rd DOES NOT MAKE ANY DUST. 4th ALWAYS READY INEXPENSIVE, and ono hundred other good reasons. GUARANTEE We guarantee this Cleaner to be froo from mechanical defects and will replace without charge any part proving defective in mate rial and workmanship for a periodof one year from dato of purchase. SKii.ISWSW-l-W.WBMSWi MSlSllMSBlMMii.M Let Us Demonstrate in Your Home THE MAIL TRIBUNE Phone 75 j4$$H$H$0