Urcitrw Historical ftrf. .My Hull H5 Medtord Mail Tribune r SECOND EDITION WEATHERf Italri tonight ami Humky.. Mav., 82 1 Mill., H9. ' rorly-llilM Yrnr, Dully- ClKlillt Year. MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 19J3. NO. 18 WILSON STANDS PAT ON FREE SUGAR PRESIDENT 10 AY RG TO THE PEOPLE "What People Put on Their Backs and Into Their Stomachs Must Be Made Cheap, No Matter Who Sut lers" Is Wilson's Final Word Free Wool and Free Sugar Insisted Upon No Compromise to lo Ac ceptedRestore Competition (lly Joint Ktlwiu Km in, Muff corres pondent nf llm United Pro) WASHINGTON, April l-i.-PrmU dent WiUntt ix stuiiding nit mi free Migur ami wool. Tho eri-ds In tlm tariff fight reuolnul todny in tin' Iiiiiino niul rn ii h- committee found Hie proidciit inndy to onrry llie flghl I" the itilT. The Culled Pre tmliiv i able In pniMil, in purl, Presided! WHimiii'h tiuilf views, ns hu skololird llii'tn during the campaign, nx lit otouud nl lliiiin tn eongro'o.iunnl lenders ami n ho fxHtrt to ur;o Ihi'in in a ill nil appeal to llif people if fnrui'il to that course. Prmlilonl'ii I'ltml Wont. "Wlmt Ilia ix-opld put on their Imnkx ami into their Momuoh' mut In inndo iihenp, no innttnr who suf fer." Ih President Wilson's final word tit lite fiiutiiciera, I In insists llmt lie Men lltnt the passage "f the proMiril tariff hill -wimlil ho dona tion In the ooiuttry U ino-l false. President WIIoii referred hit fall en lo III frequently uttered views on this Milijfi't anil mhe: "I anl nlwny it f niul lltnt tho IiiihI ties men who itro ho uiunny have Miuielhlilg to hit uneasy nlmut. Tho Ainerit'itn wple nro taking nntleo in a way thev never took notion before anil gentlemen who am talking one way niul voting another nro going t he' retired to n ipiiet ami prUnle lire." The president hoc no reason to comprouile on the tariff hill. Ho hollows Ilia people, will support him ami Hint ho can compel an ndjust mont of llto tariff, lie direeted at tention In Ihu position ho look when it wan charged Hint low tariff would hi! jho fanner mid Hiiid: Parmer Net or Protected. "Tint American farmer tiexor Itnti lieeii prulcolcd lieentisn he never n toil proteetion. Hut every tiling ithod mi the farm, everything that in worn mid much that ix eaten, includ ing inealH, hear a heavy duly, bung ing tho interesting result lltat me fanneiK nro pnylng tr a ureal ileal of Ihu wealth of Amotion, hut e gelling iicitlilnic mi far an the tarifl is rmieeriii'd. "It it notorious that tunny member of Ihu Mimitu fiiiaiion roinmitteo did not know Ihu significance of the tar iff schedules thn eoiinullleo roMirtod In tint Payne, hill. It wan said lite tniirt' did not determine prices lie iiitucii no mtiuh oompi'lilion within Amorlou kept ooinpetittoii ami trade mi a level, lint haven't yon hoen oompelilioii diHnppearf llnven'l you altemled, hy proxy, oniiKreHxlon. ill lioiirluKX "d eoiirt trials, wlinre tint wholti prouuBn wnn iliHeloHttil' CoiiKinnor Muni Pay. "Tho eouutr.v'H liutdiieHK U hIuk Killing under inaneK of Mock where on dlvldendrt miiHt ho paid hy Ihe jtileeH flunked tn tho ooiirtttinef. Hut under the proponed new tariff hill, the whole thlnj,' Ih upon n w hnwirt, mid InifiimnH ilnclf h nolnn l huiHl ilH rehliii-HiiuH. While our eporln mo InereitHluKi wo nro fiudliij; mi outlet for them." ' Thin Ih Ihu Hlnud hy the president heforo tho Iiuuho wayrt ami meaiiH eimimltteo when hu dUoitHhed tho tar--iff hill. Tho prcHldnnt Iih deelded In near ly every liiHtmiue, American IiuhI nous milorprlHOH will he restored m thoy miiHt ho under the propoed tariff hill, tn n powition of renl eom petitlon; thai tho inumifiwiturev will enlai'Ko lilri plantH mid meet the now (oiidltloiiN In Biieh a way that the cmiiilri' will enler Into a period of leal prosperity wlileli will heiiefil all. J W Si WINNER F TARIFF BATTLE Broussard's Amendment to Proposed Sugar Schedule Overwhelmlnijly Defeated In First Test of Strength of Administration and Opponents Immediate Free Sugar to Be Voted Upon This Afternoon Dill Will Be Before Democratic Caucus a Week WASHINGTON, April 12. -IMrat titooj tor I'rvuliliint WIIhoii'i tttrltf rMVlhlon pin ii wnn tlrnwu In (lie lionac ilomoeratle ritiieitii tltlt niter noon wltitti mi nmninlmeiit lo tint pro meil tniKiir Nclieituln oforoil by lteiroiieiiiittlvu llroumnril wait over whelming!)' ilefoaieil. Drouikaril'ii auiviiitmuiit wottlil linvo rediireil tli Mtmnr tint)' tint 10 per rent umler the irt''!)t tariff mn! It wai mtuwcil mi- iter hy n vein of si tn 10. Toduy'i votu wan Ilio first toil of IrniiKth iHttwonn tlio frlomU of Ihu proiildenl tnrlff rnformi am! lilt opponent, nml the WIIhoii iiioii t'lueriioi! from llto hattlu with color fl)liiK. llitpreMciitntlve llrotntar(l' leconi! amumluiuut, provlilliiK n duty on u- Kur for four year In-fore It li ulvcn freu oiitry. aUo wait dufealod. Tho totu itood 10: nr.almt to 40 In itt favor. Onu of llroumnrd'a nition-lmunln rnvldrs a angar duty itartlnc at 37 4 cent a hundred weight and terminally loworlnu to 97-IOOtlta of n rent per pound In 1U1G and after. Aitotliur allornatlvo proponn froo au Kr In flvo yearn Itmtcad of three. Itcremitaitvj )lanlwrk of Oi-oi-Kla I one of tlio tnoit active propo nent of Provident Wllnon'a attKar chodulo. Ho favor Immediate, freu atiRtir. ProtoollonUta today claimed to hnvn inttatorcd 80 votoa nKnliut tho admlnUtratlnn'a proRrmu. Itcpro miutntlvo Underwood of Alatmma, loader of tho majority In tho hoimo. n)H It will hu lmpuHlhlu to fltiUli cunaldorutloii of tho hill for a wock nml Hint It will probably ho April 21 before tho lioiKc, In rcwilnr wmtlon, Im'kIiih coiiNldvratloti of the tariff hill. LIE IN MANSION KKW YDIIK. April 12.-Tho ho.ly of ,1. l'k'iMint .Moivun tmlny Hok in n hroiuo uaiikel in tho library of the Moroni maiiHiou here. Only iclntives mid uloxe ftk'iiils wore udmitted tn the homo, lied roi.e(i, Mnrcaii'M fnvorilo flow er, fill tint library. Htto oaudlo.i Htaml at Ihu huad ami foot of tho coffin. Theho will remain HkIiIoiI un lit the ftiuerat hervieoH tuku plaeu ne.t .Monday. ODDS STILL FAVOR AI 10 10 8 1.03 ANOHMJS, Cal., April 12. Tomorrow will murk thu vlouo of hard IrulnlnK hy Hud Auderhon, who la preparing nt Doylu'a camp for IiIh 20 round uottu with Kayo Drown of Now York Taoaday ovoalng, llttd will box 10 rounds tomorrow, after which hu probably will lay tutldu thu ulovea and coittout liliUHelt with lluhtur work until Huht nlKht, llrowu, at Vunloo, Ih working dallv an thotiKh IiIh llfo dopomlod on his londltlou, Ho will outer thn tins In much hotter uhnpo than upon tho iiccnalon of his first fight with An ilursou, AuderHon still lends In thu butting. Ills friends havo mndo him a 10 to 8 favorite, Thoro Is little drown money In bight. S ilJIIIO N MORGAN'S REMAINS Two Views of the vl.SilHiH':HKt' si- "' WPPBB' Sr To tho Ion, 1M Hoot In It I work-a-dny cldthon. In thU Karh ho waa a familiar bIrIiI on the atroota of Mod ford. To tho rlKht. In hi Ktiudny RO-tomeullne rsa tin IM Hoot wa a town character, holowd hy all, nod Klvcn thn InrKekt funeral In Medford'i hlatory e- -- . SAN KKANCIHCO, April 12. J. C. WlUmi nnd H. A. Wllbrnnd. who rompoio tho firm of J. C. Wilaon & Co., utock broker, mid Peter P. Hurko, a fonrtor omployu of tho con cern, woro Indicted on felony chnrgra hy tho federal Rrntid Jury In connec tion with thuftn thai reunited this morning In linker' pica of Kullty to tho cmhotxloment chargo. Immodlntely after tho Indictment were returned, hench wnrrants wcro Uauw! hy United Statoa Commission er Krull nml kIvou to Mnnhnl Huru hajn lo aerrv. Tho men. It U expect ed, will hu taken Into cttatody boforn nlitht. Tho hum! for vach hna been fixed at S 10,000. Tho WIUou firm had connect lorn In Now York nnd Chicago. Tho faco of tho Indictment aRnlnit tho three men read: "Por conplrncy to pro euro Cluirle P. linker to nlmtrnct fumlH of a national hank." Thn body rnulaliiH clniines nreuiltiK tho threo of coimplrnry to aid nnd abet Chorion P. linker In atenl and misapply tho ftitida of tho Crocker National hunk. Tho Instrument recltea mmty of tho specific Inttnucea In which Maker np plled thu money or tho bank to IiIh utock pculntliiB. .MAH8HPIUM), Ore, April 12 According to reporlu reaching horn from Florence, at thu mouth of tho Sluslnw river, tho gasoline schooner Anvil was wrecked at that plnco yes terilay, with n number of persona on board, .No details hnvo yet boon secured on account of tolophouo com inunkntlon being . prostrated, Tho Anvil, which runs from Han don lo Portland, la HU foot long and carries n crow of 12 men. Tho boat Ih said to hu tho largest gasolluu pnsseuger boat on thu coast. .A T WASHINGTON, April 12. Tho following nominations woro sout to tho uonnto today by President Wil son; Dudley) Plold Mjnlono of Now York to bo third una Intuit t sccrotnry ot stnto; John llnsaot Mooro of Now York to bu counsellor for tho Htuto dopnrtmout; Colonel Hugh Scott of tho Third Cavalry to bo u brlgndlor gonornl, Charles Daley, n fnnnor Hnrvnrd football star, was roluutntocl as a first lloutonuiU In tho nnny. WARRANT OUT i ON FELONY CHARGE i AGAINST BROKERS) Late Ed Root and His Little Dog Snider iMONEY NEEDED FOR EO ROOT'S IL Thu needed amount lo pay Kd Iloot'a funoral expenses has been subscrlbot! by hlatrWidjn. Any stir-' plus, together wllhiuny propurty ho loft, will be expended upon hi mon ument and grave taking care. Those who contributed are a follows; Mall Trlbuno S 15.00 Haptbt Church 20.00 B. 0. Trowbrldgo 10.00 P. J. O'Oarn 10.00 University Club 10.00 It Theater P. L. Tou Velio .. William Gerlg .. Valph Woodford J. M. Keeno .... J. P. Heddy Cash (A. S. H.).. J. P. Wormian .. coo 5.00 COO coo coo 5.00 5.00 coo coo coo 5.00 5.00 3.50 a. oo 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.00 II. Yon dor Hollon Cash (A. M.,0.) Central Point friend...-....., C. C. Iicekman M... Charles Nlckell . M. Mnrtiyamn Jako Kllppol a Offlco force C.-O. P. Co Helen Yockey -..., J. 11. K (Juy Connor -. K. J. Hunyard .... Cash (M. 8.) 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 Prlond (P, K.) .. . Homer Uothcrmnl W, II. Canon I). It. Wood II. A. Holmes C. Y. Teugwuld .... (crnldlno Itukes Cleorgo Arao Knnzu Tnkeda .... Carl llollbronuer Kthol Curry H. II. llnaklns J. II. Slornh A. P. Stennott Mrs. Charles Strung J. P. Mulho'llon P. II. Mears 4i Total w S1C7.50 Tho hills outhtnudlug (o bo pnld: Dr, Marlon, medical, attend ance S 20.00 Sacred Heart Hospital, nluo daya' earn mid drugs 15.75 Perl's, undortakor'a btn 131.00 Total SltiC.75 Perl's bill Is Itemized us follews: Casket and case $ 50.00 Hebo 10.00 Kmbalmlng body 15.00 Washing, dressing mid shav ing 15.00 Gloves , 1.50 HoarsQ 10.00 Wagon dollvorles , l.oo Gravo digging, etc. 12.50 Ambulance .., .. 5.00 Undorolothlng 1.50 I'lvory , 9.50 $131.00 (Continued on Page 8) FUNER RAISED 40 DEMOCRATS i AGREE TO FIGHT 1 FREMiOL BILL WASHINGTON, April 12. Stub Porn ".opposition to the administra tion's' wool program developed; -hern this afternoon when 40 democratic congressmen from wool growing states met and decided to vote with republicans against the houne wool schedulu which bears president Wil son's stamp of approval. It was decided at the meeting to tako advantage of the democrat c caucus rulo which relieves Its mem bers front supporting any fcaturo yt n bill thoy oppose. It alio was de cided to not send any committee to protest to cither President Wilson or the house ways and means commit tee, but to bucklo down to harJ work and fight to the last ditch. llusldes tho support ot the repub lican houso members, tho democrati opposed to free wool hope to muster 100 votes. They will ask and fight for n 15 per cent duty on raw wool. Kepresuntntlvo Askhroog ot Ohio, secretary ot thu democratic caucus, was elected spokesman ot the ttntl froo wool members. Their 'leaders declare that President Wilson la tho rlncpal opponent to a duty on wool. asserting thnt a majority ot the ways and means committee favor (he 15 per cent duty. TURTLE SERUM CURES SICK GIRL I'KOVIDKNCK, It. I.J April 1!. Hy dunning before Governor Pollieir, Sopltio Herger, 11 Itl-yejir old Vrovi domjo gill, has loday . Ijruyen that lier tubercular knee is jiractlenlly cured by mi injection of Dr. Fried ninim's serum. Tho girl wns Dr. Friedmnnn's first patient in the Unit ed Slntes. It is said that previous lo the Priedmnim treatment, Ihu girl walked in crutches for llireu years and her ailment defied treatment. IIS LONDON, April lS.lblmusleil nml ttuublo to Mand without m'd, Mrs. Einmulino Punkhtirst wns released from llollowny pvihon loday. Suf fragettes from militant headquarters received their leader at, the jail en traueu nnd took her to u private hospital, They say hur condition is not precarious. For iiiuo days Mrs. l'miklitirst subsided entirely on cold water. I'DflDC DlljO V TAKES CHANGE FH WORSE Papal Physicians Hastily Summoned and Find That Pope Is Suffering From Acute trenchllls and Influ enzaHas Effect Upon His Heart Chief Physician Greatly Incensed at Attendants for Allowing the Pan tiff to Receive Visitors ItOMK, April 12. Pope Pltia X. who has bcon III with symptoms ot Iirlghta' disease for so mo time, suf fered another relapse late this attar noon. The papal physicians were hastily summoned and found the pope suf fering from acute bronchitis and a recurrence of his recent attack ot tnfluenzc. They declared his condi tion was due to oyer exertion result ing from his ltWence upou seeing tbreo bishops lift night. It Is feared the result ot his cough ing and bronchitis have greatly weakened bis heart, becattse ot his age, and hare also greatly affected his nervoua system. Professor Marchlafava, the prin cipal papal physician. Is Incensed to day at the attendants of tho pontiff for allowing him to see visitors. He scored them severely and declared he would be responsible rfer the pope's me no longer 11 ne. igserea nis pays Iclan's orders. . .1", . A. E. Word is received from Klamath iKulU to the effect that robbers last K. Whitman, formerly manager of the Ragle Drug company of this city, bound mid gagged Mn. Whitman, Mole n wntch and ?00 and left .Mrs. Whitman unconscious on the floor. She regained consciousness and Ktnggered to u neighbor's house, whero three men nnd three women be came frightened nnd wouldn't lei her in. They phoned for the police, who found her back itt her home uncon scious mid nhuott suffocated. Polico nnd doctors arrived hliortly mid sdio is now resting well, though severely .shocked. Mw. Whitman is n sister of Mn. Moore nnd Mrs. Paul Hansen of (his city. SAN PHANCISCO, Cal., April 12. Indictments wuro returned by n grand Jury he.ro today against Maury I. Dlggs, former stato architect, and Drew Camlnctti, two young married mon ot Sacramento, on u chargo of violating thu white slavo law, An other Indictment charging tho two men with conspiracy also was re turned. Attorney Harris, representing tho two Sacrameutana, was Indicted on a chargo of conspiring to uuborno per jury and In tho event ot conviction faces the possibility ot a long prison sentence. Camlnctti anil Dlggs stand Indict ed for taking two Sacramento society girls, Misses Marsha Washington and Lola Norrls, to Ileno for Immoral purposes. FIRST WHITE HOUSE CRANK PLACED UNDER ARREST WASHINGTON, April 12. Tho first white honso crank to bo arrest ed in President Wilson's toon is in juil hero today. She is Helen Kelly, !I7, mid was arrested after making insistent efforts to seo thu president iiboiil n fauuied wrong. BURGLARS ATTACK M WHITMAN GAMREFT AN IN D WAGE PRORFRS GRAB REVELERS HO m Members of Smart Ccf Seized WW to Slumming and Forced to Ga lefore Legislative CofW&JttM ami Testify Along With Girl Dancers Raid of Subpoena Servers Occurs at Mfdnijjfit Frantic Efforts to Con ceal Identity Cafes Lose Lfctae CHICAGO, April , 12. Suatchcd from their revelries in aorao of the gayest of Chicago cafns, bundled into untomohilcg nnd hustled to the La Salle Hotel, where they were forced to testify before tho stale senate "starvation wage" prober, a score or more of Chieago'd "smart set" today stand out prominently in one qf the biggest sensations in the city's history. The raid of the subpoena server occurred at midnight, throwing sev eral hundred fashionable revelers in fo a panic. Prominent society j.wm en wero forced to stop da'ucing'tke turkey trot and tango nnd forced .to tell the probers what jart a fast life plays in tho socIbI evil. " NlKht Joy Keekers. . The witnesses included 'tha wives of millionaires, cabaret singer? and ether frequenters of the night life. The gucsU and manager of.HgetBr's and The' States, two- tXitmm" loop restaurants, klso were served with subpoenaes. Two prominent married .women of Peoria, HI., went iflto hysterics when the investigators ordered .them tnd their ninle companions to climb into nn automobile and with them go to the La Snlle Hotel. A woman mem ber of nnother slumming expedition leaped head first through the window of nnother cafe nt Wabash nvenuo nnd Twenty-first street. Women in the enfes in the rcdlight district fell on their knees mid begged tho in vestigators to relenso them. Men waved hnudfiils of bills of largo de nominations nnd vainly pleaded to bo allowed to go. Officers, aiding the investigators, hloeked all exits and no one wns allowed to escape. The raid wns tho biggest round-up iu Chi cago's history. A Sorry Spec'Acle. The probers had arnuged to take testimony in the Itackwood dining room at tho hotel mid their plans were not marred hy a single hitch. When tho witnesses arrived, Lieu tenant Governor O'llnra, chairman of tho investigating committee, calm ly invited them to be sertud. "We are just looking into tho vuri ntiotts of the latest smut songs and animal dances," he said. Tho witnesses presented a sorry spectacle. The women were dishev eled mid frightened. Tho men sullen nnd angry. Four of tho male guests caught in the net nt Rector's uro prominent iu Chicago's businoss life. O110 is 11 capitalist, another a manufacturer, tho third a broker and thu fourth a prominent member of the board of trade. The committee nso examined four other witnesses from Hcotor'rf; Tho licenses of Maxim's cafe nnd Hoy Jonet.' restaurant woro revoked by Mayor Harrison today as a re sult of tho activity of tho legislative vice probo committee. NEW YOHK, April 13. Chemical preferred dropped 26 points and many other specialties suffered as tho result ot tho heaviness of the market horo today. Active stocks rallied briskly before uoon, A brisk rally toned up the eutre market before tho closluk. Liquida tion was on a large scale In soma of the newly formed industrial combina tions, but Its effect on the standard stocks was slight. 1 i ' 1