What's the TT tfoY-A good Horn' Tli ii folio iiik program has boon nrrnuKcd for Aibor tlio at Hit ltlMIIIKll'lt school. Hung. "Arbor Day," school; nil drM uf Hulrotim. I.. K. Ilnvorldgy. -xerrkn, tun boys nml girl. MM Carkln's room; rtilnUou, "luvocn t lii," Tallinn Isenhnrt; sketch, "louudir of Arbor Dm)'." Ilmtslo TIiuiiiiin; song. "Ortwou Grape." h-IiimiI; address, "l.lfo In Now Kng IiiiiiI," J. H. Howard; recitation, "After tlm Utmost liny," Mny Limb In; rocllntluu, "Woodman, Spare Tlmt Tree." Carlo liennott; song. "Illrdl-V Hall," frt unit second grnilvs; addrniMi, "Our School and Nature-." II. I. Mulkoy; ri'rltutlou, "Schoothouso Yurd." Nolllo Minium rccllalloii, "Little IIiohii Sr.tl,' Pal Lowlnre; iiddrun, If. H. Collins; "Vnlun of Trees," Worth HiuulrlcKi recitation, "Planting Trees." Flor itnco Trou bridge; hour. "Spring time." mIkiiiI; talk, "llullilInK lllnl HoimtMi," Mart i'ontur; talk, "Hnvlni; l'orll,,, Tarlny Jolitihon; rccliatlnu. "Illklorlrt Trmw." A Urn I.)odm; rrcl latlnn, "I'laiitliiK or tlm Api)o Trrt." Jfttn Markor; nrllatloii, "Tlirro TrrtM.' tlraco Hrnlnonl; "Tho Nrnt In tlio I'orknt," Kldnr Conitcri "llraiul Old 'I'm." Marjorln Coir limn; hoiik, "Arbor D.iy In llrro." holiixil; planting of Iihm and Hlinib bury, Ntiimrvliml by Mr. Ilullouk, Carl I.Iiik mitl JainiHt Midloy; "Flml J'rull Tn-o In OruKun." Curl In Nat clt. . Tint iiroKram IiiikIiih at S i. in. Kwiry oni) In luvllnl. IS TO Clinilcs riliinloii who wim nin'Nli'il by Cliu-r IJi-iiuly FUli Wnnlcn Sam I.. Samli'.v WtiliifNilnv iiioniiii lor KiifiiiiK iili at tho Kay dam in giwu bin iiiilimiiiary IioiiHiik belVio limliiiu til' tbo I'liaco Taylor W'cd Miixilay (iMiiijtic nml bound ovvr to tlio Krnml jury. KnlliiiK to ivo bail lio wiih (iiLiui to lliy itoimty jail. Ilotulh will probably bo iimiUKcri soon. Stanton in i'iurj;ud witli unluliiiiK' lihli in an unlaw I'ul uiaiuiur. I Id Iiiih boon Hiinii'ccil Tor houiu tiiuu by Suuiliy who lav in wait for linn, (intoliiuK lnui tinully in tbo net, I CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. I .1. l'oihull lum to M IiIh blackHiultb IniHliioHa and lonHd of Hawk tdinp to It, V. Akui- of DlllliiKH, Mont. Mr. Attnr Iiiih IiIh fatally buro and wilt Iiccoiih) n roidduut of our city. Mr, I'oi'huII loft for California Wodiiou day, Mru. Karl Hurt, Mm. ltoy N'lcliota ii ml Mr, and Mm. IIiikIi t'oitor of Hovnii OakH woro xhoiipliiK buru on W'i'iliiwiliiy. City rounull mot tu an ndjourued HOHblnn 7'uonday ovciiluj; and dlR luiKHod all mattorH of Imnortauco and adjouniod until nut Tucmlay, April in. u It, Klolda, Huporlntoudont of lliy Koiillioin 1'aclflu uoinpiuiy, and AmilHtaut aupnrlutondout Hlutar woro en HI UK tu our bUHlunmt mou and pi'Oporly nwnora tbo mlddlu of tliu Wdtdc. Mr, Wltuor of Modfprrt altomlod PROGRAM FOR ARBOR DAY AI ROOSEVELT SCHOOL Use of Starting I'LL tbo fiiiinrnt of Mm, Jnrob Meno U'mliii'Biluy. Witrritii Mi-n of Aiib'r.nt njMiiit n day wllli bin nUli-m, Mlim Mary A. Men nml Mrn. Cinnia Itubb, and otlior iidnthiiM till week. Arthur lliMNtill uf Tortlaud vUltliiK bid lirotlicr, J. C. lloitvull, and family tint mlddlu of tbo wrnV. Mr. IIobwi'II wax ru routo to II it.. Cul , wbcrn bo will rcnldu porma nently. TABLE ROCK Ititv. A. C. Howlott runductod norv IrtHt nl Tabid Itork Ktinday ovrnlnr:- Tliu Arrow lli-atU gnvo n llti'rary onttTtnlnnmnt on Haturday cvculnc ublrb wm fairly wull uttoudod. A munll udmltliinco fct- wiih ilmrKud ts bi'Ii pay for tint wIiIiik of Hut bonne for nlwtrle llfibtii. Htaulvy I.ydlmd who Ium benii nttrutlliiR tint iiKrlcul tural rolloRo of MlnnciKitn, linx ro turncd to Tabln Itock and will take elm run uf thu l.ydlarU ranch. Joint Nt'itlnn, who In tr-ncblng itt'bool al ApjiloKnlo, vpnnt Holiday nl, linnti. Our Hundny ncbool ban ktowii till It linn licniiuo ncccKhary to orKanWu atiolbur rlan. Mrs. Illalnn and daiiKbtnr, I .on. arn lnltliiK rulatlvcH and frlcndi tit Hnliim. Mlrt noun .SVolon nml Mlis Clin KttRC. wbo nro nttoiullni; reboot at Modfnrd, npuut Hundny at Tnblo ltock. MIm Arih-h I.ohIit of Talent U vl ItliiK at tbo homo of her cousin, CI tuor ltdnr. J. C. I'undlntou linn bcru confluod to hl room for mimu llino and U iiudor tnndlo.il Irttalmotit. A war I on at Tnblo Itock In re Card to who ball furnUli n piano f(r tbo Arrow Had Kocloty. Your corrcxpomluut ban no rommoutH (j of for. A IiIk dolcRiitlon from Tablo Itock In tbo proRrnm for tbo hcliool r.ill: at Willow HrliiKH on April SS. I WILLOW SPRINGS TWIGLETS I H . Hovornl Willow .Springs ladle, woro neon at tho Creator Medford i lull liitft Muttduy. Mrn. Frank McKee inndo a tmlo of fiO tons uf bay hint week. MIm Martluu Neal was a Motlford KUi'Ht Haturtlny, Rnljib Cldeu spout sovernl dayn In OruulM J'awt this week and by way of recreation sold several tons nf ulfaha buy, 'IVio Parent-Teucbont' club met Friday uftornoon. Mrs. llotkbolt reud a flnu paper on "Child Wot laro." Thu mtbjeet for tliu next meeting will bo "CudearlniT tbo Home to Children." (Irnngo will moot Fin'urdny, April IS. Thu first hour will bo devutod to humorous ,1'ouiIIiikh. pautomliuo uml hours. To tho first hour of tbo Ki-uuKU meeting- thu public. Is cor dially luvltod. Mrs, Coodinanson, Mr. Fnrkonm's slstor, loft for her homo In WIhcou hIi, Mrs. (SuddmauKou and dnugb tor tiavo been spoudlnK several moutliH hero nml enjoyed our maii wurm and uuiishluy days, Messrs. Carton, fortor and Lnvurn woru vIhIIoih on Stunla nvoiutu Smm day aftoriioon. ArraiiRomnntH for rally day, April 2f, aro pronrosslni; uleely and ovory body Hponm to bo lookhiR forward to thu occasion with much Interest and euthusiiiHiu. All Invited uehoola hnvp ussurcd u of tlclr hearty ap preciation and cooperation, nml tboro Ir. suroly no roason wliy It should not ho a day of ploasuro and profit to all. Whllo tho occasion wilt ho a novel one to us, It ought to biln forth Kood Fruit and nwnknn tho hou slblllttes to tho fact Hmt our schools MTCDKOTm WATT, TWBUTO Something You A3k tOUVVMf At Alf rxG ANDOU SA I DONt KNOW WMV. ANI) THCU TILL K'Nfc YG JOK& urn tlm place whi-rn inn future Kttnrdlnim uf our nation nro IhiIiik iiiiuIo and tralunil. Too llttlo In bt I UK iliiiio fur our ncbooW, and ti. niako th uin ultrnctlvt', and lnnilrj a ill-Kim to ucLoiuplltb rciults that arc tu khapu tbo fulur.i dcitlnlen or tb-i rliltiK Kuitoratlgn, llow much bol ter It would bo tu apoiul Icin tlino in btiautlflnt; our uwn private bontr. ami mticli more In benutUyluK tbo charnctem and liven of tbono root tu take our pi need. Hucli an occa lou an tbl wilt do much to stimu late a it'VlvlfyliiK uf Mcbuol nplrlt and brlitK um Into better companion, nlilp, fellownblp and brotherly love, Two of tlm bent educators In rou ti. eru OrrKon will deliver nddrentei uf Interest and, with npleudld uiuilr, Camen and u program by Hie scliuoU there will nurely ho nomotblnK duln all the tleui. everybody should come and Join In boipltalltles uf Hip day. A bnnket dlnr.er will serve us with tho choicest "cuodlen" of tbo tiny and with a tleidtert of pleasant ninllcn and word uf Reed cbror you'll nil feel It'u been niluhty gooa tu linvo been bore. Watch buulucs pluceu for handbills. Merltol Kczoinn Itouicdy will clear up your nkln and remove, those dl- dlBnKreeablo sores. JInsklns Urns Htoru. XOTICK. Notice Is hereby given that tho uudorslKnad will apply at tho regu lar meeting of tho city council April 1G, 1913, for a llcouso to soil malt, splrltoiiB and vinous llquorn at 10 North Front street, for n period of six months. MURPHY & CO. Dated April 3, 1013. AUVCRTISKMCNT OK SAI.K. In tlm District Court of tho United Btnten for tho District of Oregon. In tho matter or I). L. Keller, bankrupt. Tbo undersigned will recelvo sealed bldn tor a slock of Jowelry nf tho luvontnrled valuo of $874.20, hnld bids to bo opened by tho under ulgned at noon or tbo IHh day bf April, 1013. A certified check of o per cent of thu nniouut bid must accompany each bid. Tho right Is resorveu to reject any or all bids, and tho nalo will bo mndu nubject tu tho approval of tho court. Tlm Htock can Ik' inspected by applying to tho uudurslgued. Dated Mi'dforil. Ore.. April 0. 1013 w,,'liA1 IUICH, TriiHtco. .'-'j j'j'FURXIHllKn 1IOOMS ilOAR?rANI)' itOOM 130 W. SlVth st. 10 FOR RENT Lnrgo steeping rooms, and modem housekeeping apart ments, prices very ronnonnblo. Phono 102G-L. 222 South Holly streot. FOR RENT Nlco modern looms with board at lira. Fay's, 22 Geneva Avo. NEW TODAY 510 acres In Klamath county, 200 acres under water ditch uml Irrigat ed. This Is iv t'irat class stork ranch. Eight mlltis of fence; 0 room bouse; very largo barn, grnpnry and otho buildings, Tho placo Is now equipped as u horse raising ranch, and tins 25 good brood innrus, A Spanish Jack Hint -.- " I to. .JKM" I J Ut I . .... -A ' . coyryfT no.-, t STA.fKAKV I cost $2500, none butter; alBo u French conch stallion. Thoro aro u lot of yearling mules and Bomo colts, ami about 20 head of cnttlo, Whllo tho placo Is sltuuted noar tbu hills, on which tho out range Is excellent, It s within two miles of storo and postofflco, nml not far from a good jown. Tho plneo Is well worth consider ation, and wo will bo plouuod to show R to thoso Interested. G. D. HOON Room 113 Jackson Coiinly Haul; llldji Telephone 037-J, . , OTDFOTIT), OUKCIOX, TIJUH8IMY, 'API?, J, 10, .1010. Cant Finish? von iu:n no umai I'OJt. ItCNTKovnii room huunn, nleepliiR porch, $15; also C room aiinrtuicnt, sleeping porch, 118. Witter paid In both. Inquire uf Col, BarKcnt. 3C 1011 IIK.NT Strictly modern 6 room houio with ilreplni; - porch. Also seven room bungalow fur nished If desired. Also threo room bouse. W. II. Kvcrhard, 1013 W. 0th at. 1011 RUNT C room modern fur nished house. "30 West 11 tit at. FOR UK.NT Furnished G-room house, water rent paid, $2G. C18 KIiir st. FOR RUNT A well furnished C room bungalow, with sleeping porch. 211 Laurel st. Key at II. C. Kcntncr's. COU W. 10th. Tcle phonu 73 Ashland. FOR HUNT Furnished house, close In. M. A. Rador, at M. F. & H. Co. FOR HEXT ROUfiEKEKl'lNa JtOOMS '' -i i -i. ii i w -L - -mi-iii. FOR RL'NTSulto of 2 or 4 nlcoly furnlnhcd housekeeping rooms, Plumbed, lighted; lower floor. 720 w. utn xi VOn KKNT FURNISHICD AITS. lrOR RENT Hummer rates begin """""iii April l nt tlio Ilcruen. everything now; prlvnto bnth. laundry, etc.; completely furnished apartments. 10 Quince st. FOR RENT MISCKLIiANKOUS FOR RENT Acres go. Hnvo I aero tract Just beyond city limits on south and G aero tract on Central Point road Hi miles out. Will Plow and furnish seed for same for part of crop. J as. Howling, 20 8. Peach, nt. 17 FOR laLNTOl-nCKS FOR RENT Largo, com'ortablo of flco rooms with clovator service, steam heat, hot and cold wnter. Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS (JET LOCATED NOW. 5 room furnished hotibo, $13, i room furnished, house, $20. 5 room partly furnished houso $10 2 room furnished bouse, $io. RANCHES. 5 ncrn chicken ranch, closo in, $12. 30 ucro general farm. ALSO FOR SALE: G room modern houso, largo lot, Dear creek soil. See this, 024 North Rlvorsldo;' (2200. J. C. UARNES, Room 211. 1st Natl. Rank 1111c. FOR RENT Our splendidly np pointed dairy ranch on Ross lane: running spring water; barn for 25 head nillau cawi; hIIo; 3'.g miles from Medford; best land In valley; G acres alfalfa; lnud.broke for c6ru for silo; new G room bungalow. Pbono 732-R-l. Ticknor & Doo llttlo. is FOR BALE LOTS FOR SALE 3 lots on Ross court at a sacrifice for cash. C. D. Wool vortpn. flow UJU. Pro, 336 FOR SALE ROUSES FOirSALE Snmll houso "nniT ipt;1 ono block from pnvomout. Price, $550. 1107 Nlantlo st. 19 . ' n-iij.m.p-h,,! lifMn-'l -j ns"i iMiKil FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 5 room modern houso, Blooplng porch; berries, 40 fruit troos; no luuuuibrnuco. By owner. W, l Baker, 305 Portland avo. 8Q FOR SALE Six room houso nt 22 Almond st.; modorn, closo in; flno lawn; 4 lnrgo almond troos In front, Easy forms, J. Y. Lauo, Cold Hill, j.j, . ." iff., ir ' ' 1 I FUNNV, WHTVONT ,..' . 'J WG WOULDN'T rlMC ' " - v J ' ' " - ' OtoKe.TrfeWGtio'r l I NOPE I '. '.' J TVior ... .... ' ' i -.-. i j , i ire in vni3BAT C Tjluvmlw: 1 'Ji :Jf! r, . ...-i.rr : FOR BALI FARM LANDS FOR HAM' 13 ncres on Rlversldo drlvo bveflooklng Roguo river: 3 acres jounc orchard, part boarlntf, balnnco alfalfa and grain land Very sightly. Ideal location fot country home. Exclusive neigh borhood. Beautiful residences sur rounding C. D. Woolvcrton, River Send Ranch, Cold Hill, Ore gon. 335 FOR SAM Uy Luman N Judd, of Talent, Jackson couuO. Oregon, small farms from 10 acres to 1000 acres; commercial orchards, stock, alfalfa, timber and poultry, In southern Oregon, California, Tex as, Arkansas, Washington, Alber ta, Canada, etc., from $25 an aero up; also orango lands In Califor nia and southern Texas, $150 an aero up; gold mines. S. P. R. R. lands In California, Utah and Ne vada, $2.50 and up; small pay ment down, balance on time. In close stamps. FOR BALK A CHI-AGE FOR BALK 3 acres Improved land one-third mile from city limits; sacrifice for quick sale. D..R. Phillip, Routo 1. Phono 2G-J-3. 19 FOR SALE Small Improved acre age tract In best rcsldcnco location close to Medford, Ideal for poultry, dairy or gnrden; low fare. $2250. Address Owner, liox C73, Med ford. FOR SALE OR RENT New S room modern house, full bnsemont; also 4 room house. C28 West Palm st., 114 blocks west of North Oak dale. 38 FOR SALE Choice 5 aero home; asy terms. East 14th st. Phono 1060-M. 4? FOR SALE MIHCKIiUtNEOUS J'piV"8yLK-lreTroitluVUouTfJL So. Oro. Electric Co. 37 FOR SALE Good blcyclo, $10. W. P. Raker. 305 Portland avo. 20 FOR SALE Good ranch team, wag on and harness. Will sell all or uopnrate. Jns. Rowling. 20 S. Peach st. 17- FOR SALE Saddltv Jiorso nt Nash stabln: young and well broken; suitable for lady or gentlemnn. 18 FOR SALE Something different Rcrtba May's Maternity Corsets, nuy stylo corset nindo to order. Electric corsets, bandages for rheumatism, etc. 227 South Holly. (-IIUIIU OJO-A. II FOR SALE Grain hay, $0 and $12 per ton. C. W. Isaacs. FOR SALE Brown horso 12 years old, weight 1300; with harness and light road wagou. R, E. Zvpp. Phoenix, Ore. 10 FOR SALE Fruit jox labels In one two or threo colors, prlutod aa you ordor at tho Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Loose loaf ledger sys tems, any style or made to order by the Mall, Tribune bindery. FOR SALE Two lQ-horse. ono 5- borse, one 3-horso electric motors with starters and transformers. Hubbard Bros. 321 FOR SALE Sbndo trees, two years old Catollnn poplars, very fast growing, 40c each. G12 S. Oak dalo uve. Phono 123-11. 204 FOR SALE Grain hay $S per ton. 2 miles west of Medford, R. F. I). No. 1, box 25. R. F.'Lotlnjid. 10 FOR SALE Letter heads and fanoy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at the Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Legal blanKs, tresspass notices, for sale or rent sings at tho Mall Tribune FOR SALE POULTKl AND EGGS FOR ""SALE WhTto Wyondottesl bronze turkey eggs and stock. J. II. Fuller, Talent, Oro. 29 FOR SALE My Ancona and Orplng tou hens cheap, J. C, Schmidt. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED SteiioRrapiier' nnliook kooper, 10 years' oxporlonco, best Portland references, wlshoa posi tion In Meilfnrd. Address Miss Ida Everett, 30S Salmon St., Port laud, Qro, J.S. HELP WAXTK:-tfA LR WA.sVeiV RcTrabTo" man with 'lean! to rare for young orchard; largo market garden already growing. 30 Keeno way, Siskiyou HcishU. Phone G94-R. 18 WANTED-M1HCELLA-VF.OVS WANTED TO RUY 25 head hogs weighing from 7G lbs. up. Pbono C25-L. IS WANTED 1350 pound farm teara or single work bono; also ex change small tract In thrcc-yenr-old pears, with or without build ings for bungalow In Medford. Ad dress K. P. X., care Mall Tribune 331 WANTED TO RUY About 1100 lb. horse or would trade horso for team. Rex H. T., Tribune. 18 WANTED An alfalfa farm. WRI exchange good Income city prop erty. Box 495, Medford. MONEY TO MMN MONEY TO LOAN on real estate. Address rac care of Hotel Medford as I am out of city part of tlmo. U. L. Dodge. 32 MONEY TO LOAN Oa city aad closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, phone 3681. MONEY TO LOAN, or will tako up your mortgage or deferred pay ments. What havo you for sale? J. C. BARNES. 1st Natl. Bank Rldg. FOR KXCJIAME FOR SALE OR TRADE Ono 40 acre and ono 34 ncro tract, good Im provements; deal with owners only. Address Rex 453, Medford. 18 BUSINESS DIHCOTORY Auto Supplies, LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secrot lu making springs Is tho tempering. Wo aro operating tho larKcs:.' oldest and best equipped plant in tho Pacific northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Bold under guarantee. 2G North Fif teenth St., Portland, Oro. Typcwrltrug MULTIGRAPHING. TYPEWRITING, Stenography. Machine Dictation, all classes of circular letter work. Ono or ono thousand letters, tho prlco will be right nud according to tho times. Stimulate your busi ness with Interesting facts con cerning propositions, or bargains. You can best do this with Multt- grnph work. Phono 133-R. McMil lan Publicity Ad-Wrltlng Co., room 9, Jackson County Rauk. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned up for tho winter. Call oa tho city garbage wagons for good sorvlce. Phono C25-L. F. Y. Allen. 3 Attorneys C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank bldg., sec ond floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-nt-Lnw, Rooms 1 and 2, Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER GarnotJ Coroy bldg. W, J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford. pro. Accountant D. R. WPOD -aenqral Accountant Your books audltod and Kept for a reasonable flguro; your business solicited. Office. Medford Mall Trlbuuo bldg.; pbono 011-R-2; ros Idonco phoue 087. PA01S3riVfI B "Bud". iFisilbr i; BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts TinnitU THVRf VAT.T.KT Aft. STRACT CO., No, 6, South Central. Chiropractors. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, serve specialist. Roorss 263-04-05 Gsraett-Corny bids;. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; advice la dietetics, -sedlcal gym nasties, hydroptberapy. Lady at tendant. Phoae, office 945, resi dence 571-R. DR. A. R- HEDGES, Dr. Louise H. Hedges, Mcchaao - Therapists, Cairo praetors, SpondylotheraptaU. These systems, Including dletetlas, curative gymnastics, hydro-ther-apby, etc., produce results In both acute aad chronic diseases. Con sultation free. 230 North Bartlett St., next door to M. E. church. Hpurs 9 a. n. to 6 p. as. Other hours by appointment. Phone 417-J. DcBUffe DR. W. M. VAN 8COYOO DR. C. C. VAN BCOYOO Dentists aarsett-Cerey bid., suite XI 9. Medfcrd, Ore. Phoae 856. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Oar trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock In not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out We are not la the trust. H. B. Patterson. Oftlee removed to office Hotel Nash, la Bide entrance, next to barber shop. Notary Publto HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Drlng your work to me at the alga of Thu Matt Tribune. Printers nud rablbmers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North First ' ' ' Physicians and Surgeaaa biL k. " a. CARLow," dr7"eva MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Corny bldg., phono 1036-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlclaa and surgoon. MYRTLE 8, LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practlco limited to diseases of women. Ottl-ca 233 E. Main, Phonos, office St; residence 814. DR. J. J. EMMBN8 Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose aud throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Otrice 228 East Main St. Hour 8:30 a. m. to S p. in. phone. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Offlee phono 43-R; restdenco phono 58-R. DR. MARION Physician and Bur geon. Stewart bldg.. corner Main and Bartlett sts.; office phono 27, rcsldeuco phono 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN 0. BARBER PhysN clan and surgoon. -Office Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotel, Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4, Phono 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phone", offlco 30, resi dence, 724-J, Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to G. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician, 303 Qarnett-Corsy, building. Phono 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Burgeon. Ovor llutcntson & Luras den, 215 E. Main St. Phone 77. E. KIRPHaESSNER, M. . Prae tlce limited to chronic diseases. Offlco Hotel Holland, Saturdays 10-3. Both phones'. Resldease phenes: Farmer 16xx5 liaglo Point and Roguo River line ; j-stt , .. sm StenugTaplici-fl ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm hloak. Btonograpmo worn done quiaaij anu won, S3V3 Transfer m& BADS TRANSFER is STORAGs Offlco 1G South Fir st PhoM 315, Prim rlKht. ri auiflBU. i? ,(l