( I V w art y- 4 ft' r W a, l i - PAGE TWO. jig. H."-t , I0CAL AND t L PERSONAL , ,. Ljju, v. :: Tho I'nrcnt-Tonrliorn' association of tho WiMhtnglon nchool will meet Krlday, April 11, at .1 o'clock, nt tho nchool hiilhllnR. Subject, "Proliloiiif.' Loader. ' Mrs. Holme. AH who nro Intarestqtl urn Welcome. W. U. Hrcoe, mayor of Talent, spout Wednesday nfternnon In Med ford. " ' ' Ki It. llnnlcy transacted luiRlnoM In Medford Wednesday arternoon. Orchard, taunting, fishing find Crafor Lalto Bcenca for sale at Gcr klnR & Hnrmon'B studio. Negative mndo any place, kodak flashing. 12S Kant Main street, l'hono 215 11. Jens .lcncn, formerly foreman for ,lneobon & Undo, sewer con tractors, lias returned to Medford , ntul become Interested In 1 Dou- lioff'rt poolroom. Will llnnna of Seattle, n woll known commercial traveler. I In the vnlley nnd Incidentally visiting rela tlvca nnd friends nt Jacksonville, hi former home. If ou want your lawn mower Hhnrponcd or repaired phono 3fiO-J 3(J Mr. and Mrs. lloraco Pel Ion of Sams Valley were among their Med ford friends Wednesday. J. T. Sullivan has gone to Ss knno on business and will bo koiio a fortnight. Meanwhile Mrs. SullHcjt will visit In southern California. T. J. O'Hnra of Central Point tarried In Medford Wednesday after noon. W. If. Dnrr. who has been looklm; after his mining Interests In Jose phine county, returned Wednwdii, Corking & Harmon, studio por traits, homo portraits, flash lights, kodak finishing, post card 'work and enlarging.; 123 East Main street; telephono 21C It. Mrs. Mario Moore, who has bean ihdtlng her parent. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Klcrnnn, left for her home at Itoscburg Wednesday. Mrs. C. It, Prescott, who has been visiting Mn .Medford, returned .,' to Dunsmulr, Cal., tho foro part of t) w cek. . A. S. Wells mado a business trip to Grants Pais Wednesday. Insure and be sure night lfc.-Wo write. It. It. A. Holmes, The' Insur ance Man. Mr. and Mrs. Genrgo James of Eu gene arrived lu Medford, their for , mcr home, Tuesday, having come tj attend tho funeral of Mrs. Xlhart, who was a sister of Mrs. James. Mr. and Mrs. G cor go Scott &nd Miss Gladys .Carroll mado Medford friends a visit during tho week. Henry Daley died at Kagle Point, his natlvo town, Wednrsday after noon from sarcoma, after an IllntM of many weokv He was tho young est son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Daley and 2G years of age. Kodak finishing, tho best at Wes ton's, opposlto book store. ' William Bchuffcr of Sticky was among tho many who traded with our merchants Wednesday. W. O, Ugfpsto'n arrived from Oak land, Cal., 'Wednesday evening. Ho Is traveling representative of tho l'cls slnglo tax commission. '8. T. Sandry of Jloguo River, fish and gamo warden, was in McdfcrJ and Jacksonville Wednrsday. Special Tablo d'lloto dinner at Holland hotel every evening 40c. 31 G. W.' Dewey of Kvanu creek and A. E. Kellogg of Gold Hill trans- acted business in Medford Wednes day. Mrs. K. IC. Stclnmmi of Knglu Point district uud Mrs. 1). T. Llndlcy of Trail linvn been visiting In Mod ford.' Mr. 8. M. Trnnwin of Uorr.brook. Cal., Is n recent nrrlvul lu Medford. Mrs. F, If. Hopkins of Central Point has returned from a trip to Portland. William Ulrlch. truslco in bank ruptcy for Miss J. E. Painter, will offer for sale on April 8, 1913, at tho old Cuthbort Btand, near postoffl nil the stock of millinery goods at cost and less. If you want bargains como early and bo convinced. iti Dr. W. P. P. Holt nnd A. C. HowJctt of Eagle Point were rcco'it visitors in Medford. ijio excursion from Tatomn to Medford nnnouucod for April 9, has been abandoned for tho present. vapor natiiB and scientific mas- sago for men and women. Dr. It. J. Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Gar-uett-Corey bldg. Phono 145, Mrs. C. Keogan of JncUcoiivlllc wob in Medford Wednesday, on romo to Grants Pass to visit rclutl'. Miss Nllu Gauuyuw was anient' tho northbound motor puss.-rg-lB Wednesday evening. I j Weeks & McGowan Co. "UNDERTAKERS J&ADY ASSISTANT ljy Plllllio iHX Night I W. Weeks lUllJ.-Jt Phones A. K. Orr l)7-M Paul Jhnlity, deputy county hunt far, spent Wednomlay In Medford. Dr. McDonald of Portland rn eve specialist, one ot tho family vhlrti tiouglit tho Johnson ranch on Klk creek, will open an offlto lu Medford soon, ,Mr. W. K. Kenlner of Jncknin villi) l8llcl In Medford Wednesday exonlng. 12. D. Weston, commercial photoc- Ynphcr? negative mndo any tlmo or placo by appointment. Phono M. 1471. Kills Hogg, who is stopping at Grant. Pass with his family. latent lu Medfonl Wednesday. He Is a former resident of Jacksonville, but tot a number of years past whs en gaged In business nt linker. Mr Hoggs expects to leao for Arlio'U soon. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. Daniels of Io phlno county arc spending n fv day In this pnrt or the valley. Heal homo made bread, DeVoe's. Dr. J. K. Shearer ot GlontUle spent Tuesday among Medford fuonds. Mrs, I. W. Thomas wat lslted Wednesday by Mrs. Owen ot Ash land. Mayor Von der Hellen t-f Kagle Point motored to Medford Wuduo- day. S. S. Hnllis, who has beer, niakum a business trip to Scattlo and Port land, returned Tuesday. Mlliam Ulrlch. trustee' In bank ruptcy for Miss J. K. Pninter. will offer for salo on April S, 1313, nt the old Cuthbert stand, near po.itofflce, alt tho stock of millinery good at cost nnd less. If you want bargain como early and bo convinced. 16 Mr. Sututon, who was seriously hurt in tho explosion at tho rock quarry operated nerfr Jacksonville by Twohy Brothers, when several persons woro killed, was In Medford Wednesday. Ho will be permanent!) crippled. Fred Peterson nnd J. H. Grcgorv of Josephine county trnnsactoJ busi ness In Medford' during tho wck A. E. Mooro went north the fort part of tho week, returning Wednes day. John Grieve and George Hall of Prospect nro .visiting at, Jackson ville.., ? . : i'1r O. W. Cherry and W. P. Ma(y wcro at Jacksonville Wednesday 0n professional business. Iter. J. L. Mattlngly, who re turned from Ohio qulto ill some time ago. is convalescent. Wo will sell only ladles' suits nnd cloaks during Inventory. Sco our window display and ci.ll. H. c, KeJItner Co." ' Wo will ell onl5- ladles' suits nnn cloaks during Inventory. Sco our window display and call. H. C. Kcntncr Co. Itcmombor tho auction sale of hogs nt tho fnrm of J. G. Gore, Saturday, at 10 a. m. L. B. Warner. Frank O. Burgess, who hns been organist for tho past two and ono half years for the Elks, departs for tho cast next Friday. Ho will bo guest of honor nt tho lodge, which will entertain in his behalf tonight. K. J. Mahan, who hns been con ducting a sewing machlno business In Medford, has uold It to U G. Bloboratcdt nnd will rctlro to his homestead, near Ashland. Ralph Rowley mado n trip to Jacksonville during tho week. Seuator Von der Hellon was ever from AVcllen Wednesduy for. tho flm tltnu In several weeks. Born. In Medford, April 7, to Mr nnd Mrs. Frank Schnette, a son. T. E. Daniels, deputy grand exalt ed ruler of tho Oregon Elks, has jrono to McMlnnvllio to pay thn lodge there an official visit. Lyle Vockny of Ashland, foreman of tho Tidings Job office, tarried a abort tlmo In Medford Wednesday Mr. und Mrs. J. n. Samuels woro 01 or from tho Modoc nrrlnmlR mi Wcdnobday. B. L. Hurdle of Ashland was In tho northbound train Wednesday, en route to Jlobcburg. O. L. Jones and H. D. Sturgoon of Grants Pass aro recent nrrlvaU in Medford, C. F. RolcilStOln hns lionn li. .Inn,. idilno county, on businekH connected with hlH wood yard In Medford. C. E. Mets of Weed, Cal., and It. J. Bennett of Roguo River undo a trip to Medford tho foro part of tho week. Money to loan on real ostnte. Seo Carkln & Taylor, attorneys at la. Medford. J. C. Schmidt has closed out his feed und gruln business und will leavo soon on a trip through th6 mid dle west, Including a visit ut JiJh old homo In Sioux Fulls, 8. D. Mr. chmidt Is leaving just now becauso io huH to vucato tho warohouso ho has beon using tho past two yeurs, tho railroad conipauy having ordered It torn down. Tho Mission rostaurant Is again open for business under samu mn.i agoment, after being closed for re modeling. . !7 W. Jl. Jenkins, 'traveling jiassen. ger uijont of tho Southern Pacific, Ifl In Medford on a abort business trip. eMr. and MrB.fKdgar llnfer aro ox- pooled homo soon from un extundo.l lQ visit at Council niuff., Ioxva. TrRT)FORD M ATTj TRrmTrTR SCHRICKER SAVES BR Fl HEM.INGIIAM, Wash., April IP Refusal of W K. Schrlrker, tho convicted m Conner bnnker, to tcn tlfy ugnlnst Jnrob Kurth und others today threatens to bring the ttlal of the Sonttlo tmtikur to mi nbrupt finish. Schrlcker's niinouiicnmeut iihup un expectedly today, lie had been brought from Walla Walla, wlier he lioRsn his term of one onr for r cehlng deposits with the Kimwledsc of his bank's Insolvency. N lu tli first trlnl of the four Seattle bauh ers In February, who aro jollify charged with conspiracy to aid Schrlcker In receiving deposits. As the first witness for tho wntc, bchrlckor nroso troni his chlr and dramatically claimed his constitu tional right not to testify ns It might Incriminate, him, MARKET REPORT Prlciv l'alil Iijr Dealers K(10S 15o. HUTTF.H 30e. l,OTATOr.S-tl0e30e. CAHIUOE ll.c. APPLES I05e. ONION'S - 7ocC3$1.10. CAR HOTS 7Rc(Sl$l.OO. PARSNIPS 7or$l. TURNIPS TficGSH. CAULIFLOWER 7flc(i)$1.25. APPLES :t0c7oe. HONEY IOOISc lb. CIDER 2fo cnl. CHICKENS Hens, 15c PORK 1015c. 11EEF 1020c. LARD 15c. I1ACON 10i8e. SHOULDERS He. ILVlIS-lSc. Livestock nOGS Dressed, 8c; nlivo 0V. SHEEP I4-c STEERS-Alne! Oc. ' COWS Alive, C5c. VEAL Dressed, lie. POULTRY Mixed Thicken?. 10e: springs, 12c: dressed. 12(pl-lc. Hay and Grain (ScllitiK Price.) WHEAT 11.50. OATS $1.00. 1LAY Vetch, $11 ton; crab, $13. KAKLEY 7 ion. CORN $23 ton. Beautiful Hair, n Joy IVrnver. It you havo a beautiful head ol hair, try to keep It. If you havo not. tiy to get It. Meritol Hair Ton ic keeps" tho scalp clean, promotes a healthy growth of beautiful hair, and keeps It soft and lustrous. Try It. Hasklns Drug Store. Ohio labor organizations have started a memorial fund to pay off a mortgage on tho homo of tho secre tary of tho Ohio Federation of Iabor, Harry Thomas, and to educnto his seven chlldron. 2HggM t t NOTICE The business of the ft C KENTNER CO. ; is being reorganized V MR. F. K. DEUEL President of the First National Bank has come into the new organization and again becomes associated with Mr, Kentner For the next two weeks the sfore will be closed for inventory. . " . ' 1 jiM ti , i We will be open for business on or before May 1 The ft C. Kentner Co. i t r r t T T r r ? ? t t r r t t ? T t f f ? ? T ? T Y T I i l&KtS OTDFOim OWKflOW TIIUHSDAW A1MNI. 10, IfMJl. DEUEL RE-ENTERS ER i' k- n....i .i ...i,. .. ... ........ ,.,VVI,.VMl .., Mil.. Ill.l National bank and dud of tho old time uieriihautH of the city, h de rided to return to tho retail nt- , chnudlM) field, uud will heroine nvi ' elated with II. (' Keutncr In tin Kentner department store. For t m next two wuuka the IiIk xlu w.il, bo closed lu all departments ipti the ladles' clonk and suit Hnei w'llle a complete Invwitury will lu- taken The Kentner store Is the ltr t uud one of thn oldntfl la Medr-ml and luiK ulwtiyH enjoxod a lavno trudo and the confidence of the pub lic, Mr. Deuel wns formerly lu business with Mr. Kentner and his return to tho bnslntxjs will give U the added Impetus of nil onoinotl and thoroughly modern buslreii mau. Charles Harnette Wolf, editor vt the Ashland Record, spent Thursday In Medfonl on btislnes. T K Daniels left Thunulrv -Mining for n hustiietKi trip to Portltiud. TOO LATE'TO CLASSIFY FOR SAI.IJ 3 chair barber No. lo North Front t. shop. It! FOR RUNT -Very nlco rTirlilshed houNckeeplug looms, modem Im provements, .-.to N. Hitrtlott. SI WANTED Men xxllh horses mid rigs to cnnviiM out of toxvn in R. F. D. routes. Ask for Mr. Knrp. this office. WANTRD Men nnd women for house to hoiue canvas; good pay, clean work. 'Call i this offtco and nsk for Mr. Earn.. LOST A little black spaniel dog Reward for Information lending to recoxery. R. II. Jonas, .131 Cast Main. ' , u Mother Mdvice y To Her Daughter A Real Lira DoU to Fondlo It Woman' Grctt Happlneit. One of Ihr mot'tupurUat matter tliout which women ruiKrro thrmx-lxn Is Ibrlr future tlin a Kranilinottii r And nh l wisdom llelf wb lno of or Irani 'f tbat famous rrmrdy, Molhrr'a 1'rttml. TliU la an rilrVnal appllcailnn fur the abdominal muaclrV 'anj hrniil. It cer tainly hat n nuiilerful Inlluni.T, allay all tear, banlibr aUla. It a mutt Kralefnl rncuuracczrc: tJ thn jixinc ejpeclant mother, anil rtnll her to i;n tbroush Ihn period bapjir In blind, free In Nxljr and thua ilrttlneO tn tnllrlpalo woman' great rtt hipplne4 aa nature Intended abr abnuld. The artlnn nf tfotber'a friend make thfl tnunrlca free, pliant and rrtpunihr t et tntlnn. Thua alt, atraln and trmlun )jp the nerre and llpicirnla It a folded, and, la plart- of a perlul of illtroiafart and enn ejuent ilread. It If a waaa vt mini rrputa and Joyful exprrUllng. ,' Tbere n piiavea, n raornlnc alek iieta, no nrrront twllehlni;, none rf- that tonatant atralo known l ih many women, benre Mother's Krlrnd It really on? f the creatett bleMlnei'that rwild tc deTlnnl. Thl rplendld and certain remedy ran Ik had of any itntcslit at f I oo a imtilr, and It aurc to prore of Ineatlmable value, not onlr upon the mother, but upon tho Itealib and futura of Ibe . hlld Xtrllr ! llradnrld Iteculator (V. 1X2 Ijimar Hide. Atlanta. I Ua., fur Ibrlr book lo iipertant tnolbtrt. GERMAN AVIATOR KILLED ! DY AIRSHIPS OVERTURN 1 i - r ! tii I (ir.i,siNKiiiriii-;N p.ui,,, April 10. Ills ni'ivilitne oNorluiuliiK ly " nir-eurreiilt llnin Melite, a (Icrmnii HMiilop, wus iliiuKeil Mixeinl humlreil ,. , ., . . , IVl'l III llll' gMIIIII llllll 1H lll'llll lll'lll litilax Handsome Is not strong enough a xxord to do our Womeu'ii low cut Footwear justice! O.ifortl. of roursi), and there comc4 our Tliw. l'univs and Sllppera. LeltthurH of Dull Calf uud Kid. Hrlght lenthem ot Pat ent Colt and Klil. then thn new Suedes. Velvets and Sat ins lu blank, brown and white White Shoe, too. lu Nuburk and Canvas. I.oxv Shoe fixitn $l.t. to l.no White, (Jruy anil llniwu Nu buck ami Suede, M..10 to S.1. BEHLING'S c.-ooi) fit siiui: sreiti: To the Public All banks in Mt'tll'ord will elo.sd ji(. 1- (l't'loclc iHiou 'fcstl iirday.s l)0t;iiiiiiiig April 10, 10KJ, tinlil riii'tlipi' noticu. p Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, Jackson Comity Bank, First National Bank, Medford National Bank. ? ? f ? ? f ? ? T ? ? f ? ? t Y V z ! z T z T t T T ? f t T ? f T J f T Y yH . A Good Mriunifr. Merllol Tonlo Digestive )ias prov en a good mnssn)o (o otliors, why lint to ytmf It iictn first upon (hp tgm null, strengthens the digestive or Rtiim, crentcs a healthy nppellte, and makes rich, red blood, lmpnils now life nnd strength to thn entire bod Hasklns Drug Store LOIS OF. NO MNDHHS II.MIt COMINO Ori".' IF DRV, BEAUTIFUL ITt'llllS AND IS I'l'lili OF DANDRUFF t'.Si: " Within 10 m I mi hm uftur mi appli cation of Dauderluo you cannot find a Htuglo Dure of Dandruff or a luose or falling hair and yoursrulp will nut Itch, hut wlmt will pltMMo you most will bo after a fow weeks' use. when )ou will nctually see new hair, flue and down) at first es but really new hair -growing all oxer the scalp. A little Dauderluo will Immedlately doulilo thn liimuty of jour hair. ,'o dlffereuce-hoiv dull, faded, hrlttlonud sirnggv, Just moisten a cloth tilth D.iuileriuo uud rniefully dntw It through your hair, taking ouo small NO. IBS. IttiPOItT Ol Till: CONDITION OK The Jackson County Bank at Medford, In the Slate of OrrKiul, ut thn rloa? of InitlntMW April I, ItllS. mcHoi itn:n. Loiiua and dlKcotinl f I76.M r.:. Oxerdnittn, nerured and uuteeurHil . . I. it I Tk lloudii and xwirniulM ......... . .. 17,(111 StockM nud other ncctirltlw . I O.SOO.ot) llaiiklug houan .-.. ......, 80,600(10 Other real oatntn oiviumI t.SO UU Duo from twin k (not reorxn linuka) .. MM S.liotl Duo from uppruxml roayrxij Uuuku .... ...,...., . .. . m.OSI Ifl ClieeUn Ntul other raah Iteiim .. . ................... .....,..w... 2.9M SO ItxehauKiui for clourliig limint ,., t.llb OH CiikIi ott hand . ftl.lll S'i Other retource Kold duat -............ TH.Jll Total ...... ..................... ...,.....m n. mi ....... 1 7(l,t T .7 " 1.IAII1I.1TIIIH. Capital ttock jmld In .................. I108.i00.00 Hiirplu fund 71.000. ou I'udlxlded profltn, Ioihi mshiimim and inxdt tfXitil O.III.SS Due to bank and linker w.. .....!... ... . IH.OCt.ll DHpoatta due Statu Treumirur m.......m..m.mu....- ........ . JO.nuo 01) ludlxldiial de)oalt) nubjitct U ilhuk ....,.... .... lOMty !& Demand rertirieatiM of depoMt -. ......'....'.. ..... St.QlSt) Certified eheckH '..j.....'...U...... S.hRO Oil Tlmo certlftenttva of iIuhhiIi - .......-. ..... fiO.itfti) 7 KavltiKtf deiK)ll ..-m.........., ... 30. ill. bit Total " 7ft!.t7 71 State of Oregon, County of Jmikihin, : I. C. W. McDonald, Cusklor of tho nliovy naiuiHl bank, do wlniuuly nxxenr that the abovn tdatemmit In I run to tlm hit of my kunxxledKu and belief. O. W. MDON'AI.D. CuKbler. ,Hubcr!hril and axsiiru to boforu me thl Uth day or April, 1 U 1 ;i . WM fl.ltllll. Notary Puidle Corri'ct--Attot 1' W IliitrhUnn. V J Diuerlrk. W I Vuwter. Director. 1000 Rooms Wanted In order to nu'oiuinoilate tho coplo atteudliiK the Odd PelliMtn (rniiil IHlgn nnd Itebeknti Aavinbly lo bu held IH Medford May 20-21-22, Kill out printed blank below and mall tn loliu A. I'etl, See. ItiMini Coiiiiulliee, not later than April SO, lu onltr that Hot wo b. elaHMllled. , Wo xx III have room uvnllahlo from May 20 to 13 n folleixs: , Itoumi xxlth Imlli 0 ..... pur day for one nr- iio n ; &.... psr day toe txvo poraeim. Hoomi without liilh 9 .par ilny fr on ponton; tf... per day for txxo pereoii. titrrut and Nuumber Nnmii . ... ?' FOR Stock and Dairy Farm of nier UUD ACItKS, tint Kurd Line of xthlili Im xxltblii till) j.iiiIh of Ibe County t'ouiihouno In Vicku t.'liy, TIiIn pluio cut t-0 tons of hay llin pmt mmhoii, anil If the laud is piopeily fnrnieil tun ho made to pro. iIikoJIOO TO.NH OP' IIAV, Weot or the plan- Im nu laiiKo xx Hit uuiplo feed ilinJii( huiniiur uiondm lo Immiio inn ;.j.vriii:, THREE DWELLING HOUSES, FOUR BARNS xvagon Hhud, xvorkHhop, and all uecimHitry outhnlld Iiikh, uIhd an abundance of firewood on tho pluco, COMPLETE WATER SYSTEM of never falling Miipply of water to two of ihlJilwu)l Iiiku, pipe llnu laid lo corralH, lawn, truck patuh, or chard and berry patch, !) l,IVIN(l Hl'ItlNdK on thu placo, . i . AN ORCHARD OF GO TREES which havo NIJVKH KAILKD to produce tho flpunl fruit for over twenty yoaru, Hoveral vai lotion of luir iIch uIko In huurliiK. Tho flrt rlKht to tho iindor Kroiiiul wnteia of Humbug tliilch which draln four mlloa of liioiintMlii territory, and a ruined In taua cottu plpo, flowliiK 0 InchoH of water that can hu conducted over txxu.thlrdM of thn farm. I'rlco lin.000, two-thlrda cauh, halaucuuu snamr -ot 5 LOUIS P. YltKICA, Va ' Tiiims imit Aitiiml ii.w. To enciiiiioiin t fit) Klrls and ho)s or (Meilfotil lo (i)jint trQiis on Arbor dn' I urfijr niy'HtoJk of Iuiph, itpplu and iivar, nt Be imah; cntnlpn. innpfu, Kugllslt Mitlnul. I Or. Dollxery aroinid nt s t f. Wont Main Call for Mr 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r o I. It WAIINISU l r GLOSSY CENT "DANDERINE" RRITTI.i:, TIMS OR MM It Mt AI.P lA.VDMIIINli." Hlrnud ut a lime The rrfeel Is uiiiiu lug your halt- will l Itxht. flulfy ami xxnvy. and havti u nppsiMiiri of abutidnnev; an lucumribrf lustrn, snftueHU and luxurlMiwtj, llivt Irsiiuty and shlmmnr of true hair lumlih. (let a iToeniit bottle of Knouilou's Dnnderluo from tiny drug '"' " toilet counter, uud prove to ynumelf toulghtt now lljiit xout IihIi Is an protly nnd soil an any that It lias bHu uifsteclid or Injuted by earelfSM treatuieut IlialV nil- you turoly eau haxe liKuullfut hair uud loU of It If you will Just try u llltlu I)iudiir1uu. SALE tlmo ul (I pur tent IntoicHt. sftKlv' ''XIUZZM SCHELD J C,h, v ju4 4 -t - if'