ifrrnmi HIMnleul Sufrtv Clly Hill - -m Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Hliowrrn tonight and FrMay Cooler. Mat. 71, Mln. M, ..II . ... M Kortytblrd Ysnr ii.lly-hlKlilll Yrnr, MEDFORD, OJtKCJON, TJIUHSDAY, AI'IMj 10, 19J3. NO. 1G smote N BY HUNGER STI E Miss Zcllo Emerson, American Suf frage Freed From Prison With Shattered Constitution ns Result of Refusal to Eat Health Broken T ROUPS CHARGE BUFFALO MB Mrs. Pankliur&t Has not Eaten a Morsel Since Sentence Imposed Remarkable Vitality Surprises LONDON, Airll 10. Tho jirobn. blllty of being bedridden (or lliu rem of her llfo (rnm a shattorod ion stltutlon, (lia result of Instituting n l.tinitor itrlku In prison, was fiicoil with a smlln today by Miss ;- 1 1 t Kmttrsuu, thn American suffiagutto. "Tho cause U vor(h any l-.liid t.f nrrlllcn," It tho statrliinnt attrib uted to Mint Kiiiorsou, At stiffntiiettu hendijuartcrs It nn alleged tlmt Mini Kmeriton's nun was fractured whllo being forcibly tort nt llolloway prUon anil that Mir. probably will bo disfigured fur llfu Immediately after liar rclttaso rim Hit removed to n prlrutti hoipltal tier health reported broke.) imii plelely. Tliu NiUfrnitrttD'A in.itli-ir u) it lin will bo uuithlo to hh) l Itiir for nt Icnitl a week, Ktprrtlliff (lint tho liungor strike conducted by Mrs. Cmmolluo I'link hunt, tint noted mllltitnt tinffrn iirtm leader, sentenced lo tlmv) ytmm' Imprisonment for liinilr.MliiK Hut dynamiting of tho ronittrjr homo of l)ald l.loyd-Oeorgc, would roull In her release, 8U00 gathered nbout llollowny prison today, hoping to her leave. Tho police, howuvor, dis persed them. Mm. I'nnkliuriit Imi not alou n momol of food fllnro tcutonon wa Imposed, hrr remarkable vitality sur prising tliu prlion physicians, IN SHE RIOT Several Shots Fired but No One In jured When Car In Front of Police Station Is Stoned More Troops Asked for as Condition Is Serious FRANK GOULD SAILS AWAY FROM THE LAND OF HIS FORTUNE, GIVING UP HIS U. S. CITIZENSHIP Citizens Wire Governor Protesting Use of Troops Trades Council Considers Calling General Strike BUFFALO. N. V.. April 10. Troops chitrKt'd 1U0 streetcar strlk r born today whllo tho striker and their sympathiser worn stiulug n rnr In front of (ho pollen station on Mttln street. Several shots wmo fired, but no onu win seriously In-Jured. NEW LOW RECORD BUFFALO. N. V., April 10. With Iho possibility of thn strlt'ii roJoctlriR (hi) company's counter propoiltlon to reinstate thi'in with out rrrognlilug their union, tha streetcar strike situation bemnm critical today, Moru troopit worn asked fur todity In nutlclpnln of further rioting. Tliu rouivuu tie termlncd lo operate Ha card under mllltkry guard. Brigadier Ominrnl Welch ndvlnod (Jotnrnor HuUer toduy that If troopM nro uuid at nil tho forco of 2700 now hern should bo greatly Increased. Simultaneously tnnny promlnout clt- Ueii wired tho gotornor protesting ngnlust tho employment of troopsi Tho executive board of the United Trnilrit Uibor rouucll today called it special Meeting of the council to consider n general itrlko Monday tin Ipm tho car company settle with Its men. Two thousand men affil iated with Iho United Btntes ornl rntlou would bn uffected by Rtich t Mrlko. H E SPENDS L-A-5t BaHlv .'Ws " .-B Sv SSSSSS&i ' .w lv SSSSStTSSSSSk Ti. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSm . 'Mt-' 'SBMhJ VBBvXvBVbhB ;mBBVJBBhBhBhVp 'kum i,VFBHHSHHBBB i , t,' BH BHHIi. j y siH 4VRStfrfflTflTflTflKVBBT' iVBVATflTflTfll SV fJwtKI' 'JBBBBBBnBBBF .Sty Vi VAvM' 2Hv tJ bTAf t5 THIHj rj WZPEt i T bvAvw1 Ik1 lBif v--: BBTiBBC'-'wvdSKhiSUiBHBViVL v?lVkE3riBVBHBHBVI SINGLE TARIFF FAVORED Y DEMOCRATS Caucus Resumes Consideration of Measure Agents of Bfg Business Swarm About Capitol Hoping to Arouse Sentiment Tliu Hewitt Amenrnu milliounirt expittiutte i KritnL J. (loulil, one of tlm younger biw of tliu milrontl mini. Just before hiiiIiiic fmui Kun)R' with Ins ufe Mini xiKtcr-iu-lnw, MitH Helen Kelly, he announced ho would nitike hin homo m Krnnce. Frank Gould i worth nbout .$10,000,000- Hint is, ho received u xliaro of hit fntlierV thtnle which would hnvc nniounted to Hint two or three yenrx nj,'o. How mneh of it he lms spent is not known. Ho never Mtuceetlcd in brooking into KtnvH)pJ,.Kct. York, nud Wiichinjjtoii boeiety despite bis mil liottM, nor did 1mm second mnrrini;c nid him in thin respect. Tomorrow Is Appointment Day for President Wilson Will King to le Appraiser at New York PONTIFF Bm; HAS DETERMINED NKW YORK. April 10. I't-nniyl-vnnln full to my on tho stock mar ket today, tho lowest flRtiro for that UMin Miico 130S. Tho boars soon dlHilpated tho opunltiK nihauces, forcliiR prices to rnlnpno to a point btilow ostardny' close Uick of nupport for Investment stocks .ind bonds depressed bulii; Kcncritlly. l'tillowliiu reKirtn of u lively tritdo In tho metal abroad, copper Im proved, Tho benrri covered on tho lower level of prleon nud turned tho mitiket upward beforo noon. TV niiirkut cloned steady, Doiids w,ro onsy, 10 DAY TALKING AT TOKKl, Apill 10.- Doxpitu o posed li'Kisliitiun iu Ciilil'oriiiu which inililntcH iiKiiimtt lupniieKM holding liniil in (ho elnto, Jupnu Is lo pnrtit'l pnto in thn I'nunmn-I'nuit'io t.poHi lion in Han FrmicUco, necoidinj; to u xcinl.offiuiii uiiiioiiiiceiiu'iit lioio loilny. Tho local ohumbnr of coiiimeieo linn tuleKriiphed to liko hodies in .Suit FritiieiHi'o mid I.oh Angeles nhkiiiK them (o urttu tho defeat of Iho pro- pOHl'll Jl'KiHllltioll. sues wSiresTAR FOR TITANIC LOSS NKW YOHK, April 10. Mrs. Slur, col Nnvralti, wIioho IuhIhiikI perished In tho Titanic, diisnstcr, today filed claim for .flO.OOO UKiiiiiht tho White Star I.inu, Tho woman Iiiih been llvluj; in povorly at Niuo, Franco, with hor eliildien, Lolo nud Monio, Tilauii) wnil'H. Kfi'rt. Nnvralti did not hIiiiio in tho relief fund raifiod aftor tho tliHiiutor, not oven rocoivlnff tho tfllO recovered from her huslmiid'B body, WASIIINdTON, April 10. Tliu hChhion of the hoiifcc today wiih do voted miiiuly to thn orKnuiintiou of five eoiiiniillee-t nud a political "talk fet." Then tho Iioiiho adjourned to Monday. ItepreHontnlivu Cooper of Wiicon bin criticised .Iho repiililicnu.s for n low lnj; llcprt'srntntlvo Mnnu to ehooHO tho republienti rcpreeutntion on vnrioun coinmittccrt, HepiVKcntativo Madden of Illinois nrt'iiKsed Oicni Underwood, lender of Iho jnnjority of "takiii orderx 1 io m tliu W'hito lloiit-e." Ameiii: tho hills iutniduct'il wiin one by CoiicrcHMiiiiii t'oploy of lllinoiri aulhori.iiiK' the pichident to invito tho Hiwer to partieipato in a ureal naval pnriulu at tho opening of tho l'auamu i'auitl iu 11115. ItepiTheiilulivo Itoli hod introduced n resolution for an amendment to the imustitutiou pro viding for n siuglo presidential term of hoveii yearn and direct pretdden tial prinmi ies nud tho direct election of presidents. PON RECOVERY HOLDS ANNUAL MEET I.OUiaVlhM'5, Ky April 10. In tho oiuvroom aback In lloochmont, near hero, whoro all of Ita annual muotliiRH ura hold, tho Southern Pa cific Itullrond company directorate hns today shifted Its porsonnol uomo whut nud bus transacted othor busi ness contlugont on tho yearly Bos nian, Tho uumos of Mortlmor Schlff, William Itoukofollor nnd lluyard OuttliiK nro iiiIusIiib from tho now directorate. Tho IUO.000,000 worth of Unlo-i I'aclfla stock, Invalidated for tho tlmo bolng by tho govornmont, was not votod. Thoro woro 1,010,003 Bhunia of Boutheru I'aclflu stock voted. ItOMK, April 10 - Uallylns nftcr n nlRht of unrest, I'opo IMus this afternoon called for Cardinal Merry dol Vol, tho lupal secretary of state, and announced his determination not to dlo at thlB tlmo. "1 Hin determined to recover," th. pontiff said, "In tlmo to personally celobrnto tho I'eutncostsl mass at St. Peters on Mny 11 Iu honor of Con stantino year." Dr. Ainlcl snld tho Improvement In tho pope's condition wan duo di rectly to tho fact that his holiness took nourishment aftor rcfuslu;; tt (or threo days. Ho said tho pontiff was much better this evening. KmorKlne front tho point's room touliiht, AiikuIo Sarto, tho pontiff's brother, wept. Ho arrived hero Iu rcspouvo to n tolettrniu sent by vat- lean plO'HlrliiiiH, Thn popo does not know that AiikcIo was summoned to his bedside, believing hu is here on business. HEAD CUT OFF OVER $100 GIN 10 HELP PAY FOR D ' N A INT SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April 10. Hor head completely hcwmviI from Iter body when slio oudoavoicd to clinil) aboard u Mviftly moving lift, Mre. F.niuui lloyiiitkoff, 110, u nietnl works employe, met a horrible death lieio this nftornoou. Tho woman was oniiht between tho bottom of tho ear nnd tho top of tho door in tho grill work surrounding thn hhuft. Tho body first foil into tho pit, and tho severed head followed it when tho elevator operator rovoraeil Iho car. WASHINGTON, Apiil 10. Unless congress ro-pnssod tho sundry civil hill in tho near future, work on tho (;iuut battery nnd scacoast defenses of tho I'nuauia Canal must ho btop- rted, nooordincr to a written warnim.' MMit to oongrotfa by Sourolnry of War Onvrison today, Tho huuilry civil bill which fonuor Fresidont Tnft vo toed provided $1,000,0110 for this work', Tho SI00 mark was turned today In tho public subscription being taken by tha Mall Tribune to pay tho funeral expenses ot tho lata IM Itoot. A total of I1C6.75 Is needed. IM Hoot was everybody's friend In llfo rcclprocnto that friendship now that ho Is dead by contributing your mite. Subscriptions to dato arc: Mnll Trlbuno $ 15.00 B. O. Trowbrldso 10.00 P. J. O'Oara 10.00 It Theater 5.00 F. h. Ton Vollo G.00 William Corlg .'. S.OO Hulpli Woodford B.00 Cash (A. S. .) 0.00 J. F. Wortmnn 0.00 II. Von dor Mellon 5.00 Cash (A. M. O.l 6.00 Central Point friend.............. 5.00 Charles Xlckoll a.50 At. Muruynma a. 00 Jako Kllppol .......... 2.50 Office forco C.-O. P. Co L'.GO Holon Yockey 2.50 J. It. K 2.50 B. J. ltunynrd 2.00. Cash (M. S.) - 2.00 Iloinor Hothormal 2.00 W. H. Cnuon ....'. 2.00 1). II. Wood ; 1.00 It. A. Holmes K00 O. Y. Tongwnld 1,00 (lornldluo Ilukos 1,00 Ooorgo Arao 1.00 ICnntn Takoda 1.00 Carl Hollbronuer 1.00 POWERS BEGIN FORMA L BLOCKAD E ANIIVAR PORT BROOKLYN ANTIVARI. Montenegro, April 10 Formal blockade of this port be gan this morning, Austrian, DrltM,. French, German and Italian warships participating. Hereafter no vcrr-la of any sort will bo permitted to leavo or approach tho Montenegrin coast until such tlmo us King Nicho las agrees to suspend tho attempts to take Scutari by storm. Austrian soldiers nro holding up all trains on routo to Montouegn. nnd tho kingdom Is practically Iso lated. WASHINGTON. April 10. Senti ment favoring the passage of a sin gle tariff bill Instead of dividing '.to various schedules was growing among legislators when democratic congressmen today resumed their caucus to consider the bill. At the samo time, agents ot "big business" r.w armed about tho capitol hoping to arouso sentiment against the sweep ing tariff reduction, with little p-nr- pect of success. A stubborn fight was waged here today by plate glass manufacturers agalust a reduction of duties on fclaas. It also was reported that certain congressmen who oppose freo r..ig?f have organlxed n letter writing cam paign of protest among cane grow ers, urging them to appeal to their representatives In the house to suit port tho IJroussard amendment to the sugar scheduule. All effort tn amend tho sugar schedule Iu the caucus so fr hare failed. Tomorrow Is to be "appointment day" for President Wilson. With Postmastor General Durle- ton he will dhteus the list, of, post masterships, aad nrobablr will snil It to the uttkXe cither Saturday or Monday. It Is stated from tho executive of fices that the appointment of Wll King of Portland, Ore., as a member of the board of general appraiser of merchandlso In New York Is dn cldcd on. This Is one of tho best federal plums now available. UNCLE SAM TO SEEK FOR MISSING IS Government Asked by Anxious Rela tives to Search for Twenty Im migrant Girls Who Disappeared From Train at Newcastle, Pa. .. No News of Whereafeettts Few Could Speak English Thottfht ta Have Been Kidnapped . jjj Fl CHICAGO, April 10. Undo Bant was asked today to take a hand In tho search for the 30 Immigrant girls who disappeared froni a Balti more Si Ohio train at Newcastle, Pa., more than three weeks ago. Stirred to action by a flood of aDBeals from relatives or tho missing girls. Presi dent Sllvenwn of the Norweglai Dantsh Y. W. C. A. today put tbe case In tho band of tho department of Justice. "I hare now Information," ho said today, "which may help. 1 ham turned It over to the department ef justice with tbe request that the haro gorernment representatives li Pennsylvania go to he bottom of this matter." Mrs. Kmraa Peterson of Ornnu shaw. Pa., another relative of Anna iJachman, one ot the missing girls, today wired Sllrerson bogging that ho would not allow toe Investigation to drop. MJrs. Peterson said she had communicated with all trie known relatives of the girl, hut no news ot their whereabouts had been received. "I am unwilling," said Sllrerson, "even to Mxard a guess as to tbrt fate of the glrta. Had, any.- ar rlred safely at their destination It Is practically eertala the-, relatives would bare reported It to the author ities when tho newspapers prlnteu the story of their disappearance." Several of the missing girls wen from Rnaln nil Cnm-a sii.ii.u has been unable to leara whether tue girls were met by any oho upon their arrival In New York and today wlrl officers ot bis association there ask ing whether their representative were at tho station when the boat arrived. LONDON, April lO.-Mnny secre taries aro engaged hero tod.iv In transcribing tho concessions the nm- buHRadors of tho powers havo ngteed to make to tho llnlkau states. Jill. 50 I 10 WASHINGTON, April 10,-Hepve-sonlntivoH Stoveus of California to day introduced a bill directing tho government to establish nud oporato a lino of passenger and freight Kleamoi'ti along tliu l'acifio Cont to connect with steamers along the At lantic Coast and tho Panama rail road. Six vessels ami an appropria tion of $0,000,000 aro inultuled in tho bill, ANOTHER FLOOD IN OHIO VALLEY INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., April 10.--With u record of 30 hours ot stoady rnlu established here, and no let-up vlalblo before tomorrow, another flood ot tho Whlto and Wabash riv er valleys Is officially forecasted horo today. Tho flood Is not oxpoctod to bo as borlous as tho otto that Inun dated Dayton, PHILADELPHIA, Pa., April 10. Brooklyn walloped Philadelphia .soundly in the opening game of the Nutionul League hcilsoii hero todav. The home guard used three twirlers, but the buiterbns pulled off freouent and (liastrotis rallies. Itngon twirled a seven-hit game for Urooklvn. Score; If. H. E, Brooklyn n js i Philadelphia 3 7 1 Batteries: Hagou uud F.rwin; Chnl merp, Moore, Dooin and Killifcr. Umpires: Higler nnd Byron. BOSTON, April 10. Tho bnebull senoon wiik inaugurated iu Botou today by tho Philadelphia Athletics humbling the Bed Sox, 10 to J. "Smoky" Joe Wood wan Manager Maid s twirling choice but his speed burners were hit to all comers of the lot. The game was marred by seven orror. Seere: 11. II. E. Philadelphia 10 14 5 Boston 0 8 2 Batteries: Coombs, ' Flunk and Lapp; Wood and Cudy, Nunauuiaker. Umpires: Dhieon nud Hart. CHICAGO, April 10. All baseball games in tho Aruorlcuu association which opened today woro postponed except that at Kuuaus City, bocuuso of wet wcuthor. OAIHO, III., April 10 The con tinned rains aro holding tho Ohio river at a high stago here. Tho river reglstored 64.5 foot early today. No further floods uro anticipated, as the Mound City levees nro aocure. WESTERN GOVERNORS TO MEET AT SALT LAKE SALEM, Ore., April 10. Governor Wet, president of tho Association of Wostern Governors, is today sending out notices to tho governors who are members of tho association nnnounc ing that tho annual meeting will bo held June G, 7, and 8. The associa tion previously decided to hold tho sessions nt Suit Lnko Cit.1 WANTED TASTE OF HELL AND GOT IT TUFTONBUIta, N, II., April 10. While temporarily insane, Mrs, Anuio McKccn built u firq in a sap houso at tho i car of hor homo hero today nnd btepped iu it until hor clothing was afire, A muss of flames, the woman then ran to her home, chop ped off ouo ftngor, went to tho kit chen, removed her shoos nnd stock ings nd thrust her feet into a rod hot stove. Sho told her friends she wished to get a "taste of Hell fire." She will die, WILSON WATCHES WASHINGTON WIN OPENING GAM E WASHINGTON, -Aprjl 10 With President Wilson an Interested spec tator, tho baseball season was Inaug urated In the capital today, with tho Washington Americans defealng the Now York Highlanders, 2 to 1. Tho first ball was hurled by tho presi dent and It was culled a strike. As tho president entered the grounds the band played the "Star Spangled Uannor." Ho doffed his bat to tho cheering multitude and then looked at Walter Johnson. Washing ton's atar twlrler, and grinned. Tho prosldeut wound up like a profes sional and sont tho bull In tho direc tion of tho plate. "Strike one," yelled Uraplro Con nolly, and tho eaino was on. Miss Kleanor Wilson, tho protl dent's daughter, accauipanled by Sccrotnr Tumulty, arrived ut tho grounds In tlmo to soe tho clubs ongago In preliminary practice Tho prosldeut tamo tutor. As Johnson was warming up, tho president com monted on tho "ainoko" the pitcher put ou tho ball. Tho gamo itsolt early dovolopod Into a pitchers' bat tle botween Johnson and O'Conuull. Johuson ylcldod eight hits, but kept thorn scattorod. O'Connell was touched for but six. Scere: r. h. H, Now York ,. ......l 8 1 Washington s G 1 Batteries O'Connell and Sween ey; Johnson una Alnsmlth.' IJrop'lre Connolly and McQreavy, " ; At Now York it. . M. Boston ., , ,8 tQ o Npw York , 0 2 1 Batteries Pordue and Barldan, Tesrcau, Craudall and Meyer. Um pires Klein and Orth. M l 1 i ,