FKOW THREW ' Patronize the Home Industries II In kooiI I)UhIiickh (iiid tfood i'llicn.slil) lo tfiw prH't rcncc (ION" lliciv will lie Hold (ho vMwv llio Htnic Ikooiiioh nud ilu and t'dll for tho product roprononlod on IIiIh piifjo. !o nil iiiljelcK iniidc in tliiH commonwealth. The more "MADE IN OUK iiioi'C money Oregon people have lo upend, Jiny from the homo merchant TmJR!'' OTDFORJ) MATL TiTmnm fRDFOUD. OHMON, MONDAY, M'UIL 7, !0lfl. a ifrjCnul.'rWaW?iIvtX JMADK IN ORROONJ'C mm? 4fl MADE IN "dntdONltr OrcgonDfe him Ilu entire oicrnlliiK plant In OreRoii, make nil of ll Investments In Oh'koii Noi'iirltlvfi only, hna nil uiiiiiiitcheil reeoid of nuccess, U KrnwIiiK Ki enter tiny ly tin), nnd rpcflrcn prefitroncn (loin nil tllacrlmlnnltiifs buyers of life Insurance In OreRoii. 0- 4PMniMrt ucai XUl -n.KyKjn.AM.A.M.m& u A U MILLS I'lcnltlunt U flAMI'l;!. (lonviiil .Miniiitnr H I ArwfirfuWitjB1 Rope and Binder Twlno rout m:af it i:i CI.OVKU HltA.Ml Trdllik tit III tlie N iMiwr-' f. r N'-irthWMt ronminrM ,tk r m.r ti.nt rr our nun: AM iiimu it iwim: r.rrr mtlil rrlrnil in ' J lr rnl In fli r "til In 1 1 r cm, Tnl Htiprwrt Itir nimiufi 'illir (' i .r- riMt")tnrhl ! Ul r liMit In luru m.nuir. jmir 'i imIik It i alio If ) ur iu-.-iirjr si bow. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. fuclorlft I'trtUiul, Or . KcMllr, Wmh. Western Clay Co. Portland, Oivgon Manufacturers VITRIFIED SEWER PIPE Portland Furniture Mftj. Co. 12(9C9 Macndnm Itoad, rortlnud "Ql'AMTV" 01' It SLOdA.N "Oregon Made" MERCHANDISE BOXES FRUIT BOXES TIN TOP BASKETS LUMBER, ETC. Multnomah Lumhcr& Box Co. I'OItTLANI). OHIX1QN WHY DltlNK WATIIIt WHII.V YOU CAN (JET SU.K.U IIEEIt? "Made in Oregon" w i$r PORTLAND PULLEY CO. PORTLAND, OREGON 8 I. "'"'" $q yrfiirt .Mtav jJKiK H-fJtVm. QH Is the Only Life Insurance Company Exclusively Orcoon - ; - - o llwiiin OMIrr, CiirliPlI illillnifi Portland (MiAIIKNCi: B. HAMl'HI. Assistant Munocur THE lrwin-Hodson Co. Printers Lithographers Blank Booh Makers Rubber Stamps and Seals Celluloid Buttons PORTLAND, OREGON "MT. HOOD" SHIRTS and OVERALLS Sole Jobbers of the B t.. f.. ua,; m:ii i iiuoi iiu iruuiiiiiiNiiw FLEISCHNER,MAYER&CO. PORTLAND, OREGON AHK FOR Albany Chairs and Rockers Hi:VI NTV DCUIONU "MAUI-: IN OIUXION" R. Veal & Son A1.IIA.SY. OHKOON WEINHARD'S Columbia The Beer Without a Peer TIo chnlrmt liopH niul llio f'iHt I'.irHy mull, liruncd Mclcnlifluilly In JiimI llio rlclit wny, i v rcou NlMn for Itn nt loltiio imrlty end uxcclloncu. Mail ua jour ardors. Henry Welnliard Brewery 1'OItTLAM), oitrco.v "TEA GARDEN" SYRUP uiriiraT in Rerun riNCST IN 1'I.AVOIl "GOLDEN BRAND" A Corn Syrup Manufacture!, by tho PACIFIC COAST SYRUP CO. rORTIVNI). OHKGON MULTNOMAH MOHAIR MILLS 1'0IITIVNI). OIUXJON MnuufiicturcrH of lllgh-arndo Mohair Linings Alpacas Dress Goods Adk Your Tiillor nud Hry OooiIh .Mereluint for Our Products "MADIJ IN 0HU00N" Pacific Face Brick Company 401-2 COMMKHCIA CLU11 llLDQ. I'OKTLANI) Hollow Clay Building Blocks Faoo Brick Firo Place Brick a Specialty Clay Partition 1 ilo Fire Brick Fire Clay ItltMUIUOUI FOR A MATCHLESS COMPLFXIOf USE TINT AT YOUR DRUGtilSTi COSTSYOU NOTHINGTOTRY OUR GUARANTEE a Miil m ha M ypjf , wi mmiim f rr Wat 4 M. m4 ri m mmiw4 us fm irmm, DWIGHT CDWAnDS COMPANY PORTLAND OREGON sgfe MANI'rACTt'Itnitfl OK H(OH QltAlll. MATTRESSES PILLOWS COMFORTERS Woven Wire Sprinns We nimiufirlurr nil rn'rclnrxllw wo ufffr tvr le Pcttit Feather &Bcddino Co. rOIITI.AM). OIIKOON tiii: ri:i.i:iuiATi:i iikiiomanx SHOl't mndn In 1'ortlnnJ, Orrgou WI Thurumn Strtft AIAUK IN OltKUON CROWN FLOUFt Latest Best CROWN MILLS Portland, Oregon Wo design and uiuko tlio eclobruted AI-SO PIPE ORGANS At our I'lirllnnd I'ncltiry, 15th nud lClli and l'ottygrovo streets Auirriru's Itrgeot Mulc House EILERS MUSIC HOUSE nnrt Ofrl.-fn inters IliilMInc Alder Htrffi 411 Hrr.nih l-iirtund. Ore. iiiiiTv uium:a PORTLAND MANUFACTURING COMPANY Mnuufncturcrs of VENEERED FIR PANELS I.'xrrlfilnr. Ouffeo lninii, rurnlturo Uloek, Iteirl'iiHrisTlntoii Krult Itaskeli, llnrnl Stork nvd Itotur) Cut Venrers P. AMtrou. I'roRldoiit nud Treasurer 8T. JOHNS. OHliUON Portland Wood Pipe Co. Wood Stave Pipe MAHi: IN OllKGON OP OUKflON HU HY AN OIIKOON COMP.VNY Twenty -fourth nud York Stroota Portland, Oregon O. Hox 71. Portland Elevator Company Munufucturora of Passenger and Freight ELEVATORS Dumb Waiters, Etc. Electric and Hydraulic Factory Knst. Ninth nud Mill ittrcata PORTLAND. 01ti:OO.N Ooubla th li'd of yuur 'lirct hull HltllCl'LKS TltKADS Prnvoiit I'uueturon lllow Outa nml Skidding Vrlto for PrlcoH uiul clroulnr. B. R. TOLSMA &. CO. Wk, SA ySSl. w yA I if jf OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Orcoon City, Oregon Our new fabric, dcnlgncd excln nlvcly for women' nud men's tail oring, nro mnde of tho lct grades of wool nud warranted fast colors. YOrit TAII.OK (AN I'l'IICIIAUU vmm thu mill "Swastika" Brand Macaroni, Needles and all Alimentary Pastes Made In Oregon r.icino toast iiiscuit co. Portland, Oregon LOOrC FOR TMIS LABEL. OREGON CHAIR CO. Line guaranteed by manufacturer Ask Dealers for This Lino CHAIRS O All Oak used Cf n AUofc&ff nei groas lnortficrnJapanl where winters arc cold uhlcli Is ticccssaru to h ohest class O&Ie. td'na ffAf is branded Into the uood of this line"lhff OaA; Sttpcriorltof Qiiat 1 rv (uorlun&nsliip And absolute SatlsfActlon. friB IU iibli a OP.CGONiClCAIR Co. r Spray your Tree with DEPENDABLE BRAND LIHE & SULPHUR SOLUTION And you can depend on getting retultt Willamette Yalloy fruit prowera wlio know this upray will uo nothlu); I'lco. Minultcturtd by GIDEON STOLZ CO. SALIiM, OREGON Wrlto for prices I'liouo Muin 20 H- COFFEE WHOLE ROAST STEEL CUT on VACUUM PACKED AS YOU LIKE Cbsset St'Doverx i'fSSih tatigLJiAta 1 Btf m 1B Win .ue -" - f w w i a l i ch yard o OADWA ?fMANE Information Freely Furnished ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN PORriAND CEMENT MANUFACTURERS 709 KOTIICIIILD 1IU11.D1NR PORTLAND ... OHKGON Ed lONIGrlTS U 30tt0 0s H r o i- I n n d APO O r J) 8 vV fV i QUALITY IILMT ntICK LQUAL. 1 GALL CURE Horse Collars Why not demand lliem from your dealer! W. H. McMonies & Co. rORTLA.M), (MEOON Schiller Cigar Factory oueoox Call for La Gran Marca The E. Schiller Schiller's Union 5 "MADE IN OREGON" THE BEST Produced here or anywhere BRAND Hams Bacon Lard UNION MEAT CO. l'lONCCIt rACKEM 0 the PAcinc Oregon's ONLY Home Made BELTING "We make the Belt to FIT THE PUCE and NOT make the PLACE FIT THE BELT" Davis - Scott Belting FMtory OflW SlO-StO f" -, rrtlnJ. - Or. UwUornAv. VU rbotU5W ORWOOD Shingle Stains LIco Killer, .Sheep and Cuttlo Dip M'ood rreertutlio Hunt HetMlui:! Damp Proof Concrete l'alnt Darn and Hoof Paint, House l'alnt I'loor l'nlnt, Varnishes l'alnts, Oils, Etc Oregon Wood Distilling Co. Portland. Or. Works at Ltnnton f EMERSON HARDWOOD COMPANY MANUKACTUnERa Hardwood Lumber Flooring Portland Oregon AMERICAN INGOT IRON CORRUGATED CULVERTS Manufnetured hy Coast Culvert and Flume Co. 2t0 E. Seventh St.. Portland. Ore. Underwriters METAL WINDOWS and Fire Doors Sheet Motnl "Work mid Hoofing Portland Sheet Metal Works r.'9 K. Madison St. Portland, Oroson The Lutke Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of SHOW CASES BANK AND STORE FIXTURES Corner Sixth nnd Hoyt Streets PORTLAND, OREGON fofihSl? iWvvntr Y V rr 111 jKtiwiK'-icnatnKP B iiPnlllillll JpSJLLfc I PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Home Office: Portland, Oregon The Only Oregon Fire Insurance Company CLOTHING ?rlt OREGON WOOL Kch jttr we Binafictnre and I1 nnrlx ln thotiiund Mm' nod tlori' Unit from Orecon cloth. mdt bj tbt Ihrf ble woolrn mlllt la Hrowimttle, Klra ad Kuin. Tna ran bujr thm Hall it yrry rmnntbl prlrn or irtid for tatapU ( tlthrr of our itort. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store I'ortlan Engcno Xarihflell Call For UBERTY SODAS "Made in Oregon" By the INDEPENDENT CRACKER CO. 10oS Carman Manufacturing Company Manufacturer of all klnJs of FURNITURE Klghtee nth and L'pshnr Streets l'OHTL-VXU, OIIEGOX Willamette Roll News 9 IS MADE ATx Oregon City, Oregon "MADE IN OltEGON" Well Drilling Machines Steam or Gasoline Manila nnd lVtre Cables, ripe and Casing;, Drilling nnd EJsblng Tools The Star Drilling Machine Co. Works 13th and Clinton. Portland THE BEST LINOTYPE STEREOTYPE SOLDER AND BABBITT METALS ARE MADE BY The Pacific Metal Wor(s PORTLAND. OREGON FRY'S SQUIRREL POISON Price SS Cents Tho kind that kills; has been Buocosafully used for thirty years. Small slro for rats and mice, 10c each. DAXIEL J. FRY Manufacturing Pharmacist Salem, Oregon Fry's Headaeho Tablets will cure; prico 25c, by mall tree of charge, If you cannot got from your dealer. HaLANOiii Jll Ttore Is a Grecer la feat lown cirrfin Fife Haste faslslag MINUTE I WASffirV I "Mvl In Ortgon" and lli.K.i(. If umU M lobuhi It, Mod nt lo Canla lor a lull Hi NO Li: IT PAanC SPEaALTY COMPANY PORTLAND United States Cashier Company rOItTLAND, ORKQOM Office: 703 Uwl Building Factery: Kenton Manafactarers of Automatic Computing Change-Making Recording and Adding Coin-Paying Machines DRINK TRUE FBU1T FLAY0K See that Trade Xark Is oh Botllo A Ture, Dellclons, Soft Drlak A Sure Thirst Quell Xade la Oregoa PURITAN MFG. CO. 3S1-3S3 East rise Street, Portland "LIGNITE" STUMPING AND ROCK POWDER 3fAI)E IX OBEGOX BT American Safetj Powder Co. 725 Tcob BuIIdlB?, 1'ortlaud, Ore. ANDERSON STEEL FURNACE CO. Warm Air Furnaces Wood or Coal MAXUFACTURED for tho TACIFIO COAST TRADE AT Salem, Oregon 3MP; m m EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKING POWDER MAIiK OF TURK CREAX OF TARTAR PACKKD IX GLASS JARS C.M.Epploy Salem, Oregnu feipitaljj BANS i bt uKin'ii.vt pUUM.OREGQttf l irW.7Ar rnMVfuiNA I mnammmMam rgi REGON "''"vfe P I iiiiiihi. BIM pitaKgjM i lL I W J KHag J M PERFFfTIM h !luTiifti I "Al1, f 070 Qliban St. Portland, One UfiMEOiM