y it i J : I. r 8',' 15 h .i r V 1 IVjI i 1 PAGE TWO. tHHSSS-S OJXi. JtEDFORD liHOT! TllTnmm MTCDFOUD. OHKCION. 1IOXDAY, AI'IIIF. 7, llllil. IOCAL AND L PERSONAL nnd Oil)' To will ho reappointed post master of Central Point, although ho In r republican nnd the position Is a dcslrnblo on, Democrats as well an republican' seem to lio almost una HlMioiiHly.ln favor of Mr, Tex. , . - ' 'JuiIro Benson of Klatnatli Kails tnsH(t through Medford Friday en route to Portland to nltend the fun eral of the lain Mr. I'. R Webster. Mr. nnd Mrs. Reebo worn among the many from Central Point district In Medford Saturday. Orchard, hunting. fishing Crater Lnko scono for aalo at Ger klng, & JIarmon's studio. Negatlvo mado any place, kodak finishing. 12S East -Main street. Phone 31 5 R. ' .1!. 0. Porhnin, tho bridge builder. Is making Portland, a visit. Mr.- nnd Mr. D. II, Miller spent Saturday nnd Sunday In Medford. V. H. Wnnn, certified public ac countant, who Is cxperting tho rec ords of the city, expects to conclude his labors before tho middle of tho month. It will bo some time before ho will conclude his examination of the Jackson county books. Oct a home In tho Plerco Acres. Sale April 10th. 15 Win. Lewis nnd George Larder wcro among tho residents of Knnes Creek district who spent Saturday In Medford. K. Britt, James Hock and George X. Lewis of Jacksonville transacted business lu Medford Saturday. If you want your lawn mower sharpened or repaired phono 5P0-J. 36 Mrs. F. G. Ford of Hilt, Cal.. has been In Medford making relatives and friends a visit. C. E. Glllts. nn attorney of Yreka, Cal., Is making Medford d profession al visit. It. K. Nell of Spokane, president of tho Rogue River Valley Canal Co., arrived in Medford Saturday. Remember Pierce's Auction Sale Aprjl 10th. 15 It Is rumored that John It. Ham. mersloy, .postmaster of Gold Hill, 'has resigned and that H. D. Reed will probably be appointed to till the va; cancy. D. L. Anthony of San Francisco, traveling agent for tho White Sewing Machine company, Is spending a few days In tho city and valley. Guaranteed complete wagons a Pell's, Ashland, for less than 1100. 325 The vacancy existing In tho Jack sonville postoffice will bo filled in a short time. J. R. Nell, Lewis Ulrlch, John F. Miller, M. M. Taylor, Mrs. R. B. Dow and Mrs. Mayette Rose are applicants for tho position. T. N. Patton of GraTO Creek and E. Genctt of Grants Pass were here recently on business. Buy an aero nnd a quarter, or five or ten acres, at Pierce's sale. 1C Captain W. Rawllngs visited in Medford and Talent Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Rawllngs will soon leave for their homo la Sheridan, Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Dean and R. 11. Dean of Willow Springs district tar- ritd in Medford a while Saturday, W. H. Kinney of Sams Valley, foro- man of the Strang farm and orchard, spent Saturday in Medford. Gcrklng & Harmon, studio por traits, homo portraits, flash lights, kodak finishing, post card work and enlarging.; 128 East Main stroet; telcphono 216 R. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gregory of Big Sticky wcro Medford visitors Sat urday 5Ir. and Mrs. C. E. Hanse nnd George Sorenson were up from Grants Pass u few days since. William Ulrlch mudo a business trip to Ashland Saturday afternoon. Dr. R. C. Kelsay of Gold Hill was among the many who came to Med ford Saturday, lnvjte your frlonds to come on the excursion from Tacoma to Medford, April 9. Round trip. J10.70. Miss Hollo Jones of Beagle has been In Medford visiting her sister, Mis draco Jones. . I). Adams of Phoenix Is stopping in Medford, the guest of Angus McDo uld.. .You set the price, tho terms nro easy. Pierce's sale of acres. Thurs. day, April 10. 15 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Colvlg of Grants Pass visited in .Jacksonville Saturday and Sunday, guests of their son, County Recorder ColvlK, nnd his wife. i Henry W Taylor of Applegate transuded business In Medford Sat urday, 5tr. and Mrs. John Dlgham wero business visitors Saturday. J. It. Wyatt, an extensive lnck raiser of Lake county, who has been under treatment nt Grants Pas for snow blindness, spent n day In Med ford during the week. Mrs John ltoblsnn of Tnlent. who Is being treated at the Sacred Heart hospital, Is Improving steadily. Mr. nnd Mrs. llert Anderson left on Saturdny afternoon train for Cal ifornia, to bo gone a short time. I. W. Berry, who is farming in .Ant loch district, spent u couple of days In Medford during tho week. Carkln ft Taylor (John t. Carkln and Glonn O. Taylor), attornoys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank building-, Medford. Frank H. Nell, supervisor of Big Butte road district, was lu Medford and Jacksonville last week. Mr and Mrs. O. Dnnford and Chas. Duntord, Sr. wero over from Jack sonville Saturday, J. D. Ball of Hotel Nash Is making the stato of Washington a business Molt. Insuro and be sure. Right It wo wrlto It. R.,A. Holmes, Tho Insur ance Man, ' D. Terret, who has been In Med- Mr nnd Mrs. O O. Owen were among the ninny from Grants Pass who rnmn to Medford during (ho week. Miss Kmmn Thompson, who has been InVhargo of the Hotel Medford dining room for tho past ysnr, has' gone io rcugeno. Barnes' Circus Coming AT "When Lincoln Paid" Is the tilli of this powerful historical feature Tho opening scene shows Abraham Lincoln In his youth addressing an nudlrnen on the street. A terrlfU thunder storm comes up, scattering, his auditors, and Lincoln mounts his horse nnd rides nway. The storm lu creases in fury, and Lincoln Is com -I pelted to seek shelter nt a farmhouse owned by a widow, Mrs. Barnes, who I has a son about 10 years of nge ! Mrs. Barnes prepares a hearty meal' for Lincoln, who dries himself at. the hearth, and when the storm han ford for several months past. IefticeagCl, wl8nMt0 ay tMrfe . narni,8 for Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS KABT ABBISTAVT Day Phono 227 Night V. W. Weeks loa-J.2 Phonos A. 15. Orr 078-M Friday for North Dakota to tako charge of a big farm belonging to his fnthor. . Ray Fnucett of Crescent City, Cat., Is a late nrivnl In Medford. Mrs. F. A. Buffum of Roscburg la In Medford again. t .Kodak finishing, tho best at Wes ton's, opposlto book store. . Norman Hcrrick of Benton county is making Rogue River valley a vjslt. A. J- Klorey, postmaster of Kaglo Point was u recent visitor In Med ford. K. P. Hughes of Ashland passed through Medford Sunday on his way to Portland in tho interest of a steel railroad tie that is being put on the market. - Glenn O. Taylor was In Jackson ville Saturday on business. Special Tablo d'Hoto dinner at Holland hotel every evening 40c 34 Miss Matney of Applcgate is visit ing her sister, Miss N. Matuey. Mrs. Emma Thompson has gone to Albany to pay relatives n visit. Mrs. E. Hlgglnbotham of Kanes Creek spent Snturday in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. J. Patterson of Tal ent precinct mado a trip to Medford Saturday afternoon. Mr. Tonkin has returned from a business trip to California. . Vapor baths and scientific mas- sago for men and women. Dr. R. J. Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Gar-nett-Corcy bldg; Phone 145. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Armstrong aro late arrivals from Pocatcilo. Idah'o. . R. C. Hcnsley. for many years a resident of this valley, was on tho northbound train Saturday, en routo to Alberta, Canada, from California. Owen Dunlap and Lester Lacy were up from Phoenix Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis of Ante lope wcro among their Medford friends Sunday. Mrs. Brown of Jacksonville was in Medford Saturday visiting her daugh ters. E. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives mado any time or placo by appointment. Phone M. 1471. John Rogers of Spokane, who has been spending a few days In Medford and Grants Pass, left for homo Sun day evonlng. Prank Cameron and C, L. Springer of Applcgate tarried In Medford Sat urday. ' Mrs. E. L. Farra of Contral Point made Medford friends a visit Sat urday. Real home made bread, DeVoe's. Ed Shipley mado a trip to Ashland Saturday afternoon. G. Collins, formerly of tho Art Store, has gone to California and may leave Medford permanently. It. W. Hitchcock and Ed. Garrett of Eagle Point district were In Med ford Saturday. Miss Greta Fortmlller of Albany and Miss Mader Mays of McCloud, Cal., nro recent arrivals in Medford. Dr. Cyreuus Vromnn of Portland, who was formerly a resldont of Gold Hill, has traded a big farm In the stato of Washington for tho business block In Ashland occupied by C. II. Vaupel Co. and others and located opposite Hotel Oregon. Ho expects to exchange this property for the saw mill, tlmbor land, etc., on Sar dine creek, operated by W. J, Smith, his son-iu-law, and owned by It. II. Mooro & Co. W. L. Ussher and E. L. Smith wero up from Ashland u fuw days slnco. II. G. Wortman went south Satur day and will probably ship some cattlo out of Siskiyou county.. Cal, C. Braduhaw of Hornbrook, Cul., a former resident of Jacksonville, Is visiting In this section. Follow tho crowd Thursday to Pierce's Auction Sale, beyond tho reservoir. 100 acres in small tracts. 15 W. F. Simpson of Ashland and M. B, Duncan of Salem havo been trans acting business In Medford. Mrs. A. A Bird hutj returned to hor ranch homo after spending tho winter in Suit Lake, the meal. Knowing his povert) she refuses to accept anything, and I.ln-I coin gravely gives her an I. O l I rending: "I. O. t. tho price of a'- - good meal. Also my life, as I might have lost It in the storm. Abo Lin coln, Lawyer." The film then depicts how, 10 years later, Lincoln repaid tho debt incurred in his youth by exercising his power as president in extending clemency to a man about to be shot ns a spy. It U n great war drama, with stlrrlrig scenes of battle, and wonderful dramatic work showing tho conflict of emotions of a mother, thirsting for revenge on the man who sentenced her boy to death, but who allows her maternal In stinct to prevail nitd saves the doomed sou of the man from a simi lar fate. At Star theater today and tomorrow only, 1 , '- I FI8I FIGHT ENDS E I liit i, Dnvi-, inaiuiKer ul mlwuire em- No '.' ol' Hie A I 0. Huiius Willi Ahuiim! Shun winch nppeitiN here mi Monday, April 1 1 1 It for ivsu potToim. nni'crf, arrived in Mt'ilfonl IhW umiii tug. lie liiiw a great ninny lileuiU here anil Io litem Im Mule Hint Uic ll.inii'H liovv in hunter iut lu'ller t linn eM' Ihw ,ohi. The show IliU ,enr n tinM'liiig In 'JO double loiijclh eur iihil iiuui'K ,YJ lil( Iki line not in wliu-li only wild hens! of the i'ortwl are Hie ni'lnnt. Tl.w will Im HitrnW (hlril vUli l Metllont and Hitue who wuv IiIh pic-iou- perfimnKiietw will surely k out or Hieii way to see tho grenl hIiiiw when it m ituiti iiieximlcil lieie, II h tu it clam liv ilHidf mill nliicntluiinl n h well nn iiitereMtln nuil it h mie xlroni; H)int is the well known fuel Hint it is the one nIionv Hint iilwi tfxhiliiix uIihI il uiKertiiiw. A iieiKliliiilliiiiiil inn t liili'il Moiiiliiv iitterunim In Hie eniitt of .luxltee of Hie I'enro Tnylor when Hull Willimw n f Tnlent whh IiioiikIiI into omul eliiiigeil with iikhmiiII Ii.V J. A I'oIIn, nlo of Tnteitl. The two men Inn! u few voru le eeivllv wlileli tmileil III n riglil. Kelln was unr-li'il nuil Intil Wlllirow nr ivel. A liinte iHiinlii'i' of Tnlent I i'ii I ilu iiuiiiiinl tin1 eiiiiilrooiii loilny. No Good (1iut ptHsibly coino from wpiiriiiK flioap Iiikhch. Injury May C'oino lien1 and lot mo ox- plain tho (liflVronco. DR. RICKERT Over Kontnor'u r Luther Met .utliv with trained rehr.i, one ot llirw' FANS SEE FASI E ALONG ROGUE RIVER Miss Claro Sherman of Upper Trail is the guest of Miss Mia Han nah. Mr, and Mrs. George Lynch of Elk creek were shopping In Medford re cently. Peter Betx, Henry French, Robert Mlnler, James Watklns. Mr. and Mm. Walter Woods, and Edward Foster attended tho circuit court last week. Marshall Mlnter, who Is attending school In Medford, spent tho week end with homo folks. Jasper Hannah has been on tho sick list for several days. Mr. McCloud of Flounco Rock is hauling grain. Miss Enid Pcolcr and pupils of Central school visited Miss Eulu Houston and pupils of tho Laurel Bchool their last day of school. After a program all felt they had bcon re paid by gathering together. Will Houston was in Eagle Point Tuesday. Theodore Glass of Beagle made n business trip to Medford recently. Mr. Ash of Trail took up a load of Hour tho first of tho week. Joo Hannah took his sister, Mrs. Tim Dally, to her father-ln-Iaw's In Medford Saturday. Mr. Dally died Sunday and his friends hero regret to hear of his death, Marshall, the 5 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank, is lu pretty bad condition with tho whooping cough. Jasper Rogers of Bcaglo spent sovcral days with his brothers-in-law John and William Houston. Green Mathews and son Verna havo been on the sick list several days. Mr. Reynolds or Elk creek had the misfortune to loxo his house and all of tho contents by fire a few dayx ago. Mrs. P. Betz gave a card party In honor of Miss Eula Houston March 28. About a dozen were present nnd after spending a pleasant evening light refreshments wore served and all departed congratulating Mrs. Betz on her success as nn entertainer. Mr, Mlnter nnd family aro on tho sick list. C. P. Dennis has returned home uf tor several weeks abroad. Perry Foster, fitovo Smith and Lloyd French havo the grip. Mr, Dpdgo Is spending a few days at his Riverside ranch. Frod Pettrgrow nnd family havo moved from tho plnco which ho sold to Mr. Graham to their orchard, a mile noaror the river. i 10 GI The local li'ull )i1nt'r, reinforced with u battery lonued them by Man ager Nick Willtaias of the l'orlluml Colt, nearly took the Northwedcm- " a ers into (ttmp bumlny loin, a fust game liy n score of 8 to 7. The game wiih fut throughout. The line-up of the two tennn w'ns iw follewn: Medford Horton .Inl, Sohttltr. '2nd, Gill ef., HlifH ('..Bolts, rf., Anile If., Hill 1t, Coffeen ., Mnrtiuoui p., (livot ). Portland limicroft :inl., Mohler ln1. Muhoncy cl, Kortier If., 1-rieM rf., Willinnn 1st, t'oltrin jh., Ilnrrw n.t Murray v., KnMlery i. Fitqhuer p. The fooro !yiiuninj;s: Pertland: IttiiiK 0 3'JOI fltfll-S IliU 1 1 II 1 1 II '.' 10 Medferd: Run'. .:.... 0s! 0 J 1 0 0 0 7 IliU l'lr.1 f) I 1 0 0 0 With Medford trado Is Medford mndc. WARRANT I FOR JOE BEEMAN I'jmhi I'oinphiiiit of lonner ihief of Milii'e Xoe of (In!.! iiio, h wnrrsnt wiiH iw.iii'i liy Jiif'tirn of the I'ed Tiilor .MoHilny for the iirriMt of Joe II. Ilri'inuii of (Inlil Hill. Ili'vmuii is ni'iMHi'il of perjury. The ooiuphiiiit ihhiim hh tin- oiler-' ehtp of the evi'iteiiieut nt (lohl Mill recently when Xoe m said to lune fired Novcrul Hliot at n nmnwny of fender he hnd tnkeii into eiiNttidy for a niiilinicnnor. HeeinHii wiiri u wit ueH iiguiimt Noe, Hie littler now swenriiig Hint HcritMii perjured him-elf. 00RN HLLIOTTIn Melford April 7. to th'o wife of F. C. Elliott, a son. NOTICE. The members of SL Mark's (luild nro rnnieMtly requcNied to attend u sjteclnl mcatiiii: nt their halt Tuesday at .1 p. m., April Nth, to meet the rector mid churchmen. Public Sale of Pierce Acres This sale will he held TllfllHD.W, A'Pltlli 10, . coiiiiim'ih'Iiik nt It) A. M. Don't forget the day and hour Be on the laud, and make uur selections. A part of Hie laud will bo wild for a payment of one-tenth duwu and easy monthly pa)iuents on tint Wttlauen If desired. Here Is the chance for working wen to get homes lu easy walking distance (rout town, and put an end to tho rent and produce buy lug problem. Bu a producer. Irrigation, nlty wa ter, elcatrlo llghU ami oilier coiivtmlenriM. Others aro living on the tract, Improtlug their homes and making good. They will lio Kind to show joit what tliey are doing. You can buy In tracts from into mid a quarlor acres to flvu acres or more. How to get there! The tract Una Just northrnsi uf the alty reservoir, and auto roads lead around nnd through It. Here Is the last chnitro for choice acreage at your owu price. i:. II. Ilerrlff, Aurtloiicor, ('. II. Pll.ltCi:, thwirr. 2m2mmm Lawyers Attention TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR EXCHANGE Act quickly. It you have a residence lot to ex change for a light touring car in Kpod condition seu mo tomorrow, as I am leaving tho city this week. Earl Huntley, 401 M. F. & H. big. FOR SALE Cheap, one black inaro 3 years old, weight 1100. E. T. Nonl, Contral Point. 14 WANTED TO UUY--25 head hogs weighing from 7C lbs. up. Phone 2G6-L. 18 ,; ! M vr .. f r f r ? t ? ? T T y T T T f f T ? r t t r Y y y ? ? y y t f y y y y y y y y y y -- - $ J - X 5 " 'v 5 5 v 5: " "$ 5" " 5 $ i" 5 i $ 5 " 5 5i . i. I r "it "5- Our possession of the proper facili ties to handle orders for i Stock Certificates ',. Bonds Corporation Records Seals Attorney's Supplies 1 I I ! I I1MM1 Ml ! 11 is bringing us the business of South ern Oregon. Only those who do not know that these goods can be made in Medford are sending north MEDFORD PRINTING CO. i. .- . mj -.Mf--ial H '"! ,' ft. gMf. I y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ll k A.Aa tfM'v' -' m' i jJL 'CftAuvvr .-. i if M i