Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 05, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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MlfiDlfOttl) MAIIiMMtlBUNlfl. MMPKOKa OHIflfKNr, SATURDAY, AVUll, , Wl.
Korlitt ii:ii iiiumIpiiI lUltl'S,
Miss .lounerso llutlor; phunp
4- nua-J.
! dull iii)vn under direction
of (liotitor Alodfnrd Club;
: phono n7fi.
"Noun Ihuth unto himself
Greater Medford Club Liml Moil
day of unuli muiitli; chili ruoin, li
brary building) (H l. m.. business
iuhiUIiih; 3:00 i, m.. progrnin.
Second Miuiiluy o( each muiitli, so-
clul IllOUtlllg.
Picsldriil, Mr. W. (1. Davidson,
1110 Wont Ten Hi street; phono 675.
Mimle Department First Monday
of each iiiunth; club rooms, library
IiiiIIiIIiik; 3:00 p. hi. Chairman,
.Mm. K. M. Andrews, 35 North Hooao
Milt avenue; phono 87lt.
(JfHiil Cltliuiishlp Department
First ond llilrtt Tuesday uf each
muiitli; club rooms, 2:.1() p. in. Clinlr
iiiiui. Mm. C. I.. Hohloffolln, 113 (leu.
inn ntciiuu; phone iStl.
Educational Department First
Saturday of each month; club room,
3:00 p. hi. Chairman, .Mm. George
Rubor, Coutrnl I'olnt It. F. 1).; pliunu,
Jacksouvllto Sl-F-Sl.
Home Kconotulun Department
Second nuil fourth Wednesdays; club
loniiif, 2:30 p. m. Chairman, Mm. J.
C. Schmidt, 30 Rosa uvotiuu; phono
Social llyglcuit Department Third
Monday; club roonu, .':3U p. tit.
Cliiilrinnii, Mrs. H. W. Utwrni. 1C
Hone avenue; ptioiwi 130.
"Promptness ami System" uur mot
to, Wu ilo not with to wnstu our
time, therefore prnuiptiivM In begin
iiIiik thoho meetings mid ni bttnn In
(oiidoctlug them In uur nliu.
WciliicMlny St ml)' Dub.
IMrnt niul third Wednesdays; IU
lirwry building. 2:30 p. in. President,
Mm. K. II. Plekel. ;il5 Wont Main
street; phono 6S-lt.
Pnrriil-TenrlieiV Amm Intlon.
Second Friday, 3:00 p. in., Wash
ington mIiuuI building. President,
.Mm. I. W. Muiim, 0'.'l U.iUolu uvo
line; iiliuiiw SKU-.x.
I'nii'iit'TiMi lii'io' ,iv"'liillin,
Thlnl I'rliliiy, 3 Oil p. in.. Hoimi
dt huhool bullilliiK. rrymliluut, Mm,
(imrnu KIiik. SI3 Hunt Mnlu Htruut;
pliouu 8 1 Ml.
I'nii'llrtli'utv AkmkIiiiIoii.
Hmoml niul fourth HiUtintny; nco
ml itntui-tlny nt llit Ituum; fourth
K.itnnliiy nt ItunijHt of ini'inlinM. Pre
liliinl, Mm. .1. (. Wilton, r.17 Now
town Hlront; phono fidO-W.
CoIIcko Woiiiiui'n t'lubo.
lU'Viniil HnlupliU'i luiirlinou 1:00 p.
in., pliuu to bo iiiiliounrti'il. I'iohI
iloul. Mr. Wlnlfrml Bi'rroiiib, nwiuli,
tlrlfflit Uriinltj phono S57-J.
w. a t. v.
TliUMilny of imuh wimiU, llnptUt
rliiirtili, U: 00 l. m. I'rvHbluiit, Mm.
Ilolnuir, 7a:i Houth Cciitml uvuiiuuj
phono IOli-,1.
AtKnlloii! Woiiioii of tbo Vnllryl
Do you know llmt I hum nrn rct
rooiim on tho fourth floor of thu
Moilfonl ruiiiltiiro & llnnlwnro
bullilliiK. Noh. -lai niul lUli, for tho
froo imo of tho women of MoiKonl
niul vicinity? Tuku tho oUsvutpr.
I'uiuo up niul rout, lunvo your pnrcohi,
muol your (rlmulB. not n cup of ton
for, Ilvo ronlH, or ehock your Imblos
for ton conW per hour. Tho rooms
tiro iilwuya open with mi iittniiiluiit In
chmKO from U:00 n. in. to C:00 p.
'" . J
Muslo ilepitrtiuont, Momlny, April
7, 3 o'clock; ClulirnontH, I.lhnuy
Home Kcpup.iuIcr tltipiwlnwuii
WNxlnwIity. Al'i'H . -:UI !' ' cl"h
rowim, I.lhvmy hitllilu.
' l'mont-Tcnchum' Anspelutlon, Frl
liny, April II. a l. ! VHhlntou
Collejio W'omnu'a club, fliititnlny,
April 1U. Luncheon I 1. ' Mo'1'
font hotol,
-"Pan-IlPl'onlo nHsoplntlon, Siitm
tiny, April IS. l roat voomu.
A nnint tl'ul of tiimluuim mivh limi
urtoil u( l liu n-Kiiliir monthly inmit
liit: of thu Urvntur Mvilford club on
.Momlny lint Tho adoption of the
dniiiitniniilal nyMtmu muile uHmitiry
the iiiiii'lidiiifiit of tho rupntlliltlou.
TIiIh won reported mum mid necoplod
by tint club. DUciihmIoiih were held
III roKiird to ulvlc uork whliih nlwujit
iniKNeiitri llmilf In Urn uprlin. A pnrk
euitimltteit win nppolutrd to look
utter the KiouiiiU iilxiut the pnrk; n
clian up cloy wit dUciiMiid; nUo on
nerviiure of Arbor dny vnn hukki'hI
d: it hoitpltiil romiulttee wim ap
pointed to roopernto with the Hiiorod
Henri lmiiia In uny way poxiillile.
Tlinan me u few of tho iiiiittitrM tnllie I
over ami anted upon. The iiieellnr.
wiih Hell ntteuded it nd most nntli'i
NhiHtlu. A ten nil ni( to the onimtltii.
llun an amended tho annual election
uf officer occiiru nt thu uiou uiuU
Iuk. the limtiillittluu p the new offl
wt ocoiirrltiK nt the May nimitlnir.
which Ih the taut one of the year.
Mnko your plan now to attend thet
Tho necoud Friday In April of enoti
yuar Iium lien not imldn by tho ftur
vruor of the Htatn ax Arbor day. Lot
un, a (.'HUfiiM ami property owiium
of iledfonl. net out ou 'lint day nt
lnl one tren or nhriib nuout our
pryiiilneit. IUmi you nolle!' w ,nr
rmi look ubout our public bulldtiiitN
and mom of our home: They do.i't
look a If I hoy baloiiKud to thu lAiid
Bcape, but rather ut If tliuy juit Imp
pelied. We don't iv lirulm eHoilK'i
plave them uliotii the fouinUtiomi
to tie the bulldltiKH to their u
Have you taken an tiupnOudlred
view of your Imek ynnlT How iloon
It look? ln u' t you clean It up bur-.
mow u little itnuw Med thrrv, put ia
i few nliyulMt ami flower needu nim.
whre elb7 I'or mime helpriil hhh
Keitlomt aloiiK tlioo lines look un
pnHe 101 In tho April Imuo or the
l.ndltm' lloimi Journal.
Have you ulttneil the amended imiu
tltitlloii of the Urealer Mmlford eluli
mid rocelvoil a munitwrtfhtp minlT if
you haven't done no. don't fall to do
It nt the, first opportunity. Thin
wuil, wlilrti U mil traiiHfornbte, nil
mllN the Imaror lo any fudorated cluli
In the niul or In tho t'tilto.l .Stale,
mid In I n vn I ii a Ulu when one Is trnv
oIIiik or vUltliiK elmw here. The cor
roamiudlii); nigrutary. Mm. W
Harmon, ut (ho Mwlford hotel, Mill
ho Kind to oxi'hiiim a emd for your
hlKUaturo If you are n mnmber .if
tho club. An opportunity will nlwi
be iilvon for HlitnatureH nt nuy of the
departmental iiiiMitliiK.
Aro you having hii dirririilty In
inahlim both euda meet? U mo,
come to tho hoine ecuuoinloH depart
iiiuiit next Weduiikday afternotm
you tuny find n Hulutloii to your
pioblciii. If It U not n problem Mill
you eoiuu nm tell thu rout how you
iiihiiiino UT The Hiiboct for tho of
teriiQoti In a moHt vital one, mid one
(hat linn been much inUcted,
"Home MiUitiKViiioiit." Ato ymi
mieiidlui: your Income k (hat you
Ket value rucelvudT Are yuu mnkliiK
the rlKht dlvUlon as to rent mi.l
food? Come and find out.
The bocIiiI tneetliiK of the (iroatur
Medford ulub oeeuiH on Monday.
April II. Hpeclflu liiforiiinlluu coiir
ooruliiK It will lip pnliUnliiHl next
wuuk, Tho coppultlee linvlm; thu
afternoon In cliuruo Is eauiposud of
tho follunlm; luillfi: Mm. K. W
Htreotii, chnlrmmi; Minilamoa .1, l
Ileddy, Oeoruo ltebec J. a. Ilutlec.
J. 1). Jllrkort, ihlmoiid llui'ku,
t'linrlea Conner, W. II. Himpluey,
K, 0. ltlildell, U. W. Iluhl, ltoodu,
l'riiiik lunucs. 11. (!. Htodilurd, O. .1,
Haiiiou. J. C. Schmidt, (1. Kobrle,
MIhh KllmbeUv Hobltujou, mid 1mi3
Dorothy Ctitinqr,
The (innil CItUoniililp department
wll hold Its rcKulnr meutluKH on
ultoriiatu TuemlaH, tho next jni'ot
hp holm; ou April 15. Tho club
calendar (s ,uo full thai few covin to
httvu found time for thin tnont lm
portmit work. However thtma who
mo lut,uiTtcd will follov u lino at
Htpiy nui mt luvltmui l oNtendod
to any who. wish to Intorm thorn,
velveH nliiliit thu 1 1 tun t polltltnl
uclonco. ,'
Thlrty.ono thoinnml dollirti ha
liiuu ipprupvli'ttvd by tio HtUo to
carry ou a cmupal(;u (ifialimt the
"ttoclnl ovll." OrgnuUeiB are to he
hoiii tlirotiKliout thu state to for-i
(jroups for study In every tovm The
Huilnl hyKleiie department of t!u
Greater Medford club has been su:
inHiiftil In seeurliiK the servn.i of
th cne ortsmilr.ui'H for n ilnto In A.irll
to bo uuiioiinced Inter.
Do you think wu lived n piiyioll
III Medford? Are you dolus anything
to help I'M one? Do you know there
hi heiih'IIiIih: ench una can do, oviiu
thoiiKh ho Iihh no capital to luveiilT
Three tlilnus will flit our valley full
of payliiK Industrie! Interest, cou
centrntlou, cooiieratlou. Inn't It
worth irylim? If, Instead of plan
ii I a i; how to Kt out of the valley,
mid w Intro to go. our cihtkIo W4ti
turned toward mnktmc this thu fle
est place on earth to Ilvo In which
It Is wo would soon arrhe nt pros
perity. With this thoiiKht In mind
let us get toKther next woel; to ho
what can be done. .Mm. Wethor.-ed
Mill be here on her return from
Klamath Palls, to luiiueh n "Made In
Medford" eainpolnii. A committee
from the commercial club mid the
(Ireater Medford club hus thu matter
In clmrcu ami will make further an
nouncements. Watch the pupem. null
tome out to the meetttiK. Wake up,
mid Ket busy!
Thu Parunt-TtMohoM' awwrlatlon
of tho WashliiKton nehool has
planned a most Interesting proKram
for lie meutliiK ou next Prldny. Thf
subjoot Is "Mother's Problems." Tin
aNKoalatlon has a question box In
which has been placed the perplex
ItiK jirohlums of Its members. Mm
IIoIiiioh. who Is the Icador for the
afturuoon, has been In communica
tion with tlio .National Congress of
.Mothers, to Hint she has the benefi
of tho experience of thu mothers of
tho nation In answering tliwqais
lions. Him lll nloo nle n sho t
talk on "Sorlnl HyKleiiu." Ail Iiw
terosteil are wolcomo.
The IMiieiitiouul ileparliiient o
(he Umiler .Meilfonl eliib will nuet
SriitimlNj' iifloriioiiii ut tlireo oVlc'
ill tliu lilirar.v tvoin. The Mtbjeet fir
the aftenmou' ilueinwimi will be the
Puliliu I'lii.vcrouiul. Thu iiiVKiiun will
eouaUl of informal tuk.
"Oillliilo of th Pnlilio Play,
jjroimil," Mr. JMmy (letchsJI; "The
Moilsl I'lM.vjjnmiul iu Seen nt llurU
nUty," Im Smile; "l'eronul K.p. r
iciUM' Willi I'liOKi'ouiiil Work Near
UM)lou," Min Kutheriiio .Miai
"l'lin niul Omurti With Kuh-N'
t'liililruii," Mh Clink; "School lV -lentiou
lloiirh," .MiM Kalu I'lehkr
Thu pruniiii promise to lie ol
Kieul inter!! iiml it i liujict! th t
Uiaiiy will ntleiul.
Tho CoIIoku Wojiian'ii club Mil
hold Km monthly meetliiK one wcik
from Imla). The mooting' will be ii
the form of u proi;rot.lo luiieheou
ttt I o'clock at tho .Medford hotol.
Hath lady la rui(iioUHt to bring a
box to tly Kiilnl given by tho local
soelnllbU next Wediiuday oxuiilng.
Phrenology rvndlng is u promlsod
The Luil'io.' Aid hiuiuly ol' tlio First
I'reMliyleiiuu eliureh will meet next
TiiomIii.v ufleinooii ut the home of
Min. C. It, Huy on Vot .Main ttclt.
Mm. Wlllnrd Cnmpbell eutertnliis
mi evening uf next week In compli
ment to Mrs. Italph Soiidur uf Mliiuo
itpollH. MUSIC
'Pbotjo iitteiidlug thu grmid opora In
Portland wero Mr. mid Mm. W. II.
(lore, Mr. mid Mm, Clyde, l'ayno, mid
Mm. I II. Hopkins. Mr. mid Mr4.
V. L. Ellis and Mm. Holuu Onto who
attended tho season at Ban c'rauolsco
roturued to Medford Monday oveulug.
Tho sacred concort glvon nt tho
Presbyterian church Monday evening
for tho bonoflt of tho musical depart
ment of tho Greater Medford club wau
an undoubted suectms. Over twenty
flvo ilollurs was cettroi, iivh HHty
be regarded u Hplendld Bum consider
ing the low price of admission. Tho
department wishes to express Its most
cpt'dtal gratitude for thu tiRUUnco
of thobo taking part. Tho churches
ropruaented weio tint llaptlst, Prusby
terlau, Christian, Catholic mid Metho
dist Episcopal,
Tho fallowing. Is tho program for
tho pupils recital ttt tho Medford Con-
servatory tonlKhl. Admission Is fre
miti tho publlu Is uinlliilly Invited:
Medford Consortatory pupils' r
cllnl Hulurdnr ennliiK. April r,
l!iU, nt K. 1'ieRrsm:
Wullx I: Koehl-r
J'lnnut .MHrgaret Harvey.
Deli nun vnlor' cotrlmtrt..l)onUtil
Two Wolltwi AIUmii J'url mid I
Mr. JlwU
At tho Thwilro toe Low .
Pliine: ftllssbuth KiiBolmmi. i
Vocal duot .
Curolyn Andrews and Herbert
SpriiiK Hflwg 0. Mortal
Plmio; Mm. C. A. Meeker.
Jteaillnt; Hluteil
MIm Minnie Jackson.
Th oino and "artatloiM ....... Ileethoven
Piano duet: Cerollni) I'awl and
Mr. Tuillandler.
(a) A June Mornlnif Wllleby
lb) Tho Plnu ..Woodman
Alto soles: Mlea K. Mc.Viwr.
horonado Wdor
i'liine: Mies Isnbello Phlpps.
Scarf Dan ..Chnmltiad
Piane: Allison trillion.
AlloKru uiucslpso .w... ........
Andanto -..-..-......, ... ....Maies
Kour violins? (Iniso Wlleun,
Until Campbell, Alhwn Perl
mid Mr. I toot.
Mien Veulta Hamilton, whom lb
tiiro Is shown In this Isenu Is tho
daiiiehter of Mr. Mod Mrs. I. I,. Hamll;
ton of this city, and at present a resi
dent of Palo Alto whore nhc makes
her homo with her cousins. Mr. and 'honor, woro a beautiful gown of chlf
Mra. Logwood. MIsh Hamilton Is an fon and satin In shndew of palo grcoa.
active moiiiW of the MsnfoWt club ( (rimmed with shadow lace. MUx
of San Kraurlsco. taking part In the ; Connor's bouquot was of green or
piano recital of the rlub given at the, rhlds and maiden hair fern. Mr.
Onturv Club halt In Ban Kranrlsco Matthlesen was attended by his hrst
Weilnesday evening of this wck Tho man, Mr Lincoln McC'ormack Jr.,
wtBKBaBKimmammMmmm0maisMmsmm3zr.3rt rMwBMMMMeMSMgsJ
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbHbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbibdbbbbbHD Lsbibbbbbbbbbbbbb9sBsbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH
BalBIIHBeTaOSBBlSHnlaBaSl ' - . sftJHaiaaaaaaaaf
lvlMHHISf9utfl9sliw'SB8BBev3B r sH
laHsaBBBBSIttS-1 jc SKBStm
SSHI9flBjLt;L.'l'I' If 4SHWfi&tlftH3BBBBBl
hIbbbHbbbbbbbbbP SeWWL JBBtSBK
IbbbbhbbbbBoi , ... JiBBBBBBBBBH
jljBBBBEBfc? '..-w BWssMBBWW
Akhbur) II. Ulitu Advance says.
"MUs Hamilton Is one of tho cleeret
and most proficient member of tho
MmiHfeldt club and her pinna work
has elicited favorable criticism from
thu most aevere critics."
Thu numbers plnyed Wodnugday
evening wore:
(Irllleu, op 12 Schumann. '
Mliiuotto, op. fill -Mokskoskl.
CoiiBolutlon, M mnjor, No. D Llstt.
lluiigarlau D.uice, 1) minor. No. -
Incltulpil In thi) program for tho
muetliig of thu musical department
of thu flioator Medford olub Mou
day ufturuoon Is tho sung "Fiom tlio
Laud of tho Skybluo Water" rom
tiovd by Ulmrlus.Wukofiuld Cndmivn.
hlch will be a.itig by Miss Caroline
Andrews. There tiro those who will
probably ronteinber Madame Nordlon's
very artlstlo voiulevlng of this iiunibor
which Is supposud to bo representa
tive of. tho miislu of tho North Amer
ican Indian, uud gives n very deflulto
Impression of tho pathos mid stul-
cIhui of tho rod race, In both words
and music. Charles Wiikeflold Cad-
man Is un old and liitlmuto frloml of
Mr. mul Mrs. 10. M. Andrews, his
slater. Miss Mabel Cadmmi at one
tlmo liolng n member of tho Andrews
Opera company, wull known In tho
east nnd middle west.
Mr. Cndmiin ncknowledgos that It
was tho encouraging Intlnonco of
(Continued on Page 0)
w .
marrlam ut Mlee Madne
McCormnek. daKnlitor of ir.' and
I.lncolH llcCorwnok of this oily, to
Mr. Itnlnh II wiry Mntthlesctt of New
'York City, was tue occasion for one
a? tho most charming affaire over
hold In tho valley.
Tho wedding took placo Thursday
iat Woodlnwn orchards, tho home of
M,r- nnd i,rfl- A- Co" "" A,mo,nJ
bloHoms, arranged In artlstlo profu
alon, were sufflelent and effective
deeoratlons. The wedding party qn-
term! a fow minutes previous to 1
. .. .. .. ...""'" ". " -u.v.. -..-
o'clock, tho ceremony taking placo a:
high noon. Ml MrCnrtMaok watt
gowned In Ivory satin, cut !! train
and combined wlih sn inultiUv pa
tern of old Ince, an heirloom of the
family. Thu veil waa also uf lace.
Hho carried white orchids and lllloi
of tho valley. ,
Mies Dorothy Connor, tho maid of
Flero and Mr. Siater Johuston also
asUtlug with the ceremony. Tug
officiating clergyman was Iter. Will
iam Lucas of thu Episcopal church
at Ashland. Thu music from piano
ami violin, played by Mr. mid Mm.
Carlton Janus, uddod to the Impres
slvu ring servlca.
Following the oeromqny tho guests
enjoyed n wedding Ureftkfast, Mr.
mul Mrs.- Mlthlteu leaving at 3:30
Ip thu afturnoun far California. Mrs.
Matthloiion, whoso brunettu beauty
mid vivacious mid cordial manner
won u host of friends iu this city,
will Indeed bo missed In tho futum.
After u houoyiioqii of six weeks Mr.
and Mm. Mutthleson will occupy n
hemitlful homo nt Irvlngtoii-on-tlio-lludioii.
Tho guoata. prcsont Thursday wpro
Mm. Mutthloseu of Now York, moth
er of the groom; Mir-mul Mrs. Llu
colu McCorniaoU Sr., Misses Dorothy
Daggett, Margarot Hubbard, Virginia
Hums. .Mesiliunos Connor. A. E.
ltlughiuu. I' K. Iluoll. Philip Uamlll,
Messrs. uud Mes.ditmus (leorgo Dug
mitt. Evnu ltoames, Itobert Ituhl.
Pred Lewis, Chatullor Egmi, Stnuton
(Irltfls, .Nlessrs. H. '. lllnghmn.
Tronsoii, Frei, Hopkins. Mulcamb
Kqot. Cai'lton, Leonard Carpenter,
Alfred C.rpojitt)r. liopald Qlirk,
Slater Johnston, E. O. Iliirgo&a Jr.,
Vilas lleckwlth, Hoglunld Pnrsous,
Corbln Edgoll.
Mrs. Rphort Taylor. Sia Tui'lon
nveituo, entertained tho Home Mis
sion society of tho M. K. church
South Wednesday afternoon. Tito
subject for tho aftornoon was "fira-
fill a Land of Paganism"; alsi
"Work Among the Indians." Tho
following program was enjoyed;
Song, "My Soul He on Thy
Guard"; prayer. Mrs. C. E. Kirk;
reading. "A Land Without n nihlo,"
Mrs. W. T. (,'oulder: reading, "A
Limitless Urax(l," Mm. C. E. Kirk,
reading. "Martha. Watts' School,
Mm. L. Mlnkler; quartet, "RcapcM
Aro Needed," Mrs. Taylor, Mrs.
Ileiison, Mrs. Goiildcr, Mary lllle
Hcnson; rcadlugs, "Our Mountain
Work," Mm. H. F. Klfcr, Mrs. Will
iam Miller; reading. "X Horo," Mw.
V. S. Drandon; vocal dnct, Mrs
JMI ( ea0lf Mary HolIo Hcnson;
,., ,,iin f,i, ,h
lllble," JIm. Coburn Lewis. At tho
close of tho program Mm. Taylor
served dainty refreshments, assisted
by Mm. Itllcy D. lionson.
Last Wednesday evening Miss Am
broslno Murphy ontortalned a num
ber of her friends at her homo on
Summit ivvcnue, In compliment fo
Mr. Wcnc Paschck of Tho Dalles.
A burlcsmio wedding, In which
Miss Coffin and Mr. Goodrich were
tho principals; music, games and
dancing wero the amusements for the
evening. Ices nnd cake woro scrred
by the hostess.
Thoio present were: Misses Inex
Coffin, Anna Puriickor, Helen Kelly.
Carrlo Jacks, Pearl Ilopthc. Mary
Murphy, Esther Murpby, Catharine
Murphy, Ambroslno Murphy. Moure.
Paschck, Howard, Goodrich, Rukt.
Chllds, Purucker, John Murphy.
Miss Catherine Packard, whoko
honjc Is In northern Xow York. ha.
been a guest of a former student
friend, Mm, Ira J. Dodge of Perry-
dale, arriving in this city Tuesday
and leaving Friday evening. MUs
Packard and Mm. Dodge attended
college at Kent Place, near Now
York City. Tuesday evening Mm.
Dodge entertained twevo guests
with a buffet supper n compliment
to Miss Packard. Three tables of
brldgo wero enjoyed Weducsday
wornlng with Mm. Dodge as hostess.
Mm II. A. Groy, junior, waa hos
tess to u pleasant company nt her
homo Wednesday afternoon, enter
taining for Miss Packard. Mlsa Ida
Lee Ketitner received tho prlro for
highest scoro and Miss Packard tho
guest pruo. Those enjoying Mrs.
Grey's hospitality wero Misses Pack
ard, Alcthn Emorick, Hazel Davis,
Mabel Srantlln, Fern Hutchison, Jean
llorton. Ucss Kuntner, Phoobo Hanco,
Ida Lee Kentncr, Mesdamcs Edwin
Janney, Lathrop Perkins, Homer
Rothormal, Ira Dodge, Gcorgo Rob
erts, Albert lirown.
Friends of Mr. E. G. Trowbridge
Jr. gavo him a pleasant surprise
Thursday evening at his very pretty
bungalow homo ou Eleventh Street,
and enjoyed a social hour. Mr.
Trowbridge proved a very gonial
host, even though unproparod for tbu
occasion. Tuoso Iu tho party we-j
Mr. aud Mrs. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs.
Cunningham, Mr. nnd Mrs, A. A.
Flynn, Mr. and Mm. George Wil
liams, Mr. and Mm. Ren. Trowbridge
and Mr. 11. H. Haswoll.
Tho members of tho Lo Satuldes
club wore entertained by Mrs. Dart
Audcrsop at her homo this afternoon.
Mesdmues S- S. Smith, R E Antlo
und J. G. Wilson wero guests of Mrs.
Anderson, cluli mombors present be
ing Meudames Edward Sautter, Close.
George Collins, p. C. Von Scoyoe. W.
M. Van Scoyoe. T. C. Wllks, H. G.
Stocckuuiu, It. R. Ebel.
Tho East Sdo circle of tbo Ladles'
Aid society of thu Methodist church
was. ontortalned by Mrs. W. V. Mealy
Wednesday nttcruoQii. A social hour
fallowed tho biisiuosti tueotlng, a hut
tut luncheon being borved by tho
M(ssis Uvr'H mul Ida. Luo Kuntner
invited a numb of frloudn to toclc
homo Friday n(ttiru,oon Iu houor of
MIbb Cuthprlnq Packnrdof ow York.
Guests present numbered nWoon.
Floral ducoratluuij were dogwpnd. mid
violets, Oregon's most lieautKol wlld
flowor. 1
AWery delightful afternoon, tsa
was enjoyed by a cotgvlo of friends
Invltud, bp Mm. Udiuuud Rurko to
her homo Monday afternoon. In honor
of Miss McCormnck.
A fow friends woro Invited by
Councilman nnd Mrs. J, K, Stewart
to their home on Tenth street Thurs
day evening In honor of tho 2"t'
wedding anniversary of tho hot iuJ
hostesa, Ilrldgo was played (ir ft
short time, delicious rofrcihmnntK
thon being nerved by Miss D,H.
Thoso Invited woro Mr. and Mrs.
William Uud go, Mr. and Mm. Jot.p
Ilarnoburg, Mr. and Sirs, (jus New
Ixirry. Mlts Madgo McCormack, whoso
marriage to Mr. Ralph Mntthfseu
of New York took place thla week.
was guest of honor at a very charm
ing luncheon given Mondajr at (ho
Country club by Mrs. Chandler Egan.
Miss Dorothy Connor was hottest at
a dinner party given at tho Country
club tho same evening, In compli
ment to Miss McCormack.
Lodgo No. 11 C8 n. P. O. Elks held
their annual Installation of officers
Thursday evening. Following tho
ceremonies, a banquet was seryed
with clam chowder as tho ploco da ro
Mr. and Mrs. Y. H. Buttern, MIm
Reatrlco and Master William Suffcrn
Jr., left Monday for Roscburg, on
route to their homo at Dokatur, III.
Mr. Suffcrn la a holdor of larja
property tracts In Dokatur, and one
of tho leading business men of that
city. Whllo In Medford tho Sufferns
wero guests of old friends, Mr. and
Mm. S. S. Smith.
Miss Franccno McNaiwir of Central
Point returned to her homo Wednes
day after a visit with friends In this
city. Miss McXassar U a student ot
tho Medford conservatory, taking
part In tho sacred concert Monday
Mr. mid Mm. F. II. Hopkins and
other momboM of St. Mnrk'a Epis
copal church enjoyed social visits,
from tho Rt. Rev. Charles L. Scad
ding, bishop of Oregon, during tl
Judgo and Mm, MnbJon Pttrdln aro
now residing u their beautiful now
home on Geneva avenue, olio ot tho
most attractive streets ot thu East
Misses Eva and Ona Humphrey
loft tor Portland Wednesday evening.
Tho young womon have many friends
iu Medford and Jacksonville wbcro
they lately resided.
Mr. and Mm. Woller and daughter,
Mlia Mary, who recently qmno , to
Medford fro niKlamath Falls, leave
tho first of tho week for Sail Diego
to visit relatives.
Mr. G. T. Wilson arrived In tho
city Sunday to, spend a few d,ays with
Mm. Wilson and their daughters
Misses Grace and Jean.
MIm Ethelwyu Drown spout tho
past week with her pareuta, Mr. and
Mm. W. I. Hrown. She will lcava
tho city next Mouday.
Mrs. W. A. Hutton of Stormy
Ford, Cal., is visiting her pareuts,
Mr, aud Sirs. Frank WlUqu.
Mm. Ralph Souder of Minneapolis
Is a guest of her cousin, Mrs. Wlllnrd
Campbell ot this city.
" : '
Mrs. Homco Pelton and daughter
returned 'Sunday evening from Calif
Mrs. J.. W. Keyua apqnt Thursday
with Mm. W. T. Kentuvr tt JucUsou
vlllo. ' ' T
Mm. Rlntuo. Klupi has, returned
from it visit with friends, u,t Asjilaud.
Mrs. Cnr Cofor of Klmiia,th VU
Is n guest ut Airs. Hermo.'"!, King.
f '
Mrs. V. I. Vaster; U oujoyljjjt f.
vlfl.t Iu Portland.
i .4L- .a- t-Ji-
N. Le TQwn?nd
IJave Your Painting, TtlK an
Paper Hanging Doio hy a. Praellsl
Mechanic, Prices, RUhtj itlf
tlon quarnnlfcd, , , '
IPVP 11,1
710 UoHnett Ave.