ri ft j Bringing Up Father Kc I- W-V i -, 'JCLL HC?tPT.fcf that pin i.c2 f 7 ' &$ V - - !TVI'Tiu4ltl.U 111 "nrITTV ' . .1 -x llM . -. I IWSSSStf h PLIW DON'T wsffiwZjp- ' Jr' 'N i WIMIIT A T1 WHAT Do oi) "n iWDWUli Cllll. '' PC V ' ''' K T ME Nrr ( S" MEAN THAT .... T ? l -J-Hr-1 1 '' ' S I V X.- IMC OTHPO , - . sW f V I cAQLE POINT EAGLETS. I )y A. y. ifowlfH. I l.ant Sal 11 id uy ntKht ti liiiil unn of I ho muni !iitortlliHt nihlbltloiin Itmt wci Ikivo linil fur n Jour Unit., 1'iofi'Mor Jo HfnU;lun gave mi ix liltillluii In llio Kymuiinluin, a drill conlrnt lictwccu tlm wonirti and (lit in tin, mid. In addition to that wui Bl'i h rcittilar jwrfonnanc" In the lino of athlt'llo tpurtt. Tlm (Imt wai 11 dumb bell drill by (ho women. Th olnM nuinbcri'i! 10, but two wrro nb ftnt on account of tin. nrlppi. Thiuc Who tooli pnrl nhowfil thoy bad lind u Reed (nrhcr and Hint tboy linn ti'nld good attention to what had birn laiiRht tboin. Thry iiirily did fliio. Thi'ii tlm women pnvo (ho men a tdiallmiKo for n conti'Ni hi a uinrchliiK drill, and of con no they wor.i too Kjitlnut to di'dlnn to ncccpt, and tho rciiult nn that both Mm did tlirlr bent mid tho drill una pronounced Al by tho nudlonro, which couiilttcd of ICO or 17.'. pontoon, who watched With iimii Intereat. When It enino o tho deolnlon, MIm Kay .SMchoU mid Itnlph OwIiikn wcro anlrctotl aa repre cnliitlvoii of tho cont'mtnntu mid tbo profemior H.ild (ho onn who rccnUo-l (ho loudffit and inot prolonxed rheerliiK would b declanid tho vic tor, and out of coiirifity called for an oiprnaslon on lint ladlrn' jldn flrnt, not itilnklriK thnt that kbvo tho other ulilo n tleelded odvantaRo. When It eamn to (ho other aldn to bo votml oil (hero wax n crowd of llttlo boy who jelled on both aide, and of eourtn they would yell aa Ioiik ua any onn elao would, 10 by thnt intiAn tho boa won tho decUlon. Ono vory Important luqeiitlvo thai might Imvo hnd Home luflimnco wna thnt In of forliiK tho chnllmiKo tho Indlea pro poned lhai If Dm men won out they, tho ladlea, would nervo them with a ftnt. and thai iiiIrIiI mo had ttomo liiriueiiro In their declalnn. After that wan ovor the next per. formnm-n wnn a running hlRh Jump for men. They started with the bni t threo feol mid hept raUIng It two InVhea nt a tltno until It reached four ft'el mid elisht luchea. lly thnt (luio in'oat of tliu Jiiiupera had dropped oiit, Inn tlm content waxed wnrm af lV tho bur renchi'tl four itl nud four liiche, mid It wan mined only ono Inch nt a tlmo. Tlicro wcro aov oral who cleared tho bar t that dlie Imico from tho floor. Tho reatilt o llio hlHli Jump was: Harry llrynut flrnt, A. i:. Strom; nerond, nnd Hay llmnlHh third. Ilryuui nnd Htroim tied nnd they cunt lot for tho prlxo, It fallliiK to llnrry llrymit Then rolluwcil an oxhlbltlou of puuclilni; tlm Hiik by Hurry llrymit. Tho noxt mih thi miviiu potato race for men. TIiIm wna (Im motit excltliiK pnrt of Iho wholo orfornmiice. 'h contest was not Ioiik, but Hnnrp. Tho wju iii'iH In tint potnto rare were: Ht'ronit flrnt. I'red Kin ley iiocond and Hav. I.. I.. Hlnunona th'lrd. Wo then' hud an exhibition on (ho bar by the ladleN mid thoy HiiriirUnd tho uatlvoM to turn how well thuy pu'rforiuud their part. Then norlen of iiorformaucoH on tho Imr by tho iiion,' but tho ernwnliiK exhibition wau tho pitlNupH on tho bar by tho inon, lifting thoniflolyos, nt nrnia liiimth, nnd iilnojiiK tlio oilu on toi of tho linr.ovory tlmo. .Among tho flrnt thoy wont im hluh, as 15 tlmiM. nnd then thuy would go u llttlo moro ami finally Wllllnm Wright placed bin oh In on tho bar 20 times; tlion Ralph OwIukh mid A, 10, Strong tied ut IS, vvliou tlm contest ended by drawing lots to ducldo which should huvo tho Bucond plnro on tho list and tho result was 'thnt Ojvlngs won tho, hocoihI plucd, TiAror vvoro fourprlros offorod for tho best gonornl per for'mofH, ono gohl and tltroo jlyof, and tho result was (lia't A, ij, Strong won Iho first, Wllllnm Wright th nccpud, Hurry Urynu( (hlrtl imJ ilov.i (jlminoiiii tho fourths Tho con trot wi'iH no cloe thai It would li.ivo beep Impomdblo fof one unnccuc touted to tho Rjiimnntlc oxerclien fo hnvo decided, but tho declnlon wan tundu lu conformity to tho regular rule. 1 Imvo made thla article aa hoit aa 1 could to cover til" crptihd and I wanted to give an Impartial account, an 1 Know that there up already ISO palm of eyes watching for It In tint Kaclctt. PHOENIX PARAGRAPHS Mrt. V. f'oleiunu of Jacksonville won in (own .Saturday. Tin member ami friemK of the Clnihtlnn I'liuiVli held n Mirprino to elnl nl (lie homo of (eh iAntor niul wife, .Mr. niul Mr. A. WliiilJon, hint TlmrKilny rvuiiinj,'. Tlm V. V. T. V. will meet nt the homo of .Mrn. John Copo Thurnilny uftumooii. The Proflijlerinii youu peoplo ot thin plni'a prenrnled "Tint Miliaps of Miiicrvn" in the Juekfouvillo hili ni'hool lnt.t Indny eveninjr lo a Inrps mid npiri'i'liitixe nudlnice. The ynnuj; peoplo xvero well plenbeil with llio reception ;ieii thvm by the peo ple of Jiiekcoitville. S. I.. line'iH nnd family iiuiM'd from tho old Tnlor place (o tho 0. A. Morno rnneh thin week. Mr. Hnpnw in In tho employ of tho Moc Kenlty eompniiy. Work hcRnn this week on drilling (he wells for elty wntcr. C. II. Green, of Spokane, Wnhhincton, who Iuih the I'onlraet for iiiHtnllini- Hie Nybtem, ex eet to hnw It eompleteil by the fin.1 of June. The I'hoenix Illaekmilhiui; com pauy nro mining; out of their btiildiiiK optoslto the xt office two hlockK farther north into (ho Pitt building, which wan formerly a blacksmith hlllip. Dan, Not Don. Through a typoKrnphienl error in the Mail Tribune recently it uih mnilo lo appear that Don ('ameiiiu of Jneksoiixillo had been indicted for as Miult with intent to eimmit rape. The article hlnmltl have read Dan Cniuer on, Don Camcioii is nt present in i,Muterii Oregon, his home, however, being n( Jneksoiiville. MARKET REPORT l'rlrwi l'jilrt by Dealers r:(i(,i-inc. HUTTKIt 30e. I'OTATOKS U)itO$:iUf. CAlU.AOn-lfJ?l-jo. AI'PhKS IO(We. ONION'S 7,"ie(al 1.10. CAIIHOTS c(j9$l.U0. I'AKKNIPS 7ffiFl TUWlI,S-7flc(ffi$l. GA Ul'l FLOW :i t 75e$l .25. Al'I-LKK-IIOi-r.'m. IIONKY 10lfid lb. CI DIM - kiiI. C11ICKHNS Hens, lflo. I'OHK KifBTfio. IIKHF lOffl'JOo. LAHD-lOe. . HACON IdfjDlBo. KIIOUI-DKHS llo. HAMS 18u. MvcMorli IIO0S Drossod, 801 nlivo 0'4s. 8IIISKI lljo. BTKKKS-AHvo, Go. COWSAllvo, C5VjO. VBAIi DrcbBoil, Ho. POUIntV Mixod ihlokena, 10oj Hpringa, lL'e: dressed, lUllo. Hay nutl Grain Soiling PrToo.') ' ' WHfiAT-$l.GO. OATS-r$l.00, ... HAY-,Votoli, $1 ton; grain, $13. IVsUKV-V ton. CQRN-$:j0 ion, ... met5f5tid irAw rttrofts, CENTRAL POINT POINTERS I 4 1 Hurry Sliennaii of Ashhiud Is hciu visiting relative. Mr. .Smith of Tolo was hhojipiug here Tuiifcdny. The frehmcu entertained (lie xopti more clnti nt the home of Mr'. Itob ert Kyle Tuculny evening. The home wns beautifully decornted niul the evening vvna npent in various i-ocial amusetneulv. The freshmen deserve much eredit in tho vvnv everything wns planned nnd the vvuy caeli and every one did their part. Much praise Is also duo M! llcvbe in helping them plan this affair us thin in the ! first freshman receipt ion that has over been given. Just before titpc for lunch it mesheuger came bringing u marsfiiuallow pudding with the coin pljments. of the senior class. Mi lleebe told the class It wits no April fool but that the hcuior class wanted to, cancel all ill-feeling that had ex isted between tho olasses. Mr. lvelsoe, who has been running the VoM'oru stand here, has gone out of hudincM.'. The little oii of Mnyor nnd Mrs. i owiey, who uas oecii qinio in nun pneiimoniii, is much better nnd will. Minn bo till rlht ntmin ' mioii lie nil niii n(,iiin. ) .1. It. Holmes . oitv manOinl. has been ipiite ill hut is now nblu to be out ngnln. ' CITV TUDASt'HKU'H NOTICK. Notice la hereby given that tho City of Medford, Jackson County. Oregon, will tako up and cancel tho following Improvement )waan: No's. 433 to 435 Inc., dated Nor. 1, 1910. No's. 137G to 1379 inc., dated Nov. 1, 1911. Wntormalu Improvement lloudu, No. 1 of Rerlea "O." dntod Nov. 1, 1911. Intercut on tho above nnmed bond will ceano at tho next Mitnl-unnual Interest pnlng period May 1. 1913. aua. it. HAMUKua. City Treasurer. Dated March 31. 1913. NOTICE OF HALE OK IIONDH. Notice la hereby glvin that tho Town ot I'hoenix, In Jackson County. Oregon, hereby offers for nalo 122,000.00 ot Its negotiable coupon 1913 wnter bonds due- In ten yenrs with Interest nt ktx per cent payabto seml-aniuinlly. said bonds being In denominations of $1000.00 each. Sealed propoaals will bo received for tho purchnso prlco or nnld bonds or any portion thereof by tho under signed nt nuy tlmo uororo April 7, 1913. nt 7:30 1. M. All proposals must bo accompa nied by a certified check drawn on sonio State or National bank In Jack son County, Oregon, for 5 per cent on tho amount bid. llio samu to bo forfeited providing tho bidder, It his bid Is accepted, falls to purchnso tuld bonds within thirty dnys nttei being notified of tho acceptance of his bid, In accordance thorowlth ami to bo returned to said blddor lu enso said bid Is not nccopted, Tho Council reserves tho right to NEW TODAY oO nines of choice hind in crop, houso nnd burn mid other buildings, four good lini'M's, u lot of ,iogs mui oluckens, llnpleuieiits nnd tools of n kinds,, also two-thirds of tho crop on over 100 Here adjoining rented ground. All goes for $11,000. This is extra good land. Figure it out, 100, acres on tho AtyPlogntc, we'll improved. N $30.00 per noro, IfJO nore ..uejtr good town nearly nil enltivntion. $15.00 per nero. l'JO nurcs near good town, no hiilldinga. $00.00 per miro. v TIioho threo places nil uro, raising . . , . . -. noiiie tiiiiiiiu, iiiivu tmlll iingmniu, nnd moro onn ho easily developed. All near pchool and IrniUtigpoiuts, Thoy tiro nil money lnnkcrs, C. D. HOON ... Room lii .Tacksou County Hnnk DIdg fe!e")liviie 1037-i. . . . , rtEPFomj omcooNr, "Wednesday, Avnrh 2r join, reject any and nil bid. Dated March 25, 1013. !'. H kuuUy, Itecbrder of tho Town of I'hoenix, Oregon. KOIl nKNT HOU8IC8 FOH HUNT Furnlihed 508 8. (J rape. bungalow-. 10 KOIt ni:.NT Furnlihod C-room Iioubc, water rent paid, $25. CI 8 King nt. KOIt Ili:NT FurnUhed houne, cioio In. M. A. Hador, at M. F. & I!. Co. KOIt IlKNT A well furnUhcd 5 room bungalow, with alecplng porch. 211 Laurel st. Key at 11. C Kcntuer'a. COS W. 10th. Tele phono 73 Aihlnnd. FOK Itfc.T Kour room liounc. 203 North Grape. Call next door north for key. n FOR Itn.VT Two room furnlahcd houao, 315 North Ilartlett. 11 KOIt ItKNT Strictly modern (5 room houso with alccplug porch. Also teven room bungalow fur nished If desired. Also threo room holme. W. II. Evcrhard, 1013 W. 9th nt. you ftuxT yyitsisma AITS. FOH ItKNT Summor ratoa begin A,ir" X ul tho crbn KvcrythlnB ntt.. ,.Pi..n,n t,..n, .,.. .I-., , . completely furnished apartments. 10 Qulnco st. ,, FOR ItENT FUH.V1HIIKW ItOOMS FOR RENT Largo .sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart .v. .......u wHk.., IMUIIIIt, L'IW, ments, prices vory reasonable Pbono 1026-L. 222 South Holly street. FOR RENT NIco modorn rooms with board nt Mrs. Fay's, 22 Oonova Avo. V01X RENT IIOUHEKKEPINQ ROOMS -J'JlJlJBll 1 llll II II ! L Hlll llll !! IJ U-JII lt. FOR RENT Sulto of 2 or 4 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, plumbed, lighted, lower floor. 729 W. llth. FOH 11KX1 OKJT1CKS FOR RENT Urge, comfortabloVf--fico rooms with elevator sorvlco, steam beat, hot and cold wator. Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. - - -S - -gcxg ; - FOR NALI- KAIOI LANDS FOR SALE 13 acres on Rlvcrsldo drlvo overlooking. Rogue river: 3 acres young orchnrd, part bearing, balsuco alfalfa mid grain land very sightly. Ideal location foi couutry home. Exclusive neigh borhood. Ucniitlful residences sur rounding. C. D. Woolverton, River ltend Rnuch, Gold Hill, Ore gon. 335 KOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1C0 acres finest land In feouthenateni Oregon, 1 Hi miles Lakeview. Will trade for alfalfa or grain laud In Rogue River valley or tributary valleys. Address Mrs, 11. M. Mar nier. Ashluud. Oro. n -t KOR SALE 190 feet froutngo Da KOta avenue. lBO feet oft Novy. town; 90.5 foot doop; will divide. Prlco tor nil, $900. Address a. R.. Tribune. 327 KOR SALE OR RENT Now 5-room modern houso, full btisqmout; also 4-room houso. C28 West Palm St.. 1H blocks west ot North Oak- cinio. 331 6-ROOM houso, modern In every way. Two flroplacos. . hardwood floors; In vory best neighborhood. Flno grounds.. Never boon occu pied. Cost of houso; $4000; unin cumbered. Will oxchango tor ncre ngo or sell, Seo ownor,. J. O,' Barnes, Klrst Natl, Bank bldg. KOR SALE A now 10 room modorn houso, comont foundation, cornor Iqt, lawn and shado trees; near llitngnlow Add. n desirable homo, y.nluo $3000; turins. C3tl 4th et. 10 KOIt. SAf.K Furnished houso on quarter bleck: COO acres of land; easy terms. Call or address owner, H. M. Cots. C04 West Tenth street, Medford, Oro. 321 FOR 8A1X LOTS KOR HAliK 3 lota on Ttos court at n sacrifice, for cash. C. D. Wool verton, Gold Hill, Ore. 335 KOIt SALE 190 feet frontage Da kota avenue, 150 feet oft New town; 90.5 feet deep; will divide. Prlco for nil, 1900. Address G. R.. Tribune. U KOR BALK See! You Tcxans. I have a building lot 55x117. south front, at an attractive price. G. K. Dyer, owner. 1111 .V. Cat. 11 FOR SALE MlHCKIiLAXEOUS KOR SALE Complete electro plat ing outfit. Can bo made a money making business. Only one In town, practically new. Inquire 28 North Grape, City, KOR SALE Safety raior. Mall Tribune. Call at KOR SALE Klrst class grain hay, S a tou. I'houo H-13-W. 9 FOR SAUK Fruit bo labajs In ono two' or threo colors, printed aa you ordor at tho Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Complcto Cedcrborg electric frost thermometer, good as now, cost $15; will sell for $10. l'lione 2S4-R. 10 FOR SALE Calling cards, printed, engraved or embossed at the Mall Tribune office FOR SALE Loose leaf ledger sys tems, any stylo or made to order by the Mall Tribune bindery. FOR SALE Two 10-horse, ono 5 horso, ono 3-horso electric motors with starters and transformers. Hubbard Dros. 321 FOR SALE Shado trees, two years old Cntollnu poplars, very fast growing, 40o ench. 512 S. Oak dalo nvc. Phono 123-H. 3C4 FOR TRADE OR SALE A pluno for automobile, or will sell. Ad dress P. K., caro Tribune 9 FOR SALE Good second hand 3- lnch wagon with box and springs. J. l (lodlove, R. F. D. No. 2, Medford, Oro. 9 FOR SALE Largo bulbs of tho fin est varlotlcs of cactus nnd decora tive dahlias. Tel. 815-R. 10 FOR SALE Legal blanxs, tresspass notices, for sale or ront sings at the Moll Tribune. FOR SALE Letter heads and fancy stationery, printed, engravod or ombossed, ns you wish at the Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Early Sunrlso nnd Un do Sam seed potatoes. E. W. Carl ton, Central Peint: phouo Farm ers 114. 322 KOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE liylug bronze turkey bens eggs $1 per 15. Ilolniont rauch. Phono ll-K-12. 12 KOR SALE Eggs uud baby chicks from my select winter laying htraln ot S. C. Rhqdo Island Reds. Ordors booked uuw. G. W. Bene dict.. 219 Mountain Avo. Phone Ashland. 251-U 11 KOR SALE Ono dosou Barred Rock hens. Eggs for hatching, C04 Plum st, M. B Mall Tribune. KOR SALE White Wyandottps, bronze .turkey eggs nnd stock, .J. H, Fuller, Talent, Oro. 29 HELP WAXTKD-r-FKM.VLia WANTED Girl for r.cnoral houso work. Phono 757-L. 9 WANTBD Girl wanted to holp with hpusowork afternoons. Phouo iu0-R. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on reul estate. Address iuq euro of Hotel Medford as I nm out of city part of tlmo. B. L. Dodge. 32 MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In rnnoh property, 0. A. McArthur, room 3, P, O. block, jihQUQ 3081, By George McMariiis OIlCHARDIST, Gorman, seeks em ployment on largo fruit farm; sev en years experience in Germany and 10 months on large fruit farm In Oregon; good references. Ad dress Orchardlst, 335 Morris st., Portland, Oregon. 9 WANTED Lawn mowing, trimming spraying rosebushes, garden work I'hono 103S-L. H WANTED Family work to tako iiomo or will go out by the hour. Phono 9CS-J. ll WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 1330 pound fnrm team or single work horse; also ex change small tract In thrce-yenr-old pears, with or without build ings for bungalow In Med for J. Ad dress K. P. X., caro JIall Tribune. 3P.I WANTED A listing on your proi orty. I can hindlo $100,000 worth of property If tho prlco Is right. What navo you for exchango or salo Havo money to loan or will tab'o up your mortgage or deferred payments. J. C. Dames, 1st Natl. Dank bldg WANTED Furnished house; must bo modorn and reasonable. Ad dress L. G., Mall Tribune. 10 WANTED $1800 loan on $7000 Im proved bearing orchard security, earns 10 per cent on that ntnt. yr. 1913; for ono to 5 yrs., at 8 per rent. Address Dox C3, caro Mall Tribune FOR KXCHAM'B FOR SALE OR TRADE One 40 horscpowcr Rambler nutoraobllo lu good shape, will trado for any thing of equal value. Address A. W. Guthrie, Murphy, Oro. 324 nusiNir&i Diur.tnonY Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO., No. C, South CentraL Auto Huppllca LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret lu making springs Is the tempering. Wo are operating the largest, oldest nnd best equipped plant iu tho Pacific northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 2G North Fif teenth St., Portland, Oro. Attorney oTTjTrka M SC "law YE h'r O fif Ice Medford National Bauk bldg., sec ond floor. PORTER J. NEKF. WM. P. MBALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Rooms 1 and 2, Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford. Oro. t -x Accountant. D. It. WOOD Gonoral Accountant Your books audited and Kept for a reasonable flguro; your business solicited. Offlco, Modtnrd Mall Trlbuno bldg,: phono 611-R-2; res idence phono 537. Typewriting MULT1GRAP1I1NG, TYPEWRITING, Stenography, Machluo Dictation, all classes ot circular letter work, Ono or ono thousand letters, tho prlco will bu right and according to tho tlmos, Stlmulato your busi ness with Interesting facts con cerning propositions, or bargains. You can boBt do this with Multi graph work. Phone. l.'iq-R. McMil lan Uubjlclty. AiWrllliuiCo., room 9, Jaiikaijn County. Bauk. pXoe f .. . . . i 7 i i cH 'X t I Otlrvprsxtoor DR. R. J. LOCICWOOD. Chiropractor, nervo specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Garnott-Corey bldg. Vapor batbs and scientific massage given; sdrlce In' (Hetetlcs, Bedkmt gym astiea, hydroptberapy. Lady at tendant. Phone, office 045, resi dence C71-R. DR.. ASJL HEDCJES; Dr. Louise B. Hedges, Mechano - Therapists, Chiropractors, Spondylotheraplsts. These systems, Including dietetics, curative gymnastics, hydro-tber-a'pby, etc., produce results In both acute and chronic diseases. Con sultation free. 230 North Ilartlett St, next door to M. E. church. Hours 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phone 417-J. Dentlsta DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., snlte 910. Medford, Ore. Pbono 856. Gar bag's GARDAGE Get yonr premises cleaned up for .the winter. Call on tho city garbage, wagons for good service. Phone 625-L. F. Y. Allen. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Ouf treee are budded, not grafted. Oar stoek Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out Wa are not la tho trust. If. Q. Patterson.. Offlee removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance, next to barber shop. FSl Notary Tublie HELEN N. YOCKBY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to me at the alga ot The Mall Tribune. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. has "tie best equipped, printing office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North First Physicians and Surgeasva DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 416-417 Oarnett-Corey bldg.. phone 103G-L. Residence 430 South Laurel st. Dn. 8. A. LOCKWOOD Pbyslclaa i,and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D Practice limited to diseases of womon. Offices 233 E. Main, Phones, offlco 8C7; rcsldonco, 814. DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, cjtr, nose and throat Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Office 2Z8 East Main St Hours 8;30 n, m. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. B. PICKEL. M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Office phono 43-R; rcsldonco phono G8-R. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon. Stewart bldg.. corner Mala and Bartlctt sis.; offlco phone 27, rcsldonco pbono 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physl clan and Burgeon. Office Pain block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANOY Phyalclsn and surgeon. Phones, offlco 36, resi dence, 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Phono 904-M. R. J. CONROX. M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon. Ovor Hutchison & Lutna don, 215 E. Main St. Phono 7J, E. KIROHGESSNEK, M. D. Prac tice limited to chronlo diseases. Office Hotel Holland, Saturdays 10-3. Both phones. Residence phenes: Fnrmor 16xx5 Eagle Point and Roguo Rlvor line. . -,.j Ktcnogruphcii ELLA.M. GAUNYAW Palm bloak. Stonogrnphlo work done quickly and well. Trans ter EADS TRANSFER & 8T0RA0B CO. Offlee. iq South Fir it Phew 315. prices right. Servlee guar- auteea. t f v 1 l 1 I i i