1 f & t frtiron Hfifirfi.i CHyHaH -IT tern a Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Hlioncr tonight nml tomor row. Mux. fl, Mitt, ill. Kiiity-tlilnl Ynr imlly Uiililli Year. M15DF0KD, OIWIOX, "WJIJlttJKSIMY, A PHIL 2, 39KJ. NO. 9. IN f. i T IN ITS HISTORY River 1 5 04 Feet at Cairo nml Evrry Citizen Is Worklnn on the Levees Under Police Compulsion Railroad Communications Cut Covrrnor Cox and Relief Commission Tmirlnu Flooded Dlitrlcts to Or Ijnnlzo Relict Work CAIItO, III., April 3. Kvory man In litis city Ih working todny on tin., levees with the exception of grneor. physicians, tinker, druggists nml immpnper moil, v ho urn nomled In ntliiir quarter. All others urn threat iinuil with arrest miles thiy report lit tliu loveos. Hnrly today tho river wn CI 1 frill hc-tfl, ln blithest It hn been In tin- history of tint city. A tUo of another foot I expectod. Tim Ohio lovo. protecting forty city lilockn, U bulkhmulmt to u height of 68 foot. Home women nml children nm till) krv nml nro aiding In tho work on I ha lovofw. Tim railroad contmiit, -cut to n between hero nml Cairo Inlnnil U "Hl off. but the wlro facilities ,ir Munmlly undisturbed, Tim weatlmr fitrcntnt declare If n lirrnk In tin rlvur eeenr below the- town It pralf ultly will iiillcnCtttro. illllii HGHES ANDSTILLRISING coi.u.Miii'a. Ohio. April :. :.iv. ornor Cot nml tho Ohio relief com mission tinliiy plim n tour of tho state,' flnodml illitrlrtN preparatory to Inaugurating n plan of roll'! norK for flood sufferer that will run Into tho hundred of thousands. It wan Mtlmittmt today that $100. 000 will lnt mtt'itiwl In Columbus to nlil In the riMwtnlilUliincnt of lioninn nml Hint $600,000 will ho necdeii In l)sytnu nlono. Tkn stricken dlAlrlct or npppsl line for mure money, n th.i fln.i ires In thtt hiimtn of the relief committee i nro filing low. iMylon. .Marietta, Portsmouth nml Xnncsvlllc iii'id money hndly. LOVETT'S PLAN 10 IE E5PEE IE MEETS DISFAVOR WAHIIINOTON. April S That no Iiiih several objection to tho plun ovnlvml by JihIko Robert l.ovwtt, ohnlrinnii of tho Union Pacific r.ill nmil, to effect tho dissolution of tho lltirrlmnu merger, was admitted hy Atlornuy (lencrul Miituyuold hero today. Mctloyuolds stutml: ."Tho objections of tho Cullfornlit statu railroad commission do not en tor thu cam now, because I hnvo 111 , own criticisms to.mnkn roncornlni( 11 portion of tho plan. I linpn noiiio achiimo mny ho nrrniiKod for tho into hy tho Union Pnclflo of Siail.uOu.liOO of (ho Southern Parlflc's stock now In tho treasury of tho former lino." IDENT HAUJM, Oro., April 'J. Hick and accident liianrnnro policies which ro Kit lot thoinsulvoH to 11 llmltud elms or kind or mnnnor of uccldontH, ln JurloH or (Ukoiibch uru hnrrod from thin i.tuto hy-wn on! it IhniioiI toduy hy Hlnto Inatimnro CommUtilonor J. V. h'orKiinon, "Cortnln roinpiinloH havo boon I J 1,11 1 UK nccldunt pnllr.loH which limit tho cnmpiwiy'H lluhlllty to nccldonti that would ho nlmoxt Impotalhlo for onu to hnvo," null! CoimnlHRlonor t-'ot1 KiiHon, In oxplanatlon, "Thou when a policy holdor U In J mod ho cannot lucnvor from tho company. That In thu Hurt of policy wo want to nm out of tliU Htato." draco (Idoiko Ih Hhortly to appnar In a revival of "OIvoicoiih," In which play uho in 11 do hiicIi a hiiccohh koiiui HciiBona ago. L ONLY AIDED BY TURTLE SERUM Orcfjon Cliyslclan Says Frictlmann Is Sincere and Vacclnel of Value but Not In Pulmlnary Cases Bone Tu berculosis Dcnellted Most It Will Do Six Weeks Before Result ol Experiments Is Known and Rec ords Must Be Awaited ASTORIA, Dm-., Api'il 'J.- Ir. Al fred Kinney loilny iri,iii,il tin1 fol Imwiii; iiii-mhii(,'i.' ('nun his fnllicr. Dr. AukiinI Kiniii'V, lio ih hrul hy III" Oiron Hluti ImiiiiiI of licaltli lo in vixtli;alo tho ulli'cil tiilicrcnloHlH iMiii' hroiiiilil lo HiIm riniulry frnin (Icriiiiiiiy hy Dr. Kirili'tirk Knuz I'Hfiliimiin: "I will hlurt liotun IliitH wrvU iih It i uhi'Icws to ri'iunlii loiiKpr. It ill ho Mix weeks before iiti thine tlefinlto H kniMMi ill iH'unl to the resiilU of the t mil incut of llie pultiKiiiiirv hich. Su fur in tliee the iuipmeuient is hut Kliffhl. In HiirKienl ttihereulnxis of kIiiihN, Imok'h nml jolulf the improve iiuuil in fiiuly rapid. I hclictr tlux in due to Hie iiilniu'iHtiw uielhod of iiilinini'.liMtioii nml I think liihereulin n nn tiNo it if mii riw'ii noiild hhow uuifnniil.v iih iiiek liuproeuienl. "I think rriednini 11 in sincere nnd liin vaccine in of crenl wiluu ill te liclcd eiifCrt hut from (ilierviitinif. to ditto I eaniiot xee the nilvniilii(je of U neeine oor lite one wo nr iiilnu in pniinoiinry eaxen, hut no far nn obtiervcd we nre neltiu better re Miltx. "I liuvo urmiiKcd hero with Dr. I'melor In cliurj:e of the eoiiRiiuiitive wnrd ul llolevue llofpitnt lo semi me weekly hid daily obicrvntioiw inmle up in rceordM nnd clintls of nil the patientx treiiled by rriedmann in Del Invito Hint I have tho record nnd clinrU of, preioii to reeeiiiiK tin rrieilmnnii Ireutmeiit. TIhsjh nre of iatieiitrt residing iu llellevue from one to Kovcml nioiilln with Minitnry ooinlilioiiK iincliiiiip-il. Wlinli'tor llie deffree of imprnxement luited iu tltehc cuke will bliow Hint Hiieh improve ment i( due solely to the tieiitlliolit. I'imui llieo record nnd clmiU of ex amiunlioiiH of the Iuiikn 1 will mukc up in final rcHirt lo the Orepui state board of lienlth nnd it will be so in delail that exery jiulmounry eert in Oicpin can foim hit own conolu sion." ERTAKER F CORPSE A LIVE ONE HAN DIIHJO. Cnl , April S "Oo to llurunp hotel, Kot body of It. K. Moyco nml uhlp It to u a at San Iran- clnco." Ho rend a tolt'Kram received by an undertaker hero. It wan from a prominent Han Krauclnco undertak Iiik cHtiibllxlimont. The local 111.111 at once Hcnt to thu hotel for tho body, They found .Moyco nil rlRht, hut ho was tho llvellent dead man they had over encountered. Ho wna propped up Iu bed roudliiK a niiiKiuluc, nnd wild! "Mo dead? Not much! Tin Reed for at least CO yearn yet." InveutlRatlnu nhowed that Moyco had been neelni; thu Bight of Han DIoko with n friend the nlKht before. They becamu separateil and the friend hoard that Moyco had been run over hy an automobile and killed. Ilo toloKrnphod tho nnd notH to Moyco'a rotative In 81m Trail- cIhco. L CASE IS NOW UNDER WAY Tlio euso of tho Klulo v H. T, Hanwcll of IIi'ih city for cinher.islcmiint was called in'iho circuit court today. It will be Iliad foitlit. MiiHWMi'll in cliniKcd with cuibezzliiij; tlin from tlio Wood-Curtitf company of Saeramonlo while ucling iih their iiaont, A ASS Million Dollar plri f Xji, . am& A I,, fllX cjH; MS aBaabi . lni . lBB b if t- . Mf. . JBaBBBBBBa I bbbbH&I.'W mBHHRIBiBHe&U ' taSliV'i.VlBBBaQBHBBV -bbbbHbbbbbHbbbb7 I BBBBV1' 1 VTtSMnBpnBBHBi. BbH ''"' P". 'IBBbM BBBBBBBBBBBBBm 1 IBBBDBlBK'VAnMCarSyBBHBBuflBBBH ', "WPBBB BBBBBBBBBH k I BBaHBaHaWlwr alH0Kl04laBBBBH - HWWfWwHiWBlM t bbbbbbbLLLH I BBBBBBBBBJBBnBKBJU BBHUItfJUS'TBBBBBBajBB.' vWbbS , rlBn.'k, BaTBBk. aAtt bbSbBBBBBBH 1 laaw'WBBMBnBr.Tj otfmlaKFSiKBB.,mL.Ai,-mMmM YmVmKmT iH bbbbbWbbbbbI I PbBK.u-1VbSbVL BW i pWBTaWBBTBFIBBBr MiWWB' I TWHTbTbi i "ill bTM bTbTbTbBBBBM I tBLaraBflHaV" CC' jl,,JiBVBIHKSBBBK' i alHI' IHFaaaWP I BMaWallllllalllllllllWi IBBBBflflHBHBflBWVMlBkBBBHBBBBm!' J BBBBmfL' !HEBBrBV'' 4 ' ' l BBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBI I KtmHKBBmBa3SSSIL. bbbIIIIAbbH '' "" bbbIIIIIIIIIIIIIhv I JBHP' jF "" BBBBBBlaVflBBBLlBBBBBBKBl '9TKBBE Bb 1 IbV aaaBBVBBBBBBaaaBaaPlM rBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaEH IF Bbujb aaaaaL' w3v LJi I Bam BVBTBTBTBTflBTBTBTBffAaW .aTaa&IL '' 4SHBTaTaTaTaTaTam aTal & aTaTaTam. XlVf7 J ki.i .iivCiafii 'llio iirrompntijloi; phoioKrnpli sIioh L IP. HELD AT ROME JlO.Mi:, April .-Ortinc to Ficnchl foriiiiiliticH iitlemlini; the rmuovul of bodicN, plans for a special train to curry the body of J. 1'ierpoiit Morgan to C'heiboitri; iu order that it may b put nboard u liner there, were uhniid oiled hero today. Herbert Sntnrlee, Morgan' son-iii-linv, who iuw ohnryc of the I'uiienil nrniiieiiii'iit-i lieie, an nounced today that llie body will probably bo taken to New York on the liner llc of France, leaving lluvre Saturday. If tin plun i followed out the party will lenve lime tonight. Willi I'niti'il Ktnte nmbassador O'llrieu, relnlivoH nml close frieudt atlendiin;, liricf son ice over .Mor Kan' renmins were held loilny iu tho parlor of the Omnil hotel. Itcv. Mr. Nelson officiated. Morgan's body was placod on nn ordinary frolxht ear, which carried a nuiubor of other oxprenit packagi. Tho family occupied n private idccpor and dlnltiK car. Amorloau AinlinHitador O'llrlun waa advised tunlKht tlut l-'ranro hud consented to penult tho body to itom IU frontier without officint pnrml lou. It wnt said that It would ro iiilr four da) a to obtain official consent. SE TO LONDON, April 2. It was an notincvd today In thu house, of com mons that two ItrltUh warships aru en route to thu Adriatic ten to job) Iu a demonstration with other Kino pean powers against Montenegro's stand In rofusliiK to allow foieUu residents to leave Scutari. Tho do. nionstratlon will buKin nt Autlvurl. DIspatchcH received tonlKht from Ottlujo vny tho hIcro of Scutari nm been suspended pondlnt; tho arrival of Servian reluforiemeuts. Thu bom bardment of thu city, It was said, would bo leaiinied tomorrow. NKW YORK, April 2.--Uulon Pn clflo and Steel woro heavy nt tho opening of tho stock market. I.o hi uli Valley, Interhoro preferred, licet 8unnr, Chlcano & tlrcat West ern and othor standards valued, how over. Canadian 1'aclflo loBt two points. Tho collnpBo of various Her man hiuikluK Institutions, nnd Inti mations that tho Hnlkaus nnd tho powers do not acreo on thu pencu terms offered Turkey, bothored tho speculators somowhut. Sharp rlsos prompted many to rcalUo, 1 SERVGES MORGAN BRITAIN i SHIP ADRIATIC Theives on Their Way Hie .lii"lrrt rmully, under nrret In New Orleans following fllnht from their 8l,.",0O.OOO mOihIIp In lilr eH)rt. T EOR TIE CAUSE Panklturstlan ParaGraphs We hnxe lo ureato u situ- ntion in which the ordinary bii-diii'oH man ill ery eut: " "We will not hnVe this state of thiii); jalhro,miv Ion;? 4 or." I linte not only been break- lug the laws myself, but I hnvo hern iueiliut; nnd insti- pntiiif' nnd preparing other persons, to do the name. " I 'fiaw advised, I have In- "" cited, I havo conspired, and I say thin: Tho authorities need not look for the women " who have done what they did Inst nif;lit (referring to the "" blowing up of the Lloyd- "" "" (leorge houe.) I accept tho " lespunsibilily for it. LONDON, April 2. Self-eonfeed instigator of the recent suffragette reign of terror, Mrs. Kmmrliuc I'nnk liurst pleaded not guilty today nt llie Old llnilcy court, to tho chnrge of inciting her followers to blow tip Chnncellor of the Kxcheipier Lloyd (leorge'rt country villa nt Walton lieuth on I-Vbriinry 10 lust. Mt. I'nnkliurft pleaded without a show of emotion, calmly niiuouue iug that she intended to nut n her own ntloruey. Thu militant lender nnived'nl Old Hailey in nn nulonio bile nml was escorted into court hy n score or more inililunt suffragette IcudeiN. Jusliee I.iihli Is presiding over the ttial and the crown is represented by Attorney Itodkiu, Travera nnd Humphrey. Attorney ltodkin vend tho polieo transcript of the speech Mrs. I'auk huret inude nt Cardiff, the defendant frequently interrupting tho nttomey. Hefiko pleading to Hie charge Mrs. Pnuhhiirst, through tho United Press, sent this message to suffragettes: "I fully expect conviction nnd nm prepared for the tortures of impris onment nnd forcihlo feeding. Hut I will fight o the bitter cud. "I won't hesilnto to nse every means for possible- escapo or to ob tain my release, thong I am sure of technical conviction in this court. 'Wo already have made plans for a great demonstration in Albert Hall next .lanuary. No innttor how this ouso, 1 will be out by then and nnd nddress that meeting." Today win tho sixth time- Mrs. Pnnkhurst had been in tlio prisoners' dock since, with tho co-operntion of her dnughlers, Christohcl nnd Sylvia, sho Inaugurated tho cnmpaigu of militancy soven years ngo, It is es timated that in this period thu property-destroying activities of the tuf frngettes have 'cost the publiu more thmi $2,000,000. MRS PANKHURS POSES AS MARTYR to Jail After Arrest :s WIFE LEAPS OFF BRIDGE TO ICY DEATH OMAHA. Neb.. April 2. l)cssin dent ncr her hu.hatidV transfer to the I'liiippiiic, Mr. Greta Hull, wife of Colonel John Hull, l. S. A., Icued head forvmoht eighty Jlvis feet into the Missouri river from the Douglas Street bridge iu tiie view of hundreds nnd is dead hero today. Wlw.-b.fjr body was recovered half n mile down the stream she was still breathing, but passed awny soon nftcr. Mrs. Hull wns n prominent society matron here nnd was tho daughter of John Chne of Dcs Moines. Hull is n judge advocate in tho army nnd is the second ranking officer iu that department. Ho is tho youngest colonel in tho nrmy. Ho left Dcs Moines for Snn Frnneiseo Inst week, nnd expects to sail from the latter citv for the Orient April 5. FAILS TO MARRY TACOMA, Wash., April 2.Dur Iiib an Investigation of charges brought against Frank lladumaker, principal of thu Or ting school, which was held before State Superintendent Josephine Preston at Olympla, Ml -is Olgn Pascal, n pretty young Rouma nian Bill, testified that Kademakur had Induced her to accompany him to America two years ngo on thu promise of marriage. It was learned that Hnilemaker bus divorced his wife Iu Portland, but tho girl believes, she said, that ho bus now no thought of taking her ns his second wife. Sho was brought to Olympla from Portland. Tho accusations against tho Ortlng principal aro nn outgrowth of tho "wet" and "dry" fight at that place. James P. OTarroll, who hat been conspicuous as a leader of tho lat ter faction, was ono of thu most deeply Interested of a largo dela tion from Ortlug, Miss Pascal testified that nor mar rlngo with Hndemaker had boon ar ranged between her parents and ltadomakor'b two cousins In tho old country. Tho school teacher was at that tlmo visiting In (lormauy with his wife. WADERN HOYLE DENIES ABUSE OF PRISONERS PAN QCKNT1N, Cnl., April 2. That no prisoners wero over singled out to bo made victims of special illumes in the state penitentiary hnvo was tho testimony of Guard Irwin be. foio llie legislature committee prob ing uonditions under Warden lloylo's regimo hero toduy. Most of tho com plaints of tho prisoners wero directed against Irwin, who was declared to bo especially and unnecessarily se COLONEL IMPORTED at New Orleans Vuir Vork City after nn MKisurc of ONE STATE MORE WASHINGTON, April 2. Ratifi cation by but one nioro stato Is need ed to make the constltutlon&rarnend ment 'for the direct election of sen ators the law of the land, accord ing to t. table compiled by Senator Joseph L. Ilrlstow of Kansas here to day. "Tho states" ratifying tno proposed amendment to dato are: Pennsyl vania, Arltons, Arkansas, Colorado, Indiana, Illinois, Idaho, Iowa, Kan sas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, Montana, Ne braska, Nevada. New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New Yor.t. North Dakota, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont. Wash ington. West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wjomlng. ATLANTIC FLEET BEGINS WAR PLAY SOfTHKItN DHH.L UKOl'NDS, via Norfolk, Va., pril 2. Bobbing n dull grey against the background of n churning sea, the Atlantic fleet lay nt anchor today, rendy to begin its unniuil warplay at Chesapeako Hay. Fiir out, little flocks of white, chow ing gull-like above thewnvcs, swayed the tnrgets food for thu first day'a long range firing. Tho war game, which begun toduy and which will lust through several weeks, will in reality be n mimic buttle on nn immense scale. Through the night ships, steaming at full speed will lire at imaginary torpedo boat nnd destroyers, miles out on the sen; their searchlights will Hash through the darkness nnd from widely separ nted points the dreadnoughts will un leash their 10, 12, and 10 inciters nl llio flimsy targets that imaginary focmau which unless destroyed meun deutb nnd destruction for those on board the battleships. The day practice, which began to day, consists entirely of long range firing and fast skirmishing. GREAT WHITE WAY DRY AFTER ONE O'CLOCK NFAV YOHK, April 2. Tho wuter wagon wns the only vehicle to bo seen along tho Great White- Way nf tcr 1 n. in. today. Promptly nt that hour liipmr selling nil over tho city ceased and tho bright lights went out. Tlio closing marked the going into effect of the latest "tenderloin" outer of Mayor Uaynor. San Francisco Collects $55,040. SAN FRANCISCO, Cab, April 2. Mouey collected and contributed to the lied Cross Society for tho benefit of the Ohio and Indiana flood suffer ers totaled $33,040 at noon today. POPULAR ELECTION OFSENATORSNEEDS Will RESIGN IF FOUND GUILTY Councilman From Third Ward In a Stoned Statement Declares He Is Not Guilty of Selling Liquor to Minors as Charged Replies to 0. C. Boggs Open Letter to Councilman Asking If They Arc Competent to Remove Millar To the public: In reply to O. C. Hoggs open letter lo Cuiiucilnien Porter, Milckcll, Sum mcrvilte, Campbell nnd Stewart in which lie niks ir they nre competent to remove me, I wish to state that I will relieve the councilman from nny action of this kind by tendering my resignation nn soon ns possible after n jury in the circuit court has found me guilty of selling liquor to minors, in violation of the state law, city ordinances and ray oath of office. I am not guilty of selling liquor to minors and do not fear the outcome of u fair nml impartial trial such ns I will receive in the circuit court. GKO. II. MILLAR. In such n manner did George If. Millar, councilman from the third ward disH)se of the charges which have been mude during the past week to the effect that bis fellow officinM were upholding him iu violations of the law. Mr. Millar's statement fol lowed one from 0. C. Boggs, iu which the latter asked the city councilmeti if they were compcteut to remove Millar. "It in needless for me lo htale," I wild Millar WeUioilayriUbttttheri U an inuictroeni penning in ino arena court charging ino with selling liquor to minors. I anticipate no trouglo in proving myself innocent of (he charge, as I am not guilty. "However, to relieve tho public from nny misapprehensions which they mny have regarding the mutter, I have prepared a statement promis ing to resign nt onco if proven guilty." Boggs' open letter to the council men is as follews: To Councilmeti Porter, Mitchell, Summcrville, Campbell and Stewart: What thu people want to know is, nre you compcteut to put George II. Millar off tho council when it lias been shown that ho has violated lib oath of office T The evidence in tlio case of the City of Medford vs. George II. Millar, and tho evidence wns undisputed, showed that he bad sold liquor to six minors while bo wns councilman. There is an ordinance in tho City of Medford prohibiting the sale of liquor to min ors. What ure you going to do about itf Are you competent to do nny thing about it I The evidence showed that he bus a federal license but no city license to sell liquor. Why docs bo have n federal license nnd no city license T What aro you going to do uboul it? Aro you competent to do unytbing about it? There is n stato statute which says that an officer's sent becomes yn cant when bo is convicted of violutiug (Continued on page- 3.) SCUTARI AFIRE; 3 FORTS TAKEN BY CKTTINJK, April 2. Scutari lu burning, according to an announce ment made by tho war office hero today. Tho war office also assorts that the Montenegrins captured tbreo of tho Tarabosch forts, ana tho cap ture of tho remaining two Is Immi nent. Montenegro has answered the de mand of tho powers that the civil ians In Scutari bo allowed to leave, with the statement that Its army commanders will not allow a cipher message to that effect to be trans mitted to tho commandaiit of thu be leagured town. A crisis Is threat- AY MM MONTENEGRINS -'Sy-V