. M 1 11 r 'inn l lll I l II t I I T" r.'. .' V.i yivvwr t', ttjF.t9 i wp- You Can't I I , 1 ( fYMlDON ST.! I 'M A 1 ' r, 3vrr, StiNoft, rw'H ah (HofHofHo! a CMS.J W J MA HARJ. noUWWAH 115500 ' 3 I JW ' OVULi IViCUP I r II fEsssssti FJjpf &kf'to&glf xCT4ArifWtt9yJ&' APRIL FOOLS OAY L Save fur lint fart t lut t M'MTiil i til ngiuary railroad with started, a number of mjidcriuiirf packages were found, and for the iimumI freak tele phone mils, April FoolSt tiny lnw hi far iaH.ril oerenely. There ant hlnls of iiiiruiriut doing at the eoiineil meeting tin evening ntal ngtie rit iiioii nf "rii'li MiiiiIh" In do pulled nllvr niitliirall an in tint air, ho that wltoii ilin ilay U i'iiiiitli'l'il it may limn lived up In im reputation. (?inikalili IvIoh wan iierlinps lift first ninii In bite mi aa April find juke. .Seineoiio clip)ionrtl him to all at an i-ait "Idc tiililreH In lake ait indigent In tin1 ior fa nn. When ho ended In" finiiid vnennt lianr. Tint purler nf Mute burlier hIiui en Jnjed the day wiiteltiiiK nilolriitin full fnr a plinno.v mekngo In liad phieed mi llu wldowalk and a lot nf pmiit ki'pt tin' telephone busy in forming tint uepiipcrn and friends Unit I'rrw nf workmen with liy 'Ihylnfc irTii-k tn " ilirffToiit hcetions nf tliu ii!y and entiuly. (W limn who uuud uniillior 10 piijil tin' Itill ullli n elicok and llirn ordered pa.Miifiit nn lite hiuiio Map ped, which wns K'rliiiw Iho eiticlent joke, nf all. 4 I QBiTUAnv. I Qllntun, IllinuU, p-ipcnt contain I lie follow Iiik oliltunry notice or Irn O. JnhiiKin, who formrtrly lived nt I'liqmilx, Ore., mid who w a nitn itw of 8nin iiml llnlila Culvur, '!( ceuncil: Only n low dnn hk Ira .C Julin nn unit about lint HtriHtt, tint Inm Unto In- watt In public wnn ut tho loc tiiro coiiro unnibi-r, I'aliriiary 11 Ho wiim tnlti'ii tdek and nlmoxt (rum thn Ilritt thrrrt hcoiiuhI l'ttlo hapr at bin ri'rowry nml nflor thrw wit'l. of miffurlriKi tho MiminnnH raino at t.:t') Intit Friday ovonlnit. H' bad bicii nffllrtt'd with heart Irnn'jlt', which wiim in ml o thn iiitint Korbim by a Inrno Koltcr. 1 1 Ih aK) wat H7 jotirn, A nionthti and -.' dayn. baliu t'our In ChanipulKii rntinly, Ohio, Navombur i,isin. 1 1 Ih pnrontN worn Mr. an I Mm. KtiHim .loluunn, tint liilter'n ninblitn immit bitltiK Allen Oiilemlar, and both wuro nutlvi'H (if Champ-dun county, Ohio. In 1KUI, wlieii but a boy of 10, nKuttmt tint wIhIioh of bin pnr-'nt'i Mr. JoluiHou iiimwored bin countrv'i. cull to nruiH by nflUtlnR In tho OMh Hit noU Infantry for thn 100 day-.' crv. Int. At tho I'xplratlou of bin torm of oullntmuiit h.o went t'l Qhln ui Joluud tliu COIh ri;lmnut from Hint Mta,tu iih n bilKbtr and roiualiii'd with It nv flticli for about throo veara. About 1K70 Mr. JohiiRon wo:it went; whoru bo mirecHHfully nnnitKud In varlnim oreupatloiiH In Kiudmii, Mlniuinota and Colorado. Then no liiHfartlior went, bo took up clalmn ni'ur Klnuiatli Fall". Ore'., which ho owned at tliu tlino of bin dntth, ami HUhtniummtly located at Hnl.ci. llo wiih iinltod In murrliijio to Mlna Unt ma Huilth Octobor 20, I U ." , In Port land, tboiiKh their hitmen wtr both hi Kalom, Twulvo yoiiiu a;ii. louvlni; tholr buiiliieiw latoreuia In tho went, thuy ciiiiki to DeWltL cum, niy rud nrcuplud tho old houHt.itoul Nimth of Clinton to euro for Mr .InliiiRou'a purviitH, which tinty did well mid faithfully. Tlioy rumiiluod on tho homeutond iinUI uboiit a year nt;o, whoa tbny bought itroporty on KnH Main utreot In Clinton, which thoy occuplnd. lo wan vol idynncud In Mimoury and nn houorod mombor of tliu 0, A, It. llo wuh a friend of everybody and ovorybody was IiIh friend. Two brothoru aud two elstors sur SEES UA v Kid a Policeman vive: AmoH JohiiMiu of (ireat Ilend, Kan.; .lonepb V.. .obnou, of tbU city, and Mih. J. M. Kirk uud Mri. t'liurli'H ic, ornur, altui of tbln ilty. DttU'ltl IuUkd No. I A. P. and A M , bud clmrK'J of tint nimitliin, the KulllhlH Tumplar and (I. A. It. act Iiik an emiirt to Woodluwn reuiutory; wherv, at thu rwiifit of tliu deceaied a naluto wan fired and lupi HoumluJ I CENTRAL POINT POINTERS Kuiidny moruhiK Dr. llrart pronctivd hU fureWitll tormon nt the I'mbytnrlnn uhurch. Dr. aud Mri. Ilea rut erpuct to learn for Portland thn hut of tint wenk, Dr. Ilenrnt Imv Iiik an ttpiMiliitmimt nirtr tint rlty to preach. Tim ninny friend of Dr. and Mm. Ilrarat recrot tholr depar ture very jniirh and wUh thorn much micciuu In thulr now field of labor. MIhh Marcarul llolmei tipiml Hun day afternoon at the Modoc orchard. Frank MuKnu of Seven Oaki vn Mlinpplui; hero Monday. IrVy Turrlll of Cornluir, l., Im hero vIrIUiik frlvudi. Mr. and Mrn. .Stone of Willow Hprluii Hero nhuppliiK hero Mo ml ay. Mm. IHuIko of Mndford ban been npendluK a few dayn with Mm. Tuttto Hr. Mm, nicaon, wlfo of IMItor (Ilea non. who hni been itrlto III, uow couvuImcIdk and will oon bo ably to bo out attain, Mm, Olvaton of IMionnlx li hero visiting thU week. I'rnrciotor Milan of Aaliland ipeut the lnt of tint veck here. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS, f Hy A. 0. Howlott. Our daughter, Mr. 0. II. Shuw, of I'alrvlew, Ore., who ha been with 'is for tho past six weeks, returned homo last Thursday. Her mother uc coniunled her a far a Medford, Allison Alien of Spokane, Wash., who hntt been up at Derby lo visit IiIh mother and brother, John Allun, emtio out on the train Thursday on thu way to Kcattlp, vhcro bu will visit another brother, Thoman Allen. Their mother Im now past 9'i yeutn old, aud Mr. Allen Hay that s'.u look just aa well as m)i did four or five year ogo, aud that, ir It were, not for thn little dnmpnes wo hnvn hero tho old peoplit would simply dry up aud blow away, It lo- i.o healthy hero. Mm. JaiueH (llllespy and C. Heron wi'iit to Meilford Thursday. Hoy Antipole, our now hardware man, hit been KettltiK u lot ot plown, harrnwK, etc., lit stock. Ilnrvuy Stenley nttd liln brothor (Mr I truuiMrtcd biiHlueHit In KukIo Point thn lust of thn week, IM and John IllKliibotham of Der by woro KiipHtH nt the BuunyHldn I-'rl-day nlKht, and Saturday mornluir wont on to Jacksonville to pay their tnxe.i. Frank CiiHtor of Derby watt among thn vlHltora Krldny, a wn nUo Henry French. ITo witu on IiIh way to JuckHonvlllo to appear an a wit neHrt In tho enmt of thu Hlntu of Qrn koii vtirniu Waltor VooiIh. Mrs, Hiisan Hart mado Kaglo I'olnt hurried call Friday. Nick Yountr, ouo of our proHpor ous you im' farmors, drovo Into town Friday with a load of grain, Mm. Woolory Ih having hor homo remodeled and a brick fluo built,. W. II. Crondall callea on your cor respondent and kuvo him tho follow ing Item; Died, In Laramlo, Wyo March 27, 10111, Mbm Anna Carncm ter, alHtor of tho Into Judgo C. U, Carpontor, without si montent'H warn ing, of heart fnlluro. Mr. Crondall had JiiHt rccolvod n letter from her In which oho said that alio was on Joying oxcollent hoalth, and Friday ho received a tolegraut thnt alio wna dead, Sho and lpor brother wero out hnro hint fall, lm owning a tract of land Joining Mr, CrondaU'H farm, mid thoy woro planning to sottln up thulr buulneua in Vyom(ng and como MEDFORB M"ATtt TRrBTTNE. - - - in Mexico Any QOT YOUK. ttr. wsr uwch, lip. touosM'r to thin valley to live, mid In Jtmt tlin-it innntliH and one day they lini) bulb piiHMfil off Hurrly In the mldiit of life w ant lit ilvntb. T LEAGUE MAY 0 WD The good ov eminent lenntto or K'lnir.ed during the recent eit cain paipi may be diHbaudcd in the- near future aeenrdlutf In a Nriitiiiient vnieed nt it meeting nf the orxuii iuilinu .Monday uiulit In emntider tho matter. Fiula aelinu will lie taki-n at a meulini; to be huld in two weckn. lU-ntit Ifitt llnlr, a Jny I'orcver. If you havo a beautiful head ot hair, try to keep It. If you havo not, try to gel It. Mcrltol llnlr Ton ic keep tho urulp clean, prnmntiM a healthy growth of beautiful hair, and kropM It noft and lustrouv. Try It. Ilatklim DrtiK Store. Kniitlicni I'oclflc Kwcurklon. Special train to Grant l'ag and return Wednesday, April 2, 1913. Quo fare for round trip. Jl. Trulu will lenvo Mrdford 1 p. in. Hn'urn Int,', leave (Irani Pat at G p. in., I reaching Meilford C p. in. Hall canto between the. American (Hants (col ored) and (Irants I'asa. Colored tcaty recently defeated Portland Heavers four game out of five. S NOTICK of ham: of iionds. Notice Is hereby glvon that tho Town of Phoenix, In Jackson County, Oregon, heroby offers for sale $22,000.00 or Its negotlabln coupon 1013 water bands duo In ton years with Interest at six per cent payable soiul-nunually, said bond being In denominations of $1000.00 each. Healed proposals will bo rccolvod for NEW TODAY Aercngo wauled fur u fine, well limit twelve mum limine in one of the best little cities in southern Califor nia. Only a block fiom the jxtst office, in the best of locality. This is n Klrielly liiglt-grndq in come proposition, and the price in right. The owner occupies- a part of it, and rents out about half- of it fur i-fitl per month. It will bo ex changed clear for homo good uercagu to wil Inn live miles of Medford at $7,000.1)0 or for .fS.OOO.OO fnrnirdied. 1'nily wniilrt In buy about -10 nures of fuoiliil land unimproved, prefers to bu within hix or hovcii miles of Medford. C. D. HQOfl ltooin 1'J JarkHou County lluiik Illdg Phono (mark It In your book) 1037-J WORTH WHILE Modern 7 room liouso and 4 lots, largo burn, wooiIIioubo, chicken hoiiBo;. no Incumbrance. Prlco $G000, Will trndo part or all for acroago. 27 acrcH 5 miles from Medford, about 7 acres In apples, a yoara old, about U ncro In grapes, tunu o-er-grceu bluokburrlos,' balance of lund flnn for alfalfa, grain or orchard; 8 room bnuuo, largo barn, runl mall aud telephone prlco $!t00 on easy tot ma, t nr aenss 7 miles west of ItoRoburg. about 30 acres lit cultivation, balance In timber and pitHturo, plenty Qt'out nldp rnugp fpr stock; deeded water; good deep noil; ti-rooin hoiiae, barn, chicken houao and 2 acroa fencod for chickens. Price $4000. will trndo for city or ranch property horo. Money to loan on real estate BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. GOVERNMEN MEDTTQTiP. OTCEQQy, TUESDAY, JVPHTL 1, 10.13. More Than in New York "c5H ' I ! ' tho purchase price of said bonds or any portion thereof by tho under signed at any time before April 7, 11U.1. at 7:30 P. M All proposal must bo accompa nied by a certified check drawn on soiuo State or National bank In Jack son County, Oregon, for C per cent on tho amount bid. Tim samo to bo forfeited providing thu blddor, If bis bid I nccoptod. falls to purchase said bonds within thirty days aftei being notified of thu acceptance of bis bid, In accordance therewith and to b" roturned to said bidder in caso said bid Is not accepted. The Council reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. Dated March 2G, 1913. F. K. rifltRY, Hecordor of tho Town of Pboenlx, Oregon. riTV TitKAHrni'irs notici:. Notice Is hereby given that the City of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, will tako up and cancel the following Improvement Ho'nds; No'. 433 to 43.p lua. dated Nov. 1, 1910. No's. 1375 to 1370 inc.. dated Nov. 1, 1911. Waterinalti Improvement Ponds, No. 1 of Series "0," dated Nov. 1, 1911. Interest on tho above named bonds will co.idu at the next semi-annual Interest paying period May l, 1913. OUS. H. SAMITKI.S, City Treasurer. Dated March 31, 1913. FOK ItKNl OKT1CES FOHHENT Largo, comfortabloof- nco rooms witn elevator scrvico, steam beat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Purnl turo & lldw. Co. KOK ItKNT IIOUSUS FoilHBNT Furnished Croom house, water rent paid, $2G. G13 King t. FOK nUNT Furnished house, closo In. M. A. Hader. at M. F. & H. Co. FOK KKNT A well furnished G rooni bungalow, with sleeping porch. 211 Laurel at. Key at 11. O. Kentucr'8. COO W. 10th. Tele phono 73 Ashland. FOK Kb.'iT Four room house. 203 North drape. Call next door north for key. 11 FOK KKNT Two room furnished house, 34G North Hartlett. 11 FOK KKNT Strictly modern 0 room house with sleeping porch. Also seven room bungalow fur nished It desired. Also tbiee room house. W, II. Kverhard, 1013 W. 3th fct. ., . ., FOK KKNT FUKNISIIKD AITS. roulTKNT Suniincr rotes begin April 1 at tho Herben. Krcrythliig new; private bath, laundry, etc.; completely furntshod apartments. 10 Qulucu st. FOK KKNT FUKNISHiai ROOMS FOK KKNT Largo Bleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart monta, prices very reasonable. Phono 1026-L. 222 South Holly atreot. FOK KBNT Nice modern rooms with board at Mm. Fay's, 22 Geneva Avo. ' jr: r x FOK BALK HOUSKS FOK SALK 190 feet frontngo Da kota avenue. 1G0 feet off Now town; 90.G feet deep; will divide. Prlco for all, $900, Address CI. K., Tribune. 327 FOK SALIO OK KKNT Now G-rootn modern bouse, full bnsomont; also 4-room house. C28 Wust P.tlm St 1 blockd west pt North Oult dalo. 321 FOR SALK Furnished house on quarter block; 600 acres nt land; easy tonus. Call or address owner, H. M. Coss. G04 West Tenth street, Medford, Oro. 321 0,-KOPM house, modern lt ovpry way. Two flroplacos, hardwood floors; in very best neighborhood, Kino grounds. Never boon occn plod. Cost of houso, $4000; unin cumbered. Will oxchnitgo for ucro ago' or Bell, Soo o-nor, J. O. Uaruea, First Natl, Uuulc bids, zx Fok ham: iiouhkh FOK 8ALK A new 10 room modern house, content foundation, corner lot. lawn and shade trees; ne.ir Ilungalow Add., a desirable home! Value $3S00; terms. W. C30 4tn st. 10 FOK S.MvIUlUl Ij.ND3 I'oil BALB13 aVres"on Klversido drive overlooking Kogue river: 3 acres young orchard, part bearing, balance alfalfa, aud grain land very sightly. Ideal location foi country home. KxcluMro neigh borhood. Heautlful residences sur rounding. C. D. Woolvcrton, Klver Ucud lUtich, Gold Hill, Ore gon. 335 fok ham: txts FOK 8ALK 3 lots on Ross court at a sacrifice, for cash. C. D. Wool vcrton, Gold Hill, Oro. 33S FOK SIlk 190 feet frontage Da kota avenue, 1G0 feet off New town; 90. G feet deep; will divide. Price for all. $900. Address a. K., Tribune. 11 FOK BALK MISCKLliAXEOUS FOK8AIBAngora'U'C'"E! Hnnimel, Raglo Point. 8 FOK HALB First class grain hay, $8 n ton. Phono K-13-W. 9 FOK SALK Fruit box labels In one two or three colora. printed u yon order at tho Mall Tribune. FOK SALK Complete Cederborjt electric frost thermometer, good as now, cost $13; will sell for $10. Phone 284-K. 10 FOK SALB Cream separator, plow, harrow, cultivator, nt a bargain. 1003 Court st. 8 FOK SALE Calling cards, printed, engraved or embossed at the Mall Tribune office. FOK SALE Looso leaf ledger sys tems, any stylo or zuade to order by tho Mall Tribune bindery. FOK HALB Early Sunrlso seed po tatoes, lc lb.; rutabagas, carrots, GOc sack. Ranch mile N. E. Ccri tral Point. C. Sharpe. S FOR SALE Two 10-horso, ono 5 horso, ono 3-horso electric motors with atartors and transformer. Hubbard Uros. 331 FOK SALB Shado trees, two years old Catollnn poplars, very fast growing, 40c each. 512 S. Oak dale ave. Phono 123-H. 304 FOK TRADE OK SALB A piano for automobile, or will sell. Ad dress P. IC, cure Tribune. 9 FOK SALK A bay borso, seven yrs. old, good fpr work or family driv ing. Phono G77-Y. FOK SALB Good second hand 3 Inch wagon with box and springs. J C. Godlovo, K. F. D. No. 2. Medford, Oro. 9 FOK SALE Lirgp bulbs of thu fin est varieties of cactus and decora tive dahlias. Tol. S1G-K. 10 FOR SALE Legal blattKs, tresspass notlcos, for sale or rent sings at tho Mall Tribune. i - - FOR SALE Letter beads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or omboBsed, as you wish at the Mall Tribune. FOR SALK Early Sunrlso and Un clo Sam seed potatoes. E. W. Carl, ton, Central Point; phono Farm ers 114. 338 FOK SALE POUIiTftX AND EGGS FOK SALE Laying bronze, turkey hens oggs $1 per 1G. llolmont ranch. Phono 14-F-12. 12 FOK SALK Eggs and baby ohlcka from my select wlutur laying strain ot S, C. Khode Island Rods. Orders booked now. a. W, Huue dlct. 219 Mountain Ave Phqno 2G1-L. 9 FOR SALE Ono dozen Harred Rodk hens. Eggs for hatching. C04 Plum st. M. H., Mall Tribune. FOK SALE Wlilto Wyandottes, bronze turkey eggs aud stock. J. 11. Futlor, Talent, Oro, 29 HELP AVAXTICD -ri31AIJ3 WANTED Girl for general house work, i Phono 757-L. ' 9 WANTED Girl wnntod to help with housework nttoruoous. Phono A-0-R, l'rk-:: 1 oimko mitk WANTED WITCATIONS OKCHAKDlST, i" "oermacokiem ploymcnt.on large fruit farm; sev en years experience In Gsrmaay and 10 months on largo fruit farm In. Oregon; good references. Ad dress Orchardlst, 335 Morris St., Portland. Oregon, 9 WA NTKD MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 1360 pound farm team or single work homo? also ex change small tract In three-year-old pears, with or without build ings for bungalow la Medford. Ad dress K. P. X.. enro Mall Tnbcne. 31 WANTED TO 11UY Deef cattle, stock cattle, calves, all kinds, sheep, hides, wool, etc. Dob Crowdor, phono 1029-W. 31 S WANTED A listing on your prop erty. I can handle $100,000 worth of property If the prlco Is right. What have you for exchange or Havo money to loan or will tako up your mortgago or deterred payments. J. C. Darnes, 1st Natl. Bank bldg WANTED Furnished house; must bo modern and reasonable. Ad dress L. G., Mall Tribune. 10 WANTED $1800 loan on $7000 Im proved boarlag orchard security, earns 10 per cent on that amt. yr. 1913; for ono to 5 yrc, at 8 por cent. Address llox G3, caro Mall Tribune. FOK EXCHAMiE FOR SALB OR TRADE Oao 40 horsepowor Rambler automobile In good shape, will trado for any thing of equal value. Address A. W. Guthrie, Murphy, Ore. 324 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on real estate Address me caro of Hotel Medford as I am out ot city part ot time. H. L. Dodge. 32 MONEY TO LOAN On city and close In ranch propvrty. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3C81. , IIUSLMH Dlltr.UIORY Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO SPRINO CO. Our big secret In making springs Is the tempering. Wo are operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Uso our springs whoa others fall. Sold under guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore. Attorney C. L. REAME3. LAWYER Ofttco Medford National Hank bldg., sec ond floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Lavr. Rooms 1 and 2, Postofflco bldg. A. E. RDAMES, LAWYER Corey bldg. -Oarnett- W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street. Medford. Oro. Accountants D. R. WOOD Geuoraf Accountant Your books audited and Kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg.; phono Gll-U-2; res idenco phono G37. Typewriting MULTIGRAPHING. TYPEWRITING, Stenography. Macnlno Dictation, all classes ot circular lattor work, Ono or ono thousand letters, the prlco will bo right and according to tho times. Stimulate your busi ness ivlth Interesting facta con cerning propositions, or bargains. You can best do this with Multi graph work. Phono 133-R. McMil lan Publicity Ad-Wrltlng Co., room 9, Jackson County Duult. PHmsEYur. TT1 By "Bud" Fisher tw u c. nUSINESH DIRECTORY Abwtracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO., No. 6, Bouth Central. CMronmctorv DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. Keoras 203-04-05 Garnett-Corey bldg. Vapor baths aad scientific massag given; advice in- dietetics, medleal gym nastleH, hydroitthorspy. Lady at tendant. Phoae, office 946, resi dence 571-R. DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Louise 8. Hedges, Mcchano - Therapists, Chiropractors. Updadylotherapiata. These systems, Including dletetle. curative, gyranastles, bydro-tber-aphy, etc., produce results la both acute and chronic diseases. Cos sulfation free. 230 North Bartlett St., next door to M. K. ehurek. Hours 9 a. ra. to G p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phono 417-J. neaittte DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. a O. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., salt S10. Medford, Ore. Phone 856. Garbage OARDAGB Get your press! cleaned up for the winter. Call , on the city garbage wagons for ''good service. "Phone 625-L. F. Y. Allen. XHrserlcs QUAKER NURSBRIB8 Oar trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock la not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. Wo are sot la the trust. H. B. Patterson. Offtea removed to office Hotel Nash, la side entrance, next to barber shop. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic Bring your work to me at the sign of The Mall Tribune. Printers and Publisher MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has ths best equipped prUting office la southern Oregon; book blading, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir st ? Physician and SurgMUu DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians. 416-417 Garnett-Corey bldg.. phono 103C-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. U. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 E. Mala. Phones, otflco 867; residence. 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgoon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Offlco 228 East Main St. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. B. PIGKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Of tie phono 43-K; residence phone 58-R, DR. MARION Physician and sur geon. Stewart bldg.. 'corner Mala and Bartlett, sts.; qftlce phone 27, reeldenyo phone 27-J-3. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physli clan and surgeon. Offlee Pains block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 13, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phonos, offlco 36, rest donco, 724-J. Otflco hours 10 to 12, 2 to G. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician, 203 Garnett-Corer building. Phono 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician aad Surgoon. Over Hutchison & Luma deu, 215 E. Main St. Phone 77. B. KIRCHGESSNER, M. D. Prac tice limited to chronic diseases. Offlco Hotel Holland, Saturdays 10-3, Both phones. Residence phenes: Farrnor 16xx5 Eagle Point and Rogue River line. Stenographer ELLA M. QAUNYAW Palw blank, Stenographic work done quUWy aud well. Tranataf in i i. y KAD9 TRANSFHK & 8T0RA CO Office 16 South Fir st Ptwi 31G. Prices right, ttervlce guar ( .....M.MM-MU V.M W-.M4ft