Vi PAOB TWO. MEnFonn man Tnrmnm medtord. orkcion. TtrcstHY, 'aputt, i, win. WCALAND L PERSONAL Mrs. Fred Hopkins linn gone to Portland (o attend tho opera nnd make a short visit. .Frank. Parksr has loft for Clronts Pa. jwhorG he will tako charge of the Josephine liar. i'lnky "ltader has Rono to (Irani Pa, wher ho will piny baseball BRiilDkt the American Giant team. MU Ilaiol Norths" has returned from a vMtRt Merlin. Largo, bulbs of tho finest varieties ot cactus and decorative dahlias. Tel. fct'r.-K. 10 Thompson's Crlstfotte store has been moved to Oakland. Cat. Kd Hoot's condition remains un changed today, with prospects favor able for recovery. Orchard, hunting, fishing and Crater Lake scenes for Bala at (Jer king & Harmon's studio. Kocallvcs made any pi sea, kodak finishing. 13S East Main Btreet. Phono 215 R. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ulrlch if Jaek,fiaivllQ motored to Medford Sunday. Alls Louise- "WIlllAnmon was tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Myers of Central Point, Sunday. Guaranteed complcto wagons at Pell's, Ashland, for less than $100. 32G Mr. aud Mrs. Horaco Pclton of Saras Valley wero among Medford friends Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kills and Mrs. Helen Q. Gale, who attended the opening of the Tlvoll opera house in San Fran cisco by the Chicago Opera com pany, returned Monday ovcnlng. Gerklng & Harmon, studio por traits, homo portraits, flash lights, kodak finishing, post card work and enlarging.; 12S East Main street; telephone 2 IS R. "V. I. Vawter, S. S. Rnllls and Frank B. Wnlto left for Portland Monday, on business connected with the Mcdford-Ashland clcctrlo rail road. Mrs. George N. Lewis ot Jackson ville was a Medford visitor Monday afternoon. Invite yon? friends to come on the excursion from Tacoma to Medford, April 9. Round trip, $15.70. Clydo Barnum, fruit Inspector, and K. Smith were up from Phoenix Monday. John Grieve ot Prospect and J. F. Swanson ot Trail transacted business In Medford tho fore part of tho week. Carkla & Taylor (John M. Carkin and Glenn O. Taylor), attonioya-at-law, over Jackson County Bank building. Medford. Lane Wyland of Antelope paid his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wyland of Medford, a visit Monday. William Mansfield ot Tolo mo tored to Medford Monday afternoon. W. Brockman is a lato arrival from northern California. Insure and bo sure. Right if we write it. R. A. Holmes, Tho Insur ance Man. William Schcbelo was among those down from Griffin creek Mon day. D. H. Jackson spent Monday at Ashland on business. Nelson Swanson, who has been en gaged in farming In Klamath coun ty for somo time, returned a few days ago nnd took charge of tho home place, located northeast ot Medford. Real home made bread at Do Voe'a. Fred Wagner, former publisher ot the Ashland Tidings, is visiting at the homo of ilr. and Mrs. T. W. Milot u Medford. He Is convales cing from a severo attack of erysip elas: II. Wolf and Walter Bostwlck ot Applegate spent several hours in Medford Monday. Orders taken for all kinds of vege table plants. Portland Ave. Green house, 26 Portland ave. Phono 87-R. 12 Mrs. F. G. Guy of Grants Pass was among her Medford friends Monday. John ABhpolo was among tho many who vent to Jacksonville Mon day to Bottle with tho tax collector. Mr. and Mrs. A. Strand of Apple gate, traded with our anerchnuts Monday. Kodak finishing, tho best at Wes ton's, opposite book storo. II. C. Pomerene, who camo to Medford with his bride Saturday, left for Corvallls Monday to resume Ills studies at tho O. A. C. Mrs. Carl Cofer of Klamath Falls (nee Dora Mnrgreiter) Is visiting hor Bts(er, MrB. H. O. King, and other relatives. W, H. M .ore of willlts, Cal., 1b a recent arrhal in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marquis ot Illi nois arrived In Medford Sunday and are gueita ot the former's brother nnd his family ot North Riverside avenue. They have been spending tho winter In southern California nyc are on tholr way home. Charles K. Garfield of California, who has been spending several weeks In Medford, loft for Salem and Portland Monday. He Is n ploncor of Rogue River valley. Vapor hatha nnd scientific mas sngo for men nnd women. Dr. R. Jt Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Oar-nott-Corcy bldg. Phono H5. George W. Lanco has been making Grants Pass and points between hero and thoro a business visit. Charles Stetnbrlng and Joel Stover ot Kanes Crook tarried a few hours In Medford Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Pclton of Uoseburg aro visiting In Medford and Ashland. E. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives made any tlmo or place by appointment. Phono M. 1471. G. F. Billings. William Myer and Robert Casey of Ashland transacted business In Medford Monday. Mrs. A, J. Carponter ot Talent spent Monday with Miss Emma Arm strong and other relatives living In Medford. B. P. Chandler was down from Rogue River Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Courts uf Weed, Cal., arrived In Medford Mon day evening. Mrs. W. I. Vawter Is making Port land a short visit. Do Witt Sturgess of Meadows pre cinct Is a business visitor In Med ford. Sheriff Slnglcr aud his deputy, K. W. Wilson, were over from Jackson villa Monday evening. C. E. Hooper and Charles II. Gil lette wero among tho Ashlandcrs who camo to Medford Monday. II. D. Reed, Sprague Rlegl and J. II. Bceman of Gold Hill transacted business In Medford Monday. H. Callaghan was tho guest or Col onel George P. Minis at his pleasant home at Seven Oaks on Monday. He speaks highly of his host's orchard and Improvements. Mr. Parker ot tho Modern wooo. yard returned from Josephine coun ty Monday. C. Y. Tcngwald Is driving a Mon itor runabout of tho 1S9C model. For fear it will run away ho carries a huuge weight with which to tie it up when left at the curb. MEMORIAL TO MR. AND MRS. 1SIDOR STRAUS, VICTIMS OF TITANIC , .DISASTER, TO BE, BUILT AFTER THE MODEL OF MR. LUKEMAN " 1WWBIWWmwW.ilWIWS " ' -g-n-Jv- -- - i9m uwammairr ttmti mKmfmrriKmsnmKmsrrnt MEMORIAL TO MR. AHO MR3. tSIOOR STRAUS. dX MRUGUSTU3 XUKCMAN To Mr. Augustus Lukcmau, one of New York's leading sculptors, was awarded the first prize lu tho competi tion for deigning a fountain to be erected in Straus Park, New York city, lu memory ot Mr. and Mrs. Isldor Straus, who died together In tho wreck of tho Titanic Four other prizes were awarded In tho same competition. They ranged In value from 50O to $1,000. In nil, fifty-iilue designs wero submitted. Tho total cost of theso approximates the cost ot tho completed memorial, which will be fJO.000, The architect named In the award with Mr. Lukemnu is Mr. Urarts Tracy, also ol New York. Iu reaching their decision tho committee eliminated the Idea ot attempting to memornltzo tho qualities of the man and woman for whom the fountain Is to be erected, but accepted tho suggentlon which Mr. Lukumau has en dcavured to embody in the small park scheme ot peaceful contemplation over a shcot ot water, leaving it to tli public to think over the sacrifice thai tho same clement demanded lu the disaster lu which Mr, and Mrs. Straus perished. " The fountain will be of granite and bronze, an expansive granite baie being aurmounted by the graceful bronsc figure ot a woman rvcllulng. A bronze plate vllHar this Inscriptien: To Isldor aud Ida Straus, whoso lhos wero unselfishly devoted to tho betterment of the State and wboe death was a monument to that great bulwark ot tho State, the family. This memorial erected In thu jear ulueltwu buudreU aud thirteen. JAPAN OFFERS EGGS TO HI S. AT 9' CENTS DOZ. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown Spending of the 3lillar trial. i!o you remember the verso in "Alice in Wonderland" Hint Vends. "I'll ho judge, I'll be jury,' said cunning oM fury. 'I'll try the wliolo ease and condemn you to death." ' Am tlio Crow Files. O. E. Crow made ft flying trip Jo Eugene yesterday Lo ratio Items in Eugene Regis I cr. Wire, Quick, Who Won? There wus a bnll game here Sun- dnj, tho Roy Academy boys plnyeu on one side. Silk Creek pcrnouuU in Cottage Grove Sentinel. Some Namo and Some Mill. Green Pitcher has repaired tho water pijxi above the mill which burst Tuesday. Disbton Items in Cottngo Grove Senleinel. Other immortal Names. Green Pitcher isn't the only mo nicker deserting immortality. The Tho Cottngo Grove Sentinel of re cent dale chronrilcs tho fact thnt Mrs. Heck entertained tho club, meaning of course, thnt the club was entertained, IJy Neck! Mr. Snuff of Portland visited Lo rano recently. Mr. Honor of Miilnga, Wash., is deserving of honorable mention. Snyder went out to call on Ed Root und Kd blurted to iinprovo which leads the diminutive. Snyder to remark thnt Mio in tho dog wbo put tho "cur" in "cure." Weeks & McGowan Co. tJNDERTAXERS XJUY AttUrtAMT Day I'houo 227 NlKht V. W. Weeks 10:J-J.U fhwuts A. K. Orr 078-M J. 1. M. Tho gold be Jmdt He was n king! The good bo did? Another thing. Tho oilier duy we wrote n poem bo good that wo ent it poslhuhtu to ono of the loading mnzngiucH. In two weeks wo will print it for your delcclntion. Still, it might get back in ten dnys. Imperial l'ondcr Plant Explodes TACOMA, ,'n.. March 31. A spe cial from Chehnlls says: George aud Charles Dlngmau wore fatally Injured and Chris Donsou soveroly burned In an explosion that destroyed tho plant ot tho Imperial Powder company this aftornoon. Tho flro which followed was confined to ono bulldlug aud tho loss will bo small. With Medford trade Is Medford made. SCATTLB, Wash., April 1. Ja pan has entered tho egg market ot this country with a proposition to tho Great Northern railway to fur nish Its steamship lines with eggs at 9 cents a dozen tho year round. With prices In tho country ranging from IS to CO cents a dozen In tho course ot a year, it will bo Impossible for local dealers to compete with tho Japs. Alfred Watson, purchasing agent for tho company, han received a small consignment ot tho Japancao eggs sent to blm as samples. ASK RELEASE OF J. "RUSSIAN POLICE CHARGE HAYWOOD CROWD INJURING MANY PATEIISO.V, X. J.. April 1 At torney Henry Marelllo went to llo boken today to apply for a wrlto of habeas corpus for William I). Hay wood, organizer for tho Industrial Workers ot the World, who has been sentenced to six months In the coun ty Jail hero today following his con viction of causlug unlawful assem blages. Haywood camo hero In con nection with the mlllworkors strlko. Marulll will iTto his application be fore Justlco MInturn, of tho stato supremu court. . FORMER MEDFORD t MAN KILLED IN AU ACCDENT Ah it u'Hiill uf uti iiuttmmhlli lie eldt'iit at iMurxlitloldi Trod Heed, 'fimnerly of Medrord, Im under .f 1 000 bonds mid Louis HallluKcc, t'omu'ih of (his oily, killed. Hoed wns dilvlng driving n ear which Hlntok two men, killing one and Hcriuuxly Injuring tlm other. Reed wont from Mi'dford to .Murbl1eld to woik for King & Yurxt, fmincr mwiiois of tho duck 80ulll Htrtjje. At one tlmo ho wim ehnuftVur for lh Taxi compuny bote Reed bus been formally elmrged wilh iuxoluulury mnnslnuKhtor. Tim toliiu of the accident ws I.ouIh K. lwliiiiKcr, who was u rest lout f M mI fu nl a few ji-ar nun. lie wiik u brulber-lii'law of Robcil Sears who oNtahlistit'd tlio Hint pin lure bono m Mudfonl. WALLSli GUARD ADRIANOPLE ARE BRICK PARIS, April I -That thu walls surrouudlnt; Adrlauupto were of brick construction aud not "ImY" utructltilo coiicrttto fortrrnni'it." us was generally believed, Is tln Inftir mutlou sent hern today by tho Adrl anupln corrvspondent of file I'arh Journal. Ho declares tho walls col lapsed utter a 4S hours' asiault aud Wero reduced to n nbtiprlesa mass it bricks. ST. PKTKRSULRO. April 1. Many perxoim nni ivrbnps fatally hurt hero today following it chnrgc by n great body of Hlieo on nil imtl Austriau dciiioitslnitiun in fmut of thu Kerviuit legal inn. The nction of thu jmlico iu ruthlessly Mlrikiug u number of Iioh(. in the orond with their whips U to be iute.sli;utcd. Morltol Tonic Dlgestlvo will tono up your s)stem quickly, make you feel strong again. Hasklns Drug Storo. I.ct I'm Miow You. If you aro a suffurur of piles or hemorbolds In any form, romo to our storo and let us show you Mvrl- tol I'llo llemcdy. It Is one of tho best preparations wo have ever handled nnd Is sold on a po'ltlvo guarantee. Hasklns Hrug Store. (!,ll UV THANKS. Tho family of tho lata Patrick Dally wish to ozpress their ib'cp ap preciation and gratitude for th beautiful floral offerings nnd kindness tendered them by friends during thu sickness and death of their fathor. Till: DAILY PA.MILY. Jm$m$mm.$mm$m A ? T T T y t t t ! ? Y f t I ? X i 1 ? ? t t T t T f f4 x & n h - Lawyers Attentipn Our possession of the proper facili ties to handle orders for Stock Certificates Bonds Corporation Records Seals Attorneys Supplies is bringing us the business of South ern Oregon. Only those who do not know that these goods can be made in Medford are sending north MEDFORD PRINTING CO. . . i . .i h a f V t f V T ? ? ? t t ? I t V T T t ? ? y y y y y t y i f a SUFFERED AWFULMINS For SixlcoH Ycnrs. Rcnlorcd To Honltlt by LyUla E.PitiU- hum's VcRctftblo Conipotintl, Morotown. Vermont. I wns troit' bled wlllt pain und Irrogularitles for ,tttca years, nixi was llilu, wuK anil nvrvwiii. When 1 would llo down It wuitlit socin us If I win going right down out of sluht it to somo dark hole. and tho window cur tains hnd faces that would twi'k out nl inn. and when Lwni out of doors It woulil seem ns If something wns going to hnp pnu. My IdiHM! wan hku-, my vlrcubt lion was so bud I would bo llKt iiiUud person at tl s. I bun feiimlu weak. ncM badly, my nUlomeii was soro and I hud awful pulnt. 'I took l.yilln I- Pinkham's Vegota Mo Co'iiHund nml uusl tho Snnntlvo WnKh mid they wtrtnlnly did wnnduni (or me. My Inuiblen dttnitcnnsl and I am nhl t" work hanl everyday. "Mrs. W. V. riAWi-.i,Rlver Vlow I'arm, Moro town, Vermont. Anitthrr Cnso. CiWorJ. lown.-ul won troiibleil with ffiimlu weakneiM, nlw with dUpInco ment. I iiihl very vin. and steady husdacho, nltxi .iln lu Imck uml was very thin ami tlrl oil the Um. I conv mencesl taking I.ydla )l Pinkham,s Vegelnble Com()ountl nnd I am curwlof fjieso truubles. I ennnol praUo our mwllclno tiH hlRhly." Mrs. IN A MILL 8LAUU:, tillTunl, low. i'",1;1! i""i" ??r?vv. wv Raises the Dough Every Time It can't help hut tin m tMHaun CrescentBakingPowder I (ho double in tltiic kind .( tlf ,,. It work. In.- ffjrgi' iiit-tuMit'iy Mum It Co in mi lulu co n tar I wltlt in ti I n t ii r o mid Hiiitlniir to rlti railually n it tl ttiiitUitiounly un til tlio Im Iwtkl'tl, Ktild by Kiiirrrs, 'Me full imiiiiiI CRESCENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY Unit tlf, IViithltiKton I BfviPffH Some Exceptional Good Buys 3C ncros only 2 inllwi from nlty; joins ono of tho fluust orcliartU In tho alloy. Prloo ft 000, Reed tortus. iir.mi.m'H Wo havo somo ulcu now bunRnlown for nnlo ou very easy payments. HM.VMi TUAtTH Wo havo a uutnhor of smnll tracts for salo or oxcIuiiiko for city prop erly. I'JOO Arro Kloik Itanrli to oxchniiKo for woll tmprovud or chard tract or city property. Wood&Messner H Houtti O'litrnl Au. PI' & A Lesson ii Geography Teacher "Whero is Cork?" JimniyCi") -Thnt'a easy. la tlio center of tlio Spnldinu; Ofiicinl NatioiiatLeaKUoUull." Tlil Hill ilrit of rork Im rr. clullunlwl Um uaitui. Iluiurt In tit ll liiiuuv whucuuUln't cniiM wlll.ln lOiiuintiur ltiinaip"3jc) kfuutuliimif UmtilUUiiallnn.wlilU lh wltrr o4 nra iintituiait, 'llmCuit Cnlur Iim lvr0 tlm ITit I Kit mora ltlinif wl"lllnlliitfrtrcti tif tho iitinu. Yl fiH thnt tin lli Iiurit um tli Curk Cviitrc lui rxcliitlvily imivn Hint It Ii tint lonir aouxlit fur twUuM Uiwmii I'lUlilnif bua bMlnu, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 150 Guary Streot, Sah Frsuciico Atk your Im-nl ilenlrr for it Himlillnu cUljpuo. Draperies Wo enrry a vory ooninieto lino of droiKirii.M. Iiicu eurtiilim, tlxturos, uto., nail tin nil climuiiH of ujiliulHtfirliiif. A puplui man to look utior this work exoliiKlvtily unit Will ulvo ns koi1 Murvlcs n Ih iiuKnllilo to nut la uvon thu Imituut ultks. Weojio & MoGowan Oo,