"TiBj fflr" J A i s ,' If v Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair unit warmer. Mm. M, Mln. 42, I'rrcJp. .Of Kiirty-lliltil Year Dally I'.lKhlti Yrnr MEDFOJtD, ORKflON, TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1013. NO. 8. ALL AVAILABLE MEN WORK ON CIO LEES Nrw Hlyliwntrr Mark Will Be Set by Ohio nlvcr Before Mornlnu Reel foot District Is In the Greatest Dnttiirr ttlsfl to Continue Few Women nud Chllilrtn Lett In Cairo War Department Asked to Send Three Boats DAYTON, Ohio, April ;t. Real ili'iiiH of fluud'swopt Dayton wore confronted by it new horror this of- liTIIOOII wlll'll It WAH udlllUlOll lut famine. Is Imminent us n lesull of tint M'llnt committee undenntlinntliitt tin amount of provisions Hint would lnt roiilrd hor. Admission thut (In Mrlokmi lenldeut went now forrwl to faro tlm specter of want wan made l)' tlm head of lint relief committee HiW afternoon. HIlAWNKirmWN. III., April i. llopn of saving Hlinwnri'lown wph abandoned at noon, tho city council In ii special nii'rtliiK voting to dyiu nilti tho ltvi. Itcnolntloim wro niloptiil ri'lli'vlnt; AUJiilnnl (Irnnril Klinml from rt'M'oimllillU)' mill nit tliorldtiK Ciiloiml Iiiir to take null nliln kti'p to provettt looting, CAIRO, III., April l.-Witli 3,000 ttiilit in moil mill onn lninilnil nitviil nvurtrx iimUUiii; Hii jioIIci- to prp vi'iit loottnir nnil inniiitulii orilrr, I'vury iiIiIcIiimIIi'iI mini in Cnlm U nl work toiliiy KtrciiKllii'iiiut: tin' Irvcm fur tin mit of llin llooil, rntcn. Shortly Imfnn lioon tho Ohio ilvnr rRlilrri'il fill ! font Imt nmri' ihtui fit fci't Ih itM'ilrl hofon night. Tho rcoonl I fi4 fort hut It Hi'Ctn iiortnln that n new IukIi nmiIit murk wilt ho no hoforo niornini. Thfl IIcoII.kiI ilUtrlot, hi'hiw lliik inmi, In hi tho nioiilot-t ilnngor. If tho Ilii'kmnu lovoe hronk it will ro llovo tho niohHiut' on tlio Cnirn lc- M'oh, hut (hit uoulil insult in tho nl intwl oorliiiii iloKlniolion of lliokniuu. Thu rtfo Ih rxpooloil lo continue hoth hoio mill nl Illukmnn for fnc ilnyn Miiy liodaro Mnriliil Ijiw. Miirtinl law may ol ho iloolarotl, nllhoiiKh it will lint ho I'xtiihlikhrtl until Iho hltuntiiu kiowh mmo hcri oim (linn nt iiioHi'iil. Thorn wiiM n hionk ill Iho lovoo horo hiNt nllil hut it wiik i'Kiir nftor n hanl fiht mill tho wntor holil ha ok. IVw womni nnil ohihlron roniain In t.'aiio, iim limy hnvo hoon louiiiK h' (ho Hoorn hIiioo Suuitay, All Ih.) Iiinooh north of hrro havo tiooit nliiiuilonoil iiml ovory nvailuhlo innii today in mi tlio Cairo Ipvooh in mi oTfort lo provont n dimihlrmiH nvorflow, Tho war lU'pnrlinoiit hnn hrou iihIjoiI lo houiI tlrion hunlH of Iho Kiivoriunonl lloot hoio in propni- iithui for an unrorKcnry. Snvoral linil alliliid occurroil lioro In Hie ilrnliiiiKii ilUtllct north with tin. water puurliiR Into tlm ilUtrlct front mivoriil polnt. It wj oxpoctod that tint wator would brook Into tho tlU trlot with a runh lutor In tho nf tor noon, Tho nil nation nt Mouml City, nbnvo horo, In Bravo. Naval roaorvoa liiivu martini for thu ilrnlmiKu Hh trlot In u lauuuli, lleayy lllim to Dayton. DAYTON', Ohio, April 1. That It will ho Ion yviirn hoforo Dnylnn ro riivoi'rt from tho dimiHlrotiri flood (Coutluuod on lngo 3) 10 NKW YORK, Apiil 1. Amciioun Gun was ilcprosHi'd nt Iho opotiim- of Iho stouk market today hut tho huoy nnoy of l)io lint Ki'iiornHy cuuhciI tho hoar operators lo vim for oovor, nnd cncoura(,'t'il liiiyinj,'. Cunndinn 1'noi flu i'oho (hrou mid Amorioitn Tohaooo fivo. Fovoin buyliiB was heavy fol lowing Iho nowrt that Turkoy hud ao (iiipli'd tlio penro lorina or Iho powem. Thu markot oluud firm. Jlnuds wciu ulcudy, I SCENE J jC HaflH fftiTMSpJKrnBKB'vmZ,t':' vkJrBsMOa. ri FHMiBS.sssssssjafjptsjsjsssjsssj jBgBBggMlHJKg In till 1 1 Inn- It liowu an oi I'll' in in iu'1 n i iiu.ru uj i tir mi TO COS'STANTINOI'l.i:, Apnl I I ten I in in i'ory Imttlofiotil, lnr nrj iiiirs Noalliirrd mid iliwlroyi'd, Ailri-j nnoplo, hor "Holy City " in tho luimU of Iho nul,iitx, Turkoy lodny howod to tho iiii'vitahi'l mnl fonnally UKrnil lo iiniiiuililional aot'optauoo of tho lonun' if M'iioo offuri'd hy lltn . IMiworr. Tho nrorptmu'o of tho Porto wni ofinially nnnoiini'iil in n nolo! to Hut iliilouiali xtiitliuicil hrrr. Kvon thii mirrriiilor of tho Turk, however, hy no momm inakoi roituiu tho riul of Iho war. Tho Ilnlkitu nl IUi havo not jol nsrood lo tho pro- j Mnln of Iho MinorH, mid hlioiihl Moutoiiruro i "how n Mrmik front at Hi'tiluii, it i more thnu ; prohnhlo that tho pruiHi-aU of tho i lowori will comn to moan nothing moro than n hiifiH for itopitialiiiK has boon nrrivnl nt. It in mlmittod horo, howovor, thai tho Minemlor f Turkoy ullunnloly will i exult in poaoc, mul, prohahly ih'iii'o'wiIIi pniottoally nil tho do- mundh of tho allies Halifiiil. SULZER DEMANDS THUT SEN. STILLWELL QUIT AI.UANY, N. Y., April J Tho roMlKiintlou of Stato Bunutor Rtlllwoll wan demanded today by tlovernor William HuUor. This Ktand wan taken by Hut Kovoruor follewing: Iho receipt of toloKrauiM front Hoorrt't Kendall, prealdout of tho Now York lank Nolo company, wlilrh churned Btlllwoll with bribery In connection with tho paHHat:o of bllla throiiKh t statu lenUluturn Intended to curb utock exehaulto operation. Kendall flully. nHHiirtod that Boun tor Htlllwell mado nutornl demandu on him for money, cIIIiik specific In ula neon. On onn occasion Kendall inld Rtlllwoll told him that tho bill Incorporation; utock uxuhanKoa would not bo reported out of committee un lens Htlllwull worn paid SS00. Kendall declared ho told Stlllwoll that unions tlm bill worn reported nut within -1 houra ho would tako tho ciihu to Oovcrnor Hulxor. . Tho bill wan roportod, Htlllwull denloti Kondall'ii nlloga- tlOIIH. 32 OFFICIAL BILLS FOR PROGRESSIVE PARTY WASHINGTON, April 1, An nnuueemeiit that ho inieiuN to intro diieii thirty (wo ofieial hills of tho prnfrohHivo parly duriiiB tho speeiul hiiHiou of eoiiBrei wiik miitlo hero today hy Sonuloi' I'olndexler of WiiHliiuRton. Tho hiiiuo iucuhuioh will ho intioduued in Iho housu by CnnRrcNHiiiiui Mitrdoek of Kantiiis, Tlio profiesHlvo incnstiros will envoi') tho main platform pledgos of tho parly. One of tho hills provides for (tovornmont prohibition of ehild labor and another for n minimum wmbq htw for women. Bourn of tho uiuuamea Unvo ulrcady been drafted, TURKEY BOWS NEVITABLE AND GIVES III HISK1 F0LIHMG THE TEilFIC initial (cih In Urn. ill. t s f iiotti k. mi run in, i DIRDS FYE VIEW I gggggggTBH4f-flgggggBkPgVL iVHVf? ggVHlrfB3ggg7P'htt w"t - t Hf wAwwtyflTiKwBLaw-Bfcy ti k a va,tfVDK3VwjCgg1IJggHgggK Tito view kIkiwu nlxivo will clvr a llttlo liloa of llic-.Vi(iitiej of ilio wlilrh tm rniiHiil itmiioiiintii of ilenth npil uiliiru of il ll.ir- lon In T E OF ADRIATIC SEA VIKN.VA. April 1 Austrian ImiK threatened participation In the llalkan itriiRcle. camo to n dnflnda head today, when Austrian lrariblpn beenn a blockado of tho Adriatic as a naval dotimnMratlun against tho llalkan allies to back up tho Aus trian demand that tho .Moutcuecrlns lift the hIokq of Scutari. Tlioio Is an unconfirmed rumor horo that Klnt; Nicholas of Monto enpro soon will abtllcato In favor at his son, I'rinco Daulln. No Information Is jot available hero as to whether Russia will or will nnt acquiesce In tho Austrian preiumro upon MinU'iiocrn nud Its allied. PART CORPORATION LAW KNOCKED OUT SAt.KM, Ore., April J.-The Hit promo com I today hold that tho law impohinj- mi annual Iicoiiho fee on foioiKii corporations haxed upon the amount of capital ftloek is uncon stitutional on tho mound thut it im poies n tax upon tho wholo eapitul stock of ti foreign coi-poiation, ir ivspeelivo of tho whether it is cm loyed in (his stale. Tho other pro visions of the corvnriition law, how ever, are hold lo ho valid. Tim cues. lion t'liini) beroio tho court on n ro hoarine; of the ease of I.eo Ilirseh fold nniusl .1. S. .McCullnnIi, nppoU laut, wherein the court held thut n curtain nolo was void until the cor poration which was n parly lo it had complied with Iho state laws govern ing foreign corporations. NASHVILLE, Tonn., April 1. Tho Tennessee filalo senate todap by a vote of 27 to II, ratified tho nmend- moiit to tho federal constitution for thu direct eleolion of United States senators. II hud already puscd (ho liouau.' AUS RIAN SPS N BLOCKAO ruins im outskirts or- omaha. iih ,. ji it iur mit it in : i inu Of HAMILTON OHIO, WHERE FLOOD TOOK HAMILTON OHIO, WHERE HOLLAND WOMEN E LONDON', April 1, The Miffra KrtteH of Holland have officially re proved Iho htiffragcttcH of England. ''Your long-smouldrrinK feelings," unys n letter received hy tho Women's Social nnd Political union from the Dutch Ilond for Woman Suffrage, "might find n belter outlet oiip worthier of women. Hocnuso Eng lishmen hnve often got what they wanted (broach violence that need not he n reason for women to follow their hod example. You only harden the pnblio opinion ngaiiiht you mid lone nil moral influence. "W'o feel that those outrages nre an offense lo our civilization nnd arc deeply injurious lo the cause we both love so ardently. "While appreciating your devotion, enthusiasm nnd solf-snerifiee, we implore you to desist from your de plorable nud senseless methods. Stop throwing bombs, injuring letterboxes and hurling citizens. Don't break the law in order to elmnge Hie law. Con cent rate your forces on worthier deeds. Then once more you will he iioino n help to the cause, nnd, marching together lo our glorious goal, victory muM ho ours." COMMITS SUICIDE PORTLAND, Ore., April l.-Oavin E. Cnukin, 8.ri years old, prominent in fl. A. U. circles, committed suicide with an old army pistol today in his insurance office in the Aiusworlli building. Tho net was deliberate and well planned, nil arrangements. having been made by the man n short time before death. In fact, thu ink wns not dry on tho paper, which he left, telling what ho wished douo with his body and effects. After leaving n memorandum of his nnme, wife's address, dnughtev'A nddress, undertaker to ho called, and instructions to plnco his affairs in Iho hands of Attorney Thomas N. Strong, tho aged veteran closed tho iusido shutter lo his window, looked into tho corridor lo seo if anyone was near, then pulled tho trigger that sent a .fl8 cnlibro bullet into his temple. Death was instnntnueous, A daughter, Mrs, Tv M. Riggin, lives on Fifteeutu Avonuo, Senttlo, RFRUK SISTERS CYCLONE HIT SWEPT u ai,ii;e and lu if 'iff 'tlio uYtnniluii hImmii bere l oiuy t muall pa1 HEAVY TOLL terrific flood follovrloc the recent cyclone iniKTty n I ready. E BY FLOODS NEAR CINCINNATI, Ohio, April 1. Five million dollars dumnge was done by flods in this locality, it is esti mated here today. From PitUhurg to Evnnsville, Indiana, scarcely n town on tho Ohio river escaped in undation. In Wet Virginia, Hie damage is estimated nt $10,000,000 nnd one hundred thousand H'ions nre home less, including the cities of Wheeling, Parkersburg nnd Huntington. On the Ohio side a thousand people are enenmiied on the hills around I ronton. Louisville, Kentucky, is partially flooded. The bii.iine.ss section of that city which always escaped for mer floods, is under water. Colum bus, Kentucky, is inundated nnd four hundred houses nro submerged (n Lawreneohurg, Itul. LOUISITSAYS 'FRISCO NOT GOAL SAN PHANC1SCO. Cal April 1 That tho Great Northern Is not seek ing an entry Into San Francisco Is tho declaration mado here today by Louts W. Hill of St. Paul, rorraor president ot that railroad. 11111 Is visiting hero from Del Monte, Oal with hla wlfo and son. Ho Is tho son of James J, Hill, tho fined rail road king. WILSON OFFERS LA FOLLETTE'S BROTHER A GOOD JOB WASHINGTON, April 1. Register of tho wills of the District of Colum bia is tho position offered by Presi dent Wilson to William LaFolletto of Wisconsin, brother of Senator Itohort LaFollette, according to a re port being circulated here, Tlio plnco carries a salary of if 1,000 a year. Bowers Reslrjns WASHINGTON. April l.Georga N. nowors, United States fisheries commissioner, resigned today. Ho will loavo offlco April 10, $5,000,000 DAMAG NNNAT OHIO TIE WEST D MONTFGNSER IS DECLARED THE OF PARIS, April 1 A dispatch from Hrlndlsl to tho Kxcelslor toys that thu provisional government ot Al bania baa declared tlio Due de Mont penslcr klnc. The Due and his suite arrlred at Drlndlsl today In a specially char tered yacbt. The party was greeted by the provisional president. The Due announced his Intention of ac ccptlne the throne, and the govern ment Immediately proclaimed him ruler of Albania. Plans are iindar way today to secure recognition ot the new goVernm.eqt by the power. The Due de Montpeasler was ap pointed several weeks no and con sented' to accept the throne. I lie full name Is Prlnco Ferdinand Fran cols Due de Montpenslcr. He Is 23 years of age and a brother ot Prince Louis Phlllppo Robert, Due do Or leans, pretender to tho French throno. PAR00NEO BY WEST IS SOON RE-ARRESTED SALEM, Ore., April 1. fleorse W. Hampton, alias Thaddeus E. York who, under the latter name, was serv ing time in the Oregon state peni tentiary on n charge of forgery, was pardoned by Oovcrnor West today, only to be re-nrrested bv Illinois officials as ho n topped from the doors of the prison. Ho is wanted in Chicago on a charge of swindling. Recently the Illinois officials asked for York's pardon so he could he re turned east. York refused to accept the pardon when he learned its pur ikiso. Today, thinking the federal officials had given up their quest, he demanded his release mid got it. The government officers were waiting for him. WOULD HELP 01 SACRAMENTO, Cal April l.A Joint committee of tho state legisla ture appointed to confer with Gov ernor Johnson on ways and means of assisting In tho relief of flood suf ferers in the middle west has found that tho constitution prohibits tho appropriation of 9100,000 which -was favorod by tho committee,, The commltteo Is still attempting to find somo moans whereby sub stantial aid may bo given by the Btato. AT OMAHA, Neb., April l.A bill will bo introduced in tho legislature at Lincoln this afternoon permitting Douglas county, in which Omaha is situated, to issue $1,000,000 worth of bonds for tho relief of tornudo sufferers, Tho latent estimalo of tho property loos here is $8,500,000. N ALBANA TH MORGANSDEATH FAILS TO CHECK GUESTS' GAIETY Body Lies at Royal Suite at Grand Hotel Where It Will Remain Until Arrangements Are Competed to Convey It to America . j. Morgan's Relatives Move From Hotel Six Paid Emjrfeyoos - finanl Corpse Through the Night ROME, April l.Tho body of J. Picrpont Morgan, tho great American financier, who died hero yesterday, was embalmed Jodny and lies in the royal suilo at tho Grand hotel, where iljrill remain until arrangements are completed to convey It to America. Floristf,' jihopn here ha"- been de pleted as the result of orders of rel atives, diplomats and tourists, who have flooded tho Gram! htel with flowers. J Today is the day Morgan had jitanned to ntnrt for Aix te Bains, intending to upend his idrthday, April 17, there. j Darning CfNtuunieJ. While Morgan' body lies in stale, the gaiety continues uninterunted at the hotel; The noise of the dancing and other revelry continued until dawn. Relatives of the late financier this morning permitted AIWb' Pol- aceks. an art student from Philailel- Ihta, to take a death mask. Polaceks is studying at the American Art Ae nrttay here, Morgan having paid hfo tuition.. ,. i. . - The second floor of the hotel was deserted last night, Morgan'n rela tives moving cKewherc; Scores' of diplomats and friends offered to keep watch over the body last night hut their services were declined, six aid employees guarding the corpse. Occupied Royal Suite. Morgan nnd his party coupled the royal suite two salons and eight bedrooms with private outside resi dence. The kings of Greece and Sweden had ocupied the suite nt va rious times. Morgan occupied the corner room, overlooking the park. The Italian laws which impose considerable red tape on the removal of bodies, probably will bo obviated in Morgan's case. Definite arrangements for tho re moval of Iho body to Amcricu have been delayed pending wireless word from William Hamilton, a sun-in-law, who is en mute to Rome aboard Hie steamer Adriatic. Statement Issued. Dr. Starr, Dr. Dlxoa aad Professor Dastlanelli are preparing a formal statement regarding Morgan's last. Illness. "Death was duo primarily to a nervous collapse resulting largely from a strenuous life and lack of power to recuperate energy which a younger man could have expended with Impunity," said Professor Rax tlanelll today. "The Immediate causo was stomach trouble, which, acting with the nervous system, caused tho collapse. "Until two days ago we bad hoped that Mr. Morgan's excellent consti tution, would pull him through, but naturo succumbed, and tho end came rapidly." Deforo the body Is removed from Rome tho ltev. Gardiner Drown and the Rev. Nelson, rectors of the Eng lish and American Eulscopal church es, respectively, hero, will hold fun eral sorvlces. The body will be ac companied to New York by Herbert and Mrs, Satterleo, Morgan's daugh ter and son-in-law, LOS ANGELES WANTS ANTI-PRIZEFIGHT LAW STATE QAPITOL, SACRAMEN TO, Cat., April l.Tho hoard of su pervisors of Lps Angeles, through the officio of the distriut attorney of that county, has filed a pctitloa with the state senate urging the passage of the nnti-pritefight bill now before tuo legislature. The petit on was rend today by Brown of Lo A!iw. i Ml N ., Jl ii r t 't H