ippp " V 4 " i "I f $ n " 5 1 mmmmmmmmmm MEDFOUD fATTi TTITBUM. MEDFORT). OREGON, MONDAY, fATlOIf ,U 10M. juMaijutkiiuni B!F Th Defiiaeratle. Tlmwi, TM MJford i, tub Mmrafrt TriMna. Tha l Mali Trlbuna HulMlnr, i Fir Mtrti tslrphone 15. MM). -aft NMlil . nv nuuinf ohMiM TrlBun. JJ-17-SI anOHQR PUTNAM, Mdltor and Mnar . Kntarad Mi teend-UM matter At Metlfont, Oi-eson, utidtr tht act of March , 1I7. ' Official Papir of tha Cllr of McJforO. r Official apr of Jackaon County. BITBiCIUmOK BA.TM. On year, by "" , , . .. ,, .T"? One month, by mll ... .SO lr month, Oellvrrnl bjr carrier to Mfilfonl. Jackionvltla anil On tral inint . , , f , , , ,jo Flurly only, liy mall, pr yar a.ot Weekly, par year ..- Vie stpt BOGG'S IMMUNITY BATH3. woxir cutosxjkTioir. , Pally avtragA for trn months and tne November JO, 1011, 1T5I. Tim Mall Tribune la on ante at tht Tarry New Htaml. San Kranclaeo. I'orlUnil Hotel News stand, Portland, rortiamt News Oo, lYrtland. Or. W. O. Whitney. Seattle Wwh. JTull &aaa4 Win Unltd Prti Btapatahaa. MXBreB, OKsaeir. Metropolis of Southern Oreron and Korthern California, and th fsstest erowlnp city In Oregon. Population U. 8. census 1B10 SKOj eatlmated, Jl KV000. Five hundred thouaand dollar Gravity wmer oyaiem eompietea. giving nnesi supply puro mountain water, and IT.) miles of streets pnel. Poalofflen receipts for year ending November 30, 1911, show Increase, of 13 ier cent. Unnner fruit city In Oreiron- Rogua Ttlver SplWenbere apples won aweep takea prim and title) or "Appla Xlnr of tha World' at. the, National Apple Hhow, Spokane, 1S0, and a car of Newtowis won rtrrt Mn la 1918 at Canadian International Applo Show, Vancouver, B. C Mnt Mm 1b 1811 At Rpnltana National Appla Show won by carload of Newlewnn. nogun Hlver peara tiroucht hlsheat price in all markets of the world uur IN DEFENSE of his letter promising protection to the keeper of (ho Htv's solitary divo in exchange for her testimony in the Millar trial, City Attorney HoggH, in a public letter, asserts: With reference to titer letter published In tho ciUortl Mult Trbtino Rnttiriidny, Mnrch 38, I have to say thnt nny Inwycr or nny layman who will give, the matter a moment's consideration know thnt them la a dif ference between promlaliiR Immunity to n wltnea nml promising protection. I did not pimlQ Immunity to tho nroprletorria of th lloyal room In hottso nntl lo not propose to do o, Inn I do Intend to enforce tho liuva against this houso an qtilcHIy as possible. "Propriotoross" is good. .It. requires a word all its own to fit the occupation and the resourceful city attor ney has met tho emergency. In the subtle reasoning of (the official, there is a vast difference between immunity and protection yet to all intents and purposes ho has given the "proprictoress" an immunity bath protection from police interference and immunity to operate. Councilman Millar is accused of immorality, but instead -i-ii-j'u i CLEAN UP DAY 10 BE ARRANGED FOR peara irkets ins; the past alx yaara. COAL TRUST BARONS f PLEAD NOT GUILTY SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Mnrch 31. "Not puilty" was tho plcn voiced before United Rlntes Judge Van Fleet today here by eight officials of the Western Fuel company, tho Pacific Const tirra of tho coal trust, charged with defrauding tho government nnd private, buyers out of more than $.100,000 through "fraudulent mani pulation of scales." Tho trial date wan set for May 20. of confining evidence to the charge, tho City Attorney is trying to prove that ho sold liquor in his restaurant to minors. "Why not try him upon this charge f Why besmirch his reputation with one charge ami proceed to prove a matter outside tho charge? If liquor was bought by minora, why not help stop tho illegal proceedings by arresting the minors tilso, who are breaking the law just as much as the liquor dealers' Yet mv. boggs gives them protection also. Mr. Boggs lias been city attorney for three month. During this time ho has made no attempt to close the Royal. Why The Maii Tribune believes in law enforcement, but on- forced impartially. It does not believe in converting law enforcement into a political game to punish opponents. Tt does not believe in promiscuous inummitv baths to " pro prietresses" of off-colored resorts and to vouthful hood lums, in order to "get" some one who cannot be whipped into line to support tt political program. The Indie of the (Irealer Mvdford club nra planning to arrange a clean up day in tho t'H.Y and to that cud have sought the aid of the city offi. eiuN. The clean up day will lie conducted alone tlm mi me Hue iw tho ouo held Inst ftpriitr, when a hugo fire, ended a day of i leani". 1 CENTRAL POINT POINTERS Miss Altft Shuch. who has lw t That History of Oregon Fake r COMMUNICATION. Xo Storms Herr. To the Editor. Dear Sir: I havo noticed for quite a good while that every tlnao, we Have a little rainfall, or a few flakes of snow are wafted Into our little valley, or the wind Btlra up a little dust In our streets, that you call It a storm. Pardon mo, but I do not think these favors of I'rovldeneo should be classed as storms. You see The Mall Trlbuno goes to tho northwest, tho middle west, onst, south end then some; and people In these countries who rear theso tsorni Items In your paper will very naturally compare them to tho real storms they have In their own countries, and will say woll, It they have storms In souibern Oregon, J will stay away from there. I havo resided In Medford for nearly five years and, honestly, I havo never seen anything like a storm of auy kind hero yet; really, It makes an easterner smile to hear pcoplo here talk about storms In tho Iloguu River valley. The llttlo wind that wo havo here sometimes would not bo a gentle breeze back cast, up In tho northwest or middle. we3t whero they do havo storms. Onco in a while, frequently, rain, hall, sleot, snow and wind that uproots great trees; takes houses, barns and other buildings from their foundations and spreads them over tho surrounding landscape, and very often all of these Join forces and como together with an accompaniment of thunder and lightning; then it is some Interest ing. No, wo don't have any storms la southern Oregon, none whatever, Mr. Editor, aud it you will allow me T -would suggest that tho word storm be left out of tho weather reports for this part of tho country. Youis truly, W, X. O. Mud ford, March 27. Presbyterian Church Tho communion service nt (lie Prchbyteriun church yesterday was most impressive, Isino pernoiw unit od witit tho church of whom four wero by rufuUii(Mi nnd fivo by letter. This nlnko 81 who havo united with Una cliureh litis year. 'Next Friday uvening nt 7:30 there will bo (lie annual congrcgutiouul m'cctiiiK mid social to wltiuli all mem bers of tlto church and congregation arc reqwhtcd to bo present. Reports, -will bo inndo and officers elected. Ail inlcrcHting nnd enjoyable evoninjj is anticipated. All come. The Woman's missionary society of the Piesbyterian church meets in the clinpci Tuesday afternoon, April 1, All lio women of tiio pongrcga tipu iivo iuvitod. This is tho annual mWljntf'jVutl tho retiring offiuors eu- Itjrlain,. " ' . , A f To (he Editer: Dear Fir 1 read with interest your article exposing tho publishers of the "Ccntentinl History of Oregon," and how they victimited many of your citizens. I handed titc article to the Moniiag Democrat hero and they republished it I enclose that article. alo a let tcr thnt I wrolo for publication in tho snrao paper here. As far as wo Itnvc been able to leant the company delivered but three volumes in east ern Oregon ns comprising the set, nnd they now make the flimcy ex planation that volume fottr had noth. itlSt to do with cntern Oregon, nnd as the contract provide for but three Volumes, wc were entitled to bat three; but they forgot that nt tho time the solicitors were ictimizing the public that they cxprestly stated thnt they were unable to state how many volumes it would take to com plete the set (containing the names of victims), nnd that if it required more than three volumes thnt the (subscriber would get ail there was coming to him. Thou spenkest well, my I.ord, nye, we got more thnn was comings we got part of n set of books that, outxide of the binding of n few stray facts, were entirely dif ferent from the representations made by tho solicitors. There, for in stance, is a lengthy biography of Job Smith (we will say), who came hero in tho early sixties nnd by bis tireless energy made Oregon what it is today by r.dsing hogs nnd chew ing "terbneker." Then there is Sn mauthn Jones who lives in Ilingvillc now, who came here juhtt after tho war (with her husband) another pa renthesis: (She did not have n, war with her husband, but sho in com pany with her hu-dminl came here to gether nrter tho war presumably the war of the rebellion.) I don't remember if it savs nnv- thing ele of importance about Sn- tnnnUia, but anyway she came here, nnd ns she promised to pay the twenty-five bucks for the privilege of having her mime enrolled among the stung, of course she had to have her nnmo recorded, so that the public generally could at nil (imcs have free access o the great nrmy of easy, mark. Now, here ns in and around Medford, there nro n number of peo ple wlin resent the insinuation (in sinuation U correct,) that they are as easy as they look, so ninny of ns havo not paid for the work. I think work is proper, for it filH in so nicely with worked; so I refer to the set ns the work of frnttls, nor do we intend to voluntarily pny for hav ing our names enrolled in the work of easy-marks unless the courts (a plnco wherein justice is done) com Hsls us to come hither with twenty five hard-earned simoleons.. Were it not that many people in your vicinity of good intentions nnd honest inclinations nre suffering grcut mental anguish, believing that they nro tho only ones in Oregon who hnvr lent themselves to the wile of a bunch of frauds, I would not pen these lines to you; but feeling that it may in some meagre, alleviate their sorrows this letter is written to you Hoping mat iiimugii you ami your nenpnpcr the may bo nppricd that in other xertions of Oregon other vic-tim- dwell. VT. J. SACIINKR. Raker, Ore., Mnn, U". EARTHQUAK E 1000 MILES AWAY WASHINGTON, March 31. The Georgetown beismosgroph recorded an earthquake from 11 o'clock last night to twelve thirty UiIh morning. Its maximum strength was indicated at 11. Tho scat of tho disturb ance wns estimated to bo 7,000 wiles distant. GREEKS WILL HOLD SALONIKA AS SPOILS The Dally Hint from Farls. 7 mmmmmmmmP9 issssssssssssssF B ? issssssssssssssf" v M"Y:yWk BSBBBBBT'BslHMiHW'IBlH BBBBBBBBBBBBV MMMMMMMMMM SSBBBBBBBBBBBBSVI VtV ,sflHHHHl lllllWsBBBBBBBBBBBVrf SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbW Wi BBBBBBbB MHHHHHHHHHHHm ' HHHHHHHHHHHhVHHHHHhI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' ' "HHHHHHHHHHHHHMHMHHHHHHHI pBpBpBpBpF r- p BBBBBBBBBBBpBJ BBBBBBBBBBBB' iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl bbbbiIbbbbbbbbbbbI bbkj&ImbbbbhHbbbI t K ivm nuiwi. wa-m Mw v t w few1 UO. tat ttmlt C inn I AlgrottM art iiti to nuke the crtc hpe: ornament on the fold4 turUa. UalKia User. ATHENS, March 3i. Despite the absence of King Coiistuntino from that city, tho Greeks ore determined to hold Salonika us part of their spoils in the Ralknn war. The is here to attend tho funeral of (ho slain king Wednesday, but will return to Kulonikn at tho conclusion of the obsequies. AMBASSADOR TO JAPAN HOME UPON A VISIT SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., March 31. After a brief tenure in office, J,urz Anderson, United States nmbussudor to Japan is returning here today with Mrs. Anderson. They will mako u brief tuy in this city before depart ing for tho east. Tho question of Anderson's re-appoint by President Wilson is cmiHiiig much speculation hero today. FLOODS CRIPPLE TRAFFIC INTO LEWISTON, IDAHO 'LEVVISTON, Idaho, Mnrch 31. Railroad truffio into Lcwistou is bad ly hampered by slides and washouts caused by tho heuvy rains of the past two days. Tho Snake and Clear water rivers have risen ubout five feet aud witli tho rains continuing today, (ho situation is Incoming serious. Miss AHn Shueh, who has isiting friends hero for the past week, left Thnrsdny for a isit wtl her sister nt Portland. George Fnruum left the lt of the week for a trip oat. Rev. nnd Mrs. II. N. Aldrieh are spending tho last of this week nt Grants Pass nt tho M. K. parliament which is being held there this week. The many friend" of Mrs. H, II. Young will be pleased to hoar he is convnNecing from an illiies nt tho Central Point hospital. Charles Pniulerxou has returned from a business trip to Taonmn. The city council met Friday even ing to audit the past cnr's books nnd to allow the bills for the mouth and to sottle all thu past year's busi ness. The council adjourned to meet Monday evening, March 3lst, tout. Miss Myrtle Dunten nnd Marguer ite Holmes attended the M. 1!. par liament at Grants Pass Friday even ing. Mrs. Jerome, of Medford is here visiting Iter daughter, Mrs. Wayne Leever. MUs Agnes and Frances Dunlap spent the lnt of the week in (ImnN Pass. Miss LottWe Williamson of Med ford spent Sunday here witli her nttut, Mrs. J. W. Myers. Rev. Rrtiuk of i'hoeuix spent the Inst of the week here. Mis I.enorc Hnraett returned Sat urday from Table Rock where she has been teaching. Tho Cent ml Point baseball team played tho Fugle Point baseball team nt Haglc Point Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ross Painter nnd children of Medford spent Sunday here with rel atives. Claude White has relumed from n two weeks' visit to Cnlifomio. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Pttikeypile, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Ross and daughter Kdith motored to Ashland Sunday to viit their mother, Mrs. Stidham, and brother Will. Mrs. Mvrah Purkeypile of Med ford spent tho Inst of the week here. Mrs. Taylor and son, Rnynmud, Misses Fditli nnd Cecil Kmerson, Mrs. Fnrrn, Hnxcl Ilebb, Frances Shields, Lnry Klliott, Miss llluek ford, Francino McNnssur, Myrtle Dunten, Mr. ami Mrs. Wayne leever, Lawrence Nichols, Merle Kindle, Cbtteous MeCrecdie. Paul NorcrosH, Mclviu Kllestnd, Archie J'arker, Mrs. Simpkiin, were among the many Cen tral Pointers in Medford Sunday af ternoon. K. D. Knhler left Saturday Tor Los Angeles, California, on a iicvcral weeks' visit with Ins aunt. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Fanium left for southern California the last of the weok whore they expect to re main for sometime. Harry Lindsay met with quitu n serious accident Saturday evening while in his auto. ynnU wliru Hie rltf turned isor, throwing holli mini nut. Mr. NutrH fell on lop of Mr Miller lull fortu-iinte-ly neither of them wero onrtotm ly hurl At first it was thought .Mr. Miller's eye was put out he linn but one good rye and fciiw were enter tained that ho would lose his other eye but I saw him silling up this Friday afternoon nnd m uh feel ing quite ciimfoi table nnd thinks Hint he will bo will he able to go to Jack sonville by Monday. T. C, Kelieiibuig, who bought part of thn Young plnco west nf town, was doing business hero this week, W. Ta.vlor was also in tniui the sntno. day. Hoy Vestal, who hud been to Med- ford on business, relumed on tho P. & K. train Wednesday afternoon and proceeded on his wav up to bis home on Reese nreek. Mr. .McCloud, who lives on Roguo liver near tho upper steel bridge, came in for n load of grain Wednes day to sow on tho Nellis place on Florence Rock. There was a band of horses stop ped with their Keeiors oil tho hank of the creek Tuesday night that the keepers seemed to ,bo uiixlons to trade off hut they did not succeed very well. Archie Walker and family of Colo. rado, a sott-iiflaw of our towns people, Mr. and Mr. Painter, came in Tuesday evening on the folks un announced. i , Mall Tribune's classified ads bring results. ll'H! "!!.! A TWICE-TOLD TALE Ouo of lutcroit to Our Heailem, WHERE TO OO TONIGHT womkn havi: 11kkn tki,mnj vomi:.v fur morn thnn HO years how I.ydla K. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound tins cured them from thn very worn forms of remain Ills. This accounts (or tho enormous demand for It (roi i coast to const. If you suffer from any form of female Ills, why don't Von try I.ydla K I'lukhnm's Vege table Compound? It will pay you to do so. Good news bears ropnntltm, and when It Is confirmed niter a long Inpxo of tlmn, oven If wo hesitated to bnllovn It nt first bluing, we feol so euro In accepting Its truth now Tho followlliir iitlliirliiiiK.i nt it Miiilfiii-il mnn Is confirmed after ninny yearn X a. a. enrs, sni Finn Hi, Metl- T ford, Oregon, snyst "Hluco publicly roeouuiiciitlluK Dunn's Kidney IMIIh In lUOT I hnvn used them occasion" nlly nnd they hnvo always brought good results, I wns afflicted with severe pnlus la my buck nnd 1 oflon found It linpoiislhlo to stoop, Tho kidney nerrotloim pained too fre quently and this weakuesi was a sourco of much annoyance llenrlim Oonn's Kldnfcy Pills highly i orpin mended, I procured n box nt IIiih kins' drug store nnd by tho time I hnd finished tho contents 1 could sen that thoy were tho rlxht remedy for my trouble. (Irndunlly tho pnlus nnd other difficulties disappeared nnd my health Improved, I cheerfully recommend Donn's Kidney Pills to every ouo afflicted with kidney complaint." "When your back Is In mo re member tho nntiie." Don't simply nsk for a kldnny remedy uk dis tinctly for Dunn's Kidney Pills, tho snmo thnt Mr, Sears had tho rem edy barked liy homo testimony. ftOc nil stores. Fnitvr-Mllliiirti Oo , Props., lluffalo, N, Y. I ISIS THEATRE I ,vAiim:vii.iii 111 rot'lt MUHIOAL Mvi:iaNis Musical Artists Photo I'liijs Today Tim, t'ltttcli of Conxcleuco Tho Hello of Vnrtlt Wnleo Papa Puts Otto Out Draperies We csrrr vrr compute line of drprtn, Uca eurtslni, fliturrs. etc., anil do all cUs of upholitrrln A prelal man to look aflr this work xclulvly and will gtva a snoJ arrvlco aa la noaslbl to st In vQ thn laturat cltka. Weeks & McGowan Co. Clark a Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, I), a Tublle Land Matters: Final Proof. Desert Lands. Contest and Mining Cases. Scrip. Auction Sale of Acreage I.N TDK I'IKIUJK HirillllVINtO.V Two Miles Kant of Mmlfonl T11U1UMDAY, APItlli 10TII ON THK MNI Ono nnd one-quarter to flvo ncro tracts will bo sold to tho highest bid der. Heldotn does the buyer havo tho chnnco to nnmo tho prlro ho pays for real rslato, especially cholro pro perty woll located nnd on very essy terms. Do not fall to iccuro one of tbeno tracts. A special opportunity for tho man of small means to secure a homo. Liberal discounts will bo inado for all cash. i:. r. HKitiiiiT, o. li. nulla: Auctioneer Owner Coining TttcM. aud Wed. First Merles of .Mutt and Jeff I In Patlin's Wookly liy tho World's tlrontimt Cnr I toonWf, iimi I'lihnr ! imWHMI IT F.THEATRE TONIGHT ' Till J PANAMA CANAL Tito l.lienseil t'lrltirca AdmUslon Alwnys tho Rnmo lis CKNTH fi Never More, Never Less PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Water Heating All Work CrusraniMh) I'rlcca lUamnalila OOPPEEN & PRICE 99 sfooara Block. Satrasc ea tth M. Kama Vhoaa IIS. J. H. Mulhollen Pnlntlng, Paper Hanging, Tinting and General House Repairing Phono C03-Y 320 West Bccoml Htrovt EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. y A. C. Howlott. Win. C. Dnlov of Lake Creek came out last Wednesday to go to Jack sonville to pay his tnxci. Lust Wednesday wo had tpiite n serious accident in our town when John Miller, an old man over 80 years of nge, wiih thrown from n wagon nnd iptlta badly, although not scrintibly burl, ChriK Nutriek wiw coming down from hi work on the rond above trail and ri''ked him up nt tho Joe Iliiiinnli plncp, five miles this side of Trail find they came along together, ho liavjiig another young mnn with him until tlioy camo near Knglo Point, when Mr. ton over nnd Walter Voodn got in and just nftcr they passed Iho old gpst mill ouo side of (lie tongtm became detached from Iho uxo and the tongue dropped down ami tho horses began to run pud Die three young men jumped out nnd just ubout about thnt limy the hors'os rnu nguhis( u tclephono pole, w!lci wps ubout fivo iipdics thick, broke it off at th ground and nlso broke it near tho center, tearing it im0 from tho two wires, then ran ubout Hoventy-j'ivp E. D.Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing Post Cards Panoramic Work Portraits Interior and exterior views Flash lights Negatives made any time' and any placo by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phone 1471 Hemingway's Lead Arsenate The brand which Is used In nil of tho great npplo growing districts of Iho country Western Now Vork, .Michigan, tho llluo Itldgo Slopes, thu Oxnrks nnd tho fame m vnllos of the great Northwest HEMINGWAY'S LEAD ARSENATE Is of tho highest standard of inr.ntitncturo. Wo claim tho following points of superierity: PERFECT PHYSICAL CONDITION I. o., fineness of grain and caso In thinning down In wator CORRECT ANALYSIS I. c., full percentage, of Arson! J Oxldo (not less thnn Id per cent) and no mora than a trnco of Solublo Arscnla wiiiti: rou nooKLirr and piiioils Stocks Carried by KERR, GIFFORD & CO. Portland, Oregon HEMINGWAY'S LONDON PURPLE CO., LTD. H Wator Street, Now York, N, Y. ' LJ 1.U .14.... ST d John A. Perl UndortmKr M B. HAnVXiKTT Fhokcs M. i7 ,b 47s Ambulance Service. Deputy Cooir OI'K.V A I'M ft 1ST The Bonded Warehouse GKNttJUft HTOItAOK Oregon's Moat up-to-dato Fjre-proof Warohoinio with llurglar-proof Vault. For rates apply MEDFORD REALTY & IMPROVEMENT PQ, n. 1. Managers PLAN YOUR TRIP THROUGH CALIFORNIA THU LAND OF Sunshine and Flowers via thi; 1 01 SUMSIT il I 0CDIHftttASTAl I A THOItOUOHLY Iv.VJOVAHLIJ HOUTH You Can Hco In Callfornlai Attractive soasldo rasortH, famous hotels, hot springs and outdoor sports, At I'nimilenu the world famed ostrich farms and magiiiricunt Iiouior. At Hnu Ilermirdlna aud ltvornldo thu 0 ran go groves, At Catallua, tlio wonilurful uubinarluo gardoiiH, aud at various othor points attractlous that delight tho oyo and Inform tho mlud. Low Ono Way or Hound Trip Ifarcsi Itotind trip tickets to Los Angolos on snlo dully with long return limit nnd stop-overs at will. If you wish to go still further south or east, tickets via all rull, or rail uud stenmor through Now Orlouns can ho secured nt ruiiHouuhlu ratou. Further particulars on application to any Agont, Auk for do- scrlptlvo lltornturo on aOllfornlit, or "Waysldu Notes," dotfcrlhlni; trip Hun FrunclNco to Now Orleans, JOHN M. r)COTT, Ocuerul I'tissenger Agent, I'ortlautl, Oregon J ! V