(firm mmk U4t Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Fair mKIi fifth, trmi tflNfettt Mat. H, Mln. 43 SECOND EDITION Purly-thlnl Vnr, Dully Klulilli Yrnr. MORGAN DEAD PEACEFUL END FOR FINANCIER Weeks Critical Illness Ends In Col Inpjo Pujo Henrlno Blamed liy Friends ns Immcdlalo Cause of Fnlllno Hcnlth Stocks Not Upset Dnurjtitcr and Family Surrounded Death Bed Morijan Unconscious When End Comes ROME. Muii'li 31. J. I'. Morgan died (it Hie Oriuiil Hotel lit lUsOfi tills morning. Aiiiinuneciiient of his dciilh was withheld until private rabies had been sent to Hid Muigan bunking house lit New York anil London Tlii'il t'lol wiin peaceful ami I'limi VvllCII Hit' fillllllcicl' WHS Ultt'llllHI'lllUN Henry Hutteih'c. Morgan's win in law, Mr.,.torgnn,K daughter, I'm J" UniMoriullia, Dr. Dixon and others of tlii Morgan imty were nt tin) bed side when tin1 end came. I'm hours before hU death Morgan vvun In n ulato of coma. lion to I'ujo I'i-oIh. Mr. Dixon declined Morgan's ml lapse wiiH due to Hi" strain iuciden In) to I lu finiiiu'ii'r'H recent appear. mire before the recent I'ujo probe I'oiiiNilltiic meeting. MorttniiV itontli followed it week of critical lllnow. NKW YOIIK. March l The death notice of .1. I'. Morgan vns hihIii1 this morning til li oVIuek on tlm ilonr ' of the offices of the banking firm ol .1. I1. Morgan mid eouipnuy. The uotlre simply staled Hint Morgan ilieil this morning nt Home. All flnus wore, loivered in Ynll Streel upon reeelpt of the enlile from Koine announcing Morgan's death. It was niinoiiueeil Hint the Mock iwchiiligo would nut Hose loiliiy. Market Not Affciirsl. MeiulierH of .1. I. Morgan nnd emu puny say (hut lierrnfter, the firm will eonfiiU) itself Mriellv to u con servative hanking "lie.v. devoting lint little attention to speculation. In n ktnlemenl issued hero, Henry Clew, n member of Morgan's Ann. Illumed Murgnn'a appearance hefore the Ihhinm eommittee which Investi gated the money trust an luiMcuiiig the fhiiincicr'H tlcnlli. .1. P. Morgan junior niinoiiueeil tlint he did not think the e.xHee! break in Hie idoek mnrkel would oeeur, nl HiiiiikIi tenseness was fell on nil sides. Ihii opening failed to produce ensn tiuus, Steel Mock opened 3-1 of n point lower. Southern railway stork opened nil eighth loner hut rallied. Rending ipened n point lower hut im iiiedialelv irrovcred. fiti illo ami Niishvillo showed it gain of 1 1-1 MlltltH. 1LTA SEZES GROCERY STORES OF i DAYTON, Ohio, March 31. Kot IowIiik coinilnlutn that hoiiio doaloro uro charging exorbitant prices, the. ntllltlu aelze.il all grocery htores horo early today. Soldlura aru guarding thu Htores urnl rullof commlttoea uro distributing uuppllos from them. A locoril la bolng kupt of Hioho dU trlbutloiiH ami tlio grocora will bo paid n rmuuiunlilo nu in for tlio goods John PuttoiBou, prun(lout of tlio Na tional Cnnli Ut'KlHtur oompnny, who U illroutliis thu rullet work, until to te day: i "Tlio rollof committee hnu all tlio food anil clothing nccostmry at pres ent. Money In urKuntly ruipilrod ti. put thu city In condition to piuvunt tlio outhiTuk of Hurloua iIIhcihch and to rohatillltnto thu tliousnmlu who lout tliolr homcH." Pntturuou, who la umlor aentonro of ono your In tlio punltontlury tor vlolutlonu of tlio Shormnn nutl-truat law, Hont tlio followlm; telegram to IM'iialdout WIIboh early teduy: "I am entity of no crime. I want no pardon. I want only Jimllco and iiomu fodonil notion luaUInu Dnytim Hiife from a recurrunco of such a DAYTON 010 uittiiBtronhu iih It luiB juut had," J. Picrpont i -J4BLBf SaflBBBBBBBBBBBaHaHiN BflBLLLLkHILkw f WLLLLLLLLLLLLwtyLf bLLLLLLLLLLLbbk. '9irifm T S?y4r SSBIbv V alllllBIILV ' kkkkkkBrBkkkkkVl ATrJkkkkkkkkBT kkkkkkkkkwVX kkflkkkkkkkBSBkW ' 1 J Kbm I VBkkkkkkVki vBkkkkkkkkkkkkV v ?4CK'BkkkkkkkLLBu a Lv 2F ' $ I II jMEm mvm HW U iBLLLLkLLLLl -Jo P'b:.ri Tvi iniL .r 'JtL hI II ihi aliK .bH 'P lkkkkLkLLLH ,2km' , 'LLLHkkLLHkilfxi kw'tt -ak ''' jzxl II 7 w bK. jK ri'biA 'aikLLLLLHkvkflp LLLLLLLLhtVT MkBHHWHoBr I .a LLHiVi In tkLLLLLLBLLLLV . tr jHLLLLLLLLiskLLLLfw jKtSiSiEB&ml v 1 ! kk BkkkkBD Jljkkkkkkkkfllkkkkkkkkkr AfBML L .kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkHwV'fl Bkr AHBPkHkkkkkkkflkkkkW fc 'S:1? v( 'iiimbktCBBbB .LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLvbHx4kL ' ''ifwfkLLLLLHLLLr SkiV v bLBi kkktV V vLiBixr5jis z? iVlRj aHr w&kkkVBPf &!Wtr AJM1 IB IBM rr ii bj-bj- iy rr nnBli m:,UBS5 -5SS' X "aB 'BBBBBBBk r- iBBBBBVVCf . VBBC . VJ rHT v "W " VMM' m.? izjj- xTtry couitri PiaUREI MR. MORGAN) TAKEN JUNE 2U90S WHEN YALE MADE HIM A DOCTOR OF LAWS. I OF ALL IN ' COI.UMIII'.S. Ohio, Mn nh 31. 8ll)-fonr tiudlen of Hood victim were in tlio iniirKue hero at 7:30 o'clock thin uioruliiK. hnt only thru.-' of lliem hnvo lieeu Identified. The watera whluh covered central Ohio hnvo receded leaving mud and alluu overywhero. 1 1 la reported other corpaoa havu been located lime, but thuro la Mill no cnrtnlnty an to how Iouk will l.u the IUt of fatalltlea. HuiIiiIh of flood IctlniM aru proKromilnir, (lovornur Cox ban ben ndvUed that thu Mtiu tlon throughout tlio atatu la "no.v well In hnnd." Money la badly needed throughout I Im flooded dlatrlcta of Ohio. Only 12.10.000 haa been received by the relief committee, althouch mom than Sl,:2tiu,000 ban been uulmcrlbed throtiKhoiit thu coliutry. llehnblll tutlou la proceeding iMpldly. (Ienort.1 Leonard Wood, chief of staff of thu United HtatcH iirmy, Iina been placed In aliBoluto cIiiuko of tlio alluatlou. Ho a confldont Hint threatened opt. dumlcfl will bo controlled. Thoru n from four to five, feet of allmo o.i tliu utreetH of IJio weat aldu of thx city of Colunniua alone. 10 OIIIC'ACIQ, March 31. Attomptod oNoueratlou of Ulchard A. llulllnner, former secretary of tho Interior, w.ia offoind under cross examination by Albert O. Kroat ot Ohti'io horo to day In hla trlul ou tho cliargo of nt tumptluK to dufraud thu Kovurumout out ot SI 0,000,000 In Alnukau lands. In explaining thu utatomont "now that HallliiBar la bocrotury, wo can not anything wo want," In onu ot hla lottora, Float anld that ho meant In tho luttur that no Mid hla lieutenants could got any Information regarding eonl Innda they doalrod. wasm ".mmi omm r I ViiMMPwl - kkwjztkkwr i 1 I 1kkTflttrLw(kLkw- iamm .), 3FRmv kkBiJkkm 1 iBIBBBBw "1 1 lim' lBBBBBBBBBBBBM,'VlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB tiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW 1 J S iWdm . iHfikW vikaK' iJZf kmiBBBBWfm.m7-Vvi -vr ndaiwyi. MONEY NEEDED MOST FLOODED A MBDFOIID, Morgan, America's klW ismi TZmdr lBBlBBBBT'-,' VV IWBK7. ' Ws-1 MR Vv W.WAT cwdK i HERBERT L. VCiT II SATTERLEE.. N AUSTRIA AN AN AIM BALKAN ALLIES LONDON , March III -AlanniiiK dcpatcliCM fiiiiii Vienna, telling of Aiiktria'n prepurntioii to invade Mou tcnejjrn, hIioiiIiI the latter nation con liiiue iti. homhardment of Scutari, were received hero today by the l.on don Daily Mail. AuMiiii, (he dobpntche.s said, has throe army eorm Mationcd on thu Hei7;oian frontier icndy to enter Montenegro the moment it is learned Hint MoiitcuiKr does not intend to comply with the vviahes of thu powers to hlop hhellini Sent mi Aunlria-IIuugory is said to he los iu patieuei) with the dilalorine.ss of liolli Servia niul Montenegro, nnd un leva the (wo latter countries art xoou, will hlockade the Montenegrin const and the polls of Albania ueupied by Servia. SPOKANE RAIE & EE WASIIINOTON, March 31 Tram continental vveHtbound frolght rate on all commodttlea not actually af fected by ocean freight competition we io advanced to n point higher than thu rate, to any Intermediate point by a decUlou today ot thu IntoiBtntu commerce cnmmlsalou approving, with minor cxrcptloiiH, all now rntoa presented by tho carrlera In accord with thu decision In thu Spokane, rate caso. WABASH RIVER 20 MILES WIDE BELOW VINCENNES KVANSVILLK, luil., March 31. Tho NYiibiibli river U twenty miles wide below Viiiucuue.s, lud., today mid is rapidly rising here. Thero aru many missing in thu inundated luw-luuds, UPON A NO ED ORI'JaOK, fONDAY, MMlCil 31, 101JJ. Greatest Financier Passed Away Today at John l'icriKiiit Mi'Tnu wm regarded m the lnn;cht rnuinei'al figure on thif. fide of the water, if not in the world. His uiM hldinj;H stretched fiom one Mile of the world In the other and Iiih charities won for htm great admiration and p-htI. He wan Inirn nt Hartford. Conn.. April 17, 1837, mid was the won ol JuniitH Spcurer Morgan, a dtstiUKUi'dicd hanker, and Juliet (l'ierHiut) .Morgan. Mr. Morgan lenjes two daughters, Mr. Heilii'rt 1. Satterlee,jiud MibH Anno T. Moiv'im'd a -on. J. I'. Morgan. Jr. - '.' " FLOOD HON WELL IN SIATES COM'MIlir.S, Ohio. March 31. Thu flsod Hlttiatiou throughout Ohio and Indiana wna so gouerally Im proved today that Secretary of War Harrison returned to Cincinnati this afternoon to leave for Washington Wednesday afternoon. Following n conference with Geneiul Leonard Wood, chief ot staff of tho United Stntea army, and (lovernor Cox, Sec retary (tnrrlaon Ucclored tho altua llon under control uud decided that hla prcacuco hero waa no longer Ut ccssary. (lenernl Wood will romnln In charge of tlio sanitary work here, but after Inspecting tho west side, to today ho declared that tho end jf thu present week would soo the Hooded districts restored to normal condltlona. ' Secretary Garrison wired Presi dent Wilson this afternoon, compli menting Governor Cox on tho wuy tlio latter had handled tho flood situation. "Cox," tho message, said, "has beon besot with problems so perplex ing iir to ho almost appalling In un tnro, but ho has handled them with thu rarest skill, courage nnd re sourcefulness. "I am able to assure you and tho country that thu Ohio flood situa tion has been mot. "Tho National Guard ot Ohio ac quitted Itself most creditably all tho way. "All places hitherto Inaccessible have, boon or soon will bo reached with an abundance- of supplies." lly Wednesday, It was announced today, all of Columbus' CS dund wltl hnvo been burled, Only ono body romalna to bo Identified, REFUGEES FIRE UPON RELIEF STEAMER NT.NV RICHMOND, Ohio, March 31. Keariufj tlio waves churned by its huge wheels yould destroy their bub. merged homes, refugees hero today filed on the relief slenmer Green land. Three bullets entered tho pilot house, barely missim,' several army officers. HAND GARRISON MISS fcNNE T. MORGAK. CHOICE IS DEATH, WHITE SLAVERY CHICAGO, March 31. 'Marriage, white slnvcry or denth is the only escape for starvation for girls nud the department store or factory who are paid les than a living; wage. Twenty of my girls escaped Inst year by marriage. I know that two of them were seduced by white slavers." This was the testimony here today before tho Illinois senatorial com mittee which is probing starvation wages. It was given by Walter Hu hcus, a manufacturer of infants gar ments, who employes 180 girls. Kubeiis testified that white stavors worked for weeks among tho em ployes of his firm before they were discovered. Ho miid Doiothy Labtty frequented his building attempting to induce tho girls to enter the resorts until the United States district at torney threatened to arrest her. Later Rubens discovered that a woman named Fredericks was teaching his girls stiggestivo dances. Ho dis charged her nt once. liubeus said he was in favor of n national minimum law for girls uud women. At tho conclusion of Rubens' story a half score of working girls and women "were put on the stand. Ono sworo that she worked twelve, hours daily iu n sw.etshop for an average wago of $3.10 per week.Several said their wages weie Ie-. than $.7 weekly. 10 GO TO BERLIN WASHINGTON, March 31. It was authoritatively stated hero today that Itudolph Sprookels of San Frau clsco has tentatively accepted tho po sition ot nmbassador to Germany. It is stated that Sprockets will 'announce- definitely his acceptance within 24 hours. It is understood tho German govoruuiont baB ap proved his uamo. i-J? Iij WEDDING BELLS OR Rome, Italy CINCINNATI, Ohio. March 31. With' the errst ejpected this after noon, the Ohio river is the highest it has beeu in forty gears hero today A 'maximum of' seventy fiet Isex liectcil. The record is 70 feet, 0 jni'hcy. This amtk was, set in 1884. I.OUSYIU.K, K, March 31. Repetitious of the Ohio and Indiana floods are threatened iu this state to. day from the constantly rising Ohio river, which is now about 45 deep here. Thousands pf ncres of low lands, in Western Kentucky are al ready inundated. Henderson, Ky., is already isolated by flood waters and the Louisville, Henderson nud St. Louis railroad has suspended operations. CAIRO, Ills., March 31. Fearing death in the rising waters citizens of Cairo arc making n general exodus today. Every effort is being madu to strengthen the levees but help it scarce and Governor Dunne nud President Wilson are being appealed to. The Chicago naval reserves and the Seventh regiment, I. N. G. will ar rive here this afternoon. DAYTON, Ohio. March 31. Re stored communication with the flood swept distrietn of Ohio today shows that imt more than three hundred per sons met death throughout the state. Tho death list, acordiug to the most authentic estimates received here, now stnmN at 'J 73 with little probab ility of being materially ehuuged. Columbus is second with sixty eight and Hamilton third with sixty dead. Advices from everywhere show the earlier reports of thu dead and dying to be greatly exaggerated. f-f t SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS Ziincsville 516 houses de- " slm.ved but few fatalities re- suited. "" I'iipia Four acres devasl- "" ated; fatalities under thirty. Larietta Hundreds of " houses demolished. " "" Fremont Damage fixed at "" .1-2,000,000; four corpses re- covered; food and medicines " badly needed. Gallipolis The flood water stands three feet above the " former record; hundreds nro humolens, but no fatalities are reported. -- t - -f OHIO DEAIH LISI LESS IAN-300 NO. 7. FIFFR T MILLAR GUILTY 'Painful Duty' Declares Mayor as He Assesses maximum Fine, or $50, en Councilman Case Will le Car ried Up in Writ of Review Newbury Charges legg $ With Perse cuting Millar fer Priitlcal Effect In City Pslltlcs FINDS F IMMORALITY Mayor W. W. Eifcrt today found George If. Millar, councilman from the Hiird ward guilty of "irameral and indecent" conduct, and fined him the maximum amount under the or dinance, or .f.'iO. Thus ends tho case '' which was begun on tho eve of a spe cial election ii week ago Friday, nnd which has held tho attention of the city since that time. It is openly charged nnd generally credited that tho case against Millar came as the result of his refusing to suport certain political program of Mayor Eifert nnd City Attorney Boggs. Millar has been one of the four cimcilmcn who hnvo opKsed Mayor Eifert's efforts to remove cap able employees of tho city in order to make room fur his friends, mid Eifert has been openly quoted as de claring that he would "whip Millar into line." ltentaurant Probed, The case can only be. appealed Iu the circuit court in n writ of rcvioW -which will survey the law mints at issue. This will be-dime. Although Millar was placed oh trial for immoral conduct, City Attorney Boj?gs insisted on introducing cvi dense concerning Millar!., methods of conducting' the Manhattan cafe. Mayor Eifert supported Hoggs in every contention nearly through the case, overruling all of Attorney New bury's objections. In nearly dich case Newbury took exceptions. The defense literally tore thu pro secution's case to bits ns fur as the charge of immorality wns concerned. The only witness brought by the pro. secutioii to testify us to Millar's con duct nt the Royal Rooming house was Meno F. Davis. Ho sworo that ha saw Millar at tho Royal, with one of the inmates. Iniiwached Only Witness. The defeuso impeached Davis, showing that he was a drag fiend, was drunk many times, nnd thorough ly unreliable. Three other men, be sides Millar, wore iu tho room at the time Davis was there. This is all of the evideuco concerning (ho immoral conduct introduced nud Millar estab lished that ho was there for tho pur pose of currviug food from bis cafe. When court convened this morning City Attorney Hoggs opened the ar gument for the city. He spent much of his time iu declaring ho was not persecuting Millur nud pleading for officials who wero trying to enforce tho laws. Ho was followed by At torney Newbury who reviewed tho en tire cuse. The original complaint ngaiust Millar was nut on file and Newbury moved to dismiss tho charge ou (hut ground. It was overruled. Newbury in reviewing the argument (Coutlnued on page 3.) i - NKV YORK, March 31. Owing to tho support extended by banking in tcrcts, tho shock of J. P. Morgan' death did not affect the stock ex change seriously today. Slight declines in uniou l'acitic, Northern Pncifio nnd bautheru l'acitic, bt. Paul. Steel and Smelting were tho only stock market evidences of tho financiers pushing. Tho report that tho interstate comnjeree commission had sanctioned freight rate advaneex iu trnns-eontiiioutu! roads prevented u sharper decline of tho railroad, Tho bears were bufteted by tlio steudiness of the market after the first drop in prices. The market closed iregulur., Bonds 'wero steady. SLIGHT DEC NESIN STOCK MARKET U nt