Jeff Picks rvsTniM mtitnf!KH.ia wwu. hv rWlCfSN NlNTlONM. u'1U 01' COOD I.UCK. KIM wrjm, vx)0 UUCK TO mho own urns t 5CU-y '"! IH ONV !, '-JJ L SCATTERING TREES IN CITY SPRAYED A uniiijc emw miller tin direc tion ni' llcriniiii I'imu'I lin cleaned up i)il uf liu Mattering Iri'ct in lliu eily, ilcliift lluir wink in a nynleinntiu iiMiiiiiot. tii'in Iiuum) lo liinixr. Aw till In Hit' firnl lima HiIn Iiiih hern done (.yoteiimlienlly better roniillH an t.Mi'lril. The uiieiiiril for Ireim on city ut lire a inetince In I la en flro lli'V. I CENTRAL POINT POINTERS .Mr. Ilnlrli uf ltKiiv ItiM'r Npi'i Tliurmliiy here. Mr. A. .1. Ilimliy mid iiiiiIIut of Medlunl wrru rloiliiiK relative Ihtc Tliamiliiy aftonuMiii. W. C. Itiyatoii la iin'iiiling UiIh X lU ill SMknlltl. tr. Simtli of Tnln wit lii'ru shop pliiir tlit inlililli til' tin' ttrol:. Ml. Allnrt Hull uf Tnln tait licic liiiiiiK TliuimlHy. .1. It. Ilulmiii., ulio lino liven iiiilo III. U iniinilii(: mill Will MM'ii Iid iilifn In I if out nciitii.' I V. M.i'r tlu Ihi lii'i'ii mi tliu lyl; IInI. I- innv nlii In lie mil iiKtiiii. Tim Iniili "I'limil tfiiM' a lann at III 0n'iii Itmifi' lllmrxliiv mt'iiiiijc AH iii'oiil "puiit a very cnjoyalilu Hint'. to v.vuk a croi.t is exi: day. Tnko I.AXATIVK HltOMO Qnlnlrio TatitutN. PruuKlita rofuntl money It ll full to euro. I. W. (lttOVK'H kIc imlarii In on oacli dot. 25 cents. C'nro for KcjPina. ICci'inn In any form, whether nouto or ohronle. Ii eanlly ami rapid' ly tivorromo tiy the una of Murltol KazemnlKameily. (Jives positive re lief whtin nil other full, nml we licurtlly rucommenil It to any nut fcrcr. I IumKIiih ilniK store, exclusive nktentn NOTICK. N'otlco U hereby Riven that the uiiilerslitiieil will petition lo the city council of the city of Mudforil at Its next rcKiilar meetliiK on April 1, l!i)!l, for a permit to transfer ptneo of litmlni'HH In city of Medfortl from No. ai Kouth Krout titreet to 30 North Front ulreet. II. a KI'.IIUMITK. Dnlcd March IS, 1JI3. Sl'.MMONK. In the Clruult Court of the Htnto of OreKou, In and for the County of JlUlKlHUI. Fred II. Cool. ulalullff. Vtf. O. C IIokKh iik administrator of the inluto of liticretla Woolverton. deconieil. AI I'J. Woolverton and C'uhIIo Wtmlver ton, minor child or ai w. wooivoriou and Itiicretla Woolverton, and HIk I'lneti l.iimlior Company, a corpora tion, iliifeudantri. To Castle Woolverton, out) of the nhove named defeuiliinlH: In the name of the .Stale of Ore nou, oii are herehy r(MUrqd to up. pear nun aiiNwur inn piuinun h coin plaint against you, now on file In the ahoyo eulltlcd court and camie, on or lid fore the hiHt day of I ho time pro tutrlied In the order for puhllcntloii of HiimmoiiM herein, to-wlt, on or In fore the 12th day or Muy. IHI.'I, Hd Id data helm; the expiration of hU weeltH from the (lute of the flrxt pull llcatlon of thin mimmoiiH, and If you fail to appear and aiiHwer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In hald complaint, Hiiccluctly utated iih fol Iowm: That the mdrlK.iKo meiittoued In wild complaint lie forccloHtid and that the rent pi'iiurty, therein d( Kcrlliod, viz.: I.qt uuuihered Three CI) In Ulook Number Twp (2)'oi CrcMceiit Hubdlvluloit to lliu ('Ity o( Metlfonl, In .IncKtton County, Ore Kon, n h iiiimlierod anil desurlbed In the recorded Jilat tlu'reof,, be Hold iiudor the order and denreo of Hiild court, iih by law provided, and that the proeoGdH or HUfflclout thereof ho applied lit the dUhnniemniit of (lie JildKiiiwit prayed for lu Hiild com- . iVCTIM-VI' Up Another Pet ("MUTT, 5 TMINH VIG'q CQfAC.TO our 'xM i ymT to, 'show TOO wtrteouCMtTo liRlriC. Cnnn i iir- CO'Ai OM HoMt MDj '-OOK. Y IT plnlnt, In the sum of Hoven Hundred Filly Dollar (J7&0.00) toKolhor with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per, cent (in per cent) ier mi lium from the Mil day of Kehrunry, tUU, nuil the further sum of One Hundred Uollara ($100.00) reason, able nttoruny' fees, and the costs and disbursement of this suit to bo taxed. That the defeudnnts and all per sons chilmliiK or to clulm under tlmm be Imrred and forerloncd of nit rlKht, title nml eiiilty In or to said de scribed premise, and of any mid nil utility of redemption therein, except n by stntut" protlded. This summoiiM Is publlshod lu the Medfurd Mnll Tribune, n newspnper printed lu and of Konural circulation In snld county and state, by order of the Honorable F M. Catkins, Judge of the iilnivo entitled court, which said order uns made nod entered of record on the 2Mb day of March, I Ul 3, and In obedience thereto the first publication hereof is the 20th day or March, IVl.'f. W. K. I'llll'I'S. Attorney for I'lalntltf. I.nst puhllcatlou Uaturdny May 10, I0I.V Ktl.MMONH. Ill the Circuit Court of the Htnto of OroKou for the County of Jncksou Nellie KtlleN, I'lnlnliff, vs. Lawrence Htltes, Uefeudnnt. To Lawrence Utiles, the above-named defendant: In the uiiiue of the Htnto of Ore gon, ou are hereby commandctl to appear and answer plaintiff com plaint on file lu the above entitled court, ou or before six wccUk from the date of lh first puhllcntloii here of, the ditto of said first publication bellik' .March 22. 1013. nud the dal of the last pulillcatlou belim May 3, 1013. nud If you full ho to appear nud answer, plaintiff will demand the relief prayed for lu the com plaint, to-wlt; For u decree of this court dissolving the marrhiRo con tract now exlstlui; between plalntlfl nud defendnut. ami for such other nud further relief iik to equity shall seem meet. Thin summon Is published bv au thority of mi order of the above entitled court, made and antered ou the 21st day or March. UU. by Hoi). F. M. CalkltiH. Judge thereof First publication March 22, 1913. Last tiubllcattnn Mav 3. 1U13. IIOLIIKOOK WITIIINOTON. Attorney ror I'lalntltf. "x'o'tick op kali: ok honks. Notice Is hereby kIvcii that the Town of Phoenix, In Jackson County, Oregon, hereby offers for Halo 122.000.00 of Its negotiable coupon lit 13 water bonds duo lu ton year with Interest at six per cent puynblo seml-nnuunlly, nald bumM being in denominations of $1000.00 each. Hcalod proposals will bo received for tho purchnsn price of said bonds or nny portion thereof by tho under signed nt any llino before April 7, 1013. nt 7:30 I M. All proposals must bo nrcompn nlcij, by a certified check drawn oi. Nomo Hlute or National bank In Jack son County, Oregou, for 5 per cent ou tho amount bid. The uamu to bo forfeited providing tho bidder. If bin hid la accepted, full (o purchase suld bonds within thirty tlnyu aftei being notified of tho aicoptanco of his bid, In neenrdancu therewith and to bo returned to said blddor In cant) said hid U ubt accepted, Tho Council reserve tho right to reject any ami all hldu. Dated March 2d, 1913. Y. M. KUKKY, Itocordpr of tho Town of riiucnlx, Oregon. l7()It KKNTw. KUKNIHHKD AITH. FOK KKNT drooin inodorn apart incut, Hleplug porch, raugq lu niiartmept, water paid, luuulro Kill Houtn Oakdalp. 317 FOK KKNT -Hummur rates begin April 1 at tho Herbon. Kvorythlug new; prlvato bath, laundry, etc.; completely fiirulalicd iipartmontB. 10 quince st, KOK KKN OKMCICB FOKlTKN'l-LarKo," 'comforttili'lo of Hco rooms with olovator sorvlro, Btctitu heat, hot and cold wntor. Low rntcB. Apply Modrord Furni ture & Ildw. Co. kok hunt misoicllankouh fok"kknt--nTc inodoru country homo n foothills, 4 uillea Med. Huutiey & McUlataUlo FOK KKNT Kaucheu, largo and Hiuall, alfalfa anil garden lnnda, Gold Kay Kealty Co., Oth nnd Fir FOK KKNT 30 room furnished hotel ou porcoiiliigo. Guld Kay Konlty Co; MTunFonn TfATrj Turauflrrc, 4M,tNavttniw.' (VaMI " WcW SrMi5H SQUfW,' r r v LCS U f : 1 ) . l SHOO- J ' l J AIN'T HS p WTTef, I I a. I 4. - ' . i ' -llM-f T I f CTJLIl fllTf! I rv-7 myymSr1 ml v wd w l - '-.'rrirtCs ii i tent' h. - - ' f ii im i -----."-";, ar-mv i f - & '.T. Ww. .- I V Tll rS. lifc. -1UIIII1 UIUCI .BBUm. TSMHr" -W w. I'Olt IlKNl IIOUfiKH KOIt nUNT My homo. 52 '2 W. 10th, (nrnUhiMl, ri'tHunnUlc to rlnht jmr ly '.' or ;i moii. or lunxwr If tl' lml. Mm. M. K. Kmltli. I! FOIL KKNT 8ivnn rouin liouso, IopiIiik iiorch, rauRo In Iiouko, wntcr pulil, 1C. Imjulro 810 Hoath Oakttalo. .117 OK HUNT Moilcrn novi-n room hou", with nlropliiR ioreli. W. II. Hverhnrtl, 1013 V. Oth. KOIt HUNT Kiirnlitioil Croom hoimo, wntor rent pith), $25. 518 Xing t. KOK KKNT FurnUhnl hoimo, clone In. M. A. Itatlur, nt M. I. & II. Co. I'Olt KKNT It-room moilorn liouso, furuUlicd. Apply 722 West ltth t. KOIt KKNT A well hirnlsun! G room liiiiiKalow, with hIociiIiir porch. 211 Laurel nt. Key nt II. C. KPUtncr'n, UOU . 10th. Tck phono 73 Ashlttiul. KOIt Uh.vr Kour room Iioiim!, 203 North drape Call next tloor north for liey, 1 1 KOIt KKNT Two room fiirnlnhoil hutiim, .It.'. North llarttvtt. 11 KOK KKNT 10 toom liniino reur of Karmrra k l'mltgroworH Imnk, MUltntilo for luislnoMH, real etitntc. Iiourillnt; or roomltiK lioimc. (iohl Kay Itcalty Co., tilh una Kir Bt. KOK KKNT- -1 room lioneo. IT.. 00 pir month Oolil Kay Keally Co. KOIt KKNT FUltMSIlKn HOOMH FOK KKNT Lnrgo sleeping rooms, nud modern housekeeping apart menu, price very rcasonnblo. I'houo 102G-L. 222 South Holly street. FOK KKNT Nlco modern rooms with board at Mrs. Fay's, 22 Geneva Avo. ry z TSl - -- TT KOK SAl.i: HOl'SKS KOK BALK 1 room house and lot $700, $100 cosh and $15 00 pei month. Gold Kay Kealty Co. NEW TODAY A good flvo room house, closo in, ou tho east sldu, btrlctly modern, $1800. Another good ono ou the east aide, couldn't bo built for $2000; party must leave nud offers It at $1000, Good partly Irrigated stock ranch, $50 per acre, close to good town. 310 acre near Crntcr Lake high way, near school, uud somo Improve ment; a fine lot of saw timber; $10 per acre. Flo ucrea nnd a good house, right nt a motor stop on tho B, P.; finest of land, nnd an Ideal pluco for a country storo and blnckHiulth ahop; $3000. C. D. HOON Koom I'J Jackson County Hank llldj; Phono (mark It lu your book) 1037-J WORTS WHIIiE Modern 7 room houso and I lots, largo burn, woodhouno, chicken houso; no Incumbrance. Prlco $tib00. Will trado part or nil lor ucrungo. 27 ucren 5 miles from Medford, about 7 acres. In apples 3 years old, about 'i aero In grapcx, somo over green hlnckberrles, balance of laud Hin ror utfuUa, grain or orchard; s room house, largo barn, rural mall and telephone. Prlco $5)500 on easy tiirmu. 55 acres 7 mllca west ot Rowoburg, about 30 acres lu cultivation, balance In timber and pasture, plenty ot out- til do rnugo for stock; Hooded water; goon deep son; n-rooin humo. uuru, elilckon house and 2 ucres foucod ror chlckoiis. Prleo $4000. will trado ror city or ranch property hero. Money to loan on real cstuto. v BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. mtotototw. ouisaoN, Saturday, makoii sn, iim. KOK HALKllOUHKS FOK BALK A new io room modern liouso, cement foundation, corner lot, lawn uud shade trees; near Kungnlow Add-: a dcalrnblo home. Value 13300; terms. W. C30 4th st. ' 10 FOK KKNT OK 8ALK i room house big garden nnd chicken yard, cast or crock, a snap. Call at -130 South Fir st. after C o'clock any night or phono 2G7-J. G FOK BALK 190 feet frontago Da kota avenue. ISO feet off Now town; 90,5 feet deep, will divide. I'rlro for all, $900. Address G. It.. Tribune. 327 FOK BALK OK KKNT Now C-room modern liouso, full basement; also 4-room liouso. 628 West I'slm St., Hi block west of North Oak dale. 321 FOK BALK Furnished house on quarter bleck: GC0 acres of Innd; easy terms. Call or address owner, li. M. Cos, G04 West Tenth street. Mcdford. Ore 321 G-KOOM house, modern in every way. Two fireplaces, hardwood floor; In very best neighborhood. Finn grounds. Nevor been occu pied. Cost of house. $000; unin cumbered. Will exchange for acre ngo or sell. Seo owiicr, J. O. Karnes, First Natl. Hank bids. KOK KALK 1UKM LANDS FoilTsALK Too "acre alfairn and stock ranch, G5 acre cultivated; bluck loam bottom seil: aniplo wa tbr lor Irrlptlon; 145 acre till able; Hno out range : buildings; $35 acre. Clark Realty Co. KOK SALK13 rfcrea on Klversldo drive overlooking Koguo river; 3 acres young orchard, part bearing, balance alfalfa and grain land very sightly. Ideal location fot country home. Kxcluslvo neigh borhood, llcautlful residences sur rounding. C. I). Woolverton, Illver Uend Kanch, Gold Hill, Oro Son. 335 FOK SALK Ranches, aero tracts, town property, from $5 por aero, upward ou 5 and 10 yenrs time. Gold Kny Kealty Co., Sixth and Fir. - i - '-- r- VOll BALE LOTS FOK BALK 3 lots ou Ross court ut n sucrltlco, for cash. C. D. Wool verton. Gold Hill. Oro. 335 tX)K BAUlllSCnLLAXlCOUS 1OkTsA1?K 1 Holt traction englno and plows, nearly now, for one third price. FOK BALK -Cotnpleto Cedorbora electric frost thormnmetor, good as new, cost $15; will sell for $10i Phono 2SI-K. 10 FOK SALK Alrcdalo puppy threo mouth old; a flno big boned dog that will mean protection to your homo and companion to your chil dren. Prlco $20. Ira J. Dodge. Phono 20 t-K-3. 11 FOR SALE Flue dahlias nnd peony bulbs, two for 25c; also blue and Early Rose seed potatoes. Win. Holn. West Clark. Tel. G27-X. d FOR SALK Glllett snroty razor, with box of blades, $2.50. Call at Mall Tribune, FOK BALK G-ton stnek flno alfalfa liny, $10, Mile out on Kings high way. Phono 915-J, C FOK BALK -Good second hand fl inch wagon with box and springs. J. C. Godlove, It. F. D. No. 2, Medford, Oro. 9 FOK BALK Largo bulbs of tho fin est variolic ot cactus and decora tive dahlias. Tel. 815-K. 10 HOUSEHOLD goods, Including sec'l bookcase, cowing aunch., Kitchen cabinet, oil stove, tools and garden tools, cheap. 339 Knight. G FOR SALK Legal .blames, tresspass notices, for sale or rent slugs at tho Jdall Trlbuuo. FOR ALE Letter heads and fancy stationery, prlntod, engraved or embossod, as you -wish at the Mall TrlhuM). FOK BALE Early Buurlso and Un do Sam sped potatoes. E, W, Carli ton, Central Point; phono Farm ora 114. 322 ' ILa7-1 fou bam; mikci:liani:ou8 FOK SALK Deardltss barley hay. Phono 20-J-4. A. W. Blone. FOK BALK One road Toller, gaso line, for. one-third price, nearly new. FOK BALK Calling card, printed, engraved or embossed at we Mall Trlbuna of flea. FOK bALK Pair 7 yr. Clydes; blnck horse and sorrel mare; fast, steady team; 3200 iwunds; wagon and harness. Oak Vnlo Orchards. Koguo Illver, or 721 JJonrd of Trndo, Portland. 317 FOK SALK Fruit box labels In one two or three colors, printed a yon order at the Mall Tribune. FOK SALK Loos leaf ledger in terns, nny stylo or anade to order by tbo Mall Trlbuoo bindery. FOK SALK Kariy Sunrlso seed po tatoes, 1c lb.; rutabagas, carrots, 50o sack. Kanch mllo N. E. Cen tral Point. C. Sharpe. S FOK BALK Two 10-horso, ono G bnrso, one 3 -horse electric motors with starter and transformers. Hubbard Bros. 331 FOK SALK Bhado trees, two year otd Catollua poplar, very fast growing, 40c each. G12 B. Oak dale nve. Phone 123-11. 3C1 FOK BALK Angora goats. Ilammcl, Kaglo Point. W. FOK BALI-; A bay horse, soven yrs. old. good for work or family driv ing. Phono G77-Y. KOK KALK POUliTKY AND KGC.S FOK BALK Settings of Pokln Whlto Indian Kunner ducks, $1.50 por dozen. 1 won first prize on each of these varieties at the Jack sou County fair. Ira J. Dodge. Phono 201-K-3. 11 KOK SALK Am selling off all my White Orpingtons, as I Intend to raise Leghorns exclusively. Bar gain prices. Ira J. Dodge. Phone 201-K-3. 11 FOK SALK One doxen Barred Hock hens. Kggs for hatching. G01 Plum sti M. It., Mall Tribune. FOK SALK Whlto Wyandottes, bronto turkey eggs and stock. J. II. Fuller, Talent. Ore. 29 KOK SALK Fancy bronzo turkeys, molout ducks, molout nnd runner duck eggs, nlomst now rubber tired buggy nud two-honM cultivator. Kobt. Dutton. KGGS ror hatching, puro bred Ply mouth Kocks, $1.50 per 15; Hum burgs, $1.00 por 15. 713 West Tenth street, phono 13S-K; In spectlon solicited, 317 HELP WANTlw: MALE VANTKD 1 ilarbor woiited"nt"cot. tago barber shop. 19 South Cen tral. SALESMEN WANTED. 1 want two salesmen who can show results. A good opportunity If yon are tho right man. Call Sunday between 12 nnd 2 nt tho Metlford hotel nud ask for Mr. Simons. G HELP WANTKD FiaiALG WANTE D"wonia n to take" care "of two children on ranch near town for two or threo wooks, No house work or cooking. Phono G.F-2, from S to 9 a. in., from 12:30 to 1 p. in. or 5:30 to 0:30 p. m. WANTKD Girl wanted to help with housework afternoons. Phono iuO-K. w'TJ-aistTCATioNa OKCHAKDIST, ' GermuiL seeks eiii ployment on largo fruit farm; sev en years experioncu u Germany and 10 mouths on largo fruit rami In Oregon; good rorerence.s. Ad dress Orchnrdlst, 335 Morris st., Portland, Orvgou. 9 WANTKD MISCELLANEOUS SVANTKD To" buy "nbliiit 5 o' Angora goats. K. F. D. No. 2, Box 120. Frank H. Loomls. 7 WANTED-1350 pound farm team or single work horse; nlso ox ehnnge rinnll trnct lu three-year-old pears, with or without build ings ror bungalow In, Medford. Ad dross 1. P. X., caro Mull Tribune. 3!U WANTKD TO BUY Beof cattle, stock cattlo, calves, all kinds, sheep, hides, wool, etc, Rob Crowdor, phouo 1029-W. 318 WA.NTKU MISCKLUIXKOUB WANTKD A listing on your prop erty. I can handlo $100,000 worth of proierty If the prlco la right What havo yon tor exchange or salo Havo money to loan or will take up your mortgage or dofcrred payments. J, C. Barnes, 1st Natl. Dank bids WANTKD Kesponslble party lo tako charge of Oerbcn Apartment for 1 year. 9 WANTED TO DUY Ono yearllnc bull, Durham preferred. Call 352 Jacksonville or wrlto No. G6 It. 2. i.iodford. G WANTKD $1800 loan ou $7000 Im proved bearing orchard security, earns 10 kt cent ou that amL yr. 1913; for ono to 5 yra., at 8 por cent. Address Box 03, care Mali Tribune. FOK KXCMAM'K FOK SALK OK TKADB Ono 40 horFcpowcr Kambler automobllo In good shape, will trado for any thing or equal value. Address A. W. Guthrie. Murphy. Ore. 324 FOK EXCHANGE $15,000, well Improved stock ranch closo to Mcd ford, for city property. Clark Kealty Co.. 20G Phtpps bldg, FOK EXCHANGE Nice $12 mando lin tor a good film kodak. Phono 1019-M.. city. C TO EXCHANGE Portland ror Med ford: 10 acre one mile from city limits; flno soil, all kinds fruiis. electric light plant, water plant, feed nnd bone griuder: C room house, largo barn, bouse for 1000 hens: best or spring water piped everywhere; all macadam roads; living stream; power sufficient ror houso lighting. F. M. Gates, Lent. Ore. -G MONEY TO LOAJt MONEY TO LOAN On city and close In rncb, property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, I O. block, phono 3C81. UUS1NESS niKECXOKY Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big socrot In making springs Is the tempering; Wo are operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant in tho Pacific northwest Use our springs when others rail. Sold under guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Oro, At tome C. L. RBAMES, LAWYER Ottlce Mcslfard National Bank bldg., sec ond floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Rooms 1 and 2, Poatofflco bldg. A. K. UEAMES. LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attoruoy and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street. Medford. Ore. Accountants D, It WOD Goneral Accountant Your books audited and Kept for a rcasonnblo flguro; your business solicited. Otrico, Medford Mall Tribune bldg.; phono Cll-R-2; ros tdenco phono 537. Typewriting MULTICUtAPHtNOi TYPEWRITING, Stenography, Machlno Dictation, till classes ot circular letter work. Ono or ana thousand letters, tho price will be right and according to tho times. Stimulate yo,ur busi ness with Interesting facta con cerning prqposltlQtis, or bargains. You can best do this with Multi graph work. Phono 133-R. McMil lan Publicity Ad-Wrltlug Co., room, 9, Jncliuou County Bunk, -rr By "Bud" Fisher I1U8I.VESH MIIKCTOKY Abstract KOOUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO., No. 6, South Central. Chlroimirtorv' DK, R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, norro specialist, iiooma zos-oi-05 Garnott-Corey Mdg. Vapor baths and scientific xaassago given; ftdrtce la dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydroptherspy. Lady at tendant. Phone, office 045, resi dence 571-IL OIL A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Louise K., Hedges, Mechano - Therapists, ' Chiropractors, Sposdyletberaplsts. These systems, Includlsg dietetics, curative gymnastics, hydro-tfa&r-apby, etc., produce results In both acute and chreelc disease. Con sultation free. 330 North Bartlett St, next door to M. E. church. Hoars 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Other houys by appointment. Phone 417-J. Penttsta DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. tt VAN SCOYOC Dentlets Garaett-Coroy bide., rult - XJ9. Medford, Ore. Phone 866. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premises' cleaned up for tho winter. Call on tho city garbage wagons (or good service. Phone G25-L. 1!. Y. Allen. Numeric QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We are not la the trust. H. B. t-attersoa. Ottlce removed to office Hotel Nash, in side entrance, next to barber shop. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to me at the altrn o( The Mall Tribune. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PmNTiNG CO. has "the best equipped printing office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North First 1 Physicians and Hurgeasa DR. F. 0. CARLOW, DR. KVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians. 416-417 Garaett-Corey 1 bldg., phono 103G-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Phyalclaa and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practlco limited to diseases of women. Office? 232 E. Main, Phones, office 867; residence, 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician ad surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, nose and throat Eyes sclea tlflcally tested and glasses supplied Orrice 328 East Main 8t Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Office phouo 43-K; resldunco phono 68-K. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon. Stewart bldg., corner Main and Bartlett sis.: office phone 27, residence phono 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physl clnn and surgoon. Office Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 (o 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgoon. Phones, office 36, real donco, 721-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 3 to G. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Phono 904-M. R. J. CONKOY, M. D. Physician and Surgoon. Over Hutchlaou & Lums dpn. 215 E. Main St Phone 77. E. KtROliaKSSNER, M. D. Prae tlco limited to chronic diseases. Ottlco Hotel HolUind, Saturdays 10-3. Both phones. Kosldeuee phenes: Farmer IGxxG Eug Point and Koguo River line, Stenograpnci ELLA M, GAUNYAW Palm bloek.- Stenograpblo work done quUklji and woll. 1 TtunNVt eTds'tkansfeii &"iTORifco? -uiiicu in doihii nr bu (-hob 315. Prices right. Service gHar oytr f i' M s. I'jafc.