!tf i f It ? f U. it ' 5 it p.-ff snwronn mm TrunnTO Mrcmrom), owunox, hatphday, lAiirir im. ioi.i, y47.i.AAAAi.AAAAAAAAAAAitiiA4JA What About Irrigation? Some Important Questions Answered Relative to the Project : s Pending Before the People IT SEEMS THAT ALTHOUGH THE CONTRACT OP THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY CANAL CO. HAS BEEN PUBLISHED SEVERAL TIMES THROUGH THE PAIERS OF MEDFORD AND CONTRACTS HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO A NUMBER OF THE LAND OWNERS BY OUR SOLICITORS AND A GREAT AMOUNT OF TIME HAS BEEN SPENT IN EXPLAINING IT TO PEOPLE WHO ARE INTERESTED IN IT, YET WE FIND.THAT COMPARATIVELY FEW SEEM TO UNDERSTAND IT THOROUGHLY. FOR THEIR SPE CIAL BENEFIT WE ARE'AGAIN PUBLISHING THE CONTRACT AND A LIST OF THE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS IN CONNECTION WITH THE MEETING HELD ON FEB RUARY42fc LA3T OR THE PURPOSE fcJMGXPLAINiNG THE CONTRACT FULLY. W(E ASK EVERYONE INTERESTED IN THE WELFARE OF THIS VALLEY TO GIVE THIS CAREFUL CONSIDERATION FOR IT IS OF MORE IMPORTANCE TO THE PEOPLE-OF THIS COUNTRY THAN ANY OTHER THING AT THIS TIME. READ IT CARE FULLY. ' Mr. off then rend tho contract which Is to ho hold In escrow, n copy of which will be found below Tho following question were asked: Q. Wlicro Is that water to be taken. A. At the Intake on each subdivision. Q. What length of time Is the Irrigation perlodT A. We will come to that later In a subsequent paragraph.. Q. SmipoM'a tnan takes witeFofl lO'acrcS or 20 acres, has ho the right to use the water up to 18 Inches. Wo delher the water to him. to Irrlgato tho whole piece to the depth of IS Inches. Silpfxwo a man hnd 20 acres to acres In pear or wheat, and 10 acres In alfalfa, and wanted nidro than 18 Inches on his alfulfnj and less than IS Inches on the jtears could he use It this way? A. Ho could use, the water In such proportions on tho wholo tract as ho sees It. Q. Now suppose It was not required on that piece of land that I contracted for. coUld 1 run past the lino and Use on another piece?? A. No. Tho water must bo used on the land signed up It can be used In such proportions as you see fit. It H necessary to do this because tho cost of this system Is one million and a half dollars. that is tho best estlmntn that wo have been able to get. and tho only thins that We are fearful of Is that tho es timate l too low. Tho water become appurtenant to tho land Under tho law of Oregon; when a man owns a water right, he owns It nppilrtcnant to n particu lar" plctc of land. Q. What Is the poller of the company lit case of a bad crop would it bo n policy of leniency A. Absolutely. As far as this company Is concerned. It Is not here to get your land dees not want it. and thero Is no question In the world hut that tha company would bo in a position to and would be lenient In regard to Install ments falling duet as to the maintenance charge, that IS something thnt the company has to pay out each year, and would hare to be paid. In case of n gen eral crop failure or conditions that made It n hardship, It would undoubtedly be tha polity of tho company to deal leniently. Q. What will bo tho ilato of the payment of tho maintenance charge? A. Tho 15th day of October of each year. Wo advauco tho cost of main taining this system during tho ear and ou get jour crops off tho land and havo an opportunity to sell them, then you pay J2.f.O for that jear. Q. How would it bo for tho water users to form nh association called the Water Users' Association, and at this time ou speak of, when the mainte nance -Is due, appoint a committee to meet with the officers of tho company at that office, and get tho expenso of the actual maintenance, and Instead of a flat rata of $2.50 per year each jcar. make tho amount Just whatever It might be: if It should bo K an acre pay that: should It run to till renin an tier, mnko It that, and I should like to sec this question put on the actual cost of utnlntouanco. 1 think thnt is ouo or tho principal objections In the way. I feel that It will ho necessary to mnko ngmduntcd scale. A. In this connection, the prlco of $a,".fl hns been arrived At after circfully estimating tho probable cost of maintaining this sjstom. mid no far as tho com pany Is concerned. It Is their opinion that thuy could not safely ugroo to do It for any less money. For tho first few jean thnt this sjstoin I In operation It must bo apparent to everyone thnt ns new water users outer Into tho contract to take water, thatJicvv laterals will have to bo eonsrueted. from tho main canals to tho land. If ou should sign up next your or jenr after next, jour laud might lay one-half or three-fourths of n mlto front the canal, it would bo uect'ssary to construct the lateral to your laud. It would bo almost Impoislblc to sep arate the cost of all of this extension work thnt must be goim through with: thero will bo also undoubtedly a great man) defects that will duelop In thu canal and different parts of the work during tho tlrijt few jours conditions of soil perhaps hero Is a place where the soil Is unusunllv poroiiK and It will bo necessary to cement the sides of the canal. It Is ullttotit tiuposslhlo during tho first few years, until wo have the hulk of this laud signed up and on your land, to make nu Intelligent statement as to what should bo charged to construction, and what to maintenance. The company has no desire and no disposition to mako a dollar out of this maintenance proposition I am author Ixed to say thnt If ou want to tnko this thing over whelt 45,000 acres have been signed, you can have tho system, so fnr as operation and malutenatice Is concerned, and jou can form J our own organization and jou ran charge yourselves actual cost. You can take It over and operate It yourolVes at nctual cost, whenever -I ft, 000 acres of this land have boon slgucd up. Tho part that could bo charged to maintenance wilt bo ory low only after the system has been tu apcrntlon a few jenrs when all of the weak spots will have been found. Now wo will have to charge part to construction and part to maintenance, and figure that $2 SO per aero Is small enough. In this sstcm there uro heavy dams at Four Mile !ake and Fish I.nkc; a canal from Tour Mite I.ako to Flsn Lake cutting from the other watershed and bringing the water across from Klamath to Jackson County, and this will ho a very expensive proposition. Just as soon as this thing Is put on a permanent hauls and wu have sold 13.000 acres, you can have It, ami wewlll roll our laud as we can As wo sell a pleco of land tho land owner comes Into jour torporatlon Q. In caso tho water would be brought on to our tract, for Instance, would It bo necessary, or would the company bo willing to carry that water along property linns and not across dlagonnlly, ncrtxs thu tracts of laud? A. That Is a matter you cuu tnko up with tho compuuj'. and they will certainly bo willing to construct lis sjstem with tho least possible Ineonvcnteuco t WATER CONTRACT This Agreement made and entered Into this u...j. day of ..-.........'...........r91.., by and between tho IIOGUE KlYEtt CANAL COMPANY, an Oregon rorpTTrnfion, party at tho First Part and.. . ". JT."..S ... ..............,......'. .........,. .. . rnrty of tho Second Part. WITNESSETH: Tho Party of tho First Part. In consideration of the covenants and agree ments hereinafter contained, to bo kept and performed by the Party of tho Second Part, has bargained and sold and does by these presents bargain, sell and convey unto tho said Party of tho Second Part n perpetual right to partici pate in tho use of the waters flowing through its Irrigation systom to irrlgato . . . acres out of tho tract of land described below to tho extent of but not to exceed one and one-half aero feet per acre for each annual Irrigation season and docs hereby covenant and agreo as follews: (1). That it has acquired from the State of Oregon by enlargement Permit No. IS, Permit No. 407 and Itcscrrolr Permit No. GO, the waters of Four Mile Lake In Klamath County, Oregon; of Fish Lake In Jackson County, Oregon, with catchment canal connecting said lakes, and the waters of Llttlo Uutto Creek, to a sufficient amount to Irrigate 55,100 ncrcs to a depth of on and one-half, feet during each annual Irrigation season and that It will construct and maintain a sjatem of reservoirs, canals, conduits, laterals and surface supply pipes sufficient to conduct and will conduuet, to the lands hereinafter described, water for Irrigation thereof to (ho amouunt of and not to exceed ona and one half acre feet per acre for each annual Irrigation season, measured at the Intake of each diversion from the Main Canal or Laterals. (2.) That all canals and laterals will bo constructed or such capacity that water can be delivered either In continuous flow or in rotation as will best servo tho diversified Interests of all users. That such water will bo delivered at such point within each legal subdivis ion of forty acres embraced within or within which is embraced the land hero after described ns Is most practicable and then when necessary It will Install and maintain sultablo measuring devices for tho measuring of said water. (3.) That it will not at any time enter Into any contract or contracts with other persons which will rcqulro a greater amount of water than the First Party can supply to ita users, per aero as herein specified. In consideration of the premises, said Second Party doeshereby accept tho conveyance of said Water nights to the extent of acres as aforesaid nnd docs hereby agree as follews: (1.) That be will pay for said Water Hlghl at tho rate or fifty (150.00) Dollars for each and evory aero thereof, (The samo being tho present uniform charge per ncre for a perpetual right to participate in the use or said water) In the manner following, to-wlt: ' Tho sum or ($ ) Dollars at the time First Party shall, under the terms or this contract, bo ready and ablo to actually furnish and deliver Its water upon the premises horcln described for irrigation In tho manner and quantity herein provided. The sum of The sum of Tha sum of Tho sum of Tho sum of Tho Bum or I Tho sum or f principal and f . ......... Interest ono year from said date. .principal and I.. Interest two years from said date. principal and principal and . principal and , principal and principal and Tho sum f pfjnclpal nud $... Tho sum of f. principal and f . . Interest three years from said date. I .. . . Interest four years from "said date. Interest five years from sold date. I interest six years from said date. J Interest ipven years from said date. .Interest eight years from said dato. .interest nine years from said date. All deferrod payments to hear interest at tho date of six per cont per an num, tho Interest to begin when the initial payment becomes payable as afore Bald. Any or all payments may be made before duo and Interest abated accord ingly. (2.) That thoy Will pay lo tho Party of tho T'lrst Part tho sum of $2.50 per aero per unuum on or beforo tho 15th day of October of each and every year as an auuuul mulnteuauco churgo for thu delivery of mild water. (3.) Alt of said sums due and payable under this contract to ho paid ni tho offlco of tho Company In Mcdford. Oregon, and If not paid wlien duo tho same to draw Interest at tho rate of six per cent per annum pnyablo semi annually, (L) That to secure tho payment of all sums agreed to bo paid by Secund Party to tho First Party herounder and tho interest thereon, tho Second Party hereby gives and grants to tho First Party a Hen upon ull of tho und herein described. (5.) Tho Second Party does further hereby glvo and grant to said First 1'nrty tho necessury rights of way over and through tho lands hereinafter do Bcrlbed and tho right of entry thereon, for the pUrposd of constructing, main taining, ropalilug or enlarging Its canalu, laterals and plpo lines, ' (C) That tho First Party may from timo to time mnko reasonable rules nnd regulations a.i it may deem necessury for tho proper control und distribution of Its waters, but shall not decrease tho total quantity or wuter to bo delivered or increase too cuarges under tnls contract. (7.) Thnt ho, will use economy and-good husbandry at nil times In tho use of said water nud that ho will not allow any of suld water to run to waste and thnt any and all water In excess of thnt actually needed by tho Second Party shall ho permitted to remnlu In tho canals and laterals or tho First Party aud First Party shall have the right, at Its option, to reclaim alt waste water passing from tho lauds herein described and to subject the same to Its control. (8.) That In caso of cntitlngcncj riming damage to Second Party by water from tho distribution sjstem or soiirt'o of suppl), of First Party. Immediate notice thereof Bhall bo git en to First Party as soon an the same shall cotno to tho knowledge of Second Party and no action or cut-off or counter claim ahull bo maintained by Second Party for damnges which said First Party could havo prevented If duo notlco hnd been given Such notice shall ho given by telephone, mall or other usual channel or conusance. (9.) That he Is tho ownor or tho ......... title to tho property hereinafter described. In consideration or tho Mutual covenants nnd agreements herein contained, tho parties hereto do mutually agreo us fullews: (1.) That tho First Party shall be responsible to Second Party for actual damagos committed to crops or Improvements in tho Installing, enlarging or ropalrlng or any part of tho distribution sjstem or First Party crossing any part or tho lands hcrolnnfter described (2.) Tho Irrigation season during which water In agreed to bo furnished hereunder Is fixed to begin not Inter than April 1st of each )-ar and shall not close prior to October 15th of each jcar (3.) That tho First Party shall not ho responsible In any mnuner for a deficiency or water caused by scarcity or natural water supplvi damage by flood or freezing, hostile diversion or obstruurtlon, forcible entry, riot, legal restraint or act of God, or in any caso not controlled or attributed to tho negllgaiico of First Party and If for any reason there should ocourr, at any time, a shortago In tho water supply, then tho amount or water that Is available shall bo distrib uted to the lands entitled thereto on a pro-rata basis either In time or In quan tity or both, and In such event tho annual maintenance charge for suld years shall bo roducod In like proportion- (-1.) Tho Second Party may determine for hlmsolf (subject tn tho terms and conditions hereof, and said rules and regulations or First Party) tho quan tity or water (within tho total umoiiat to which ho Is entitled) which ho will iibo at any ouo period In or during the irrigation season, except that Second Party shall not bo allowed at any ono tlmo to uso moro than ouo-thlrd of said total amount, nor shall such ono-thlrd qunhtlfj tie used In any Irrigation season moro frequently than at the expiration of a thirty day Interval. (6.) All wuter contracted for herein shall hucomo und bo appurtenant to tho land hereafter described and shall bo used for Irrigation nud domestic purposes only and shall bo measured at tho point of diversion from the canal or lateral. , (C ) The land and premises affected by this contract uro situated, lying and being in Jackson County, State of Oregon, aud uro moro particularly dc. scribed as follows, to-wlt. together with ull and singular, tho tenements, horodltnmouts and appurtenances thereunto belonging or nppertnlnlg, containing. . acres. It Is mutually agreed between the parties that In caso tho number of ncre.i or water rights contracted for horeunder Is less than tho ncruagu of land nbovo dc&cflbedi then und in that event tho Second Party will, an toon us tho First. Party has constructed Its Main Canal nud Laterals for thn Irrigation of said lands, oxecuto aud deliver to Second Party a written declaration particularly describing thut portion of tho above described promises upon which ho desires water rights contracted hereunder lo applj, which promises must ho under the canals of tho First Party. Such declaration shall bo executed aud acknowledged In the same form us deeds or other conveyances and shall ho delivered to First Party within ten days after doing uollfiod thut tho canals and Intornls havo lie-on constructed aa aforesaid Such declaration shall ho recorded In tho Deed llecords of Jutkson County, Oregon und w'hen ho recorded this contnut nlull then apply only us to tho land ck-Kcrlltf 1 in said declaration, (7.) Whon tho First Partj shall huvo issued Its contracts to supply water to Irrigate all tho lands under Us canals am laterals or en much thereof as Its Hlipply or water Is adequate to permanently Irrigate In tho miuuur horlu pro vided and shall huvo received pajmout for .'10,000 acton thereof or Its equlvulont then said First Party covoiuntH nnd agrees thut It will, on oematid, convoy to any corporation, selected and designated by n majority of tho owners owning land so irrigated, tho title to mid Irrigation system Including' thu water rights, reservoirs, i-annls and nil other holdings of tho First Party nnccssary In (ho storing and delivering of said water to tho lands to bo Irrigated hut not tho unpaid amounts to become due op the outstanding contract and thereafter title thereto shall ho estcd In said corporation aud Htilijebt to Its management aud control. Provided, however, that all tho owners of lumla mi irrigated frolu suld system, shall bo ghe'n equal right to tho momburshlp und privileges or such corporation in proportion to thu ucragi or land ho Irrigated and owned by thorn and provided that any such torporatlon may, at uny tlmo, buromo entitled to bald conveyance by purchasing from tlio Fist Purty tho rehmlndur or Its unsold water ut tho prlco per ucro herein named und in tho ovont of such ronvoyunco to such corporation, ull thn obligations of Second Party to mako tho puymoiitu or 2.50 per aero per annum as n mulnteuauto charge, shall Immediately cousu nud terminate. This contract shall bo blading upon tho oxacutnrs, ndmlulstrnlors, Iiolrn, uBsigns unu successors or tno parties executing- it, aud injury to jour proporty. , , Q. is it uudorstood tho right of way U donated to tltO fWHipnjT" A. Yes. Yotl gt tho benefit of all rights of why IiIuivh )fni, hiuI oti reciprocate by helping tho man out htlow jou. Q. How wide Is that right of way? A. it varlori in different oas. It Is always possible for jou before going into this thing for jou to find out. It Is a thing for oach html ownr lo no Into nud learn before signing up. (. Is tho survey permanently located? A. There Is u survey mado undoubtedly mibjert to t'limiKiw. but In osch rase jou can make jour unuugomuuu with tho eoiiipmiy with rospiwt to Uinno matters. You can look Into tho matter and got information hum tho company Q. Supposing find after two or three or fotlr )urN thnt I onit't tin more than 3 Inches or water. -luno 1 got lo pay for the 18 IlieliosTT A. Yes, sir. t). I find tho water hinders my ground? A. Then you don't lake It Her Is tho ptoH)sl(tu wllh roferaiu-' to that mutter: Tho total amount or laud under the i-auals figured at f&n nu mm will equal, If all or It were In Use, practically tU.iHiu acre If jou did um hut three Inches, and morylMidj olfo In proportion, there would on I) be one fourth enough to pay tor tho system. Wo nrw hoIok to Uo you In Inches Somotlmei crops lequlie full) is Inches- olfnlfa for instance. You am getting Irrigation for ouo ncto of laud or wlmtevsr you usoil Whon we liinw wild 15.000 nme then wo will turn It or lo jou, wholtttr wo ttnvo rtwotvoil pn for any of It or not. Q. How many acres will jou hue to havo signed up? A. Thirty thousand acrw. An I ha sld bsfore, ih cost of this system Is $1,500,000 Thirty Ihouiaud in re ut HO an aero wHld make Just 11,500,000. (J. When do wo havo to wy? A. Pay anj tlmo jou want lo, on or lirtforo. Thn tupendlturo of 11,500.000 will bo tnude In eonstruetlur. thu to stem iMurdluic tit ohins nnd .. ........... . . .-. - . ....... . -. . . specifications wnicu win no npproNeit tiy ttio water lifers' coinnmts -mil ho iim water from th canal for which will no ox plained tutor. Q. A muu has a lot of stork wntorlug purposes? A. Yes It Is for ilomcje und Irrigation purport, which Include the watering of all stock a man has Q. How do jou measure tho water for stork? A. You muusum at the Intake, if jou havo an aero under Irrigation you would bo entitled lo enough water to cot or the land at IX Inches What jou uso this for does not concern us. WATER ESCROW AGREEMENT Thn Contract hereto attached Is hereby placeil in escrow In tho Medford National Hank of Mcdford. Oregon, to bo hold by said lUul. subject in the tol lowlug roudllluns. If within IS mouths from January 1st, 1913, thor shall hn (wen pli.e.l In said Hank a sufficient iiumlief of contracts of similar tonor to Ihl rmirni. to Justify the Party or tho First Part to said contracts. In building and com pleting Its entire sjstom adequate to Irrigate IS. 100 acr of land in tho Itoguo Itlver Valley and said First Party shall within said tlmo Notify said Medford National llstik thereof, said Hnuk shall eonte to bo mtllml through the Pulled States Mall to tho Second Parly hereto and lo each of the Kerond Parties lo each and every other contract, so placed In oscrow In said Hank, a net Ire fixing tho tlmo und (date of mooting of the Swcond PurtloM tn sold eoutrseti mldriMt to each sold Second Parties nt his Punt Offlco uddrc as tlntod lu Mid Con tractu respectively or If no nddress be stntwd in said runtrnrtN thou at Medfoni. Oregon. Said notice shall bo given not Imw (ban tun da hofor said meeting and suld iHostlng hIikII be held In some convenient place In the t'lir of Mtfor.l . At said mrotliiK n committee of (he shall ho chosen front amutiK tho said Second Parties ICnrh of tho Second Parties ut said mtluK.hll he entlilnl to a number of ote equal to tho number of nrros of laud for whteh ho has contracted to purchase water as afonmnld. Surti eiimiHlttm shall bo chosen by n majority or tho arrcaice represent) at said meeting nud uIhi by a mnjorllj In number of thos present. It shall ho the duty und function or said rommltteo: l"!ltHT:--To exnmliie Into tho ronpouslhllltj Mini financial condition of the First Party and to determine whether or not tho First Parly is ready and able and has In hands or available the necessary funds to actually construct the entire ry((jm nnd to carry nut und perform nil tho terms of suld contract. SliCONI): To examine tho pinna and specifications aud detnlls of Its pro. posed Irrigation system aud tn determine whether or not tho sumo sro adequate and sufficient to furnish nud supply water to 55. 1 Oil arret of land under Its canals and ditches lu tho manner provided bv said contracts. Tillltl)- To ma Ice such Investigation as thoy may dsoin necessary ami In determine whether or not tho First Partj has available a sufficient supply of water to Irrigate all of tho Innds to bo Irrigated under all or tho contract so lu escrow lu said hank. It Is uudorstood and agreed that said committee shall he afforded, by the Party of tho First Part, alt Information nud facilities of every characler lu Ha possession thnt It may require In making said Investigation and determination; that ir it deem It necessary it may cull to Its asslstanc-o nil) export lu Water Supply or Irrigation and that tho First Party wilt pay Hie leuMinable charge ot said expert. It not holug tho Intention, however, that tho time liorossnry to mako mcasiiromeulH or tho run off of t reams, extent of water shed, Wri of rosurvolr IiiisIiih, or other physical factors connected with said systom shall ho taken, hut that reports as to such mattom furnished by the V H Hydrogrnphlc Survey, tho Water Hoard or tho State or Oregon or olhor equally reliable sourroH shall ho taken ns tho basis of such Investigation nud thut not moro than 40 clays days shall bo consumed In making tho same Upon concluding its Investigation and determination, thn mild committee shall make a written report to said Hank, a report signed by four uiumbcirs ot tho committee, to be doomed a report or tho committee, and If said report shall state thut said committee Is of thn opinion after such Investigation, (hut First Party fa ready, ablo aud has on hand or available, sufficient funds to construct said sjstom und that tho plans und speclflcatlotiH of said system uro sufficient nud suitable) to provide a permanent und adequate system of Irrigation for 55,100 acres or laud under lis ditches und cuiiiIIm nud that xnlil First party owns or has available a uupply ot water adequate to Irrlgato nil of the lands covered by all tho contracts In escrow lu said Hanlt lu the manner provided by said contracts, then said Hank shall upon receiving said repent deliver all of said contracts to First Party. Hut If said Committee) or two or moro memhors thereof shall slate In nnld report thut from Investigation thoy uro not satisfied as to all tho aforesaid mutters, then upon receipt of said report wild Hank shall return ouch of suld contracts to tho Second Party iiuniud lhorln, who executed the sumo aud tho samo shall bo considered cancelled unci surrondorod'tiiid In all respects null unci void. it Is further understood that If sntd Hank shall not receive report from thn committee or uuld Hoccuid Purty for a period of no cluya utter said meeting above provided, raid Hank shall upon demand deliver all of tho aald coulriuis to tho First Party, lu case a Htiffklont number of contractu uro not sciourud us aforesaid, then thin contract shall bo returned to Second Purty and tho samo shall ho null nud void. IN WITNESS WHI3UHOF, Till! FlltST PAUW bus hciounto unused Hh iiuiiio nud corporate soul to bo affixed and SECOND PAItTY has hniatiuto Set his hand and Heal this day of ltd . ltOIHJE ItlVEU CANAL CU Hy , Vlco PlUHllluilt Hy WITNESS: ' , (Heal) " t ... (Hon!) (Heal) Post Offlco AddiokK of K'koiiiI Pnity H.Y- J ? ? y f v ? ? ? ? T y y y y y y y y y V f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t Y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y t y y y y y y y y y y y x iS tvt j ,11 to l .iUi4M . , , , . . . , . . . ,,...,' ... i cgtHfHcXKXKKK" "11 r-m-nriinaiiij i i ui. i. wmi suiinm nan is -itj.iij r r ir- - i i sn . n iiii iiii' r si asnrfcisi sin sinsi i n i i,ll