Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 29, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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S- ,
ili'imlor I'rlelc, who imviim n lnrnu
orrlmtil tliiitu mill's soulli of Alml
furil, Iiiin rdiilrnrli-il with IM Itolmrts
of tit Ik nlly (or tit cii'Mluii of n tnnio
Inn 11 on h In pliu'ii. 'I1ii IiiiIIiIIiik will
lin iilxTiO ft'd In dim mill will do
mmil for Nlorlnu Iniiilt'iin'iitH mul liny
iiml (or n htnlilit. A fw months
lutitr Mr. Itolmrt will iTi'ct a (lint
ii'iilitiMico iiml it puokliiK tioiiHit on
tint ilncti for Mr. 11 Irk.
At I'li'nltylcrliin cliurcli, Momlity
nll'.lil, nniHlml Tor (lin Imnnflt of tlio
(Iri'iilm- Mmlforil cliili. Hviiityrivn
VIlll'KH, I'OIHIImIIK lin Ix'Kt tlllt'llt In
tlo nlly, will inrllrlinln Admission
2r. rmilM.
Dr. 13. II. IMckol Inni koiki In
I'nrtliiiid lo alli'iiil 11 intillnu of llm
Hluto Mi'illcal Houlioy.
I nunc Wrlelit o( lloRtiit Itlvcr wns
mnoim lilt .Mmlforil friends Prldn)
(if tnrnooii.
l.iirK" bulbs of tlm flwst vorlctlrn
uf ntclii unit deroinllvii iIiiIiIIiih. TmI
HI rlt. 10
JohIi NYiitlimniiier, I, C Hlvr unit
.Mr. Mpt'iioT tm don from Wltuur
prrelmt 1'rliltiy, iii rnutit in Jiick
John M Kcott. itciiornl iiiinKr
nut or thn , I'. Ilium In ()rrr.on,
spnnl Kililny In Meilfnril, while ok
IiIm way lo Portlumt from California.
Iln wan unit nt AhIiIuiiiI hy A. H
Orclmnl, liuntlns;, fishing and
Orator l.nkn sconm for inlo nt (ler
king & Harmon's studio. Nnt;attrei
nimln nny plant, kodak flnUhliiK. 128
Cnitt Mnln slrti't. I'honit si ft It.
Tin. I.tnllcn" .Mil or thn lluptUt
church will hnvn n norlnl mnothiR it
thn church Tmml.iy afternoon at
2:30 o'clock.
II. II. Craft of Central I'olnt spout
Ktiliirtlny In .Mt'dfurd on business,
Mr. mill Mm. I'hll l.ooilry of Ta
Mo Itotik district went rnrnnt visit
or In Mmironl.
(luurniiti'cd coiuplctn wnoon nt
I'HI's, Aihlnud, lor I cm tlinn $ 1 00.
' 3!&
(inorRo OlinMnlti linn been appoint
nit clerk of tlm circuit court for
Klmuntli county nt n sutnry or $ I S00
per milium.
tlerkltiK A. Ilnrtnon, studio por
trnltn, hoinn portraits, flash lights,
kodak fiiiUlitiiK. pott rnnl work anil
nnlnri;lnR.; I2R Cast Main street;
tnlnphonn 2 If. It,
Mra. IMyth WVllmrrcil rnnl Albert
Toiler, her brother, or I'ortlnml, who
tun IfltliiK In Mmlforil. spent I'rldny
afternoon In Jarknonvlltn.
Jumna Tlirniher wm a mow; the
rltlteus or I'hoenU who rmnn lo
.Mi-ilforil I'rldny.
Don't in I n llm musical with ".'
aliiKem pnrtlrlpatliiK, Iiii'IiiiHiik nil
thn bent volceH In thn city, at llm
Presbyterian church Momlny evening
In llm h lief i given for thn (Irenter
Mmlforil club. AiIiiiImIoii 2fi cents.
I'orler J. NVff, who went to North
Yitklmn. Wnnh , lo repreneiit llm
ItoKim Ittver rnill X I'roilure nimo
clullon In thn mentluK ntlleil by the
fruit hi'IIIiik orKiiultntlouM or tlm I'n
nirin iiorlhwi'Ml, to conhliler thn pro
poHltlon or catnlillrihliiK n ceiitrnl
HKeiiry. Iiun reluriieil. He preilleU
that tlm problem will be worked out
Invito )our rrlomU lo romo on thn
ntoiirHlon from Tacoinn to Meilfonl,
April 9. Itoiiml trip, ir..?0.
T. I'. HchiilU, of ItoneburK, In mil
kltiK Mcilfonl n IhikIuchh vIhII.
Victor llurKiill ot Ceiitrnl I'olnt
ilUtrlct ami P. C DorcuuiM or lilt:
Stick)' wern In .Meilford Frliluy,
N. i:. Homier or Derby la mnkltiR
M cil font n hiiRlnraa vUll.
0., I.. Kprlnger niul Frank (Irrnn
of Appli'itiito arrived I'rldny for u
nliort Htny In Mmlforil.
Cnrkln & Tnylor (John M. Carkln
mid (lluiin 0. Tnylor), nttorncjr.-nl-lnw,
over Jaclmon County Hank
bnllillni,. Mcdford.
T. II. (lulu wna ninniiR Dm many
up from ARhlnud durliiK thn weok.
T, J. WIlllnuiHon mid N. J. Wiley
went to JnckKonvlllo I'rldny, relurn
Imt In thn nvoiitnu.
InNiira and bo auro. HIkIU If wo
wrltu It. It. A. llolint'H, Thu Inaur
unco Mini.
II. R. Itudclirr mid Cecil nates r
ftnlum urn IraiiHiiclliiK IiiiMiichh In
I. T. (Inlllhcr or ltlo Dull orclmrd
wna u Med ford vlaltor Frldny,
Ileal homo Hindu brond nt Do
Mm. 13, lloclinuyoH wnn nmoiiK
tlm ninny who wont to Jnclomiivllli)
Filduy to Inlorvlow thu tnx collector.
Mr, mid Mm, I'nul lluiiHeii' luivo
returned rrom Portlmid.
Fond niul acml. .Schmidt, phonn
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Day Phono UU7
Nllit I W.'WVfkH ll)il-I.U
IMioiich A. 13. On- 07H-M
(InifiU I'nMn hn mild luiolhcr
block ot howl, M2,U 21, nt par
lo Terry, lirlxx A Hlnyton of Tokdo,
Ohio They urn llm anmn pnrflea
who look Ihu tot of $200.1)00 ImikiiI
for rnllroml purponea
Mr rnnl Mrn Prank lleiiMiii of
('mitral Point dlnlilnl wern In Mml
ford I'rldny IrmllMK with our iuer
Mm Prnd of Anlnlopn wna
In .Mmlforil I'rldny on her wny to
.liicliiiouvlllii o vlalt her ubilnr, Mn
Clinrlix Prim.
OeorK)' KollliiReil or ItonnbiirR, the
widl known Mock buyer, In In thn
vulley fimilii.
(leorim V. Hull tr ProHpect U
npeiidliiK u few dnya In Medford.
It. C Colllmi of Tnhln Mock iIIh
trlcl camo to Mmlforil I'rldny with
IiIh diiUKhtnm, who winl to ANhland
to vlalt their Kriuidiiiothnr.
I'rml Htrnubn of Willow Hprlmia
dliitrlrt gpent m-veriil houra In Med
foul I'rldny nfiernoon
W. J. Hinlth, tlm Hiu dine creek
Itimbnruinn, una In Medford mid
JitckNoiivlllu Thiiradiiy.
It, II Moore or Hold Mill went to
Aahlanil Prldny on ImihIiu-kh ioiiiiitI.
ml with IiIm uierruutlln emuhllah
Mra. Velnn of Jnckionvllln wna n
Mrdford vUltor I'rldny nfiernoon.
Now York l.lfn Inaiirnurn Co., C.
Y. Tnurtwnld, .Medford National
llnnk hldir. Phnun 3371.
!3dttln Hinlth or (Irnuu Pnia, n
pioneer of aouthern OroKon, made n
trip to Me.lford mid Jackaouvllli)
J. P. Urn it nnd Arthur Nlrhola,
or KnKln Point, lurried In Medfoid
I'rldny ulchl.
Kmlnk flnlihliifr. tlm beat nt Wra
lou'a, oppoalto book More.
Clyd" MorKau mid Chnrlca Lone
of Joanphlnn county wern anionic thn
mmiy who ennm lo Mmlforil ilurlm:
(ho week.
Mra Cox of Aahlmid wna thn KUent
or Mra. It. C JorRenHon uml her
family Friday.
All church rholra In Medford have
volunteered their kcrvlrra In Ihe
miialral for thn benefit of thn (treat
r Medford chili, nt thn I'renliyterlun
church Monday nvenliiR. Thern nrn
7S aliiKcra. Admlialon 25 renin.
W. i:. Prlro ami Thomaa Merrl
man, Central Point btackamltha, vln.
Itrd In Medford Friday.
Mra. I. F. Wllllnma or Central
Point wna nmoiiK her Mmlforil
frlemla Friday,
Mr Wllllnma. mi liiaurmiro mmi
or Aahlnud, tarried In Medford I'rl
Vapor hatha nnd scientific maa
iiK for men uml women. Dr. It.
J. Lock wood, chiropractor, 203 (Jar
tmtl-Corny bldir. Phono MS,
Mr uml Mra. (leorco Merrill of
heutlln nrn vUltlnj; frlenda IIvIiir In
Med ford.
W. Chlldera mid JmucH 'Hiomna of
Onltl Hill apnnt I'rldny In Mmlfonl.
Mra. Illnlun Klum went lo Aahlanil
Friday nfteruoon on u vlalt lo rela
K. D. Weaton, romuierclnt photon,
rnpher, uegntlvra made nny time or
plncn by appointment. Phonn M.
(J. i. Woolvnrtnn and Perry
KnottK went down from Hold Hill
Mr nnd Mra. H. A. Jonea or lower
Itomm river urn makliiK Medford n
15. C. HoKHett, prrildent of tlm
ItoRiio Itlvnr Valley Aliatrnrt cmn
puny, KKnt Friday afternoon at
Mr. nnd Mm. II. Newlon of
Hornbrook, Cnl., nrn lain nrrlvnla In
Mmlforil. They formerly realded at
Central Point.
Fred i:. Furry, rocorder of Phoo
nlv. nnd I,. Colver trmiKncted biiuul
nnaa In Medford Frldny.
Wo wlah to oxtend our heartfelt
thnnka to tho many frlendH, and e.
poclully tlm nnlRhbora, who Rnvn
tlmlr aympathy nnd aid to ua In our
Into hour or bereavement, of thn
death of our beloved hiubuud mid
J j. o.snNimi'nei: and wifk.
Thu (load CUIioiih' Ioiiruo will
hold u call mnutliiR ut N p, in. Alon
dny, Alurch 31, 101.1, In tlm (nut, cor
ner or lUrtlctt and 4th at. All iiipiii
Imrs nro oxpnetod to bo preacnt to
attend to Important IhibIuokh.
II. Ii. 8TINB, Prea.
7 N. I TOWN8KND, Sec.
With Medford trudo la Medford nmdo,
WANTUD (llrl (or Kunorul Iiouk"
work. Phono 7f7-I. 0
FOll Til A DM OH HA1.I3 A pluno
(or uutomnbllo, or will noil. Ad
drena P. K euro Trlbuim. !
WANTKD Clioro iiiiui, tixpoiionced
with ull IdndH or Block. It. 1-.
DudRo Jr., enru Hotel Medford. ('
MONIiY TO LOAN on runl catuto.
AddroHM mo rnro of llotol Medford
iih I nm out of city part of tlmn,
11. Ii. Dodge. 39
mtcdfotw imn rnmimw,
" I ' ' " " '
Mm. .ininon Fielder, wife of llm
new miveninr f NVw .leiicy, wJio
Nlleeeeileil WiinilriiW WiUou, will lie
one of her litifliitiiil'M I'liief uliU in
bin rif III lo eonliuiie (lie Wllxoii il-
ieicH in 111 Mute, (lotemor Fielder
him miuniiueeil Hint lie wilt enter llm
ilemorrntit! piimtirii'M this fall iik ii
candiitiite or llm iletnoortitin mimiii
ntioii. Two Mrniijj cnnilldnlcK for the
nomiimtioii, one of lliem Mayor Olto
Willienii of Jcrupy City, n friend of
I'rt'Milcut WiNon, will make tlm
fljsiil iiKtil'ifl Finldcr. .Mm. I'ieMcr
known in widely tlirouchout New
nVKIICTT. WiinIi.. Mnrcn 2. -.linnes
Smith, mi eyronviel from
lleer LoiIri' mul Wnllu WhIIh prinoiih,
lumen Clark mul I,. I) Itnlyo, for
mer l'llilIMl,V htllllelll. nd W. C.
QnaN, urn held in jail here today on
tlm charge of eolleeliii) li.!l'J." in
wildcat liiiiintien on tame ml crs.
QuiiIIh eoufoi'il mi lieintr iHTniiiRCil
mul wm. Hcnlcm-ci In fifteen jTiirs
ut Walla Walla, Italva will be or
riiiiiRml today.
They nm nlleReil to have opernleil
in KiiiR, Snoluimili, Whalcoin mul
Skagit I'oiiiilii". Tlm metliod used
wiih to insert tlm riRlit foreleg lionr
of n dumeMicaliil eat inlo tlm elt
of it wild cm from whieli llm uinli
torn had cut the wildeatH i('R, it lie
iiiK Hie eiiMi'in to present llm full
pelt on nolii'titiR thn .f.ri liounty.
(Ilium Warden WJiitc limiiRhl about
tlm enptiirn, lie won surprised nl
llm number of wildcats bein ciiiirIiI,
mul beiiiR n laxederinut, wilu'il llm'.
A benefit poi formmme for the
Ohio flood sufferers is to be put on
ut tlm Hint' theiitn .Monday afternoon
mid ctniiiR Ilcsides tlm rojjulur
run of films there wil ho hpeeinlties
by llm Hiiitjcss llrotlmrs nnd other
local talent. Tlm theatre nnd ull thn
nets luno donated to the ciuim) and
tlm enliie proceeds will lie sent to
(liiv, (o. to apply to the relief fund.
SKATTLK, Wm.h., Muroh 211.
Snitlhwent stonu wniuiiiRs wern or
dm ed disjiluveil in nil jxirls of Wush
iiiRlon mul OreRou today. Tlm center
of thn htotm is moviii); over Hiitisli
Colunihiu mid IurIi winds, nro pre
dicted for the const.
I'lniiADKM'UlA, Minrh 211. Fit
uenil nrrunROineuth foe Jnines Me
Cieu, fonuer pu'sident of thu I'enn
sylvuniu riiilrond who died at his
homo here, will Im uunouiu'ed to'd'ulit.
Merltol llheitiuutlsin Powders.
Htmid us thu result of tho hluhout
modlcnl nchlovumont of moduni sci
ence, nnd nro RUiunntood to bIvo por
mationt rollof In nil cases of Hhuu
mutism, If you surfer from llhou
im'.UIhih rIvo this wondorful remedy
n trial, llivaUlna' drug atoro, vxclu
alvo locul ngouta,
' Hi Hi. in.Mii
i i i i
irmvorvn, ohkcion, AATtmnAv, mawii 20, loin, --"-
11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
At the Churches
,t(HlioilUt Cburrli,
Meilfiinl Miili'ulil Kpinfopnl
cliiireli, enrner llarllrll nnit Kouilli
hIiccIm, ' Ollll i:iiliiiln, liinlnr.
Heitirt'h Hillidiiy i lolleua: I'rrrmli
ltl(( II (I, HI. i 7 .'10 p. in., fellpjcct,
inoniliiK, "Tlm i:il of n Hllpulio'd
l,ifc"l cveiiitiKi "Momki .McmoiinH.'
Hlitulny bcliiml mul .Mcm'h bible cIiihh
flllft (I. III.,' Kpwortll l,eIRIIC II tin p.
in,, .luiilor LciiRiie :t p, m., Hoy'
Milltiiry iiriifiiilii Vwlimdny even
In 710, I'rnyer ineelliiR Tliuiwliiy
evening 710, Jhccllent fmiMie by
idiolr iiniler Ihu direction of I'. C.
IMiiii'ikIch, You (ire nonlinllv inviled
lo III! tliehe nerieen.
Si-venlli-Hfl)' AdvenlUt,
Thn rnRulnr ai-rvlcex at tlm Ad
rnntlnt church, on North itlvemldt,,
nrn ft follewa: Habbuth Hchool nt
10 n. m ; pricliliiR, lin m ; youn
peopln'a IlieetlllR, I p. III.; midweek
prayer meetliiR, Wmtmadny evenlnn,
7:30. The nubjnet of Ihe aermon
Hunday nvnnlpR, March
Teat of niNrlpJewilp."
Ion I.ullirraii,
At Ion Lutheran church thorn
wilt tm Herman and KriRllah aervlcn
at 11 n. in, Hlbbi ht'hool (HnRllah)
ut 10 n. in. No nvenliiR mrvlce.
Come mid worhti,
I'lml (liurtli of ClirM, KclintM.
Hunday inarnlnR iervlc at 11
o'clock. Hubjert of IcMon-nermon,
"Hcallty." Wednraday cvenlnR te
tlmonlal nmctlnRa at 7:30. All are
welcome. Sunday achool at 10; all
under tlm bro of 20 are welcome.
headlnR room hour, 2 to 2 p. m.
dally, except Hunday and holiday a.
Church edifice. North Oakdale.
KMial .Music nt llm MhIkxIM
KHhropal Cliurcli.
Alualc of a hlKh order will mark
both aervlwa tomorrow. The unthema
"Fear Not. O larael" by .Max Splcker
and "I Heard the Voice of Jraua
Hay" liy Cutter will be lunu by the
larRe chorut choir. .Mm. William
Scojoc will aliiR 'Como Unto Ate" by
harrell, and Mr. Clarence .Meeker
will aliiR "Abide With M" by Par
Kl, Mark's (i:pfcroMil) (liurrli.
WorahlplnR In St. Atark'a hall.
Illahop HraddlnR will tm pr.ient and
preach nt tho nvenlnR iiervlce on Hun
day nt 7:30. Hunday acbool at 3:30
P. m.
M. I- Cliurcli, Soutli.
Corner Onkdnle nnd .Main. Ktindnv
school ut 10 ut nu. I'reueliini; 11
Your Ntoinach should dlReat tho
food you eat, without the aid of auy
artificial dlReatlvea. If It won't do
that, then yourn continually sub
ject lo d)Mpepitn, IndlRostlou, heart
burn, headaches and conatlpatlon.
Inatend or taklni; dlRenllvn modi
rluea. tnkK ntcps to Ret your htotuach
uud Intemlues nRulu In n healthy,
natural condition. Jayno'a Tonic
VermiriiRe will do this for you It you
will take It regularly. It la not a
(Heeatcr or foodB, ut It will restore
your atnmarh and Intestines so that
they will ntteud to their natural
function, dlReatliiR what you eat aud
rIvIiir streiiRth to tho body.
For more than elRhty yenrs thou
sands of men mul women who had
suffered tho pains caused by dyspep
sia and Indigestion have been prais
ing this Tonic as tho only remedy
which brotiRht them permanent ro
ller. As the Tonic acts directly upon
tho stomach and Intestines, It Is n
natural appetizer nnd strength
Many forms ot supposed Indiges
tion nre thn result of Intestinal para
sites, for which Jayne's Tonic Veriul
ftiRu Is unsurpassed. .Insist upon
Juynu's; nccept no other. Sold by
druggists ever) whore. Dr. D. Jayne
& Sou, Phlludelpuln. Pa.
Especially you the ultlmtito con
sumer of foods raised with
Crescent Baking Powder
Tho modern methods employed
by our expert chemists Ruarauten
its purity and wholcbomencss,
with which they have succeeded
In combining thn desirable "sure
to rnlso" quality.
In ovorythlnr,
that you reipilro
ot Reed linking
Powder. CIIKS
OKNT has been
m a d o "doubly
That la one of
tho rensons why
It Is used by
Chefs uud (lond
Cooks, why It
can help you.
HiiAilTTii i !sTJ
Hold by grocers, 2.1c full pound
Reuttle, Washington
Send 2c stump (or Cook Hook.
ij Ut'"!'!":1"
. iii, mul 7 i.'1'l p, in. by Key V. L,
AlcCmialiifii) of Henltfr, WanblriRtoii,
TUfhn hfrvlccH will clone tlm revival
irieelliipa wlileli ie Imni m proRrraa
for lw( weekx, l)n not fall to lienr
Or, ('mixliiii(l. lie prcaelic the dis
pel In IIh iiimplieily mul purity.
Ilverybwly will bemitde welcome. W,
T. (loiildcr, pnair.
Pretiyfirlari (luirrli.
Communion Anrviee nt 11 n. m.
Keceptiou of iiiemben, Kubject, "In
ItemcmlirniuT of Ale." I'rencliin in
llm etcnifiK nt 7110. Hubject of llie
nermoti, "The (llory of the C'roKM."
The miinle for tlm morning in lift
MymiiM O.'l, 1-l'J, 11.1 and 85.
Tlm ipiin title "Tn Ilium in I), liy
"I'm but n HfmiiKer Here," by Mnr
nton, In llm evening the iiiiimIi' h an
HiniiM fi'J, lf0 niul 2.13.
AIIhh Ilnnce "Open tlm OntcV
by Knnfip.
A moil cordial invitation ix ex
lenilcd to nil lo join with tiffin these
-n iceH.
Sunday hcIiooI nt 10 n. m.; J. C. i'.
ut :i p. m.: c. i:. society nt ti'io p.
m., prayer meeting nt 7'tO on Thum
dnh; cotiRrentionnl meetiiiR nnd ro
rial on Kriilny, April dlli nt 710 p.
in. Itcxir(K of cliurcli, election of
ofieem mid n aonil soeinl time. All
the members of Ihe church nnd roil
Rrcfjntion nre urRed to be present nt
tins mectiii;
Cliritlan Church.
Comer 0th nod Oakdale. Bible
M'lionl meets nt 0t"0 u. m. Prench-
me; ui lin. m., . r.. in uiu . in.,
prayer meeting on Thursdny cveninp,
choir prnetiee on rndny evening.
You nre cordially invited to come and
worship with us. I). D. Hoyle, pastor.
Itnpllst Church.
Sunday school nt usitnl hour. Ilev.
C. It. Lemnr will prenrh moniinp nnd
eveninz. Morninc subieet. "Honor
for .Service." Kveninp Mtbjent, "The
Worst Thin:; in Medford " Oood
music. All urc invited.
A. It. Woods will produce next
season a new musical play entitled
"The Onus Widow." tho work of
Channlng Pollock and Hcnnold Wolf.
S Glasses Properly Filled
Phone 320-R ..
Dr. Rickert
Eyesight Specialist
Suite 1 - 2, Over Kenlner'rt 8
:il)8 M. Mnin St., Medford g
Some Exceptional
Good Buys
36 acres only 2 tulles from city;
Joins ono of the finest orchards In
tho vulley, Prlco $4000, good terms.
Wo have some, nice new bungalows
for sale on very easy payments.
We have a number of small tracts
for Bale or exchange for city prop
erty. 1UOO Acre, Stock Ranch
to exchange for well Improved or
clmrd tract or city property.
8 South CVntml Ave.
Ol'K.V APltlti 1ST
The Bonded
(ir.NKItAh STOU.VflK
Oregon's Moat up-to-date Klre-proof
Warehouse, with llurglar-proot
For rates apply
Have Been Restored to Health By Lydia E.
' Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
There is no doubt about thisfact. Why I during the
last 30 years we have published in the newspapers of this
country volumes of letters from women who have been re
lieved df all their suffering by the timely aid of this grand
old medicine. Letters like the following, true, genuine and
honest expressions of gratitude coming from grateful hearts.
Surely you can believe these women.
Mrs. Im S. IUtEXXEIt, HuiIhoti, MIcli.,iy:
" Sometime ago I rrns taken with a terrible pain In tny right side, sneh
sharp pain just like n knife stlcklntr tne. I tried hot applications but that
did no good. I went to our family doctor (ve were Ht1h(c1b i'ayette, Ohio,
at that time) and be said It vraa organic Inflammation. I doetored with him
a vt hlle but kept getting worse. The pain was so terrlldo I could hardly
stand on my feet. 1 vronld have that sharp pain In my right aide, and a
dull heaty pain the whole length of my llrab, I realized that something
bad to be done quickly, so I looked up all of your aiWerttfteiaenU 1 could
find, and saw hereral that described my case. I got a bottle of Lydla K.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and It helped me from the first dew, and
when I had taken two bottla-s my trouble wa gone. Yonr nwdlclns has
done so much for me that I am willing yon should publish this letter far the
sake of other suffering woaen." Airs. L. S. Brk.ixek, IlutUos, 3Hhtgaa.
Mn. 1 K. IIOWERH, Glrard, PaMyft
"I take pleasure In Informing you of what LydlaE. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has done for me. 1 had a sick spell last February, and for
some months after that I was not regular and had many bad feellBgs. I
was tired all tho time, had dull headaches, not much appetite, anil also
what the doctor called organic inflammation. Your Vegetable Compound
has entirely cured mo and I feel that too much cannot be said In Its praise
as I am now able to do my own work. Yon are perfectly welcome to use
my testimonial for the benefit of others." Mrs. L. E. Boitebs, &.V.V. No, I,
Olrard, Pa
" I feel that I must write to you about your wonderful remedies. About
ten years ago I waa troubled with female weaknesn and waa all run down.
I was tired all tho lime and could hardly walk without feeling dlasy. I
heard about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, took it, and also
used the Sanatlre Wash. I got stronger, and have not had those dlay
spells since. I feel that I owe ray health to you, and hope your remedies
will help others as they hare me. I tried most everything I heard of, and
yours are the best medicines for women's ailments. Mrs. ELIZABETH Q JS
TILCOBK, 28 Olor Street, Buffalo, New York.
For .10 years Lydia E. Plnkham Vefretable
Compound lias been tho standard rcmcilyfor fc
raalo Ills. No one sick with woman' aliments
docs Justice to herself If she docs net try this fa
mous medlrlBO made from roots aad licrbs. It
Your letter will bo onenwl, read and answered
by a woman and held in Htrlct confidence.
Portland's Greatest Event
Andreas Dippel, General Manager
Cleofonte Canipanini, Musical Director
Companv of :)00 Orchestra 90 Ballet 35
Seventh and Taylor
Monday Evening, Mch. 31, 8 P. M.
Tuesday Evening, April 1, 8 P. M.
Wednesday Mat., April 2, 2 P. M.
AND GEETEL." Grand Ballet
Wednesday Evening, April 2, 8 P. M.
Prices: $7, $6, $5, $3. General Admission, $2.
On sale Sherman, Clay & Co., 6th and Morrison
Telephone Orders Filled by Steers-Coman,
Main. 2952, Portland
Oregon Electric Trains Return After
Mason & Hamlin, tho Official Piano
utrtuinb v
p t'gir sVHyLBSHdlHB
Tke Food Driak For All Ages Higkly Nnlrki and CeaTUsical
Rich milk, with malted prraln extract, in powder form-disBolvea
in water more healthful than tea or coffee. Used in training
athletes. The best diet for Infants, Growing Children, Invalids,
and tho Aged. It agrees with tho weakest digestion.
Ask for "HOMJOK'S"-at Hotmlm, Haatauramta, Fotmtalmmm
Don't travel without it. A loo keep it ut home. A lunch in a minute.
In Lunch Tablet form, ul&o, ready to cat. Convenient nutritious.
Talent, Oregon Jackson County
Orchards, Homes, Farms
In m Thriving Center in One oT the Garden Spate
of the Rogue River Valley
Just This I Like the Rogue River Valley
night now sovoral buyers nre hero to Invest, also I have friends
coming horo to locate this spring. I would like to know of yuur
proposition at unco. It It U n good Investment wo can do business.
J. 0. BARNES, 214 1st National Bank; Bldg.
vtfoti ffrfl.
I i. I
T if