Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 29, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MrcirKoun MAUi'riHHrvK. MihroHf), ohi.mi . vintnw, m ir'fr 20, ion
I -i
6.s '
11 V ""Sea. H fi l Jm m'
Ooclhl nud iimihIiihI notes,
MIHH JdltlltHHM lllltlofl (lIlMIItt
Club imwK under dlrnatlnu
tit (IriMlur Mmtfiiril Ultilj;
phone 6T6.
"No 11 11 llvoth 1111(0 hltmnlf
nloiio." .
(I rout it MmlfoMl M,l)n
iliiy or cmitIi mouth; oluli room, II
limr)' building; 2:00 p. in., Iiuilueaa
im'ttluit; 3.00 p, 111., iiroRrnm.
Second Monday of iMirh mouth, so
cial meeting.
Priuildout, Mm. W. (1. Davidson,
II to Woat Tenth street; phono 67S,
Musle l)iiniliiiHiil - I'lrnt Monday
of each inoiitli; cluli mom, library
building; a : 0 0 p. in.. Chairman,
Mm. It. M. Aildrnws, an Norlli Hoo-
vull avenue; phono 827-lt.
Good Cltlioiiahlp Department
llrnt nnil (hint Tiiotday of iwicli
iiidiilli; 0I11I1 rooms. z;lo p. in. Chair
iiihii, Mm. 0. !. Holiloffoltn, 113 (ii
vn ineiiuo; phono ISC.
ICduimthitiiil Department First
Katurdny o( eaeh inontli; nluti ronins,
3:00 p. in. Chairman, Mm. (imjrtte
Itxlxio, Central Point It. I'. I).; phuu,
Jacksonville JI-F-il.
' Home Hcoiioiiilm I).imrliuciit
Second and (mirth Wednesdays; olub
rooms, S:S0 p. m. Chairman, Mm. J.
O. Hi'liinldt, 30 llOHH avenue; pktlB
Social llyglaue DutmrtWHiit Third
Momliiy; etui rooms. S:0 p. in.
Chairman, Mm. It.' W. Stearin, M
It() UVtfNHe; pliuim 1.10.
"I'minptHCM ami System" our mot
to. Wo ilo not wish to waste )tur
(line, thcrefuto prtiiHptneea In begin
nliiit these mooting mill ytm In
coHiluiUliiK Iheni U ui)r nlm.
Wednesday Slinly Club,
l'lmt nml third Wednesday! II
limry building. 2iS0 p. in. President,
Mm. M. II. Plofcul. Mir. Wml Muln
street; phone
I'.irrtit-'IViu lieiV iko'liiiliiii.
Second Friday, X:00 p. in., Wnali
I nil ton rrhool liullillnK. President.
Mm. F. W. Mwim, OS I Dakota nv
nun; phone tt'i-x.
Patt'iit-Trm hois' ,n.K-liitliiii.
Tlilnl Friday, 3 00 p. in.. House-
volt nliool tiutlilltiK. I'rMtlilont. Mrs.
tlooriiB KIiir, kl.'l Itant Muln it runt;
(iliouu HI l-lt.
mtcrouM nml IiiUiihiic" fot- ktmiiI die
puinlN upon 'mil liiillvlitiml' lining
liar ixiii Aii..iiliinr nml intnret
uru uoiitilliiitliiH thiil nil (in it imih,
nml ihoy nro tho rhlr (Hutunt in
limkliiK mt ally elnb. tt'n WHHt to
m a IIt lr. don't wt7 U'iiIik npl
nml mimu to lli el nl) mcwtltiK. IIh-
IiIm iIoIiik you RIHIll, It will lulp
till1 rl,
Airoin or tllo chill iiiiintliiK Mori
ily, I wiuiilHr If wh rmillrw wlmi h
IMiwnr co-opnrntlon lJ 'llio onty
ililnn tluit Motltonl ionnIh to nnlLWr1
out oc lliln.pr1oil orHfltiiuont nrr
ulnn In n pulllnn toitrtnnr. r?mi any
ohm itailmnttf tho iintlod, ommiUpd
tort of olio Hiintlrml nml fifty
women worhltiK kIoiik ooMlrHillr
Ilium? Oh! io l.i ti ny uhIiIo our
jwtty, piTiml, imrrow. rrlllnil Alt
fnriiiif! Wlmt do Uiy muoiiHt to
nnyhow7 IM mi put our nhoiililom
to I no whHl mill pMh (OMotbMr. If
ii "tlrvNler ilwtforU" tiumiiH any
HiliiK to m, lt ui try tliu oiih tklmt
that v. II I brluK It forth. Come. tbn.
to tlm wtwtlHK Manila? nftorMMUi,
ami eoiii In a aplrlt or oo-oirUon.
Cnt tk llltmry linbttl Wht you
am iluwii Iowa ami burn h fim- ihIb
uloa lu HMfn why net to t)w
library a ail md munim yf thn tttalr
Imt thlnw yon will Mm I Ih ttia IMS
ntJaaa that liu rrmtliiK tnlrfta n
MPfUMnl wild, lu nMDir mUmm
you will tlmt a lUt of taM. Dm
Ihwy mihhU lHtertlH7
Th. Oool ClUamialllp iltwrtMit
of lb Ortmtar Mwlfonl ollifi will Mt
bold Ita i-agalur ntfotltiK m Tgri
Of tNla WMlj. Irl)4tr NIIMMHOTIftMri
roHtwrnlni it will iimU HW(t
Mm. U'uunr U. MrCallnm. wha ka
ao ably fllltnl tba offtca of trtnaiimr
of tb t)matr Mrtlfonl IhU ilarlnt
Mlaa ICIlMlHXh IMitnnw'a abwnca.
Iuft Uila wfk for bar noma In Tokoa.
Waab. Thi rorraaitoiMllHi Mcniiry.
Mr. U. II. Ilnrrmui. will aaautti tb
UHlbjH of tmwim-ar until tba rular
aanbal ulaetlott of offiekrt, wblab oe
tmra aauu.
In Cincinnati, a roaoluiiou waa
HilopliMl to ral mt omlowninl fnml
of 1 1 00,(100. the iniarmt to lit' towil
to furtliar thO work of the flom
tlou, Tlla amount aakixl of mc1i
ataio hh on r 1A Nr Mint par capita
total. Oregon' portion waa S0.
Tlia IahI publln ultranpa of that
a real wnniau, flarah l'lmt laker,
wh mi npptml to thn rluti woinna
KatMoratl In Nan Pranclaco laat .Inly
to rata U ndowment. flh who
hail Uavolwl ao muuli r bor IIU ami
uriarxtr to Ulta ytirh, rmllriHl tftitt
OlotH titan mtyona alaa thn urmnt
iitavaMlir of awt'h a fnul. HIik nor
limit Ii tho fuml baa ltetm kHBwn
na I ha Harnb I'latt Urhw memorial
About Hiilf the Oragftn AmoMHl baa
horn nilawl ami nrrry wk aeon It kt
liifrouaml. It la bopoil awl rxuMtmJ
that Ilia oMtirfl ant)BHt will b eon
trtbutoil iMfnr tbo oonnrtl tHMtlug
lu SVaablllgtOH. II. C, tba Imi of
'Ilia Woman .Moviiiiiitiit.
An w taklnit Itita arrlouMyt
Civic mMwratiott. H mmmtitu' Hmt
Inatfail of eaiTylna on a "mi ihn
fir" -rmiipnln, ih w ronnirnic
upon tba alioltahliiK of their br-xl-IfiK
placaa. Atnl that roMlrea Iti.'lf
Into oho tlilllK elanllnM. CIhuh
mk yiinU, 0oirMl irftrnaf ran
anil wall Mraorioit Hialtli, rlean l
loy nml atrevta am tnor- wrfe'-tlve
tbnn "wnta." When wn rnn rallx
Uiat flltw iiiahii filth, nml that no
niaa la mi mlraftlaamont at rlonnfl
n Mai, w will iloubtlem be mora earo
rul alio lit IihvIiik thi-m a warm nbont
our hoiiawa anil premlaa. Why not
lotgln now to aloaii up?
Tb NoclHllaU' local will give a
bnahat aodnl ami daur Wednaaday
avauliiM, prtl 9li, at Huillh'a hall on
North Urnpa atrisal. I'raceotJ will Ihi
for tho futhorflHoa or tho pur "Tho
Medfonl ffoolaJIOl."
, 4lr j21k v 9 an
Ly0jf.-. ji 'PltwFMMwmtt
'afcaw .w mm; m pm m r .M W .Wwn
i) v."w .. j-a :--imk. -aae- ' j-r vaak. ... ' '..i, z1" aai'i i. .aan
Q WXrv" y J rorufumont of purplo pennant. In ' ' M
m Wvinr yW' riuilona thl year waro llniltc.J to I PERSONAL MENTION
wrt - .. if . wn. .
na rv. 'jchm? inomnoni.
m;K -. dts -'' '
nEST nooM
Tho rwat room. Ilk nil otbar or
sanitation of It kind, naada lb o
UDparallon of tllo public. J'wraoa In-
taraaind In Uiu anaoaaa of Lb roooia
might look urar tba liat of naia
wlilch tba attandnnt will gladly how.
On fulurda, April t, th rootna will
ho open until 9 p. m. At mm thro
will bu evlJw and aaud wlch , In the
waning the wjii will bu ninra olab
orni. Rj-ery one la wieoiiit ut all
Mu Dorothy Wlrkannd Carolina
Andrew wart liomtoa at tho homo
of Ml Andrew Saturday ftvenlnpt nt
one of th iihmI iinlriiia and tirottiinit
jmrikm ajvtn arTollirrrr(ouiij;eFHet
for aom tlmo. Th& 8ffflrnnh Idon wn
fam Ifnlly oarrled out In Interior ifao-oratloa-y
ominiH,arnucmnit- and
innu. Kortunoa wero told with rare
kill, an accornpnnltnetit of tamhour
nr and caeianeU waa added to the
muale for dundnx, whllo tho really
bmiuilfnl noatatmai nulto trmmormcd
tho eotarfo of IiIrIi school muduntu
Into -on and dmiKhtom or Omnada.
I'lliB gnaata prent Iik.IiiiIimI Minnea
Ignore Vanre, JoMphinu Hoot, l.ucin-
da CK-liraji, Rthal Onthrlo, Mario
antot, I.ncllli! MoMmor, Florence Old-,
Mnrie Klfart. IIUn I'urttakor, Vivien
dhlldare, IiiiIm WllltaiiHWN, Mimri.
I'nnOli'lleiilc Aoriatlon,'
KmoiiiI and fourth itaturdiiya; no
v ond Saturday at Katt Itoom; fourth
Knturday ut liomM of iiuuuliam. 1'roa
'Idem, Mm. J. O. Wilton. Kl" New
town atreut; phono 0GIMV.
(.'olli'Ko Woiiiiiu'a Cluhi.
Kuroud Haturduy, IuiiqIiooii 1:00 p.
iu plneo to lui niinotiusml. l-ruatl-iti'iit,
Mrs. Wlnlrmd tlereotuli, ranch,
(Irlfflu Crook; phono SaT'J.
w. o. t. ir.
ThurHdny or uaoli wenlt. IliiptUt
cliurqh, a: 00 p. in. l'roildunt, Mm.
Iloliner, 7JH South CVntnil nvuiiuo;
phono 101! -J.
Attoiitlnii! W'oinoii of tllo Valloyl
Do you know that thtiro nro reot
tooiiih on tho fourth floor of the
Medford Kiirnlluro ft llurdwaro
linllilliwr. Koa. n and Wit for tho
fret) tiao of tho women of Medford
ninl vlulnllyt Tnltn tle oluvntor,
couio up ami rout, leave your parealH,
mout your filoiuU, cot a cup of ten
for five eoutii, or check your bullion
for ten renin pur hour. Thu roomy
nro nlwnya open with mi attendant lu
chari'.o ftoni 11:00 n. in. to 5:00 p.
(Ireatijr Wexford eluh, Monday,
Mnrph .'II, L' p. in,, t'lulilni'lmH, I.I
lirurpf iMIIIdliii;.' ; '
ilMucatloiinl . DmHU'O'in.iit. Matur
dny, April ti, il p. in., uluhioointi,
l.llil nry hitlldluu.
f .....fa.,. ,
Tho nuinlar. meutlm; qf the droiUnr
Medford oluli oci'iiih on Monday
itfteriimiu lit II p. in. lot uvory inoin
hor of tlm cliih lie preitont In iIIhouiw
tho uuoHtliiin (o ho hrouKht up, ltu
uiomber tlilu Id your1 cluli, unit ita
t. Mark'a guild held mt Important
boaliiMoi marling (bin wook nt tba
guild hall. Offleora fur tba en n lag
year waro elected, a follews: Presi
dent. Mrs. (lien I'nkrlck; first rtre
pratlsit. Mm. Vtlltnm Uudge; mc
oad vice prwkJont. Mrs. Clark: third
rice prealnsnt, Mr. II. U. Corlle;
Hscn-Ury. Mr. I. K. Williams, treaa
urar. Mm. Hurt Harmon. Plan
uer arranged to asset with commit
tee from other ehurcbe of tba rlty
and procure tunda or aupplles to to
sent to lbs atrleksn oil las of tbr
iiilildlo WIMt.
The Iioiho eomtng or the ladles'
Aid aoslely or th l'lmt MtrthixiUl
ICplnenpal ohureh waa belt! WedNMi
dny afternoon In Hie rhurrh. Owing
to th nlMenco of many of the ineHi
Item, who are attending the iummIor
nry imrlhuneut of the ehureli being
held lit (Irani 1am, thu uttuudauva
wan not a large na uaual, hut wreral
Item- of busiuea were dlapoaeil of
ami nrrnuKfliuout are bolug mado
for a lecture hy tho puitor soon. Tho
report- from tho different circles
wore qultn ant Is factory, but quite up
to tho tisuitl ataudurd, owing to
luolomoui wimtliur and an uuuaual
amount or Rlekne-H, the iiiimhur of
rallu umh not an larae mt huretorore.
With tho opening of aprliiK weather
It Ih hoped nil will put forth rouwd
offorU mid arcompllHli u grant
niuoiiul of work Imforo the hot
woathur tioKliiR, when ho many lonve
ror their Mummer ouiIiikh. Itorresh
menu of dellolotiR homo coolisd
doiiKhnutu and coffoo woro aerveil ny
I lie South On li dale circle to an or, IQ
ladles, nfler which adjournment took
1'ini'o. audi- mo adjournment, a
commlttHo of liidlim purohuiictl n
linudBoinn mid Hutmtantlal dlulnit
taliln. and piofleuted It In the tiapio
of the (.orloty to tho pamonaBe.
TJiene lltllo uurprlBeu nro uwually
pleawant ontui to tho iulliltorVi fin
lly, mid as iihiiiiI wiim doubtlcim no,
In tlila enao, a welcome one a well.
Tho ladlCH Imvu trlud to malui tho
pamomiHO u co in foi table, well
eiiulpped homo, which Ih one of tho
fouturoM of Ladles' Aid work.
Do I
Club cumuli, or Oromui, mid
throiiBhoiit the Unltod Stato. tiro ut
pre-ent very much Interetited lu tho
undowmoitt fund. Two jeam ami nt Jgnzluo, by tho chairman of tho fly
tho (leuoial Fedoratloil vuiivuutlou "Kh'tlnij commltteo of the American
we, a women, real I to th.- nisnlfl- J
raiuo of It 7 Do se tblnk it is bare
today and guno tomorrow " It end
oiiielhlng of what Marv JolitiNtsu
aid of It in n nivnt adilr. ;;hiu
In Coniiueutal hall. Washlnston.
IJ. C:
"The atupnmion human move
ueut wblab ws osll lbs woman move
ment dM not eame up In a night, nor
I It lu any dangsr of psrlsblug fnini
view. It Is fisrv to "lay nml grow.
It l nut thu work nf a few fa mi ties
or rail dials. It la k perfectly logical
phenomenon, born out of the rHlunsa
or time, and tba large mind of th
world. p-rtlclpuUd In by individual
of over)" elation of human society.
It I Indestructible: It U moving on
vtth an over-growing delli nhd' ve
locity mid it U going to transform the
"The arllat npnlaiids Uis woman
inovHiiiBHl because It U also the ur
tlstH' inovtwuut townfil tho world
that the urtltt wlahe to see, toward
the world of linrmouy and poe) aud
"Thu outHihtM' Mtya of tbs woman
movement, 'Nsvor, never will you
havo your aiiper-rnos until you have
your Bii)er-woinajil, Tho ttrentn
emi rlie no higher than Ita source.
I'roiu an iinde'eloped mother uuinot
apriiiK a doeloiel race. Tlm lim
ited niliula will brliiK forth tho lim
ited mlndH. Narrow IdatilH will
bring forth imrrow Idenlu. The mind
that nntt, 1 urn tho low, the Inferior,
will brlui; forth tho less, tho In
"HokIii with another. ' Uet the
inothor think nml will, nml net, and
Krow. Tree tho inothora, for only
ho will tho chlldroii over bo free."
Women of .Medford, wo nro nioth
em, let an ot Into thla "wouinn
inovuiiieiit" that we may Immilnn,
deepen mid bring forth a suporlor
raco. Uu't It worth while?
Do Not Swat the l'ly.
. Thin Ih tho tlmo of year when tho
ovor-proaent fly problem begins lo
present ltmjlf to tho hounawlfe, mud
In tho hoKlnnlug -or bofore Ih tho
tlmo to boIvo It. Some mot prac
tical nuiigoHtionu mo mado In the
eiineut Ibsiio of Uiu Auierloan City
The aubject is to bo conaldered nt
the nest eoMloii of tlio eduratloiml
department of the Creator Mod'ord
dub oh April 5tb, will be the play
ground the meaning of pkty. Its
place of play, Ita place lu tbo oduen
thin of the child, and the mean and
upplbtuces by which thin play imttlnct
on u be directed nml utillted. It
seems quiis enough to -ay that every
ehlld, hb well a grown-up, doniandd
reareatton both In tho way of satin
tying his mere idle lonxlni; for story
and picture and dramatic oppression,
nud In tbe opportunity to try his
munele out lu competitive cxerclm
and guuiss. Hut It la taken foi
granted that children will find re
sell roes within Otsmsolvoa In this di
rection, that. If given tho freedom,
play will follow. Tho-o who have
sail children tandlut' helplessly
Herbert Alrord. Frank Hay, Gcorgo
Hates, Milton Schubard. Walter
Urown, Scol Hall. Ilalpb Pierce.
Jntnes Vance, Holier t l-alouo. Hudy
Beksli. Kverctt MrArtbur. Will Hev
eridge. Tbs Oolden Link lllblo ciasn of tho
HaptUt church hold their monthly so
cial iiieatlux Tuesday afternoon, the
Sith of Mureh. A vary pleasant af
ternoon waa spont In music. Kamoa
and convomntlon. Tasty refreshments
were ncrvsu. Tttuso proseut woro
Meadame llsnoh, Wilson. Curlow,
Young. Meant, Front, Stlnson, Flem
ing, Parker. Mnmli, Dexter, Grlssloy.
Ilogsett. DeArmpnd, Hoover, Conwoll,
I.ewlii, llaldwln.
Mrs. T. C. Wick enttirtalnod tho
iiie-ntara of I.o Semldas club at her
boms on Dennett avenue with n
thlmhlo nartv uud Hastor luncheon.
uooui si rcses iimo, or tnimng uuy yellow JwiquIIs and dairodlls
tf n Saturday nftarnoon. know that i ,iorusd tho tables, favors boliiB. tiny
children hschI not only equipment mitd wltll cnndy Ba(,,or
nml opportunity, but orgnnlioil 8Uld-'OJUW. Mrs. V. P. Mealy and Mm.
linos. Idlenees I not play mid doeajiuidehrund woroKuosta of Mrs.
not witlsfy the play lnstliiBt. The ; W0frs, cluli membors presont being
noKlect of this lagUJuiiit phase or Mgdnmos Close, Kdwnrd Soutter.
child lire I only ouo more element i(nrry stoockmnu. U. S. Collins. Hort
In thu wimlMgo of our youth. Th Anderson. O. C. Hoggs. C. C. Van
pluygrmiml I more democratising ' s,yc. m. Van Seovoe. Hohert
than tho schoolroom anil. If rlghtl)
dlroetod. gtiinei oan bu made to ylold
reunite in the trnlului for right clt
Izomblp, In tho development of ft
sensa- qt Justloe, of n ooitipetltton
based on rules that hold for all, a
contempt for the una who takes ad-
A pleasant featnro of tho regular
m not I up of tho Women of Woodcraft
Tuesday ovonlnjc waa tho presentn-
Hon of n Jardlnler and fom to Mr,
and Mm. P. W, Vnlt. whoso 30th
wedding anniversary II was. Mrs.
John Perl, with appropriate remarks,
mado tbo presentation, which enmo
as a surprlsa to tho recipient. Dain
ty refreshments wero served in tho
dlnliiK room.
A dinner party was clvon by Mr.
mid Mrs. itobort Huh! at their homo
Saturday nvenlnp, their guests beln$c
Mr. and Mrs. I'rnu Iteames, Mr. and
Mm. Fred !.wln of Wollcn, Ore; Mr.
nml Mm. Oargo Daggett, and Miss
Dorothy Daggett.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Isaacn enter
tained Mr. Charles Francis Uyrno of
Portland and Mr. John Goodrich of
(.cdrord at dinner at their home
Thursday evening.
A number of friends are Invited
to tho homo of Mr. Albert K. Orr
this evening for a stag party.
Tho Kaster bazaar given by tho
women or tho Christian church and
hold, In tho handiomo new church
building Wednesday afternoon was a
splendid success In CTcry way The
booths wero all attractive, the candy
booth offering n tempting array of
nome-mado sweets, uvcr 9&0 was
cleared from the cafeteria supper.
A progra mwas given in tho eve
ning, as follews:
Vocal duet Mario Seoly and Eve
lyn Taylor.
Hocltatlon- Mm. Kerby. Miss nice.
Vocal solo Miss Inez Coffin.
Hccltntlon -Mm. Walker.
Monologue Mr. H. F. Mulkcy.
Heading Mm. Seely.
Vocal solo Xana Seoly.
. Tho last of a series of parties
given by the Itorolers took plac.
Tuesday evening at tho Hotel Mod
ford, a formal dinner-danco being
the entertainment provided, by
Messrs. McCurdy and Lindsay ami
An olaborato seven course dinner
waa served at S:30. Piaco cards,
painted by Huth Andrews, wero Eas
ter bonnots for milady and Jonquils
for hor escort, tho centerpiece also
of jonquils. An nrrnugement cf
palms ami Orogun grapo was very
offectlro in the spacious room adjoin
ing tho office. Danolng concluded
tho evening's pleasure.
Tho Juvenllo club fancy dress pan
ty Monday evening was tho first of
tho bochil activities during tbo past
week. Tho request for fancy dress
met with enthusiastic response and
most agreoablo results. Sotuo of tho
characters represented woro Indian
maids. Mrs.. "Dutch Cleansor," Mies
Swoet-poa, tho Ynma Yama girl, the
old-fashioned girl, a circus lady mid
a Mexican toreador. A box supper
wns given nt midnight.
Mrs, 11. P. Thais and Miss (leral-
dlne Thelss havo returned fr6m San
Mr. and Mm, Will Ooro havo re
turned from a short visit to Portland,
Miss Ivy Isenbergor hna returned
homo after a ulx months' stay In
Medford for tho benefit of her
health. She wns employed by Dr.
Porter for some tlme.
.Misxcx Ueile Wcnvcr of Xfyrtlo
Crook nn1 Winifred ITniirmly of
Wetfl, pupils of at- ifnrjs .Academy,
apent Kufcter week uh- ciicita oC
Missca Florence nml'IIelcn rtcily.
jrrs. O. If. Gilficrt nf .Portland and
Lm. A. C. Holcomli of QrnntH Pnsrt
nt Friday wiili Ww. E. I). El
wood of tliirt city.
Mrs. A. Carey, a recent resident of
Medford, has very graciously re
membered all of hor friends with
written messages. Mrs. Caroy wrltss
that she is much pls?scd with Fresno
and liken It "almost ia -well as Med
ford, but not quite."
Mrs. J. A. Perry entertained with
cards Friday evening.
Mr. and Mm. J. E. Watt hare had
as their guest tho past week Mr.
and Mm. Joseph Townscnd, of Pey
nctte, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. S. S.
Newton of Milwaukee, Wis. Mm.
Townsend nnd Mrs. Newton aro cou
sins of Mrs. Watts.
Miss Sybil Fish of Phoenix and
Miss Cdthorino O'Connoll of St.
Mary's academy spent tho Easter
holidays with. Miss Maude Newbury
at tho home of her parents, Mr. and
Mm. W, A. Janes, of lloss lane.
Mm. Eugcno Thompson and son
Louis of Jacksonville were guests nt
tho homo of Mr. and Mm. V. C.
Jones of lloss lano on Weduesday.
Mils Mna Thomas of Ilonohihni
wjh liostoti at tho Hotel Holland
grille Tuesday morning outertnlutng
friends with a furowull breakfast.
111 hi it3 ltla PWl 1111 ftil M'tlti Id)! fin
vantage and admlrvtlon for tho mio lh Th0M onJ u . Mb
hospitality wero Miseea Edith Fish,
who fairly nml squnroly wins tlmt
counts more deeply In tho practical
otitic of the hoy or girl than till tho
moral maxims of tho tuxtbouk.
Wlatt are we. doing to provide
pliiitrouniln for our, chlldroii or tho
Hluiplo nppamtus ' .incousary for
unmuB? What aro wo doing to tut
porvlso roeiuut tlmo In order that tho
fw iiiluutos of ritbt shall not bo dis
sipated lu mi Idleness indoors leva
restful than work? W'htU iiinuso.
mont tiro wo offering our chlldrun
hoyond unconaiiroil iuovIuk plcturoa
or melodrama and u lighted Christ
man treo once n year in the Sunday
school? Wo obllgo children by law
(Continued on Page i)
Phoebe tlunoe, Font Hutchison,
llasel Davla, Huth Merrick, Mildred
Ware, Hasu Kentuur, Ida l.oo Kunt
uur, MosdumeB Humor ltothormal,
ltnlph Hardwoll, Iru Dodge; Wheldou
nlddle. W. T. Kentnor mid H. C.
"Uidlus1 night," tho social func
tion glum nuuually by nil order's or
11. P. O. IS., was observed by tho
local lodgo Wednesday ovonlug or
thla week. Thu Inrgu hull of tho
Natatorlum was used, tho orchustra
belux, oiiBconoOd behind n bccooii of
palms, fern a uud llllles. Tho colors
of tho ordor woro ahowu with uu ur-
MIss Knthorino Soutter enter
tained friends with an Easter lunch
eon Saturday afternoon. Table ap
pointments woro In keeping with tho
occasion. Covers wero laid for eight,
guests being Misses Irene Hogsett,
Mildred Wicks, Helon Hrown, Hazel
Antle. Laura Rates, Jeannetto Pat
terson and Aitnolutetto Klnleyulde.
About lliirl.v-iiie etudonU, iuolud-
inir loniior uud nro&oiit lumilii of SL
Mury's Aoudoiuy, were invited to en
joy a pouiul oveniue; at- tho Academy
auditorium Friday of this week.
Miitde, gumoji nnd daiiuing gnvo
ploneiiro to nil present. An iirruiiKe
Mm. Wayne Lecvcr, Miss May
Hoko and tho Misses Norwood ot
Central Point spent Wednesday irf
Mr. and Mm. O. C. Hoggs aro en
joying a visit from Mr. Grades of
North Dakota. Mr. Grades is a
cousin of Mm. Ooggs.
' . . .
Mr. and Mm. S. E. Knight left
Tuesday for tholr former homo nt
Hydo Park, Vermont.
Mr. nnd Mm. Volnoy Dixon havo
returned from a visit in California.
Mm. Edwin Jannoy entertained
with cards Thursday afternoon.
Miss Mao Thomas, a classmate and
recent guest of Miss Hess Kentnor.
left Tuesday morning for San Fran
cisco to Join her parents. Miss
Thomas will spend several months -in
California boforo returning to her
homo at Honolulu.
Mrs. E. M. McKeany gave an in
formal dlnuor last Friday evening at
her home, on Soutb Grape Btrect, to
several of tho Washington school
teachers. Among thoso present wero
Miss Van Meter, Miss Hound, Miss
Coffin and Mlsa Emily Do Voro.
A number of Mcdford's most seri
ous mludod homomakeru attended
u meeting of tbo tho Home Econom
ics department Inst week and ex
pressed thomsolvus as very much In
terested lu the Instructive papers
read by Mrs. H. L. Nobllt, Mm. Mil
ton Janes mid Dr. Stearns, Tho sub-
mont of potted plants mid enrna-J-ot for tho afternoon was i'House-
turns was mi nttrnetivo addition to
The, Puii-llolleuio Society mel Sat
urday, MnrVli 2, ut tliihouio of the
provident; .Mrs. JVU. Wilson. An in
tevetinff minor was given by ili
Julia Hopkins, followed by ML.s lln-
xol Kmler,
Tho Tuesday Afternoon and Fri
day Evening Hrldgo clubs enjojed
tholr Inst meetings of tho season this
week. Miss tlertrudo Wooks and Mrs.
Jack Steward being hostesses.
Mrs. Myrlon J. Emorlck entor
talnod wiUi curds Wednesday after
hold Hygiene," and tho information
gathered pertained to euro ot pa
tients with contagious dlseaaos, ven
tilation nnd sanitation of tho home,
and elimination of disagreeable
housohold genua and pests. The
papers were followed by a discussion
ua to the most offectlvo way to rid
tho city or epidemics,
Tho, rood demonstration preparod
by Mrs. Noblltt, who had charge of
tho program ror tho artoruopn, con-
Blsted of a most refreshing and nour
ishing drink, albumen water. It waa
prepared us follews: The white ot
ouo egg, ono pint of water thoroughly
beaten, with sugar to tasto. Served
,cold this s n nourlshiKS' drink for
tho weakest stomnch.