ttt PA01 IDD ftTEDFOTCT) IMXTT. TRTTims, MKDFORD. ORKOOX, TIlt'RSD.W, MAROTT 27, WW, "H"- - f t-r ---" " NEWBURY BRANDS MILLAR HEARING GREAT OUTRAGE Spurred by ruling of Mayor Elfort Wednesday artcrnoon on points ot lew, -which ho branded as "amazlngly unfair," and -without precedent In "any court In tho -world," Attorney Newbury branded tho Millar trial as the moat disgraceful ho had eTer witnessed". Ho accusal Mayor Etfert and City Attorney Ilogga with con spiring to peraecuto a man who would not do their bidding and ad monished witnesses not to answer questions, calling for a conclusion. In splto of the fact that Mayor Elfcrt ruled that tho questions might ho ounwored. "I am probably In contempt ot court," shouted Newbury, "but tho manner In which this trial la being conducted leads mo to protest In this manner. Hno mo If you wish, and I will pay It, but I want the city to know, as It la beginning to know, that this trial la an outrageous farce with nothing ot justice about it. Ask any twelro men In tho city what they thjnk ot It and nlno will toll you that it Is a persecution and not a prosecution. The attltudo of the court U plainly shown by Its rulings." "You keep quiet," admonished tho court, leveling his forefinger at N'owbury. "I don't think I will," retorted Newbury, as ho folded his arms, Applaaito Follows. When Newbury completed his ar ralgnment ot the trial and the man ner It la being conductod, tho large number of citizens present demon ntrated clearly tho sentiment of tho people at largo by applauso. Wednesday afternoon tho defenso offered its testimony. Judge C rowel!, J- O. Durgcss, C. W. McDonald and other prominent business men ot tho city testified as to Millar's good char actcr and to the fact they had known of nothing derogatory concerning the Manhattan cafe. Witnesses also tes tified as to the reputation of Menno Davis, chief witness for Doggs, for truth and veracity. It Is ery poor, according to them. Mrs. Gardner and Miss Stllefl. em ployed by Millar, testified as to their orders concerning tbo sale of liquor at the Manhattan. Attorneys Newbury and Bocps mixed several times during the after noon session. Newbury at one time accused Hoggs of stirring up the in dlctaients against tho Medford saloon men. "How lo you know that?" asked Doggs. "Why, llko everybody elso." re plied Newbury. "It is a matter of common knowledge." That the spectators have little re gard for tho dignity of the court is shown by tho laughter which greets each ruling In tho case by Mayor Klfert On tbo other hand, denun ciation of the methods employed calls forth applause. PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION IN THE MAKING: ARMY OP WORKMPV CHANCING VAST GROUNDS INSIDE GOLDEN GA TE A T 'PRISCO INTO MA GIC EXPOSITIO ' I Y ArijliHVl8lIIIBAMS!BB At4i. H P RnnaR5B7' rG x-tl jEHHMff ? l1 k fV M nF Vlt dtovJL . BBP''LMTar"fl N-SJP? wgjBBf H i J jn bSHBssBSJjSJ1 "'" ' "'"-.""' ' """ "!T'"m IMBBsBslsssMlslsWslsBflssBF? Jl XH7 KK -k. 1 V SLlH K ,K X 1 W-MC &. 1 I lL---fe jU JK K , M P T C"'flH HplH ftS BBftr 11 FffBBBflflsA Wi "vj Ha J BBBBBflPV U-------lHt-HH-fl-i-E-A. 'ifF' TMBMBbK MB BM BSSakiBKmSKXFfml&ittUBM' ffiiyv& Br - flHHflaKHiEMtttaiEr:: HflH9H0K4!9r PBBflSBsTsBVBllrlTlTlTSf J ? vLJVPIR la HH IBP?-FBlBHr ioif V aSHSL. V-H V' ' fc5. R HIKMaHMlHHBA ilirtiAI'BJrVj'rafT xjBmBJBt, JSK Ni MMW"WBiB Workmen Itjrl'-K Mains, NIcho In the Oreat Statuary Outrt or Four Reasons nml View Through tho Portico of Urn Son lie HiiIIiliik. I'lrl of the l.tpo Structure, ttt Ihi Complete!. The worM ti watching the Panama-Pacific International Kjcpo-ltlon In the making. An army of men la tuy on the ulte. rxtrndlnt: nl mot three m-lr atone tha abort of San Frnnclaco bay The preliminary vork la lltiUhed. Alt fourteen f th main exhibit lutlncva will t uinlur construct lnr hy the romtntr aumm-r All will b completed by June. I9M W U'A. Kyan. who has ct-arca of the Illumination of the Panama canal. I Hiirklns nut marvelniii nli-ht UshtliiK plan In hnrmnnr with the clorloii color cheme created by Jullu Ourln. There will he n Riure an-J ti ilnrk ptapi 'r rhailnix by tilcht Klchtv conrentlnn already have votej to meet In IMS In the Jt.ow.ea) auditorium to he- built at the nw civic center. The Welxh Natlnnal KteteddfcH) la offering tJ.oeo In prlre for Its chonn oimpetlttonn. Tnentr-even nation alrvadr liave atvrpnil Invlintlan to tnkti part In the xi. iltloa. Thl bra to alt recont and slcnlnea the sr-nt Interent with which America nark at Panama j rrrunteil, Tn can- for motor exhibits htiKe Motor Palace, covering five ncte, will be conetmcteil. t I RiM llml no lnli Indu-trv nlll have ever pree-nted an xhiMt m -art In extent. The Machinery Hall uhl.-h Is to be the lurcett IhkI bJlldliiK n tlin Rnnnd. will l, w; n-rt In w tilth and " iii feer lonrt Ml xh'blt of machlnerv are to te h mn In motion. Tr-,th a htice tower the visitor wtl enter the pxpoltior Itv through an anvtile. Iii feet In height, tn the nt Mtrn1U! of the efTecl of the espolt nn. He ronrt of the Snn ami Star, wh -h will tnni' nit umons the m"t brilliant rr-llm of tbe ceeat exxtilnn of Amerlen ami F"""fe 5nif of the lowfri anJ minaret will He 13 feet IS.' and !T feet Concelon will eeeupr S aem Tlw Jantn ! railway U penllns JWHK on reirernalnn of the Grand Canvon of the Arl"na. A model of the Panntua canal will cott ttM.M0 Japan I to ptnd million and a half on her llaplay France ha requested twelve aorta. DYNAMITE IN POCKET EXPLODES; MAN NEAR DEATH Clirirt KwniiMoiii who with lit lnolli-tu- tmim mill otilllvntes u trnct of 700 in' re-, ol' liutil niljolnlnif the -101 Itniu'h, lii'M nt IiIh home todny nl (he erje of lentil,. follow Inu; tlu ixio hIoii of H hnlf Hliek of l.viiitinlle in tin) liieiiNl nnoket (if IiIm cunt Ihin nioniliiK. 1th entiio lol'l niilii wmm ilriwu in. his Initio nml oilier itilenuil ormm lifitii: injiueil. lie uns lieu It'll by Dr. K, It. Seeley, who report llml Swuimoti's iiijiiritu uro vuiy neuily fulnl. Swniiaon left I lie )iotii early tinliiy in ilyiuiiuite Hiiilrr'ln. lie won nloiio when tin exiimlon Oeeiiireil mul wnM only uhhi l Mute Hint the hnitinilo exploileil in the piu'liet of hm eiml. hether ho iuiteil u ily iiiiniile enp nocitlunllv or whether he lulh'il the explonive with enough force In wi't it off will iiuver liu known mi IeM ho reeover-i. I'linrlet Htunley hennl the explo niiiu nml Hiw SwniiNoit full, lie ruslii'il to Iih nul mnl eurileil the woiiiuli'il iiiiiii home. Swmirtoii'ii entire left hIiIu U rnw utul lileeilnitt, wliilo hin lun weie erioiinlv injivroil. rP Coming of The Sunbeam I tow to Avoid Thoia Paint ami Dlitreit Wlilch to Many Mother I Uvo Suffered. OHIO RIVER RISING AT RATE OF AW INCH AH HOUR CINCINNATI, March 27. -Cincinnati Is threatened with tbo flood. At midnight the danger line was passed and a stage of SS.C feet reached. Tbo river Is rising an Inch an hour. Tbo Union Central station has been de serted. At Lawrcnceburg. the Daltlmoro and Ohio railroad tracks were dyna mited lato last night in order to al low the backwater from the Groat Mluinl river to run out and it Is be lieved saved the town from being swamped. Deopito this four persons were reported drowned there. The Muskingum, Scioto and Great and Little Miami rivers are running put from tho Ohio side, while the Licking is out df Its banks and run ning out from tho Kentucky side. The fifty-seven toot stage by noon to day in predicted by the local fore castor, but beyond this ho will make no (insertions. 500,000 RIFLES . LOST BY TURKS TO BALKAN ALLIES HEHL1X, .March 27. According to the Frankfort Gazette, the Turk- have so far lost fito hundred thous and rifles ntid seven hundred ennnon to the Ihilkun nllie-. SOFIA, March 27. Dcclarinrc Hint the Dalian war was still iu n singe that did not make it advisable to give leaves of absence, the minister of war, replying to n questimi in par liament, regretted that none of the reserves could yet be sent home to commence their f.inn work. ST. PETP.ItSIIUI.0, March 27 The Russian ministry of war re ported lo have ordered seven hundred more field Runs. This, it is esti mated will give the Itusiinn array approximately 15,000 cannon of all kinds. SYSTEMATIC CHAniTY BLOCKS HELP FOR STRICKEN FAMILIES OMAHA, Neb., Murch 27. -Fifty- two funerals brought borne with grea ter forco the realization of the toll of Sunduy'u toraado. All day loug the continual death procession kept up. Many case of destitution wcro reported during tho day. The relief work scorned to slow up, It took much time to prepare card Indexes of tho sufferers and make requisitions on tho central relief utatlon for sup plies. Whllo tlieso formalities were being carried through want stalked through tho dlscouuolate homes from olio eornor of the city to the other. What You Ifnio JUeii Looking For. Merltol Whlto Liniment 1b a prep aration that gives universal satisfac tion in every Instance where a pain killer and healer Is needed. We do not bellevo you could get a better liniment nt any price. Hasklns' drug store, exclusive agents. WORK UNDER WAY BYBFE B E i load ot cement is on hand, an Is all 'of the lumber, and work on con structing tho cofferdams I proceed ing rapidly. Contractor K. O. For ham In In chargo of tho work. 1EN-DAY HOLIDAY Work Is we'l under way on the new bridge out Itoguo rler to re- ttliiA tlin jilil TlttiatA lirlilfVA itniinril. ' lug to Count JudKe F. L. Ton Velio, COI.rMMS, (t,i., March 27.-A and William Uerig. who visited tho ten days' holidnv was ileilari'd tmlny scene Wednesday afternoon. A car- hi the flooded districts of Ohio by It It a pity lavie women 1I.1 not knuw of Muthtr a I'rlnul Here It a remedy tfcat o(tru ti muarlra, rnalilra theui ! eiiuoil w 1 1 limit any at rain U.n Hi lla nifnla ami riulilr u go tbramtli the onlral wlllioul pain, nauira, inmnliiit altknraa or tnr uf tbe tlreaileil ruiituma au familiar l many raolhrra. Ttiere It no ruollih illri tit haraia the mini) the Ihmichta 1I0 nnt iloell HM( Iwlln anil aufferlhe. flip all auh are aviil.t.! pve tlooil Nii'tiniH tune to take euro 'nimivitHi .! wonirn 110 lnr t"in ' (jjovenuir fox. Tlii-t won done lo COMPLICATION OF WOMAN'S ILLS Yields to Lydin E. Pinkltnm'a Vegetable Compound. Athens, Toxni. " I had n cntnpllen tluu of illaeascs, some of them of limit Htuiiiilni;. I wroto to you for itdvleu and t(K)k Lydlii 1). ritikhnin'a Veetn hie ComtKiund. nml some oilier thlnga that you eUffKc till. 1 must eonfoM llmt I nut much but ter In every way ami linvo been rellovetl of eoinoof the worst troubles. My iuhh Iwrs say I look younger now tlinii I did fifteen years -o."- Mrs, Hahah H. WllATl.ny, Athens, Texas, It. F. I). No. 3. HoxUi We know of no other medicine which lias been so successful In rvlievlntf tin sulTerluit of women, or received so many I'l-miitio testlmuiilnts, as has Ldla IU riiikhiiin'a Vegetnblo CouiHuml. In nearly every conunuiilty you will find women who have. Im'ii reitorcd to lu'iiltli by this famous medicine. Almoit every wotiiuii you meet know of tlm I'.ri'iit good It has been tlolnu hiiioiik sulTerlug women for the past 110 years. In the Fiiikham Laboratory at Lynn, Mas., are files contaltilni; litindriMs of thousand of letters frvm wemen seek Inj: health, In which many upimly state over thelrown signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydlii K. I'iukham's V;etalilo Compound, many of them state that It has taved them from surglcut operations. If you want special adtlce write to I.ytlln tU l'liikhatii .Medlrltie Co. (rnnll dentlal) l.)iin, )U. Ynur Irltrr nlll be iipriinl, it ad and antnerrd b) a uomau aud held In strict couflilriirr. of notiM and mortKoge fulling due. The governor uUo iuiied 11 ntnte ment asking the oemitry to wile funds rather thou send supplier, he CMiise of the demornlired railroad her-vice. Congrossmun ltlehmond l Moliifm la nbotit ready to begin his artlvo rampalgn for tho seat of United States Senator Jonuph F- Johnston of Alabama, whose term will expire March 4, 131T,. Ihrarlvr to the IbnUfht that alrknrt alii illalreaa are natural Thfj- lnnw b-tter. for Iu Mnthrr'a l'Mil Iher liar fHtnt hr raajr It l with thla wnnilerfitt nirallni temriljr t ImHiUIi l thine drrailnl ripfn rnrea whlth liare tetn lalknt aUtul Tr alnre mrmery tei;an. It la a auhjft rtrrj woman ihoiiM le familiar lll. auil run UhhikIi ab mar nut rtilt tuiti a rnantjr. abe IU nr hi then meet anie prMtertlr tnulhrr to wluuu word In lime tit ilnllier a I'rl'n.l will rume a a womWful bl'itlnc Tni fainnu reranl I andl lj ill ilnuicliU. i It only lli-o a Imtlle It ) fur riletnal me onlr ami la reallr vrlli I' wrUM In ffolit Writ IihUj ti the ItraiMrM llrju lalr(V. I'-'T Mmar lllil.-. AHania, U I' a ronat valuabU Uk In rttanl mullirra AJLA-AA AA A AA A T. 7AvA-AVA7AhTA-A-AkATAA-ATA-ATATA.7AkA7AhAVri A A A "A AT TAT TA A. TAT aTA tAt tAt tAt -. T A -AT TaT iA TAT A. IF CONSTIPATED OR BILIOUS "GASGARETS;"irir t V V ? r ? T f ? Y ? t f V f ? ? ' ' ' V . ! : ! ! v FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SURPRISE SALE March 28th and 29th Only Some Real Red-Hot Bargains Salt, Culoniel unci Cathartic Fills Aio Violent -Tliey Act on Jtouel as Pepper Acta lit NoMrlla. Michigan will taKe another popu lar vote on the equal suffrage ques tion next month.' r ? f ? T V T t ? JL New line of Spring Embroidery Flouncings 39c 18-in. Swiss flouncing, yard 25c 49c 18-in.. Swiss Flouncing, yard 33c 89c 27-in. Swiss Flouncing, yard 59c LADIES' WAISTS All of Ladies Waists in tailored and summer fashions, very special priced; all new. All $1.25 Waists priced at . . 98c All $1.59 Waists priced at . $1.29 Take u Cascarct tonight and thor oughly cleanse jour liver, stomach and bowels, and you will surely feol great by morning. You men and women who have headache, coated tongue, can't sleep, aro bilious, ner vous and upset, bothered with u sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or liao backache and feel all worn out. Aro you keeping your bowels clean with Cascarets -or merely forcing a ( passageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? This Is important. Cascarets immediately cleanse and regulate tho stomach remove tho sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess blls from tho liver and carry off tho constipated vtasto matter and poison from tho Intestines and bowels. Uemomber, a Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning. A 10 cent box from your druggist means healthy bowel action; a clear head and cheerfulness for months. Don't forget tho children. Red -Hot Bargains in Lace Curtains Regular $1.98 grade, a pair $1.48 Regular $2.98 grade, a pair $2.48 Regular $2.59 grade, a pair $1.98 Regular $3.39 grade, a pair $2.88 r ? t r t r f r T PONGEES Our 36 inch all SILK PONGEE per yard . . 98c SUITINGS 56 in. fancy $2 Suiting three good patterns; yard $1-68 RAJAH SILK Our 36 inch SILK RAJAH (Pon- Cftp gee colors) yard Hutchison & Lumsden y ? V ? ? ? ? ? T Y ? ? ? V ? ? ? ? v t ! I ? I I I ! V t ? T t ? ? ? Y ? ? t f ? ? Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Some Exceptional Good Buys 3ft acres only 2 miles from city: Joins one of the flue! orchards iu tho willoy I'rlro $1000, good terms. lll'NOAI.OWH We have some ulee new btinRulo'.vs for sale on very easy payments. THACTH We have u number of small tracts for salo or exchange for city prop erty. I'JOO Aim Stork Itanrli to exchange for well Improved or chard trnct or illy proprrty. VVood&Messner H Siiuili tVntrul Ave. E.D.Weston Official Photogrnphor of tho Medford Commercial Olub Anmlcur Finialiijig Post Cartlfl Panormnic Work PortrniU Inferior and exterior views Flash lightH Ncunlivrs mado anv timo and any place by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 Don't Wear. A Truss! After Thirty Years Experience I Have Froduoeu An Appliance for Men, Women or Children That Cures Hupturo. ISr4U0aTrUl. If ;na htv triad nu atar-llilng tli",roma tu ma. WharanUiara (all It wd.fa I data uccax. bioJUIach.dfimiH'O toj.jr mi I will. awl Tim nlmni la t. II. Ilrmika, Invriitnr of llm Aliiilluiimi lnx'iirnl liliu.iir iiiiilulii. Iina lifi'ii riitluif iillmra fur uvrr .10 yrura. If rtiituntl,wrlta lilin Imlii), rou frt wr llluitrattil book oo lluplurs andllt suit, iboKluif my Appllinca tail imina; you lllcei aoil uauiai of manr toplo uia liava trlatl II auaweietuieO. llvttailuiiltll.lwlnalloitirrt (all. Ilamriiibar I u.a ud atUci, Da batuai. nulla. I.'iilcu itUllaprou uliit I lay la true. Yu'l ara Ilia JuiUaaudouca bating Mtu my lllu.lrall Ixioli amlrraait you will la at tnluu.lMilo at my IiuuJuJ. ol llenta wliota lalltri you can aim Ka4. rill out free t'oupun below aud mall toty. II twell woriU your llwo wbalbar yod try my Aipll. aura 01 not. FHEt INFORMATION COUPON C.K llroiki 701 HutaRtrtaL Uarthill, Mkh. I'lea.a aaiiu ma by mall Iu plain wraiipar your Jllu.lratail IhmiS and full Infunnatlou about your AppltaiHa for luo uura of ruptuta. laUia(M.,,tMftMf..MMM .MM. Andrait 1 1,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,, a city i.iMi.iii. tn HimiiH suit in.iii.,1 -- M'N.tHiAAO-Aw,. - AT ',,-i4yv-,A. -.. - w ,0 .itf . .