i ; Well, You ClO, t Ju!T.vw !AVicrN J RALftMCCD tTlC. ON Mlb No:2 (ND IMLVIMTIX IH.VU. (MM TMy VttlK ANb V (jowl. Of Hn I'L-TU AM ONYfi ALAWl'. VifltiSUU IP t CAM BO UPPER VALLEY 10 GET WATER Tim I'ootlilllu IrrlKAtlou company has rccuhod slgiMltiren of enough laud owners to put their enterprUn through and work on tin project will begin Immediately. HiibIiint T. W, OhkooiI, uIui linn boon wurMng on tint proposition of bringing (Im (em of Keoim creek ovrr Urn divide In Irrigate n totnl of SOQO ncren In Hie vicinity of Ashland, Wagner iti-hIi. Coleman creek unit (Irlffln crunk, oil! direct (ho work. After earning t tivr water from Kruno creek to lllntt prairie n storage reservoir 'Mill bo constructed to tin two nml n hnlf mile long, tin nvrriiK" of tlirc'(imrli'rn of n lullo whin nml nn ii cni HO of nliilllt SR fnnl ilrop. Tim illtrli roinort ovit llin iIIvIiIk nml (iro' llrr cri-nk nt tlio (loorso Ouiiiin plnrn, en m I UK to tlio winl ulilo of llix vnlln)' nl an tK&O font Irrcl, romlllK tlirolIKh Aalilntul linlow llin HoiiIIhtii I'nclfln rnllroatt ynnU uml ntioo llnliuiiii'M milphur Imttii, nml rreiKlnt: tlm Huullicrn I'nelflc rnl roml trnck oifWrlKliU cri'iilt iionr IllllliiKu' proMliiit, aft'T which It utrlkiHi tlio j? rmli! of thn old Amler on iiiIiiIiik ll t r h nml rontlmit'ii llx i-iiurMi until tlio Ilultulionm plucu on (Irlffln rri'k In rtaoliml. Tlio I'ontrHrtu mil for water for tlio Htiuoti of 1U1 1 nml llio prlro l jRs.fcO pr ncr. In 10 pa motitt, wlili nn npkHop of $2 fiO pr nrro nnnunlly. T. I). Hrnntlln, n ChlcnKo lupltiillit. who liotiRlit tlio (loorito Dowdy plnou nonr Tnlmt, U flnnnrlng tlio oiitorprliu. Ono of llio uotlrcnlilo foaturrN of tlio mulorliiMiiK witii tlio romlluvioi of tnml owurm In hIhiiIiik up tlulr naroimo promptly. Tlio Wnltu tmct ncrunt llimr crook bIkikuI up tholr IioIiIIiikh nml will ro ml vo wiitor frnni n point ticforo tlio illtrli rniMotf Hour nroek. I V;iLL0W SPRINGS TWIQLETS I . Mr nml Mm J. I'. HnuKlnml, no rompniilcil liy Mr. nml Mm. ItoliiK'tt, nintoroil In tholr now cur to PluipiiK hut Hiimlny nftornoon Mr. Hlty Ik IniHy turnliu; umlnr tlio flnotit criiji of whoat hiiiuiin In tliU uolKhliorliood. Tlio oli'ctrlu company In oxtvnillui; IIh oli'ctrlo lino out HtniHct drlvo, which, when tlm llitlita nro liiKtnllcd, will ho n comfort to nil rouliloutn. Mr. Hilly Ailnum of (ho Moiloo or chnnl war roiiuwiiiK hU uciiiinlntiuico with old friends in thin part of tlio vnlluy this wculc. Colouol Mlmn him rocolvcd two HlilpmontB of tlm flnuKt roues pon Hlhln to hit had, An nwnuo of tron runoH will ho ono of tlm fonturoH, Tlm Knntvr norvlcn nt tlm Mothod ImI church In Contrnl I'olnt wiih woll ultomlod nml greatly enjoyed liy nil from Willow HprliiKS. II, llarrU hud tlm iiiUfortiino to Ioho hln drlvliu; homo. All mod leal uld tilvim wnu of no nviill. MUh K, A. IMuknrd wiih Hhopplnc In Medford Snturdny nftcrnoun, ClrmiKo whh hold Saturday ovo nliiK and nn Importnnt inhjoot for tlm liuimflt of (Im community, Tlio noxt inootliiK will lio April VI, Mr, nud Mm, Carton motored to Med ford ono day thin wool!, (looiKo P.iniiim nml lloury ltlluy woro kudhIh of fiiomlti In Willow HprliiKH Tuomlny ovmilmr. Dr. nud Mm, Huludu nro now vo hIiIIuk In tholr liQtuitlful hoiuu nt Ruvon OuliH, At Urn MoKoo lunch tlioy nro lilniitltiK out oak trocit uml olliurwho piopiului; tip linid for u homo or ohard, Mm, M'cKuo nolil a lurt;o (jlilpmunt at houu thlu woolc, iMgMCHWWIIM T &1? 5?.) , , , - . f ,at, .. I ! I I I .1 I .1.1 I P ' I M 1 M. Can't Blame a Guy for Trying ii .. - - i t ( ( VC GOT 1 VViLS VMM - ' Mr. Kniiitiilit of tlio .Modoc orrlinrd ivn HliopptiiK lioro llio flmt of tlio week. Minn Hnrnh Ilolili linn rolurimil from n vllt with frlcndn nl Anhlaml Mrn. Uuutou npoiit thn flmt of Hi" wonk with lior dniiKhtor, Mm. Stoiitu, nt (ho Moduo orchnnl.' Mn. Joo Wrli:ht, MIhm Mary Mil it, I.nwronco Wudu, Churlon Unnton, Dr. I).tw, Wlllluin Nlcliolnuti, Mm. Hronillimit anil Killlor (llonion worn nmotiK tlio Ontrnl I'olnl pooplo nt Miulforil Tui'ulny. Mm. Crldoruinii loft for Allmrtn, Caimdn, Tut'dny ovonlm; to rouinln Imleflnltolr. Tlio Amcrlrnii Noopmht Annual nml lllwtury, 1110 p.i );', royal octavo, cloth, IS not, cnrrlaKo oxtrn, potngo GO cmitn, IMilillnhod by N. W. Ayor & Hon, nilvnrtUliiK UKcntM, I'hllndolphla. Tlm 15th yrnr of contlnuoui pub llcntlon hrliiKM tin tlm It) 13 edition of thin coiiipriio'inlvn rovlnw of thn nowpnKr nud tunuailiio field. To tlm puhlUImm of till country and to thorn hnvliiK doalltiKi with them thin work In nuat uaoftil. Thn fcln nud flKiirm portnlului; to onch of tlio 2 4.3S1 publlratluim lUtfd nro pro nontoil In a comluiiHod and gut-nt- nblo form, Tlm Aiiuunl nnd Directory l now tlm only publication of Its kind which U compiled from Information Knthored with inch rare uml thor ouictinoMi eneh year from orlKlunl Muurco. Mr. (l.-ori;o V, How oil wan tlio flmt to compllo miqli n work, nud for ninny yeum ho lisued tlm Ameri can Nownpaper Directory In the In tcrciit pf publUhom nnd ndvortUors. I'ollowiiiK IiIm death (ho Directory, with It rccordn, copyright nml prop uriy, wnn oli to N. V. Ayer & Son, who combined It with their Alumni A Hpoolnlly valuable feature of the prevent oluino U tlm population of over 11.000 towiiH, llttlo and bit;, nw Klveu by tlm It. H. cuiikiih of 1 1 1 0 nud tlm Canadian column of KM I, Ah ulwnyti, npcclal uttontlon ha linen Klven to tlm Important matter of circulation flguron, Kiipplemeutnry lo thn general cnt- ulocuo nro 208 lUt of dally pnpem, uinKnxInci, wniuuu'n publication, mall order publlcallouu, uKrlcultur.il, tellKloun and tlio vatloiu trado nml ulata papem, each clan listed undor a nep nr a to head, Thin lueful featuro of llio book U kept fully abrenm of thn tlmen, nn Ih Indicated by three of Km lusullnKn: Aeronautics, Moving IMcturen nnd IvHpernnto, Tlm Annual uml Directory like wine proHonlH n vut niuount of up-(o-dato Kazoteor Information bIiow IliK the traimportallon, bnukliiK nud other fncllltluu of every town u which a nowKpnpor I published, to gether with roferonceH to Itn loading ImluRtrloH uml chnracterlstlcn. Thlu featuro In supplemented by n bpo daily prepared map of each utnto, allowing ovory nqwtipaper town. Con vunleuco and coiicUenenH hnyo beoi) carefully ntudled throtiRliout, and tlio book placoR nt tlm dlHpoHnl of publlnhem, of ndvortthem, ot bunl peua moil, of studonlH, llbrnrlnua, etc., vnat amount of fresh Informa tion not to bo procured eluowhero. NOTICC. Notlco In horeby glvon that tho uudomlgned wll petition to the city council of tho city ot Mud ford at ltn noxt regular mooting an April l, 1913, for a permit to transfer plnco of biiHliiims In city- of Medford from No, 31 Houth Kront Btreet to 30 North Kront atioot. I. B. UKnCMf'KE. Dated March 18, 1913. NOTIOU OI' NAM-J OK IIONDH Notice In hereby glvon that thn Town of Haglo I'olnt, In Jackium county, Oregon, horoby offora for Biilo 110,000,00 of Ita iiouQtlnblQ coupon bonds duo lu ton yearn with . I CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. I medford arAir; tridtoe, Intermt nt nix per cent paynbta Kenil nnnunlly, nuld bond being In denom ination of 1000.00 each or nuch fraction thereof un may bo conve nient. Healed projinnln will bo re ceived for tlio purchttKo of on Id bond or any portion thereof by tlm under Igned at any time before March 20, I !J 13, nt 7 o'clock I". M. All proponiiln iuuhI bo nccompnnlod by certified check drnwn on onm re llnblo bank of Oregon for 5 per cent of (ho amount bid. Tho same to bo forfeited providing tho bidder If hi bid I accepted fnll to purchaio unld bond within thirty day after being notified of tho ncceptniico of hi bid, In accordance therewith nnd to be returned to unld bidder In enso ald bid U not accepted. Tlm Council reserve tho right In reject any nml nil bldn. Dated Mnrch 15, 1913. J. V. MclNTYKB. Ilrcorder of tho Town of Kaglo I'olnt. neth'i: oi' nam: or iiondh. Notice In hereby glvon thnt the Town of I'hoentx, In Jnckion County, Oregon, hereby offers for nolo $22,000 00 of ltn negotiable coupon 1913 wnter bond due In ten year with Intercut nt nix per cont pnyabln ttoml-annunlly, tin Id bond being In denumluatlonn of $1000.00 each. Bealed proposal will bo received for tho purchnno price of ald bond or any portion theroof by tho under nlgned nt nny time before April 7, 1913, at 7:30 !. M. All propoal niunt bo nccompn nlod by n certified check drawn ot. omu Htnte or National bank In Jack non County, Oregon, for 6 per cent on tho amount bid. 11m name to be forfeited providing tho bidder, If hi bid In accepted, fall to purrhao t unlit bond within thirty days aftei being notified of tho acceptance of his bid. In accordance (herewith nnd lOlt IIKNT I'UltMHIIKD AITS. FOR HUNT b-room modern apart ment, sloping porch, range In apartment, water paid. Inquire S10 Houtn Oakdale. 317 roll KBNT -Hummer rntes begin April 1 at tlm llerben. Kverythlng new; prltnto bath, laundry, etc.; completely furnished apartment. 10 Quince st. NEW TODAY A good five room house, clone In, on tho cant side, strictly modern, J1S00. Another good one on llio east side, couldn't bo built for $2000; party limit leave nnd offers It at $1600. Good partly Irrigated stock ranch, $50 pur aero, cluso to good town. 340 acres near Crater I.ako high way , near school, nnd some Improve ments; n fluo lot of saw timber; $10 por acre. Klvo acres and a good house, right at n motor stop on tho S, P.; finest of land, nnd an Ideal plnco for n country store nnd blacksmith shop; $3000. C. D. HOON Itooin li! JiwkHou County Hank Uld); l'hono (mark It in your book) 1037-J WORTH WHILE Modern 7 room bouso and 4 lata, Inrgo bum, woodhnutto, chicken hoiiHo; no Incumbrance, l'rlco $0000. Will trade part or nil for acreage, 27 ncrea 5 mlleH from Medford, about 7 ncroH In npplcs 3 years aid, about tt aero In grapes, some over green blackborrlca, balance of land fluo for nlfnlfa, grnln or orchard; 8 room huiiHo, largo barn, rural mall nud telephone, l'rlco $8500 on easy terms, 55 ucroa 7 miles west of Koseburg, about 30 acres lu cultivation, balance lu timber nud pasture, plenty of out hIiIo rnngn for atock; deeded water; good doop soil; 5-room house, barn, chlckon liouai) and 2 acres foncod for chlckoua. I'lico $4000. will trado for city or much property hero. Money to loan on real eulato, BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. medford. qrkcion, tjtursday, matkxi 21, mm. 1 ' ', ; " to bo returned to said bidder In cano nald bid I not accepted. The Council reserve tho right to reject nny nud nil bldn. Dated Mnrch 2ft, 1913. K. B. KimitY, Itecorder of tlm Town of Phoenix, Oregon. l'Olt IIKNT FUIIMhllRn ItOOMH KOIl 71BNT Largo sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart monts, prices very reasonable l'hono 102C-L. 222 South Holly street. FOIl IlENT Nice modern rooms with board at Mr. Fay's, 22 UVUVTU ATQ. 1 FOIl KBNT Modern fnrnUhod room at tho Cottage, C04 West 10th st.. two blocks south Medford Hotel. Hot and cold water In room. Mm. H. M. Com. 313 FOU IIKNT IIOUNI23 FOIl KBNT Modern 7-room houe with sleeping porchr. laundry, cellar, woodihods and garage. 912 North Central nvo. 4 FOIl KBNT Soven room houio, sleeping porch, range In bouso. water pnld, $15. Inqulro 810 Houth Oakdale. 317 FOIl KBNT Modern seven room house, with sleeping porch. W. H. Bverhard, 1013 W. 9th. KOIl KBNT Fiirnlibed G-room .house, wqter rcuUpald,. $25, 518 r Kfng st. ' FOIl KBNT Furnished house, closo In. M. A. Kader. at M. F. & H. Co. FOIl KBNT 3-room modern house, furnished. Apply 722 West 14th st. FOIl KENT A well furnished 5 room bungatow, with sleeping porch. 211 Laurel at. Key at 11. C. Kentner's, G09 W. 10th. Tele phono 73 Ashland. FOU RENT HOUHKKKEl'INa DOOMS FOIl KENT. Housekeeping rooms on ground floor, 23C 8. Central. 5 FOK KENT OFFICES FOIl KENT Lnrge, comfortnblo of fice rooms with elevator service, stenm heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & lldw. Co. FOIl HA LK HOUSES FOK "SALBiTofeet frontngo Da kota avenue, 150 feot off Now. town; 90.5 feet deep; will divide. 1'rlco for nil, $900. Address O. It.. Tribune. 327 FOIl SALE A modem house, every convenience lu it thnt you can think of. Full concroto tlio drained basement containing hot water heatlug plant, stationary wash tubs and toilet. Three bedrooms, sit ting room, dining room, bath room nnd kitchen. Floors nil beautiful Qiiartor-suwod oak. Dining room nnd sitting room panelled, built-in buffet, fireplace, cement walk nnd auto driveway. No. 41 Koss court, l'rlco $401)0. Will tako small pay. ment down, bulanco lllto rent It you wUh. See L. B. Wnkeman, I'ostoftlco bjock, or uny real es tato dealer. FOR SALE OR KENT New 6-room modern house, full bnsomont; also 4-rooin boiibo. 028 West Palm St., lb blocks west of North Oak daeo. 321 G-ROOM houso, modern In every wny. Two fireplaces, hardwood floors; In very best neighborhood. Fluo grqunds. Never been occu pied. Cost ot houso, $4000; unin cumbered. Will exchango for ncre ago or sell, Bee. owuor, J. C. Dames, First Natl. Dunk bldg. FOU SALE FAHM LANDS FOR BALE 1 3 acres on Rlversfdo drlvo overlooking Roguo rvor; 3 acres young orchard, part boarlng, bulanco ulfulfa and grain land very sightly, Ideal Iqcntlou foi country homo. ExoluMvo neigh borhood. Beautiful residences sur rounding. O. D. Woolvorton, Klvor Bend Ranch, dohl Hill, Oro gou, 335 l-'OIl HAM KurulRticd house on quarter bleck: CC0 acres of land; easy terms. Call or address owner, II. M, Com, G04 Welt Tenth street, Medford, Oro. 321 ii i '' - ". FOU BMAlJOrrB KOIl BALE 3 lots on Itoxs court at a sacrifice, for cash. C. D. Wool vorton, Cold Hill, Oro. 335 FOU KAMI MlHCHMiANEOUS FOK SALE Legal blanks, tresspass notices, for sale or rent sings at tho Mall Tribune FOIl BALE Letter heads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at the Mall Tribune. FOK 8ALE Doardless barloy bay, l'hono 20-J-4. A. W. Stone. FOIl SALE A first class milch cow. 1005 N. Central ave. 7 FOK BALE Two good work teams nnd ono No. I span driven. Call 22-F-23, Jacksonville, or address Miles Cantrall, Kuch, Ore. 315 FOK SALE Early Sunrise nnd Un do Sam seed potatoes. E. W. Carl ton, Central I'olnt; phono Farm ers 114. 322 FOK SALE Home grown alfalfa seed and alfalfa hay at the Public Market and my ranch. W. O. Har ris, Contrnl Point. 314 FOK SALE Calling cards, printed, engraved or embossod at the Mall Tribune office. FOK SALE Pair 7 yr. Clydes; black homo and sorrel mare; fast, steady team; 3200 iounds; wagon and harness. Oak Vnlo Orchards, Koguo It Ivor, or 721 Hoard ot Trade. Portland. 31 FOK SALE Fruit box label In one two or throe colors, printed as you order at the Mall Tribune. FOK SALE Loose lent ledger syj terns, any stylo or made to order by the Mall Trlbuno bindery. FOK SALE Early Sunrlso seed po tatoes, 1c lb.; rutabagas, carrots. 50c sack. Knnch mile N. B. Cen tral Point. C. Sharpe. S FOK SALE Two 10-horeo. ono 5 borse, one 3-homo electric motors with startors and transformers. Hubbard Ilros. 331 FOK SALE Shade trees, two years old Catollnu poplars, very fnst growing, 40c each. 512 S. Oak daeo avo. Phono 123-H. 3G4 FOIl SALE OR TRADE Ono prac tically new Packard piano; a bar gain If for cash, or will take homes, fut hogs or any kind at good livestock. Apply at 230 S. Central. 5 FOR SALE Angora goats. W. E. Hammel, Eagle Point. 8 FOR SALE A bay horse, seven yrs. old, good for work or family driv ing. Phono 577-Y. FOU SAM POULTRY AND EGGS FoVisXlE Ono 'dozen Barred Rock hens. Eggs tor hatching. G04 Plum st. M. B., Mall Trlbuue. FOR SALE Whlto Wyandottes, bronzo turkey eggs and stock. J. II. Fuller, Talent, Oro. 29 FOR SALE Cholco Barred Ply mouth Kock cockroU (Hawkins Royal Blue strain); nUo oggs for hutching and Barred Rock and Whlto Leghorn chicks. Enoch Crews, Santa Cruz, Cal. 314 FOR SALE Fancy bronzo turkeys, molout ducks, molout and runner duck eggs, uJoniBt now rubber tired buggy and two-horsM cultivator, Robt. Dutton. FOR SALE Settings of Whlto Wy andottos and White Loghorns. Phono 539-J.3. II. 0. Stoltza. 315 EGGS for hatching, puro bred Ply mouth Rocks, $1,50 per 15; Ham burgs, $1.00 per 15. 713 West Tenth street; phono 13S-R; in spection solicited. 317 WANTED .SITUATIONS WANTED Chauffour. speaks Eng lish and French, do his own ie pairing, wishes situation, city or rauch, Address E. M Tribune. G WANTED A .middle nged lady wishes to -work 3 or 4 hours each morning nt housework. Phono 781-J. 4 WANTED A listing on your prop erty. I can handle $100,000 worm of property If tho price Is right What hare you for exebango or salo Have money to loan or will take up your mortgage or deferred payments. J. C. Darnes, 1st Natl. Dank bldg WANTED Roll top desk. Address Hox II. T Tribune, or 504 W. Hamilton at. 4 WANTED TO BUY Ono yearling bull. Durham preferred. Call 352 Jacksonville or wrlto No. 6G R. 2, Medford. G IV ANTED $1800 loan on $7000 im proved bearing orchard security. earns io per cent on tuai ami. yr. 1913; for ono to 5 yrs.. nt 8 per cent. Address Dox G3, care Mali Tribune. WANTED 1350 pound farm team or singly work home; also ex change small tract In three-year old pear, with or without build ings tor bungalow in .Mcaroru. Ad dress K. P. X., care Mall Tribune. 3.Tl WANTED TO BUY Beef cattle, stock cattle, calves, all kinds. sheep, hides, wool, etc Bob Crowder. phone 1029-W. 318 FOU KXCHAM'B FOR SALE OK TRADE Ono 40- horsepower Rambler automobile In good shape, will trado for any thing of equal value. Address A. W. Guthrie, Murphy, Ore. 324 FOR EXCHANGE $15,000, well Improved stock ranch closo to Mod ford. for equal valuation. Clark Realty Co.. 20ti Phlpps bldg. FOIl EXCHANGE Nico $12 mando lin for a good film kodak. Phono 1019-M., city. 0 31QNEY TO LOAN MONE Y TO "LOAN On city Vnd close In ranch property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block. phono 3081. BUSINESS UIUF.CTOUY Auto Supplier LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making springs Is the tempering. Wo nro operating tho largest, oldest nnd best equipped plant in the Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others (all. sold under guarantee. 26 North FIN teonth St.. Portland. Ore. Attorney n C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank bldg., sec ond floor. - - - PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attqrncys-nt-Law. Rooms 1 and 2. Poatofflco bldg. A. B. REAMES, LAWYER Garnott Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law, 123 East Main street. Medford. Ore. AccountaiiU D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and Kept (or a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg.; phono Sll-R-2; res idence phone 537. Typewriting MULTIGRAPHING. TYPEWRITING. Steuography, Machine Dictation, nil classes ot circular fetter work. Ono or ono thousand letters, tho prlca will bo right and according to tho times, Stimulate your busi ness with Interesting facts con corning propositions, qr bargains. You can best do th,ls with Multi graph work. Phone 133-R. McMil lan Publicity Ad-Wrltlng Co., room 9, Jackson Couuty Bank, PXG HVTB By "Bud" Fisher 1: - I . A Im tracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AB 8TRACT CO., No. G, South Central. Chlroprnctittv DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, norve specialist. Boom 203-04-05 Oarnett-Corey bids. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; advice In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydroptborapy. Lady at tendant. Phono, office 945, resi dence 571-K. DR. A. K. HEDGES, Dr. Louise E. Hedges, Mechano Therapists, Chiropractors, SpondylotaerapUt. These systems, Including dletetias, curative gymnastics, hydro-ther aphy, etc, prods.ee results la beta acute and ohroalc diseases. Con sultation free. 230 North Bartlett St, next door to M. K. church. Hours 9 a. ra. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phone 417-J. DeaMsta DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garaett-Corey bldg., suite XI 0. Medford, Ore. Phone 858. Garbagv OARBAOE Get your premises cieanea up xor the winter. Cau on the city garbage warons for good service. Phone G25-L. F. Y. Alien. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not crafted. Our stock U not irrigated. We guarantee everything- put out. We are not fa the trust. H. B. Patterson. Of flee removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance, next to barber shop. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary nub ile. Brine your work to me at t ha sten ot The Mall Tribune. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. has the best equipped printing office In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf led gem, billing system, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. 1 Physicians anil Surgeana DR." F. 6. CARLO W."1)r7"eVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 418-417 Garnett-Corev bldg.. phono 1036-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st DR. a A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 E, Main, Phones, otflco 807; residence, 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye. ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Office 228 East Main St Hour 8:30 a. hi. to 8 p, m. Phouo. E. B. PIOKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Office phono 43-R; rcsldgnco phone 58-R. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon, Stewart bldg.. corner Main and Bartlett sts,; otflco phone 27, residenco phone 27-J-2, DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Phyal clan and surgeuu. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, otflco 36, resi dence, 724-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician, 303 Garuott-Corey. building. Phoue 904-M. R. J. CQNROY, M. D. Fhyslclnn and surgeon, uvor Hutchison & Lums don, 215 E. Main St. Phono 77. E. KIRCHGESSNER, M. D. Prac tice limited to chronic diseases. Otflco Hotel Holland, Saturdays 10-3. Both phones. Residence phones; Farmer lGxxS Eagla Point, and Roguo River line. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm bloek. Stenographic work done quickly and well. ? Truitstor M iWf-j EADS TRANSFER & STORAOH CO. umco iu soutn Fir st Phoaa 315. Prices right. Service guaranteed. ! '1 , A'l