W - 4 W4 if Wwt f tf ;( j IM I 1 i PAniS FOUft esmmmin : MBDPOitD Mail tribune T NMWSrAl'Kn HT AVTKII fir TI JINOOH Funtwo co, AT IK Tht iJemocrstlc Times, The Mcdford Mall. The Mvdfnnl Trlhunn, Th Houlh ni OrKWin. The Atttland Tribune Offlc Mall Tribune HultOlrur, S8-J7-1 Imh Kir atreol; lolrphone .. UBOnan PUTNAM. Miter ana Manaxcr , KntfrM a atcondc1a matter at Mfilforii, Oregon, under the act of March 1, 18T9. Offlclxl Tancr of thrf City of Meitford. Official Vnpor of Jackson Countr. fin rrflr. bv mall it fln Ono month, by mall .60 I'rr month, ilollvortnl bv cArrler In Mntfortt, Jackaonvlll and Cn- tral Point .SO Fatunlnjr only, by mall, per jrr. S.00 Weekly, per year - t.SO 8WOSK CrRCULATIOK. Dally average for eleven month end Ins November 30, 1911. ittl. The Mall Trloine la on aale at the Ferry Now SI and, San Franclaco. Portland Hotel News Aland. Portland. Portland Ne-ra Co., Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney. Seattle. Wah. mil ad TTlM TTklUd gnea Blapatchaa. xsoroau. OBmos. Metropolln of Southern Orecen ahfl Northern California, and the taateat srowlnp city In Oregon. Population U. 8. cenauj, itl tM; estimated. 1915 lo.ooo. ' Five hundred thnUHntl dollar Gravity Water Hrtem completed, alvlna; fittest auriply pure mountain water, and 17,3 mllra of atrcets pave.1. roalofflce receipu for. year endtair November 30, 1911. show tnereaaa of 19 er cent, Banner fruit city In Orriron Rogue TUvrr SplUentwrr apples won awtep atakes prim and tlllo of Apple b of M WetM" nt the National Anplu Wiow; fpoluuse. 1909, nnd n car of Ncwtowna won rirat Xrlae la 1910 at Canadian international A9ptt Shew, Vancouver. II. C rt rriie la 111 At Spokane Rational Apple Show won by carload of Newtown. rtocun Illver pears brought hlcheat riricea In all marxcts of the world tlur iK the mat rlx jtnra. SNOW AND SLEET FALLS ON EASTER The slory of the now Caster bonnet wnH dimmed Sunday by s.uov ami blrct which fell during n part of the day. While the sun hliono Ioiir enough between ten and eleven o'clock Sunday niorninj; to allow the newly pun-hnncd hats to be displayed fur a time, many wcro carried Louie bcucnth rain coals. Suiidny nftonumn a heavy down pour of miow mid slcct was cxjicr ieneed. No damage was done. Suiull flurries of snow continued during the iiij;Iit. The precipitation iiwusurinx .l.'t. SPLENOia EASIER SERVICES M.E. The Easter enereii.es; nt the Metbo diit Kpihcopal church Sunday were by far the mowt- cntcrtniuinr and in terehtiiij; bcnicei which have been held jit this plueu of worship for lllOlllllK. The (sentin eapaeity of the church was taxed to itx utmost both rooming utid evening. The morning Hong ser vices were epeeiuliy line, being made up of iinthcins appropriate to Kaster day, n m1o by jfru. Florence Halli day Iluipht and nevcral hymns. The Hunnon of the pastor, Rev. E. A Kld rido, received earnest uttcntion. His subject was "Tho Heart of the Kaster Jlnshujje." It wait n woudurful add icbp. und for nearly utt hour tho speaker held his- audience with such eagerness and profound interest that not u Hyhiblu uttered wan hose to any person within lieu ring. The morning services were attended in a body, and in uniform by members of the Patriarchs Militant order I. O. 0. K. In thu uyniing Master sen ices were inudu up of hiiilublu recitations and songn by the Suiidny school children. These eaercisei were splendidly pre sented and thu largo crowd in at tendance gave (ividencu of apprecia tion by rcjH'iited applause. Ewry iVaturu of thu enturtaiuuient wun truly it pleasing one and credit in not only duo to thos'u who took part but to, (ho ladies, Mrs. Kldridge, Mrs. Vin.1 Hcii.voc, and Miss Juliu Fielder, who lud to do with instructing the little folks. The t'hurch was benutifully decor ated with vines, Kaster lilies and other flowers, and for this pleasing feature of thu duy'n program tho chtiich is indebted to Mi's. Dennett und her Sunday shcool class of yoimg ladies; PRINCESS STABS HERSELF VICTI M OF SLEEPLESSNESS ltOMK, March 21. Slashing her self with a razor in- an attempt lit Hiiieido beeuiise of the failure of ef forts to fiito her of nuurastheiiiu, Dtiwuger PriiieesH Terepu t'ollonu Di l'alniiio U near death here today, The lirincoPH is a Neapolitan noblp wonimit Mini th niother of 1'Hiiocsh Pio Tottiit't said to he the must henu jil'ul woiiihiv in Europe, AN INDBPRNDMN oyjuijiD V MMnronD ri IJ2T THE PEOPLE RULE, MR. MAYOR. TILE city clootion tloinomtrntetl in no uncurtain nuut noi' tlfu o)iiiion of the people ut! Mod ford in nitinioipnl affairs. The armory bond issue was defeated by a two to one vote, aK it should have been. There is no necessity for an armory, it would be a needless luxury at this time. The passage of the charter amendment expressed pub lie disapproval of Mayor Eifert 'a course as plainly as it could be expressed except by a recall election. It was n vote of lack of confidence in he executive. The election was a mandate from the people to let merit govern appointments, and a protest against introducing the spoils system in municipal affairs. It is to be hoped that harmony will hereafter govern city affairs. But there can be no harmony with a mavor Land city attorney devoting character and fastening jail senteuces on couucihnen. the election was a public repudiation of such tactics. They must cease if we are to have peace. The Mail Tribune again begs Mayor Eifert not to commit political hara-kiri by ignoring the desires of the eommumtv and to remember that an administration is not measured by its office holders but bv its constructive ac jcomplishmcuts. In any program for civic will pledge the, administration its support, but it declines to participate in petty squabbles over petty offices, and it will oppose introducing the spoils system in the public market. It is to be hoped that Mayor Eifcrt's administration wjll do something besides fight over appointments. But to accomplish these results, the mayor must live up to his campaign pledge: If elected, my time, ami services wilt always be available to thu public and suggestions and criticisms wilt at all times receive, most careful consid eration. Whenever It la apparent that the majority of our cltlxens are united In opinion opposite to my Individual views, I will yield to the major ity, regardless of my personal oplulous. If the mayor needed to be shown, the election was cer tainly tin eye-opener. , SAUCE FOR GOOSE, SAUCE FOR GANDER. UNDER the present administration, the city attorney has become a criminal prosecutor rather than a legal adviser. And he docs not confine himself to prosecuting city cases, but drums up evidence for submission to the grand jury. . What originally was intended to land one of the coun cilmen, who would not wear the administration's collar, behind the bars, has resulted in the indictment and prose cution of ten hotel men and liquor dealers of Mcdford for selling liquor to minors. The evidence was furnished by the city's gallant de fenders, members of the national guard, some of whom, it seems, are addicted to deploying in squads to "rush tho growler" and arc studying other tactics than military. According to the stories told the grand jury, a squad of the brave boys in khaki, after the arduous duties of the drill,, would repair to various refreshment parlors, and order cups that cheered. Some of the soldier boys were of age, some were not, and the dispenser did not discrim inate, foolishly presuming that the uniform guaranteed majority. 4 If the liquor dealers were careless and sold liquor to iniuors, even though the offense was unintentional, they should be fined to make them more careful. To avoid future troube, they should have prepared blanks ready for signatures of those whose age was questioned. But the youths who pass themselves off as of age, can also be punished, and their punishment is the quickest way to check the habit. A state law provides a penalty for those who represent themselves as of age when they are not, and a Mcdford city ordinance makes it a misdemeanor for a youth to enter a saloon or purchase a drink. The evidence given by tho boys in khaki before the grand jury is sufficient to convict all tho witnesses, and the city attorney, who procured the evidence, should en force the law. Both the liquor dealers and the youths should be prosecuted. To Maintain A matter of the mot ritnl concern this laud of sunshine and flowers, a laud which lures men of capital as well as men in search of permanent homes, is the ninintainuncu of laud values. Thu one item which U used to deter investors from making realty investments: in the Hogue river valley at this time, is thu fact that values here, with our'regulur crop produc tion, our adaptability to produce so many commodities, mid above all, our uttrnctivu environment, has raised prevailing valuations above those of the sections which have not so much to offer. Heretofore our lands have brought returns which justified tho valuation placed upon them by owners. Each investor in success, who came into tho ownership of a tract of produc tive laud here, Iiuh figured thnt ho must make a profit on his investment in addition to filling his own require menls for a home. To do this, ho must ndd to instead of decrease its productive capacity. How can this bo oiieV In this tiorthwcst country, with its vnpt acreage of young orchards, moro copiing into bearing each year, and the older ones increasing in henring capacity, tho problem of marketing the output becomes moro and more intricate. Tho nstuto grower even now realizes that today a local mark ot'inuxt he made for the culls, und later on the "econds" must find in tho t'anuory, tho vinegar plant and the fruit-food pioduets factory their solu destiiuition; toe thu. "friction, of ifEDFOUD iMTTi TRmUNR MEnFOUa OttttCION. MONDAY, MAUC'ir 21. their energies to ruining the welfare, The Mail Tribune Land Values the freight" precludes shipment to a distance. Only tho strictly fuuuy fruit will bring satisfactory returns, und that must go forward with a standardized pack. The ultimate problem therefore is how to reduce the culls und the seconds to thu low- lest possible proportion as related to the strictly taney product. 'J he ans wer is, "Water!" Tho laud can only give returns to justify present values when the slight deficiency in natural rainfall is made good by man from irrigation. This is not a scmi-nrid dihtriut. Wo nro free from some of the most puz zling problems in irrigation uhich distinguish those seiiiiarid sections where alkali abounds and where seep ago figures so largely as to bo an actual menace. Here drainage is well nigh perfect, the soil responds most reudily to application of water, and loss Hum one-half the water needed in some districts is here required to bring about ideul fruit conditions, Tho fruit associations are rapidly "getting next to tho markets" and it is up to tho growers to aid and abut thfcjr efforts by growing only tho su perior (piality tho market demands. Add the water which the canal com pany is ready ami willing to supply so reasonably, and enable the com pany to get its forces to work at once. It is not liku some visionary scheme waiting ou a dozen different propositions to materialize. Tho company is ready for business right now; and it will within thirty days from ditto luive a lurgo force u moil u.uiltii..,. MiUMHfcNi M"rs Bessie F Yoakum . Oue of the most interesting eiuimements of the yeitr tim Just teen An nounced, It Is that of Ml Itcvttc 1 YouMim. diiuchter of .Mr. .tin! Mrv ltf njnniln 1'. Yoakum, of Sew York city, to Mr. I'raneU It. tarkln, nun of Jtr, and Mrs. John ItrUlu. u!m of New York. MIm Yoakum's father l clialrm.nti of thp Irtcn line nt one of tho leading railroad executives of the country. The meuilier.1 of hi family tune tnkcn an active part In social nffalra ilurtng the years th.r ham lived In New York. Ills daughters, the other being .Mrs. I'nuldlng l'odlck, ticvnnw popular there nt once, mid their beauty nnd cngastng penminllly caused theui to be rourh nought after as gurtt.s at leading entertainments. No datn ha-s been net for Miss Yoakum's wedding, but It b likely to toko place this unting. Mr. l.arktn was graduated from Princeton la 19tl, being an honor man of that cl.x. U! Yoaknm Is fond of outdoor life. She plays tcnnli nnd golf and ts n EV1 rifle ahot. She spends n good ileal of time at her father's place In Sail Antonio, Texas, and at Uie great King ranch in the southern part of that Stale with her friend, tho Kleberg family. She was Ihero only a few months nc". and when there her friends read In the ucwiprr how she whs attacked by wild liogi when on a shooting trip and had killed five as they were cluiltig la on her. at work on its liigjiline cuutil. if the ren,uiito nereage is -igned up on contract. lp in Idaho they flag n parodv which runs something like this: "Little chops of wutur uu tho gruiu- of sand, ' .Make- u mighlyi diffeiouue in tho price of luiuls." , . ' The growers ft till vttlloy have considered every phtisu of this irri gation mutter. They oxprowi gunoml satisfaction with thu contract ub mitted by tho company. The back ward season and the eiiorniou-. hot ting of fruit bloom buds indicate such n urop u we never dreamed of before in this vulley. Why not make that the premier crop of America the present year by sinning up for the one lliiug needful lo in-iire the right quality, and hae water on the bulk of the orchards the isuuittK summer J It will show more btiiiics mmiso on the part of our nrvlinrd farmer than any other net in tho hi-tory of the valley. - --- There aro 22 members of the farm era and trade unions holding seat In tho present Colorado legislature. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF Which Is Metier Try an l-'pcrl- incut or I'toflt by it Mcdfonl Cltteu's i:pcrloiuc. Something new Is an experiment. Must be proved to be us roproiioiit cd. Tho statement of a maniifactiiror In not convincing proof of merit. Hut the eiidomcmeiit of friends Is. Now supposing you had a bad back . A lame, woak or aching one. Would you experiment on It? You will road of many Ho-called cures. Kndorsed by strangers from fur away pllll'Cb, It's different wlmir tho endorse, meat comes from home,. i:asy to prnvo local toHtlmony, Keud thla case: (. M. Jones, 1 10-t fi. Central Ave., Mcdford, Oregon. Haya: "I found Doan'a Kidney Pills especially adapt ml to tnv riuo. My .back was very stiff aud painful uijld. 1 had other annoying Hymptonis of Kltluo)' troublu. Doau's Kfdnoy. I'llls, pro cured ilt Husklm' ' Drug Store. brought mo prompt rollof and Hlnco tuklng the y health haa been much butter. This excellent, remedy has turned my endorsement." For nalo by all dealers. 1'rlco .CO conta. t'oHUir-Mllburii Co.. Huffulo, Now York, boIo agents for tho Unit ed StatoH, Itomembor tho name -Doau s aud take no other. John Ai Perl Undertaker 28 8. MAnTLKTt I'houes M, 471 un 475 Ambulance Service- Deputy Coroner. rt'ULHOAU MAN lo rIARRY. OF IS The .March liim of the ('limit court opuncd at .lark"oiiill today, Judge F. .M. Calkin presiding. A large amount of criminal and eiit work is to he ihpocd of. The first huluc to come betore the court wa lh election of u priced jury. The following men were choeii: W. M. l'elri. Joseph May fiohl. J. I. Culvert, (lis.. W. Dean, Frank Selmelte, J. T. Hodge, Frank Niehol. The fraud jury iinmeiliutclv adjourned mm! it October '-'II. Thev are subject to m call of the court how e er. Among tk firt to be called in the circuit court will be the iii diclmeiiN iikioI lh Medfoid Hiilooomeii. White Wyandottes Special Offer for balmier of Murch, In order to ndvertlno my prlxo win ning, winter luylug stock, n big re duction In price of eggH, and In ad dition with every order received will glvo free ono year's aubscrlptlon to Tho Northwest Poultry Journal. My best pen won first pun, first cock, first and second pullet unit second hen at CrauU Taw khuw, t'Jl-'. AUo Hueopstakos for hlghoctt scoring pen of any variety In tdiow aud I was offered $;ir for thu rock. From this pun eggu ut i'i per setting. All oth ers nearly cipial fl. A few good cockerels for sale. Write ipilck. JOHN M. Ifl.l-lvK Talent. Oregon HOTEL HOLLAND TABLE D'HOTE DINNER Kuiry K filing 5:110 to 7-M 10c. Tumiito llotilltou I'ayimuiiu Kalad Aurora Hulled fillet of solu, oyster saucu Columns DiiohcHs Dolled ham C,hiiniui;no saucu llrulsud lamb cutlctii with corn fritters l'llina rllm ot bcof, uu Jus I.olit of pork mid iipplo sauco Hakml potutoes nuiflhcd hot Sugar com lOugllsh plum pudding hard aud brandy sauco loo cream Cufo uolr Merchants Lunch nt Noon 35c Nut thu cheapest but thu host. MARCH TERM COURT OPENED IfllH. "Mother was a heauly In her )intiiKir iluyn." Mother may audio ileprecntliiKly but Watch her no to the lltllo lop drawer and take tint tho precious photograph "taken before I wan mar ried. "' Chances are she ulll nlmi toll vou of her iidmlrurs. Aud wo can believe they utro many What a prlculcna reconl of her younger cliitriiiH thnt photoKraph Is to mother, anil to yon. Modern iihotogrnphy can do lufl iiltel) uioro to preserve tho recuid of yuurn. "I am the l'liotuKrapher In your town," II. C. MACKEY l. Main and Central, Mcdford, Oie. PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Wntor Hoating All Work Ouarnt4a I'rlcea ltraaonabl COFFEEN & PRICE 13 Howard Block, tlntrano on 0th . Hnra rtinn 3. J. H. Mulhollcn l'alullng. 1'aprr llmiglng, Tinting and (Icncral House Itepalilng IMioiiu C03-Y IYM West Kecoiid Strcvt Draperies Wn curry a vrry ronuilrtn lln of itrutrrlrii I.iim curlAPiK, rittir. tc ami ilrt all ln of opIinlnlurltiB A promt nmn to lonk aftrr thin work rclulrly nnl ni'l Kivn as giiisl mrvlcn as I )wliila to act In nvn llm Uttfrat clllra. Wooks & McGowan Co. Clark 6: Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, 11. O. ' Public Land Matter: Final Proof. Oeiort Lands, Contest and Mlutni Caios. Ucrlp. Auction Sale of Acreage i.v Tin: I'H.'itci: sciiimvision Thu Miles Knit of .Mr-dforcl TiiuitsitAY, Ai'itiii turn on tiii; IiANII Oun and one-quarter to five aero tracta will be told to tho highest bid der. Seldom doei tho buyer havo tho ehanco to name tho prlco ho puyi for real estato, especially choice pro perly well located and on very eoay term. Do not fall to iccuro one ot thcao tracta, A special opportunity for thu man of small menus to aecuro u homo. Liberal dlicounta will bu mado for all caih. i:. i iicititiiT, a. ii. t'lKitcn Auctlonistr Owner E. D. Weston Official Photographor of tho Mcdford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing Post Cards Panoramic Work Portraits Interior ait'tl exterior viowa Final! lights Negatives made anv time and any place by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 OI'K.V AI'ltIL IHT The Bonded Warehouse oi:ni:maihtokaoi: Oregon's Most up-to-dalo Flro-pront Waruhoubu with lliirglar-pioof Vault. For rates apply MEDFORD REALTY & IMPROVEMENT CO. Mniiugoi-8 WHERE TO CO TONIGHT STAR THEATRE We Lend -Others I'ollon TOKAY TOll.W I'lHKIIIA.M KTII,OMIM.AltY Speclaciilar To-ltcs'l Featuie "Tin; nmiMii! of sointow" A Feutilio of FcHitutes "Wtl.MMN I.KI'TAI.OM:' A Pit) etiological lirnmit of Absorhltig Interest and llenuty It's u Fl)lni: "A." Ami Tho ('oiklug liimd Ke)sonu Comedies "iitut uiitriiiiAV I'lti-su.vr" mid ".MAiim.s ncitor.S" Moth ttoroiiinliiKly Fuuuy Mi.vt; .mi'sic iiFi'iuns MMllnccs U.illv. -i to r. 1. M. Kveiiliigs. 7 to lu. .duilloii ,1c anil Hie THEATRE The lliat I'lrluros lu Tifivll Admlnaloti Ahsavt iho H.iuio io ci : vis n Not Moro, Ner l.oaci TttTTTTTTT I III I I If I I I III r i ISIS THEATRE i YAl iiiaii.i.i: f TRIPP & LINTON The two rulics anil a trick house Arrolintlc artists Photo Plays Today THE PRICE OF JEALOUSY SALLY'S ROMANCE THE CLASSMATE'S FROLIC THE CARE OF ELEPHANTS Comlnq THE GUIDING LIGHT lo lien I'aii tTTTTTTTTT Luxury Without Extravaganco Hotel I Von Dorn i 2'12 Turk Street I Finest popular priced : X Hotel in San Francisco '' I Modorn Contral : Beit located and moot populnr hotel in the City. Running duftillcd ice water in each room. European Plan, a la Carte Cafe. Tariff on Rooms 12 room - - - - $1,00 each CO room .... 1,50 each 50 room - 2.00 each GO rooini fetid pilule bath 2.00 each SO roomi kith pilnle bjlh 2.50 each 30 (ultet, bedroom, par lor and bath 3.00 each For more than one gueit add $1.00 extra to the above rate for each additional gucit. Reduction by week or month, Mannfmtnt ChfUr V, KtlUy F.G.ANDREWS ,. U'ukou of CI I'll I ami Uliiliiu. Room, ., IT V i