Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 24, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    rV Hail ' 9
Medford Mail Tribune
Occasional shower. Mf,
13, win. art prevlp.. A.,
I'm lv iliinl Year
iMIiv I ik'iUi inr
Hundred and Sixty-Nine Buildings
Raxed, 200 Damaged Slorm Area
Six Blocks Wlde-Oodlcs Hurled
Hundred of Yards by Wind
Heavy Rain Follows Cyclone Saves
Many Buildings Threatened With
Destruction hy Fire
OMAHA, Neb,, March 24
Al 3 o'clock this afternoon
Om known dead In tint ey-
chum which swept Omnha uiiil
llio other cities ntul towns
of thn middle west totalled
J 1 7I, with a number of out-
lying points still utircxirtvil
Tim initio follews:
Omithn. Ctitiurll llluffn and
HhIhIou, PC.
Yiitnn, 15.
llerlln, s: -
Other Nebraska low nit, IS.
" Torre Haute, Indiana, IK.
Marlon. Intl., 2.
Wuudldne, Iowa, fi.
Plat HjirtiiRM. Mo., c
fr Chicago, 4.
Hrlo. III.. 4.
IHitilface Florida, .1.
Total known dead, 170.
S -C-
OMAHA, .NVIi., March 21. Willi
iilii'ty.lx known dund through Iho
cyclone which wreoked 111 1m eily nnil
uciahbnring r-ttuimuiiitios lust night
Mayor .Initios 0. Dnhlmnu nt 1
oVhick this ntlttrnitoii nlill declared
In1 oKtlitmli'il tjie number of dead in
Intuitu mill it Immediate vicinity "I
Hn liuuilioil. TIii ninety- six known
iloml urn thuso niilv foinitt in Omiiliii,
KmInIhh nnil Council Mini I'm tip to this
limit, Inii there is little ilonltt Hint
ninny iitniti bodies will In1 ivooercd
in llio illicit hours before night.
Twenty-live, persons nm definitely
Known to In- missing, including Iwo
babies, Inil llio eoiifiittion every w hero
mnkes till estimates ns yet mostly
guess wnik. Many tlintiNnmltt hnvo
lu'i'ii iiijiiictl mom or less seriously.
In (.'ouuoil Muffs lliu property loss
in ehtiiniiletl nt uliont .fJ.")0(00().
IOI) IIiiIIiIIiiki I In til.
One hundred nnd sixty-nine build
ingH were rncd in Omiiliii, divided ns
follows Houses 1A0, chnrclicH II, nnd
schools H,
Mont limn -00 oilier houses were
Imilly iliiiiingod,
At n HH!tiln meeting Ibis nflr
iiimiii, Mayor Dnltlmnn nnd tint city
coiuiulsslouoiH iipproprinted f'J.'i.OOO
fur lliu relief of llio HttflVriTH.
A tlioroiiKh iiiNpeclioit Huh nflcr
noon confirmed the, report that the
piopoity diimnKCtl horn wottltl renelt
,fl 0,000,000. Tint Hlorm nreu hero
wni hIx ItlonkH wltlo nnd noiitly every
Ikiiiso in iU path wiih inxed or hitdly
lloiliiia of vtolImH were found to
day hnndretlH of ynrdu from where
llio wind Hlnii'lf. Tho u!c of in
jnied pertJons dnnv rcRcurrH to mnny
dlft'icnt pITinlf) Himnltaiu'oitM.v.
' (Continued on puo 2.)
WASIIlNfiTOX, Mutch 21 At tho
vci-iuutt of .lo, V, TitmiiUy, Tro.-ti-dent
WHhoii'h Huorotni'v, tho United
I'n'Krt AhhooIiiIIoh doliVored u iiii'H
hiiuc from Wilson to Mayor Onhlmnn
of Omaha, over tho United I'ithh
wire, nflur all efforts to transmit tho
im'riiii'O ovr oommotclal wires had
Tim miihhiico offered Hympalhy and
iiHlHluitfo to tho Hlrioken oily. Mayor
)ahlnmii replied that ho thotiKht h
could Imtidlo tho ulliiatloii.
Council Bluffs and Adjoining Cities
Also Suffer Insurance Recovery
Only Half Million-Frightful Stor
ies of Havoc Wrought by Storm
Storm Originated Near Louisville,
Swept Along Platte River to Ash
land, Thence to Omaha via Ralston
OMAHA,, Mnrch 21. Two
httndreil dnid and $10,000,000 Ioxm in
Omaha nloiir h the toll taken liy the
woiwt tomnilo which, ever vlnilcd
NMiriixl.ii, ncconlint; to declnrnlioim
at II o'clock today liy Mayor John
Dalhinaii, (loxcrnor Moreheatl and
('omml-rtloncr lt.ier. Thrt.i prctllo.
lioiiH were nirtdc after the three, of
ficinN hud loured the dcviinlcd hcc
lioiiN in an ittitnuioltlle. It wax uUo
Mtlinittcil Hint these fij-nroH miuht lie
incitncd later in the day. Tlip ci
lima let. nhor do not inelndo Hit
dead nl IIiiImIoii, n htilniili, or in
Cimnoil llluffn, Iowa, just iii'I-ohs the
Mltthonri river from hero.
Lnlct nMrtN from Onmril llluffn
May that four moro Itodirs hittl been
taken fiom bomett in I lit htoriuV
path. This hrittut the llM of known lln're tip to l'J.
Iah In Tell MIIIIoiim.
It in now believed that tho toniado
wont further ent than wan at firot
rcHtrlcd, eatisini; moro fatalities than
oailier inhiccH imlirnlctl.
A eniivat.1 of every lornrtdo in
liiirnnee oompanv hero leads lo tho
belief that the $10,000,000 loss is
t'ovctcit ny iiiiiv insiiraiico.
This in partly duo to tho Indian
prophecy that Omaha was immune
fiom oveloneH. Tho residents: of llio
oily hail plaeetl j-ront eonfidenoo in
this prediction, and cur tied but little
insurance, Tho oily frenuently has
Itceii isiied liy hiclt winds, but never
Itefoio siifl'ctcd serious tliimiiKc.
More than 100,000 (-ricf-stiickrit
ami byslt'iionl por-ons iinsiiiloil every
Hituroo of information today for nn
HitruneoH that lolativrs and friends
are mifo.
Ili'ftlnteiit (oi (liianl.
Soblicrn ntul polioo nrt kropini llio
orowds Itnek by mnin foroo. Six ro
lief stations have been established
on lint North Hide. An entire ivi
men! of slate militia will bo on the
scene hoforo nij-hl.
Ilcporls from oullyltiK' lawns tell
frightful Hlorics of tho hnvoo
wroti"ht by llio Htunn. l-VnrH are
oxpiossed for llio resideiilK of ClroU
in, Ashland and Louisville, all Neb"
rnskn towns, which lie in tho center
of tho oyolomt'H path. Communica
tion wlllit. these towns still is down.
OMAHA, Neb., March 2I.-Ooorfo
Hammer, ono of tho most prominent
mcrohnnlfl in tbo middle west, pro
prietor of tho llyrno-IInnimer Dry
Goods eompany, was taken from the
wreekago last night. I In died in a
hospital this morning. Mrs. Arthur
l.iwidgo nod bor baby son, who worn
visilig tbo Hammer family, were
seriously injured. A at root oar on
tho North Side was totally destroyed
and Ion pasengors seriously injured.
Conductor Cnldwoll saw tho oyolono
onming and Minuted u warning, lie
rushed to a basement of it neiuby
building, ueompanied by tho several
pnsongoi'K, Tho storm ft truck Ibo oar
a momont Inter. After tho stotm
Cnldwoll compiled with tho com
pany's rules and vemuined with his
wrecked oar nil night.
Decatur and Krauklin streets nro
filled with debris. These stroots
wore lined with hhuing homes for a
following l)io storm. Tho Idlowild
Hefugees vusbed to tho hilltopa of
both BtrccU mill wntohed thoir homca
Babes Blown Away and Picked Up
Safe and Sound Phone GlrlsAre
Heroines of Occasion Church and
Convent Wrecked by Gale
Wires In All Directions Down Making
Details Tardy Town of Yutan De
stroyed, With 15 Dead
OMAHA. Neb., Mnrch 2 A nol
tiler who Kuanlnl the corner o(
Twrnty-elKhth ami tko itrectn nil
tilnht roportnl Hint icvon corpnoi
with recovered tlierit before bin ar
rival, ami thai from 10 lo 15 morn
went removed after hi arrival. Two
bablen wero plckeil op untl blown
nway from the Child Having ln-,11-Into,
on tho writ side, whoro found
llnKit itro rnretl for. Thin Intttllutlon
wnit In tho center of tho utorin'n path.
Other wrrn found dead, piled In
heaps on the floor. One child, called
Tbolmn, win found dead a block
awajr. Tho other, h little clrl nrtmed
Cynthia Is mill uilmlnK. Nearly
uvorybody In tho Intttllutlon wa
Jurod, noino Mrlouly; othrrri ch
capod with HllRbt hruUcit.
riionn (ilrU HrrtiltHS.
Omnha' tutephono Rlrla proved
theinsrlvci liondnri. Not n clrl do
Horted her poit. rcmalnliii; with the
receivers Rtucd to their oara, Miidlnii
all ralU for aKiUtancn and dolnc yeo
man tcrvlco. Ho far ns known nono
of tho operators wan Injured.
l.lnemcn rtro bimy today repalrlnc
tho wrecked Unci. Tho Wcbktor
tolcphono exchaiiRo on tho north rddo
was tbo center of rescue activities,
phtilclan, army officers, nurses and
sohllcrs recolvlnr; duty calls from
there. About 17G Klrls, were nt
work thero when tho mono struck.
Tliojr continued at their post whlln
windows wero hhattercd and while
they llieuikolvo worn showered by
broken k1s.
Iltirltsl iruder Wall.
Ono of tho roNtrooms In tho Web
Hter oxchanco wub converted Into a
morRiitt and another room waa set
aslilo for tho Injured. 1'. K, Huimcll,
okoiI G3, lay on tho floor of tbo ox
chnnno with his f.ico and body fright
fully criiHhod. Ho had been burled
under n. brick wall at Twenty-fourth
and I.nko stroots, flro mirroundlnR
him on all aides. Ho was almost dead
when rescued.
llev. 1 J. JiiiIro, pastor of tho
Snored Heart Catholic church, re
mained at tbo tolcphono cxchangi
comforting tho suffering and offor
ItiR prayers for tho dyltu: throughout
(ho nlRht. Many members of his
ronRroKatlon wero Injured. Trees
and polos fill tho streets about tho
exchange, making It Impossible, for
(Conttnuoa on pngo 2.)
bum. Tho fires lighted tho sky for
moro than throo hours. '
During tho stouu Mrs. Medloek
givo birth to n bnby when her homo
on Dcontur street was bndly damag
ed by tho storm. Her husband was
Horiously out and her two daughters
injured, their clothing being torn
from their bodies. Mrs. Medlook lay
four hours in a roofless house and in
a drenching rnin, attended only by
her husband. A friend stopped with
a wagon outside and took tho woman
to tho homo of other friends. Her
condition is critical.
C. A. l'lnntccn and wtfo found
shelter in tho basement aftor tho
stoun had destroyed tho upper part
of their homo.
Tho homo of Walter lVtorsnn was
demolished nod Potorsnn nnd bis
woven children nro missing.
Mrs. Mnry Kldoridgo wns buried
in tho ruins of her grandson's home
for hours, Whon chopped out by
firemen it was found sho had es
caped injury.
yKWSS lv J ' " i " iTi riM;"liflr"''--gl"
v ffffffffaW ilBbrOv M J i itn ftA yvVfiVvs9fffBIH0K
r yOatHPf fBaNXfBb4 ftoaisaffffffffu&. mm. ' i" ' 'jt4'Xi:5v-'JjfisisisPK
I IK " '"". ivBW HlililHUsKuaHiJiililHililiHilililflililiHi
ffffBiiiiVflHr''Siib- liiiHasiiK 1 BiSiiiV f 91 flflUH&iiiVkiisn&iiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiliiiiiiVI
fffffaiHwB aBaV WiiBllBV99HiKfBiikBiiliiiii
v jHP' "'jJuiJII MM BiBBIiBiB nu rvxot i-vci:
ouca. or
u tin? altovc photograph are plct-on-.l
(Jcorge I., tbo ICIug of the,
Ilrllftif, who won osssMlnitcd on
Miri'h IS at Haloulcn, tin- ( liy lie had
Junt wrefied from the Turk at tbo
head of a Iclorlom nrui); lit wife,
tjuecu Ol.i. nt:d a view ut thu lloyul
I'nlartt at Tulol. ,
NHW YOHK. March 21 -At 11
oVIoek loday H. 8. Hrooks, general
commercial hUHrintcmlcnt of the
American Tolcphono and Telegraph
company issued the following state
ment "Although this company has suf
fered heavily by the tornntlo, we have
hail one wiro working out of Omnha
since 5:10 o'clock (eastern time) this
morning. To this hour is seems to
be the only wiro working out of the
btricken 'ity.
"Wo liftvt been besoigod with re
quests for even a few moments to
of this wire but wo have turned it
urer to tho United Press exclusively,
ou tbo theory, that through its chan
nels, the news will reach every sec
tion of the country and the govern
ment officials nnd tho executives of
adjoining states, who can tako pro
per action.
"Wo hnvo even set nsido our own
desires to communicato more di
rectly with our own oop!o. In the
hour of distress such ns this tho
puhlio is entitled to consideration
nhend of any conimcrcinl needs."
PORTLAND, Ore., March 24.
Cold weather continued prevalent
throughout tho Northwest today, al
though tho temperature nnd storm
conditions nro gradually moderating.
Rain nnd snow in many parts of tho
Northwest prevented tho usual dis
play of Kaster fiuerj- yesterday,
KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 24.
Found in n side street with his head
batercd, nt the conclusion of the
trial,. C. C. Spongier, n member of the
third trial jury "in tho enso of Dr. B.
C. Hyde, accused of killing Colonol
Thomns II. Swope, is dead hero to
day. Tbo jury fnilcd to ngreo on n ver
dict but it is beliovod llio assault
was tho outcome of tho trial.
Tho National Print Cutters, asso
ciation of America will convene nt
York, Pa., on April 20,
W7i, iiiHlBmifaiH
O V1I-IISMVI liinriiiBlri lll I in
-r . raoUNo IMLLtU
KltV tiliOKGrC oi aTcexcu
T -
.UCKSONYILLK. Ha., Mnrch 24.
Three jtcrsoits wero killed nnd
twenty-two injured in a cyclone
which swept llonifny, Florida, last
night, according to rctorts received
here today.
Alabama wns also swept by the
cyclone. Mo-t of the wires in that
state are down, ami delaiU have not
been received.
DBS MOINES, Iowa, March 24.
Telegrams received hero today state
that the town of Hag Springs, Mo.,
with six hundred inhabitants, wns
swept by storm. Five bodies have
already been recovered, several arc
missing nnd many injured. Several
churches nnd ten residences wero de
stroyed. EIGHTliTDEi
LINCOLN, Neb., March 24. Re
ports received hero this afternoon
say that eight jersons met death in
a cyclone which yesterday practical
ly destroyed Herlin, Neb., five miles
southeast of hero. Ncbraskn City is
the nearest town to Rerlin but the
roads between tho towns nro impass
able. Only n church nnd ono resi
denco wero left standing in Dcrlin.
Despondent becauso ho nccidently
inflicted knife wound upon com
panion during a souffle Sundny. af
ternoon, Lloyd Wilgamott, aged 10,
shot himself shoitly nfter tho noon
hour today, ju-t below tho left
shoulder. No serious consoquences
nro expected.
Young Wilgamott is employed in
tho tailoring establishment of W, W,
Kifcrt on West Main streo. Do re
turned from lunoh today nnd shortly
after Mrs. Collins, the mother of tho
boy injured in a scufflo with Wilga
mott Sunday, eutorcd and loft Irer
son's trousers, moro or less blood
stained to bo cleaned. Wilgamott
then took n .32 calibre shell, wrap-
OMAHA, Nib.. Mnrch 24 Follow
log in u list of the known dead here
ns a result of the cyclone whieh
struck the city lust night:
Mabel Mcnride.
Nels Larson.
Walter Peterson.
Sam Dcnguler.
T. II. Norris.
Henry Cooper, lineman.
Chauffeur for Thomas Flynn.
Mrs. F. F. Fitzgerald.
-M. I'-Kclpwjan" sister."!",
Mrs. Henrietta Orieb. Sj'lV
Clarence Cady, 14.,
Jean II. lWoks, real rtnla dealer.
Jessie Jepson, 10.
Fred Henz.
Mrs. A. Hinzmnn.
Mrs. F. O. Ooodnuiijht. .
John Doyle.
A. Hanson.
Mrs J. P. Hog-.
Mrs. E. A. Sawyert S
Jason L. Oarisoo.
Geo. flivof.
John Greener.
Two infant children.V
Morris Christiansim.
Mrs. Front Davis.
Mrs. Sullivan.
A. J. Peek.
Unknown man killed by flying
Mrs. Ida Newman.
Miss Friedn Hulling.
Sum Ililey.
Thelrun, baby nt child saving in
stitution. Cynthia, baby blown out of child's
saving institution window.
Mrs. II. li. Vnndevnn.
Unknown woman.
Six unidentified men taken from
ruins at Twenty-second and Iake
tieorgo Duuanc, advertlstnt; solic
itor. Clifford DjiiIcIs, wlfo and two
small daughters.
Helen Downs.
Mrs. U, Davis.
C. V. Copley.
J. 11 Nichols.
William Fisher.
Bert H. Fields.
A. n. Stanley.
Andrew Heudrlckson,
Henry D. Leavelt.
Miss Haas.
Killed at ttalston, Nob.:
(Continued on page 3.)
ped a picco of leather nbout it and
inserted it in a .38 revolver. He
then wnlked out to tho wood shed
in tho rear of the shop and shot
himself in tho shoulder. Ilo rushed
hack into tho shop, culled to Mr,
Kifort that he had shot himself and
fell. Tho ambulance wns cnlled nnd
tho boy rushed to tho hospital. It
is not helioved that his life is in dan
ger unless infection follows,
Mr. Kifort stntes thnt Wilgamott
seemed lo bo worrying during tho en
tiro morning, culminating when the
trowsors camo in. Tho boy ovidently
held himself to blamo for tho acci
dent to Collins nlthougli ho wns uot
blamed by Collius or witnesses.
175 Injured and 145 EuHrftofS De
stroyed Thousands of Howifos
People Being Fed (n School Hoitsoo
by City Freaks of Storm
Many Towns Report Death and Oe-struction-r-lnsanB
Refufto Fljhts
Rescuers Mother Made Maniac
TEnitB HAUTE. Intl., Mnrch 24
Up to noon today twenty bodies bad
Ix-en removed from tho wreckagn
wrought by yesterday's tornado, and
it is now estimated that the total
dead here will reach thirty. 150
were injured nnd 130 homes wrecked.
The cyclone took n northeasterly
course against Terre Haute, razing
buildings nnd putting the electric
light plant out of commission. Tho
city was' in darkness nfter the storm
last night bat very little looting wns
reported. Hundreds of citizens vol
unteered to aid the police in patrol
ling the streets, and their offers were
accepted. All the public schools
have been turned'into hospitals.
Other Towns DeMrpyciiV .
Keport.s received hero toilay say
thnt many were killed by storms in
Heath Vigo county. While it. was
reported there had been fatalities in
Perth, Inter advices sny no one was
Prairieton, n villago of 400 wr
sons six miles from here, was de
btroyed by cyclone. It Ls impossible
to lenrn the fatalities there ns tho
roads nre impassable.
At noon tho city fed 1000 home
less peopte In two scboolhouses.
Thero aro IS corpses In tho raorKuo
and 1?G Injured In tho hospitals.
Rescuers aro dlxglne In tho ruins of
many homes and expect to find mora
Ono Insano rcfuRoo fought his res
cuers. A mother was found Btandlnr
In tbo rain beside her two children
and asked tho rescuers not to wake
her baby. Unknown to her, ono ot
her children had been disemboweled
by falling timbers, and tho other was
suffering from fatal wounds In Its
Known Dosil Hero Are:
Mrs. Fred King nnd baby.
Moses Carter.
Mrs. Moses Carter and baby.
Mrs. Tully.
Miss Hell. 12.
Unidentified woman.
Charles Edwards, 8.
Jeff Fox.
Neal Yeager.
Charles Davis.
James Urown.
J, U. Ilouck,
Four unidentified mon.
Fatally Injured:
Mrs. Leonard Stern and day old
baby. k
Mrs. Catherine Loudeu. , ,
Rceso Louden.
Mrs. Flora Woods and baby,
OMAHA. Neb.. March 24. B, It.
Flold, an Invalid, was caught In th
wreckago ot his homo. Ho was ex
tricated, but died flvo minutes later.
Tho home ot Mrs. James Byrnes
was demolished, but she escaped un
hurt. Nathan Stevens and 13 other
membors ot his household fled to the
cellar and escaped unhurt when bl
houso waB wrecked.
Mrs. Leo Utt was taking a bath
when tho storm broke. Hearing the
rumbling she jumped from the tub .
and fled fro mtho house unhurt. Tha
houso was wracked,
, ?