Bringing Up " , - ' JT 1 "" MOW OtTAq -Till, IT ' V . . I Wl'MUffO" l ' MAtl DOU'j Atf THINQ VOU 1 ll A CO'oTOr j I , V i- 'MPAW u' --' ' CAKROr tour CLOTHE UCAK 'MOW HX 1 ArWffi,- -v tu S?w .T SWlPR,tt j ' V J lOUhOWSW j YEWILL,; "tS? ' y ' r ' ( 1 ( afavor? y. r J - v Q ( O6WTV0U ' ,0 ALLmHT V. '2LJ 1 afffe LXpk ' WHA"" 1 ftC& VS t"TR0H . j. WCT V' ' J ""TN ' y E 10 SEE OF The play (Mllml "Tim Mishap of Minerva" was given on Thursday night, Msrrh 20, In Phoenix high mihonl hull to it largo and aiirm-l the nudloiiro. Mr. Vance nml a num ber of Medford people furnished t li. music, lint piny was n great sue ct. It will mi miMittil In tint IiIkIi ttolnml Imll, Jnokntinvlllo, ni'tt KrhUy, Mareli 2H. Tlio fallowing It ttio onxt of cliftr nplnm: Mortimer J. Hltirllnc .. Hny Vwit VlcWr llrown Ilrt Htnnrllff llnrry Htiumioii tiny IIUIiop llnrnon llnrry ltinnuH Mlko Klinnnon ..(IcorcK Warmutli .Mm. I.)Hi Hlcrllni: Leila Jolumnn Mlnorvn Hterlluc -DnrU Mucnrn Clara KtorllnK Mlrt Ilocraft Molly . .. Illa Clark Hollo llrnntly Ollyo DavU Mrw. WrlKht I. llllun Wnrniotlt .MIm riiliuiT . .. Illftnch Kitllor Mn. Jrtinlo Van Di'iuru Hpnykcr A l'ornonRt FIRST LIMERICK TO REACH WHITE HOUSE t i olllvr1lV w.. -..i. i tr. IlilOllldllliiHi iiniiii .. - ! t !. . I II I I wiciii wootintw iikoii joiinv "iniirn oor llm llit l.itiii'rirl; to r'iirli the Wllilo lloiui) nilieil liin 0((tlilint.V. It iiniiio fmin T. l Martin of Itiiffulo who pn)xv4iw liIniKi'U" n "iiKint of Dm liumriok wnilly." It follew: "Slil H mini of N'inv JiTMiy iihiiiviI Wooiliow, Tw grMl lii of Into I uttro coulil ow, Hw U now m I Im oar, iMioti'liinK out fiom th Mliorc, I'rovInK Im Minly lit" I'oulil nml Woiolmw." to cum: a coi.u in em: dav. Tnko LAXATIVi: HltOMO Qulnlno Tahlnti. DniUKUU rnfuml money If It (alii to euro. j:. W. OUOVIVH Hie nnturo It on unch box. 25 centi. OltlM.VA.N'Ci: XO. Tilll. an oimi.VANan HKnuiiATiNo Tin: TYI.VO OH CIIKCKINO IIOHSK8 IN TUB 8TUKMT. Tlio City of Moilfont iiulh onlnln ah follow : Hcntlnn t. It nhnll ho unlawful for nuy iiomon to loavo ntniulliiK In tho fltroon or .Aroilfonl nny horao or toom, niili'itH tlio Hnnnv U liltclii'd to or tli-d to ruck or post, or (Attuned to n woIbIii nttarluM to a trnn or chain ami to tho hrldlu or halter, or faHtfiiuit to tho wMRon or vohlclo hy choi'k or Hnap no Hint tho wild v hlrlu cannot h movotl oxcopt with thn IIiiph no faittuneil, Hrctl6lt 2. Any jioihoii vIoluthtR tho forcKoliit? onllnnnco hIiiiII ho iloomcd millty of a mlidoinennor and upon conviction thermit, hIiiiII ho fined not li'n than Three, nor mor& than Twnnty-flvo dollnrri. Section U. All ordlnaurca and vnrtH of ordlntinceN In conflict huro with nro liuroliy ropenlml, Tho foreKoIni: ordinance wb pnHed on tho IKth day of March, lOlll, hy tho followlnK'Votoi I'orter, nyo; Mitchell, nyo; Cninpholl, nyoj Hiownrt, nyo; Millar, nyo; Huinnior vjllo, nyo, Approveil March 18, 1913. AtteHt: W. W. HIPKIIT. 12. T. KOHS, Mayor. City llocorilur. Hl'.MMONH. In tho Circuit Court of tho Slsto of OiuKou Tor tho County of JnuUnou. Nelllo Htllei). I'liilntlff, vh. I.nwronco Htllen, Defcuilnut. To l.awrenco fltlloH, tho nhovo-nnmod defeudnut: In tho iinmo of tho Btnto of Oro Kou, you fo liorolty eominiinded to nppimr and niiHwor plulntlff'H conl- plulut on fllo In tho niiovo outitiuii Court, on or Iniforo six wnolt from tlio d.tto of tlio flrHt puhllcntlon hot of, tho dnto of nnld flrnt publication hpliiK ftiarcn -a, iwi.i, nun mu omo of tho liuit puhllcntlon IioIiik May :i, 10 HI, nml If you mil no to uppimi mill niiHwor, plaintiff will demand tlio rollof nrnyoil for In tho com Ulnlnt, tn-witi For n docreo of thin epurt (llHBOlvlilir tho innrrlivKO eon trnut now oxIhIIiik bntwoon pliilntin und dofondnut, nud for hucU otligr. Father and furlhor relief im to equity nlmll' kcoiii meet. Thin mumuonH Ih piihllilied by an thorlly or nn order of tho nhoto entitled I'Oiirt, made and entered on tho Slut tiny or March, 1 U 1 3 . by lion. K M Cnlklii. JiiiIro thereof. h'lmt pulillcAtlou March 22, 191.1. I.nnt publication May .1, lUKI. IIOl.llltOOK WITIIINOTO.Vi Attorney for I'lalntlfr. I.V llA'NKIU'lTt'V. Xi7."2afl." In tho Dldtrlct Court or tho Cnltod Hlatm for thn District of Orecou. In tho matter of I) I. Keller, n bank rupt. To tho creditor of I) 1,. Keller, of MrsUonl. Oregon, u bankrupt; You nro hereby notified that on thn I'Jth day or March. A. 1). 1913, 1). Ii. Keller, or Med ford, OrcKOU. wai duly ndjudned bankrupt, and that tho tint meetlnic of thn creditor or nnld bankrupt will be hold at tho office of tho tindoralRned, In roonm 20:: over tho Jurkion County llauk bulldlnc In tho City or MciUonl, Oro koii, nt tho hour of 2 o'clock p. in. on Friday, tho 4th dny of April, A. I). 191.1, nt which tlnio and place the credltorw may attend, provo their clnltnn. elect n trustee, DMinlno tlio bankrupt, order a wile or thn prop erty or tho bankrupt, nud traimnrt nuoh other hiulnomi an may properly como before tald nicetlui;. Dated nt Mcdford, In vald DlNtrlct, on thin 2 lit dny of March, A. I). 1913. ritANK j m:vmas. Iterereo In Itnnkriipicy. ATrriTniiiTitM iTS'iTunrv isa In tho Dbitrtct Court of the United Hlute. for the Dlttrlct of Ori'Kon. In the matter of J. 11. Cnxey, bank rupt. In bankruptcy. I will receive nealed bids for tho itook or merchnndlun ronnlnlliiu prin cipally or itrocerle or the Inventory value of JIOM) Cr. nnd of atock or furplture nnd flxturej of the Inven toiy value or $&ri SO. up to nud un til 12 o'clock noon on tho 31t day or March, 1913. Suld property lin ing formerly the property or J II. Cniioy or Anhlnnd. OreRon. nnd now coutnluvd In u ntoro room formerly occupied by nnld J. II. Catey In tho city of Avhlnnd. OrvRon. A certl fletl check for 10 per cent of tho amount offered mint nccompny each bid. Hnle will bo Hiibject to tho npprovnl of the rourt. Tho Inventory mny Im neon nt tho office of tho underHlRiied over the Jnrkxon Conu ty hank In tlio city of Medford, Ore Ron, und tho Roods may bo InHpccted by upplyluK In the uudemlKned. Dated March 19. 1913. YVII.I.IAM UI.HICII, rrunlee ' u'l'U'li I'ull sLU'klt ilili.i. Notice ,U lioruby r.Uon that tlu undersigned will receive scaled bids for K-lurh lateral sewers on 1'nsl Ftoreuth street, from l'ortland no to Ashlnnd nvo . nud on Oak stiuet. from n point 150 ft. north of Second st. to Knight St., according to speci fications on fllo with tho City ltv rorder und City KiiKlueer. All bids must ho ni'compnnled lv certified cheek, equnl to flvo ner rent (G per cent) or tho bid, nud must ho tiled with thn Kccordor iot Inter than flvo (5) p. in., March , 1913. l'XMHIl T. F08S, Hccorder of tho City of Mod ford, Oregon. - Dated March 19, 191.1. nsnrTrTrninnii-.ri"irt,,iuNi8 Notice Ih hereby given thnt thn Town of 1'hrIo I'olnt, In Jucksou count), Oregon, hereby offera for sale $10,000,00 or Its negotiable coupon bonds duo In ten yenra with Interest nt six per cent paynblo oml nuuunlly, suld bonds being In denom inations or 1000.00 each or such fraction thereof uu mny bo conve nient. Healed proposals will bo re ceived for tho purchnso or said bonds or nny portion theroor by tho under signed nt nuy tlnio boforo March 29, 1913. nt 7 o'clock I M. All proposals must bo accompanied hf certified chock drawn on same ro ltnblo bank or Oregon for 5 nor cont of tlio nmount bid, Tho uamo to bo forfeited providing tho bidder If hli bid Ik accepted fiillH to purchase said bonds within thirty iluyn nfter being notified of tho nrcoptnnco of his bid, In uccorduncu therewith nud to bo returned to said bidder In case mild bid U not accepted. Tho Council reserves tho right to reject nuy nnd nil bids. Dated March 15, 1913. .1, V. MelNTYHB. Hecorder or tho Town of Knglo I'olnt. FOlT "UKNT 1?UUNIHHI'l AITS. von lllONT (i.ronm modern aimrt mont, sloping porch, rmigo In npnrtiuont, water paid. Imiulro 810 Houtn Onkdalc 317 IfolF lnTFlTSTiTnnior vntea begin April 1 nt tliq Ilorbon. Kvorythlng now 5 prlvnto bath, laundry, etc.; complotoly furnished npnrtmonts. 10 quluco st, MTJDTTOTID 1MTJJ TRTOPNTC. FOlt HUNT I'UUMHIIKn 1IOOMH FOft ItliNT Lnrco Meoplni:, rooms, nud modern hoiu'ikeopliiK apart incntH, prlcon very ronnniinblo, I'hono 1020-h. 222 South Holly direct. FOlt lti:NT Nlco modern rooms with board at Mrs. Fay'a, 22 Oenovu Avo. 1011 Jlip.NT Modern rurnlshed roonm at the CottnRO, G04 10th St., two blocks south Madford Hotel. Hot nnd cold water In rooms. Mrs. II. M. Com. 313 FOH ItHNl lUM'HHH FOlt IH:NT Heven room houKO, sleopltiR porch, rnnpo In house, water pnld, $15. Inqulro 810 Bouth Onkdalc. 317 FOlt KENT Modern seven room house, lth sleeping porch. W. II. Kvcrhard, 1013 W. 9th. FOK HUNT One modern 5-rootn house, onn -l-room house, both on paved street. 51K Houth Onli dnle. 310 FOlt HUNT Furnished C-room house, water rent paid, 1 25. Clb King st. 'Oil HUNT Hirnlshed house, rloae In. M. A. Ua.ler. at M. F. & II. Co. FOlt ItKNT 3-room modern home, furnished. Apply 722 West 1 llh nt. FOIl ItF.NT A well furnished 5 room bungalow, with steeping porch. 211 Laurel st. Key nt It. C. Kentuer's, r.OO W. 10th. Telo phono 73 Ashlnnd. FOH ItKNT - -1 room house, SToO per month. Cold Hny Henlty Co. FOH HKXT- 10 room house roar of Farmers & Fruitgrowers bank, unliable for business, real cstnto. bunrdlug or rooming house. Gold Hay Keolty Co., Gth und Fir sts. FOlt KENT MISCI'MaXFOCH FOH r.i:ASlV--Onrden Iniul In Moif ford for lenso on Hhsres. water nnd seed rurulHhed. Addrosa D. H.. Tribune. FOH ItKNT - KnnrhoB, lnrgo nnd Kiunll. uUnira and garden lauds (lold Hny Henlty Co., Cth and Fir FOIl ItKNT .10 room furnished hotel on percentage, (lold liny Henlty Co. NEW TODAY A Imrfy wniiiri to cjlctinupe j;ool lioiiht vnluftl nt $1800 for htock nml lent of n rnttelt up to this nmount. A nooil 'J2 room liouso in Medfonl hriuginj; in n giuul income U offered for n )roperly of like vnlue in south ern Culifomiu. Ynlno $7000 clear. A Reed 10 room Iiohho Fully fur iiishcii in lteillnnds, Tul., right close lo ImiinfM tlislriet is offerctl for n rnneh near Medfortl, vnlueil nt $8000 'J 10 nurcs, bonrin; three million ft. of timber, house, bum nml jiood or chnnl, nml close to school, if offered for $10.00 per nere, l'lueo luys in tlio upper lloguo Hlvcr locnlity. Will tnko u good tcmn in pnrt pnymeut. Houses for rent. C. D. HOON Hnoui t'J Jackson County llauk lllilg Phono (mark It in your book) 1037-J WORTH WHILE Htrlctly inqdenv bungalow locnted In best resldonro part of city; living room M18, dining room 13 1-Ux t7 1-2, don 12 1-2x1 1, two bedrooms 1'JsU, cabinet kitchen 12 l-2x I, bathroom 0x10, laundry ruom txS, screen porch In rear or liouso 10x32; living room, dining room mid dou finished with beam ceilings nnd ve neered paneling, bnlauco of rooms plastered nnd tinted; bathroom mid light fixtures nro tho very best; fine lawn nml floworn; east front; paving utid nil special Improvements paid In full. 1'iico $-11100 on llboral torui. Flvo room modern buugnlov ou lot 50x100, ciiHt facing, paving, nnd nil special Improvements paid In full. 1'iico V-135; $300 cash, balance monthly, l'nst lacing lot nine 53 lti-1. cower nnd water In. l'rlco $225. Money to loan on ronl estuto se em Ity, BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. fRDTOIlD. OWKOON, SATURDAY, MAVCU 22, 101fl, safeMwafkM FOH RBNT tarxo, comfortnblo or rieo rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot end cold water. Iaiw rates. Apply Medrord Furnl turo k Ililw. Co. FOIl HAMv UXDS FOH Medrord property, 10 ne.-es, Hlvorstdo Groves, 22 ncros Hlvcr sldo droves, 13 lots In Long Iieacb, 200 acres, alfalfa ranch; 8 acres 5 miles east of I'asarlenn; 12 1-2 acres noar I'nsadcnn: S room mod ern resilience Han Jose, and sv eral other properties in California. Write. Inclosing stamin. h. N Judd. 309 FOH HA1.K 23 acres In WHIamctto volley, one-qunrtcr mllo or Ilrowns vlllo; small orchard, well fenced; Ideal land; $150 per acre; 3 acres In cholco res fd on co district or city, sot to clover; a bargiln. S. C. Coorgo, Medford. FOIl HALK Handles, aero tracts, town properly, from $5 per nm. upwards on 5 ami 10 years tlnio. Cold Hay Itsaltjr Co., Hlxth and Fir. FOlt" 87LKIUd"lrniulsbinent SO homestead, 5 nil. from Woodvllle 3 ml. from It. It. station In Hoguo Hlvcr valley, 2-room house, gran, ary, barn, two chicken houses, ono homo, ouo spring -ungon, doublo bnrneM, small to), furniture. 40 chickens, 12 In cultivation nnd fenced, best .land; two acres slashed; 40 acren nil lold ran bo farmed, bahinco In timber nnd nasturo land: closo neighbors; good wngon road Frlce $750. fieo owner nt room 21 Jackion Coun ty Hank building 310 FOH SALK ACHF.AGK FOH SALI-llnnch, cheapest In Hogue valley; S acres, two blocks from paVod streets or Grants Pass; six room house, hot and cold water, bath, electric lights, two wells, barn, horso, buggy, farm Imple ments, cow, chickens, good sublr rl gated soil, partly In young bear ing pear nnd npplo trees; finest location In valley; faces Pacific highway, also continuation, of North Second street; by owner. $5000. C W. Johnson, routo 1, Grants I'nta. Orc 310 FOIl SALtt IIOUSKS FOH SALK 1.90 reot"1frontago Da kota avenue, 150 feet ofr Now, town; 80.5 feet deop; will divide, l'rlco ror all, $900. Address G. H.. Tribune. 32" FOH BALK A modem liouso. every convenience In It thnt you can think of. Full concrete tile drained basement containing hot water heating plant, stationary wash tubs and toilet. Three bedrooms, sil ting room, dining room, bath room nnd kitchen. Floors all beautiful quartor-sawed oak. Dining room and sitting room p&nolled, nullt-ln buffet, fireplace, cement walks and auto driveway. No. 41 lions court. ' l'rlco $4000. Will tnko small pay. uieiit down, balance like rent If you wish. 8eo L. 'E. Wakcman, I'ostofflco block, or any real es tate dealer. FOH SALK OH HKNT Now 5-room modern house, full basement; also 4-room homo. C2S West l'nlm St., IH blocks west of. North Oak Ualo. 321 C-HOOM house, modern In ovory wny. Two (Ireplncos, hardwood rioora; In very best neighborhood. Flno grounds. Nover boon occu pied. Cost ot house, $4000; unin cumbered. Will oxchnngo for ncro ago or sell. Seo owner, J, O. Dames, First Natl. Hank bldg. KOU SALK V rivo room modern homo dose In on a lnrgo lot with barn. "Wo ask only $1300 ror this nnd you can buy It with $100, cash and only $15 per month. Don't yii8to your rent money, Invest It In thin bargain unit uia nomo is vouiB. K. S. Tinny, uarnott-coroy bldg, 310 FOH SALK--I room house nnd lot $700, $100 cash nud $15.00 poi month. Gold Hay Henlty Co. FOR SALE Furnished liouso on quarter blocks CG0 ncres of land; ousy terms, Call or address owner, H. M. Cobs, C01 West Touth street, Medford, Ore, 321 rou itKXTT-orncr-s for hams mibci'.mam:ou help waxtkd fkmams - ,"" J ?. . . , ': -, ' ,"". FOH BAM:Two No. 1 cows. Cot tngn Hill, near IloosevelL C. F Monnlch. 310 FOH BALK Two good work teams and ono No. 1 span driven. Call 22-F-2.1, Jacksonville, or address Miles Cantrall, Itiicb, Ore. 315 FOH SAL Cernian coach Btolllon, weight 1500 lbs., ago 8 yennt. l'rlco fCOO. Call on or address Miles Cantrall, Hueli, Ore. 310 FOH SALK Legal blanks, trefspats notices, for salo or rent sines at tho Mall Tribune. FOH 8ALK Letter htafls nna rancy stationery, printed, engraved or oniKosseu, as you wna ai iuo Mall Tribune, FOH HALK Team, weight 1200; harness, wagon, at a bargain. Owner moved to Bcattlc. must sell. Inqulro or W. M. Tctherow, H mllo webt Central I'olnt depot. 310 FOH SALK Lcaso on lG-acro pruno orchard. All work tinlshoj lo date. O. I)., Tribune. 312 FOlt SALK 1400 lb. mulo team with wagon and harness $175. Tel. 403-K-2. 310 FOlt SALK Poland-China hogs, all ages. Alfalfa hay. Two-row corn planter. Two horso corn culti vator. Seed potatoes. Ucrkelcy Orchards. I'hono l-F-21 FOH SALi: Karly Sunrise nnd Un cle Sam seed potatoes. E. W. Carl ton, Contra! I'olnt; phono Farm ers 111. 322 FOH SALE Home grown alfalfa seed nnd alfalfa hay at tho Public j Market und my ranch. V. n. Har ris. Central Point, 314 FOR SALK Calling cards, printed, engravod or embossed at the Mall Trlbuno office. FOR bALK Pair 7 r. Clydes; black horso and sorrel mare; rust, steady team; 3200 pounds, wagon and harness. Oak Vale Orchards. Hoguo Hlvcr. or 721 Hoard of Trade, Portland. 317 FOR SALK Fruit box labels In one two or three colors, printed as you order at the Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALK Loose leaf lodger sys tems, any stylo or mado to order by tho Mall Tribun6 bindery. FOR SALK neardless barley hny. Phono 20-J-4. A. W. Stone. FOR SALK Fresli cows, two Jer seys 3 nud 4 years old with regis tered blood. Phono 500-H-2. 310 FOR 8AI.K Two 10-hotso, ono 5 horse. one 3-horso electric motors with starter nnd transformer. Hubbard llros. 331 FOR SALK Shade trees, two years tilil Catollna poplars, very fast growing, 40c each. 512 S, Oak dalo ave. Phono 123-11. 364 FOR HALK FOULTKT AND KGGS FOR SALK Cholco Unrreil Ply mouth Rock cockrol (Hawkins Royal llltio strain); nlso eggs ror hatching nnd Uarrcd Rock and Whlto Leghorn chicks. Enoch Crows, Santa Cruz, Cal. 314 FOR SALE Puro bred Barred Rock eggs, $1.50 por 15; $2.50 per 30. M. B caro Trlbuno. G04 Plum u.. FOR SALK Fancy uronxo turkeys, molout ducks, molout nnd runner duck eggs, aloniBt new rubber tired buggy nnd two-horsw cultivator. Robt. Dutton. FOR SALK Indian Runner duck eggs. Phono 5-F-2. 311 FOR SALK Settings ot Whlto Wy nndotteB nnd Whlto Leghorns. Phono 539-J-3. II. O. Stollte. 315 KGGS for hatching, puro brod Ply mouth Rocks, $1.50 por 15; Ham burgs, $1.00 per 15. 713 West Tenth street: phono 13S-R; In spection solicited. 317 FOR SALK Hatching egga rrom pen ot trap-nosted Crystal Whlto Orpingtons. Some 200-egg bona In this pen. $3.00 ror 15. or $3.50 ror 30. Myrn Fuller, Siski you Holghtn. Phono 5181 311 HELP WANTED FKMAI..K WANTKI) Roflnod woman pnrtnet for small, select boarding liouso; closo In location nnd boarders se cured. No capital necessary. Ad dress X. Y. .., caro Mall Trlbuno. 309 By George WANTKI) Kxperlcnccd general housework girl; four In family; country homo five miles from Med rord, near Central Point; good wages. No ranch cooking. Ad dress Dox 8.8, care Mall Tribune. 309 WANTED Girl ror general house work. Cll West 10th st. Mrs. Win. Dodge. 311 WANTKI) MISCKLIfclMCOUS WANTED A listing on your prop erty. I can handlo $100,000 worth of property If the price Is right. What havo you for exchange or salo -.. Hare money to loan or wlllake up your mortgage or deterred payments. f-jj? J. C. Dames. 1st Natb Dansrbldg Wir WANTKI) I wish to buy 5 to 7 room bungalow or heuse: must be mod ern nnd price right. Address Box 14 caro Mall Tribune. 303 WANTED Ranch, within 10 miles or Mtdford. Describe, ulvo location and price. Address Box 12 care Mall Trlbuno. 309 WANTED 1350 pound rarm team or single work horse; nlso ex change small tract In three-ycni old pears, with or without build ings for bungalow In Medford. Ad dress K. P. X., caro Mail Tribune. SSI WANTED A Troth milch cow. Tele phone 672, It 4. WANTED TO BUY Beer cattle, stock cattle, calves, nil kinds, sheep, hides, wool, etc Bob Crowder. phono 1029-W. 3 IS WANTED To .buy 10 to 40 acres Incomo orchard. Box N. II.. Trib une. FOR KXCHAXOU FOR SALE OR TRADE One 40 horsepowor Rambler nutomobllo In good shape, will trado ror any thing of equal value. Address A. W. Guthrie. Murphy, Ore. 324 FOR TRADE Ten acres or good or chard land to trado for automo bile Joss Wright, Central Point. Ore. 309 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO" SPRING" CO. Our big secret in making springs Is tho tempering. We are operating tho largest, oldest nnd best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Bold undor guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St.. Portland. Ore. Attorneys C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank bldg., sec ond floor. PORTER J. NEKF. WM. V. MEALEV Attornoys-at-Law. Rooms 1 and 2, Postofflce bldg. A. E, REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attornoy and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street. Medford, Oro. Accountants D. R. WOOD Gonornl Accountant Your books nudlted and Kept lor a reasonable figure; your busluoss solicited. Offlco, Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg.; phone 611-11-2; ros Idonco phono 637. Typewriting TYPEWRITING Mnnusyrlpta re vised, copied and placed for sale. Legal copying, letter dictation to machine, multlgraph of ull classes quickly tlono, Lillian A. McMillan, Phono 133-lt. PXOTB SBVBtf. McMantis . . i ' MMMHWI A1m tract KOOUH IHVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO., No. 6, South Central: Chiropractor DR. R, J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, ncrvo. specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Garnntt-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; advice In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydroptherapy Lady at tendant. Pbonc, office 945, res! donco 571-11. DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Loulso E. Hedges, Mechano - Therapists, Chiropractors, Spondylotheraplsta. These systems, Including dietetics, curatlvo gymnastics, bydro-ther-aphy, etc, produce resultB In both acute and chronic diseases. Con sultation free. 230 North Bartlett St., oiext deer to M E. church. Hour 8 a, an. to 8 p. n. Other hours by appointment. Phone 417-Jt i . i i : .: -.-!. , , , sl K DeBtttn DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOC Dontluts Oarnett-Coroy bldg., suite 10. Medford, Ore. Phone SG0. Garbage GARRAGB Get your premise cleaned np for the winter. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone 625-L. iP." Y. Allen. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. V are not In the trust. II. B. Patterson. Office removed to offlco Hotel Nash, ln aldo entrance, next to barber shop. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic Bring your work to me at the sign of Tho Malt Tribune. Print cm and Publishers MEFORDPRiNTINO CO. has the best equipped printing otflce In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. Physicians anil Surgeons drfC' a" SuaowT" bitT "e va MAINS OARLOW Osteopathic physicians. 416-417 Garnett-Cerey bldg,, phono 103C-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st, DR. S. A, LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE 8. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 E. Main, Phones, ofHco 867; residence, 814: DR. J. J. EMMENS Pbs!clan and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyea sclen, tlflcally tested and glasses supplied Otrtco 228 East Main St. Hours 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. m. Phono. E. B. PICKEL, M. D, OHIce Jack bou County Bank bldg. Office phone 43-R; resldouco phone 58-R. DR. MARION Physician and sui geon, Stewart bldg., corner Mala and Bartlett sts.; otflce phone 27, resldenco phono 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physi clan and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotol, Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and Burgeon. Phonos, office 36, resi dence, 724-J. orrico hours 10 to 12. 2 to 5. , , . L I .- .11 n.. . I ! I ll" Mil. II DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Phono 904-M. R. J. CQNROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchison &.Lums den, 215 H, Main St. Phono 77. B. KIHCHGESSNER, M. D. Prae tlco limited to chronic diseases. Offlco Hotel Holland, Saturdays 10-3. Both phones. Residence phenes: F.tnnor IGxxS Eagle Point nud Rogue River line. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm blocks Stenographic work done qulvklx and well. 11 ' " ''' " ' ' '' -' ' " ' J '"" Truiircr EADS TRANSFER 8TORACW CO. Office 16 South Fir tt. PhwMi 315. Prices right. SferWe guar anteod. - ' y f '1 v nj v. n v- ia, s j-vM M',iW?, &