Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 21, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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nERMN, March 2LTlint ,n pen
rrsl Hurepefui war la rv rcnl dancer;
tlint this Dtrtiflo will stnri tho mo
ment Bulgaria niitl Hounmnia clash;
that Ihmak in tho firetiratnl of J-Tur-oj;
that Austria a in ihe ln?t ditch
nid enn oottfeilfe no mot, nnd thnt
Germany lias nppointcd the enormous
num. erf 2.,000,000 for military pur
lf (ort mvly lccnnc gho faces possible
milioiinl extinction, were tho remark
nblo xtnlemrnts in nil o hero totlay to
the Uniled Prcw hv 1'rorccjior linns
Delbrueck, Germany's tforcmost his
torian. Germany In Danger.
"Germany is in danger I will oven
ay terrible- danger, the gravity of
which enn linrdly bo exaggerated of
bchtg involved in n war it doe.s not
desire, and is seeking to avoid," paid
Delbrueck. "That danger is Ilussia at
tho present time, not Franco or Eng
land. With tho hopo of averting such
n war, Germany is simply trying to
ninko itnelf strong enough to tnke
Mirk dcfeiiHivo measures as wilt dis
courage starting such n war.
''Under tho spur of the 1'nn-Slavie,
movement, Itussin is pursuing o re
lcutlcftt policy, which if not curbed,
cannot but lead to war. It is playing
a strong hand in the Balkans, It is
(stiffening Bulgaria and Scrvia'
against making acceptable and reas
onably poaca terms with Turkey; stif
fening Bulgaria against lloumania's
demands nnd threatening Roumnnia if
tkc hitter dares go to war with Bul
garia, and, lastly, through its support
of Scrviu nnd Montenegro, has forced
Austria to tho limit of concessions.
Austria's Oincwlon.
"Austria receded from iU jwsilion
on tho Sanjak of Novipazar; Austria
ga,yo up its dream of marching to Sa
lonika; it moderated its just demands
uKn Servia. It gave tip rights to
which it was and is entitled. And
Russian influence pressed on relent
lessly for more. Ilussia massed 500,
000 men on tho German and Austrian
frontiers and today has something
like 1,500,000 men wilder arras
double the size of tho German army.
"Anstria's strength as Germany's
ally has been largely absorbed by tho
new situation in the Balkans. Ger
many must bo prepared to take care
for itse-lf to faeo two ways toward
ItuBsia and toward France, for the
latter would certainly tako advantage
of any war with Bussla, to carry out
its 'revenge.' Were Germany caught
unprepared between two such forces,
it might go hard with us. Further
marc, GCrmany will not and cannot
sco Austria its ally forced to fur
ther concessions.
Itoumanla Can Start It.
Professor Delbrueck declared that
tho danger point was St. Petersburg,
nnd ho regarded tho appointment by
Fraucc of Dclcassc as ambassador to
Husbia as boding ill for tho peace of
Europe, in general, nnd Germany in
"If I?ourannia should go to war with
"Tho big European war would bo
on," replied Delbrueck.
Even should Itushia nnd Austria
partly demobilize, tho hiblorian do
dared it would nffect tho situation
but little us long ns the big questions
remained unsettled.
TACOMA, Wn., March 21. Two
well defined attempt to liiu-riilo pris
oners confined in tho federul tank ut
tho I'icrco county jail, where, Peter
Miller, thu, Seattle convicted burglar
and habitual criminal is quartered
Ayitfi ten othqrs held by tho govern-'
jucnljor various alleged criuui, have
liw'ii .fruulruled during (bo last two
nights by tho combined efforts of
deputy sheriffs nud tho police, it was
earned today-
About 15 o'clock Thursday morning,
Pr, James Carroll, who resides in tho
armory aoross tho alloy from tho pris
on, returning from a professional call,
.discovered a man hiding iu n shelter
iwhiuh had been built over u woodpile
at the rear of tho jnil. Dr. Carroll
notified Jailer Carlson and an investi
gation was mndo. Trucks iu tho snow
showed where a man hud been work
ing about tho window. Pelor Miller's
ocll is nearest to this window.
Lntor iu the day a steel rod nbout
four feet in length and which bud
bsn sharpened was found where the
wan hud dropped it.
lrfst night two men wore discov
ered et the same spot but tlioy wero
Wlhtwied away before tho polico
'etdd Surround and capture them.
- ' i
A vole for the charter amendment
Is n yotp for tho public-, nmrkot.
A thick packet of lettora carried
in nn inside coat pocket saved A, C
Allen from being seriously and per
haps fatally wounded Wednesday af
ternoon when n .22 rifle was acciden
tally discharged. The bullet pene
trated his coat, ten letters nnd a note
book before slopping. A slight blow
was nil that was felt by Mr. Allen.
Mr. Allen had been out shooting
wood-ieckers nud on his return plac
ed the gun on a chair, while ho stoop
ed over to pick up n board. As ho
did so tho gun fell nnd was discharg
ed. The letters checked the course oi
the bullet.
Dr. J. K. Baillie was in Mcdford
Monday on business.
Irn Duulnp is confined to his home
with n sevcro attack of grip.
The Presbyterian choir is prepar
ing n fiuo inuirul program for East
er Sunday. H. Frnmo gave the
"Palms"' iih it bass solo !u.t Sunday.
Mrs. Itobinson of Talent, who has
been sick for the pat two weeks, is
still in n critical conditon. Mrs. Itob
inson is n sister of K. Coleman of this
Tho Parent-Teachers' Association
pave a pleasing entertainment iu the
high school auditorium Friday even
ing. After n program of musical
numbers and recitations light refresh
ments wens served nnd n social hour
enjoyed. Scvcrnl new members were
secured for tho organization.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George Fuller made
a trip to Cottage Grove last Satur
day returning Tuesday evening.
Mrs. A. II. Houston died at her
homo on Fourth street Thursday
morning at l o'clock after n long nud
painful illness. Mrs. Houston, nee
Miss Frances Ellen Moore, was born
April 11, 184H, in Knox county, East
Tennessee. At tho age of 8 she
moved with her parents to Dry Glaze,
Laclcdo cifunty, Missouri. In 1803
sho was united in marriage to Adolph
us Ilyuian Houston. To this mar
riage was born five children, Mrs. J.
E. Robert .nnd Mrs. J. E. Wright of
Phoenix. Mrs. I .1. Kcinlmrt of Port
land, E. E. Houston of Cottage Grove
nnd C. E- Hoiitsdn of Phoenix, de
ceased. She leaves besides her hus
band nnd four children two brothers
and two sisters, John Moore of Kan
sas City and James of Lebanon, Mo.,
Miss E. J. Moore of Phoenix and Mrs.
Margaret Renfrew of Lacledo county,
Mrs'. Houston had resided in Phoe
nix since 1808. Her life was rich in
all those attributes which will make
her remembered by those who knew
her as a good woman, wife nnd
mother. Tho sympathy of tho com
munity goes out to tho bereaved fam
ily, especially to her husband, with
whom she hns lived for nearly fifty
years. Mrs. Houston became it mem
ber of tho Presbyterian church over
thirty years ago. While the arrange
ments for the funeral uro as yet not
definite it will in all probability be
held in Saturday afternoon from the
Presbyterian church.
(Continued from page 1.)
William Hicks and seriously injuring
six otlicrs.
Toledo reported un eighty milo galu
at noon. Heavy damago is also re
ported from many northwestern Ohio
Indiana Damaged,
INDIANAPOLIS, Intl., March 21.
Itcitorlb received hero today indicate
that ovcry taction of Indiana is being
swept by a terrifio gale- At Frank
fort, 0. Vice, u cnlxlnvcr was kiueu
hv u fnlliiiL' roof. A heavy sign fell
at La Fayette, crushing to douth
Henry Walters, iv workman.
Several persons wero injured in tho
gala hero. Tho damage throughout
the state in reported heavy, Tho
Methodist church at Harmony, the
(Irani county courthouse nt Marion
and tho opera house at Greenfield
were wrecked.
Deutlw iii IrfiuMniin.
S1IRKVEPORT, La.. March 21.
Five persons were killed and thirty
injured lust night in a cyclone which
destroyed Saline, fifty miles from
here, a town with a population of two
hundred. Six.ty buildings wero do
molihhcd. Relief trains wore rushed
from hero to the scone.
Funeral Notice
Tho funeral of tho late Mrs. A. II.
Houston of Phoenix will bo held at
the family residence, Phocntx, Sat
urday, March 22, at 2:80 p, ui Rev
Dalllo officiating. Interment at
Plioeiilx romctory.
At the Ms Theatre Friday nnd Sat
urday. '
In spite of tho fact that It will be
close to a year before tho giant hy
draulic may be used from tho high
lino ditch at the Sterling placer initio
a crow of men working there now
are- earning good wages on a per
centage basis, so rich Is tho dirt
hauled from tho higher lords to the
sluices below. Work on the hluh
lino ditch will bo pushed ns rapidly
as possible and within a twelvemonth
tho giants will bo eating up thu dirt.
It tho mine proves ns faithful ns It
has In tho past and lives up to ex
pectations It will no doubt mean fur
ther Investments In tho valley by Its
new owners, S. S. Hullls and sou, of
New York.
Continued from pare 1.)
west of tho Missouri river would be
still. known on the map as the great
American Desert and geogrnphors
would describe tho Pacific coast ns
an unexplored wilderness inhabited by
wild tribes of Iudinns nnd chiefly vnl
unble for its furs and fisheries.
Quote Patrick Henry.
Mr. Mitchell would do well to read
Patrick Henry's sjcech discussing
American declaration of independence
iu which he says: "Tho gentlemen
may cry peace but there is no pencol
Shall we lay supinely on our backs
until the enemy shall havo bound us
hand and footl" Does Mr. Mitchell
mean to say that for tliu sako of
leace, ho would surrender what he
thought was right until an iusqlcut
mnster put nn effectual gag in his
mouth f Ho needed a little of the
spirit of "70" in his veins; but the
people of Medford have the spirit of
"76" and will manifest it tomorrow
when they, voto Yes on tho chnrler
What is the persecution of Millar
started for, just nt this present time!
Only to prejudice voters, hvoryone
knows Mr. Millar as one of tho squar
es t men of Medford whoso motto is
"Xullins addiotus jurnro in verbi nut.
gistri" (Not bouud to swear to the
dogmas of my master.,
The Sun makes a big hurrah be
cause tho mayor's advisory board
stand by the mayor. Is it any proof
of good policy bccniue the son stands
by its father
It the people remember the legacy
bequeathed by our forefathers of
"70" and stand by their rights.
Vote YES on the charter amend
(Continued from page 1.)
diuto relief, predicting lower tempera
tures for tonight.
lUiilioml Traffic KIipnm1.
All railroad trnffio in north and
South Dakota. Minnesota, Wisconsin,
Nebrwtkn, Iowa and Illinois is nt n
standstill and wire communication
with scores of towns and cities in
those slates is interrupted. It is fear
ed that when communication is re
stored many deaths will bo reported.
In North and South Dakota section
men wero still clearing tho tracks
from lust week's blizzard, and to
day's storm is certain to stall more
Several fatalities arc reported in
Ohio and Indiana. A fiiither drop in
the tempcruturo iu the Missouri vul
luy is picdictcd tonight.
Two crsoiiB wero killed at Cold
water, Miv and one killed in each
of the following tewns: Columbus,
Ohio; Scnatohia, Miss.; Alamo, Un
iontown nnd Spring City, Tenil.
A voto for tho chartor amendment
is u voto for tho publlo nmrkot.
FOR BALE A flvo room modern
homo cloeo In on a lurgo lot with
barn. Wo ask only $1300 for this
and you can buy It with ?100 cash
and only flG por month. Don't
waste your rent monoy, Invest it
In ibis bargain and tho homo Is
yours. E. S. Tinny, darnett-Corey
Md!. 31 0
Tho uity uf Ashland today filed
suit in thu circuit couit to compel
Sheriff Siugler to accept pavnienl of
taxes from propeity owners of thai
city without tho general road levy.
The cnio will be heard soon by Circuit
Judge Calkins.
The Ashland cliatler contains u
clnuso which exempts that oily from
the payment of Inxes for general
rend purposes, it is believed that
this clause is uucoutitutionaf, thu
county proceeding in the levying And
collection of a tax. This led to the
filing of the suit todav to definitely
determine the mtitter. Judge Calkins
has promised nn earlv heating.
(Continued from rago 1)
After presentation of ciidcnco hv
tho prosecution this afternoon, the
case was continued until Tuesday.
Political Pri-M'CHltoii.
What his friends denounce as polit
ical persecution undertaken at this
time iu order to influence tho vide at
the special election to bo held Satur
day, culminated Thursday afternoon
in tho arrest of George II. Millar,
councilman from the Third ward, on
n charge of selling liquor to minor!,
"some timo between May, 1011,
and Mnroh 20, lOKI" Mcniio Dnxi-,
a minor signing the complaint
Millar was arraigned before Mayor
Eifert Friday morning, and following
tho filing of n demurrer to the com
plaint by hw attorney, the caso was
continued until this afternoon.
Millar has been one of tho "solid
four' councilmeii who havo voted
against tho mayor iu his efforts to
oust Market Mnster Kuuynrd and City
Engineer Amspiger. Threats to
"whip him into line" nro said to have
been made by Eifert concerning Mil
lar but nothing came of it until tho
grnnd jury met the first of this week.
Then charges itgul-nl Millar for sell
ing liquor after huurs nnd hi minors
were made,' City (Attorney' Hoggs se
curing the wilnrfisert nud appearing
before the grand jury himself against
Millar. The grand jury hits not yet
adjourned or taken notion in tho mut
ter. Friday n number oi high school
boys were subpocuod to appear.
No Aical Possible.
Friends of Councilman Millar de
clare tiio entire proceedings against
him to bo but a method adopted hv
Mayor Eifert and City Attorney Hoggs
to force bun to chnuge las vote on
appointment made by the mayor.
From tho mayor's court, it being n
municipal court, there is no uppenl to
tho circuit court.. If Mayor Eifert
finds him guilty and he witdios to up
leal, a writ of review must be sought
in the circuit court. This makes tho
matter unfair in a caso of this kind,
there being a doubt whether a jury
trial can be secured or not. The
mayor nets both as n prosecutor and
oh a trial judge, inasmuch as tho city
attorney is tho mayor's legal advisor
in all rases,
sizes fj-rjf o Jc
1 f- OC-
Tk new F-v.Ktk Mood. Tin bol
pftiroUlianof the Imnjcweljr pop-lweut.
-way dupe. Hm tl. U" ' wl
LtAUty ct lynmetry wweyi found fa
With Lmocord unbieklU butoaholij.
. GEO. P IDE & CO.
Alio Mak-rs ol hla SHIM
TliOY. M.v.
Official Photographer of the
Medford Commercial Club
Amatour finishing
Post Cards
Panoramic Work
Interior and oxtcrior viows
Plash liglits
Negatives mado any time
and any place by appoint
208 E. Main Phone 1471
t - "- SMLJ g- ! - HI SB i
Consumptives Helped by
Tuberculosis Medicine
tt U folly in I'oIIi'tk llmi (vtmmniillnu
illllrrs Ihiui rifrir Mlirr tllin' In ant
rv'iiililiitt iha im cf m)r inotli lm tvr
lt iniilimtil rr i liumlr t jrmrs
nit rimriimu tun of uilnutiiry nml IMtik-
(llt tlllimutlfll frvM M'-!MI Mll.i I'llllllllor
Hint tlioy iihin t tulr Ihrs In l l.niiui'
Allrrnlhv. it iiii'iIMhi' fur TiiIhtviiIimK
li.m ltit iH'fiimiitallnii, Siiri-lr lchtr uf
tlm In ili'lnnliiOlitlr II. liintliiR rtlili' uii
inn write ti itii of idem, IIpu I oiibi
JVWI rtlrnt.l AiA. I'titA.. lit.
''tlvntli'inriK In llm wlnlrr of IW t
luiil nu nit irk of niliie, (illownl l
rnriininiil.t nml lulrr ly tYiiMiiittlnit, I
kith nihility turi In I ho wlntrr f
Ust I imit itil iiImM (ttiMlH. fi'trf Mini
raloil tiiiniiiuirn of nwriii . towns ulna"
nmt la I it I tirtel inititr liiinrrlinitt nt
oii( tlmi tlin In llir"- timsaim Onjii
Milk- nml OR IT' lirvmiti' no illilniU'flll I
i-Miilit kri li.'llilus inn Tlir )I
rl.tlt tn-itlnl mr I "in nrilitrti In rtifl
inoiiiilntlK. ImK illit Hot wo I'rktiiilii' AI
tirntlw i m-nmiiiiMKVM liy n rrlrml.
Aflvr I'lMiK it iiihII niMtHllO. I tmil tnt
llrr miiIm i.Wln Im f r r.'l Sly
lmirrriii'iit nn uinrkml fuilll IIh llraf.
I tllmNl liviialli mot Mrlght nml niii.
tllt I nrivr hml NHollifr itiinirilmKtni
m itmnjli irtiKliMttlr JmiiI uiiIII mi.
Iltrlr Knit. I nut Wt(iTtl npll. I trrjr.
tlilltB I mny Iwiv rmt tt trrllliM) iy my
fnmll) iil frltiil"'
oni ,ilitrli ANSI! 1. Lot'tlllltAN.
1'rkmnn' XllrrftttrtJ U KrrMtr tit ItMin
clillt, AntllNtii, llitif IVvft! Tlirwnt nlut
l.itiiK TmiiSh't, nml Iu uphuiiilinir Hint
tlKtrhi, Sjm4 not iuitiiltt ihiImiim nctnli
nr li'itilt.fiitmlitK itrut. Ak for iMmklrt
trilltiK nf rrntrrl nml write in IMiMitti
llitrntary. l'NInlrlililn l' ftr mr l
Umicc. Tor mils t'.r nil Iraillni; ilriiKBlat
Ugly Sons
Quickly Banished
You Marvel How "Worst Skin Krtip.
tlons Disappear as Kesult of
Famous Remedy,
If vru Imro Nn fji "B r -jo tlio.l
truu'J( ecn.c c-uit,c ckl tl svn" fill
It rrint. I m 9. - . i mii.tnu
KTofula tr n.. I tt H. r W l"'t
una uns if wn in ur it A'K t
nny itmK rtirp for Jt " l'tu f
8. 8. It. ami you ra then vtt the rtwl to
hcnlth. Tito iulk4i nf thM rwimrlutWo
rcnuly I Junt Utwrnt. Jiirt a iltlvi,
Juit n rrln In Iu hirtimiioc mi tlwtt
tho mm rt in in iwtat It t o tit
Kioto mro mlh-il rurrw wlilrh nt In
tlio tiIM wtih th aame diwvo t wr
talnty tlwt In foiin.1 In nil ititnil tun
donclM. Tho tnnr In wlilrh It dom
inate otxl control llm, irurtriofluut Iran.
frrmc of rtoh. rail. rira arUflal Uo.l
fur tho Olnwaail reawiw UaoU U mjf
Out throurlt rvary Un porn nel.U.
Knn wkI itttr Ul IfltjHirlllwi arn
fnrcul In the rnrnt ot rmlnlMo triiiwr.
The luniw luealha mit, tho llvar tt
itlmuUtcxI to ron-'uiiia groat rnHir.
Hon of lninirlll. tba atouMctt'amt In
trrtlnca cto to rinhvay btta thu IomI
nt renin tliu catarrt il. ma la rial canm;
tho UtM-fla, klilno-a. Mailar anil nil
munclnrln of thu Nfty ere imtrhalll
Into a nhllnr fnreo to cxiicl evory Ve.
tiira of cmptlvo ilheo.
Thrt la rwurcfly a community nny
arhero hut tthat haa tta llrlnu axnmplo
of llio ytumlvrful ettrtitlvo nAteta of
S. B. tt. Out a Nttttft at thin famoui
remrly tnilny. nihl If your raa la atutt.
Imrn or ix-collor wrlto to Tba Hwlft But
elflc Co.. Jtl Hwlfl llldif. Athtnta. Oa
Their tneOlcol hlboratory M friHtm ami
U coniluctnl by rcnownctl cspctta In
LlooU anJ kin ilUcaJca,
"CUT EBCT th only iMln'tt'iailrwrng ma
Mi i.rlytonUlnaOII. !.kaml I't uiwii4'
nud children lwu iwl !'. ihlnci ttltiuul rub
Un.. "TBrMCH CUISS " lo. .
BNDr"totlilnH"U lot clranlim "Ij"" Mg
alUmiUof raitorUntlii.JJe "STAtt"' .;;.
"OtUtKWHIfCOnliqhlfiirutwI'li'li"' ililrle
lyrU'nutttlllftll'lrctll', lt-tV
-Alio- CU4KS and WHIIIAH rjnri thi. Iu
round hll ckr inckollu atnclln !. !'"
.Iinjf , loc. Inlunibomndtritealumlnuia !(,
tlllt" cmhirlln fr entlmfn vtlio tk
wldl iillD thrtr lui look A I. ItMlnnn w
ana la.tieto All hunt I.or.. ro.itli ttiih m tnwb
orclolh.ifllcrnU. -Bl lUfir'alxa.lUWBK.
I r .ur nur dow n k.. . tin uul uu lUit. u mJw
lb. ilt i n 1 1 mpa ii.r I mil ! r . "ftn ll-l.
20-20 Albany Slrnnt, Oaittbrliloa, naj.
Jill 011-llwd jrri'l ,triilrlrla
Mm J sltiAa in Ut It'olU
As a Lighthouse
is a guide for the
mariner, ao is the
Spalding Trade-Mnrk
a bencon for the buyer
of athletic goods. It
directs him to the har
bor of Quality and in
sures u profitable trip.
Erry hoy who It lntroll In any
form of sthWtle prt aixl txlutt
hoy U nottnlicuM miuI to our
ildrc helow uml uk for a copy
of tlio r.ew t)alline rnlalojut.
Bra tharlcturxa of lutwt tall irooili,
Unnla racl-.tB, ruunlnie lio,
Utlilnir aultii arul othvr 0-nion
alio iorti. Wrlto ImmoitUtcly,
ISO Oenry Street, San Frnnchco
IackI dcalun corry HpaUIn flooOi
To the Voters of the City of Medford
'l'lttt tindoralKiiod, .votir t'Opicsi'itlutivt'H in .llio Cily
Ouiiuoil. Iiollovo Hint a hIuIoiiioiiI of llio nmltcw in mnilro
voroy vi'apot'tiiijr nppoiiituiiMils bi'lwi'on tlinnwolvoH and
tho iMiiyor is thus unl only to tlitMiwolvw, hut lo you na
wqII. t ,
1 111005 a iiiituhor of proiiiiiioiil. eiliziMifl and bualiiow
moil oC aioiironl, in mt'tMidoavof to tako tho olTiotu-H ijnd
oinploycft of tho city out ol' poliiicH and improvo tho pu'lilio
sorvioo wont hoforo tho liOi.slatuio and soourod an niliond
niont to tho Oliartor,
Tho Cliarlor nft so nuiondod pmvldotl that all nou-oloo-fivo
offioors oC llio City Khali ho appointed by tho .Mayor
m( oonfirniod by thu Oounoll. Thoy nro not ap'noinltxl
Tor auv dorinito term, but hold thoir olTlooa until thoy nro
romovod. Tho Chartor Ihon rovidos that tho powor of
Vomoval of auv pciuon from any ol'fioo is vosted oxolu
ttivoly in tho Council. Tho ot'foot ol! this is that tho Mayor
inakuM an appoiutufont Kubjcct to tho Council's oonrirnia
tion whonovor thoro is a vacancy. Hut thoro is no vacancy
unless tho occupant of tho office dies, re.siLMis or is re
moved hv tho Council. Tlio principal object of this pro
vision is'to tako it out of tho power of (ho Mayor to build
up :i political machine and it imposes on tho Council thu
duty of seeing that faithful, efficient officers are not disT
charged for political purposes. -
Tho Charter gives tho Mayor tho power to suspend
until tho next, meeting of tho Council, when tho Council
is to decide whether ho bo removed or not.
This is tho charter under which we wore elected and
under which wo hold office. ;s long as tho matter stands
this wav it is clearly our duty to determine when an offi
cer shall be removed and as long as this is the ease, wo
propose to perform that duty according to our own beat
judgment and we do not propose to bo partius to tho re
moval of efficient officers such as tho .pWMiil. Market
Master and Kmrineer iu order that political friends of
I the Mayor may lie appointed
hnvinir the newer under the
lias been using his power of suspension to accoiuplifh tho
same result. After each Council meeting he u boon us-
pending the officers he wants removed until the next
meeting of tho Council. The result of this in, while he
ins no power to appoint the now man, ho ha thu powor
o keep on suspending the old officer and thereby demor
alize tlio public service.
The object of the Charter amendment whiih has been
proposed is not lo take away from the Mayor thu powor
i f removing officers. He dues not havo that, puivor now,
but to take away from hint tho power of arbitrarily abus
ing the powor he has of suspending an officer and thereby
In effect usurping the power given to t lie Council of re
moval. AVe have no. personal feeling iu this matter. We do
not want to bo engaged in a continual fight and (piarrcl.
Wo want you tt) say whether you want to tako the powor
or saying when an officer should be removed from us and
give it to the Mayor. If that is your wish, wo arts satis
fied. Then if tho present efficiency of tlio City govern
ment is destroyed, if the Market is turned over to an
incompetent ward healer and the City Engineer's office
is made the nucleus of a political machine instead of an
instrument of efficient servico lo tlio City it will bp up to
on and the Mayor. AVo will not be responsible. Hut as
Ion;? as tho charter imposes tho duty on us of determining
when officers are lo be retained and when removed, wo
propose to uso tho powor and perform that duty for tho
best interests of the City and we do not promise to allow
any other offiecr to usurp that power or to deter us from
doing what we consider best. AVe havo no interest in the
retention of any of tho present employes except as wo
are interested in the welfaro of this Cily. AVe owe to none
of them any political debts or obligations anil if you want
us to turn the matter over to tho Mayor and lot him do as
he pleases, vote "No" on the proposed charter amond
inent. . .'l
Jf, on the other hand, you arc opposed to ho; spoils
system and political machines, vote "Yes" infiiyCiiOf H0
(Paid Advl.)
lif 1 I
I , J"
Hemingway's Lead
Tlio linniil wliloli Ih lined Iu nil (if tlio kit n t iiiilo Krmvhm illitrlrtn
of tlio country WoHtorn Now Voile, .MIlIiIkiiii, tlio llluo Itlilgo
Hloit)H, tliu Oziirkii uml tlio fnniiiirt vnlloyH of tlio cront Northwest
In of tlio Without Htnniliinl of hi niifiit-tiiio. Wu claim tho followltiK
lioliilp of aiiporloilly;
I. o., fliiuiiotui of Kiiilii tmil rimo In liiliinlni; down In wntur
I. u.i (till nurrontiiKo of AiHjtitJ Oxldo (not Wan limn IT. pur cunt)
uml no tnoro than it tmco of Soliiltlo AihoiiIu
wiutk Koit nooKi.rrr a.i imuuks ,
Stocks Carried by KERR, CLIFFORD & CO.
I'oitlitiiil, Oit'jfiin
01 Wutor Struot, Now York, N. V,
TiS.' -'-J
thereto. Hut tho Mayor not
charter to itnuove an officer.
av. x. oAMmwr...,
.'I. iJ. STI5WAUT.
.T. T. KUMiMRUVIl.r.lB,
(ihX). II. M U.LAI..