m- I I " ! 1 X. '$ li W?l Ir" PATII3 FOUR MlDFORD MAIL TJUBUNK FOni) PRINTINO CO. The Dmweratle Tlm, Thn Mwiford MalUTha Mwiront Trlbuno. Thi. 8oulh rn OrwRtmlan, The Ashland Tribune. OfflM Mali Trlbuno HulMlnff, llIMt North Fir Btret phono, Main loll. OBOHOR PUTNAM. Editor n5 Marwittr ntrpJ an ncoml-Uii matter nt MoJforJ, Oregon, under tho et of March 1, 1J. Official pAtver of the City of Mrdford. Official Paper of Jackson County. stnsscsurxieir bats. Onri year, by mall.-.. s.li.CO Onn mnnllt, Jr mall .,.,,.,, - .60 Per month, delivered by earner In Metlford, Jackaonvlllo and Cen- , tral Point . . .80 Pftturitay only, by mail, per year-. S.oo Weekly, per year - - - 1.80 GRANTS PASS, March 20. Ixm A. lloberlio, nRd (12 years n well known pioneer resident or Jackson ville, ntul for more than thirty years a citixon of Ornntt PnR, commit tod suic.Sdo nt his home hero yesterday by hanging himself in a small shed nttnrhrd to the barn at tho rear of Ihg house. I'orWirc than a year past Ueberlic iinVbccii possessed of a suicidal mania, on Mny 1st he linving attempt ed to take bl own life by slashing hii'Mhroat and wrists with n rnror. Since then ho has been closely watched. lie took ndvnntnge of the absence of his wife from tho home to complete the grneome deed. The demnped man had tied a ropo to a p6le in the roof of tho shed, the roof being but n few inches higher than his head, and then nooing the ro)3x about his neck, bad settled his -weight into it and slowly strangled to death.' Had he stood erect tho noose would Jmvo loosened, but when found ho hung with his feet on the ground and his legs crumpled be neath him. Business misfortunes and the death of n son some years ago unbalanced hisjmind. ' Tlie deceased leaves a widow and t'woj brothers, one liviug at Ashland and "the other at r-omc ioint in Cali fornia. I BABY BOY ELECTED Tl , To hnvc greatness thrust upon him a few moments after he began life i!s tijo happy lot of the baby boy bom to Mrs. Magnus Johnwm at the Swedish hospital in Scnltlc. Mr. and' Mrs. "johhson are residents of Ho'guo River and formerly resided in tin's city. " Kor having entered tho world at the' hospital while the trustees were in ficriMnii preparing for the dedica tion pf the iiihtitlrtion, he was, on rao Hoif of 1 A. Hnlberg, seconded by Qouuty Commissioner David McKcn xleV elected an honorary life member of the board of truMec. An hn additional tribute to the youngster, u collection was immedi ntely taken up to buy him a silver cup. E FIELD IN CHESS GAME Fred Pnlouso of Eoglo Point, champion chess player of southern Oregon, has issued n blanket chal lenge hguinst ul! chessplayers in Mcdford and on Friday evening, will play the field ut tho chess headqunr tcm, Hotel "Holland barber fchop. There will be at least five boards and ns muny more as there are local players to participate, Mr. Pnloubo agreeing to keep ns many games go ing us he has opponents. COMES FACE TO FACE , , . WITH A GIANT COUGAR John Jncobson emerged from a tun nel nt tho Jewett mine on the south slope of Daldy Saturday night to meet face to face ll.o giant cougar that ' hits terrorized that neigh borhood, says the Grants Pass Courier.- ' Jrtcobhou had been prospecting ill tho tunnel during the day, and as hu htepped out at about six o'clock tho tuwnoy beast crouched within a few 'feet of him. The cougur emitted a few stanzas of his latest grjlpd operjv seloction and decamped, leav ing j'acobHou in full possession of tho diggings. For several years a cougar lias had lib habitat on tho various slopes of Hnldy, hud from tho few glimpses that Juno been caught of him, and tte dimensions of his trucks, ho is known to-bo of giant proportions, rwnlmffi wxn akIk1ko2)'n KJKTMPT MUNIJAY nV TUB MRU I0NEER MM SUICIDE BY HANGING HOSPITAL RUSTEE SATURDAY'S ON SATURDAY Miulford t'itizoits will bo nltocl upon (o vote upon two proposal, ono to bond tho city for $20,000 to build mi armory, and the other n charter amend input which strikes a blow at the .spoils system in city affairs. This is (be third election called for tho nvinory. It Js to lie hoped that this one complies with the. law. As tq tho merits of tho propesiti: , , ' The, Armory Proposal. The citv of Mcdford pnvs $20,000. .Jackson county $20,000 and the state of Oregon $2;000. This makes $G5,000..for armory and site. iUodfyrd pays a sixth of the taxes of Jackson county and its proportion of the state taxes, so that tho direct, cost to the taxpayers of Mcdford will bo in the vicinity of $25,000 instead of $20,000. ... Medford does not. need an armory. It has no especial use for one. It is amply equipped with public halls and drill rooms. Tho city can care for any convention that may be brought hero in tho next few years. An armory is not n money making, or property im proving, or community developing, or city beautifying improvement. It is a great barn-like structure, vacant and idle nine-tenths of the time. Such a structure is needed in cities where citizens have not been enterprising enough to provide hall facilities. Such conditions do not exist in Medford. Not a Business Proposition. It is never a businqsa proposition to buy anything you do not need. It is not business to spend a dollar you can not afford to spend, simply because some one else 'matches your dollar with two dollars. It is not business to need lessly impair your credit and capital for unproductive, non-developing enterprises. Medford has gone the limit in bond issues, but the money has been well invested in needed public improve ments. Tho Mail Tribune has never before opposed a bond issue, and would not now were it for needed improvement, but it is not. Times are not flush, taxes are high, economy is essential. "We have so much that should be done, so much that remains to do, so little to do it with, that it is wanton waste to unnecessarily increase taxation. An armory is a frill that can be dispensed with, at least until better times. Vote XO on the armory proposal. 10.1 X Xo. The Charter Amendment. The charter amendment proposed limits the power of the mayor to one removal of a city official without cause. It is designed to eliminate tho spoils system from city government and prevent the use of city patronage to create a political machine. City Attorney Boggs has placed a misleading ballot title on this amendment to convey the impression that tho mayor is being deprived of the power of removing of fl eers and the council given unlimited power of removal, which title will probably create an erroneous impression in the minds of the voters. The amendment reads as fol fel fol eows: Section 9. Tbo mayor may appoint, subject to tho approval ot a majority of the council, ono city attorney, one city engineer, ono chief of police, one street commissioner ono market master, and such other pollco officers and other city employes as aro required and ho may suspend at any time any or all of such officers until the next regular meeting of tho city council. At any regular meeting tho council by a majority vote may at any time remove any officer named In this section, except tho mayor, providing, however, that the said mayor shall not havo the power to mako more than ono suspension or any officer or cmployo of said city during his term of office except for misconduct and upon written charges, a copy ot which shall be served upon tho person so suspended and which shall oe submitted to tho council at IU next regular meeting thereafter. Mayor Has No Removal Power Now. The eff.ect of the amendment will lie to keep capable men in office and not make irresponsible whim occasion for removal more than once. The mayor under the present charter has no removal power, but can merely suspend until the "next council meeting. lie appoints only subject to the council's ap proval, but has used his power of suspension to accom plish the power of removal and appointment. The amendment does not take awav from the mayor the power of removal, as ho has not that power now, but it prevents the abuse of the power of suspension in tho effort to create a political machine, oust efficient servants end demoralize the public service the usurpation of the 'ouncil's power. Shall the public market and the city engineer's offico be made the spoils of politics, as the present maj'or has tried to make them? Or shall capacity and efficiency, when demonstrated, he taken into account? If you do not want the spoils system to govern and the public market crippled and killed by politics and its ene mies, vote YJCS on this amendment. 402 X Yes. KLAMATHFALLSENDORSE m FOR PARK JOB KLAMATH FALLS, llnrch 20. Klamath Fulls, through the action of the directors of the chamber of com mcrco has unnnimoimly indorsed tho candidacy of W. F. Arnnt, present incumbent, for superintendent of Crater Lake national park. Tho reso lutions will bo sent today to Secre tary of the Interior Franklin K. Lane requesting him to retain Mr. Aruut in the position until ho sees fit to appoint u suitable Klamath county democrat to fill tho position. It is tho opinion of tlioso well informed that it will be impossible for any republican to hold tho place unless the ofiico is filled under tho civil snrvico rules, in which enso Mr. Arnnt bus an equal rncu with all ap plicants. Mr. Arnnt has done a great deal for tho upbuilding of the park unci, incidentally, has benefitted Kla math Fullu. MEDFOUD AfAn; TRsTHJNR MEDFOUI). OKKQOX. TtintsnAY, MAHCiT -Hi-Iit'- ELECTION. COLONIST TRAVEL FROM EAST BEGINS PORTLAND, March 20. The van Kimrd of tho colonist season is in Portland today, sixty people bavin-; arrived from Minnesota, Iowa, Wis consin and Illinois. About tho unmo number will arrive toufcht. lluilroad officials anticipate, n great rush be fore the colonist beasoii closes April 18. to cum: a comj in one day. Tako LAXATIVE DltOMO Quinine Tablots. Druggists refund money If It falls to euro. E. W. GROVE'S bIk naturo Is on each box. 25 cents. John A. Perl Undertaker 28 S. UAHT&ETT Phones M. 471 an 478 Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner -J'.'L J -J! -LULL.. JOLTS AND JINILE8 By Ad Brawn Tho Far Mine IIIIN. To Hip far blue hill of Oregon 1 turned when joy wh dend I thought to Hud forget ThIiicm Hut found there lioH' inxf'nd. Ah. who know what IT N fo turn His bnek upon a hiiniuT' To brave tho wrl utMnvt Vetorf Of one who had to roumf With heart astir with doubt and fear I rode my wiiy nlinu Thn far blue. iill of Oregon Took mo to he their own, 'Twas tlui 1 learned from thoo blue hills A bit of nature's plan; They took piece of drifting wood And mudeof U n mini. Newspaper ll over the world keep in standing type tho heading ,,(lennnhy,i " AMilp Wrecked by Storm." WVvo rend about tho while home baby, the white houe teas, while houie cat and white hou-e dog, but what we want to know U, doc Mr. WUinu woo the white hou-e cook hook f Sears Koebuck stock hnx dropped six poinli. Mut mean .Mrdford peo ple are trading at homo. GET A TEN GENT BOX OF CASCARE1S. IukurcH You for Month Agnlnst u Sick llcitihirlic, llllloiino4, (NmMlimllou r n Mini Slotnarli. Put aside Just once tho Salts. Cathartic Pills, Castor Oils or pur gatlvo waters which merely force a pnstagewny through tho bowels, but do not thoroughly clennsu, freshen and purify these drainage or nlltuen tury organs, and havo no effect what ever upon tho liver and stomach. Keep your Inside organs pure and fresh with Cascilrets, which thor oughly cleanse tho stomach, remove tho undigested, sour und fermenting food and foul gases, tako the excess bile from the liver and carry out of tho system all tho constipated wnstn matter und poisons in tho lntestlueii and bowels. A Cascaret tonight will make you feel great by morning. Thoy work while you sleop nover gripe, slckun and cost only 10 cents a box from your druggist. Millions of men and women tako a Cnscaret now und then ami nover havo Headache, Illllous ncss. coated tongue, Indigestion, sour stomach or constipated bowels. Can carets belong In every household. Children Just lovo to tako them. Draperies We enrrr a Very eomnleto tin of drapwrlMi, lac curtain", rlxturr. ate and ilo all clU'i of upholiUrlne. A fecial man to look afur tills work exclusirrly and wilt civ as good sorvlco aa la noaslbla to net In en the largest clllea. Weeks & McGowan Co. HYNOI'SIM OF THE ASSVAti STATEMENT OF THE PHOENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF HAIITKOHD IN THE STATE OE CONNECTICUT, on tho 31st dny of December. 1912, mado to tho Insurance Commissioner of tho Stato of Oregon, pursuant to law: I'APITAL. Amount of capital stock paid up J2.O0O.O0O.OO INCOME. Premiums received during tho year In cash ...$5, I7fi.-I7l.il Interest, dividends, and rents received during year 450,900.71 Incomo from othor sources received during year C0.9 ID.U0 Total Incomo - ........... - $ri,CSI,3lC72 DIHIIUHHEMENTH. Losses paid during the year $2,738,007.21 Dividends paid during tho year on capital stock aud stockholders' tax aTS.-lO u.Or Commissions and salaries paid during tho year 1.4H l.jr8.r. Taxes, licenses, and fees paid during tho year 1112,720,81 Amount ot ull other expenditures 137,519,72 Total expenditures ....r, 185,009.07 AKSETH. Valuo of real estate owned $ iil91R?5 Valuo of stocks and bonds owned .., 9,050, 170.50 Loans on mortgages und collateral, etc ?H00'2? Cash In banks aud on hand 758,8 U. 9 1 Premiums In courso of collection and lu trans- mission - 1.009.790.11 Interest und rents duo und accrued and other annuls 159,520.18 Total assets Total assets admlUod In Oregon M.UUMlll.n, f Orohs claims for losses unpaid J 485,001.31 Amount of unearned premiums on all out- staudlng rbik 4,975,967.27 All other liabilities 190,000,00 . m ii !-' Total liabilities exclusive of capital stock of $5,060,958.01 Total nromlums In forco December 31. 1912 $9,580,882.70 HUHINEH.H IN OREOON I'OR THE YEAR. Total risks written during thn year $. i9'??2 i OroHs premiums received during tho year li'i'ir'So Premiums returned during tho year M 56.K Losses puld during tho year j'S'r Losses Incurred during tho year JO, 187,67 Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon, I"-'coinber 31 1912 $J,.I!M,UU7.UU THE PHOENIX INSURANCE COMPANY HV I). y. HICILTON, Prnsldont. OENERAL AdKSif I'OR OREOON llnrvev Wells, ttil Chainls'i- if Coininerco, Porllnud, Oicgou ' REHIDENT ACIENT R. A. Holmes, .Mcdfoitl. Oregon, ONE DOSE MAKES DIGESTION All Stoituuli niMrojniQulckly I'ndiil with "riipo'lrriiitpopMii." You don't want n slow remedy when jour stomach Is had- -or an tin certain ono or u harmful one jour Htomavh Is too valuable; hi mustn't lujuro It with drastic drugs. Patio's ninpopstu U noted for Itti fllioed lu giving relief; It harmloHN ness; Its certain unfailing action In regulating sick, sour, gtiKsy stom achs. Its million of cMirr In Indl. gentlon, dyspepsia, giutrltls and other Rtomnclt trouble- has mado tt famous tho world over. Keep this perfect stomach doctot In your homo keep It handy get n largo ftfty.ccitt cano from any drun store and than It nnyono should eat something which doesn't agree with thorn; If what thoy oat lays llko lend, ferments and sours and forms gns; causes headneho, illixlncm and nan. sen; eructations of arid and undi gested food remember ns soon i Capo's Wnpopsln comes In I'OittnM with tho stomach all witch distress vnnUh.es. Its promptness, rertnluty and ease- In overcoming thn worst stomach disorders In a revelation to thono vho try It. Don't Hurry, Anil Don't Worry When you uso Crescent BakingPoder It Is thn datibla action kind. It contains two power untu -ono to work Immediately and stnrt thn raise, tho other works gradually, ami continuously until you havo hakvd lh dough. iS?i That Is why your cakes and pastry won't fall If you aro Inter rupted, nnd also why you can sot cakes and biscuit nt night nnd bake thum lu tho morning. TUY IT. tfSWSrii Bill MiM IIBm I Till fill !ri U'llUiVJ Sold by KfK'rr, 1c full niiiuiI CRESCENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY Seattle, Washington Bend 2c stamp for Cook Hook. Auction Sale of Acreage i.v thi: pikiici: srnmvisio.v Tnu Mile Iikt of Mclfonl TIIUILSDAY, AI'IUIj IOTII O.V Till! ia.N'l) Ono and one-quarter to flvo aero tracts will bo sold to tho highest bid dor. Holdout docs tho buyer havo tho chanco to unmo the price ho pays for real estate, especlolly cholco pro porty well located and on very easy terms. Bo not fall to sccuro ono of theso tracts. A special opportunity for tho nun of small means to securo a home. Liberal discounts will bo mado for all cash. K. V. HKIU1IFF, O. JJ. Pll'.llCiC Auctioneer Owner 11,806,0 10.41 1 l.SQ.fi.0 19. 1 1 20. IDIH, TIRED EYES iwrl NEED A REST This can only ho obtained by the wearing of glasses. Not Just any kind of glasses, but thoso fitted by scientific methods to our spuolat re quirements. My methods and uxpcrlciiro &unr untuo you thin result, A tilal will roitvlneo you. Como now to DR. RICKERT Eyo Sight SM'ilnllt Over Kentuer'a Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau FOR HALE. 10 acres In fruit, mostly po.irs. 4- room modorn huinut, barn, chicken houses, 2 horses and buggy, and somo poultry, all farm linploiumits; prlco $10,600; terms. 6'room hiinunlnw. mndorii. 4 lanto lots. barn, chicken houses, fruit, A-t soil; prlro $1000; suup. . Largo and small acreage tracts at great bargains. Eurulshod and unfurnished hnusrs nnd rooms for rout. List your houses and rnuihes for rout. EMPLOYMENT. Man and wife on ranch. Ranch hands. Waitress. Hotel baker. Houseman. (Ilrls and women for general housework MRS. EMMA BITTNER Phono Home 14 Oppotltr Nnah Hotel ROOMS (I and 7. PALM IH.OCK. Some Exceptional Good Buys 30 urros only 2 miles from city: joins ono of tho fluent orchards In tho valley. Prlro $4000, good terms. iitwau.oWK Wo havn miiiiu nlco now buiiKnlows for salu on very msy payments. SMALL TRACTS Wo hnvu u number uf suinll trncts for sale or oxchaugo for city prop erty. 1'JOII Aero Stock Rnnrli to xchniiKo for well improved or chard trart or city property. Wood&Messncr N South (Vnlriil Arc. Even more regularly than Sun. Sometimes "Old Sol" rails to put In nn nppenranro, Rut Wo Rlsn to tho Oreafcluu Dally Except Sunday. You Can Dopoud On Us for Tho Staff of Life, Fivi.Ii, Light and WIioIoaoiiio MEDPORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN is S. Central E.D.Weston Official Photographor of tho Medford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing Post Cards Panoramic Work Portraits Interior and oxtorior viows Flash lights Negatives mado any time and any place by appoint mont. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 JSHaHasm BsaBaLBiBB'4BBBBBBE IBBBBaBPaalBBBKaBBBlBVH does tho WHERE TO OO TONIGHT STAR THEATRl Perfect ventilation, roinfortnblo, riroptvof 4000 Poet of .Matchless Pllin 4000 "Ailiiilsklnii no and Hie MT THE INTERNATIONAL M CONSPIRACY ' ' Thren Itools deo the motorboat und Itn liuinnu orcupntilN destroyed by n torpedo fired from a battleship. And wo promise you tho laiiKh ut your llfo In TWO KEVSIONE COMEDIES llotli erarkorjuek coiiiodlo you will not fall to appreclatn HONH Mt'HIO EITECTM Adiuloii no and 10c J& timHtmm4nif'I I ISIS THEATRE VAPIIEVILI.E CHARLES CROSS Jf AND DESSIE DR0WNELL ('lusty enlerinliirnt t Syncopation in Modcrulinii I Photo Plays Today 0nl ' BROTHERS THE GOVERNOR'S DAUGHTER I OVER THE RACK FENCE j H4MM4HIIH)H4MMI Tho Rest Pictures lu Town -, TONKIHT An Unusually Strong Progrnm Which IncludiM: "OIL AND WATER" Rig Two-Reel lllOKraph Drnm.i, And Tlmt Premier Coiucdlun JOHN RUNNY In A VllagrnpU Coiiiwly For Pi bitty ami Saturday "THE MEXICAN SPY" A Two Reel Drniun Taken on tho Mexican Ilordor nnd Tho Sim-nth of tho "What Happened lo Mary" Series OCR Ml'SIC IS CNEXCELLEII Admission Alwnys Iho Rumn in cents n Never More, Never Less White Wyandottes NhcIhI Offer for hnlunco of March, In order to ndvertlso my prlio win- ulng, winter laying stock, a big re duction In price ot eggs, and In ad dition with every order received will glvo frco ono year's subscription to Tho Northwest Poultry Journal, My best pen won first pen, first cock, first and second pullet and second hen nt (Irnntu Pass show, 1912, Also sweepstakes for highest scoring pen of nny variety lu show and I wan offered $36 for tho cock. From this pen eggs at $2 per setting, All oth ers nearly equal $1, A fuw good cockorols for snlo. Write quick, JOHN II. PULLER Talent, Oregon J. H. Mulhollen Painting, Paper Hanging, Tinting und Oeuernl House Repairing Phono 003-Y lllil) West Second Street MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERI ruiT bniuuriE.ni IT THEATRE X2 f Atlit4iolUll.lforl'vrljMn, .tuXWVsnC Nlaiunrii TruUbfi". Tcrlbllia - T? .? i. Wnriiia. '1 ' llrnnU up Calila Tr.daM.ik. I'lJifLwft aUU nrufiiili. llvta. Don't acotpt M.uij m.il VllltK. Aitilr.n. sniluWltwt. A. S OLMSTED, L ROV, N.Y4 i i CKVr I 1 P Ik .' ... n , -- i .. V' J tfyAiitfUrfilt''t y A. .'.v.Ju'.'i.v ttaaammmmmmmmjmtammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamdMM fJfJaagaglf B lllIK t If Tllfcl Mk ilfrshrf " .jjIl ffejjdfefcAto rf ,l.ia.iiMl2. tjL 11. .aLuAftsft a ..1a.m. . .,.., , i ,