oreiton MUMcM Setli City HaH Medtord Mail Tribune o SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair tonight. Cooler. Mas. 12, ihIb. m, ptVfip. .w Kortynoond Ycr. Dully Hflvnnlll Trr, MEDFORD, OJtISaOX, TJIHtHDAY, MAHCII 20, 1D1. NO. 306. MINNEY DISPOSES OF TROLLEY FRANCHISE TO SYNDICATE THAT WILL START WORK AT ONCE FRANCHISE FOR TROLLEY LINE IS TRANSFERRED F. 0. Wnltc nnd S. S. Quills to Con. struct Intcrurunn, Franchises for Which Were Granted by Mcdford mill Aslilnnt! to M. T. Mlnncy Co. W. I. Vnwter Now Preparlnu Incor poration Papers New Company In Shape to Go Ahead. Tin) frnnuhiso for uu iiilorurhnii trolley Hue granted hiM Jnmiiiry by Him city of Mcilforil In I In- M. T. Minney company of Oakland, Cn., Imm been transferred liy Hint com pany If F. II. Wnlta of Hosrburg ttntl tu-'Ji'inlr. Wotk of cnuitriiotjun U !' do Mm (eil within the Hunt limit iwrir'i I liy Itit franchise which e.x n Alny JO and rindied to couiplc linn. Associated with Mr. Wnlta In S. S. llullU of Now York, owner of the Horllng mine, who niiuiiunccd hi iiiti'Mliun of applying for n frnuehisn before tin- Minney company iips'nroil hi tlu scone only lo ilrop it when tlii'ir iippliciilioii whs made W. I. Viiwli-r is now nt wotk drnvv lift irrorMinill(in papers for Iho now ('mpHiiy nnd its soon hh these nro filed ftith tho secretary of state it foPii.il tnnihfrr of tho fiiiiitiliiit) will bo iiinde. .Mr. Yttutar slnlis that tho new- I'oiiipnny it in ssillou to go nhond imtuedintaly nml Hint there will ! no Iniilirr iinnooessnry delay. Fred N. I'liiiiinhicx U in chnrgo of lln nirxcy for Hie new toad nml Is now at work. , It i understood Hint tlio M. T. Mlnncy company will pioeccd at nueo with tho development of Iho Davis I riir I wliii'h llu'y piirchiisod some iiioiiIIih ng'. Tlo'V aic Mthl to huvo ynoii tlu now onipuny a bonus to iihhixI in lln construction o' the road. Mr. Wnito has Uccti interested with thu Minney mimpany from tho lime till) fltlllilhlM' XvllK u mill I'd 114 till' proponed iiitariiihmi lino will run through a lingo trnot of hind owned by liim near Ashland, lie in well kuow'i in this uity. ".Mutters have now hern mi ail' justed," Muted W. I. Vawti-r, this morning, "that further delay will not It' experienced Utiles something uu fontieeti comes up. Mr. Hullls will he linn1 from New York shortly while Mr. Waili' is now arranging details. A fi'i nml tratisfur of the franchise will Im made its soon as I eau eom plele the Incorporation pnpers ami have them filed with the secretary of i nt i'. Actual construction wilt he miner way hefoni tho liimi specified in ;ht IrauelilHe p.xpircs." 10 DEAIH IN PRISON HAN FUANCISCO, Mnreh 'JO. "I am in n position to prove that the hilt) President Francisco 1. Mudcrn of Mexico was slabbed to death mid that Vieu President .InsoPiuo Sunrex was striiDglotl to death in tho palace 011 Hid night of I'Vhruary 'J!l and their dead bodies taken lo the piisou in an uilUmiobilu," This iiurpinlifioil decision was vole, ed here lotlay by Colonel Manuel llanelin Alealde, publisher of tho New i:ni, a Mudorislu publication tie Ktroyed during the battlu which to 'Hulled iu Hie ovoi throw of Mudcrn government. Ahmldo and his family anived 011 the steamur Aeapuleo from Kiiliua ('111, Mexico. "Tim reported assiuilt on the juiml "cout iiiued Colonel Alealde, "was merely u l'arelal niho and a part of Iho plot. If the automobile wiih fired upon lint kiiiihIh were, only pouring lead into the dead bodies of Madero anil Suare. who wote murdered in the piilacu liuillK be fore at I lie in hlunee of Huertu ami other conhpira-tors." MAO 0 STABBED CROWDS FLOCK ADVOCATE OF BEGGING CURE DIPLOMACY OF FRIEDMANN JUMPS HIS 1 Scenes Parallel to Those In Judea In Christ's Time Witnessed In Metrop olisStates He Is Powerless to Act Until Authorities Permit. Crippled Little Ones bared by Moth ers Who Tearfully Plead for Help to Save Little Ones. HV.W VOtlK. March 10 Dr. II.t- man Prauiiellial, threclor tif tho Now York Hospital for DcroruillorlcN, tlr claretl ttnliiy that Uniletl btnlci. Mir K'iiim Aiiderstm nnd SHiummi who are fiipfriiitfiulliiK the administration of Hie Frinliiwuin tiibcrriilnsls cure, mo couxiueeil that the trentiiii'iit is the "Kreatcst inlieri'iiluslM diseocry in the history of taedieiiie." Dr. I'muiii'thiil said Hie L'ovrrnmi'iit experts bad confided to him their !' lief that the r'rirtlinaii e urn, is epoch liiiikiuj;. Heeues paralleling Hiokd in Juden. when CIniM healed the sick nnd prob ably uunarallclcil since Ills duv. wit- euaetcil ben) totlay abutit Hie percon of Dr. Frederick Franr. Friidiiiiiiin, diseoercr of a turtle, herum which is tleolareil to bo 11 cure for tuberculosis. Crow ils l"lmk for Cniv. Crnwiliuj; befom the hospitals where Dr. Friedmitnu treated selected patients today were h 00 res f women holding in ihcir nnini ho Nwollen, rniaciaieil utul missineu lioilies of their children who wen) victims of Hie white pbiKiie. I'liheediinr the eltiii; rain, the sorrow stricken ennuis awaited Hie iirrivnl-of the Merlin sn. Mint despite all published warnings that only the enses already in the hospitals and selected by the govern ment's pbsieiniiH could be. treated at this tune. Hut bone for themselves mid their little ones would not die on the breasts of mothers and when Fried- inniin's automobilu arrived hcenes as pathi'lle as Now York witnessed won' eiiaoted. Itiishiiiir uu to Hid ear, the women iileadeil witli Iho itlivMniun aitil held up their children to him as ho passed. One woman snatched the rni;s fnim her iiil'iinl'h body and, sis'iikitiL- ill (Ii'niuiii. iiiiiilori'il tin) doctor to heat the twisted and swol len limbs hlio bared to III view, A score of women followed her example, trill in;; tho clothing and bnnilnm's from Hie bodies of their children. The spectacle of the mother's woe unmiiniicit the German physician. With tears htrciimiui; from bis eyes, the physician forced Ids wttv throii;li the crowd of women, explaining to them that at present ho was power less to I rent their babes, but that if they would only liuvti patience he would try to euro them all. Later, -.till stirred by Hie pleas of Hie moth ers, hit Untied a statement to all suf ferers, promising that before long ex cry xiclim of the plague would hiixo a chance for lifit. BAT AND FAY KISS AND MAKE UP DKN'YKK, Col., Mareb 'JO. Tho biggest, blondest nnd longest grin Hint Denver has seen in yearn totlny s smenred nil over the. fueu of Hut I ling Nelson, former lightweight champion of tho xvorld. Hat nays it'n going lo "stay put", too, and for tho best reason In thu world. Hero it is: Mrs. Nelson, formerly Fay King, n Portlnnd newspaper artist, sued Nel son for divorce, within iv week after her murringe, Sho olnimed she "wns llleritlly kltlnnppett" by tho fiuhter mid "two houiH after Iho ceremony knew a horrible iniBtuke had been niaile," Yesterday Mm. Nelson suffered it nervous collupsn and wired Hat at Pueblo to "como ut once," mid, to use tho foiniur diiinip'ion'H expression "ho (mint! ittttuiilti ", Thou, in the prcHonoo of wituoRseti mid while Hut's face expanded, Mra, Nelson sitid: "Hat is tho sipuircst and biggest Huntingdon Wilson, Assistant Secre tary of State Resigns Mather Than Carry Out President Wilson's Or ders In Regarding Chinese Loan. Huffed lecaute He Was Not Con sulted by New Admlnlstratlon Prtsldent Himself at Helm. WAHIIINfJTON, Muroh 120.-- Hunt. iugtou Wilson, assistant seeietary of slnte, resigned hern today because of the new ndiniuislration's Chinese Htlicy. President Wilion immediate ly ni'ccplrd his ii'sigiintiou. Assistant Secretary Wilson's let ter said his resiguntioii must take effect today. lie flatly declined to issue order regarding the promised Chinese lonn as decreed by Presi dent Wilson bnsing this action on Hie ground Hint to so do would repudiate bis own conduct during the Taft ml ministration. IVrls Out of llnritiotijr. Wilson said he felt out of hnnimnv with the new ndministrntiou's radical clinuge in policy, asserting Hint xxben bo consented to hold office under Secretary of State llrynn Hint he "had no ronton to believe that the officials of tho state department xnnild leant first from tho ews"pn pern of tho declaration of n policy, which, I think, shows on its face in ntle.pinoy of consideration of given I'tielN nnd theories imohed and fail ure to clenrly comprelientl the motive lending to and tho purpose of the pohex ;t superseded." "I bad no renson to supisisc," con tinued Wilson, "Hint the state of no- gotintious which so long unit 1110 stu dious attention of the foreign otfi- ecrs of six great towers xvould be so abruptly determined with nuitc such unnecessary hnste mid in so unusual manner." Iheslilent tit Clinrge. )'rHilenl Wilson bn prnolicnlly nsiiiimed personal chnr.1 of the Mate department iluriii1; the nbseiieo of Secretnry of Slnle Krymi. Third Assistnnt Keetetury Addee attends to the nuiHiie matters, while Hie inomeit tuoiis affairs are attended to by Wil mn hiiUM If. LIPT0N WILL AMEND YACHTING CHALLENGE HF.I.FAST, Irelanil. Maieh 20.-- IteiinestH to reconsider its net ion it. regard to Sir TIioiiiuh Upton's chal lenge to tin iiitenuitiomil yacht nice wero eubled to the New York Yneht ibib todnv hj the Hoynl Ulster Yacht club of HiU plaetu The action of the lot al club is taken to mean Hint I.ip tuu will mitt ml bis challenge mid try nguiti if 'ii original challenge is not reconsidered. innn 1 bnvo ever known. He loves me and hits proved it. I love him nnd I am going to prove it regnrdless of what hits been dopu in eoutt here." Hero Hat broke iu: "Well, fellows, I guess I should worry nnd get another oauliflowor cnr." "All this rubbish nnd litis," con tinued Mrs. Nelson, "nbout my brenk ing vvillt Hat just for n press ngeivt story when my heart was broken; the refusal of even my business friends to believe Hint 1 suffered, and the tragedy of failing it all alono mid un aided, unused my eollnpso. yostordny. "When the last hhred of resistance. In mo gave xvuy I knew the' truth. 1 loved lintunil 1 wanted him. I tele phoned bun to Pueblo, whom ho was playing mid ho eiinio instantly. Ho stayed mul soothed 1110 mid for thu first time since our 11111 rriuye I was perfectly uttppy," PRESIDENTS SECRETARY AND FAMILY IN THEIR LATEST PICTURE t I.. vMHMMaMH: WKK P." t V aatr-HHHKmr jht) I L Ayr? w; - .wv - J t 1 I - ! I . , J tKD3EPH P TUMULTY XNO FAMILY Tlic mt Interes'lng thing nlsuit Jn.irnlt V Tn.i ., , nc-tmry to tho Pre-ldeut. I til family of six little ruNiiiu AiinnuBii iir. 'iiimuiir m iinuT i ii-iirriiir. .n 1.1 .uu. i .ini, itny Mm Tumulty wj Mum Mar 10' BAR JAPS FROM CALIFORNA OWNING LAND SACI1AMF.STO, (VI., Match 20.-I AT1IKNS, Mnreh 'JO. -King Colt "Tbnt'rt a typical .Inpnnce bluff," jstnntino arrived hero today from Sn doelnred Senator !. H. Snutonl. dem-1 lonien nnd toinotTow will tnko the nerat. nutlior of one of the alien laud bills now before the legislature, com- mentiiig todnv 011 n dispatch from Tokio to Hie effect that if bills of this nature nto passed Jnpnn will refuse lo exhibit nt San Francisco's cxtosi-, Hun. , "Flit Japanese is not only a bluf fer, but he's shrewd," continued Smt ford. "His only object in coming to litis country is money. Ills only ob ject iu exhibiting nt Hid fair is mon ey. He wants to advertise bis wnres before the world. That is his only object, mid ho won't change his pur pot e by lensuu of sonm legislation Hint innv be passed at this session. Some of 11s who believe that xvo bnve n nht to govern our-ojvos are going to find out whether it has eoino to n iis where this legislature bus got to ask the pennisitiou of Jtipntt or China or some other nation before, we can logisluft' for our own good. CONN SAYS GLARKSON IS SAN FRANCISCO, Mnreh 20. Thut Mrs. Kitt.x Pope, his nlleged ne compliee, is guilly of no wn)iig-doing nnd Hint lfcv. Ne-tor K. Clurksou, tho cliurcb preneher whoso wife be eloped with, U a "missionary for what ho turn get out of it," 11.ro statements made to (bo police hero todnv by Owen 1). Conn, Hie sensational .f 100, 000 jiurglar who was captured here. Conn nlso declines that the Irving Park missionary colony in Chicago, in which Chukson is a leading light, is due for it probo that will startle tho city. HUNT FOR BIG GAME ON LOWER ROGUE HILLS QUANTS PASS, Mnreh 20. A big gunii) bunting patty is now being or gmtixed to follow the noted bear pnek belonging to Jacob Fry i nto the ltoguo river bills, The party will iiicliulo State Trcnsuter Kay, W. 1). DeYar poy of Portland nnd William Dursiu nnd Ij. Gamble of Stanford university and xvlll bo untler Iho giiitlmieo of Leo Knierson, well known as a huceesful hunter of bear ami cougar, mid au thority on all mutters pertaining to toll Hoguo hills. Tho party leave West Fork on the 27th, omr ttiirtj ft.ur trs o.tl o Us n Mrce fnnljr. Tho cMWrwi arc Mary. Joe. .nary i nooui judo 'ctrs mil auu luniin A. IJrne, of Jftx-y C.ty, N J. 10 TAKE OATH AS , onlh ns king of Oreece before the chamber of deputies. The formal coronation will not take place for six months when the mourning period for the late King George, shot down by nn nssassin Tue-xlny on the btreets of Snlouiea, will hae ended. The hope was expressed here to day that the new king will bo pro claimed Constantino XII. tho last Hy santino emperor having been Con Htnntiuo XI. SALONICA, March 'JO. Guarded by soldiers of the Uicck light infan try, the body of the lute King George of Greece today lies in state at the pnhtcu here. Stationed nroutul the body nlso nro priests who will con tinue to chant pravers until thu body is removed to the pnlnce, COAST WDlAl SAN FUANCISCO. Oil. March 20. Cnllforulit, Idaho, eustern Oregon iiikI eastern Washington nro In the griti of a cold wave which U elowlr moving eastward, according to an nouncement mndu by Weather Fom- ca-ter McAdoo here loduy. Ho h uu ublo to suy how long the cold sriifi will romulu or If It wilt lunvj a wnko of frost bUghteil fields und Hrehnrds. lnUlratlous for ruin ht N ANN KING FRIDAY tho Immedlttto future aro not gooO.ihtilf for overtime, SumUs and io5i necordiiig to MAdoo. ' Aay"' TRYING TURfLE il THE MONKEYS WASHINGTON, crutch 20. Six of Undo Sam's expert bacteriologists today nro putting the "ueid test" to Dr. Frederick Franr. Friedmuim'a nl leged tuberculosis cure. Under their obscrvntion millions of the bacilli nro propagating. Just outsido tho govetumenlV big laboratory heto pcores of monkeys, suffering from tuberculosis iu its various stages, nro blinking iu tho sun nnd every conceivable test will bo miido on these. Then, if it is success ful tiiberoular patients in Unelo Sam's various hospitals will be inoctilnled, Surgeon General Hluo is personally wntehing tho tests. Dr. Friodmnun gave tho govern WiU iAI E OFF FOR CAPITAL . 10 SEE ISDN Sl-III.VUPIKI.Ii, HI., Maivli 20. Touched by tho vnlinnt fight the Araericun working girl is making to maintain her purity in the face of grinding poverty, Lietttennnt Gover nor O'Hani and the other members of the state senate "starvation wngc" probe committee will move 011 Wash ington this afternoon to consult with iTosiueui vviison regarding a con ference of governors to discuss niitt imum xvage legislation for women. "Give our working girls a bo,unro deal," and "starvation wage is the feeder of the white shivo tntffic" is the plcn mid the fact by whielt O'llarn nnd his assistants hope to reach President Wilson. TRAINMEN REFUSE 10 ACCEPT ROAO TERMS CHICAGO. March 20 - Vice Pres ident Whitney of tho llrotherhood of Hallway Trainmen today declined to accept conditions wheruundcr offi cials of 19 railroads, running out of Chicago, nald they would ronttuuo negotiations with their yard j Pitch men. "It tho railroads break negotia tions," said Whltnoy. "flvo thoim.tiid Bvvltchmeit will strike Immedl.tUly ' The railroads insist that tin men drop, their deiuaud for pay nn.'t n ment exports about n gill of the cul ture. Jt was brought hero from Now York in ii heivmetienlly sealed tube. Tho culture constituted u dnrkish fluid. From it million:, of now bacilli nro being propagated and their effect noted on various chemical media like beef boiillioit nnd gelatine, Tho experts are studying whether the bac teria will attack or rofttso to attack thein. Assistant Suigcon General Huekor explained tho cultures should show relictions similar lo tuberculosis ba cilli. IIo says it is posiblo from the cultures furni-hetl the government by Dr, Friedmunn lo propagitto enough bacteria to supply the world. I l wa bum on the eve of last election WA PROBERS WIFE ACCUSED MUHG IRAL Mrs. Eaten Arrested en Charg of Poisoning Husband Who Died Frwn Mysterious Causes Recently Ex amination hows Cause. Harvard Chemist Declares Stemch of Dead Man Shews Strong Trace Arsenic Wife HeW WithetK laH. SINGHAJr, Mas Murclt 20. Charged with the murder of her hus band, Hear Admiral Jo.stph G. Katon, Jrra. Katon wns arrested here today.. It is declared Admiral Katon xvus pxioned. The liiquebt into the mysterious death, of Henr Admiral Joxepli G. Katon nt his homo in Nortccll, near here was resumed hcrf today. ' The police nre seeking tho Katon will, xirltich leaves everything to Dor otby Ainsworth- the admtrars stcp danghtcr. Mrs. Katon wns arraigned before Judge Kdwnrd Prntt nnd pleaded not guilty. The ease was continued un til March . She is being held with out boil. The district attorney announced to day that the examination of Admiral Katqn'H stomach., made by Profwsor WiWiam Whitney, the Harvard chem ist, showed strong trace of arsenic. The district a Homey' 'announced that poison wan tho cattie of Admiral KntonV death, but he has not learned where the poison was Vecurcd. Accompanied by two officers, Mm. Katon was bronght to the court house here iu n closed antomobile. NEW TRAINER FOR BUD ANDERSON I.OS ANGKLKS, March 'JO. Ac companied by his nevf trainer, Karl Mohan, Hud Anderson wilt go to Wheeler Springs tomorrow for twelvo days in the mountain. After his outing he will retuni to Los Angeles to prepare himself for his second meeting with Knockout Drown of New York on April 1- or 15. Ander son will gw to Medford immediately after tho battle. Malinger Dick Don ald and Freddie Anderson will com plete the little fighter's party. A camp will be established und Hud will be compelled to live close to nature every day of tho stay. "We know what to do for Hud now," Donald said today. "Ho got down to weight too quickly for his lirst meeting with Ilroun. He van do the weight easily, nnd this Unto wo won't bo iu Mich a hurry to tnko off the meat. Hud will enter the ring in perfect condition and I look for vic tory inside of it dozen rounds." E Z L SAN FUANCISCO, Muroh 1!0. Iu order that it may bo turned into it federal prison to contain both civil and military offenders. Alcutm Island in Sun Francisco Hay is to be abandoned ns a strictly military pris on, according to reports heru today. Tho island nt present contains one of tho biggest and best equipped sol diers' peuitentinriei iu the country. The move is made necessary by tho fact that McNeill's Island fuerul penitentiary on tho Washington const ib badly overcrowded. Ticro are but -1(10 prisoners ou Aleulriu, mid ihvru is room for six hundred. The pris oners, now there will bo imprifcoimd, tit their vnrioiw posts. No prisoner over- escaped front Aleutraz despite many attempt, M ADM MAK ALCAIRA CIVI PENIENflARY H'