-w-fjr T r FA71F KTOTTT POOR HANDLING IS YOUNG'S OPINION IERS0N FIGH1 JJUW..1.U1LL n " WTWFORD MATT) TRTBUNR MTCDKOTtf). ORF.aON". WEPNKSDAY. MAROTT 10, mm. L-LL-H'H.IMH M M 0 Uffi GOOD I ME Poor IinmlUng niul Inexperience nlono cost llml Anderson his fight with Knyo Hi-own nt Vcnion Sntur tiny ncrnnHng to Chnrlio Young, whtt villi Wiek Fox, Kl Wilkin.son and llnhl'y Wnrtliinplon, returned from 1M AiiReles Tuesday evening. "Uud hnd tho fight -won tieveml times," Htntes Youhjr, "but ho vns poorly handled. nearly lost in tho twentieth, nnd did lose n deeis ion. Ihid ftcomed xtnlc nnd hadn't his customary edi. It was a jjrent dis npiKilntment to us an we know whnt Dud can do when he is riRht, "1 helievo the fiiilit hais douo Ihid n lot of good, however, nnd with nroner handling ho trfiouM easily whip Brown, who by the way, is a tough nut to crack. Ilrown was in far better condition Saturday then when ho fought Joe Rivers." FIRE BOYS TO HAVE An amendment to the ordinance creatine a paid firo department in tho city was offered at Tuesday night's session of tho city council whereby the fire boys will receive an increase of $3 a month. This will make the salaries paid $75, $35 and $1)5 a month. At present they re ceive $70, $80 and $00, tho chief Ret ting $00, assistant chief $30 and firemen $70. MRS. PKKEL MEMBER OF LIBRARY BOARD Tho resignation of Ed. M. Andrews as a member of the city library board was tendered to, and accepted by, the city council Tuesday evening. Mr. Andrews stated in his communication thai inasmuch as ho was absent from the city n great deal that he could not discharge his duties properly. Mayor Eifert mibrnittvd tho name of Mrs. E. II. 1'ickcl as a member of tho board. It was confirmed. "I will never buy nnnther dollar's worth of Roods In Medford, if I am to be subjected to outrages like this," declared R M. Madden, who operates a largo ranch just west of Central Point, Tuesday following his arrest for speeding within the city limits in his automobile. Mr. Madden was haled before Mayor Kifert and as sossed $3. Mr. Madden declares that ho was not speeding when arrested and his statement is hacked up by Fred II. Hopkins, of Snowy Itutte, who was with him at the time. Friends of Mr. Mndden arc indignant, stating that he has never been necued ot fast driving, either within tho city or on the county roads. "I was not cxcccdiug the limit," states Mr. Madden, "and what s more, I was on a street practically clear. My arrest was an outrago and what is more I was given no chance to prove my statements. I was fined $3 on general principles, I guess, and hereafter when I am after supplies for tho ranch I shall go elsewhere. 1 respect the laws and live within them, and do not inteud to submit to such persecutions." GAUMONT FEATURE FILM AT THE STAR MEET AT JACKSONVILLE Among somo of the be!t photo plays that havo ever been shown at, tho Star theatre is tho "International Conspiracy," a feature by the Oau moat company ot New York, that Is to bo nhown on Wednesday and Thursday nights. This U one ot the most expensive features of the com- pany that has ever been shown and is satisfying the public as one ot the most thrilling pictures that has ever been thrown on the screen. This thrilling sceno Is laid In France. Itlrzlo, a secret emissary ot a great continental nation, hostllo to Prance, seeks to obtain knowledge of France's naval resources and har bor defences and after a long thril ling adventure escapes In a motor boat. One of the battleships In the harbor take up tho chase. The oKn meeting of the Parents Teachers association wns held on Friday evening, March H, in Iho as sembly room of tho Jacksonville pub lic school building. Over sixty par ents and friends were present. The subject of the evening was "Indus. trial Training." The opening number on tho pro gram wns u song, "Ilruutifnl Hells," by the eighth grade, and high school girls. Hew Handy and Mr. Collins then gave u very interesting discussion on the subject, resolved thnt "The In troduction of Industrial Training In to tho Public Schools Is Beneficial." The eighth grade nnd high school girls sang n song on "Industrial Training" which thny composed. Mr. uamugton followed with an address on the "Expense of Introducing In dustrial Training Into the Jackson ville Sohools." Great credit is due Mr. Harrington for his complete and inexpensive plan ot" equipment for installing manual training and do rae.stia science into the school. Tho program closed with u song, "Peeiless Oregon," by the ciflhth grade and high school. After a short business session the audience dispersed for a social time and light refreshments were served. Mrs. Harrington, the president of tho association deserves much credit for tho success of these meetings. The program committi-e with Miss Hurst an. chairman, is also to he com mended for tho splendid program which they have arranged on the vital questions of the day. wantTsellIe CREAM CONESON STREET Attorney V. P. Mealy appeared before the city council nt their regu lar session Tuesday evening nnd made a plen for the removal of a license of $250 n year on ice cream cone wagons on the strcetB. Mr. Mealy stated that the license was excessive and that the ice cream rone men interfered with no business houses in Ihe city ns they caught only street trade. A petition wns presented to the council, which wns referred to the street nnd rood committee. UU4.UJU, T.UJ.U , U'U-LWT ffl IT AK HR AN 1 f-LFB .JM ftl .' 1L1 ! IF CITY HAS IHE ,IT CON m Considerable, street improvement work will bo done in the city th(s summer judging from tho tetitioim for paving received by tho city coun cil Tuesday night. A petition for placing curbs nnd grading Apple street wns received nnd rend, tho mutter being referred to the street committee. A petition to pnvv Poitlnud avenue from East Mniu to Hast Eleventh was received, read, and referred to the street committee. A iH'lition to pave Cottage street from East Main to the south end of the street wns received, rend, nnd re ferred to Iho street committee. A txdilion to pave Coltngo street from East Main to the south end of the street was received, read, and referred to the streot committee. A bid of the Clark & Heuery Con struction comKny for paving from Peach to Hamilton streets on West Eleventh was accepted. Cement sidewalks were ordered laid on severnl Ntrcets. CALL FOR BIDS TO PAVE NEW BRIDGE The city council on Tuesday even ing instructed the city recorder to advertise for bids for tho paving of the. Pear creek budge. This ineano that it will he n month at least before the pavement Is Inid, which will be ns early ns n paving company will be ready to do tho work. Tho present condition of the bridge makes it very Inconvenient for Enst siders as they have to drive north to Jacksou street to cross llenr creek. WOMAN SUFFRAGE IS FIRST ALASKAN BILL JUXEAU, Alnskh. Mnrch 10. The woman's suffrage hill, first stat ute tho house in tho first territorial legislature uwails - tho signature of the governor here today, to make it n law, it having passed the Senate unanimously. u RANCH '-JLIIJ.l.'LJ I.. With Medford trade Is Medford made. If the citv of Medford bus tho price it will purchase the Hamilton rnnch consisting of II 10 ncies on l.iltlo Hullo crock nnd pay $7500 for the same. The matter was referred to tho finnuco committee for report Tnesdnv ntclil. Thev are to deter. mine whether the city can pay tho money over or not. The councilmeu visited Iho nluco on Sunday. They slate that by the pur cltaso of the land they can properly nrotect the cltv'ii water miiudv as it covers the territory just east of tho inlako through which Unite creek flows. EVERY CHILD SHOULD BE GIVEN THIS TONIC When children havo no appetite: when they ore continually peet.di and Irritable; when they niv rsl. less In their sloop. It In almo.tt u cer tain Indication that their dlgcitlvo organs are troubled with worms or other parasites. This U a very com mon ailment nnd easily rctuelled. Physicians will tell you that iicnily overy child Is so troubled at some time and, In fact, many ndultc suf fer In the same way. Among adults this trouble Is Invariably referred to as Indigestion, when In reality It Is duo to a small parasite which In fests tho Intestinal tract. For children, Jayno's Tonlo Ver mifuge U unsurpaued, as It not only destructive to theo lurasltes, but completely remove the ntts In which their young are deposited. Sel dom does It purge, and .hu Improve ment In tho health of the child will bo tho first and best Indication of tho beneficial results of tho medu dne. Not only wll lino Vermltuse destroy all tho parasite, hut ItJ wonderful tonic effects will restore tho digestion which Imh been I in paired. For children, tho addition of a lit tle sugar will make It so palatable that they will takn It reuillly. Mil lions of parents havo pralned It for more than eighty yearn. Ins'rt on Jayno'a; accept no other. Bold by druggists everywhere. Dr. D. Jayne & Hon. Philadelphia. Pa. Window Specials Thursday 100-piceo Fancy China and Plain White Din him Wni'u, regular 20c to !10e qualities. See our cast window tomorrow, closing out prico OHOIOE 15t EACH 200 Plain White nnd Fancy Glass VASES 10 15 25 finest Lino of Master Post Card h in (ho cl(y t Knuh EVERY-DAY SPECIALS All Dolls, 20o (o $0, choice .. .. HALF PRICE All Toys, iron or mechanical HALF PRICE All Toy Furniture HALF PRICE 200 hoxos Fancy Box Paper and Envelopes, regular 20c toUOe quality 15 box, 2 for 25 Big Table Kitchen Utensils, 10c to 20c values 5 "Finest quality Mown (Mass Stem Tumblers, necdlo etched and star cut, 20c quality, 15 Your choico of all our Mon', Boys' and Missos' High Grado Hosiery, closing out prico 15 pair HUSSEY'S OLD STORE 111" A4M4s4MH$Mlf4' ! Second Week of Mann's Great Discount Sale Opens Thursday morning. $40,000 worth of clean, up-to-date merchandise on sale all this month at 20 off regular prices. The greatest opportunity ever known in Medford to buy clean goods at such sensational low prices. ? JK A I Win til JOIN THE CROWDS AND BE CONVINCED 20 Saved on New Coats 20 Saved on New Suits 20 Saved on New Waists 200 brand new Suits consisting of the latest styles of Tailored and novelty effects in plain and fancy ma terials; very snappy effects, sale Thursday 20 OFF Just received 25 new "La Vogue" Suits, the very latest these go in at the somo discount. VERY SPECIAL 25 Tailored Suits, all new, in navy blue and fancy mixtures; all sizes; values up to $20.00. tf-lO AA These go on sale at, each $X.vU Thursday Morning our entire Coat stock will be placed on salo at the sensational reduction of 20 This includes a now shipment of "La Vogue" Coats in three-quarter and full length styles, in all colors and sizes. "We have had a wonderful sale of Coats this spring. If you need ono don't fail to get it Thursday at 20 Off Regular Price 111 Hufiki '"'Mi If i s 'Jw M .tof B j ; &' 500 Waists Go on Sale Thursday at This Great Reduction 000 Lingerie "Waists, nicely trimmed and well Qf made; values up to $2.00, this sale, each UJl 500 Women's Tailored ond Lingeries AVaists, all new styles; splendid values up to $2.00. This QOp sale, each vOXt BIG SALE OF VOILE WAISTS Voile Waists, $2.00 values, now $1.08 Voile Waists, $.'1.00 values now $2.39 Voile Waists, $1.00 values, now ?2.I8 Voile AVaists, $5.00 values, now $3.48 Voilo AVaists, $fi.50 values, now $3.08 Voilo AVaists, $9.00 values, now $0.48 CHILDREN'S DRESSES 500 Children's Dresses, made- of ginghams and percales, on sale Thurs day at 20 Discount HOUSE DRESSES AVomen's porcalo and lawn Dresses; good val. at $1.00. Salo price, each, 98c GDJGHAMS 5000 yards best AVash iug Gingham made; is cheap at 12 '.c, this sale, a yard 8c BELTS J5c Bolts now 8 20c Belts now 15tf 25c Belts now 20 These arc patont leath er and come in all colors. GLOVES Kaysor's 10 button Chamois Gloves; somo ask 75c, our prico Thurs day, a pair 48c PRINTS Best Dress and Shirting Prints go on salo at, a yard, 4c 10 yard limit. RIBBON 200 pieces Fancy and plain Ribbons; 20c val ues. Salo price,' a yard, 16c TALCUM POWDER Colgate's Best 25c grado on sale Thursday, a can, 10c 1 to a customer. THREAD dark's Best O. N. T. Cotton 7 for 25c 7 to a customer. SHEETS 72x90 Bleached Sheets; 00c grade. Salo price, each 39c PILLOW SLIPS 42 and 45 inch Bleached Pillow Slips. Sale prico, each lie BLANKETS All Blankets and Com foylors at 20?6 Off UNDERWEAR All of our now stock of spring Underwear 20 Off HOSIERY All Hosiery goes in this salo at 20 Off REMEMBER THE PLACE MANN'S NEAR POST OFFICE THE BIGGEST SALE IN TOWN t J y j x t t X i s T t ! i & : t y ? ... m fyfy&MfrHfy V p