. 'So- IV t t IOCAL AND L PERSONAL 1 C. M Ruth, iiohtninNlnr ut Iturh OieKon, spent Tuesday with frlouda la Meiifurd. Tim Chosen I'rlenda of Medford will play tint Cent nil Point hiiMchnll (cum at Medford Humbly. Attention, mowers! riln your or dors nt ont'ti Midi Din Hokum lth'or Fruit &. Produce AssoU'illo i '01 niuudKn piittt nml nniuditluit oil, flu trilMl SI'IIKOU h iicnr lit llllll'l. Mr. Turner or Portland, 11 (rained ii ii run, wlto has been vIkIIImk In llui vnlloy, h'(t for liutiio Tuomluy. Out your tuiiHUn nt Wonder Htorc. E. D. Weston, commercial photo raphnrn, negatives inndo any tlmo or liUco by appointment. Phona It. 1471. Tim Rent Itooiu served ii luurlii'oii In tlin Merchants' AnMiclatloii on Wednesday. Mr. W. II. Johimton of lIocolnirK nml Mm. I 0 JoIiuhuii of (Irnntii Pnsa spent Tuesday nlithl In Met. ford. Tnko ndvnutiiKo of Mitt reduction and itiako u fltllliK iiiiolulnirnl nt Moo'n hefoio April I for n drey drcsn form. Tlii)' tiro modeled over your oh n flKiirc. IIiiih riiroiliicliiit every llun peculiar to )ou. 30K Or, llerthn Sawyer of Ashland lunilo Medford u profckloiial visit Tuemlay. Feed nml lead. Hchmldt, phono 200. 318 Dr. I-' P I.Ntcrly lnu returned from n stay of several week tit III rnui'li In th o Trnll district. vapor oaths and scientific maa- aaso for men and women. Dr. R J. Lock wood, chrloprnctor, 203 Oar- nett-Coroy Did. Phone lit C. I) UIIIaoii of Klumntli Falls In ninkltii: M i'il ford a husiuess vUlt. (J. C. Reach, music aimllo, Vlo Unlit. Will liiitruct on violin, man dolln and tfiltar In correct method. Advanced students nnd bcglnunra Address 23 C. Dili atrcct. I'hono Home 3MI. or Main 34R1, 307 Clarenro A. Wlui'trout nan ,. turni'd from n trip to Portland nud Is In Mi'dford nunlu. Orchard, hunting;, Millien: and Crater l.nko scenes for aalo at (lor kins & llnrmnn'a atudln. Negatives mado any place, kodak finishing. 138 Kant Main slreot. Phone 215 It. Jeter brothers, l Fields and H. I.ettuken of Johttphlnu county Morn In Mcdford tlio turn part of tha week. Ladles' ahoca rhlnod at 8ururaer vllln'n barber ahop. Rev. W. i:. (loodn of Mnliool. Cnl., In pn)lui; Ida former home In Mod ford II vUlt. Ilea) homo maao bread at Do Von'a. Genre. Wendt of Jacksonville w In Mctltord Tuesday. Ilo recently returned from an extended stay it New IMuo Crest, Cat. tiring thai old book with torn binding down and havo It rebound at tho Mall Trlbuna office. Costa but little. tf Mra. J I'. Itcddy Iff I Tueaday af ternoon for Sacramento, Cab, where tier iluiiKhtcr la utli'iidlui; school. Kodak finishing, mo boat at Was on'a, opposlla bonk atoro, " (I. W. Thrasher linn rrturui'd to hH coppir in I lion In tho Hlakljou mouiilnliiH, not far from tho Jean, pliluo county lino. Iti'd lliiml iiindy, IKc lb., at V;in tier rltoro. :') Mm. J. V. Mi'rrltt and lior dniiKh tor, MImn KNthor, of Coutral Point, nlKO Mra. J. I Adniiia of Klumntli county, wero kui'mIh of Mcdford frli'tida Tiiruday, Inauro and bo auro. Right It wo wrltn It. II. A. Ilolmei, Tho Iniur biico Man. Mm. 0. llarlmtiKli of ucUhouvIIIu wiih In Medford Tiumduy nftcrnoon (lorkliiK ft Harmon, attidlo por trallM, Iioiiio portralla, flaih lli;hta, kodak flnlahliiK, post card work and cnlorKliiK.; 128 liaat Main Btruot; lolopliono 'JIG H, llohort Itoliomon nod P. A. Do (Ivncmill of OrnntH Puuu tarried In Med ford Tumidity. Cliolco of barrottvH, 'JCu to f.fio valiiuH, at iric, Wondur Store. Ti'iT Prank P. Talkliiglnn, for many yinim ii ri'Mldont of Hulom and Uuko liurKi dlud at tho nipltul city Bun day, itKi'd nu yoara, Cnrktn ft Taylor (John H. Car klu and Olonn O, Taylor), attorneyi-at-law, over Jaokaon County bank llulldlng Mcdford. Itolmrt (lordou, who wilt bu onu of tho Iohhoiih of tho Piiko thentor, Iimh roturiiud from u trip to Kukoiio uud Portland In tho lutorcbt of that pluylioiiHo. Thoy nay alio In coiiiIiik buck. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDJURTAIOURS I.ADT ABIItrTAlTT Day Phono liiiT NlKlit l' W't'cka HKW.si Phonos A, K. Oir 7HM J - ')! .,' '.. ' . .,.'.' I'or luiln, by (lie llogiiit Itlvitr I'miI' Ai Produio AunimImIIoii, IiIk'i f,u,,ii (.'nilnrliorK On hard I'rnut Almtii tenia mid tented llieriunmelitm. Marry MrmlrlKK la on duty at the pONtofflco iik'iIh, aft'ir an almuiiuo of Moviiral Meeka, Now York l.lfn Insurance Co,, C. Y, TniiKwnld, Medford National Hank llldg., phono 3371, A full linn of lla)ea Orchard Hpray ItliiH, 1, 3 and li'i homo power, with or without tower and mauneto, nt tho lloijiiii Itlver I'rillt k Pioduco AHHiirlntloii. I'rink Kay la In (lol.l lllll mid (lold Itay dlatrlrlN, looklmc after tho lulereata of tlin (lold Itay ItMilty company. Mm. P. It. Nell and her jtaiiKhter, MIh Mildred, arrived from Uvrhy Tiiendny and wmil to JackNonvllle. (I. H. Moorn of Central Point tar ried a few bourn In Mcdford Ttiemlay afternoon, K. A. Welch and II. 0. Kenliir wero bualtieMN vlnllom III Anhlaud Tueadiiy ntternoon. T. A. Ileiidemon arrived III Med. ford from tho north Tuciutny. W. J. Hlanley and C. II. V.'kIh of ANhlaud npfiit TueiMlay lilulit In Medford. N. Young and H. II llnrnlati khm over from Kaglo Point Tucaday Kev C. I, MrCaiintaiid of iatle arrived In Medford Tuemlay nud i awilatlug Kev, W. T. Couldnr In tli' prolrnrled meeting being held at the M. K. church Kouth. H. J. Myem and (Jcorgo W, Dewey wero down from Kvaua creek Tuca day afternoon. W. J. Hcott and It. W. (lain .-t lleagln Hero among lliono who enmo to Medford on bualueaa Tueadav, Judgo Calkin went to Aalilnrd Tiiciiday nfturuooii, but will reron M'lin circuit court In ackaoullle to day. Jay Terrell of Talent, deputy coun ty nancaaor, tarried n few houra Iti Medford Tueaday. J. II. Ileemnn of Cold lllll Hpeiit Tuemlay In Mcdford on legal bint, in. John WIIoii nnd W. K. I'lnney Mere among thoau over from Jack sonville Tueaday. It. W. Colilna of Kugeuo nud I'. II. Iluriier or 1 1 It. Cal., ure In Med ford on bualiieiia. (Juy Thraahrr of Phoenix made a trip to Medford Tucaday, Charlca P. Young returned from I.oa Aiigelea Tuemlay evening anit Mill bo followed aoon by tho balance of tho Medford delegation who HAT' tho Andcriuu-llroM'u fight. Mm. Jntnca T. lliirua ban Joln-d her huabniid, who la located at Silt Prauclnco. Mm. Charlea II. Pierce of Aahlaud wan nmong her Medford frlouda Tueaday, C. II. Walaoit and (Ji-orge P. Tret reii, Aahtnud attorneya, wero In Medford nnd Jacknouvlllo Tiiendny. Mm. It. V. Ilcall of Central Point dUtrlct M'aa tho gueat of her daugh ter, Mra. Charle.i Strang. Tueaday, W. I. Uaalier or tho Home Tele phono company motored from .Uh laud Tucaday. Mm. K'atlirjii Ingrahnm returned Tueaday from a vlalt to Cold Hill. T. H. Kteiheua mado n bualneiia trip to Central Point tho fore part ot tho week. i:. I.. I'arra and W. S. Iloagland of Central Point ramo to Medford Tiiendny. returning In tho eenlng Polk Hull mid K. U. MorrlMUi of OrUfln Creek illatrlcl were among Medford'a recent tmaliieiu; vUltom. O. I,. Kenmea, P. J. Noff, W. P. Mealey, (), II. I.nwlcr nnd other Medford attorney havo been nt Jarkaonvlllo during tho Meek. Mm. O. A. Davla la at (Irnnla Pima, vlhltlng Mm. Pred lloper. Tho Oregoulan la printing aonio jf tho happeulnga of '-'C jeiir.i ago, among which wiih tho follewing: "Jnckaonvlllo, March C Tho Ore gon .Sentinel or thin rlty hna bo-m purchaaed by Charlea Nlckcll of tho Democratic Time nud Its publication will bo BiiHponded. Tho purchiiHo of tho Huutlnol lu much regretted, iih It waft tho pnrty organ of tho Jackuon county republlciiiiH, bchldca being next to tho oldest paper lu tho Mate, It being n foM' yoara youngur than tho OroKonlnn," NW YORK, Mnreli III. Twenty cubes of tiilnreulot.ls of tho bono wero treated nt Mount Slnni liosplliil licro toiluy ,y Jr, Frieiliimnn of Her lilt. Ho ulso h prepnroil to trout physical ileformiticis in tlio hiunu in hliliilion lomonou'. Ur. I'Vii'tlmunn was iiniupiiscly ploiihcil today over reports of pro KruHii in tho etibCH of tuhorculoM he (rented about ton days ngo. Produce Company Closet) Suit wan filed in tho elreuit court today by tlio Wood t'ui'tiu uouiuny of Haeraiiiento uguiust II. T. IIiik well, or tho Southern Orenon I'roiluuo company, Sheriff Singlor was direct cd to tuko eliargu of tlio place, which lin illil Hljiiilly bnforo noon today, MDDFOTIT) lrATT; TRTHmnU, !'- '.' ' ' -' Ji-IJ r- T SPLITS WORK ON 3 The county coiiiiiiiaalonern'liiiti1 ill Udi'il the county up into llnru din IrielH In older to exMillle tlin ivotk, Judgo Ton Velle Inking charge on one illHtriel, C'oiiunlnMoiier Kiullli one, nnd t'ointniht.loiier Lecver one. In this iniiiiner lliu work lu each iliktriol will recelie perhoiml uttentlou, The road mipurvlNorx will report to the coiumirthioiicr In eliurge of that din I riot. Commiihioiier Hmitli get tin- nor tliern tier of road iIImIHcIh whieli in. iilmleH l! huh fieck, Saiim Valley, Trait, l'roHet nml AhIichIok. t'onniiinNlnner l.eeer lum the two Central Point IMrlet. lyigle Point, Derby nml Lake Creek. Judge Ton Velle hat Mnlforil, A plcgrtte, Talent nnd Anhland. MANTLE OF SNOW OVER NORTHWEST rOI(TI.AN'l, .March 111- -After auoiviiiK for file bourn early tliin iiioriiiug, the bun broke through the elouiln nud in rnpidly ilUoiptiling the (mo inch lull. The miiow miih accom panied by a cold north wind. Kr.ATTI.K. March I U. Snow mini- ,i .. c ..i- i i . . i , i .1 lien Seattle in mIii c today o a depth ,. , ., i wirying irom imo to niree incur The xtoiiu eoimiieiiecil late ycMrnlny; nllernooii nml continued throughout the iilgbl, (be beavlent full occurring between hix nnd eight o'clock thin morning, when a cold north wind blew the cloudrt nwny, HeportH from eoiiml MiiulK hbow the MioM'fnll to bo genernl Ibnnigliout wilern WiihIi iugtoii. sleetIdIS" I'KNM.KTO.V, Or., Mnreh It).-A sleet nud miow htorui began early today nnd U contiuuiug unnbatcd. No ilamago U renirted to grain but hbeep men xi ill milfer as they ore in the niiiM of lambing hciihon. WAI.I.A WAI.I.A. Wii March JD. A heavy fall of wmw begnu early today and indicntlons nro that it will continue for some timp. r'unncru miy that no damage will be ilouo to the wheat. FOR THIS EVENING Snow Is the prediction of tho I 'cul m calher bureau for tonight Hint It need not bo nurprlidnR If MoJford awoko tomorrow to find n coerin of Imo Inched of "tho beautiful" ovei tho city and valley, A general miow storm prevails to day over tho iiorthwcnt and thin j bonded toward Houthcrn Orcgo.i. SOUND WAR FOOTING NEW PLAN OF MILITARY AIDES WAHIIINCTON. March 10. In nt official ktatcmeiit of tho policy today tho Hccrctnry of war declared ho was lu favor ot Immediate preparation for tho military forcoa ot tho United Htatea to meet nny emergency, hold ing dlvrutiHton of disarmament by tho International agreement will bo en tirely out ot placo In consideration ot what thla government uhould do to meet existing conditions. Tho iecrotnry proposed tho retention of tho regular army at Ita present Ktrengtb, Improvumeut ot tho nuvul gunrd and not tho creation ot n re serve. Tho secretary aald tho moat rabid untl-mllltnrlst could mirloualy Htiggcst nn army ot 90,000 men to look nftcr tho population of 110, 000,000 bad any hint of militarism about It. COUNTY CO ROADS W Thmrm is Only Onm "Bromo Quinine" Thmt im Laxative Bromo Quinine UKO TN W0HIB 9VC TB aTlMaT A 10 IM 9MK BAT. Always remember tbo full uamo. Look tot tbU slguaturo on every box, S6o, AfEDFOnD. OIJKflON, WKDNKHDAY. MAUOU 1f), rrm FOR WALL STREET WAHIIINCTON, March 19. - Proa Idem Wllaon In a atatemetit tnat nlgbt approved by hln cabinet after two houra' dlacuaalon, aunouiiced hla ad mlnlatrntloii had declined to re'iueat a group of American hank cm to con tinue, their negotlatlona for partici pation lu n tl2ri.OUO.000 loan denlrcd by tho Chlneao government. , Tho adiulnlatratlou'a declination wna baaed on dlaapproval of condl tlona of loan nud Implication of re apouMlblllty un the part or thin gov ernment, which tlio administration declarea la obnoxloua to tbo princi ple! upon which thin government renta. Tho Htatemcnt anya that thla gov ernment Mill lend Ha aid In every May toward promoting Intercut of China nnd nlludca In complimentary terrua to tho efrorta China la mak ing to republlcanlro Ita government. Tho atatemetit takes ndded algnlfl caucn when It wna authoritatively Mated that tho muiio policy would apply throughout tho WIIkoii ndtnlnlatratlon to parallel situations In Central America and elsewhere In which tho United Htatea waa con cerned. In tho last administration Secre tary Knox urged paiuage of two loan convention tor tho purposcn of re habilitating tho flnnucea ot Nica ragua nud Honduras. Tho United Htatea waa to havo had n voice In tho M'lectlou of lnapctora of cuatoma through whom luterenta of American bank ng flrma wna to bo protected, ,.,., , . In Santa Domingo n somewhat almllar prociu la now In operation j under tho convention entered Into by tho Itooxevclt administration. STOLE SI; GIVEN LIFE; INSANE; PARDONED COMMIU'S. Ohio, March 10. Stirred by tho JiiiJuMice of Ihc sen tence" Governor Cox today pardoned William Welsh, who wns'givcti n life sentence in the stu(e irniteiitinry foe stealing il worth of baeoit when be wiis hungry. A few mouths of prison life brought Welsh face to face with his fnte nud constant brooding over the sentence broke bis mind, nnd to day he is believed to be hoclrhsly in sane. Six years ngo Welsh, pcm'ilfM nnd hungry, was wondering through boutb Ohio looking for work. At Greenville bo opened tbo door of a dwelling nud Htole ii few iKiumiK of bacon. Welsh was caught, brought into court nud admitted bin guilt. Then tho judge sentenced him to life imprisonment, declaring- the luws of Ohio provided that sentence for anyone breaking into an occupied dwelling with intent to steal uud that bo "had no other alternative," Don't Overlook Tbis A Carrftil Perusal Will IVove lta Value to i:vry Mall Trlhuiio Header. Tho average man la a doubter, nud thero la little wonder that this Is so. Misrepresentation)! mako peoK akepttca. Nowadays tho public nsk for hotter cvldenco than tho testi mony of (strangers. Hero la (root which uhould convince every Mail Tribune reader. H, J. Durfeo, 32 N. Ilartlelt St., Medford, Ore, 8aa: "1 waa troubled by my kldueya off nnd on for yenra. If I caught a alight cold, It alwr.a Bottled lu them, causing my back to becomo very lame, weak and painful. Last summer I was Buffering In thrt way and on u trloud's advice, I pro cured Doan'a Kidney Pills. I found thla remedy to bo exactly ns repre sented nnd In n few dayn tho trouble left me, I know of mnny other per sona who havo obtained benefit from Doau's Kidney Pllla." For sale by all dealers. Prlco 50 cents. Kostor-Mllbuni Co., Ilu'fato, Now York, nolo agents for tho United .States. ltemombor tho muno Doan'a- and take no other. UNCLE SAM LONGER COLLECTOR msm li-T-J'lS. motive. Hfi declared hla nam) waa Aleko Schliina and In rraponso to n question by nn officer whether ho had no pity for hla country ho an nounced ho wna against the govern ment. Hchlnna maintained n per fectly linpaaslvo demeanor. Precau tion wero taken Immediately nnd perfect order la being maintained. MARKET REPORT Price Paid by IcnJer KGGS-12o. HUTTER-30C. I'OTATOKB-075c. CAMIAnB K&1V&& AI'I'I.KS 10(,'tJ.V. ONIONS 7fle(o$1.00. CAIHIOTS 7fe$1.00. PAKHNII'8 76c(9L TUANIPS 7ScSl. Livestock HOGS DrfPaed, 8c; alive SVi 8IIKKI iy2c. STKKHS-Alive, 0c COWS-Alivr, C5V4o, VEAl-lrcMcd, lie. POULTRY Mixed -ibfckana, lOo; upringn, 12c ; drcHwd, 12l-lc. Ifny and Oroia (Selling Price.) WIIKAT $l0. OATB-JH.00. HAV Vetch, 11 ton; rrain, $13. PARLKV 127 ton. C0RN-I25 ton. Public Market rricea K(K3S 15c. nUTTEIt 32&c HUTTEfl FAT 33c POTATOES 7Cc$l per 100 lbs. ON!ONS-C5. CAI1BAUB llAc. CAUL! FLOWP.lt 7fic(3!1.29. APPLES 30CttC0c box. UON'BY 10i5e lb. SAUERKRAUT 30c gaL VrNEGAR 26c KaL CIDER 25c gal. CHICKENS Hens, lGc 1'ORK 1015c. HEEF 1020c. LAUDlSc. HACOK 1618c. SHOULDERS He. HAMS 18c. There arc In Vienna 11,718 cab inet makers. The average work tlmo of the cabinet makers la at present 51 U houra weekly, as against G7K hours lu 1906. JdeSilver Collars but loefot ia Uuodcnsf bold Atp. Try tJ9 U will py you. TK tnrm &lp ' die Pembrole. wkhLINOCORO "SNAP-ON" mnroNHOLE. J4'5a Hot 25c rcrabrok. 1 1 'I la. Krntttt, J V W In. Chub un. I In. GEO. P. IDS A CO. AUo Maktrs o Ut SMrtt TROY. N. Y. afc J- 0W U. jA. y i atiii aft affti ajss aJaj t t t t T J t t r r Y Y I Perfect Ventilation 4000 JL T f t Y X Y Y X T X r Y r Y t Y Y Y SONG 1013. I... 3.-L1-J UJ ll-UI. I'll Curt! In fl To 14 Dayf, Your druggist will refund money (f PAZO OINTMKNT falls to cura any exso of Itching-, Jlllnd, llleedlog or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days, so cents. NOntT-: FOIl PAVING ItHJH. Tbo tindoralsned will recetvh sealed bids nt hla office in tho City linll for hard auriaco pavement on Hear Creek Ilrldac nnd tho auproacn- ca thereto, nccorclina to apeclflcn tlonn on. file with tbo City Recorder or In accordance, with tho plana and Specifications aubmltted by tho bid der, snmn to bo approved by the City Engineer. All blda must bo accompanied by certified check of five per cent (C per cent) of the bid and must bo filed la tho Recorder's office not later thnn five (t) p. m., Wednes day, March 28, 1913; ha Id blda to be considered and ctd upon by the City Council nt any tlmo nftcr six p. m. March 21, 1913, KLMEIl T. FOHfl. Recorder of the City of Medford, Oregon. . Dated March 19, 1913. NOTICK FOH HKWKIl 1HDH. Not I co la hereby Riven that tht understgnml will recelvo sealed bids for Biaeh lateral sewers on I'aU Klerenth strfet, from Portland ave to Aahlnnd ave., nnd on Oak atraet. from a point 1C0 ft, north of Hecond flcatlona on fllo with the City Re- I . I ' ' I ' " . 1 I 1 -I'llU II f We Uko to Fit M ayf ield Kentucky Pants One-Fourth Off "NVc arc cutting diio-fourtU off the price of every Piir of Mcu's Pants in our store. "Ve arc just in re ceipt of a big shipment of Mayfiold Kentucky halt wool and all wool Pants, ranging in price from $1.75' to $5 a pair, in eassimcres, woz-steds and serges. "We especially call your attention to tho $3 Pants which arc now soiling at $2.25, or the $1.75 wear forever grade now selling at $1.31. "We waut you to investi gate and figuro on this proposition. It's a must have money proposition with us. THE WARDROBE WXSTMAIK sjk i!k aal it! al!ai aaai sml alfffc STAR THEATRE Comfortable Feet of Matchless Film ADMISSION 5c AND 10c THE INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY .. , . Thrco Reels Sec the Motorboat and its human occupants destroyccUby a torpedo fired from a battleship AND, WE PROMISE YOU THE LAUGH OF YOUl:; ' " " LIFE IN - ." 'CALAMITY ANNE'S VANITY A crackorjaok westorn comedy you will not fail to appre ciate It's a Flying "A" ' MUSIC EFFECTS ADMISSION 5c AND 10c fcjjsj ,- aj srrsBBmmmmmmtrmmmmmmmmmmmmm at, Ut Knight at., aeerdlf t ael eordor nnd City Knttseer. All blda mtisi bo neeempaRM nv certified check, equal to flva tier' rent (5 per cent) of the old, a-Ml must bo filed with tho Recorder nnt later than flvo (C) p. m Mareh 3$, 1913. KLMKR T. FOtW. Recorder ot the City ot Medford, Oregon. Dated March 19, 1913. NOT1CK FOB r.iVIXO WIW. Notlro Is hereby Riven that thn underalitned will receive settled bldi for hard surface pavement on Cot Uko street, from VmhI Main street to tho south end of Cottaaxi street, nc cordlnx to spsclflcatlorur. on fllo with tho City Itecorder and City Knulneer. All bids must bs accompanied by certified check, equal to flvo per cent (0 per cent) of tho bid, and must bo fllert with tho Recorder not later thnn flvo (6) p. m March 26, 1913. ELM Kit T. F08H, Recorder of tho CU ot Medford, Oregon. Dated March 19, 1913. 9 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Between Medford and Reag) P. O.i a small grip w)th D. R, Ruaaell'a nam on Us;. Leave nt Mall Tribune. FOR SALK-r-Pufe. bred Barred Uck csw. J1.50 per 15; I2.&Q fxir 30, M. B care Tribune. 60 Plum Uu ux.un,i ,ii. 2i-iii.uiiimasamm4mmiesmmB "SHOES" For MISS GOOD DRHSaBR , Ia : ORKY NU BUCK DROWN NU BUCK WHITE NU BUCK BLACK SL'EDE ' At 4.00 These shoes are mod erately priced and sura lo please. BEHLING'8 Tho ium 'GOOD FIT' SHOE STORE to Fit Fire-proof 4000 v . ,.-i"- Ajfc -Afc Am. jJtsv -At. A A mmm mW mmk Sam ttPiti sTssW IN IH r ci