Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 18, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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MRmronn mvr, vnrnxim. mnvcmn orkcw, TrrcflirAv. matwtt ia, 101a.
? i. ! : ' j . ' . 'i 'iP'r1':'" i l t j J . - . .i j i ! i ' 'i ''
BAN FIIANCISGO, Cal., starch IS.
-Before leaving with his manager,.
Tom Jones, today (or Harbin Springs
where ho Intends to whip himself
Into condition for hla match here
with Harlem Tommy Murphy, Ad
Wolgast, former lightweight chaw
plon of the world, naked Promoter
Coffroth to postpone the bout from
April 12 .to April 19 because of an
Injury to the Uttlo finger.
While returning to Sab Francisco
(rem Medford, Ore., a car window
unexpectedly descended and, catch
lug Ad'a little finger, Jammed It to
hard that ho has lost practically all
of the nail. A physician advised
him to ask for a postponement.
Promoter Co! rot a haa not yet
glren his consent to the postpone
nient. but it Is believed that he will.
Ho haa telegraphed Murphy regard
ing: the April 19 date and, as the
stork la hovering orcr the Harlem
harp's home, it la believed he will
readily agree. k
Manager Jones Is responsible to
day for the assertion that if Wolgast
lose to Mursfcy he will ijpHlre from
the xlng for good.
"If Wolgast wins1 said Jones, "he
will go right ahead taking on all
comers; but If he teees he will know
that hla ring daya are over."
Wolgast. however, Is Just as confi
dent of hia ability as a fighter aa
"I don't suppose." he said, "that
the Southern Pacific owns enough
locomotives to pull Joe Rivera Into
another match with me. But there
Is nothing I would like belter than
to tackle Joe again. I know and he
knows that I can lick him. As to
Itltcble, he does not want ny more
of my game either."
The Pacific & Eastern railroad has
a crew of men nt work lalng a side
track under the new bridge over
Bear creek. The track will stub Just
south of the bridge.
r When the work of laying tho track
started rumors of an extension to
tho coast became current, but alas,
It was only n stub.
CINTISXATI, Ohio, March 18,
Oeorjje Cox nnd leu oilier Oneiniiiiti
citizens today nre fnolin; two indict
ments olmrpti); them with tni.npply
ing funds of tho Cineinnnti Trust
Company, of which Cox wns presi
dent. The institution closed its doors
in November, 1911. A urnnd jury
which probed the conuinny'a nffuirn,
returned Ihe indictments yesterday.
"KiiiRS of Ihe l-'ore-l" Is the lillo
of n wild nulrnnl .solvation, liy Sell),',
presenting n thrilling story of life In
the Trnnsvnnl jungle.
11ns is one of tho gruntest nnltnnl
pictures cer produced, and there nre
enough exciting uimnentH, hniihrenritl
escapes nnd dating niturcs for the
most liliM
Two other his features ntn tut Ihe
Tho grand jury which convened
Monday jnoming nt Jacksonville put
in n very busy day, turning- their
attention first to cleaning np the
criminal cases where men were
hound over te nwaU action.
A true bill wax returned against
Cecil A. Townsend for forgery.
Townsend is confined in the county
jail. He has been ia trouble several
times before.
Three indictments were returned
against Frank Kelly, the "method
ical" burglar who robbed a large
number of stores in Medford and kept
a complete set Of book on hia burg.
John Walker ha been indicted for
raising a check given for $2.25 to
An indictment was returned against
John Dee for pointing a revolver at
another. Dee is not yet in custody.
Residents of Jacksonville aro very
much exceed over a current report
that the present grand jury Intends
to probe a recent dance nt Jackson
ville, where "ragging' Is Bald to
have been Indulged in to a great
extent in the wee ama' hours of tho
Whether the grand Jury will probe
or not is not known. No auspicious
subpoenas have as yet been Issued.
Med ford Camp, No, 00, ypodmen
at Ihe Worm, Raven ciahs inmauon
Saturday night,' March 15th, nt which
several candidates' were introduced
into the protection decree of the or
der, and several new applications
wore balloted upon. The uttenduuee
was very hiruc. and included a num-
Iter of visiting memberu from other
iMitnns. ' At the conclusion of the in
itiatory work an oysler supper was
bcrvcd in the banquet hull and was
thoroughly eu joyed by all present.
A Strong Indorsement.
W. If, Holmes of the Decorah, la.,
Journal says, "I had been a sufferer
from pile and hemorrhoids for
years. I get so relief, until my drug--1st
recommended Merltol Pilo Kern
tut v. Before I bad taken half tbo
package the distress was gone and
1 have sad no trouble since, i woum
not take va4'tksHMBd dollars and bo
back bjWjfity oondltton," Has
kins' drug store, excluelvo agents.
T ' i '' iii i m ii j iiimi i i
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hill, "Priiice hit", the wonderful edit.
I'nlrd horse thnt hs heeil plennlii):
thmiHnuils, is on the fill lor (wo moie
nichtx, lonlitlit niul tomorrow. I'mIIik'n
Weekly litis moiiih eiy liileteslliiR
tnplcnl Iicwh, mid nutmig (ho ninny
vnrylnir Hccues Is MrM. Jontt M, Tonon,
tha well known woiutiu tuituiuollllnt
drivinir Dlsbww'n MOO h. p. nulo 'May
Kyo yee" nt HI miles nil hour.
Tableti. DrURgUts refund money It
It fall to cure. K. W, UHOVK'S slg-j
uniuro is on cacn uox. ao cents
Skin Sufferers -Read!
M m U Kin twtlrtrtn win) lio
ntrlfil fur inrviu fi h luruitti of
ilUmif KIM wlm U vuuilil limllcul adl
In vlm lo rl IM,
Wr, dI.I alolilliti1 itrnssttlx f
IliU I'uinmuiiH), Uli In roominhil lo
you tirixluct Hit I lim ail vr ii inmiy r
lur niul in)' mikn Hi tint of imr
oh)' Tli roiluct In a ntllil, ulnil'U
nil. not h iIpiI liinllcln roiieuctod uf
rlou Mrllili itru, till k rlnlllli)
rriiH'ooiul nm.U of Vrll Known milUfhtlc
iiHIt1lrlit. II I Iiimi In III D.ll.
Ul'iiriirl uf l'lilcii ainl In clli) III
D.u.n. rmerlptlcn for nettni.
Thin I iluclor ii'tdm iivcrllliiii
i ii II. t ti rfviil ninny nondtrful
Tim ftfi'l uf H P l I In mxilli In
lnlly, mi moil n Millttj turn l 'u
IIHtxa r, lUlllO) Ml. I lirnit4
oft nil illrn snrtiii niul Uv. i
Vln rlmti Mint luftlltiy
W l n ronflJpnl of Hi iiimi vrlnui
mnr uf I 1 I llml Iimv ukuii
mhmileilK of Hi tiiMimriliiir vuai.
Mill, In nl?r ) mi ft fiill-l liulll mi
irlitl Vnii r In Jintr lli nivrlik of
Id innnly In our awn imrtlouUr ri.
If It ilntall't liflfi yuu, ll enal ) oil
t I 1 Himn U limit nf Ui riitii Iim.
Ins liisrJIiil, Ak u n!oui Ik
With Medford trade Is Mcdford mndo.
jLJ$K tSJ3mmmmmWEt
Y'S i rva&IMI
: fA-4 i ymmi'm
4 S 1
Easter 1913
We have gathered together the
finest assortment of Easter Cloth
ing, Hats, Furnishings and Shoes
ever brought together in Southern
Oregon for your inspection.
We also have thrown this
great stock of dependable
merchandise on sale, on
only one day's notice.
Come in and let us show you
how much you can save on your
Spring and Summer Suit. They
are Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits,
all wove, and none better.
Ctyiltt n UMntj k Mt
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