i tim v i Hi m 1 -u M 8S l3 f r p'. - , t i- ',' -.. ..,.;' " 5"" KSBSStS3BBSSKSBSSSS!tSS!!SSS!!!!i nwt0iMAXb THIMJNK em AirTKI u AT IIV TUB MMUKOnU riUNTlNO CO. The lmocrtlo Tltnf. Th Mtford Mall, Tha Mrdfnnt Trlhunr, Thn Houth rn OrUan, Tha Ashland Tribune. - orriMll Trlbuna lltilMIn. K.-H-J North 'Fir trl: phone. Main JM1. OBOR8W I'UTNAy, K.mor and Manager Rntered aa arcond-clasa tnatUr at Mcitrnnt, Oregon, under tha act at March S. 1879. Offlcl 1 raner of In Cltr of Medford. Official Vapr of Jackson County. trBBcmOTMW tukxam. On jrrar. by mall ,. - - H.e Ono month, by mall ,S0 Per month, lllvrrrl by farrlr In AMuuora, jacKnonnm ami ven im l-oint , . FRtunlay only, by mart, par rear 1.00 Weekly, Pr year, .8o tral I'oinu SO IWOES CXXC0&JkTIOaT. Dally averac for eleven months end ing November 30..1J11, :JS1. Tho Mall Tribune la tin sale at the Terry New Stand, San Franclaeo. IMrlfan.l Hotel Newa 8Un4, pArtUnA. I'ortUimt Neir Cu Portland. Or. W. O. Whitney, Seattln. Wnnh, nU as4 Wit VnlttA Prtaa Btapatohaa. KssromB. osxaov. Melropolla of Southern r OeRn- and Northern California, and the fastest croninr city In Orecon. Population U, 8. cenaua 110 IMO; estimate,!. Ill: m.ooo. Fire hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System computed ictvtnir -ffneat supply pure mountain wter, and) 17.1 mHM nf ittrMttft iavimL Poitofflca recelpla-Jof I year Mdlnir November 10, 1111, howlnreiaf of IS Banner fruit city In OrcRon -Itorua IlU-er SpllienberK apples won awtcp atakea prlx and title of Anil KlBff of tko Wort" at the National Apple Show, pokajie, 1MJ, and a car of hen-towns won Xtnrt Jrrta. In 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, n. C rirvt Vrlte la 1111 At .Spokane Ntlol Applo Show wen by carload of Ntwwwnn. ,Rocu ltlvcrMra brought hlcheat priced In all tnariieta of the weW duf. Inc tho paat &' is JOLTS AND JINGLES SyAitlrewn J Agnltt, to tho Same Tunc. ii JJhJ AnderMoti, my llo, HuJ We're (boost In' for yon yet Ard not- a tum knacker The firsit tuirup that you pel. We backed you sJtroiifr 1 iii, llutl, 'ml, surest thing you know, We'll Maml by you ajmin, llud Hud Anilertwtl, my lie. f , Il'ulcs for New ISrfdgv. The fpllowinj; rtilcs, it is nndcr stGQd, ttjlt bt jxistcd in conspicuous places, nt filhcr eud of the new Hear creek bridge: 1. Autofctft, when crossing this bridge, will tie u Hinall dog to tho rt-ur end of machine. If hiring from car to dog is taut, car is goiug too fait. Slow up until pup may run uudor car. H. Strnncerrt neekiug remunera tion from jKdcNtrians, in return for uew up nnu uown ma ervK, hiiohki be avoided. They aro dcccivcw. "0. On approaching east end of bridge horbcnien should dismount and take horse by the bead let bmoke from P. & K. trains pobhiug under nea th friuhten the bleed. 1. In order not to stnrtl horMjs on, briilo, automobiles should be piiiuted to rcseinblo the opera house, cluster lishth, bridge rail, or nearby ltnid-icapc. 3. Any peivon cracking joke about btid"e bciii-' a fine cxamnle in tho tote re to (or concrete example of fine bridge) will bo thrown in Bear oreck. 0. Voiirjj' .'Ojiplcs kIio lean npains bridge rnjlfr for 'more than tvro fctic ccsNive bourn will be civen n finan cial intercut in the bridge. 7. . If n street car fchakes the bridge notify the wholo city. We want to sec that stree'i cor. 8. No bridge playing on bridge. 1). "o standing ou bridge at mid nilil whei) the ejwk -in ulrikiutf the liour.wj'' .. 7 - 10. No using of concrete rniU to hlinrpen lead pencils, 12. Keep off the injunction; it be- !ss te J5chJo JJojvpru. ID, No fishing from bridge. It would be cnibura,hfc"ing to Mniiigcn to'jjjjrctfiidjcp jerkej up ni their faces. .' 1-1, Upon sjict-jali rcqnebt from young cuuples clinler lights will be turned low from 8:30 until 11 each evening. lo. If the brjdge wrura out before the puviug remcjjiher Jhc bridge was there a loutf time fint. lli.i Aiilioro dying on litjjlycbo longfl. imrly to (lie eU purify t tho coliiity, and parify to 1. to IJ. rtiilj'oud. i -n . ; x a GERMAN STEAMERlo'ST WITH CREW OF TWENTY 8TKTT1N, Oormuny, Murcu 18, Wreckage found touting off the ,Vorr wuy couut indicates that the Goriuan btoamer Peruvian, with a crow of 20, wax lout oft hero somo tlmo ago. TheiVMSelJiay'beou posted ut "nilhu Ing" (or several duya, ' X BRYAN VISITS OUNNE IN SENATORIAL STRUGGLE , JWJUK0F11.LP. HI., MiiicU 18, Rucretar.v of State Uryan, Mrs. Itryim, mid (Inventor Dunne of Illin ois M'rivyri herp tnday, Diiniiit in fused to disetlsb the Illinois seiuitor- aw iMaw8inR' J riIfM.TSJI KVMHT Uii iituKtioiu -4-4.--.,A .m'ffirm,mr"m WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH OREGON-ONE THING. O JJI'XION and (lie northwest nVo suffering from the effect a of land speculation. The era of rapid devcl- oj)inoii( f tho past ductule attracted in its wake a flock of ypoeuintors, whose contnuulion to pixisponty consisted in inflating values. ' ll is doubtful ifjiuv forin of LWttnhlint? is harder unon r. country than land gambling. It upselsi and unsettles communities, uiven a touch ot tlte jjet-rioh-quiclc magic of Iniying on margins today to sell at an advance tomor row and the individual is spoiled for the hum drum life of loil. Land .speculation is the ingin results, as faro, roulette, poker and other games of cnance. it not only demoralize the individual, but the community as well. It retards rather than builds up, creates a fictitious base and supplants plodding develop ment with feverish expectancy and anticipation, a hectic flush that counterfeits real health. Land speculation hot oilly withdraws individuals from useful production, but also' hind. No permanent pros perity can be built upon the process of swapping prop erty, increasing valuations or staking out town lots. The citizen who lives by a raise in the price of property due to the growth of the community fulfills no useful part in the community's existence is simply a parasite upon it. Inflation of. land values is sinjply trying to discount jodny the development"' of tomorrow'. Tjic 'speculator is trying to oasli, in advance the industry and enterprise of tne next uecade or two. His contribution to society is no more beneficial than that of any other gambler. Productive work is the re;d basis of prosperity. Land is worth just what it can be made to produce. 'Without labor it is unproductive and therefore valueless to the community. No one is cntitloJ to imm flum ln iihii but everyone is entitled to a)l uui-is uiu sijci'uinior create i , , Every section, has ty go through the laud speculative era sometimes several succeeding speculative crazes. After artificial inflation has had its day, there is always the reaction the period of depression and the commu nity is then in much better shape, much healthier, much sounder. When tho artificial inflation litis been squeezed, and, people cease trying to Jive without labor, cease dis counting the future and get "down to brass tacks," quit grafting and go to work, then the connnunitv has tin assured future and the sooner it realizes this, the better. The entire Pacific coast country is going to have a phenomenal development during the next decade, follow ing .tlie' completion of the Panama canal, the San Fran cisco exposition and tlte railroad and highway develop ment in prospect. But care should be exercised in every community to make prosperity permanent bv preventing land speculation and inflation, that the future may not be too far discounted and that there may bo no prolonged period of depression following; I NEGRO WOULD CARVE FRIEND Athur Johnson, a diminutive col ored gentleman nf Ashland, was ar rested Monday evening by Night Of ficer Mrgo. for attempting to carve Hie body of it foUoy, African yilbjhU knife, pot having u, razor at hand. Johu-ioii was told to beat it Tuesday morning by the mayor. Johnson tdiowcd up in Medford Monday morning and proceeded .to get drunk, lie wux n Jit lie fellow but whiskey mude him bad. Last night he decided to decorate his companion wili hij knife, and wa phiehed. SILVER TIPPED BEARS' LAIR IN SILVER MINE DENVER, Col., .March I8,-Hy tracking a big bitter tip bear to his lair, "Jack" Lynch, a resident of Eagle,, Colo., Juih, located abulously riclj sijver deposit near llagk today, according jo word iceeived hea1. Lynch rarae tiKit the bear while prMiiH;cjing. He cjiuseil the uiiimul into u high cute, and while waiting for bruin to eoiuu out, baw tracts of tho silver in the rocks ut his feet. A big rush to the spot in expected. ELECTRIC SERVICE TO CORVALLIS FROM PORTLAND PORTLAND, Ore., .March 18. OfficiaN of tho Oregon KJeufrio com jinny have jnuioiinecd tpday that ser vice over its new lino between Cor valljs and Gray will bo.iunuguruted im Mup'h U5. ' ; A Cure for IJezcum. Eczema In any form, whether acute or chronic, Is cafllly and rapid ly overcotno by tho uso of cMrltol Hczema Ilemedy. OIvch pooltlvo re Hot when all others fall, and wo heartily recommend it to any suf ferer. Ilasklns' drug store, occlusive agents r, . , XOTICK. N'otlco Is herepy given that tho undersigned will petition to the city council, of (hp fty of Medford at Its next regular meetliiK on April I, 1013, for a pprmlt (o tranfor, place of business In city of Medford from No. 31 South Front street to UC North Front strpet. H. 8. ItRnCMFFH. Dated March 18, 1013. WItU Meilfgra iraay l Med(ora wdu. rtedfoud matl TnTnmrR. MKnifonn. on ran ox. Tnw.nAy, MARpn is, mi n i wiim4 I i i i i i mm i ii I I I I I i i I i J J. I'll1. same iii theorw farther reach that hq creates. But what 'FEDERAL ATTORNEY OF TACOMA. March 18. -United Stntes District Attorney Ueterly W. (,'piijpr ,hu notified the dupartment of justice nt Wnshiiintotij D. C of his ikirc to be immediately relieved of further official duticft, declaring (hat he expects to nt once wind up his connection with the office and turn it over to his usniUtnt. Unless a permanent succesvir is shortly appointed JiKle Cuslimau is expecled o name Assistant District Attorney Charles F. Riddle as head of tho office iintiL the uutr udniiuU t rut ion im able to make u selection from the half dozen candidate for tlieposilion. LAXAT VE FOU OLD PEOPLE "CASCARETS. f Wlmt CJInsM-s Are to Weak IJc. Cuscnrt'p Aro lo Weak lionet n lO.tent liox Will Truly Amaze Von. .Most-old people must t;l3 lo the bowels sonic regular help, e'l? ttiey suffer from constipation, Tho con dition Is perfectly natural. U Irf ,ust us natural uh It Is fur old pco,ilq to walk slowly. For ago 't novo- so active as youth. Tho inusc'oh aro less elastic. And tho bowels u-u ilshcich So all old pcoplo iiOd.i t'udiaicls, Ono might us well refus i to u'd weak eyes with glasses as to ncn'.cot this gentle aid to weak IciwnM Tho bowels must be kept ac'v.. Thlu Ii Important at all ageH, J ut never so much as at fifty, Ago is not a tlmo for li.tivh ph) fl ics. Youth may occasional! whip tho bow61s into activity. Hut it lash cau't ho used every day. What Ihu bowels of tho old need hi a t-'ciitlo and natural tonic, Ono that can li'j constantly psed without harm. The only fitich topic Is Cascarcts and they cost only 10 cents per box at any drug store, They wor'c while yem sleep. , John A. Perl Undertaker 28 B. DAinXETT IMioucm M. 471 an 478 Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner rrr CITY COUNCIL TO KLT THIS EVENING Tht' eil council will hold tlielr vctnid regular iiituilhlv meeting tlti evening mid trniiMtot umliuc lititl ncfs. The most iiiiKttttiut (limine to ciniic up will be the coustilciiitinii of the piuvhime nf the Hamilton much ut the intake of the urmilv witter system which will protect .Med- ft'ord'a witter supply. It is not believed that miy up poitttmciiU will' Im mittle tutiight. lliu-c going titer until the people. vnti on the measure limiting the in r vol's sus pension potter. Among the ordinance to be con sidered loinglit will bo tuic In ivuiilale plumbing ami one in liecn-c pawn hrokeis. T SACKAMBNTO, I itl . Mulch IS.- tlcne.roiw rninfull e'iduit: the loudest coiitinuoiiM drought miicc 181MI wiu fjcnontl tliniuclunit niittlieni t'alifor- nut tttid last tiijsht. The local foie ctistcrs, n.Mirts hcaty raiiiti and snows in (he alley and moitulaiu tlis tricts. The precipitation is u Uod send to tliu furtuer mid cattle raiser in lite entire northern part of tho state. SEEK CRACKSMEN WHO DYNAMITED DRUG STORE SAN FRANCISCO, Maich IS. A posse of patrolmen tinned with Win chesters are svarchim; Sutro F"iet, overlooking the (iolden (Sale, fur two crack-meu vlio were routed euilv to day while altemptiiii; to dxiiuuiitc the Shuinute I'hunuaetV safe. Alter it rutiiiiui; revolver duel with I'atrol man McDouonh mid Smh-1iiI Officer Sullitnii the burglar eriiMj(l into the wood. EATON WAS POISONED OR COMMITTED SUICIDE IllNdllAM. Mn-... March IS. Following the rcVrleil disetitcry of nrscuie in his slotitach, it was Mii. lively stated hem todav that Rear Admiral Joseph OiIim Entoii cither coinmitted stiicidt1 or was murdered at his home in Norwcll near here. Mrs. Eaton, the, widow, is expected to testify at the intpiust which is be ing conducted in llie courthoti-e hero tixluy. . . MAKES HAIR GROW l'nriMaii Sugn an liiilgornlor lliut .Makes llalr (Srotv Aluiiidiiiitly or .Money Mark. If your hair It thinning out Krad ttally It won't bo long before tho bald spot appears. The time to take euro of the hair In when you have hair to take rum of. For thin falling hulr the best rem edy known to .mankind Is Carlisle i. Sage. It Is compounded ou m-loutUli principles and furnishes to the In1 root a nourishment thut art ipiliM and promptly and cause the hulr to grow. Hut remember this: It kills thn dandruff germ, the pest that uppro prlates all tho patur.il nourishment that should go to the hair root Parisian Sugo la,, sold by ("ins, Strang under n poiitjvo gtianiiitc- t'i banish dandruff, stop falling h Ir and Itching sculp lu two weeks or money back. It gives to women's hair n luster and radiance that Is most fascinating and causes It to grow 8111111(10111' I'arlslun Sjko Is sold by Jrut.glsiH lu every town In America. A l.trj;-, generotiH bottlu costs r0 rents, and tho glr with Anhnri! hitlr Is ou every bottle Don't Hurry, And Don't Worry When you uso Crescent BaRingPowflcf It Is thuMoiblo action kind, It contains two power units one to work Immediately uud start tho rulse, tho other works gradually, and continuously until you huvo baked tho dough "&lmtr That Is why your lakes and pastry won't fall If you uro Inter rupted, and also why you can set cakes and biscuit at night and hake tlinni In the morning, TRY IT. EfnfnffiiFl urnvnyA Hold by Ki(M5rsJ'ilVTifiill pound CRESCENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY Seattle, Washington Send 8c stamp for Cook Hook, mmn'mtmmmm ;f,'i;;ir MILWAUKEE TO ENTER MSN. I'OHTMNn, Die, March IS. Follow ini a coiileiciue lieie between !'. II. Ilihiud, vice pic-uleiil of the Chicago, Milwaukee V SI. I'niil s. tern and ol'fiolals of the O. W It. & N, it was lielietcil ti'dtiN thnt within a lew utonlha the Milwaukee road would lo updating Iralus into I'ort Iniid. I'letiotts (o lii" confciviiee nn iit'ievmuul hail been entered into whereby the Miluitnkee Would oper ate iulo I'orlhliid ufler the cnuiple lion of lite O. W. K. iS. N eoiupaiix'i. eut-otf between Spokane and Axel Junction. This out -off wotdd ens, the MilwMiikre's mitiii line at Mu !ieti(o, Wn. The two road will use 'the Iniel. between Spokane and Mil reiiKu joiutlv. When the Milwiiukvn eoiaplelcs a new cnniici turn 111 t tt Spo kane trmu the eii-l ii will be able lo route limtseoiittiieiitul It. tin- lliriuijh thai t'it. MURDERED FATHER TO SAVE MOTHER FROM A BEATING IICNTINC.TON, W. Va.. March 18. - Aeipultal ot the chutge of murder ing his father lo sine In mother from a beating, is secured lieie today bv Oario I'icklehciiiier, it scliooltearhe.r of hiuilsvllle, Kv Seia wealthy ICeitttickiitn attended the trial and ttaed their influence for IVklehcimcr A UPSET STOMACH. ,aK,'s ll.iK-p,lu" Oteitonic tmr liiillgcslloii in lite .Minnies. Wonder what upel nur htouiuili Which portion of the food did the damage do joti? Well, don't both er. If jour sloniucli Is lu a revolt; If sour. goMy ami tiimct. ntiil whit you Just ate bus rertuented Into stub lioru lumps; otir Instil dlxxv uud nches; belch gases mid adds ami orurtato undigested food; lirerlh foul, tongue coated Just take ,t di tto Dlapepslu and In fire nil'iKcs j ou truly will wonder what burninc ot tho Indigestion and dlxtrcu. MltlloiiH of men and women loio.y know that It Is msMlless to hare a bad stomach. A little Dlnpcps' i oc casionally keeps this delicate or; tn regulated and they oat their favorite foods without fe.tr If jour stomach doou't take cur" ot jour liberal limit without rebsl lion; If your food Is n damage In stead of a help, remember the ipilok cut. surest, most liaruilns relief Is I'npo's Dlapepnlu which costs only fifty cents for a large case at drug stores, t's trul wonderful It di gests food nud sets things straight, so gently aud easily that It Is really astonishing. I'b'.ise. for your sake, don't go on anil ou with u weak, disordered stomach. It eo unneces sary. TIRED, EYES NEED A REST This can only bo obtained by tho wearing of glasses. Not Just any kind of glasses, hut those fitted by scientific methods to your special ro (julrumontH. , My methods and oporlen'o tnitr auteo you this result. A trial will convince, you. Coiuo now to DR. RICKERT i;yc Klght KH-clalNt Over Kontner's Some Exceptional Good Buys 30 acreii only '4 inllos from city; tolim ono of tho finest ordhurds lu tho vujloy. I'rlco Vltioo, good tenim. Ub'Nd'Af'OWH . . - Wo havo soijiy nlco iifnw bungalowii lor sale ou very easy payments. H.MAIiL TilAJTH Wh havo it number of small tracts for salo or exchungo for city prop orly. lt!IIO Alio Htoik llamli to exchange, for wo)l Imjiroved or chard tract or city pioporty. Wood&IVlessner H H"ii(li Central Ave, S GASSY HuMnkwiiHiStl -. mm, 'I J Use . i GOLD DUST instead of aoap You rcnlly don't need onp in tho house, except for toilet and hath, nnd possibly a littlo (or your fine Inccs and lingerie. With Gold Dust-tho all 'round cleanser you enn do nil your houHohold ( cleaning more quickly casily--oconomicfllly than you can with soup ov any other cloansor. Gold PUSt docs tho work better, too. Soap only cleans off thn surface; Gold Dust goes into every corner cleaning and purifying, driving out tho germs as well as the dirt. Rout nf all. vou don't need any elbowgreaso withGold Dust iiaooHiuo Arwthw work itself. n .i ut 5.. Nitklkis Hr(, S.J.. AmMl K.fMs.'iS)lJ UmU CM DuX ll 4.lr.kl. l..li nu.llll.. la ril.ilr Sarmt.tt mmI lMt !. uttkcoLDmj3rrwiss.r.,wtk,t HOW TO WIN 5 BALL p VJlit.Ji. .. - -!.- As Willie Kcclcr onco ndvised t " Mil 'cm where tltey niii'l." Not " cny lo lo, hut you have the rtlgr wltcu you use thn Spalding Cork Center Ball, It gets that old "zip" to a hit that often means n few feet further in distance ontl- "Safcf T. .tJ. OlW.I N .tJns4l l1f twt vsl.f IUU, Isw ii.a&.u iu .a-.. I I..UJ ik. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. ISS Cry Street, Sun I'mnrluo A.k ll..l JW-r firrtH White Wyandottcs SiK-ilal Offer for Imlunce of Mnrrh. lu order to mlvertUu my prize win nltig. winter laying stock, a big re duction In price of eggs, and In ad dition with every order received will give free one year's subscription to The Northwest Poultry Journal. My best pen wnti first pen, first cork, first aud second pullet and lerond lieu at Omul Pans show, I til 2. Also sweoHitakes for hlgheat scoring pen of any variety In show and I was offered JUT. for the cork. From this pen eggs at t'i per setting. All oth ers nearly oipml $1. A few good cockerels for sale Write quick. JOHN II, !Tl.l.i:il Talent, Oregon Auction Sale or Acreage in Tin: I'ir.ttci: .suitiuvtsio.v Two .'Miles lisl of .Medford TIIL'ltKDAV, Al'llll KITH ON Till; ia.i Ono nnd uno-ipiartor to flvo aero tracts will bo itold to tho highest bid der. Heldom does tho buyer huvo tho chuueo to iiiiino tho prlco hu pays for real cslato, especially choice pro perty well lucntod and on very easy tonus. Do not fall to secure ono of these tracts. A special opportunity for tho man of Hinall meaiiH to secure u homo. Idhorul dlucouutu will ho inudo for all cash, i:. k. iiKititiir, o. ii, I'icitci: Atiitloiieer Owner PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Water Hqating All Work Ouarnntr.fld I'rlccu llcusniiatln COFPEEN & PRICE as Howard Block, nntranua on Otli II, Horn Fhona 3. Clark 6c Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, 1). O. Public Land Matters: Final I'roof, Desort LiuhIii, (lonlost and Mining Cttiivl. iJcrln, M,.4UlltL Jltdrn NwraMal II' i, '". "JU'I 0 WHERE TO GO TONIGHT TONIGHT DramaTho Turning I'oliilKnhtiis Coinei' A Herenittle by I'roxy Kd Imii, Dnuna The Hherlff's Blory !' lunay. Coined) The House In Iho Woods Iiiiblu. And fur imulc wu have an aiiuoiiiieemeiit extraoidlnuiy Aiutot lO'rle Boiirauo. Mrs. Woolworth. Our prices novor vary. Alwaya tho samo. 10 CENTS Novor Moro -Novor Loss THEATRE (Formerly the Ugo) Dinner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau rou ham:. Iii ncren lu fruit, mostly pur. room modern hoime. barn, chicken house, liormm uud btigity. nnd some poultry, all farm Implements; price $10,500. terms. .Vroom bungalow, modern, ( Urn lots. barn, chicken holism, fruit, A-l soil; price ftCUO; snap. Largo nnd small urreuge tracts :it great bargains. Furnished and unfurnished houses and rooms for rent- Mat )otir homes and ranches for mil. ILMI'I.OYMn.Vr. Man aud wlfn ou raiioh. Itaiich hands. Waitress. Hotel liaker. Houseman. OlrU mid women for gouurul housework. MRS. EMMA BITTNER rhono Home 14 OpX)llt Naali Hotel ItOOMH 0 nud 7. 1'AIjM IIIXK3K. E.D.Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Olub Amateur iMnishing Post Cards Paijorainio Work . , Portraits Intorior and oxtorlor viows Iflmh lights Negatives made any tiino and any place by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 J. II. Mulhollen I'dlnllng, I'aper Hanging, Tlutlntf anil General llouso ItepaliiiiK I'lionti liUII-Y WM West Hecond Street Draperies Wa curry a very complete Una of draperlcM. luco eiirlalim, fUtiiron. etc., ami tin ull ulussus of iipliolsttrlnir. A apiiciai man to looit ufiur this work nxcliialvwly unit will utvo as good sorvluu us m possiulu to st tn even tlio largest cities. Wooks & McGowan Co, 00" H44&Mn'&!i ,-s. v"W. 5f.-ir-v . ''.jylS'M-: !, J Jt - f t