Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 18, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    memmmrr. w u.j
Tim m?W 'rm f '" Medford
Contwrnlary of Mulo and l.ntl
RunKM'bVRlnfl next week. Send for
cntalo. 0. Talllandlor, director.
Th4 emmtr OMHilbneri' c6irt
wan Ininnjon t OkekHonvJUe lol-,
day, trnnwotlnR uulnrt that "Jim
conlo up during: tho month nnd re
quired Lcarntttintlon.
Rhorlff Slnglcr w orer from
Jackupnvlllo. iMondny afternoon, on
offlrliil liuftlnoKR.
ii U.D.;Woston, commercial nhotoc
rpherp,stiitgaUvc matte any tlmo or
.idfico. rb pjpolBlt PboM Mt
Fred Pott loft for Portland Mon
tiny ovenlnp; nnd lll also bo to Van-
'rouvcr, Wash., hofore returning.
.tt .A. Flttslbbon of Foots Creek
mado a business trip to Medford on"
W.IU Itend f Cleveland, Olito, who
Irt looklnK after Dr. R. Fowler's tim
ber Interests In Fonts Creek illttrirt.
spent jionuay msni n jneuiom.
Feed nnd eeed. Schmidt, nhono
2fo. . "
11. 0. Meyer of Iako Creek and
JO. Barnard of Ashland Vcro In
Bedford Monday bn their ay to
Thomas Italley tof Dry creek tar
ried In Medford Monday, while on his
way south.
.Vapor bulks and iclenUno maa
tago for men and -women. Dr. It.
J.. Lockwood, cbrlopractor, 203 Gar-
Bfltt-Corer Bldg. Phnae 15
Constable Rankin mado an official
trip to Jacksonville Monday morning
MIm LouUo Jones of Jacksonville
was a recent, visitor In Medford. i
Tyson Deall nnd Victor Hurscll of
Central Point district transacted
business In Medford during the week
Q. C. llcach, mnslc studio. Vio
linist "Will Instruct on violin, man
dolin and guitar In correct method.
Advanced studonts and beginners.
Address 234 E. Bth street. Phono
Home 314-b or Main 3481. 307
Mrs. E. Hfglnbotham of Kanea
Creek mado Medrord a visit a rer
days since.
, T. C, Dugan of "Eagle Point dis
trict and T. J. Hamlin were anionic
those who camo to Medford Satur
day. ,
. Orchard, huntlnc. fishing and
Crater Lake scenes for sale at'Ger
ktng tc Harmon's studio. Negatives any nlacc. kodak finishing. 123
Bast Main street. Phono 215 R.
J. Court Hall .was the advance
guard of the returning fight fans
who witnessed tho Andcrsoa-Drown
tight. Ho got homo Monday evening
from Los Angeles.
'Senator Yonder Jlellon and his
son Carl were over from "Wollcn Mon
day. Tho former's health Is much
'Ladles' shoes shlncd at Summer
vlllo's barber shop.
George A. ilorse of Talent trans
acted business in Medford Monday
afternoon. So did Owen Dunlap of
Prank B. Wnlto of Douglas coun
ty, a well-known operator In real es
tate, arrived In Medford Monday on
business connected with a largo body
at land situated near Ashland in
which ho is Interested.
Real bom made bread at De-
Vob's. '
.If. A. Canudy, tho attorney, was
In Ashland Monday on professional
Mrs. Helen C. Gale, who has been
nt Three Pines. Josenhlno county, on
a visit wlth frieriils, returned Mon
Bring that old book wits tarn
binding down and have It rebound
at tho Mail Tribune office- Coats
but little. tf
E. BrJtt and Ed Wetidt wero over
from Jacksonville Monday morning.
C. H. Helmrpth of Griffin creek
district tarried a few hours In Med-
lord Moudny.
Kodak finishing, tho best at Wea
pon's, 'opposite book store.
Mrs. Carl I'htjps left a few days
slnco for Yolo county, California, to
visit her sister, Mrs. Ellis Sargent.
I. T, Qalllher of Rock Point, super
intendent of the Illo Dell orchard,
transacted business In Medford Mon
day. " ' '
Insure and be. sure. Right If wo
wrlto It. R. A, Holmes, Tho Insur
BiicaiMan. , . . , t , ,'
;Mr.aid jrH.,,j!'F. Seville of Mon
tunn, 'have been Malting Mrs. H.
Cnmoron, u .slater of Mrs. Seville,
leaving for , Home Monday. They
spent the winter la southern Cull-
tora ... .. . j
, Mrs. T, B. Klusuinu Iiob been ma
king Ashland a vUlt.
, IJarry Loo mado a trip to Eaglq
Point tho foio art f tho week.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Hay Plioiiu 1X17
Night V. Weeks JOita-'J
Plume A. i:. Orr 078.M
"flwirtto II. llur ham of Ornnu WM
was In Medford Monday on mofw
nlor.M tontines,
florae Carter made n Irln to Ash-
jsn'd Monday morning
Clerking A Harmon, studio por
traits, homo portraits, flash lights,
kodak finishing, post card work nnd
enlarging.; 12S East Main street;
tojphone 215 It.
Frank howls and F. Ayers of
KnglePolntivrro among tho many
In, Medford and Jacksonville Mon
Tho case brought against Fred
Pclquzo by users of tho waters of
lluttb crook vas compromised beforo
being cnllfd In the circuit rourt Mon-
xlay. A number of residents of Knglo
Point wero on hand as witnesses.
.Carkln . Taylor i( John H Car
kin, and Otenn p. Taylor), attorneys-at-law,
oTor Jackson County Bank
ttulldlng Medford
V. A. Ilemonway of Cottngo Grove
has bwn transacting business In
x frndtrs. R. F. Dean of Wilbur
Snrlncs district drovo to Medford
londay morning.
New York Llfo Insuranco Co., C.
Y. Tcngwald, Medford National
Bank, Dldg., phoiib 3371.
H. 1). Norton and Fred Williams.
Grants Pass attorneys, wero In Med
ford nud .Jacksonville Monday.
J. C. Brown,and A. II. Miller were
nmopg fhe citizens pf Medford who
went to Jacksonville Monday. ,'
They say sh'o Is coming back.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hamlll left for
San Francisco Monday, on a short
visit In California. " "
Bert W. DcnnU and It. E. Reed of
San Francisco aro among thoso from
nbroad transacting business nn Med
Thomas E. Nichols. J. F. Brown i
J. B. Taylor, Watklns brothers, E.
Spencer and Mr. Cotter wero amoag
tho Eagle, Pointers In Medford and
Jacksonville) Monday.
George Mansfield, one of tho now
ownera of tho Payno ranch, on upper
Roguo river, spent Monday in Med
Mrs. O. It. Chaffeo left for her
former homo in Michigan a few days
since, accompanying her parents, who
have been visiting In Medford.
' John Arnelt was on Monday cvet
sing's northbound train, en route to
Seattle. , .
J. L. Richardson Is, In Medford
again after an cxiendo'd ab'sence. -
Mac Anderson 'and Owen Dunlap
Lwere up .from Phoenix Monday.
Hubert Smith of Sterling and E.
Hlglnbotham of Gold Hill precinct
woro In Medford the fore part of the
week. -v , v "
J. AV.Opp went.toKanes creek
district Monday, wbero ho Is engaged
In mining.
C. n. Stout nnd his family were
over from Jacksonville Saturday.
EdRhoten, nn old-tlmo prospector
who. Is leasing a piece of mlntng
ground near tho Kubll rulno near
Gold Hill, has cleaned up on six
tons of ore nt the rato of $S5 a ton.
The mlno can stand a lot of devel
opment yet and gives promise of be
ing a rich producer.
Roderick Mncleay, owner of tho
cannori' at tho mouth of tho Rogue,
and Slater Johnson left Mouday eve
ning for Wedderburn. going via the
nowly constructed government trail
from Lclnnd down tho river to Lob
ster, creek, tho end of navigation.
Hero they will bo picked up by a
gakoltne launch. They expect to bo
gone two weeks.
Dr. Haven Metcalf. in charge of
forest pathology. United States De
partment of Agriculture, Washing
ton, will bo hero tho latter part of
tho week to co-operato with Profes
sor O'Gara In certain Investigations
now under Way.
Through an error tho Medford
team was credited Monday with win
ning tho first ball game of tho sea
son from Central Point. Central
Point won tho game, G to 4.
The young men arrested for fight
ing In tho street several nights ago
wero allowed to return to their
homes in Ashland next morning.
T. h. DeVoro of Jacksonville was
a business visitor In Medford Mon
day. T. Morton and C. E. Evanu of
Weed, Cdl , made a business trip U
Medford this week.
The Grants Pass Commercial club
has completed arrangements for tho
visit of the Mazamas of Portland to
tho Oregon marblo caves In Jose
phine ' county starting Friday. May
30. One hundrod'mountaln climbers
aro expected to participate.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Williams of
Anderson creek spent Monday with
friends In Medford.
Chief of Police Hlttson and Night
Officer Mega spent Tuesday morning
at Jacksonville, appearing before tho
grund Jury.
With Medford trado Is Medford made.
Mdllol Itheuinatlhiii Powders.
Stand as the result of tho highest
medical achievement of modern sci
ence, and are guaranteed to glvo per
manent relief In all cases of Hheu
inatliin. If you suffer from Ilheu
inatlsm glvo thh wonderful remedy
a trial, Husklus' drug store, exclu
sive local agents.
With Medford trado Is Medford mado.
rEDFORn srxu) TJirnuNR
(Continued from page 1,)
lionuS sluilT hear internet
rent Kr milium.
I'IIinI With Clerk.
the Mittnt,v rlerk ufht Vhri'iiyer ijmn
M-ut4iUU(Twfiri-fmiiiy -ourr nt of tip.
fore. the ,nfAt resulnr elu thereof.
The ciuuitv court shall exnmiuo the
iwtitiott ih wmii ns it in o jitentel,
ami if the coiirt is sntisfleit thut the
initition siil-.lnnliiill.v con firms to tho
requirement of heelion ihrvo i;l) of
tins AetMiml contniim the names anil
jKtstut'tiee jtdiltweft f the rejui-lte
nutulier of rttors oh rt'iiuiccd liy sec
tion tun (2) of tltrx ej,ln county
urt lmll theu nmki aiturdcr dircot-
ins: Hint n wouil clviibu shull be
u.illcd nnd held in that oonuly for the
ttunttijio nM sixeifieil'iu the iwtition
nl a tunc to lie tliiu lixl ,uy ine
coiirF.vltieh hhnlt not be lets than
-1.. . ... . j ..
"20 .nor more than 40 ilnya after the
date of mnkiue; the onler; the onler
of the county court .shall ntntc tho
imQunt.a the proposed bonded in
debtedness, the maximum rate of iu
torext thnt it shall hear, mnl what
pnriiciilnr nmils within the cuuut)
nru'to ho hvtjtL nmf .Improved by tu'c
money o -raised, nul the miiiimuin
amount to be expended on each road,
aniLwhcre.loeuted uithiu tho county
giving tho besiu,l,uK nml 'ue terminus
thereof; nnd tho county court shall
not use any of the money so raied
under the provisions f this net, up
on nny other road than those men
tioned in snid order, nor for any
other purpose than thoso embraced
therein; naid order may contain any
other details which tho county court
may .deem projcrf not inconsistent
with the provisions of this net. There
Imll lie no npHnl from that order.
If the, county court fchnll determine
cither thut the petition does not sub
btantially conform to the require
ments of section three (3), or that it
does not contain named and postof
fico addresses of tho requisite num
ber of voters as required by section
two (21, it hhnll make un order de
cmrin&r Uiat fact and particularly
designatiug the defects and refusing
to order n special election. Within
ten days after tho entry of such or
der any one or more of the petition
em may npjieal to tho circuit court
in thr snme manner as appeals arc
taken from tho county court in ac
tions at law, except thnt tho notice
of appeal if not entored in tho jour
nnl nt the time the order is made
hhall be sencd on the county judge
and no nppenl bond ahull he required.
If tho circuit court upon Mich upiwal
bhnll be satisfied that the county
court should have ordered nn elec
tion, thnt court tdiull direct the coun
ty court to proceed as if it had de-
olnroil the Drocccdinirs sufficient. If
upon huuh appeal tho circuit court
shnll decido that the judgment of the
county court wan correct it Hhnll
inuko nn order affirming the judgment-
of that court. There shall he
no appeal from the judgment of the
circuit court.
Optional With Couit.
Sen. rL Whenever nJinnibcr of
regifjtored wtors of a county equal to
one-twenUeth (1-2U) nt mo greniesi
number gaf voles wiht in that county
at the nuxL preceding genurnl ciee-
tion or ijny person for judge of the
hiinremo court bhnll petition tlio couu
ly court ns provided in sections 2
and : of this act, the county court
klinll take tho hiiiiiu pnicecdingH re
hpecting such petition ns provnksl
Beit located
and most
hotel in the
City. Running duftilled
ice water in each room.
European Plan, a la Carte
- Tariff on Rooms
12 rooms -
60 rooms - -SO
rooms -
00 rooms trita pririU U0
GO rooms w& pcinte lit
$1.00 each
1.S0 each
2.00 cadi
2.00 each
2.50 each
30 ulte, bedroom, par
lor and bath - - 3.00 each
For pvore than ono gueit add $1.0b
extra to the above rate for
each additional guest.
Reduction by week or month.
Managtmtnt ChntUr V. KIUy
U-i.i-.jM :mnx m.'.tMV.m
.. Lcs2co of Grill and Dining Hoom.
l'oSfvfhlnVMrvJH 4 , .
Si'ejtJin petition nivutiunijd. in
Mettaii4tKrWiU lirtlt Ito fiteii with
TOnrorcn. OHKfiox, Trrcsruv. MAnr is. mm.
for lit ectlnu four (I), of llils nrl,
I'vt'pl llml If the court lx satisfied
that the potltlitn is IhiHtifficlHit nn
prtixidcil hi section (II It elm It mi
ailjuilgc, niid llietc shnll he.lio appeal
from such judgmrtf!, Tho eomtlv
court, however, is not required to call
n Hpeeml elecllon umii tho pelllion
proided for in this ccHou, niul the
difference between the proceedings
prowded for in this ection and thnt
provided for in section four (!) is
(hat this seclion is intended to uuth
nrlxo'hul not rcqtiliv tlie.counly court
to call n ipeclnl election, wheiens
section four A) in intended to be
mandatory upon the county court.
Notlt-iHkuf Klrvtlotn
See. 0, YVhNiuW h special elec
Hoit shnll bTwilorftl tp pwnlded in
llujj net lluj.ttvunlv com! shall cause
prhttvit inilieittJIIiclfnf .sigiRsl by llie
counly clrrk to he posted in like man
tier as notices T a getieml election
arc now (tosted, whirh notices shall
imrticularly specif tho atnoutil of
bonds pniM)sod to lw issued, Hie
length of time Ihev hhall run, mid
the maximum rnjc of iuleiit Ihev
shall hear, the road or ivnth ti ho
improved, and the amount to he e
jK'nded on each. Thtvo notices shall
bo posted nt least 20 duN hct'ore Hie
date of the election nnd shall he mih
slantially the following ferm:
(Here folhw the fonns provided
for election notice and ballot.)
Sec. 8. Otily ope special election
shall In? leld in miy counly in atty
one year.
At (cnernl Klcrtlon.
Sec. H. Whenever a number hf
registered voters of a county equal
to one-tenth (1-10) of tho greatest
number of voles eat in. thnt county
nt the next preceding general election
for nny ersoti Tor judge, ol I lie mi
preme courl, not exceeding five thou
sand (f,000, registered oters, nhall
iM-lilion the. county court as provided
lor in sections two (2) nnd three (.1)
of this act that the question of is
Miing bonds for the purMe f w
tion one (1) f this act shall he sub
mitted to the xoters of the countv
at a general election, the county
court shall take the same action re
specting such petition ns provided for
in section four (41 of this net, ex
cept thnt instend of falling a iqwoial
election ns therein provided, it shall
submit the question to the voters of
the county nt the nest general, elec
tion. The ctittoti ns herein provided
for must be filed with tho county
clerk and submitted to the county
court nt a regular term thereof nt
least 10 days before the date of the
next cenenil election. If tho county
court (.hall refine ito order the ques
tion submitted to tho voters nt the
next ceiieral election nceording to the
petition as provided by section four
H) with reference to special elections
an apiwal may he taken from such
order in the mine- manner, nnd with
like effept lie provided by eectlott
four (-4) of this net.
Court May Art IlHlf.
Sec. 10. The comity court of its
own motion may submit tho question
of inning bonds for the pttrss men
tioned in seetioii one (1) of this net
nt nny general election. This may bo
done by nn order of tho county court
which hhall he entered in the journal
at least -10 days next preceding nny
general election which order shall set
out the amount of bonds proisiHcd to
bo issued, the length of time they
shall run. ami the maximum rate of
WANTED inr(r pound furm team
or Dingle work horso; also ex
change small tract hi threo-ycar-
old pears with or without build
Ings for bungalow In Medford. Ad
dress K. P X , care Mall Tribune
FOIl SALE Leise on lCacro pruno
orchard. All work finished to date.
G. II., Tribune. 312
Famous "Pint of Cough
Syrup" Receipt
No Ilcllrr nemedr at Any Trice.
Full? Guaranteed.
Mako a plain syrup by mixing ono
pint of granulated nugar and Mi pint of
warm water and stir for two inlnutci.
Put 2 Vj oiinei-4 of pure I'incx (Afty
cents' worth) In a pint bottle, niul All ft
flirfu liotirii.
Tlio elfeitlrcnes of this tltnirlo Tcmrdy
U surprUlng. It acctui to tuKo hold ln
btautly, urnl will utually itop tlio most
oUtliuta cmijjh In -t lioum. It toiict
up the Jnch-d appetite hnd In Just hxiy
ino ciioukii 10 IK) nciiuui in u CO
and ha a plruslni? taste. Alio excu
for bronchial trouble, throat tickle, noro
lungs and antlmm, and an unpinltd
rtinedy for wliooplnc couidi and croup.
lhl recipe for making cough remedy
with I'inex and Sugar Hyrup (or
strained honcv) 1 a prlirw favorite In
thoiiHaiiilt of Immcs In tho United Stutcs
and Canada, The plan 1ms been imita
ted, though never uccefully. If you
try It, U60 only penulno Plntx, which is
tho nuiHt vahiablo conwntratrd com
pound of Norway while plno extract, and
U rich In gaalacol and all thu nuturul
healing i1 mi elpments. Otlicr prepara
tions will not work In thin recliie.
A guaranty of absolute aatUfactlnn,
or money promptly Tftfundod, goes with
tills roclpo. Your druggist has Phiex,
or will get It for you, If not, ecud to
Tho l'lncx Co., X't, Wayne, Ind,
up wiin inu sugar ayrup. una girca
jou a family mipply of tho bct cough
hv rtip at a avlng of 9-. It never itpoiM,
'Jnko a ttaanuouful every ono. two or
lnlcret Ihev shall hear. After hav
ing eulert'il such older, llie court shall
piiicrcd to siihmlt the MticMlnti lit the
voters of the count v In tho mw
manlier niul with like effect ns upon
the petition ptovhlcd fur In this act.
fee. II. If al any ireiu-ral of
MMcial election us provided for In
this net a nuijoutv of the vol or
voMiij; nt Mtt'h an election sluill vote
in favor of issuing such hoods, the
comity court shall (liter an order In
Its jouriiul ileclainiK (hut H't, anil
thut older shall ho absolutely con
clusive as to the lcgularitv of all the
tirvcfcilitii! in refcrciice to thu mai
ler; tho sniil order shall alxojlesign-
..... 11 .. ,1... I .I-.....!
11 1 n nil' llliioiiiil ill llie iiiiiii ir?a;-".
valuutioii of all the propeitv within
the countv. nud also the uinmint or
all of the previous tMits nnd liabil
ities of fuihl cotinty inuurrcd lor mud
purposes mid icmuimiiK unpaid; niul
such older as to the amount of the
said nssoKM'd valuation, and us to
the amount of the said indehteiltiesH
shall he prima fncie cvldeiiix of uid
Iloiuls lo It.' Issued.
Sec. '2, After hiwiiu; entered tin
order iih provided in mh-Iiou ten (10)
of this net the countv court hull
whim !h bonds to lie isHiicd nud lmll
advertise such amount of, them tor
Male as in the judgment of the court
may he tieownuiry. and Ihoreafler
froin time to time the court shall
make miclt additional miIc of bonds
so issued as may he nceeHMtry. Such
sales nliall he iniide throned bids re
ceived uxm such ailveitiemeiit as
the court mnv ileem necessarv to af
ford the best ineaiiR of proem inj the
hlKhest price for such bonds, niul nil
hlila sliall he in writing nnd piihlich
iieiiei nt a time nnd place to be
specified in the advertisement. What
ever other means of advertising the
sale of such bonds the court mnv
adopt, it shnll ndvetlisc Mich snle
for nt least three weeks in two news
linpers printed in the countv, if there
are that many, and iT there is but one
one then in it.
CltUns fllvcn Prcfercmc.
The bonds shall he sold to the high
est bidder, but preference shall bo
given to llie cilixeus of the count),
and if the court is not satisfied with
the bids it may reject nnj or all of
.Sec. 13. All money iaied under
the provisions of this net shall be
used in constructing permanent pub
lic roads in that county, which roads
shall b constructed by the county
court under its exclusive jurisdiction
nnd such expert assistants ns they
may employ.
(To bo continued )
KOMK, llarrh 18. OabricIV team
of mntamiitcs arc winners of the 100
mile Holoinon.Ooiitieil race for 1oks
here today, havinif covered the course
in twelve hours niul forty minutes.
Cliristintifton was t-ocmiil and Aknuk
a native third, The Illi mile all
Alaska swcepstakcH will he run
April '2.
With Medford trado Is .Medford timde
Stubbt rn Colds May
Lead It Consuapliou
nit rou fvrr burr a fold thai Muulil not
Irt nil a mutch that Krlml, ibat ifn
rlrU lli anil luurin Mnkluir timifa lulu,
rrnlilr? Ikniau'a Altvratliw U tliv ptnitcr
rtinHr In audi raMU, IVHik miiJ Iiii.
I awsllrlnt. war I tfll wlivnt II U
inly a IIiJiIIiik In Hip tlinial, hut wlini
yuur tlirm U ant ami luiiii tvnwdli-a
iloiil anwr -hm take Ktkinan'a Altar
Dlltr .Ni'Klixl aflrn Iraila In Mum avrluu
IrouLIcj a caw in Mm fulluwa; -
7IH Clicrrr St.. PUIIa., Pa.
"flfotlMnMif In Jiilf. pan, nmt nollml
Id' -nnilltluna Hut a)uv I l.ail ('un.
aumplluo. I lo.i IkIi1 rapMIi hail a
hollow rough, Ixrourrljaicea ami Trry .
vrrr night airi-ata. it lirulhrr rnoni.
nviiilnl Cckiuan'a Allarutlro, In tlio full
of 1'jUS. I lirKan to lake II At thla tlmo I
am iKtrfcctljr ttell kiiU mhuat. Jlr p.
Ilia 1 Kfxxl ami my vkIkIiI lua Iprrvavnt
frum IP) lo llo ioiiinj, ,ot a iracx ut my
nlil Iroiililt raliMlna I will gUilly i-xprrti
I In- mrilla of IhU ninlli'lna In nnjnnv"
JHlKwil) Ml. riKHIIAIUlT.
Krkinnu'a Allernlln- U (TkIIh In lron
rhllla. Atlluna, liar IVrart Thrust ami
I.uiik ?itulii. aud lu iiibulilluii ihi.
ylfin. Dihti not itmtatn iviltuni, uplalra
or lml.ll fonnliitf ilruua Ak for iHwikh-t
trlllnic of ni ovi-rlm. ami write lu Kikinuii
l.uliraliry, I'lillailrlplilu, , for moro i..
duorr. 1'or il by all Itadluir ilriiuglita
Uyon moro roKiilarly than doa tho
8ometlmoa "Old Sol" fnlhi to put lu
an nppearauco,
nut Wo
Itiso to the Occasion
Dully Ilxrcpt Hiiiiday.
You Can Dopond On Un for
Tlio Htaff of 1,1 fc,
1'YchIi, Unlit and WIioIimoiiio
12 B, Central
.I ii .i i i
The nine of the statu versus Henry
Lorch, second hand dealer of thla
city, whose alleged rnalifllke prac
tices caiund hla nrront moiiiiv weeks
ago, will cuuto before tho grand Jury
Wmlucidur, annulling to Imllratlutis
hi thu shcttrf'M off he where snhpoe
mis have been Immed for vvltuoxHox.
Leroh l churttnl with Imvlnc tin -couruKcd
n tiuinVnir of local niunll
liojss to steal (upper nud Imul About
the rlt) which he purchiiHcd us Junk
llo vvuh telenid on hull follow I m: a
hearing In thu JiiHtlriVn court III this
l'lfty tluniHiiml ehlldreii under hi
nco of ttxteen are al work In I Vim
of Food
Made with different Baking Powders
From a Series of Elaborate Chemical Tests:
An cqunl quantity of brcnd (biscuit) wits mado
with each of three different kinds orbakinrr powder
cream of tartar, phosphate, nnd alum and submitted
separately to the action of tho diijcstivo fluid, ench
for the same length of time.
Tho rclntive perccntago of tho food digested is
shown as follows :
Bread mado with
Royal Cream of Tartar Pewder:
100 Per Cent Digested
Bread made with
phoiphato pewder:
68V. Per Cent. Digested
Bread made with
alum pewder:
"67 Per Cent. Digested 1
These tests, which are absolutely 'reliable nnd
unprejudiced, mnko plain a fact of groat importance
to everyone : Food raised with Royal, n cream of
tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges
tible, while the alum and phosphato powders are found
to largely retard tho digestion of tho food made from
Undigested food is not only wasted food, but It
is tho source of very many bodily ailments.
Will hold an all day's sossion, Wodnostlay, to work
for tho
All iiiouilioix un roquchted to attend
Ilit Jll-JMiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW J tt JaaatT'tLlaaaaafabltaaaaaaaaaaaaaWiaLW!-' MMiMlI W!r
MfiM 'S jJllr V.ri JiIbF " laaVaW aaBBal
,4Hia MOM
mw ronti
Chicago aa ao
mw omtNa . . . 4t.oa
mimphk at ao
sriouia ar.oo
MNiaa citr ao.oo
riQU QfMIH CITlia OOHHfPNaiNfliV iow
ColonlM Kuret aro WKHT.IMIUNI only, but can
Ijo iinpalit Iroin any point. If youhavo frtamla or
relullvun In lliuKutl wlio ilaalra to 'Haiti In Ora
con," you can Utpoalt (aro with your local
atriMit anil a ticket will do luleuroiilioil lo any
addreM Umlrid. tCall pti ncarcit uu'i'iit or wrllo
lo tho unilenluned lorlllUstratcdOriBoil IIUra
(lira to acnil b'att.
Jabfl M. SmH, CiBinl riuintr (fiat ftrtlMd, OrtH
In onler In keep the general piibllo
nl luiv. and liom ovcriuunlutr his
office, thiirehy Inlet forlnjr to n rcat
extent with the despatch of liustmws,
County fU'ik (luiiliier Iiiin hud u
coiintui hinliillml lit his offlue Ml
,IihIioii-IIIi wlileli wiv him n iniiijli
liendi'il pilvni'V. lleiclofoio thu ftP
lieo was moat iii'I'cmsIIiK' niul imiliy
pt'tipli" insisted on iisIiir his desk tis u
liuHijfliiK pljieu.
Itsvivnl insetlitH air bniu held nt
lh M. 1 chtimli, Smith, vfinicr Oflk
dale hiiiI Main. Ilcv. ('. I,. MeCoii
laud of Sealtle, "Wii., will ho hole to
hikIiI nud v ill il" the piOHi'hiiiK. ('((Mill
mnl h nl lino V T (lnuhler. nastor.
1 at oo
a ij-..i.irt i
VOMbfat iiksite&SeatoMse