Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 17, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Oily lfn "Tii.
Medford Mail Tribune
Occasional ruin lefilfffct Mtd
Tuesday. Ma . mlH ,
je .
"r 1
Forty court Tr.
Datly-HflVnntll tear.
" !
Federal Juilijc Upsets Cash Settle
ment of $101,000 Made on Last Day
of Tnft Administration and Orders
Grand Jury Probe of Affair.
Intimates Federal Officials Conspired
to Defraud Uncle Sam and Will In
vcstlyato Reason,
CIIIC.UIO, March 17,-Oiwn dee
InraliiMi lliat llio Tnft ndniiiiliitrnlloii
erred when it effected ti ncttlcmcnt
wiih inuniifiioluters of oleomargarine
on its liint dtty in office was inmli'
hero today by Ciillitl Slates Judgn
K'. .M. I.iuiiIIh in instructing a sppeinl
grnnd jury which cunt 'Urn hero lodnv
to prohn tint alleged $ I.U.'t'.OOO oco
fraud. Tin' Jurors were ordered nut
only to investigate? llin charges tlmt
mnnufncturcM defrauded lite gov
iTiiini'iit l)ii t nUo to determine w belli
it ceilum government officials were
Involved in the conspiracy.
Judge. LuudU flnllv Instructed the
jurors to disregard the. settlement
which the Inst administration iniide
with tin mnuufurturcpi. lie declared
' Hint if the manufacturers urn gulltv
of iiriiiiinnl frnud they could not ob
tiifn iiiiiiiiinily liv paving thn govern
inoiii nuy fixed sum.
Judge l.nndU hud culled u special
koxnIoii of tin' grand juiy to probo
tin' rhnrges, when former Kcerelnry
f tlit' Treasury MuoVrngh approved
of n compromise liy which the i,mm em
inent win paid $101,000. The jury
wns fiupuimllcd nuywnv, Judge !
dli reiterating tho eircutimtanreH and
"On March I tho commissioner of
interim! revenue, with the nppruvnl of
tho secretary of the treasury, ncccpt
cd the Kiirnlli'il rnmpromUe. There
upon I directed United States Dih
tnct Attorney Wllkcrson to ascertain
llio term of the settlement, lie re
IHiilcd that fit) 1,(1110 wns pnid 'in full
M'itli-mrut of all liabilities, ImiIIi cnni
iual and civil.'"
CouetudiuK lilt instructions to iTio
grand jury, Judge l.uudis said;
"You will inquire whether attorneys
agents or representatives of the com
panies or federal officers conspired
to defraud tho government. You will
have the full power of the court be
hind you, If ni'rossnry witnesses
may ho munitioned from every place in
the (.'mint ry."
DOUII.AS, Am., Match 17.
t'ololiel r.lini. fallen and t'olnui'l IV--dm
ltincnmoulc, leaderM of thn So
lium constitutionalists, who met in
glorious defeat Sulurdny at N'aeo, are
mnipleliiig plans today for u deter,
mined nllcmpt to icgiiin their Inst
ginuud. Thuy say they will icorgnn
l.e their shattered rniuiuiiiids, and, in
conjunction with (loncriil Ohiegou,
who hojds Nogulcs, attack Nucn late
I hin week.
"We will not ho caught napping
again, Calltm said, "Thin time, all
is itriiiugi'd, atnl N'aeo must fall.
Ojcdu will ho captured."
Fifteen Hlnto troops nto Known to
ho dead and at least f() wounded.
Tho federal loss in Hlill unknown. The
nctunl rebel loss is hellovod to bo
very heavy.
s i i i i i
KANSAS CITY, March 17. llo
poiling a liopulcHH deadlock, (ho jury
trying Dr. H. C. Ilydo for tho murder
of Colonel Tlioiunn Swopa wiih Uh.
iiliiirni'il thirt nl'lornoon hy JudfiO Par
turfleld, ,
TIiIh l'alluro to (jonvicl Ilydo on this
third trial proliiilily meuus that tho
seuHiitlonal ehurKert uuniust him will
ho diopped for K'd.
Bourne Thinks Crater Lake
Park Appropriation Is Safe
AVhhIiIiibIoii, D. ('., Mnrch 17.
Mail Tribune, MeiHord, Om:
llavo itHHunmct'H from hjadci-H of both parties in
both Iiouhoh on tins committees on appointments, which
I think justifies mo in assuring you that sundry civil
bill containing my amendment for $75,000 for Crater
Lake will be re-enacted before the middle of next May.
As 18,000 remains of tint $50,000 I secured last
year, District Kiitfinecr Morrow should be able to make
his plans for extensive work this summer and ('rater
Lake project will lose nothing by presidential veto or
defeat of sundry civil bill last session. Kindly show
Commercial club officers this telegram.
I.AItKDO, Tcxnii. Mnrcli 17. Ilnr
rlrudliiR tlieiuMilvcii In 11 Inrd fac
tory, 200 MndcrUtan early todiy
crept Into Niiuvo teredo, Mexico,
j lint nrrofcM tho linn from here, nnd
attacked tho federal cnrrlioir. Tho
bucket of lard afforded poor pro
tection. hownti'iYiwil after two hours
of Ioiik range iklrmUhlnK tho rebel
wern furred to withdraw, Tho lu.
to tho rebel lit placed nt SO killed
nml Hovoral wouiidctl. Tho federal
Ion wkk slliibt.
Colonel llrcuor. conwnnndliiK tho
Amorlrnn troop hero, notified both
fnrtlouit that ho would not counte
imuc" nuy tlrlnK ncrorn tho tmrdcr.
It wan reported tnnt u woman and a
child wero Mriirk hero by mray bul
let. Many nou-combatnuta fletl to
tho American nld.
KAN' KWAKCISCO. .March J7.--Tho
evidence gathered hy tho oicc
n;;aiuHt Owen 1). Conn, San l'miicl
eo' "$100,00(1 burglar" nnd .Miss
Kitty Pope, who Conn mentioned In
his confession to tho ivoliee, will ho
heard hy the ernnd jury tomorrow
Tho condition of Conn who was
shot nt the tlmo of his capture is
improving. Detective Frank Ulnek left
for Detroit Saturday night to return
the woman to this city. Tho warrant
wiih issued for Mrn, I'opo so (hut Do
I roil authorities might have grounds
on which to hold her in custod.v.
DKN'VKIl. March 17. Sixteen pas.
seuger trains which were stalled hy
great harriers of snow and storm
delii is between llrush and Akron.
Colo., were, iclcased at noon today.
Itig gangs of lahoicnt, who had been
woikiiig since the latter pail of last
week, redoubled their efforts today.
and the nervico is now- assuming nor
mal proportions.
3S-SK3S- E 7.
WABIIINGTON, Murch 17, l'leas
to President WIIbou to huvo him
urgo a constltutlonnl nmendmont
providing for woman nuftru,o
throughout thn United 8tatoa worn
pvrHonnlly mndo toduy by Mrs. Ida
Huated Unrpor, of Now York; Mlsa
Mary Dixon, of Maryland; Mra.
Claudia Stono, xvlfo of Congressman
Ktouo, of IIIIuoIh; MrH, Jlnrvey W.
Wlloy, of Phlludolphla, und Mlas
Allcu Paul, of Washington,
Mrs. Harper told tho president
that lila book, "Tho Now Krocdom,"
currlod strong argumouts In favor of
"Wo only ask to tako every word
of what you huvo said for tho polit
ical liberty of tuou und apply them
to women," sho duclurod,
Cul., March 17. California will tnko
thn lead of tirouriimlvc state t'j
placo tho foinuto nurses tn It stnto
InntltutlonH on u wbbo eiiuallty with
thn men at thl tclon of tho leg!
lature. That wa made virtually 'certain
today by tho announcement from
(lovcrnor Johnson that hu had In
structed tho board of control to make
a full report on tho dlnparlty of pres
ent wage between men und women
tu tho atato hospital with tho Iden
of Including in pending hospital np
proprlatlona sufficient money to
iiuallro tho componsatlon.
Tho board of control will make Hi
report lata today, according to
Chairman Nolan. It will require an
appropriation of 121,733 to Increaso
tho woiuon nnrv' wages tu tho
mou'a standard.
At prevent tho women nro started
In at $32 a month and gradually
raised to a maximum of S0. Tho
mon begin with $40 und aro raised
to $SS when they bocomo head at
About S00 women would ho af
fected by tho govornor'a proposed In
crease, 10 FLOOD AT MOBILE
MOH1LK, Ala.. March 17. One
death i reported hero today ns n
result of tho cold wnvo which is
clutching tho city. Flood wnteiH have
put tho elect rlo light plant out of coin-
mission nnd mado two hundred home
less. AUflCSTA, (la., March 17. Xcgio
goiuhdicM nro ferrying lesidcntN to
und from their homes hem todnv.
following the inundation of u portion
of tho city hy flood waters.
VKS'ICK, Cat., March 17.Appar
cully identified as Keltic Tahler, of
Noihoinc, Mo., the body of an attrac
the young vvomnn nbout 2'J years of
nee, who committed Mttcide by shoot
injr herself through tho heait. will be
shipped tonight to relatives in Mis
souri. ft
Tho dologatlonvwas Introduced to
tho president by Congressman Maker
of California.
Prosldent Wilson ropllod Unit if
ho did not Incorporate a suffrage
paragraph In hla moasago to tho spo
clot session of congress It would not
mean ho Is opposed to suftrago. Ho
explained tnut tho spoclal suasion
will bo devoted mainly to tho tariff
and other Importuut matters.
"Tho. president was courteous and
symputhotlo throughout," declared
Mrs, Harper, after tho conference.
Sho then declared that Prosldout
Hoosovolt was appealed to without
result to provldo for suftrago, und
thut tho suffragu plea to Prosldout
Tnft had also fallen, on dvuf curs,
Olll'XJON, MONDAY, MAltC'lI 17, 1013.
uMHC 1!$ ifil ifiKk
mi KE1 V" ftHHalaiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiaiiiiiH WM
I RLHd!, 'VijY SiW "r - fc-' LLLLLb I
I Hltl lstsillBst''''-' 'SllllllBsfcC''i vw5
The flrtt Presidential election In China U to be held some time tbl year.
Tb'rc I a fecllnc that Yuan Sblbkal, tho rrctldeat, will arrogate to bltutWf
tar power of a dictator and the Itepubllc will exist In name only.
The IwJIrf I aluicnt general In the south that at preseut Yuan Hlilh-kal
N encnsisl In the liistiocurre colloquially cbaractcrlrcd as "playtug 'poitsum
peadliu bU election a permanent 1'retldcnt.
Declaration that he vrould prosecute
Maury I. Diggs and Drew (aminetti,
two prominent Sacramento men who
eloped to Reno, Nevada, from the
capital city with two young society
girls, for violation of the Mann white
nIhvo act, wan made here todny by
United Stale District Attorney Me
Nnhb. Wnrrauts for tho two men,
McNab said, would be sworn out this
SACRAMKNTO. Cnl Murch 17.
The luwyrni retained by Diggs" and
Cainiuetli uunouucod today that their
client h seemed to rcnlixc for tlie first
time tho seriousness of tho predion
ment they nro in nnd reused to regard
the escapade as n joke.
The two girls, whoso fathers fur
nished hail of $1,000 each on their
arrival hero Saturday night nro clo'-o-ly
(included in their homes. They nro
charged before the juvenile court with
heiuj; delituiuciit tninoro, hut it i con
sidered improbable here that anything
more hevere than probation will be
their lot.
8AN FUANCISfO, Cul., March 17.
Following reports that two mys
terious smuggling craft loaded with
contraband Chinese aro nttemptlnn
to land their human cargo ou Amer
ican soil, several rovenuo cuttors
were suld to bo detailed to guard
every port of entry on tho coast to
day. It Is stated tho coolies arc
being brought from Kusoundn, Lower
California, In two high power steam
schoouors, nml will bo landed, it pos
sible, cither at Sun Diego or near
Half Moon buy, south of San Fran
cisco, Immigration officials hero nro ou
tho alert,
WASHINGTON, March 17.--The
sonn to today confirmed nil of I'rosi
dent Wilson's nominations except thut
of Charles 1 Noill to ho United Slates
commissioner of labor. Southern sen
ators uro bit tmly opposing tho re
ootii'inutKni 0f Ncill,
CHICAGO March 17 -A prominent
Chicngo politician, now undor sur
veillance by the United States author
ities, is the head of the white slavers
of Illinois and, poiMbly, of the whoto
middle west, according to Walr Coan,
official prober for the slate senate
committee engaged here in investigat
ing starvation wages nnd vice in this
"We know the nnmo of this mnu,"
snid Conn, "and although he is now
out of tho city, detectives are keeping
an eye ou him, anil when ho returns
ho will bo fiiil)Kenned nnd compelled
to testify. At the same time tho men
associated with him will bo subpoo
nncd nnd if they refuse to testify they
w ill bo jailed."
Lieutenant Governor Barrrll
O'llurn haid this afternoon that the
starvation wages di-closurw had re
sulted in an exodus of country girls,
many of their parents hating called
them home.
NI.UMHA FALLS, 2f. Y March
17. Losing her balance whllo gating
nt tho falls from n point on I.uun
Mum!, Mr. .Jos. Kigiticli of Buffalo
fell into tho river and wns swept over
1 the American falls. Her body hits hot
been recovered.
Special Congress Closed
WASHINGTON, March 17. The
special congress closed nt 11:10 o'clock
this afternoon when the senuto ud
juurncil siuo die,
NEW YOKK, March 17. With only
two pairs of henyy gloves and some
unmarked tools ns clues, tho jxriieo
admitted hero toduy thut thoy huvo no
trnco of tho clever erooksmen who
yesterday tunneled to Iho vault of
Martin Simons and Sons, Hester
street pawnbrokers und escaped with
.f 300,000 worth of jewelry and nego
tiable papor. Tho job Is believed to
have been tho work of two experts.
Tho loot connisted mostly of diam
onds, ami could huvo been named
away in tho pockets of tho two men.
Tho robbers overlooked more than
$100,000 worth of Valuables sloved in
another section of tho vault.
Tho thieves gained ncceW to the
vault by digging iv tunucl from an
tibulting building on a neighboring
DiailllON TO
Lovett Blames California (or Failure
of Unrtrcrfllng Plans Entirely New
Scheme to Ee Worked Out and Sub
mitted to Courts for Approval.
Disapproval of Certain Leases Make
It Useless to Proceed Wiih Old Plan
Asserts Head of Harrlman System.
NKW YOItK. March 17. ltcpotu
aiblllty for failure of recent plan
trm f lacrxlilttfin nt lltn fnlnrt I'aftf t-
Southern Pacific merger was placed
i upon (be California railroad commis
sion here today by Judge Hobcrt 8.
Lovett, chairman of the Union Pa
! clflc'a board of director.
! "Tho refusal of tho California
' board," said l-ovett today, "to ap
' prove of certain leasa made It ue
I leas to present the plan to the cir
cuit court In St. Loula Saturday."
I Lovett also admitted, that attor
Ineys for the company were at work
j on new plan. He centinued:
"The present situation I such that
wo must start a fresh dissolution
plan, and one that will comply with
the supreme court' decision. As
noon a It Is finished we will submit
It to Attorney General Mcllcynolds
and thn circuit judges.
"The original agreement for ac
quisition of the Central Pacific rail
road by tho Union Pacific contained
j reciprocal provisions for the joint
. uso of certain tracks and terminals
In California. These provisions were
'tllnilnated because of certain re
strictions Imposed by tho California
commission. Provision were then
Inserted for Interchange of traffU
and-lbeviie-HHiltW'te la t trout e
traffic wherever the California, com
nilmlon had no (nrlsdletlon. Tfaera
'.m..ned then ,or tha .DDroya! of
tho California commission only tha
disposition of lines north of Tehama
and the lease of the Central Pacific
to ,tbo Union Pacific, which from a
previous opinion of the commission
and expression ot Its members, wo
bad no reason
to doubt would be
AKHON, Ohio, March 17. Follow,
ing tho resumption of work by one
plant here today, tho rubber uianufac
turercs declare tho strike of rubber
workers is broken. This plant is op
erating three shifts of eight hours
each, nnd the other concerns are
planning to put on night shifts. The
men who resumed work earned none
of the concessions usUcd fur by the
The only hope of the strike now lies
in tho Central Labor union which is
holding in abeyance tho quoxtion of n
general strike. Practically nil parad
ing nml picketing by the strikers has
been abandoned.
Aviator Killed
AMUKHIKU. France, March 17.
llccause ho attempted to cut a sharp
turn Aviator Mercer was. thrown from
his aeroplane and iustuntly killed to
dn v. He was testing the muchino.
TO GET $300,000
street. Tho polieo say tho job re
quired all of Saturday night nnd most
of Sunday morning, tho actual rob
bery occurring somo timo yesterday
afternoon. Tho vault, which stood
twelve feet high, wns entered by chop
ping away tho rnusoury.
None of the tenants in either of
tho buildings heuul any unusual
noises, Tho robbery was discovered
by n janitress Into yesterday who
peered through the window and suw
thn litter nbout tho nult. A woman
living in an adjoining tenement said
sho saw u durk skinned mun emerge
from tho cellar-of tho building at noon
yesterday with a bundle. A light
wagon, bearing an old mun, drove up
(o the ouih sho said, and tho pair then
NO. 303.
Another Precedent Smashed in Wash
ington Independence for Philip
pines Will Be Considered at Special
Session In April.
Pledge of Party to Be Kept Declares
Author of Bill Giving Freedom to
Little Brown Brothers.
WASHINGTON, March 17.Tli
eyes of old timers in the United Statcu
senato bulged today when President
Woodrow Wilson shattered another
precedent and adjourned tho upper
house of congress by telephone. After
'confirming a number of nominations,
me senate appointed a committee to
inform llio president that it was ready
to ndjoum. Then one of the members
notified Wilson of tho committee's
appointment over the telephone nnd
Wilson answered thut the thss net for
adjournment suited him and the mat
ter ended.
Independence for the Philippines
will be considered by congress during
the special session which opens April
7, nrcording to Congressman Jones of
Virginia, author of a bill to tlmt end.
Jones declared today that President
Wilson is in hearty accord with that
paragraph of the democratic platform
which pledges freedom for the 'little
brown brother" and will sign the bill
if it is passed by congress.
Jones said that his bill will be
brought up in the house while' that
body is awaiting action by the seinte
os the tariff bill.
"If the tariff measure is brought up
and considered as a whole, which
FceHfiKt 16 the VrweM' HhVtJh,""
said, "there will be weeks 'ef debate
in the senate, during which time IliV
houso will be idle and will meet each
day only to adjourn. It will be during
one of these periods that I shall offer
the bill, and I believe it will pass with
out much difficulty.
"Tho democratic platform cxplieit
ly declared for tho independence ot
tho Philippines nnd the pledge, thrico
repeated, should be kept. I have no
doubt that the majority of my col
leagues nro heartily In favor of keep
ing their promise."
JlUItEZ. Mcalco. March 17 Ad
vanclug to within 10 miles of tht
city, 1200 rebols under tho command
of General Salazur today am pluu
nlng to Invest Juarcx. Colonel Vas
quez commanding the federal garri
son is prepared to defend his posi
tion with two field pieces and two
machluo guns,
Tho rebels control both railroad i
leading to tho south and greatly out
number the garrisuu. It was ex
pected that Colonel Vaacpiez would
como to tho American sldo rather
than participate In a general buttlo,
fearing International complications
might rcbult from any firing across
tho border.
NEW ' YOHK, March 17.Wido
fluctuanons featured tho railroad
stocks in the market toduy, following
tho announcement that tho Hilrrimaii
dissolution plan had been abandoned.
Union Pacifio doelined n fraction
und Southern Pacifio rose ns much.
Canadian Pacific and Lehigh Valley
were weak. Tho volume of business
was small. Tho market closed dull,
llonds woro heavy.
THIPOLT, March 7. Four native
troopers and ten rebels weto killed
on the Tunisiuu frontier near here in
a clash between government uud in
surrectionist forces.
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