PA61 iDC r MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. BEDFORD. OREGON. SATURDAY, MAKOir in, WW. WWW WW MBWgllLL..X IWUIIJ.i aLa.U.LJ --L-g WITH BROKEN LEG MAN CRAWLS MILE ' TO REACH w Forced to crnvrl ruorc than n mile with both bones of his left leg shat tcrcd ami then shout for two hours before aid reached him, was tho hnr rowing experience of Charles Grey, n homesteader on Little Apple-gate, who is at tho Sacred Heart hospital for treatment Grey, who lives alone, was cutting trees about a mile from his cabin when one fell on him, crushing hU left leg. He thcu started to crawl to his cabin which he reached nftcr three bourn of tcrriblo PuffcriiiR. When his cabin was reached he bojfan shouting for help. It was an other two hours before his cries wcro heard. Dr. Coaroy of this city was summoned by telcphono and he brought Grey in to tho hospital. They were forced to carry him on n letter two miles to reach tho automobile. MEDFORD LOSES GAME TO ASHLAND (Ily Edison T. Marshall.) Friday night tho boys' and girls' banket ball teams of the Ashlnud teams defeated tho boys' and girls' teams of iledford, in tbo hardest fought games ever played on the Nat ntorium floor. Tho games were every tldng just officiate and an old rivalry could make them, and so perfectly w ere the teams matched that the only placo Mcdford can lay tho blame of her defeat is at tho door of chance. The Mcdford girls played in better form than ever before, and the boys were a veritable fighting machine. In tho girls' game, Mcdford showed her Mipcriority in accuracy of field baskets, and Ashland in more pro nouueed team work. Field Captain Hannah Abbott was easily Ashland's star and made most of the points her team obtained, by her accuracy in throwing on fouls. Although usually girls' games lack excitement, on ac count of this year's rules of basket ball, Friday night the opposing team played so fiercely that all precedent was smashed In the boys' game not a member of the Mcdford team but had an oppo nent physicnlly larger then be. Even Kadeliff, who is six feci in his socks, played Against a man that towered abovo him several inches. The game started with a beautiful basket by Should, called affection ately, "Tho Cardmnl." Tho rapid work was plainly contrary to Ash- laud's ideas on the matter, and she jumped in to break it up. Then fol lowed the fastest half Mcdford had ever seen, for every man was play in his bc9t All Medford's men were f.o decidedly "there with bells" that it is hard to name stars. Tho guards would blip down upon both teams and throw backets, and Sboalts took de light in throwing them from the mid din of tho floor. The wcorc roso and fell like a pendulum, aud when the whistle blew at the end of the first half the score wen 13 to 13. Tbo second half btnrted rather slowly on Medford't part, and in the few minutes that followed, Ashland inn do cuough baskets that they were eight poiuts ahead. Then came tho incvitablo reaction. In tbo last fivo minutes, Mcdford "woko up" as feh'o had never dono before and the team began to play liko so many de mons. IJefore tho whistle sounded Medford had pushed'upward to with in three x)ints of Ashland and the game ended 125 to 22 in Abhland's favor. HAWTHORNE LOYAL TO MM PARTNERS BAD CHECK ARTIST SIGSLOCALFOLKS; MAKES GET AWAY TENDERS TAXES WITHOUT 3 MILL LEVY FOR ROAOS A bogus check nrtist, who gnvc his nnmo n Arthur Tnylor, is wanted to day, not only at Eugene, lloocburg and Athhind but in this city n well, lie was nrrcMcd Friday evening at Dnnstnuir but succeeded in eluding the officers there and eccnping. Chief of Police llittson wns noti fied Friday morning that the man was wanted nt Eugene. Ho made an attempt to got him here but found that ho had left for Ashland. The Ashland police attempted to get him and found that he bad left for the south. About this Chief llittson wns no tified thut Taylor was wanted in Mcdford as he had issued bogus checks here, Uunsmuir was notified and Taylor arrested but in some man ner he got nwny from them. In making a rcenntion out of Ashland Taylor used Dr. F. S. Bar ber's name of this city. PEARY IS THROUGH WITH ARCTIC re NEW YOHK, March 15. Robert E. l'cary, discoverer of tho North Pole, has seen his last great icefield, built his last igloo aud eaten his last din ner of blubber. Announcement to this effect was made by the great explorer just before ho sailed for Naples today to nttcud the Intcrnntioual Geographical con gress. "I am through with Polar expedi tions," said Peary. "I am too old to stand the hardship and exposure. But America should send an expedition to the Antarctic region to explore the land southeast of Capo Horn aud run ning to the pole. "If I could get plenty of sleep nnd full rations on exploring expeditions I could hold my own with the young est of them. But one cannot count on these things and so my exploration days are over." WOMEN OE ALASKA GNEN RIGHT TO VOTE Mayor Johnon of Ashland today tcudcred his taxes to Sheriff Siugter less tho three mill rond tax. The pay ment was refused. This action was taken in order to hno something to base a friendly suit on mul determine whether tho county court has jwwer to levy a rond tax on Ashland proper ty. Mayor Juhtwon held a eonferoneo with County Judge Ton Velio shortly nftcr noon today when tho matter wns discussed. A suit in to bo begun nt once. The Ashland city charter contains a clnuoo exempting that city from pay ing a road tax. It is believed the clause is unconstitutional. The 3 mill levy thin year iu Ashland amounts to about SPOOti. "Wo aro not Irving to dodgo the payment of taxes," states Mayor Johnson. "We only wish to settle the question. Wo favor an amend ment of the charter if necessary for wo desire to do our share of rood work iu the county." DAUGHTERS OF REVOLUTION PLAN WORK GIRLS HOTEL CHICAGO, March 15. Details of u million dollnr hotel for Chicago work- ing girls ore made public today by the Daughters of tho American Revolu tion, who will erect the hostelry. About 1500 women will be accommo dated in the hotel. t i '- ESPEE GRANTED TIME EOR NEW UNMERGER ST. LOUIS, March 15. A oonttnu mice of ten days today was grunted by tho United Stales circuit court hero for the completion of plans for dissolution of tho Southern Pacific. Union Pacific-merger. The rnllronti attorneys wcro scheduled to present tho railroads' dissolution plans today. 9HW? arzr. l"J ll'il'J 'IUIII L. .1 HEAVY TRAVEL BREAKS RECORD TO THE COAST CHICAGO, March 15. - Despite tin fnvoruhlu cltmntlo conditions, travel from tho east to Cnllfuruin is break ing all records according to a report hero today. Tho wide publicity given thu Pana ma Pacific cxH)tition is declared to bo one reason for the heavy traffic. If you drink because of a craving for stimulants if you'vw readied the htagc where nothing will satisfy excepting rough, high-proof, strong whiskey our story is not for you. Hut if it's mellowness, age and llavor you're looking for you'll like Cyrus Noble. llecntue ll'a pure bccauc It' palatable became joti don't lime to dilute It with water to be able to swallow It, It coil no more thnu any other good whltkcy, W. J. Van Schuyvor & Oo., Qoncral AgonU, Portland. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Thm mmly Baking Powtlmr mmtfm frmm Rmymi Qrmmm Crmmm mfTmrtmr NO ALUM, NO UM PHOSPHATE NEW YOHK, March 15. To make i( possible for them to apply for fed eral paiolo March 25, Judgo Mayer hero today dated back the bqntences of Julian Hawthorne, son of the fa mous author and Dr. William J. Mor ton of tliiB city who were convicted of fraudulent use of the moils in pro moting Canadian mining claims. Local physicians are circulating a petition to President Wilson to paidon Dr. Morton who is a noted ncrvo special ist. Judgo Mayer expressed great sym pathy for both men. 'I would not have desired acquittal unices all my associates were acquit ted. I preferred to take my chances and stand or fall with the others." This was the statement in the Tombs prison hero today of Julian Huvvthoino. JUNEAU, Alaska, March 15. Suf frage for women is given a big boost hero today with the passing of the Shoup bill by tho house of the 'terri torial legislature, which grants the elective franchiso to women. It wns the first bill passed in tho territory and there was not n dissenting vote. The senate is expected to pass it without opposition. Std To Love For Doll MtUnul laatlnct Greatly De-retoped by Tead-in Children to Lava their Doll.. The llltlf cblla'a doll U mother to tn meat rocuBtlc fair. And In the yttn Uat ptM. (be -Ml fW lotu lb pttala ef a Junf roae. to rrolve the tooit won drout of all traniforroatlona. And now couin a more terlou prlot wbea the Joy of ml uiottirbood ihould be tranquil aa but effort can proYide. Thin li accomplished with a wonderful renird; known at Mother'a I'rlmd, an t ttrnal application to penetrating In Ita nature at to thoroughly lubricate erery cord, nrrrr, mutcle and tendon lurolred. There will be no pain, none of that ntutea or moraine alcknrtt, no aentatlon of dlttrcM or alraln of expanding mutclet. The ncrrca, too, will lie calm, thut making the period one of rntful daja. of peaceful nlcbtt and a aourca of uapplett anticipation. The young, expectant mother mutt be care fully watchful leu the become abtorbed In tbote mental dlttrrttea which Illy prepare brr for ibe tooit Important event In bcr llf. Mother'a friend enable her to aeold all aentatlon of dread, worrr or pain, and thu the la preferred In health and atreoctb to tike up the jojful talk of motherhood. You will fled Mother'a friend on aale at all drug ttorea at 11.00 a bottle. Po not fail t ne It regularlr t directed. Write to-day to Ilradfleld IWgulitor Co., 133 I.amar Wdr, Atlanta. Ha., for their oiott valuable little culde book for expectant motbtra. Don't Blame Your Over-Worked Stomach When your stomach will not digest food, the worst thing you can do l to take a lot of dlgcatlvo medicines. True, they give temporary relief, but yyour stomach Is tuo sufferer. Loss of appetite, Indication, dyspcpslr and headaches can only bo perma nently reuoved by removing tho cause. In many cases, various rem edies taken to relievo these condi tions rcault In ruining the stomach and preventing It from digesting food In a natural way. If you want J'ur stomach to do Its own work properly, without re sorting to artificial digestives or pro digested foods, use Jayno'B Tonic Vermifuge. Take small doses regu larly, preferably before meals. In a llttlo tlmo your ttotuach will agsln do Its own work and you will eat heartily, kwp well and enjoy living. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge Is not a di gester la itself, but it tones up tho stomach and Intestines, giving )ou all tho nutriment and strength from tho food you cat. Many forms of supposed Indiges tion are tho result of Intestinal par asites, for which Jayne's Tonic Ver mifuge Is unaurpaascd. Insist on Jayne's; accept no other. Millions have praised it for mora than eighty years. Sold by druggists every where. Dr. D. Jayne & Bon, Phila delphia, Pa. oi'K.v Armt 1st The Bonded Warehouse gi;.vj:uai, KTeiuai: PAGE FENCE MAKES GOOD NEIGHBORS. WHY LOSE YOUR TINE And temper ehnsin your neighbors' hogs ami stock lrom your grniniuMtis nuu oreimnis wiien vim can keep them out by placing PAGE WIRE FENCE around your farm. JOM l If, durlnn tho transition from winter to spring, you expert enco n lack of ener,,)'. seem tired, despondent, hnvo back actio or headache, with broken unrcfreshiiiK. sleep, your b)h tern needfl renovating. The In activity of winter life nnd con sequent closing of the pores leaves an unwholesome accu mulation of impurities In tho system. Your blood needs pur JfyliiR. Try Dr. Wm. Pfunucr'a s tti I M lrt o.. .... v vrvutin iiitNiti 1 unucr. vn at- count of Its pecullaV resolvent and alterative properties It Is tho safest nnd best spring medicine for old or young. A short treat ment at homo corrects n long list of Ills that besot us In tho spring, such as biliousness, sour stomach, constipation, sallow ncss, and aggravating eruptions of tho skin. At your druggists', PR. WM. I'rUTOKR CO., rertttaJ. Own L J J rr J n jt-prrActri:t4A- f t - 1 --' -T"t- t t ra mm - .3gf;-f-3--l.fc-f PAGE FENCE SAVES YOU DOLLARS. PAGE FENCE will save you dollars and timo and increase the value of your placo many times its cost to you besides giving you lifelong service. YOU NEED IT WE HAVE IT so let's get together and it will mean dollars to you, and security for your crops. Gaddis (& Dixon "THE PAGE FENCE MEN" 134 N. Riverside Ave. Mcdford, Orogon PAGE FENCE PROTECTS YOUR CROPS JJ PLAN YOUR TRIP THROUGH CALIFORNIA Till: KNI) OP Sunshine and Flowers via tiii: (OsuN&tvr I 'lOOOlMaWiASTAl I V3aKM'aw'r a Titoiioi'miiA r.NJevAiu.i: neun: You Ckii Hif In California! Attrncttvo aesaldo reaorl. fnmnus lintels, hot tprliiK aud outdoor aporta. At raaadetia tho worl't famed oatrlrh farm and mnsnlflecnt homed. At Kan Ilernnrdlna and Hlvemldn the oranno groves. At Catallna, thn wonderful mitnnnrlne. Kardena, and at variant other poluta attractions that dcllitht tho eye and Inform thn mind. Iaiw One Way or Hound Trip I'arri Hound trip llckrta to I.oh Angeles nu ante dally nlth lone return limit and slop-ovra ot will. It you wlah to ko nt 11 1 further aouth or ant. ticket via all rail, or rail nnd atenmur through Now Orleana can bo aecurvd at reasonaulo ratea. Kurther particular on npiillcallou to nny Agent. Ak for do acrlptlve llleraturo on aCllfnrnla. or "Wayaldn Notca," dcacrlbliiR trip Hun Francisco to New Orlcann. JOHN M. HCOTT, Cenciul I'osriiger AkviiI, I'ortlaiMl, ()r'Kin : M0M Oregon's Moat up-io-dato Fire-proof Warcbouao with Ilurglar-proof Vault. For rates apply MEDFORD REALTY & IMPROVEMENT CO. Managers r- Wo Want To I'll TI10 Hard To Fit "HER SHOES" "Hy Her Feet Shall Sho Uo Known" can bo bald of any, well dressed woman. Our Women's Shoo Fashions aro fortunately not limited to any ouo btyle for no one mode) will fit every foot per fectly. Feet aro In types they vary In size, width, shape, thick ness, thinness, length they vary iu ways tccbnlcul, but all aro natural. Tills Store ot Good Shoes fits each typo of foot perfectly, Wo've variations to meet tho special requirements of dif ferent styles of feet. Come try. m?urr tktc Good Fit Slwe Store J t T T ? r f T t T ? ? t t J T J t t t t 7 r f T T f t r. n fix r r" l .4P tc Springtime is House Cleaning Time WHY NOT SAVE TIME AND STRENGTH BY DOING YOUR SPRING CLEANING WITH AN ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER ONE CLEANING WITH A VACUUM CLEANER REMOVES THE DUST INSTEAD OF LEAVING IT FLOATING IN THE AIR TO GET IN CURTAINS AND FURNITURE TO BE CLEANED AGAIN, AS WHEN A BROOM IS USED. Guaranteed Vacuum Cleaners $35.00 and Up California-Oregon Power Co. 216 West Main Street Main Office First Floor Phone 1681 Sales Room in Basement t ? Y V T ? T t V Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y HfcM?H?jK .i .v. f.wrJi' ' i mmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm