Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 15, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    t -' I e i
- " fEDFOTin ArXTT: TRmUNE. TfEDFOTin, OREflOX, SATURDAY, MATtCn 15, 1913. - pyTH! TlMEf v
,JU 'fl " '" I ' J'P "J 11 ii J ii.'Ji' fJ'-Ll-J "-1" U JJ'..i. J 'JL J J .I'.l J'JXt .-1 LDI . J UHi V-i-J'iJ- .. J HLJ-Uii-J 'Ii-1 IB J.UJ'i.'JU!f.ajf.T t't'i-'ii ' I I i-l'. .L.LJ'-JJ.IJJIJI-' J..J.J lli.lllUJ ll.l SI 'BU.iJ.H'.J.J I- .'. K U, " I M ' W '
'I1 ' "
I . ' ' " 'II
4. V4. 4.4.4. 4.
Social nml mimical notes,
Minn JoiincMn llilttitrj phono
Club news under ill reel Ion
of Greater .Modrord Club;
phono 7 r.
"Noim llvnth unto lilinm-lf
Grealer Mcdford ClubLast Mou
ilny of eiirh inontli; club room, li
brary building; 2:00 p. in., bmiliiras
meeting! 3suU p, in., program,
Second Monday of eiieh miinlli, so
rial meeting.
Prrnldeiit, Mm. W. 0, l.ivldiiq,
I I lO West Tenth hlri-til! phono 676.
Musle Department Plrl Monday
of each menth: club room, llbrnry
building; 3:U0 p, in.. Chairman,
Mr, i:. M. Andrews, aft North llooso
Vrlt avenue phone K27-IC.
(loot! Cltlienshlp Department
rirut ami third Tueulny of each
month; club room, 2:30 p. in. Chair
man, Mr, C. I,. Bchleffellii, ll 3 (Jen
ivu avenue! phonn 420,
lMuciilloual Department First
Saturday or each month; club rooms,
3:iiu p. m. Chalrmun, Mm. George
Itehec, Cenlrul I'olnt It. I'. I).; phone,
Jacksonville 2I-F-2I.
Home Economic )partmnt
Second ami fourth Wednesdays; rlub
rootim, 2:30 p, m. Chairman, Mr. J.
O. Schmidt, 30 Hose avenue; phone
Social Hygiene Department Third
Monday; club room, 2:30 p. in.
Chulnnnn, Mr. It. W. Stearns, 14
Hour avenue; phonn 130,
"Prompt nen nml System" our mot
to, Wo do not wlh to wate your
tlinn, therefore promptness In begin
ning these meeting and system In
roiiductlug them I our nlui.
Wednesday Study Club.
Firm and third Wednesday; li
brary building, 2:30 p. in. President,
Mr. K. II. Plckcl. 31b West Main
street; phonn 58-lt.
Parcnt-TeiirliciV AsMn-Utlon.
Second I'rlday, 3:00 p. in., Wash
ington school building. President,
Mr. F. W. Meam, 02 Djkotn ave
nue; phono 289-x.
IMmit-TrnrlirrV Awoclntlou,
Third I'rlday, 3:00 p. m Hoosc
vrlt school building. President, Mr.
George King. 813 Hunt Muln street;
phono Ml-lt.
Pali. Hellenic AkMirlnlloii,
Serond and fourth Saturday: sec
oinl Haturdny at Itest Itoom; fourth
Saturday nt homi'N of iniiil'r. I'rm
Idcnt, Mf. J. O. VIIuii, 017 Nuw
town Htrift; phono OfiO-W.
CollrKn Woiuiiii'm (IuIm,
iWrond Knturday, lunchi'Oti 1:00 p.
in., placo to he nnnouiiriMl. l'nil
drut, Mr. Winifred Krrcouib, ranch,
Orlffln Creek; phono 8f.7-J.
W. C. T. V.
Tliumday of each week, IlaptUt
rliurrh, 3:00 p. in. rrrldint, Mm,
lIolmiT, 723 South Con t ml avemitt;
phono iO'2-J.
Atti'iillonl Women of tlio Vnllryl
Do you know tlmt thrro aro nt
rooiim on tho fourth floor of tho
Modrord rurnltiiro & Hardwnro
bulldliiK, No. 421 nnd 422, for tho
frco nun of tho woinon of Mcdford
nnd vicinity? Tnko tho clovator,
coiiin tip unil rct, leavn your parcol,
meet your friend, Ret n cup of tea
for five cent, or check your liable
for ten rent per hour. Tho room
ii ro ulway open with nu attendant Ih
rhiirno from 11:00 . in. to G:0Q p.
(loot) CHUenvhlp Dupurtmont,
Tuoiidny, Mutch IS, 2:30 p, m., club
room, Library bulldliiR.
WeduoHduy Study club, Wednea
duy, March 10.
Clinrnctnr party nt Mrs. Vuwtor'B,
:i 10 WcHt Muln Htroet.
Kow peoplo who have nlven tho
mutter no verloim thotiKh't, under
Htund tho breadth urn! Hcopu of homo
eronomlrH, In order lo remove tho
opinion hold by ninny, tlmt thU de
partment Ih ulmply u nerlen of cook
Iiik leuHOiiH, nnd pordonul experloneeH
In lioiiHowork, Mra. J, C, Schmidt,
chulrmnn of tho homo oconnmlcH de
partment opened nor homo to ltd
momborH, to lay before them the
miiKnltudo of thin work which
(oiichoH our liven nt ovory point, A
luncheon wna marked by IIk Hlinplle
Ity, nt tho Hhmn tlmo coutalnliiK nil
tho necoHdiiry food elemontu. It wnH
aUo mokt pnliitnble. At the clox of
tho luiieheon, which wuh Nerved nt
1 2- 30, n conference wn held for the
rent of the afternoon, The chulrmnn
of tho committee hn mndn nn effort
to net detailed Information from the
borne economic department of nil
the live club, extension department
of the lendliiK uiilverltlr, nnd from
all tho ntitte farmer limtltute which
have u domentle neleueo department.
The Indli-H prenent, after exniulnlnc
the llternlurii from thrite pliicr. were
nroiiHi'il lo u wider Intererit nnd to
the value of tiikltin n purl In thin
broad movement.
Tho public library U dlHpluylun; n
collection (if book on educational
tiubjecit, loaned by the Mate library
rommUalou. The were hecured pri
marily for the UNe of the durational
depurliniMil of the (irrater Medford
club, but they will bu circulated to
any one lntereted:
Moral limtructloii of children.
I'lay; comprUliiR itaincM for the
lairtimrd In our hcIiooI.
Ilyulrne of the ftchool room.
School In tb homo,
Folk dance nud hIiirIiik iimnr.
.School and liomn uultiNl.
IMucatlou by play nnd came.
Social niipecti of ediicnllon.
Child pioblem.
Teacher In relutlou to health.
National board of ceiiNiirhlp of
motion plcturr.
How lo orRimlre parent' nmocla
tloim. Wider uan of nchool plant.
Wbnt Americuu cltlr are doltiK
for tho health of choo children.
The dullard.
The chool beautiful,
Tim children' tory hour which
I htarted today at the library under
the direction of the educational de
partment of the (Jr cater Mrdford
club will continue Indefinitely. An
child whether In rhoo or out who
like to hear Morlr I Invited to tho
ktory lei 1 1 im. The hour 1 exclunlvely
for children, and adult are not ad
mitted except oil the peraotiul Invltu
lion of the lady who ha charge. Tho
program I Mrlctly Informal nnd no
far a outlined I a follew:
Nome Myth Mr. Alan llrackln
reed, March 1S-22.
(Irrek Myth Mr. C. II. Iloou,
Mnrch 29, April 5.
Uncle Heinti Storle Mr. Chu.
Schleffelln, April 12-19.
,North American Indian Storle
MU Nancy Clark, April 2C, Muy 3.
Japaneko Folk Tnle Mrs. F. W.
Mear. Muy 10-17.
Have you ocn tho bulletin board
In tho library entrance? It ha been
placed there by the (heater Medford
rlub for tho one of nil who hold meet
lug lu the library unembly room,
and for any other announcements
connected with the llbrnry. IKiu't fall
to look It oer every time you go In,
there may bo Komethlug there of
eepeclal Interest to you. If ou vInIi
to post notice, coiiNiilt tho librarian.
Tho executive committee of thi
Greater Medford club, coinvosed of
tho offlcem of the club, nnd the,
chairmen of the varlou department,
hold n hiiNtncKH hckoIoii tlce each
month, Tliene ineetlugH take tho form
of a luncheon and are iiioh( cnttiu
laatlc, n great deal of biihlue being
dUpoHed of nt rnch scsxlon. Tho one
held but Monday nt the Medford
hotel wiih no exception.
Tho lecture given nt the "It'' thea
tre on Tutxluy eveplug by Mr. II. K.
Weed teeming with uRgetlon
for n "More Ileuutlfii I Medford."
Aiuoiik the Hpeclal Iden he left for
our coiiHlderatlou were the pluntlng
of tree In tin. parking Ntrlps, to bo
cared tor by n park board; tho beau
tifying of our gatcwuy- about the
Southern I'aclflu Htutlon; making a
Hinall park on tnu reservoir hill whlcK
I one point )o which all vUltor are
lukcu to view the vulley; clearing
and needing (at leant) tho llbrury
ground; cleaning our iiltey; placing
more HhruliH about our Iiouhch, eapec
(ally near tho foundation -tie tho
lioute, iih It were, to the luiuUcupo
by HhruliK, Tbono thing can nil bo
done nt a comparatively small ex
penditure, iih give them our at
tention. Medford Iuih great possibil
ities along theua line, Why not
rcullxo ihuml
' '
The Wiis1i!n4lon H nil Itnnhuvrlt Cir
elen of the I'liicnl-Tencliers' Afihoeiu
lion met in joint fiem-lou Kridny uflev
iioon n( tho library willi over ono
liundieil women pivKont, Miss Itnh
iiiKon of tho liliriii-j1 ruvo tin intorortt
inir nml iiiNtruolivn talk on hooks for
eliililren. Little Miss Jcnn Wilson
(jnvo n voenl holo, elinvmliiR everyono
wjlh her Hwcot voiue.
Jliss Do Vnro of the WnshiiiRtoii
Hi'liool hpoke on "Musio fdr the Pub
llo fiehool," MihH flroy wiih then
lien id in u piniio nolo.
Aftur nn iiitvnuiibiou in which iuo
eieaiii ami wnferM were xenril nml n;
Hoelal time enjoyed, Mint) Knlo Hliiiaj
jjnve ii talk on "Story TrllliiK"." MIhhJ
Hliue wiih iiHHlnled in UiIh putt of!
Ilie proKium by two of her pupilx,
Kuthci-iue I'lrieh, who told n ,hlory
nud KHnliclli MunuliiK who rend n
fitiry Into.
The iiogrnm wiik concluded by
MihH Mnbol Mears who(rendeied u
Uroup of ohililreii'H hoiikn.
Member of the local ordem of
tho KnliibtH of l'ytblns and I'ythlai
Slater nml their friend em Invited
to bo prraent nt St. Maiks lull the
evening of St. J'ntrlck' day to enjoy
n box Koclnl. The auctioneering ol
I be boxes will bo liilcmperKcd with
taurine, A veiy plrnvanl time In
The ludlcM' nuxllllury of TullKtnnn
Temple, K. of I'., will hold their
regular nodal wettston next Wcdne
day evening, March 19. The com
mittee Include Mrs. 1. I.. Hamilton
Mr. nnd Mr. John II Ilutetr, Mr
nml Mr. A. O. Hubbard. Mr and
Mr, (leorgn O'ilrlen, Ml Maud
I. Inc. Ml JoMcphlno Gregory, M.
Ilnnll Gregory nud Mm. W. it
Tho Itooftevell Circle of the I'rr
enlTencher' Aoctallon will give a
ten next Tucndny afternoon nt the
home of Mr. C. W. MucDonnld-
Light refrehment will be erved
nnd the following program rendced.
Mr. Dnddyamau's Orcheitr.t
Vociil nolo. Ml Florence Haxelrlgg
Flnno aolo Mary Alice Fouler
Selection ... Orchctlm
Heading. .. . MU Van Met--
Vocul duet
. Mr. Vun Rcoyoo and Mr, t'lrle"
Selection Orchestra
The local order of Rebecca eutei
tain next Tuesday evening with a St.
Patrick's social. A splendid program
appropriate to the occasion 1 brink
planned and thouc In charge promise
"fuu and lot of It." A baimuet
wilt be served, ut tho conclusion of
the program. The cemmittee: Mr,
Nellie Wing, Mr. and Mr. Usher,
Mm, lvtrr. Miss Mnnnlng, Miss Ida
Wiley, Mr. Itwtou, Mr. Mackay. Vl
lllng Ilebcccaa are cordially Invited
to attend.
The members of the WcdncMlny
Study Club will abandon their study
of the deep problcniH of the dny an
set forth in the modem drama, nnd
nt their meeting which occurs next
week let fnvolity reipi supreme. Mm
I. Vnwter will he the hostes. otli.
eri on the committee helnir .McMlatnes
Mollis, llulehisnii nml
The Kits hnve posloned their nn
mini daiieinu; jwirty until the cvi-iiinu;
of March 'J7th.
Mr. and Mm. Ous Newberry enter
tained with card Friday evening of
till week.
Mr. M. J. Pllcher entertained
friends nt dinner at her homo Wed.
neHduy evening, guests present being
Misses Van Meter, Clayvllle, Forgu
sou and Do Vore.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George Andrews,
Mm. J. F. Mundy nnd Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. L. Kills entertained Informally
for Mm. 1,. J. Simpson of Coos Hay
during the past week.
Tho SoclnllM local met Wedne.
day ovenlug at Smith's hall to enjoy
cards nml dancing, vouch was
served between dances, Mrs. Batch
well wu chairman of tho commit
tee. Thei affairs nre hold every
nlternnto Wednesday.
Over sixty guests were enterlulnod
by a committee of tho Chrysuntho
mum Circle Inst Tuesduy evening
with u short program and banquet,
tboao In chargo being Mm. Myrtto
Gere, Mm. Idu Jackson, Mrs. George
Mndley, Mrs, Ilutcmun, Mrs. Ilecson,
Mm. Anderson nml Mrs. Andrews,
Mrs, I.oo J. Mtkucho entertained a
number of young ladles with a lunch
eon given ut nor homo Thursday
afternoon, whon alio announced the
engugemeiit of her daughter Miss
Geruldtuo to Mr, John Wllkcimon,
Fuvors wero red carnutlons und
ferns, tho tublo ceiitorploco being of
whlto carnations. Gtieutu present
wero MIsseH Irono Sulllvun, lone
Flynn, lavy Grlgsby, Ivu Coffin
Helen Duhl, Lois Kstco, llcrthu
Welch, Inez Coffin, Jeunc!.bo Hutlor
A commlttoo of womon from the
Greater Medford club r.ivo their
monthly card und thlmblo party at
tho Hotel Medford Monday uftor-
noon, Tho Uuglluh Ivy vn tuute
fully arranged for decorations, fa
vor being "Shumrock" score card,
Ten nml wafers wero served. Those
Four vlolfn number by Miss Flynn
went appreciated. Ten and wafers
worn served. TJioj In charge
of the nffalr were Mle Mabel
Hvans end Ivy Isenberger and
Mesilnme J, A. I'erl, O. K, Osborne,
llnlllduy, llalght. J. A. Ferry. K. O
Porter, M. M. Putnam, K. K. Potten
ger, C. V. Palm, )'.. II. Picket, O, J
Patlon, Muhlon Purdln, K. II. Por
ter, J, M. Itoot.
Tim social meeting nud lultlutlou
ceremonies held by Iteame chapter
O. K. H. Wednesday evening wero
well attended 'and enjoyed by all
present. A color scheme of Krrcti
was used In honor of tho patron taint
of "Ould Ireland." Silk flags, ahain-
rocks nnd uteen shaded lights were
effective- Tho two course supper
Included mint Ico cream frozen In the
shape of tho shamrock leaf. Cards
and dancing wero enjoyed with music
by the Star t hooter musicians, Tho
cemmittee: Mrs. J. O. Goble, Mrs.
Helen lissklns, Mr, and Mm, Ioon
Hasklns, Mm. F. W Miles, Mm. F. I.
Wilson, Mis Frances Hasklns, Mr.
and Mrs. If. C, Stoddard, Mr. and
Mrs. Newman, Mr. and Mm. Fouln,
Mr. nnd Mm. K. M Wilson. Mm.
Klsenhart, Mr. Kltner Hicks, Mr.
Charles Strang, Dr. J. G. Coble.
The reception gUen for the new
inembem of the Christian church in
the church Thutxlny evening wan nt
temlcil by nearly two hundred gucst,
who were (rented to n very pleasing
program nnd then given n banquet in
the basement room of the church.
Chicken sandwiches, snlnd, .coffee, ice
rrenin nnd citkn uere tcned. Fol
lowing was the pregram:
Song Congregation
Prayer Itev. Iluylc
Wending Millie Seely
Heading ........ ;... Howard Orover
voenl Solo.. ..Miss Oladyn Hinmnn
Heading Mm. H. V. M"ulkey
llano Duel . . . ., .Miv.e
Mabel Meyers and Ilerna Hoberts
Heading. Mm. hrely
Heading Mr. I.elnml Heveridge
Solo Ohidyi Ilartly
Heading Mm. V O. Hurgess
Song -4 OirK Choir
The miignrine hcelion of (bo Io
Iim Angelen Kvetiing Herald of March
7th contuins nn article rlr-criptivr of
tho latest dance taken up by Lok An
geles nml San Francisco society,
something entirely different from tho
so-called "rag" dances. It is a so
cial dance primarily, and though con
taining n few fancy blcps nnd figures,
is not difficult to master.
The Wilcox xlid Is the name, the
dance having been comjiosed by MLsh
Jane Heers for Kiln Wheeler Wilcox,
who has added fcomo oints nnd
dnneed it nt n number of funcliom
given in her honor. Chnliff, one time
winch of the MetrnMlitau ballet,
complimented the iwetess very highly
ujon tho Wilcox glide. The muslo for
the dance was composed by Professor
Ilorher, and several Medford ladies
already have copies in their music
cabinets. Mrs, J. V. MncClntchio in
trodneed tho dance nt nn informal
home party recently nnd it imme
diately "mnde n hit." Following arc
the steps:
Position Ilegular ballroom pod
lion, ljidies' part first step-right,
foot to right side, point, step right
foot in buck of left, step left to left
side, .step right foot in front of left
two measures.
Second step- ''Hop slide"-hop on
left foot, Mide right lo to right side,
bringing heels together. While, the
woman ii dancing this solo, her part
ner continues to keep the time and
ihythm of the dance, or to dnnee
nfter her, but without taking hold of
her hands until the beginning of n
new measure or until a lime indicated,
when he rejoins the lady.
Third Step "T two-step turn,"
slide, right, left, right, left, turn hulf
way again to make a complete tutu
two measmes.
HeK'nt all from beginning.
Tho lady's partner goes through
the snme steps, beginning with tho op
posite foot, however.
Prof. Chnliff nays "The Wilcox
Olide," "The One Step," "Tho Frisco
Walk," Iheso are. some of tho new
dances of the moment. They nre not
difficult if one has n good sense of
rjthm and the love of dancing. With
out these two factors no one can
dnneo well, und most people who lack
rhythm und tho joy of living never
wnut to dunce anyhow."
If tho ludv uses a scarf the effect
is prettier and more graceful,
There- will ho special services at
the Episcopal church, Palm Sunday,
March 10, nt 7:30 a. m, Mr. Fish
will sing "Tho Palms," Flulo ohli
gnto by Mrs, Merman of Now York
and Mr. Middleborgor will sing "St.
Antlii'ins," assisted by tho choir.
Mo Uiil prvdlgy who gnve n m-ital
last night.
A inusicul rccitnl by a ten-year-old
student of the art. unassisted ex
cept by n vncnlist, was given Friday
evening at the First Presbyterian
church by Mis Mary Alico Foiter,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Fos
ter, nnd pupil of Miss Mora Grey.
Tho recital was the first of its
kind ever given in this city, though in
the east they occur frequently, even
among the very tiny tots.
The program included ten numbers.
played without notes, nnd reflected '
great credit on both pupil nnd teach
er. Itccitnl playing is one of the
most necessary and important
branches of music study nnd is al
ways to he encouraged. The best
wishes for success nre extended to
the little pianist of last evening.
The follow iug wns the pregram:
Hound Dance Sahathil
Album I,caf ton Weber
Frohiehen Iiindcnnnnn
Xordisches I Jed Schumann
Prelude from Op. 28 Chopin
Will ' the Wisp Jungmann
Gondolieri Kevin
Tho Nightingnle's Song Kevin
'Miss Hancc
March to Purnassu .Schyttc
Kotsnneo Schumann
Vnlse in flat Du'rand
Mra. II. Paul Thelss and daughter
Miss Geraldlne Thelss loft tho first
of the week for San Francisco to be
present for the opening of the new
Tlvoll theater and enjoy tho grand
opera season. They will bo guests of
friends while there.
St. Putrlck's Day
Klllarney; Ualfe St. Mary's Chor
al class.
Violin solo, "Uelleve M". Moore
Ireno Sullivan. ,
Vocal solo, "Tho Kerry Dance,"
"Tho Last Iloso of Summer" Ger
aldtne Mlksche.
Oration Major W. J. Canton.
Irish Medley St. Mary's Violin
Piano solo Prof. O. Talllandler.
Action Song "Tho Tbrco Green
Donnots" Minims.
Tho Dear Llttlo Shamrock.
At St. Mary's Academy hall, Sun
day, March 1C at 8 p. ni.
Mr. and Mm. H. U. Lumsden en
Joyed a short visit this week from
Mr. J. II. Ilerlln. of Turlock. Mr.
llerlln is a brother of Mrs. Lumsden.
Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Goto left
Wednesday on tho evening train for
Portland, to bo gono tor several
Mr. and Mm. A. J. King of Mitch
ell, South Dakota, who aro touring
tho coast looking for a location, spent
several days In Medford last week.
They aro old time Illinois friends or
n. P. Thelss.
Dr. J. W, Roblusou and daughter
Miss norland of Jacksonville spent
Sunday with Medford friends.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Shapleigh who havQ
been guests of their son, tho hard
waro merchant, of this city, left Sun
duy for their homo ut St. Louis.
Mlsa Lillian Halo or Devils Lake,
North Dakota, was a recent guest ot
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Watt, leaving
Mcdford Monday owning enrouto to
her homo after a winter spent in
southern California.
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Van De Carr'of
Salem, former Mcdford residents aro
In this city for a short time,
Mrs. George Wolls of Josephine,
county was n guest of Mr. and Mrs.
J. S, Howard last Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hufer left
Tuesduy for a pleasure trip of two
niontha which will lucludo visits ut
San Francisco, Los Anteles and Coun
cil Dluffs, Iowa, whero Mr. Hafer's
parents reside.
Mm, L. J. Simpson will leave, this
evening for her home at Coos Hay.
Mrs. Gate will accompany Mm. Simp
son to Threo Pines to remain for a
few days visit wrth friends,
Mrs. J. II. nutler of llllhea orch
ards spent Wednesday In town the
gucflt of Mm. Harry Lottland.
Mm. J. F. Ileddy returned Tuesday
morning from Hpokana whero sho
has spent the past three months.
Mr. J. W. MncClntehie returns to
Medford from Los Angeles tomorrow
night. Mr. MacClatchio will be ac
companied by Mr. nnd Mrs. L. F. Bui
ton of Winnipeg, who have been
spending the winter in Los Anegeles.
They will be guests of Max Vn ranch
for a coujile of weeks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. V. Coffin returned
Saturday afternoon from a week's
visit at Hosebnrg.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Chandler F.gan
and little daughter are expected home
soon. Mrs. Kgnn bis been visiting in
Chicago. Mr. Kgnn hi going to Port
laud to met her.
Mr. nnd Myston J. Eaierick are at
home nfter several weeks visit at Seattle.
The Pan-IIellcnio Society met
March 8 at the Woman's Rest Itoom.
The muin topic for discussion was
wnys nnd means for benefitng the
rest hooms nnd increasing their pat
ronage. Two rooms arc how com
fortably furnished nnd tbey were well
appreciated Saturday, March 15,
when a chafing dih suprfcr was
served to Indies, especially for the
convenience of business women who
work Saturday evruing.
Wednesday the society will eater
tain the Merchants' Association,
through whose aid the plan of a rest
room has been successfully carried
Tho popularity of tho Ilest Room
has compelled the furnishing of an
other room. Tho manual training de
partment of the high school mado a
splendid llbrnry table for use here.
Saturday eveulng the club Is ad
vertising in a practical way by giving
a fifteen cent chafing dish supper In
the rooms. They will servo coffee,
pie and sandwiches besides a sub
stanlal concoction on the chafing
dish. Let all who aro Interested take
advantage of this chance to visit the
How would you equip a model
laundry What is tho chemical
aualysls ot soap! Give the test
which Indicates which, bluing will
roak'o your clothes yellow? Does the
wicker basket lend Itself to proper
sterilization? T These and scores of
other Important questions were an
swered at the meeting ot the homo
economics department on Wednesday
of this week. Tho chemistry ot the
household, especially In connection
with the laundry, or the cleaning and
restoring of textiles, proved an thing
but a commonplace subject. Uy a
very clever test those present were
shown the effect of an alkali on ani
mal and vegetable fibres as found In
wool and cotton. That bad Iron rust
stains on cotton or linen can be re
moved was ulso demonstrated satis
factorily. So much of real benefit
comes out at each meeting of thU
department, the members feel tbey
cannot ufford to miss any ot the pro
grams. The real object ot a public
nottco of these meetings Is to Indi
cate to the women of Medford the na
ture of tho work undertaken and ex
tend an invitation to them. In all
of the Women's club movement In tho
country tho home ecouomtcs is the
strongest department. Magazlues
und newspapers mention trequeutty
their share In tho real activities of
the. world. It will not long be the
caso that tho college womon aud
thoso with u broader outlook on life
uro the only ones to realize the dig
nity ot home-making as a profession.
Mrs. J. U, Fleming, prominent In
tho State Federutlou of Women's
clubs ot Ohio on a recent visit to Los
Augeles related in clear, terse lan
guage what tho' women ot Cleveland
aro doing lu social service, explaining
In detail tho workings ot tho break
fust kitchens In the schools, which
huvo been operated three or four
years In tho pooror districts, with
tho aid and endorsement ot the mu
nicipal authorities, and saying that
statistics show a gain In the scholar
ship of children supplied In this way
with proper nourishment ot sixteen
per cent. The cost of these meals It
four cents each. Sho also told ot Ida
fly swatting campaign, Inaugurated
by tho federation and the city govern
ment, the latter paying a bounty of
ten cents a quart for flies during the
spring season. Tho long hatpin pro
nlbltlon also was a result of the work
of the women's clubs of the city.
Tho peoplo of Portland wero given
last week a real demonstration on the
reducing of high living costs by In
telligent buying. The three day ap
ple lo was the result of the efforts
of the home economics department of
the Woman's ctub. "Duy them by
the box" was the slogan and tbey
certainly did. It was a great success,
and the apple sales of the city worn
doubled. All the merchants of thu
city claimed they did a greater busi
ness in apples than ever before In
the history of the city. "The apple
sale was only an Incident to the broad
character of the further investigation
that we propose to make along sim
ilar lines. We started out to Impress
people that the buying qt foods
should be confined to fair quantities
Instead of small lots, and. thanks
to the press, we believe we have done
so In a largo measure," said Mrs.
Wilson, chairman ot tho committee.
"The lesson taught to the housewives
ot Fortlaad ought to be a priceless
one, as tho demonstration showing
what can be dene with the apple ap
plies with equal force to other dally
In tho Club News section of the
Sunday edition of the leading Le
Angeles paper, there is an exeellent
photo of Mrs. Garrett, treasurer of
the Friday Morning club. Mm. Gar
rett annually handles $18,009 and bi
making a record for financial man
agement. As a result of her training
In mathematics which she excelled In
as a teacher, she carries on this very
Important and accurate work with
great credit to herself and Is an Im
portant factor In the movement
started for building a large modern
club house for the Friday Morning
club, banquet ball and the whole
equipment ot an up to date club. It's
an Inspiration to hear of the untiring
energies ot sister club women and to
know ot the many avenues ot use
fulness they are entering. The won
derful change In the recognition they
are receiving is proof ot their real
The program for tho Good Govern
ment and Civic department of the
Greater Medford club on Tuesday,
March ISth, will be as follews:
Parliamentary Drill.
The rtecall Judge E. E. Kelly.
Current Erents Mm. Hoon.
Mlulm'um Wage Law Mrs. Schus
ter. Minimum Wage Law as It Affects
the Consumer Mr. H. E. Gore.
This will be an especially Inter
esting meeting, dealing with the vital
things of the day, and every woman
In Medford should take advantage of
the opportunity to hear these things
discussed. All are urged to atteod.
Meeting at 2:30.
"Dawa O'lUru," by Edna Ferber.
Published by Stokes Company.
Those who have read "The Stories
ot a Traveling Saleswoman," by
Edna Ferber, that have appeared
from tlmo to time In the American
Magazine, will welcome this com
plete novel by the same author.
Edna Ferber knows how to tell n
story delightfully. Her first para
graph usually attracts attention. Sho
acquaints you with some breezy,
capable sort ot person at the outset
and as you read on through the
story you are moved to tears one
moment and are laughing at somo
unexpected humor the next.
Her women nre women of the
workaday world, capable, clever,
lovabto. Uor men uro the men we
meet every day, but she analyzes
them and shows us their best side.
Her characters may appeal, the ro
mance may please, but It is the hu
man Interest vibrating from every
page that makes her stories whole
some. If you want to read a good book,
merely for recreation, read "Dawn
O'Hura Tho air) "Who Laughed,"
and yqu will find an Interesting,
sweet love story that will leave ypu
happier for having read It.
"Sister Carrie," by Theodore Dreiser.
Published by Harpers.
One might read this book and won
der Just why it was written, nut
after finishing the story one realises
that Dreiser had a message (c Ive
to the world 'and tha.t ha gave t
plainly and undecorated. '8lster
Carrie" is a colorless, almct usn
torestlng story ot a glrj who was
reared in the country, who went t
Chicago to earn Her Hying. She
(Contlausd on Page )
t k lf t?rt'1l'('rk' C?'p.j'-"