n-trwwiiiffeMw Bron horlca SocfcW Clly Ifill 7 Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Knlr. Heavy Frtwit Totilght. .Mas, no, MIh, a. l'orty.itmiiii Yrr. tUlly Hovrntli Vfr. MEDFORD, OftJSCION, BA'ITHDAV, MAKCII 15, 3010. NO. 304. SONORA REBELS DECISIVELY DEFEATED fiwvlwi'00 t r - 4fi J. 1 b l 1 l i i 'i SODDEN SALLY 84 LIVES LOST DRIVES REBELS $7,000,000 LOSS FROM POSITION FROMCYCLONE General OJeila Sutltcnly Assaults So. nora llcliels Near Nacoa anil Forces Retrent Colics Forces Caunht by Surprise and Entirely Unprepared. Colder Weather Causes Much Suffer I ii II Amottfi Storm Victims In South ern States Additional Deaths Ex pected Six Still Mlsslnfl. PLAN REFORMS Bud Anderson in Three Poses : mat o MM E M POPULAR 0D United States Deputy Marshal Shot In' Wire Communication Down and Death Leu Watchlnu Dattle From Amer ican Side of Dorder. List Certain to Be Increased When Restored. Senator Submits Proposals Giving. Majority flule In Committee Ap pointments So as to Make Upper House Active and Efficient Branch. NACO, An.. March I.V The .Mr. ii'Mii federal funic under Uoncrul Ojeilu mki'IiiimI a complcto xielory ox er llio trlioU under Ciillwt and llmim inonlo before Kami, Hoimrii today. Tim inbuilt, after u!lliHiitMliiiK the federal ntlnitk fur uu bourn brobn ami lied Roiithxwitd, Tweho reUlit aro kiioiwi to be dead mill iiemly M hundred noiiuded. Tlit fnlcrnl m U tint kiimvu. NATO, Atlr., MhitIi 15.-Astound-fug bit rebol hotthwr. (tenet al Ojedn M llm brail iT .tlKI federal millir.l fm lb from Nhihwi at noon imluy ami iiaiillvil Im rebel in tlirir minioii in tin bills three mile Miulhcnt of I In' tun ii. The ibiUiiin of'ruliclH under Colonel ('nlles, 5.1U KlrtMijc, xxns drlxrn from il pimitlnn bv a determined federal infantry attack supixirtrd by n mu ehiue pin fire. A scurr nro riMiiti'l kilb'il or ugiiinlroii ImiIIi side. OJdn' hlriilvcy wittglit llio ruhcl nlinliili'Iy unprepared. Tho federal linn Mnit almost upon their H)iiiii before they ouuhl bo neinbled in unlor. Tbi' Jmlernl ndwniiv wa matki'd bx a Millny from the ilflen of harp liiKttcru poktiil mi tln roof of build inuti tn N'iiimi, Snnoni, ami wim pox ered liy th machine ami fire. Ojedn Milhhttbl lit fiio until with four bun- died yards of Colli.' front. On the firit alloy of the federal a doxtm rebel foil. Tlio ntlneknii; puly suffered honxily xxhoii their fin iik returned. Cnllo, ret root Ini; (.lowly, finally en inn lo rest in Aicua 1'iiu canyon, n mill) from bin original xisillou. Col. llrnt'innnto, ilh Idd, nln'1 infantry nml l.'O inoiiiiti'il nii'iw ciii'ampi'il fivu unlw lo llio Moutli, Mlarlcd at unco to IiIh it h1 . llrpntv I'nili'il .Stales Maolial A. A. IlnpkliiK, wali'liinu tin uiiKiiKt'HKMit fioin (bo AiiH'iiriiu hiib wari -hliot Ibrouli lu livj-liv a nln'1 Inilli't. lie mm bnniglit lo tin AinoHi'aii boNpital luri' wi'tiK from tln lo of litoml. MICMI'IIIK, To mi , March tC -TiikliiK It" hwivlost loll at lllo In I In MtuloN of (IforKlii, ToniH'Hfciw, Alnlitinui. Tkiihm. I,(ulhlniin iiml MU klMlppl. SI pnrMiim tin known to linvo mi( ililli In tin- tcrrlflr utorni which )ititcnly out thu mlitillu ot nml (ho xiiilti. Collier wi'atlii"1 toiliiy I'fliimiit iiiiiili miffcrlni; nmon.t thi ktorm Wt'tliim In thn Hoiilhrrti ktntuN nml mtilltloniil ili-ailio from cv IHiRiirii n fimrwl. HU lironn. rlnnlM' of Ihi' known iloiiil. nro mlmi Ink In Aliihnmn nml It In ii'iiml thu) too nro iloml. Thu iloath lint dy Nlntim fiillewn: (looreln. SU; Toniion(ti 23; Ala Iimiiih. IS, Toxim, 6; IaiuIhIuiiii, 7; MImIi.I. ". Tin inojKirty Iohh In riiiirmoiKi. K tlmnlfH loilny vnrloutly plurril tin ilnm.iKo from l3.nuo.U00 to f 10,000 000, but It Ii lii'llovoi) Hint 17.000. 000 In roturrvntlvo (Inure. Telephone nml telegraph roninui ulnnlliin l iloiui In n core of rmnli aouihiTii tonim nml thu ilenth IIM 'i nlinoil rerlnln to bn materlnlly In rretMl when It In rriitoreil. Th'i Mtorm In thu tnliMlo went rniiTil heiivy property ilnmnRi, hut thin fee Hon ivtcnpeil the heavy lonn of life oMU'h'il by the tornmlo In thu (outh. Democratic Caucus Increases Mem bership of Woman Suffrage Com mittee to Nine Two Yet to Choose. I FOUND IN f SERVICE AT PASADENA I'ASADCN'A. fill. March 13 -I'amulemi will be thn ho hid of thu firm pdnnenKer cnrrylnR tllrlKlhlu nlr nhlp tienlcu In America In about two weokn. TIiIh nuuoiiucement wan inmln to ilny by Itoy Kmihuuihue, who In Junt couipletlm; n IiIk neroilromu for titw licniiunrti'r. HU alrnhlp Is expert eil to iiinko m'Mirnl louuit trlpn ilnlly to the bench cltlec, tho I'lirwowil nhlp havhiK a capacity of ten piihxenKcru In mlilltlou to tho pilot. It will b rapnblo of a Npecil of 40 allien m hour ami will enrry fuel nufflclent (or S I hour to be rtmlv for ' einerKcucy ADM RALS STOMACH ItOlKI.AND, Maliio, Muivb IV I'nixoii iii exnleiit in thn nlomacb of Uear Aibuirul Itohurt (1. l!aloii, lie I'ouliiii; to mi itnnffiniul aiiiiouiiec meiil here today, following mi cvuin iuullou of llm nlomui'h by 1'iofcxMor William Whitney, llio Iinivniil eliem iil. Ktilou dieil uniler inyHlerioiiH eir euiiislimcos ut bin homo horn. Ar ieti nro e.pei'lcil to follow llio mi iioinieouieiil. Mix. ltnlpli Ju'.vch, llm iiiliiilinl'n tli'iiluiiKlili'r, ilcelureil loilny tliat bur falber wax mblielcil to ilrtiH, nmoketl "lianheeb" ami drunk heavily. .She is of (lie opinion that be poisoned hi mlopleil bnhy ubilo in la ilninkcn pur- ONbUI, ) PORTLAND BUILDINGS LIMITED TO 15 STORIES IN HEIGHT l'OimNI), March Ifi. Aeeor.l iu to n ilcoiHioii loilny innebed liy llio hiiililiii),' coilo reviHloii coininitleu, nliMilulo iireprool' liuilillnH of llm most inoili'in typo, limy bo orcutml in I'orllaml to n liulKht of 15 atorius, or 'J0U i'tu't. Kloel frnino 1'iro-prooC liulliliiiKH willi wooilen iloorri ami win dow (aniiu;H inny bo eieeled lo u liellit of 12. HloiioH, or 1110 fuel. Old inary iireprool' bulldbiKH of rcinfmo od ooueifltu may bo eruoled to a hi'ijjbt of icu bloiU'b, or 110 foot. IONS FIGHT MINIMUM WAGE BILL SACRA MKNTO. ful., .Alnreb l.V With oiKiini.eil labor si limply op pohcd ami Oovernor .loliiimm an MroiiKly n favor of a minimum wnKo hill for women, one of tho hipgcM HkIiIh of tlm California Icgislaturo'x hubsiou may eomo hero next week. ViuioiiH monsni'os to net a minimum wai;o for California women nro before llm loyNlnluro and ornnii'i'il labor is nppoKed to tlirni all. John I. Nolan, newly elected coiiKrctonnnn in hero to uiil lubor'ri l'it;lit. Ho hiivh lahor U Htroiifjly in fax or for invobtiunlion of llio Volution of low xvitRCit to irofti tulion. but no miiiimmu wage hill so fur Mihmittcil will piovo aecoplable. DANNY O'BRIEN FIGHTS DRAW WITH CAMPBELL SCATTI.K, Mnivli 13.-Tho lodirn enmiBomeut between Danny O'Hrien of l'oitluiiil, nml liny Camphcll of San Fraiieiseo, reunited in four Hlash hiK roumlrt to a draw at tho llroam land Pavilion Fiidny nlj;bt. Campbell bud but oiio ilu.Y to k1 i uondillou for tlm mnloh) beiui; mibstiluted at llio hint mimitfl for Krnio llaiinau, who injured bin arm and xvuy unnblo to box. WASHINGTON', March l.V-Scuu-! tor John W. Kern of Indiana, major ity lender in the senate ami the ilnno crntiu t-cmite canons committer, toilav were prcHeuted with I he reform pro ponalM of (hi. uVuioerntio 'VteeriiiK" eommitlees. Among the reforms mij:- KOHtoil are tho follonint;: t That democratic, incmlicr of all , eonferenoe commitlceH ami sub-corn-mittecii hereafter he chosen by the J democratic iih'iiiIiith of the re-H'clix-f , coiiimilleoij nffreU'il; that tho demo-1 crntlo caticiiH iunlead of thu cauciiH J rbuinnnii hereafter choose the Mecr- , iu; cominitteu; that a majority of i cnob commitlre elect it own cbnir- I ninn nml Hint the xncnucie.s on all coiumllteoH shall be filled liy the htcerini; committee with thu approval of the caueiiM. 'We propose," said Sennlor Kem today, "that the senate slmll be drm ocialio in reality. I hoxi these rrso lullomt wilt ho iiiloplrd, ho the coun try mny kntiwlKnl tlje senate, under ilemoerntin control, in active ami ef ficient and n sympathetic brunch of wipular government, which will ro Hpoml rptickly lo the will of the people and do itn full share of work in the jjreat jwogrcjisive movement of tho twentieth century." Tho caucus increased the member ship of the woman suffrage commit tee to nine, with the following mem hem: Scuntorn Thomas, Owen, Asburst, Jones, Sutherlnml, Ituusdcl! ami Mol lis. Two republican members nrr ,xet to he chosen. The first five sena tors represent stales xvbere xxomvii already have the ballot. i nfrfmBif' 4 - W 'mBP " WM J u ?7B mrmm TEN TO SEVEN N BUD'S FAVOR Pride of Medford and Knockout Brown Fall to Tip Scales at 133 Larcj Crowd Witnesses Bout Both CofifWent of Success. POWERS REJECT Great Interest in Bout Which Will Class Anderson as Top-notcher or Rank Him With Down and Outs; MMIMS R GN WASHINGTON, March l.V- Seua- lloi-H Cbamhorluiii ami I.ano of Oregon were assigned to sex oral important commlttecH by tlm domocrutii caucus today. Senator Chambeilaiu xus named chairman of tho public, laud-. conuuitteo ami wan aliio appointed a member of tho following committees; Agriculture and forestry, appropri ations, commerce, military affair, national hanks and territories. Suuator litiim wiw nnmeil cbairmnn of tho foivst reservations uml pro tection of gamo commilteo uml np poinled member of the foreign com mittee, chimin, expenditure:! in tho war department, fishorirH, Iudiun af fairs, irrigation, thu Philippine, pub lic buildings nml grouudu nml coast defense. SLIGHT EARTHQUAKE IS FELTJHHIS CITY A nllRlit earthaunko wiih recorded lu thu city at 12: 10 o'clock todny. It was barely percuptlblo, but failed to Hot past tho local weather btatlon without notice. JJMFtfMflJJffi Ll JB33 ml I 'MwP mVl mm SENATORS ABANDON PLANS FOR UNMERGING HARRIfvlAN LINES SHERIFF OUTWITS LOS A .VUEI.ES, March Jo. Uc fore nnolber Jay is done. Knockout IJrowu of New York cither will be consigned to pugilistic oblivion or I Itud Anderson of Vancouver, Wn. and 1 .Medford, Oregon, will have dropped the qunlifxiug "sensational" that heretofore usually has accompanied bis name in print. The boys were i Miieuuieu io unuie twenty rouuus in IIcCnrcy's Vernon urenn this after- noon, iii-iory iur urowu inenni an other crack at his cououerer. Joe i Itixers, and for Anderson, to shake his skirts free of future association J with the second-rates. t nf Ii. frtv.nAa. ffn.AM 11 Iff f.M.n ..VM w .v. .Iiv. .....J If, ... ... V.UWI of Medford, Ore., the Oregon delega tion that tupportcd Uud Anderson In hi Bchedulcd 2Q-round battle wtth Knockout Urown here today resem bled a rooting section at a college athletic event. A acore of Medford and Portland spertames occnpld a block of teats at the ringilde and oven before tho first preliminary uad managed to inform everyone in the topmost bleachers row whence thsy uiieiM :. M.....I. i- ..,... came and who they liked." ...,ii ii . i .,. , , . A h,Rh rS fa,,ed to dampen the itf l'nreell today eluded a mob bent flrdor of the ringaldera. and tho great on n lynching and took Krank-Sullcus," pavilion filled rapidly, giving early "J I yearn of age, who confessed to an evidence, ot a goodly sized crowd assault uikui Dorothy years old, from the city jnil to East I ,rowen St. Louis. Mi.s Holt is in n critical . .,, condition but probably will recover. Sheriff Purcell and bis deputies j .. H o ." iniurni in the first preliminary. So Unlay. Hundreds of infuriated citi- L - ,,.rt h nil,,h Tn Sllv PEACE TERMS OF BALKAN ALLIES Indemnity Demand Retarded as Ex orbitant ami Extended of lunar ian Frontier and Acquisition of Aegean Isles to le Opposed. Demands Purposely Made Large (n Order to Prevent Conference Until Beselged Fortresses Capitulate. MOB SEEKING TO LYNCH mm LONDON', March 15. Ambaww dors representing the nevnral Hum pcVin powers met here today Ij in formally consider tho replr of thn Ualkan allies regarding the terua on which It would negotiate wiy Tur key for practr. It war admitted by several or tho auibasebdors that tho powers cannit accodo to the allies demands. Tti-j Indemnity demand Is regarded en.r bltant and tho powers probably wit: rcfuso to agreo to the extension of tho Bulgarian, frontier to Kodosto or give Greece tho Aegean IsIaniU. It was reported today that th Dalkan states purposely made their demands exorbitant 1b order to pre vent a peace conference until Scu tari and Adrlanople arc captured. It Is believed capitulation ot the two fortresses I but a matter ot' a fexr days. Holt fifteen 'naerson remainea a netting ra- vonie ai iu to a. I'racucaiir au ine money offered was gobbled up i u) mo uri'ftun vuuiiiiKVUi. Preliminaries Arc Good. Harry Hammer made good his pa rens s wanned about the jail and de mauded that Sullens be turned over to them. Purcell and bis deputies ap peared at the prison gates with Win chesters und kept the crowd back. Later the militia was called out by Governor Diinno in response to an urgent call by Purcell and the sol-. I Allen was almost belnlcss. diers kept the crowds moving- through J Mike Doll knocked out Uuck La out the night. The city is quiet to-1 hoy In the third round of a scheduled day but a mob, unnwarc of the re- four round go. Thoy aro light inoval of Sullens, Mill is gathered ( weights. llb?.U.1 "J? n0'1, ,. . -r. , i i,ller uuv oved the beam at the Miss Holt was assaulted Thursday I ,,.,.;,,; in fnrninv1,i ,.f it,.. !. --- n " "..., ... ..v . that the referee stopped the mill In tne tnird round. Tbey aro light weights. Danny Lyon of Los Angeles beat Young Allen of New York at tho ban tam weight limit. Tho go was stopped In tnc fourth round when SISTER OF LOCAL MAN IS KUfDM WRECK 0. D, Iloon received word today from Nebraska Unit bis sister, Edith Hoou, was killed iu tho wicck.of the Union Paoifiu passenger train ut Cogiuli Nebraska, Friday iu which four people lost their lives and eight, woio injured, ST. LOl'IS. Mo. March 15 -He. ciuibo of tho opposition voiced by tho California railroad commUnlon, Judge I.oett. chulnmiii ot the board of directors of tho Union Pacific sys tem, announced iu tho United States circuit court hero today that tho modified plun for tho dissolution of thu Union I'aclfle-Southern Pacific merger had been abandoned. United States Attorney Pouts, spcnklng for tho government, (hen discovered that Attorney General Mcllcynnlds had not been acquainted with tlio modi fied plan nud that tho government was In no position to either accept or reject It. Tho court then granted n coutinunnco of ten duvs. Thn eon. tlnuanco was asked becaiiso tho Cali fornia commlnhloa hud rejected tho plan tho roads hud Intended to pre sent to tho courts. night but the news was not generally known until yesterday. Lust night tho authorities closed n dozen or moro "blind pigs," pouiiiiR; seventy fix e cases of beer into the sowers. headquarter, at noon. MRS. VANDERBILT LOSES TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR PIN NlV YOHIC, March 15. Tho losa of u pin xxorth St 0.000 by Mrs. Will lam K. Vnndorbllt Is reported to the polleo today. The pin xvus niado up ot pearls and diamonds, TWENTY LOSE LIFE IN ARGENTINE CYCLONE M'KNOS AYHIJS. March 15. Twenty poisons xvoro killed or se riously Injured by a destructive ey olono here. Tlio property damage Is heavy, TO PORTLAND, .March 15. Miss Klcnuor Wilson, daughter of Presi dent Wilson has today asked the Heed collc0 to mtiko reservations for her during the second World's Christian Citizenship conference to be held iu Portland from June 'JO to July C. President Wilson will bo the principal bponker at tlio conference, having announced that bis subject would ho ''Tho Moral Implication of tho Hight of Suffrage." Miss Wilson is a settlement xvorkcr and deeply interested iu all social problems. CAVALIERI TO MARRY LUCIEN MURATORE, TENOR 1JKTHOIT, Mich., March 15 Mme, Una Cavallerl Is to marry l.u clon Muratoro, tonor of tho parls Grand Opera company, tn this city March 28, according to reports re ceived hero today, Cavallerl and Murntora p.ro uow with tho Paris Opera company In Iloston, whoro the dlvu is said to bo seriously ill, FROM HOLDING OFFICE SALK.M, Or., Mureh 13. Accord ing to an opinion today furnished by Attorney General Crawford, at the roquest of Governor West, no member of the legislature may accept a posi tiou ns county attorney under the bill passed by tho last legislature, even though bo should resign as n member of that body. Crawford declared that the constitution prohibited a member from accepting n lucrative position, which bo hud huiiself assisted in cre ating. MRS. CLARKSON STARVED FOR LOVE; FED BY BURGLAR MILWAUKKK. WJs March 15. "I was simply starved for love." This was tho explanation given hero today by Mrs. Mable Clarkson. wife of the Itev. Nestor Clarkson ot Chicago, for deserting her husband and children and eloping with Owen D. Conn, San Krunclsco's "J100.000 burglar.' Conn told San Francisco police that Mrs. Clarkson started him on his career of crime, but tho wom an says this charge ts untrue. "I was married," continued Mrs. Clarkson. "when I was only 18 years old and my husband soon tired of me. Ho treated mo shamefully. I was so hungry for Ioro that I would have been grateful for attention from anyone. This condition of mind blinded mo to tlm sort ot mini Conn really was." Mrs. Clarkson is bitter In her de nunciation ot Conn and today ap peared anxious to testify against him. Mrs. Clarkson wus released from custody after convincing Milwaukcu polleo that she did not participate in tho San Francisco robborles. Thu woman loft at onco for Chicago In tho hope of effecting a reconciliation with her husband. GOVERNMENTSUPERVISE GO 10 ANNAPOLIS WASHINGTON, .March 15. Sum tor Chamberlain today nominated Stanley Martin Haight of Medford, Oregon, as au alternate at Annapolis, Young Mr, Haight look bis exam ination some tinia ago. Hi) is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alton Haight of this city and bus resided hero since last October, They reside at 110 Laurel street. TURTLE SERUM CLINKS NKW YOllK, March 15, Hereaf ter tho United States government will supervise all tho clinics of Dr. Frederick Frans Frledmann, discov erer of a turtle serum for the cure of tuberculosis. Frledmann will perform his inoculations under thn direction ot United States Surgeon Stlmson and thus the necessity ef the Berlin doctor getting an Ameri can license to practice medicine will bo avoided. Dr. Frledmann returns here to morrow and on Monday ho will In oculuto u score of patleats at Hele vue and Mount Slnal hospitals.. Improved child labor laws wert enacted tho lust year In ten of th fourteen states that held legislative sessions, ' it 's V I L iUMMiiltailMliiliiMiiililiililiftili -- '-'---""-"