i .- I D 3L g mi MEDFORD MATTi TRTT3TTNE, ftrTCDFOim 01?K(10N. FRTDAY. MARCH II. 1010. --ILL. iJJJ l-ll-l ! l.'Ul.. TTJTT1 millll.lllHI.1 I Ill I III Ill I !!! !! I-. M I I HI .. . III II ! I III , ,, ,,, ,,,MBM,, IIWII.IM I I 111 I I f III -- ' ' ' ------ m t a. . a 'w a. fUjhl' ;tl .iiJ US I ! i. Take uny train that comes between now and Easter and get a receipt froiji your agent and we will deduct the amount of fare from your purchase. Fare refunded from any point within 25 mile limit on purchase of $15.00; within 40 mile limit on purchase of $25; within dO mile limit on pur chase of $35.(10. PRICE SACRIFICING SALE At the M. M. department Store BEGINNING SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 15 We will place on sale $35,000 worth of merchandise at 20 to 50 below regular prices Parcels Post Free Delivery We will attempt to give to our out-ot town customers a delivery, free of charge, as we do our town customers. Sampled will be, sent upon request "WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE" "mi ' We Back Up Our Guarantee We do not consider a snh complete until you are absolutely satisfied.- lOvory thing purchased is absolutely guaranteed or your money refunded. Every Ladies1 Wool Dress Skirt 50 Off New Shoes and Oxfords for Ladies 20 Off ' This includes every skirtin tlie house : , ' During this sale we will give 20 off on our spring and summer shoos ? nn GMi.o co fi for ladies. t? cfc . 2 K ! " v - Sn'S Brown Nubuck, $3.25 Loss 20. Grey Nubuck, $.'1.25, Less 20. r m w J! f " '" """ q i tui Mnrk Velvet Pumps, $0.00, Loss 20 . KS1 nf" '""""" "' eft Sift '2-Mvtxv Hlnt-Ic Velvet Pumps, $2.50, Loss 20. $12.1KJ blurts go at k.., ....; . ipb.00 o.m,.., , (u,u r(,f.il ,,w ioV.A tJhr 9Cca lfJd.00 bkiits go at .. b7.o0 j,.Rtrap llatplt ,,IU1 no Losg 20 Biggest Skirt sale ever held in the city. K . : . , . MEN1 SHOES Less 20 Per Cent 100 Dozen Ladies' Black Hose at 10c a pair This includes all dress and work shoes Ono-fifth Off. m i o- i w i- -n if tv ' i?2.f,0 Shoes 92.00 These are regular 2oc values. e give you plain or ribbed top. Biggest , .'$.00 Shoes S2.'10 value you ever saw for 10. No limit a 11 you want. ' .' .. . f" $5.00 Shoes r. $'1.00 Ladies1 Coat Sale $15.00 Coat values at $9.98 $16.50 Coat values at $13.98 $20.00 Coat values at- $14.98 $2.50 Mcssalino Petticoats go at $1.69 75c Hemmed Sheets-72 x 90 at 39 LADIES' LAWN WAISTS 2 OFF Fine lawn, good sties,' prico' $1100' to $4.5Q Less One-Half. 20 percent off on Silks $1.00 Silks, sale price 80 75c Silks, sale price G0 Now silks arriving today. 20 OFF ON ALL WOOLEN DRESS GOODS k i $2.00 Woolens, sale..:...... $1.50 $1.50 Woolens, sale .' $1.20 $1.00 Woolens, sale '80 50c Woolens, sale 40 MEN'S HATS Nobby now spring Hats for men, $2.50 values, $1.50 Boys' Hats, nice showing at .'...G5 Got your Easter hat hero and . save monoy . ' MEN'S CLOTHING 1-3 OFF 10 very suit in our store reduced one third. Prices range $10.00 to $30.00, Loss Ono-third. Ladies1 Suit Bargains $15.00 Suits, values at $9.98 $18.50 Suits, values at $12.98 $20.00 Suits, values at $14.98 $25.00 Suit's, values at $10.50 All others in proportion. LADIES' SILK WAISTS y, OFF These are splendid values, good styles, beautiful silk's, $3.50 to $7.50 Loss One-half. A Great Opportunity to Secure Easter Goods Cheap - I.' Il.-UIHIM ? ? T T T t ? Y T ? r t ? f f ? ? 43 i 4 I v , : . ; . ,,..'. " ' (i