cr: TOTmrnn mm Turn-). arrcmfOTm. rmrcoov. FrtmAY. matk'tt m. loin. "f" y , IOCAL AND L PERSONAL Mr anil Mm 12 II I'l'iuco, of HoHnlMiri;. nrrlvcit In Mcillonl Mini iliiy afternoon to vlU rotative a fnw tiny, Thi'y I'tpect to lenvo Tlniriiluv nftmnoon (or Miiryvlll., Cnl., whom tluy will riinUu (heir fn turn homo Union Oiirilnor, In Clcoptttrii) In I lin tiitpur tttitL niiiioiiiiioiiii'iit Hid Htur Tliwilnr intikeM for It fentiiro Mninliiy nml TunnOrty ivotiltiitM. Thla uri'iit film I riH'OiinliMl un IicIiik mi" of lit Mty Ih-M (Hum now Ihiik ox IiIIiIIimI anil Ik Him diim tluit ncniilly inuiln hiicIi ii lilt In I'ortliiml 13. I). Weaton, commercial photon raphorn, nvgntlvca inn Jo any time or ptaco by appointment. I'lion M H7I. A npeclnl lunch fur wnrkliiK worn. I'll Will lilt hl'IVHtl At tllll Itl'Ht ItlMIIM on tliu fourth Moor of lint M l uml II. Iinltillni! Hiiinriliiy fvi'iiliu: Tim print for tin lunch In IT. i-oiiIn, A. I) Nnylor linn p.iin to Mr Ap pln'.ntn to look n(tr Hm properly owned tiy K ,. Wmln of Tnroinn nml other. I. Itnlt'ii vimii wild lilm. Kewl and ii'iid. Hclimldt, phono 2C0. 318 Mr. nml Mr. W K. Kciitiier woi on lli' Mfxilioiind Jnckmiiivllto Mm lied Thiimduy iveuliiK. Will Nor II nt?, wiio tin hron In (he nuploy of Motel NhhIi roinpuny fot n lone lline. Ml for HoNidmrK onu I'Vi'iiliiR thin week. Ilo mIII not rt (urn to Merloni for tint prcaont. Vrpor bath anil eclentUle m mko for men and women, Or. It J, Ixjckwood, chrlopmctor, 203 Oar-netl-Corey Hid;. I'hon 146 Dr. II (' Kdmy nnd I'lrmln aim vn down from Cold Hill Tliiiril nfti'rtioou Krnl nml Charlo I.kwU nnd Cnrl Von dr Helton of Wrlteii trananrteil lniliirn In Mi'dford Tliurilny Onlef brick Ice rream with liuni rork center, for Ht 1'nlrlck pnrtlr. I'titaco of Hw cell. 30 I'rnl Luke, of Alhiuiy. nnd (' I Olurk, of Wernl. CO.. an ninoni! tli inmiy from ntiroml In Mcdfbrd nl present. I.'d Andrew, who In premMilliiR tlm oMrn, "The Mlkmlo." In differ rut part of California, under Hip miKpiri-N of Klk Indue, linn r'tuiurl Kouth nfl.-r ii uliort llt lit homo (1. C. licit h, mimic ntudlo. Vlo Unlit. Will Instruct ou violin, man dolin nml Riiltnr In correct method, Advanced ttnlont nnd liontnnori. Addrc 23 4 K, 9th atreot. ' I'honn Home 314-1. or Main 3481. 307 II. I). Wnttnon, of Portland. llio widl-knnwii (.Initio tnvr, Ml for tho north Thurndny vihiIiik. iiltiT n m of Mfvorul iln) In rortlnud. Kmmi'tl Hoi-fon nuM II. !' M'nilr of Tnlrnl pn-rlnrt piMil M'M-rnl hiinfd In Mrdford TliurMday. IIiihIiu'iih woturu co m ii to tlm Kent Itoom Hnturdny iihtht. 303 II, Chnndlor Kruii hn Konn to rorllnnd to nn-d hln wlf uml daughter, who Imvn Ikhiii vIhIIIiik In Clilmco for imiiirt llmr. ,11. I). Illarkdi'ii, II. I) Lwivllt nod V. I- HmiiMoy wito nmniiK tho Anhlnndorn In Mrdford Tliurwlny. (lot your liluukotH. milliH, rur.. rnrpolH, drapcrli'. rouclt rovorii, 'tc , toKxthitr mid wo will cnll for IIhmii nftor April Int. rnntorlum- 34 Mm. Nottlo Hrott, of Mlrhl;iin. who ImM hi'i'ii HprndltiK tho winter In California, Ik I ho KUi'it of Mr. noil Mm. V. H. Clay of North Ivy. Mm. Kminn J. ItohurtK wna In Mcdford nnd Jni'konUlo Thurmlay uflcrnoou. I.unch ut tho lli-Kt ltoom Haturdny nll'.ht, inc. 303 W. M. Hmlth. who turn boon nt Portland vltltliiK til on, who U n pollrt'inan, li'ft todny for .lackHon, jUIiik., ni-nr wnlch city IiIh IiIr riiuoh U locntcil. IMwnnl nml J. II. Illolin. Into of North Ynklnm. WiihIi., nro Mopplm; In Mi'dford. Wo will ho lit our now plant by Apill Int. Rnvo your nirpotH mid I'iikh for uk. Pantorluiu.. -30 1 llavo you vUltcil tho Kenl HoomT 303 Tomorrow In tho liwt !". Mnrch Id, when ii rnhiitu of 3 por cont will bo iilwn on tux paymimtH. Tho li's Ulnturo rrronlly roponlod tho law KrunllnR HiIh n'hato and uouo will ho ullowod uflor thU your. Mr. mul Mm. Chorion Palntor ami Villon lloull Jr., of Contrnl Point, Yimo" rocoiit vlHltom In Moil ford. ; No mill tor how ilnllcato or how Hollml your KarmontH iiro wo can ,cii'un thorn. Pantorlum. 30l( ' Mr. ami Mm. M. Ii. Dally of Trail nro vUltlnK l Moilford. ' K. (1, Porliam, hrlilno fontractor, trnimactml IIuhIiiohh In Urnntii Piihr oiio day HiIh week. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS I.ADY AiaiHTAWY Dy lrhoat 8371 Mtvbt Tlioni Jr. W, Wki B07I "" """"" A. u, or, 3091 l"orit KolluiKmi of ItomdmrK. th" utork lni)T wim In Midforil Ilium iliiy Hi' In lookliiK for fat href cnltlo I'liink Cotti'rlll Iiuh rfluriK'il from a liiuiltii'HH trip to DoiikIhm (ounty Orohnril, liiiutliiR, flnhltiK nnd Orator l.nltn iiccnci for nalo nt Oor kliir. & Harmon' (iluillo. Nritnttvea iiindo any plnco, kodak HnlnblnK. 121 ICnnt Main Ktri'it. Phono 'UM ' P 13. ThoiunNon, of Portlmcl, a pioneer roinimircliil tiuvolor. In nml'.' Imk Mi'dford n l iinliit-nn vlnlt 15. I'iinrro loft for .MnryRVllln, Cnl . Thiiiinlay, nflor a nhnrt vlalt with rolntlvf'K IIvIiik In thlH ii'l Ion Putronlio tho Itimt ltoom Hatunlay rihtht. 303 T. P. (li'lr.'T, a Ktockmun of Klnm nth county, trauinti'ti'd IiiihIimh In Mi'dford tblit wi'i'k II. II. Kllti'rimin of JoMiiphluo county cniuo to Moilford to bavo Mouio dental work done. LndloiT nlioeii Hhlnrd at Hiimmnr vlllr'H burlier Mbop. JnmeR HitiiHi'ii and Olio Knlpn wero tinieui: Ihohe who npcut u few houm In Medford Thumdny , Mr. mul Mm Myrton Hnuirlrlc. who have been iiiakliiK Kenttl a vlnlt of noviTiil weekx, uro nt houm nalu. MU (li'orr,ln Kunpp of Portlmul Ik mnkliiK Meilfnnl u vlnlt. A. Weldimr of Talent nnd Henry (lre:ory of Mound were In Medford Thumdny, on their way to Jarknon villi. Iliulni'idi women'K luiirh nt room 421-121'. M. P & H. hulldliiit, March 10, fi-30 to 7:00. 303 P. W. Tojikon left for (.'allfornla Thumdny, but will return In u uliort tlmo. A. H. Klolnhiimiuer and llalph Jennlnn of Apph'Rate wero iiiiiouk thou who camo to Moilford Thum day. Urcnndlei, lawiiK, mulU, cleaned to perfection nt Pantorlum. 301 II. P Pohlnnd mid llenlon How em of AMilmid lorried a while In Medford Thumdny Mr u ml Mm. P. IC. Iluell of Hit ter Itool Valley, Mont., who bavo been vUltlnK In Medfonl. left for their home Tlmmday They may re turn and locate. Heal homo made bread at t)e Vo'. Mr. and Mm. Prank Miller ol Anbtmul hae lie'n pn)liiR rolatlr llvliu: In Medford n vlnlt. Mr. and Mm U. I.'. Hlno were Anhlaml vUltom the foro part of the week. Dr. S. A. Knckwood and Dr. Myrtle 8, (.ockwooj (reculnr pbyilclaue, not chiropractor) havo removed their office from tho llaiklu' bulldliiR to 233 :. Main trcet. It. II. Hradnhaw, or llrow inborn, mul Newton IIIIIh, of Hie Untie, wero In Medford thU week. W. II. Pracht. of AKhlnnd, nnd I.. .1. Bleppy of Talent wero nmniiK the many wiio cimo to Medford Thum dny. llrlnic that old book with lorn blndliiR down and bare It rebound at tho Mall Tribune office. Coeta but tittle. tf Mm II. II. lion mi of Central Point wna In Medford on IiuhIiickh Thurs day. Kodak UnUhlnit. tho bet at Wet ion', oppoaltn book etore Pranklo IMwnnla will noon tieitln bimlneHK ut tho former annul of Kel ler, tho Jeweler, corner of Plr anil Main, which ho In roflitlitK- Coimtnblo i:nten wiik nt Itocua Itlver Thumdny on official liiiNlnona W. (I. Hrj'edlnn nnd S. T. Handry of Hokuo lllvor tnado a trip to Moil ford Thurmlay. Inauro ami bo euro. Illsht If we wrlto It. It. A. llolmei, The Inaur anro Man. M. M. Hoot and Km ml Pnrrell nro ou a hiilncitH IkU to CiirIo Point. HiiKh Mitchell and hla family nro In Medford from (IrnnW Pnn. (Icrklni; & Harmon, Htudlo por trnlta, homo portrnlU, flaah HrIiU, kodak flnUhliiK, pout card work ami cnlnrRltiB.; 128 Hat Malu itructi tolophono 21R4, Prank Unburn, who him been vie tlliiK W. H. Oanett and his family nt Hunrom, loft tor Oioroii City oi. Thumdny ovculux. Carktn & Taylor (John It. Car kin anil (llonu O. Taylor), attorney-at-law, over Jackaon County Dank Uulhllns Medford. MIhh Maud Nowbury Iiuh returned to tho Junt'H ranch after u vUlt with relative IIvIiik ncur Phoonlx, Now York Llfo Ineuranco Co., O. Y. Tomtwald, Medford National Uank HldR., Phono 3371. I MOTHER JONES 10 BE ACQUITTED rilAULKSTON', W, Vn ri'h M. It is ici'oiilctl lii'tii toiliiy Hint no iiuiltul for 'tMotlior" Jouoh, friend of llio 1'iiiul Crook minors, Iiuh licon do ojiK'il by llio court inurliul wlu'oli heard oIiuikch of inuiilor iiBuiiibt lior mid vnrioiirt miuorH oh nil oiilut'DwIli of violont'o in tho bif; utriko. Ttin T)lly If it from IMrM. ' 'A'.aaW'iaBH . BtMSktVTS 1 iamSaTaTaTaTaw V!jm If y3IBB 1 1 JKgyMBjaBB 1 1 ,K X -.M S.U. W 9 M W , I., - fl ll.f.4 IUJfJ liri ! i fut'i.utiablr, make) llil Vnlli uwn llUtk mil wli.l bri M uiJ, ii ti J mldtJ lflu U at t'ick jj if i-arf. a uti it U. r ' J 'l 'il .km ii. hUir CHILD MUSICIAN GIVES RECITAL Mia Mar) Allen lO-jear-old pupil of MIk Plnra Cray, mutinied by Mlmi Phoebe Hauco, opratio. will Rive tho follow Iiir piano proRram at 8 o'clock Prlday evenliiR nt the Pre' lOterlan church: Hound Dance Album l.enf l'lolillclien l.andermoun NnrdltchoM t.led Prolude from Op. SS Will o' the WIhji .,.t (londollert . . The NlRhtlnKnle'a BonK Ml mi Ha nro Mnrch to ParnaMim Itomanre . . Valio In i: flat. .. - Habathll von Weber Hebumann Chopin JiiiiRinanii Nov in Ncvln Schyttc Schumnnn Durand luvltntloiiK may bo acriirml from Mm. II. i:. Pouter of Mlaa (Srny, The Wny of o Pun lti:i)I.ANI)H. Cnl. March l1 -"Oh. ya-a-a-K. I know Kid nieaon well." remarked nn ' I knew him Vben" nenlleiiian at wtcrdar Rox3 HoillaniU pimc He didn't know" bo gn lalkltiK to PliiK Hodlo nnd Hollle '.elder until he nw them ou the field. Pile CiimmI In O To II lay. Your driiKRlat will refund money If PA.O OINTMKNT fall to cure any cnio of ItchlnR, Hllnd, Illccdlns or Protruding Plica In G to It daya. fiO rent. TOO LATE JO CLASSIFY POIl BAM: Poland-China Iior. nil nROH. Alfalfa hay Two-row corn planter Two homo corn culti vator Seed potatoes Herkelev Orchard Phono 1-P-2I WANTKD- Yoiidr orchard or ranch to Miperlntend; referenrt. Ilox 13, Phoenix. 37 WANTP.I)A freh milch cow phono r72, It 4. Tele- Rheumatic Blood is Whole Story Wonderful Specific for Sci ctica, Lumbago, and u Cure for Dreaded Ar ticular Rheuma tism. Tlifre In n biwt of pill, powitfru, tab let unit wlmt nol for rheiiuintlam. but limy all luck II o lira! raaontlul to beliiir n naturul iiiixllUiin. To U-ijIii with, rhfu. mntUin In ulini'ly u n.imo ulveu tu Oralx imto u Miriitv f iwlii. uii'l run only bo rfiulicrt by InlMitlnt; Uiu rnllio blood up nly Willi a imluuilly uliiillutv null itnte. True, tlm liilna mny bo cimnt with nurrntlr or tlm ucll may bo neiitmlUcd (or the llmo beinu with other uobl. Hut tbeao niorcly innimrlin mill do not even lend to i cure. Tliero I but ono stand ard rheumnllMin rrincdy, anil It ri'ltoct the boat thought of tlm iliiy. It la pro. ,vred In the ureal Bwltt laboratory In Atltiiiln, da., uml oM In all ilruc atore umler llio liamu of r! fi. ti, ut tl 00 a bottle Hturvutlon has bcn ndvncatrtt by many n n cure for rhcuiuallam, hint yol 8 8 8, ncromiillalivK In lurt what fmlJUt iro claim In thriry mid without tho nmlti. mont of Mturvutliiii, Hot piliiK4 nii'l ieatlue uie otton reconininulnl, bu. K. H. H. doe alt that U i'Xocled of ttioaa cxiiritalvo nml wcaltonlm; mothoJa. 11 I conceded by tho closetit student of tho aiili.'vct that ihcimuitUm in cniiccd In most rare by nn acid ronilltlon of tho blood and nncrnvuted by tho remedies i-oinmonly used fur nllcf. In other eiiaen rliemnntlam I tho rciull of ncrvo dopre pioii; 'In Hllll ethem H t tho effect of oiiio uroliilmitl MiHul ciimllllou, Imvliu; been tieatml wltli mereiiry, Imllde, awe ulo ami olhiu H)l.uniiiu mineral drue. The rccowrle of alt thcao tp(-a of rbi'iiinntiHiu by tlm una of H. 8. 8. I a womlvrfiil trlb)t to tho naturut eltlcucy of Hit remiiiUnWo medicine, -for It t nlmllutcd Jiit n uulurully, Jiut u po cltlrully, nnd Junt u well oiMulneil ua tlm moat nvceiiltibte, tmt lulntuble mul moist nnillly ill;leil food, Ii not fall to tet iv boltlo of B. a. H. today. You will bo uatoiilahi'il nt llio icanlln. If your rheumatism la of tmUi n nattiii that you would UKa to conaolt u great bihh-IhIIhI conllilentlnlly. wrllo to Tho Bwlfl Bpucltlc Co,, lT Mwlft HldU'i Atlanta, Oa, SOLONS 10 E ( UK A(IO, H -An impiix. rliiili'it I'lcn III 'e lexlHliitun not t i let eiieo of Hit will ruin lUitloix" lilm U li'KHlntion fur n minimum wne law for Hiiiri'ii ned kiiU wiih voiced hi re toilnv hy Mi Mary McUowell, IkjuI of I he L'oiwrMty of ('liieii(;o fctllleimnt iouie nml a eo-worker of Ijiue Aililnm. I lie liuht for n iiimiiiiiim wnue tow," i d Minx M Duwi I, 'mu-t o BBB EH ,g?it ou Zeroleno Standard POKTI.WI URGED STAND FIRM F MINIMUM WAG VHjpAlI weathcrs-allB B iPpKlH conditions 1 I f ZEROLEHE 1 a Sw ML the best auto oil H l wOlL inthe JH (Incorporated) A.AAAAAaA I,MtjetA.'i tiiixiiiii A www V T T ? ? ? ? T T T t ? V v f y ? T t T t t y y ? t r t r r y t y t Now Is The Time KENTNER'S Is The Place t You Have The Money We Have The Goods '.aw..). EVERYONE IS SAVING MONEY May we see your face among the crowd Saturday? Every article reduced in this big $80,000 stock! Ttl4T0 .u I'ulilic xetitlmenl S too lroiiK to iieimil lMiiiie interelH li liloek .it "Uriiletifiiil (lowrnor fl'lliirn lint jlireu iliirinv in liniiKT out lite ""idid JtnetM, nml I I'limiol believe that the 1 ftnle KeiintorH will Miirreiuler now. They nil Imve liceii tliroujfli too mnny Ic'iMiitire fihlw to he JripihtciiCiI by encH of 'il will ruin Ihe tne.' "A minimum wiie law inny not be on nlcnl piece of leInlntlonj pcrhnpi ii feilenil Inw would be better, but nnytliiiiK Hint will improve thei ebiineeN of jrirlN lo mm enouflh to live ou will Ih'Ip. Ktrryono knows llio I dlffieulty exiM-iieiKiil in eltiiiu Inwi through eontrre, nnd then the delny in li(ini: them npprovcil by the su preme court. "I believe that Prcmdent JuliiiH Ifoueiiwulil of Keiim, Iloebiick nnd Jeompnov nnd other department nlore Till: MOST llllVtTII'L'lj motion picrciti: i:vi:u maih:. hi.x thol'hanii Ff.irr op purroitiAii hi:ai;tv, and llltASIATIC pownit. Tliket nre. now on nle nt STAR from 'J. to .", nml 7 to 10 p. in. ADMISSION 25c MAItCII I7TII AND 1HT1I In the orlclnal package oil company HAN FIIANCISCO ON THEIR SPRING PURCHASE KENTNER'S TT WjZT W - VVvvvvvvvvvv iieoilK who IrMlfifil, are ccneroim ntld Minllifiirlcil men, lint Hint llicv nre rniMikou. Thov 'lon't rculire Hint ' vJin lliey full lo pay Rirln cijoiirIi lo elollie tlienihclvcH properly llicy limit make up llio deficit oiliorwl-. "I linw no patience with nru incuts that incrciUC(l wane would be uliouldercd upon the public nnd tho com! of living rained, llic public pnyt the com! now when n jjirl, toitwoni, fall n victim io exhaustion nnd roch ' to the hospifnl or the poorhoUHC." Tho Rrcotcut numlior of Barnes pitched In n eaon wero 72 by llnd- bourne of Providence In 1884 The flmt rhamiilonhlp team waa New York. In 1BG8 The riht Camera (or the riktSubfcct;. That's all there is to photography. We know from experience that Seneca Cameras meet every photographic condition suc cessfully. Manufactured by the Largest Independent Camera Makers in the "World, they are so constructed that they alio itf the widest latitude in every branch of artistic photography. SENECA 3ameras arc made on honor and sold on merit The only Camera that is thoroughly guar anteed and sold on the free ten day trial offer. Send four cents in postage for the new SENECA Hand Book, a valuable photographic book, all charges prepaid- It shows how to buy the right kind of apparatus for making true and artistic pictures of real value. Ask your dealer for it, bat if his supply is exhausted send to us. SENECA CAMERA MFG. CO. Rochester, N. Y., U. S. A. THE LARCC1T INDEPENDENT CAMERA MAKCIU IN TKK WORLD A A A. X. $N$H4$H$Hg44H . -w -w t v Ay ' LVaTTa..A. XAJTi BURGLARS tmm OF PREACHER, ARRESTED MIMVAVKEE, Ws. starch 1 lA .Mm. Mnbcl Clarktwn, wife yt (ha Kev. Ncntor Clarknon of ChlcsROj who eloped with Owen I), Conn, n bwntkr recently nrreted in Han Fmneit'), the latter hnvinfr dtcrted her "l Oninhn, wna nrrrateil hero litis After noon an eho wan boarding n train for ChlcnRO. The woman ndmittcd Ufir identity but rcfuicil to talk. Conn told Ihe San Pranei'ico polic.o tbnt Mm. Clarktton fitartcd hint on IiIh rnreer of ennio. J JL t ", a- a w w w . 1 T i 4