Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 14, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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" "V- x;'.-v. 1 J...
fajfriAr nr tiiM
ThJpwn(Mtl Times. TM Meofnpl
Mall. Ti Meatord Trll-Hn. 2h.t.Houln"
rn 6renln. The Ashland Tribune.
Offlsg Mall Tribune HulMllKf. Il;17ll
Netth Fir elrst ftions, MHn son.
(IhrOnriK PUTNAM, IMHor and Manager
Kn tared aa aeconil-fllaea matter at
M1fer1, Oregon, under tha act of
March . U7t. m
Official rarer of the City of Mulford.
Official l'aper of Jackaon County.
BtmsoiuinrioM bates.
One yr, by nll W-Jg
One month, by mall..-- rV ,80
lr month, delivered by carrier In
Meofora, Jacksonville and Can-
tral I'olnt .. .JO
Palurdar only, by nail. Pr year J.oo
Weekly, pr year - - Va
Dally averseTa for eleven months end
ing November 0. Ull, t.
Tha Mall Tribune Is on eale at the
Firry News Stand, jUn lTmncljco.
ItortlMd Hotel News Stand. Portland.
ortlml New Co.. Portland, Ore.
W. .O. Whitney, PeaUte. ash.
TuU Xased Wire United Press
,t Blepatchaa.
.; Kzoromx. o&saoir.
Metropolis of Southern Oregon anil
Northern California, and tha fastest-
'WntilXltfZ mo-ssio;
'hijndiSiuThJJi'-ia dollar Gravity
AVatrr Bratem completed. giving "neat
supply pure mountain water, and 1T.J
miles of etreets pa'1-'!.
roatofflce receipt for, year ending
November SO, 1911, show Increase of 19
Banner fruit clly In Oregon Ttogue
Ttlver Bpltienberg apple won sweep
stakes prise and title of
"Apple nu of tha World"
at the National Apple. Bhow. fc-poksne,
1969. and a ear of Newtown won
rat Mae la 1910
at Canadian International Apple Show,
Vancouver. B. C.
Xlrrt Prlaa In 1X1
At, Spokane National Apple Show won
by carload of Newtowna. ..... .
Itegue Illver peara brought highest
prlcea In all markets of the world dur
ing the paat sis yaara.
SALEM, Ore., March 14. VTbile
the law provides that an alien man
may vote in this stato -within a year
nfier he has made his declaration of
intentions to become n citUcn, his
wife will not he Riven the right o suf
f riRO until M has completed his nat
uralization papers nnd is n full fledp;
cdratizen. This requires fivo years.
This was the interpretation of tho
law and constitution made by Attor
ney General Crawford n an opinion
vrrillen todav.
The attorney general points out
that the federal constitution provides
that a foreign bom woman becomes
a citizen when her husband, if ho is
an alien, becomes a citizen, or when
ahe marries a citizen. Tho state con
stitution provides that n person who
is a citizen of the United States or
has declared his intention to becomo
such is entitled to vole, but it does not
say that tho wife of a man who has
declared his intentions of becoming a
citizen has tho right of suffrage.
WASHINGTON, March H. Presi
dent Wilson's advisors have hit upon
a Mlutlon of two of the political prob
lems confronting tho administration
which promised to tio troublesome,
the kind of democrats to get tho
plums and how the thousands who
now cannot get near tho plum tree
can bo given a flghtlug cbanco at
Within tho next few days rostmas
tcr General Burleson Is expected to
present for the president's considera
tion a plan which will glvo tho demo
crats a cbanco nt 35,000 third and
fourth class postmastorshlps recently
placed under civil sorvlco by Taf t.
Burleson said tonight ho had not
decided whothor to ask tho president
to revoko the order or not. Should
however ho do eo and the president
opposo tho Idea he will ask that all
tho postmasters affected by Taffs
order bo subject to the merit test.
This test would be open to democrats
and others allko and the democrats
would havo as good a chance as the
republican Incumbents.
GRANTS PASS, March 14. For
eorao time tho organization of n gun
club" has been under considerations
this city, und Wednesday evening
what is to bo known aB the Grants
Pass gun club was formally organ
ized at nn enthusiastic meeting held
in tho commercial club rooms.
Tho following officers were elected:
President, S. E. Ilnlverson; vice pres
ident, V. R. Kannio; secretary, Aug
ust Goettschej treasurer, Ed Holmes;
field captain, It. C Pluinloy.
Committees-wore also appointed
for scouring grounds nnd making oth
er preliminary arrangements.
The longest distance throw of 42C
feet 9tt Inches was made by Sheldon
Leieune. formerly a member of tho
Brooklyn Natlouals, at Cincinnati,
Ootobsr 12, ,19?0.
"PlIYflrcrANK ns n vule niv skeptical and inclined (o lu
hostile toward Dr. Fnedniann, the (li.scovtM'oi' ol wiial
purports to bo a now euro for consumption. Tho layman
cannot understand thiscannot, see why any euro that
benefits humanity is not welcomed by the medical fra
ternity. Tho prejudice .against Dr. Friedmann among phys
icians is duo principally to his methods, which savor of
quackery. The cure has been widely heralded before its
efficacy was proven. A patent was applied for and the
treatment advertised before its value was established. No
one has actually tested it except Dr. Friedmann and his
assistants, and,although there is no lack of clinical mate
rial for testing tho treatment in Germany, ho has chosen
to bring it to America first from no other apparent motive
than pine commercialism.
. When Dr. Friedmann landed in New York the stand
pat doctors, some of whom havo themselves many of tho
characteristics of the turtle, about as slow, about as
snappy and about as cold blooded, got busy throwing
every obstacle possible in his way. The Public Health
Service declared that the cure's harmlessness must first be
demonstrated on various animals. He must pass a medical
examination to prove his fitness to practice, in order to
bo permitted to give a demonstration. All of which is
exasperating red tape.
Now for fear that Fricdmann's euro really prove a
cure, the Journal of the American Medical Association
trios to rob him of credit for his discovery, as follows:"
Tho excltembnt of. the public over Friedmann U hard to understand
except on tho basis of clever prvss agent work. Practically every fact which
bo has brought forward has been known for years. Why the bacillus from
the turtle should possess special curative value for the human being Is a
mystery, although, of course, It cannot bo denied that It Is within the
rango of possibility that such a thing Is true. Tho point of scientific Inter
est that should be niado clear, however. Is that he has dlscovven) no new
principle, at least as far as tho published communications go. The prln
clplo of using slightly virulent cultures derived from another species was
demonstrated by Trudeau In 1S91 and 1892. Tho principle of Intravenous
Injection for tho best production of Immunity against tuberculosis was
demonstrated by Pearson and Gllllland and others In 1902. It seems, then,
that If ho has discovered anything at all It Is only a culture which pos
sesses unusual immunizing powers for human beings.
To the public it makes no difference whether Fried
mann has discovered a new principle or is merely making
use of an old one if he has discovered the cure he has
done more than all the rest of the profession put together
even if it is "only a culture." That's- all we are looking
for the right culture.
If the cure really cures, what difference does it make
whether Friedmann passes the red tape examination pro
vided by small fry that never discovered a cure of any
kind and couldn't produce a culture? There is so much
bluff and pretence, so much guesswork and fake in the
medical profession that physicians ought to go slow in
condemning anything before a trial, especially as they all
make so many trials that fail.
The Medical Journal further remarks:
It appears, moreover, that the newspapers which have hastily assumed
that Dr. Friedmann Is being unjustly treated havo missed an important
point Indeed, tho important point In tho wholo matter: What about
justice to the public? , Would It be fair or Just to tho throngs of tubercu
losis sufferers, excited by hope of. a "sure cure." to racllltato their ununi
fied experimentation and exploitation by an unknown and perhaps danger
ous method? It would not; and Justice to tho public, while not Incom
patible with Justice to Dr. Friedmann, Is, after all, the paramount consid
eration. Indeed it is, but what is- the science of medicine but
"unlimited experimentations," though perhaps along
known but none the less dangerous methods? And the
public knows it, as well as the doctors.
The turtle serum and its discoverer will -get a square
deal from the people, and probably from the doctors. If
both don't make good, they
vaudeville stage.
Duo to the fnct that nil tho precious
stones were pried from their settings
in the loot of Owen D. Conn, the
"$ 00,000 bursar," captured here,
the police are finding it difficult to
identify the various pieces for their
owners. It is believed Mrs. Kitty
Pope, Conn's alleged accomplice, fled
with the stones.
Search for tho woman was con
tinued today. The police in the prin
cipal cities of the country havo been
asked to keep a lookout for her. Tho
rcjwrt that she may be with relatives
in Detroit is being investigated.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cul., March 11.
Showing signs of his being beaten
and robbed of .$180 and his diamond
ring by u thug in Curlin, Nevada,
Charles M. liiiseh, 20, grandson of
Adolphus Buscli, tho millionaire St.
Louis brewer, is here today enroute
(o tho Husch family reunion in Pasa
dena nest week.
Tho holdup mon accosted young
Iiuscli on tho railroad platform at
Carlin and asked for $2, which was
refused him. He then struck Buscli
in the oyo and at tho point of a gun
forced his victim to go to n secluded
spot, where the robbery was com
mitted. -- '
BALTIMORE Md., March ll.
Thirty fivo thousand dollurs worth of
jewelry was stolen from tho hotel
apartments of Aunio Russell, tho ac
tress, while sho was giving a perfor
mance hero.
irrcmrnnr. mir, trttittnr Mrcmronn. 'Mwacw. Friday, ma nru M,
can join old Doc Cook on the
TACOMA, Wash., Mnrch 14.-Dc-nouncing
tho commercialism of the
country which makes human life "the
cheapest thing in America," Dr. Har
vey Wiley, former head of the
pure food department of tho govern
ment spoke la n largo gathering at
the First Christian church hero Inst
"Utah appropriated $3.rj,000 for
killing coyotes nnd $10,000 for pub
lie ; Iowa gave $,r0,0()0 to fiht hog
cholera and $10,000 for public! health.
Tho snmo condition prevails in ull
states," Wiley said. lie thought the
Utah idea that one coyote was worth
three men and the Iowa idea of one
hog being worth five men the result
of n commercial spirit.
"Tho cities nil try to get more fac
tories regardless of the welfare of
the workmen. The city is not the
place for tho factory. Tho factory
makes tho mnintcnunco of the saloon
nnd gambling den possible and work
men are huddled into congested und
unsanitary tenements."
SAN JOSE, Cnl., March 1-h
Aroused by tho mowing of u pet cAt
which ran to their bedroom when it
detected tho flames, Otis Boland nnd
his two young sons escaped from their
burning house. Mrs. Bolund was b
sent. Tho house wits completely do
John A. Perl
I'honca M. 471 an 478
Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner
Carrying oul their nnnoiinred plmi
of not paying the upeoiul road levy
nsseietl by In.x payers in the vitrioii
road districts, on the ground that the
tax is illegal, tho WVyerhiui'-or timber
eomimny has paid all of ili tnc In
tho county with tho exception of the
sKoinl ley. They announce that
they will enjoin the count v from en
forcing payment of the Inx.
The same cnurwi wuh l have been
followed in Klninntb county but re
cently tho company dropped it 1'iuht
nnd paid over the tax in full. It wni
then believed that they intended to
do the same in Jackson county but
failed to do so.
11 N believed thai n recent law
passed by tho legltlntuie ntvninlitoin
out the law on tho mutter of a nHcial
roiid levy.
NKW YOIIIC. March It, The
Southern Pacific with the concurrence
of tho Union Pacific nunouueed to
day Us modified plan of dUxolutton
under tho United. State Biipremo
court decree, In placo of tho orlinnl
plan which recently met icrlou op
position on tho part of tho California
railroad commission.
Tho new plan nubstantlally pro
vides for a traffic agreement without
tho trackage privileges to tho Union
Pacific and tho Ccntrnl Pacific. Ill
brief tho Southern Pacific U willing
to carry tho Union nnd Central Pa
cific traffic over tho Ilcnecla cut-off
and Its California terminals Instead
of nllowluR theno road) tho direct
use of Its cut-oft and terminals.
Incidentally although this was not
referred to In tho official statement
Issued by Chairman Kruttschnltt of
tho Southern Pacific, acceptance by
the federal authorities and tho Cali
fornia commlston, of these provis
ions, will effectually bar out the
Western Pacific road which has as
serted IU right tofuso tho llenecla
cut-off and tho Southern Pacific ter
minals. n
Charging tho need of a thorough or
ganization for tho Mudylng and se
curing of Ideals on which tho progres
sive party platform Is based, Col.
Roosevelt nddrctucd an audience last
night which crowded tho Metropoli
tan opera house. The meeting mark
cd close of tho first Vf aitwo day sen
slon of tho first annual progressive
conference of tho stato of Pennsyl
vania. Hoosovelt, Dean Lowl of the
University of Pennsylvania and Hev.
George L. Pcrrln, of Massachusetts In
addresses tonfght laid stress on tho
educational side of tho work to be ac
complished. Mlko Mowrey signed his contract
with the Cardinals early this year.
Last season Mlko didn't roport until
after tho toam returned from spring
Need Addition In t-Vbruury (mil
Murtli or 1'aro May Stay
Now Is tho tlmo to tako special
caro of tho complexion f you wlili
It to look well tho rest of tho year.
Tho February and March winds havo
a strong tendency to bring out
freckles that may stay all summer
unless removed. Now is tho time
to uso otblne double strength.
This prescription for tho removal
of freckles Is tho dlscovory of an
eminent skin specialist, and Is so
uniformly successful that It Issold
by your druggist under guarantco
to refund tho money If It falls. Got
an ounco of othlno doublo strength
und oven a few applications should
show a wonderful Improvement,
somo of tho smaller freckles ovon
vanishing entirely,
J. H. Mulhollen
Painting, Paper Hanging, Tinting
and General House llepulrlng
Phono C03-Y
H20 West Second Street
We carry a very complete Una of
draperies, luco curtains, futures, etc.,
and do ull claimes of uiilioUterlnK. A
special man to look after tills work
exclusively ami will five as food
service un la possible to get In eveu
the lursest cities.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Set' If Tongue Imi'I (Vmtcil, Sliiumch
Sour mid Howell Vatt' Clogged
Mother! Don't scold vour eros
ppnvltdi child. Look at the tongue
See If It Is while, yellow and coated
If your child Is HhIIckk, drooping
isn't sleeping well. Is restless, does
not eat heartily or Is rross. Irritable,
out of sorts with everybody, atom
neh sour, feverish, breath bad: ha
stomach ache, dlarrhoon, soro throat
or Ih full If cold. It menus tho llttlo
ono's stomach, liver and !I0 feel of
bowels are filled with polnonH and
foul, contninlnnted Waste matter nnd
need a gentle, thorough cIcjIiihIiir nt
tllvo a tenspoonful of Syrup ol
I'lgs, and In a few hours all the
clogged up waste, undigested food
and sour bile will gently move, on
and out of Us little waste clogged
bowels without uuusua, griping or
weakness, and you wlfl surely hava
u well, happy and smiling child
again khoilly.
With Syrup of I'lgs ou nto not
drugging your children, being com
posed entirely of luscious figs, sen
na nnd aromatic It cannot bo harm
ful, besides they dearly love Its de
licious taste.
Motheni should alwns keep Sy
rup of Figs hnndy. It Is tho only
stomach, liver and bowel cleanser
ami regulator needed u llttlo given
today will save a sick child tomor
row, l'ull directions for children of all
ages and for grown-upi plainly
printed on tho package.
Ask our druggist tor tho full
name, "Syrup of I'lgs nnd Hllxlr of
Senna," prepared by the Cullfornli
Klg Srup Co. This Is tho delicious
tasting, geuulnn old reliable, lie
fuso anything else offered.
lut longrtt in Itutxlrrintf 1kIJ tkip.
Try tKcm it will,py you. The iwr
iHP j ihe Pmlf oW. ali LINOCORD
Ji "
2 for 25c
rctubrok. 21 t In. Ult hi.
C ulluin, 1 in.
AUu Molrrj ul JM ihirli
1HOT. fl V.
Clergyman's Son Had
Tuberculosis; Now Well
I'rupln who bale I'oiiiuiuplluu are uflru
Sllr.1 Willi liilgtil liopra u( mufrrr. cnl
to rt-allif (Lint Impruirmriit la liul Irm
xrarjr I'ontumptluu la ilirailnl lijr rrrrr
ui. TUiinr wbu list! It Rlnl Unt IUk
uiau'a Allrtalhr ran Irttlfr to It liriia
Drlal rffri'ta, ,'i oba timl ilnulil 11- lurre
la plenty of rililrmtr fruiu lire wlturaara.
Ifltoallical (be fullonlug- -
Anifola, N. V.
"Ifntlm! I'tlor lo !, l waa
liH-atrU In llM'tirilrr. ,N V , aiiffcrliiK
with LadrlpK, ilrrrluptd lulu
TuUrrulu.!. Jljr pb)alclan CJie inn ou
limn Hi to lire. 1 waa IjhiIiik trrrlMa
lilcbl anrala nnd mid day rldlla ami lot.
luir rsplilly, uatlint kiu ftoiu IU
to 133 potiinla. I ruuslwl and ralard roll
tlliuill ami Ims-siiii. po wrak that walking
a Itw lift riliauatnl mc tut my nturu
Iioiiip, wjr rritular plijraklaii Kara me III
tip rneuuraKi-mrot. .Mjr rather, who la a
rlvrxmaii, heard of ISckwaii'a Altera.
Ilri' aud ImliKcl hip tu takp II. 'Ihe
iilKtit aw rata aud rhllla dlaapared, my
coiikIi heraiup eo.l.r anil gradually ill
mlulahed ami In a few ilaj-a I devrlopril
an aptltr, the nrat In montha. I am
now In Ktfeil lit-Mitli, lurk lo IU lli
1 red rertalii that I one my life to Kvk
roin'a Allvratlrc"
(HlKiie. V. If, roWI.IJH.
"(it'iitleuient I rsnnot And worda to
pipreaa my appreciation of what your
remedy haa dune fur my ixin. It rliansed
ile.iialr Inln hoi wllhln two wika after
lif began taklnte II. ami ullliout any doubt
In my uilnd. It Rated lila life, I wlali to
aibl my eudoravuieut lo ctery word of bli
(Mailed) Iir.V. .T. J COW MM.
I'aator rreab)lerlan Churrh,
IVkmnn'a Alterative la elTectlrn In limn
rhllla, Asthma, Hay l'ererj Throat and
I.uuir Troublea, and In upbulldlUK tli4
syalem, Itoca nut ronlaln iiolaoua, oplalea
or habit formliiK drusa. Ak for booklet
telllnKof rfoterlca, ami write to Okinan
laboratory, I hllailelpbla I 'a for mortf
deure. 1'or al bjr all badliiK drucslila
fl jShooJPolishes fc
"CUT EDGE" the oul lanllea' atioo Orcweliic lltal
imaTuirelr ronUlDI Oil. Illatkaaud Itilltliralullea'
andcliUilieu'abooUandalioct.tfalntl ullkuul lute
bla.e. TrAtil,CtOSS."lPe.1 , . .
"DANDVtoinblintlim lur clianlnit ami imllalilng
I y rle am aud hllcnt dirty ranvai ahot a. Pie. X c.
-AlBO- CIEANI and WHITINS canvaa ilioci. In
round uhlto cakea packed In sIdc-IIii Imia. llli
lmxe, 1VC In timJ.oinc, lare aluminum lo a,
Willi )onje,!6. ...
"HITE" eomhliiatlon for centlemen who take
priSoluIavlMCtuelralioealoolc A I. lteaiorca color
audliialrotokllblark ahoea. I'olUli whhahruiu
orcloth.tlJcenta. BaUY lUtf 'aUa, 1 D ccuta.
I f rour .llr doea no t reu the kind yua waul. lid n
tL wlee I n alain pa f..r f ml li l luire. ' Imflita paid.
80-2U Albany Street, Cambrldne, Mac
Tht OUiil and Urttit MiMuaflHimt
The Best Thing Out
Irttf.V -
U mi nrhlng tooth, and wo nro the
peodi to do the pillules ettructlnit,
us soon as you want "an unruly
member" drawn. Wo are experts In
all brunches of Dentistry and bavti
inailii u reputation tor good work
and fair dealing. You will find us
dependable In every respect, Ask
your friends who have patrouUod us
In tho past you will find wo stand
high In their estimation.
Utdy Attendant.
nn: in. nt i st.
Auction Sale of Acreage
in nn: I'icitci: huiihivihion
Two Mllei l'Mt of Mclford
TiitmsDAV, Aritii. iotii os Tin:
Ono nnd oneiiiarler to fivo acre
tracts wilt be sold to tho highest bid
der. Seldom does tho buyer hnvo the
chance to uaino tho prko ho pays
for real estate, especially choice pro
perty well located and on very easy
Do not fall to secure ono of those
A special opportunity for tho man
of small menus to secure a home.
Llbernl discounts Mill bu mado for
all rash.
i:. r. iii:mui'i c. u. nicitei:
Auctioneer Owner
Official Photographer of the
Mcdford Commercial Club
Amateur Finishing
Post Cards
Panoramic "Work '
Interior and exterior views
Flush lights
Negatives mado anv time
and any place by appoint
208 E. Main Phone 1471
Stoam and Hot Water
All Work Ouarantted
1'rlccs lleaaonabla
93 Howard Block. Entrance on Otb Bt
Hoiue Phone 349.
Clark 6c Wright
Public Land Matters; Final I'roof.
Resort Lands, Contest and Mining
Cases. Scrip.
HHlJkaaaTjTeTil CMKlVMl
'mk Hlocnicd
ana most
hotel in the
City. Running dLftilletl
ice water in cuch room.
European Plan, a la Carte
Tariff on Rooms
12 rooms .... 11,00 each
CO rooms .... l.BO each
SO rooms .... 2.00 each
GO rooms !la silil Ulh 2.00 each
0 rooma itb piiti lulb 2.C0 each
30 aultei, liedroom, par
lor and bath - - 3.00 each
Tor more than ona uueit add $1.00
extra to the above rates for
each additional uuett.
Reduction by week or month.
Alantigtmtnl Chttltr IV. Ktllty
T J7.I WiVaaV at:i eJ.'-r
.. Loelioo o( Grill uud Dliiliu; lloolii, ..
Tho host pit'luiTS in (own.
A splendid Knlom two
reel feature film telling a
Htrilcing romance. Tins pie
htvn wi Inlvcn in livlnixl
and Virginia. Ill's worlh
Two Othor Liconsod Rools
The Nov Harilono
And, as always' INFrs.
Woolworth will delight you
with her musical interpre
tation of the photoplays.
Her work is unexeelled.
ADMISSION 10c aid Be
Never more, never less
(Formorly tho Ugo)
M I I ;
1111,1, AMI KllillT
I SIiirIiik tnd Talktni: Comedians
T I'hoto l'lays I'Mdny and
Tlli: DAM'XIX..
t ' Vlliii'niiili Aiwrlill
In Two I'arts
I'oths Coniedy
t Matinee Saturday and Sunday T
Comlnit Sunday
I'rlnro I'nt
The IMurnted Morse
Perfect Vililllnllmi, ('iimfoilnble,
r. iiki I'liicro i'LAVSn
(jai'.moi't vi:i:klv
Latest current events
unit i'iiu:.max
It's n Thnuhiiuser
tin: viii:i:i m. i.ti:
TitAi'i'ijn nvstai:xci:
m:i:i si:. hiici.l i ihii
noes will in: nous
All comedy
soxti Music i:i'i'i:(;rs
.Malluees Dally, - to 5 p. tu.
Admlhlnn fie uud K)u
nuuliiK March 17tli mill IHIIi
And March llllli anil UOlIi
AAA Ails i
Luxury Without
I Von Dorn i
2-12 Turk Street
: UTincst popular priced !
Hotel in San Francisco ;
I Modorn Central '
.. . u