s. WRDFOri!) ISfATn TFimtTNK, Af KDFOftl), ORJWOV, FfJIDAV, AfAfK'ff 1 1, MM, LL FO AND ON I, GREAT CROWD ISM OF RAILROAD !ASK SQUARE DEAL 'OREGON SENATORS FINED FOR TAKING E PXGH lU..J..U'gBBWea nm 1 t - . t B DS.RANTSPASS BROWN BATTLE I.OH ANUICMCH, On!., Mnnh II -Altliiiur.ti toiritirrow'y kIovo initllnoe ut Vernon inaiMilH nn hoiulHiicrrt oih lioy who wim knocked colli on liln only ollmr iiiinrniiru hero, uml mi othor who linn yet lo reach thi iipixu flli;hl anient: tin llr.lilwolr.liU, tho ndvniit'u unle of hvhii (or the niKotliiK of Knockuut llrown uml llutl An demon win reported today to In. In u-ou of $:tC00. Thin nrwimt tutor ial In tho limit, uml n capacity Iioiimo Ih iiroillutcil. Amlnrron reiiinlnii n ulroio; 1Q to K favorite, with ovirnl twin reel" tni'il nt 10 to 7. Thin In Mpltu of tho aniiounriimont that Dumb Dun Moriinn, llrowu'N tiinunKcr, I due from Nnw York, nud report Iihn It (hut ho lit hrlniiltiK u urlpfnl of iiidih')' to wnwr ou (ho Now Yuft Iliitiliinnn. Tomorrow' lintlln In eriiclnl lo llrown. If ho wlnH ho will be given nitothrr chnnro nt Joo Hlvom, who itiifiat(l hint n month oro. If hi lour (Ihtii will ho iioIIiIiik further for him In tho California ilng t$mni. Tor Amlnrnon, victory mny meim that tun cnintunnl youiiKntor will drnw n July 4 match with Wllllo ltltrht I'romntiT Mi-Cnrny will try to htitKo Niirh n mill If Hltrhlo n fiiftiH to inert Joo Itlwrn nt Vernon on Iiiilniuiilinro ilny. At tho wontt, It will nkinirn AiubTMin of n rrark nt tho I.oh Ant:it Mm I rati In tho near future, Amlcraon claim to ho In porfret hni. Ilo ileelnred toilny that ho In within nn winy pound of tho wrlKht llrown look 20 per rent ph)iilcally heltei than for hid flr.ht with Itlverx. UNMERGER UPON COMMITTEES ORNK C AUTHORIZED AT 96 APPLE MARKET EAST AND ABROAD rk'ihr fi l)n l-.f. (lie followinir iliiteil .Vrw York, Mnreli 8- Tho Kniuiieiiii mnrkeN Miind now nn illlnM; I.herMiot L. Coonollv k t'n. tell tin tlierv ix no ehnnue in thnt tnar ket unit yive limitation on WnUou ille -I tlerx, f thl; Orogtui 7 lo 8, ninl mtil n lit Up more drtnnnd. Their Idler hii.v iiiilp u litllo uVmy nluiw lily; in miiiic of the Yii(miivI1i Nmv touiix. ImihIeii: No cnhUw on WiiIhmii ile NYwtowu, hut M. iMHHim wty Oivyon I twrn nri nellini: from 8i to IM, with no i".jM'clnl life to tliu iiie murki't. V' ure iidviacd Unit 100, 0(11) boxen new Tninitiil(iu iidM due in Iii),'lnuil the flint fifteen iIii.vm in April. IIuuiIiui"k: Oregon XmvtnwiiH nil tho wny from 0 lo 8 murk. New Yerk: (lliul lo ivport 11 Hi Ilo heller htuto or thiiiKK lu're, moru nVmiiuil, piiilly owiiik lo lli dnily iiilvniioiiiu iriei' on oniiin Auc tion hiiIim lluoitcli llii" vi'i'k nn fol Iowhj Tiiemlity Ciihlimoro s NVw lovn, .fl.lfi to $'.VI3. Htuymcn, l.'J0 lo 41.10. Vilnulny Siokiine: Hon DiivIh, DU lo -f 1.11.1. WiiKitiirK, .tl.'JU to .fl.H0. Home llenutieH, fl.lfi to .fl.llo. Tlmrniliiy Cii-limori': Sluymen, .f l.Ofi to $1.10. SiiUiMihin,', 1.1-"V to .f.UO. Horuo Hivor NmvIowiih, $1.10 to !Jil.H0. Friiluy WnnliliiKton : Hpltirenhori;, jst.lH to $1.15. Stnymen, $1.0.1 to $1.10. Home Mcnittii, $lir. to $1.0.1. At, ptivitlo unlo fi to 8 imivh ilnily, market prnelienlly uneliuiiKnl, $1.-5 to $1.7.1 with 11 i'iw very finn nl $'J.00, Imt tnijrlity ft'v, while rommon Htoi'k hoIIk from H0o lo $1.10.' Tho 1st iiiHl. Ilioro wero UIIl.OOO lioxe cold utoreil hero, iiKiiiiiHt till 1,000 Feb iiuiry 1h, hliewinj: 11 very lieitvy ro. iluolion, hut nlmiwl nil r it wuh t porU'il. CLASSY HEADLINED IN SAN FRANCISCO TONIGHT KAN FKANC1SCO. Miiroh M. Two cliiHxy lifiiillinorH will Ki'iieo tliu weekly J'our-rounil hoxinc ilmw l'o tonight. mw Powell will tmmlo will Frniikio Hinilli, ninl .look Wliito f Cliieiipo ninl Youiik O'l.eury, eliump Ion l'Jtl poiiiuU'r of (ho norlliwertl, tiro to meul in what piomioKH to ho nxeit JiiK hoiilx, Kix otjior R"'l iMiiifhes 1110 imril- cil. POPE PIUS IMPROVES ARER RECENT ILLNESS 1 ' HOMK, Mnvfh .M.l'opo I'iiiH nftt up toilny for tho first titno Hineo liin vrorrit hovovo 'imliapoHition. His IV vor Ih i;oih, ninl ho probably will re sume ItiH miiliuttoud tomorrow, t UIIANTH I'VM, Mai.-h J. Thurmhiy Hie ids .niiiril mlopleil 11 lenoluUoii eoJleiinir iimiii tilt' pilhlie utility i'oinmU"lon untliority to ih'ko I in It. u I e or tic I)I,(HM lend (h kuu upon Ipi-iim that will penult the iieoepiiini'i. nl Ilo hiil nlii'iiilv inuile by 11 t'lowliioil linn, to iml tliu city iilni'ty-iU n'nl Kiio-hulf pur conl of the luce valuii of I ho iiio. Tlic tw nlutiou H'ihIh oh IoIIewh: "HiMolveil, Hint the Public Utility roiiimlHHlon he anil in hereby iiulbor Ireil ti iieM'diale a hhIo of llio rail-i-iiml boiulx Ihioiicli biokurH uml to my u coiamlwoioii Jilt tl feoti foi' ijcrv cck not to cxceeil three nllil one-half iter cent of Hie faep value thereof ami In nrninye upon a mile lor the priutinu' ninl delivery uf III" IioiiiIn, lUllvorv' I" bo nmilo llirouuh Ilia city Ireafilirer." Tho htiHiiicMN men of (Ininlw Pn nrc unnnlinoiisly in fuvor of the 11c eeptnueo of tlui bill lllllile by the Cleeliinil, Ohio, boiiil Iniyinjj liounc for tho .'1)11,(11)0 Imnil jhmiic voted by lhl city on December I Kill. Tin bill, which huh for IK) l-i contn villi accrued Intere!, i llui btiM offer yet received, ami coiiiiorinir lb" fact (but the bouiU bear but lic per cent inlorct, it i nn excellent offi i :i the lilibl of tbc financial market, GIRLS GRAFTED BY HOSPITALS HACIIAMKNTO. Cal . March II How tho lhcn of Ktudent niimen In tho hoapltnhi of Han Francisco, Oak laud, I.o Aur.cloH nud other InrKc Cullfornln cltlm are hrltiu micrlflred to tho demand for dividend by the torkholdcm In their liutltutloim U tub! horn today by libor t'ommln nlonor John P. Mct.mii;hlln to ninny of tho leclnlntori who ulll mon vote on a bill Introduced' by Hcnnlor l.you to Include mime tinder tho woman r elKhl hour law. "Cotnpollcd to work 16, Ih nnd In ninny canon SO hour n dny for 1 1 or S n week," mild Mclaughlin, "nnd often racked heyond tho list urnl HmltN of human endurance thenn Httideul nurMcii nrc ntrnld to romo In tho open nud tack part In tho flitlit for their own wolfnrc. be cniiwi thoy nrc nfrnld of IipIiik black Muted hy the doctont nnd hospital hendH. "I hnvo henrd nonip terrible ntor Ion of tho effect of the Iouk ho urn of employment on nurnc Mnny of thorn hnvo told mo that, iinnhlo to iitnnd tho ntrnln othorwlno. thoy frc Uiiently hnvo lo report to llipior nud driiKi an HttniulnutN nnd Hint th flrat utopn nro limn takeu In tho foi inatlon of pcrnlclium hnhltH. "Mnny of tho doctor under whom comptcto domination thenc Kirl fln.l thmu'ctvoH, own ktock In tho hopl talH. and tho redurtlon of nurucH' bourn to u rcasonnhlo limit nilRht MllKbtly lnrronno tho cot of npcrn Hon. Tho fear of tho IdncklUt In no ntronit with tho nurcH thnt they aro Qxtromoly rautlnua on coiumcntltu on conditions as thoy exist." MORGAN'S CONDITION GREATLY IMPROVED HO.MF, March II.- The comlilion of .1. Pierpout MorKiin, the American banker, wan reported jn'oatly linimv cil hero today after u kochI nifclit'n reht. Tito banker, it win. said, ill tvmain in kccIiinIoh wrvoral iIiivh. MRS. WH. ARCHER TellN Motlieiii What To Do For Delicate Children. ."My fourtotm year old dnuRhter wbh very thin nnd dollcato. HI10 had 11 had ocukIi ho thnt 1 beriuuo very much nlnrmod about hor hoallh. 8I10 wna nervous nud did not (deep woll, liml very llttlo uppotlto nnd doctors did not huli hor, UnvlnR heard bo much nhuut Vlnol, I dorldod to kIvu It n trial. U Iiiih holpod hor wondor Hilly. 8I10 cnu aloop all ntaht now without coukIiIhk onco, In fnct hor coiikIv Ih koiio. Hor nppotlto tn Kroatly Improved nnd tdio has pnluod In wulKlit, Vlnol la n wondorful incdleino and I will nlwitya keep It In tho hoiiBo. 1 wWli cvory mothor know what Vlnol will do for doll cato children. " Mm. Win. Archer, I.oiu; llranch, N J, TIiIh dollcloim cod llvor and Iron lU'opnnitlon without oil la 11 wondor ful body hulldor nnd atreiiKth uron tor for both youiiK mid old, Wq PIoiuIho to kIvo back your inonoy In ovory Hiich cnao whom Vlnol doea not bouoflt. Thla nhowa our fulth In Vlnol. Mcdford Phnrmaoy, Mod ford, Oro. KAN FHANCIHfO, March II. Filiplialic ileclnralloii Unit (lie Cali fornia itule railroiul commiMiou will (nil mttvf lo iiuv ilioiitiiiu plan, of fcetiutr Hie uiimorttiiu of the llarri 1111111 llni'M, Unit iIocm not unint eipial toriiin lo nil ciiijvctil(irH, wuh voiced hero tiulay by John F. Jlilnmnn, chnlimaii of Ihu coinminHloii, the nu nnuiieciiHiiil followed 11 mooting lu.rr Iiihi niulil ut which tlui new plan for dlttiuiliithiu iuivIhciI by tin New York coufermicc ami coming within tb" jur inilictinu of tho California cummin n'ioii wiim Kiibmiltcil to the Inttcr body, Hut two day remain heroro tbe ex piriittuii of (lie syndicate orpuuixed by K11I111 I .ml) & ciunpauy to finuiu'C the Halo of tho $I1!(I,(II)0.0I)0 of South ern Pacific Hlock licbl by the Fuion Pacific, and n new ptau wan put forth for the miction of I In. railroad com iniitHion hero nnd tbn approval of tho Hulled KlnlcM cit.'iiit court nliich ineet in St. I.hiiIh lornnrniw mom- intf. The nyndicalc nrcemenl ex pire tomorrow niulit nud quick ac tion i neccunry'. IMdln 1'lnnk hnn promUed Oninln Mnek thnt ho will hIku nnd ko xotith with tho Athletic. Kddlo nay that ho hns decided to allele to tho Rnmo "Jimt ono moro year " WAHtllNOTON, Mnrrh 14. -Work of tho ntcorlr.K cominliteo Is nearly complotod nnd Hunator (Ihnrnborlnln mild this morning Mint prounhiy It i Mould bo finished m iin"ttlnn to he huld thbi aftnroon nfl-r tho mmwIou of tho aotiato. From tho prsnt ont look tho nsHlKnmrhtn to Orafmn Mn utora nro llkoly to in mi follow. Ohnmhorlaln hnvliitr rllhiHMlMnl Hovcrul comnilttcoa mi that lne tnli;ht hnvo hotter asilKmneiitii: Chnmh-Jrlnln chnlrmanahlp pub lic hind, ngrloulturo and foroatry. torrltorloH, conimcr'o, approprlntlonn and PhlllpplncR. Ilo rot Iron from Iiullan nffnlra, military nffnlm anil IrrlKntlon. I.nno Chnlrmnnshlp forest rwr vntlona nnd protection of ttnmit, In dian nffalm, military nffnln, Irrlr.a tlou, clnlma, puhllo biilldliiRH and uroundir. All of Chnmhcrlnln'a com intttoox havo to do with appropria tions. Thin announcement In not final, nn clmnKca tuny ho mndo before tho report Ih finally submitted. NKW YORK, rnr. I -Announrc-ment Hint he will nccrpt I In nomi nation for mnvor in opposition to the Tammany ticket, Ih made hero tdny by Dintrict Atlonicy fharlcn WI11I-mim. OltA.VTM I'AHH. March 1 1 On tho arrlvnl of No. lf on tho Houthcrn Pacific Thunsday nltornoon Chief of Police Mel aii 11 and Constable Itnndlo took flrr mon from tlm train against whom complaint bad been inado for violation of tho atnto law prohibiting drlnklriK IntoxIcAtlng liquors on n train. Tho oonductor had wired aboad to tho nfrtcor. complaint bav in tC hn mado to blm by (I. M. Itnwloy, n fonriHr rwrtdont or (lrantn Pawi, who wiim roturnliiK to bis homo hero from Portland. Mr. Jtowley said that tho men took tbo liquor from tholr haKKago nnd drnnk It between I.olund nnd (Jranti. Phm. tho nffonio holnR crimmlttcd In a car filled with otbor travelcni, In cludlntc many women nnd children. On tholr nrrest nt tho depot tlm men wero taken bofnro Justlco IIoI man, where one of them, Alfred Oiiataffson, entered a plea of pillty. nnd wna find the minimum of $26. Tho rate agaJnat tho other four worn dlainlaaed. Tho men wcro en rotito to California to work In a mill, nnd will continue their Journey on tho next train. Tho wane board of Victoria, Atia tralln, has fixed the minimum wage ror clcrkn. Irrespective of sex, at $12 n week. FriedXCMoken fCottolen Sty:le The best fried chicken you ever ate can be made with Cottolow. Cottolene . T. can be heated to a much hicher temoera- ture than either butter or lard, without burn ing. It fries so quickly that little of the fat is absorbed, preventing the food being greasy. ior uus reason, tottpleitc-incd food is more healthful tlian food fried in butter or 'lard. Cotlolaw is more economical than lard- goes one-third farther; costs very much less than butter. Made only by TUE N. K. I'AIItUANK COMPANY P X 'f. S"Pi fs -i Writing Paper lScBoxaforaoc'" 0- n "We niv closiii oul about 300 boxes of finest (iuility cloth finish Writing Paper, with Envel opes to match, put up in n fancy box. A regu lar .'5c quality anywhere. Closing out price 16 a box, 2 boxes for 25 Choice any Doll in the store tomorrow Price Choice all Doll Furniture tomorrow Half Price Everything in the Toy line tomorrow Half Price All Cut and Gold Glass tomorrow Half Price Hand Painted China almost .Half Price Every piece of Plain "White, Fancy Decor nted and Coin Gold Dinnerware, Glassware, etc., has been reduced from 25 to GO per cent for this sale. See our Big Table of 10 to 25 Gent Kitchek Utensils, Closing Out Price 5 Each Hosiery "Wc are closing out our entire line of Men's, Ladies', Misses', IJoys' and Infants' 25c and 35c Hosiery at, your choice, 19 pair, 2 for 35 Men's Waterproof Duck Gloves 15 pair, 2 pail's for 25 Men's Leather Faced Cloth Gloves 19? pair, 2 pairs for 35 Men's Leather Gloves, 50c, quality, pair......35 Boys' 50c and G5c quality Percale and Madras Cloth Blouse Waists, size 6 to 14 years, ca 35 Ladies' 25c and 35c quality Linen Handker chiefs, each 15 Men's $1 and $1.25 quality Leather Gloves 75 3000 yards Linen, Torchon, Val. and Cluny Laces, Insertions, Headings, etc., regular 5c to 10c yard quality, closing out, yd. 1 and 3 Every piece of goods in this store muit'be sold. If what you want is here you can save big money on the price. HUSSEY'S OLD. STORE ' v EASTER POST CARDS 1$ EACH yt :st . ir . r .1 MOE & CO. ANNOUNCES ARRIVAL OF NEW SPRING GOODS FROM FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MARKETS YOUR INSPECTION IS CORDIALLY INVITED - " . I a ,i. Y a I ( - m I I' . . .v. f-