Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 14, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Fair. Heavy front tonight.
Ma., l.1 MIh., rto.
f-uMjr.sronrt Tsr,
)!lr Hxvotilh Yr,
NO. 303.
ig 9 Vff t
Terrific Blizzard and Zero Weather
TlirouQliout the Country Heavy
Snows Tie Up Railroad Traffic
East of the Rocky Mountains.
Tales of Calamity Pour In From All
Sections Tornadoes, Cyclones and
Torrential Rains In South.
CHICAGO, Murch 1 1. Willi Icr
rifle blizzards mill zero leuiM)rnliirc
In tint ninth mill cyclones anil torren
tlnl uiiiiN in (lie south, tho whole mid
Ho wiwt today lt in the crip of tin
wtiit olonii nf the winter.
In nil iIlrti'tlniiH from Chicago wire
me ilnmi or yw'iMni: "' badly Hint
inly tho bnrotit bulletins nro being
lorciicd of llui duinMntlnn wrought.
From Neliriiskn hnvo come report of
two fninl lulu wreck on the I'liimi
PnuiAc nillrofiit; Montana nnd Wyo
ming nr wept ttv a howling blizzard
mnl nil tin' count rv along tin north
crn bottler in suffering from the
(Irrnt Lukes In Ilia Itncktri..
CoiiiIIIIiiiin III South.
Ill tln hotilli tin1 rnuditioiiH except
for tin' cold, nro n lml. Meager re
wiit of n cyclone in Columbus, floor
glit, iudicntc tlmt pcrhnpu n wont uf
live have been lout in n cyclone nnil
n toncntlnl rnlnMnnn there, while At
Imitn nnil other i.coHotm of Georgia
n ic e-pt'ded to mill n dozen to tho
Hit of lltlllll.
In Chicago otrri'l t'lir and clevnlcd
trulfitt in greatly hampered by the
btorin, nnil tho jHiorcr sections of the
t'lly lhi' buffering in intense.
Litter nilviecs received from Wyn
mini; Male (lint the. Momi thero is
tin worht in yenr. In addition to
the wrecks nt ("iuhiI nnil lii-nnnlon,
Nch., Union 1'nullio train No. 7 in
xtnlli'il nt Kinilinll, .NVIi., mul No. 17
Im Htorin IioiiikI ut IiiI)ji'm)Ii.
ComlitioiiH on tho rnlliiiiitln nro
finirfiil mnl ull truflli' onul of Chcy
oniic h nt n MnmUtill, uhilc lnbunn
tint ttnnlilc to not through thu htunn
to iihftat tho hIiiIIimI trniiiN.
rontom In Dm Motor.
DKKVKR, Colo.. Mnreli M. With
n oIlMiiilo wlml ltlowinir. " hturnnl ih
p'lit'rnl in nortliom Coloimlo, NVhrnn
kn mnl tho Diikotiis toilny. Wirow
n 10 oriil'il. At noon tho Morm
Hrrint'il to center ill Urn Moim-H, town,
wlu'io cyolonlo conditions proxniled.
It ix hnoiviii( In noilhvni Iown nnd
lhi tuinMrnturo In tlroidiiK owty
whiTii throlihont tho mlddlo wmt.
(Continued jm J'nge Kisht.)
OI.YMlMA, WuhIi.. Mnreli H.
Tho 13th loKlftlutiiro ended Its hc
hIiiii dnrliiK tho wt'u hourH of HiIh
inornliiK iiiiHHud In addition to u iniiiia
or local IPKltdntlon nltio Iniiiortunt
inoaHiireH, IncliidiiiRi
Mlnlmnni wiiK" Inw for women.
Mnther'H ponnlou net.
I,OKHod off land hill.
Law aholltihliiK liaimlni?.
C'oiiKrOHHlonal iQ.nppurtlonnioiU
Ited llKht Injunction net.
Konudntlon for a ulnto hlutiwny
Initiative, roferondnin nnd recall
I a iv (i to mako tho ronstitntlnnnl
nmondmcntH on theno points offuc
tlvo. lniiortniit bllla which wuro
lilorkeil Inelndoi
I'roHlilontlnl primary, nnn-partlRnn
oleetlon, direct election of neuatorfl,
Initiation of ctintttltutlnnul nmonil
inentH, veenll or JnilBim, Btatowldo
pi'ohlUlllon, aiill-trcatlnis law,
Four Killed and Elulit Injured at
Cozad and Four Others Expected
to Die at Herndon From Rear-End
Collisions Durviifj Terrific Blizzard.
Bllndino' Snow Storm Prevents Engl
neers From Seeing Signal Lights
and Trains Telescope Each Other.
OMAHA. .NVIi. March I I I'ont
portions wuro killed nnd rlnlit In
Jured whim Union i'uelfle pa-neuKer
train No. 2 pltuiRi'd Into tho renr of
train No. 4 nt Comd. Nub., nt mid diirlm; tlm wont bllitard ot
tho winter. A ulerpvr anil one ilay
much ero ilerotlen. Itmcurri are
en roiitu to tho nrnn of tho wreck,
but fow ilxtnltk ot which have hevn
received un wlrrn nro crippled by the
Tho wrecked train crashed Into
tho rear of n Pullman ear. partlall
loleimplnR tint latter. Thu train
men narrow ly prevented the wreck
from burnlm;. Tlime killed were
crushed to death In their berth.
NewH of four other probabti
dnattiH In a wreck with the billiard
u Its en n no at rived hern today from
Iteration, Neu. Them n t'nlon l'a
clflo freleht trains piled up In a rear
end collision, and tho engineer,
brnkcinnu and two stockmen are
mlimlnK, and are believed to be dead.
Aiir.uftt Meyers nnd Mm. AiiRiut
Meyers, of Ioiir llearh, Ciil., wuro
niuoui those killed In the wreck.
Threo of tho Injured nro expected
to die. Htnto Itallroad CommUsInn
era Howell nnd Clarke left Lincoln
nt noon for tho nceno to luvuatlKato
tho cause of tho wreck.
It la reported hero that it bllndlnc
suow storm prevented the engineer
ot tho wrecked train from neelnn thi
1 1; n u I lli;hta of an automutlc bliwk
sli'.nal In tlmu to alow tip.
NOUAI.KH. Arlr. March 14. No
galea, Honoru, la In tho linnda of
tho atatu rebelu today after ono ot
tho bloodiest ntiRai;eiuitntH In tho
hlHtorr of Arizona border warfare.
II la estimated that 100 nro dead
mid 200 wounded ns thu reuult of
two uttneka bv tho rebela upon llwi
(iidernl pont, which fell nt auudowu,
tho Mexican roKUlara ciosnIiik Into
American territory nnd aurreiiderluR
their anna to American army offi
ce r.
After n first attack that contin
ued throughout tho inornlni;, during
which 17 federals woro killed and a
tlmun wounded, tho robola censed
firing about noon, Desultory firing
marked tho afternoon prior to n
nocoiuI Eonoral attack nt about B
o'clock. It was during thin ex
change that caHiialtltiH woro licuvlebt
on both sldea.
Tho climax of tho batllo came
whon Allen A. Umfleot, a prlvato of
troop O, Fifth United States Cavalry,
who was on border patrol duty, waa
ahot through tho face, by a federal
bullet, l.luutounnt Tnlt, command
ing tho Americans, Immediately do
Hpatrlmrl a mossngo to Colonol Kos
torlltsky, commanding tho main
body ot foderals, which aald:
"You hnvo bhot ono of my men.
Coimo firing nt onco or I shall bo
nftor you."
Firing from tho federal barricade
ceitKod nlmoHt nt onco, tho Mexican
"coimo firing" buglo call having been
Hounded from tho Amorlcun Hldo of
I tin liorder.
During this lull, tho dofondors
mnrchod nerofls th Unn and lulu
down their wins,
Meaner Reports Received of Devas- ynHKvS nanroao commission miuses
tation Assert Property Loss May LREhJH Sanction for Unmerglng ot Harrl-
Reach Ten Million Dollars-Some BflH man L,MS as Proposed by WIcker'
Reports Death List at Hl sham Up to Court.
Columbia, Georgia, Among Stricken
Cities Several Blocks Destroyed
and Many Persons Killed.
XEW OHI.KAN'S, La., .March 1 1.-
At leant O.'i perxonH were killed in the
torundo ihieh awept several diMlricU
of the south today, nccordini; lo uica
ger rcMrt received here Ihin after
noon. Wires nrc down lo moM Kints
nnd it ii lirlieveil this list will be in
erenned when conumiiiicntiou Im re
One report ctimnted the proper!)
dumnpe nt $10,000,000; other report
ny thla (iRiire i exeeisive, nnd thnt
the om will not exceed :i.000.000.
At it late hour thin afternoon com
miinientiou with n score of kiiuiII
Iowiih wn interrupted, Wild report
of from 100 lo IM) dend were received
from several (ourcm, hut lhcc were
not generally credited. DctniN of the
atonn nru not rxpected for evernl
rOMWHirs, fln.. March liSJey
cral pcmoiiH nn reKirted to have
been killed in n eyclono here today
which denlroyrd several city block.
Mnny persons were injured. A ter
rific, rnin ntonn followed tho cyclone.
The llneine hotel here, nt which thu
St. Iouix National I.caiue baseball
team i stopping, wns ilnmnp,ed. The
building wna rocked until thu ceilings
fell nnd windows ernshed in. Sev
ern! of tho hall players were struck
by plastering hut all escaped serious
ATLANTA, (la., March 14. Mo.t
of tho territory in Georgia affected
by todny'N slonn is isolated. Meager
details received hero reort five per
sons lulsainir from pointn near this
city, mid these nru believed to bo
NKV YORK. March 14. Somo ot
thu mystery woven about Dr. Fred
erick Frans Frlvdtuann'a ttiberculo
tilt, culturo was removed hero tpduy
by tho sclontiHt'H brother. Dr. A. C.
II, Frledmanii, of Colorado Springs,
"Tho basis uf tho cure," suld Ur
Frledmann, "Is it aortim secured
from a turtle having tuberculosis. In
Its original form It Is vlruleul and
a toxic. My brother, after many ex
periments, discovered how to romovo
Its vlrtiloucy. Ho Injects tho orig
inal culturo Into a healthy turtle,
thereafter transferring It from tup
tlo to turtlo until a nonvlruIcnt
bacilli Is obtained."
Tho exact number ot transfers
necessary beforo tho bacilli roachoa
tho desired Htnto Is a secret. Dr.
Frledmann explained tho method to
Dr. Noblo, a physician ot Seattle,
Wash. Ho sttUr tho doso given Is
less than ono cuntlgram, thu bacilli
multlpl)tng rapld.V In tho systom.
" i. ... i i i i -..,,-,,. I, i i.. i T ,
----- r.
President "Woixlrow Wilson Is
Washluutoii, ,
4f' i
.. lsMP!T-fc ..rJ.S& ... .. . . .
mum ,., ,:. .,, o .
icw sczrcjcc eva3Eis.
JIim rtpplletttlnr of the cene ml nni
iirly Utv fur il'it Iiim1 hy I'mldeut
Mltuil (.oiii"r, Ii.ii tiri-u sun
wntttsl ml I iik Hie prtm mi Inn ror
tl.ll. ntl'ii .f h -cati'iueiit 1y the S'ec
r; of lle l&rrlur fully ileflnlag
he " 'pi of llieiw nhlch will b rf
foctlt, fur all r.iM nf prlmmers.
NASHVILI.K. Tonn.. March 14 -A
Nashville. Chattanooga & St- Iouls
Hallway passenger train Is believed
to have been lost on tho Durk IHvcr
branchjjelow Lcxlnttom Tcnn. Hall
road orrklnri' hef'vtnri afternoon
fel sum tho train was blown front
tho track by a cyclone and swept
Into tho Middle Tennessee river.
All communication with the dis
trict Is Hivored and the fato ot the
patnengcrs Is not known. Tho com
pany Is besieged with Inquiries from
auxlous relatives of the patsngers
on tho lost train.
Latest reorts received hero place
tho number of dead In this stato at
10, with five others probably fatal
ly Injured In tho storm.
Tho dejiot nt Pleasant Grove,
Tenn.. was splintered by tho tor
nado, but six passengers, who wer
waiting Insld wero uninjured.
MILWAUKKK, Mnreli II. After
Mrs. Clurkson was nrestcd she denied
thnt Klie ever was in want or that she
had written n letter of woo to burglar
t un.
"I wo n fool to elopo with Conn,"
she said. "I realized mv mixtako in
n few du.vN. 1 hud trouble with my
Inn-bund five years b'efore 1 left lilni.
He refused to take me bnek or ullow
me to see the children.
"I met my husband while I was in
Ofu'itgu with Conn Insl ChrittmuK.
nnd nt thnt time he threatened to
shoot us both. When I left Conu I
went to Omnliit nnd sought work ns a
stenoRrnpher. 1 could i.ot find em
ployment po 1 returned to Chicago.
I.nter I enme here.
"Tho report that I .shared Conn's
$100,000 loot is not true. I wint to
return homo nnd sturt iiuow. If my
husband will take mo buck every
thiuj will be differcnl."
No Hpccifio clinrgo'liurt been lodged
ngninst Mrs. ClnrksJon. , She is mere
ly hemp; held upon request of tho Son
Francisco nuthorities.
pictured In the ubove photograph while
, . , . .
i 9Wtf -rnx
Not Necessary for Central Pacific to
Be Sold or Leased to Union Pacific
Makes for Discrimination.
HAN FHANCISCO, Cub. March 14.
Flat opposition to the new "un
scrambling" plan for tho Harrlman
merger was announced today here by
the California State Itallroad Com
mission unless tho plan presented b)
the Southern Pacific and Union Pa
cific officials. Is so modified that all
railroads will bo allowed equal traf
fic and trackage privileges with the
roads concerned In tho merger.
This decision was reached after
considering Western Pacific opposi
tion to tho plans of Judge Itobert S.
Lorett and wus announced from the
offices of tho commission here this
The derision puts the. whole mat
ter tip to the United States Clrcnlt
court In St. I,ouM. which has thu
dissolution plan under consideration,
and when that court finally presents
Its plan under an order, then the
commission -will - tako rurthe,r. jtetlda.
Tho decision says that tho com.
mission does not believe It Is neces
sary for the Central Pacific to be
sold or leased to the t'nlon Pacific
to carry out the plan, but that thj
commission has no Jurisdiction over
tho sale.
Tho commission stands on Its view
that If any traffic agreement Is made
between tho Southern Pacific and
the Union Pacific giving tho Utter
rights over the Denlcla cutoff. It will
be necessary to give the same rlchts
to any other road.
Despite the fact that she exoner
ated him in nn ante-mortem state
ment, On plain Fred Mathienon of
Hoss, Cnl., is charged here today with
the murder of his wife, Mrs. Gcrtrudo
Mnthieson. Mrs. Mathieson, before
her death in a hospital here, declared
her wound was caused by the acci
dental dUuhurge of a pistol which her
husband was clcuninp,
Kvidenoo was brought before tho
coroner's jury however, to show that
Mathieson npiK-aied to bo intoxicated
when tho shooting occurred, and thnt
the couple, had- qunnvled frequently.
CHICAGO, March U. Kollowtnp
his charge in nn editorial in tho
Manufacturerr News that tho Hcurst
twiners are backinz tho white slnvo
probe here for tho purposo of forcinj;
tuoro advertising, two vurrnnts tor
criminal libel wero sworn out here to
day ngninst John Glenn, publisher of
the News.
Andrew Lawrence, publisher of the
Hearst pitpors, secured the wumutts.
delivering his Inaugural speech at j
. - -"
Balkan States Insist That Turks Sur
render Adrianople, Scutari and
Cede Aegean Isles Besides Paying
Immense War Indemnity to Aliles.
Servians Reported to Have Massa
cred Albanians Bulgars Repulsed
in Attack Upon Adianople.
SOFIA, March 14. Formal reply
to the powers' offer to mediatu In
the I)alkanTurkUh war was made
by the allies here today. The Balkan
states Insist thrt tho Turks surren
der Adrianople and Scutari, cede the
Aegean Islands and pay a war In
demnity of 1300.000.000. Tho at.
lies agree to assume a portion ot the
public debt of Turkey, assessed
against that nnrtlon of the Ottoman
territory which Is demanded by the
Balkan states.
BKItLIN, March 14. The slaugh.
ter of 300 Albanians, Inhabitants of
Llllum. In Turkish Korsora. without
a trial by Servian officials. Is re
ported in dispatches received today
from Constantinople.
Other dispatch.- from the Otto
man capital declared that Huig-rlans
had again attempted to overwhelm
the Turkish -fortress at -Adrianople.
but were repulsed with heavy losses.
SALEM. Ore.. Murch 1-1. George
nnd Charles Humphreys, adjudged
guilty by the lower court for IJentou
county and by the supreme court of
Oregon of the murder of Mrs. Elitn
Griffith, will expiate their crime by
kangin;. The death sentence will not
be commuted. Governor West made
this announcement today after a con
ference with Rev. G. Lee of tho Epis
copal church, one of those who has
petitioned the governor to save the
lives of tho condctnucU men.
Governor West hus, however,
grunted n reprieve of ouq day out of
respect to rites of tho Kpiscopul
church in observing Good Friday, nnd
the men will die on Saturday, Murch
'J'J, instead of Friduy, March '21. The
Humphrey come of nn Episcopal
family. Ilev. Lee hits administered
to them sinco they have been in prison
and will attend them on the gallows.
Ha has asked the governor to grant
the short reprieve as a consideration
of the family and of his own feelings
as n clergyman in tho Episcopal
WASHINGTON, March 14. Tnk
inp; diametrically different views in
regurd to Democratic economy, Con
gressman Fitzgerald, chairman of tho
nppropriations committee, nnd former
Congressman Cannon commented to
tiny on tho report that tho last con
gress provided for appropriations to
inlliiur ?1,008,047,000 in both the vo
toed nnd unvetood hills.
FiUgernld praised lloutbon econ
omy; Cannon denounced tho Demo
crats l'r ''ill-considered extntvn.
giince." Fitzgerald urged the nppoint
meut of n budget committee to huvo
charge of nppropriations; Cannon
called the budget scheme inipruoticu
ble, nnd ttdvised n resumption of tho
"czar system" in the house, by which
the spenker appoints nil committees,
Trusted Employes of San Francisco
Bank Short in Accounts Assistant
Cashier Shy Over $109,000 Money
Spent in Speculation.
Chief Clerk of Trust Department of
..Another Bank Makes Away With
$14,000 In High Livinrj.
SAN FltANCISCO, Cnl., March 14.
Charged with bcin over $100,000
short in his accounts ns assistant
cashier of the Crocker National banL
here, Charles F. Baker, one of the
most trusted employes of the Inslitu-'
lion, n sclf-mnde man nnd n pillar of
an Oakland church, is reported iK-ar
death today nt his handsome homo In
Piedmont. Whether prosecution wilt
be started rests with the stirety'com
I winy according to Vice President J. J.
Fagon of the bank, who stated thut
the bank was fully covered by insur
ance. At 9I0O.000 Shy.
Fngatt said thnt the exact nmotiut
of the nlleged embezzlement hud not
yet been ascertained, but that the
bank officials only worry over the
situation, is that. a. trusted aul much
loved man had misappropriated funds
entrusted to him. , . , ,
That Ditker speculated !n slocks
and had been carrying ou his use'of
the bank funds for n long time is the
opinion of officers of the bank. Per
sonally he was a man of simple
tastes and his family did not liye ex
travagantly, it is said.
Second Banker Goes Wrong.
Charged with the specific embez
zlement of the bank's funds, Rupert
T. Hooper, head of the trust depart
ment of the Mercantile National bank
here, is being sought by tho polico to
day. According to John D. McKce,
vice president and cashier of the
bank, Hooper's actual defalcations
exceed $14,000
Hooper, who maintained n ftishioit
nblo establishment here, has n wifu
and six children. He has been with
the bank eight years. .
Officials of tho batik would not
discuss the means by which Hooper
is alleged to have mulcted thu insti
DOUGLAS, Ari., March 14. Fol
lowing up thoir enpturo of Negates,
tho rebels today launched n campaign
against General Ojedn, federal com
mit ml cr, who evacuated Agmi Proctii
Wednesday with 430 troops to murch
to the relief of Nogles. Colonel
Cales, with 400 rebel iufuutry, nnd
Colonel Urncnmontc, with X10 cavulry
nnd infantry, started wostwiml fruiu
Agttn Priottt shortly beforo noon tu
dtty on Ojcdu'ti trail.
Ojcdo is believed to huvo joined
forces with tho weak federal garrison
ut Nnco, twonty-fivo miles wost ot
Agim Prieu, on tho Arizona border.
If this is true, thu fin a I stand of thu
federnls in Northern Souorn probubly
will bo mndo nt Nnco tomorrow.
General Obregon, who occupied N
gnles Into yesterday, prolmbly will
soud a strong detachment to reinforce
Guiles nnd Ilracnmonle before Nuco,
which is the only post in the northern
zone of Souorn still held by the fed
Report were current today that u
declaration of independence' .of Sou
orn from Mexico will bo prom'wlgHtt'il
following the almost Inevitable cap
ture of Nnco.