Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 13, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    VT fW0 i t t t 'i - I
10 ' . 0 a .i
, . f . ...., , , '''ftM4tfr1M4tV
Fair Tonight Willi llPAr
Max. trtt Mh. J.
NO. 302.
Kiirlr.iBrond Tr,
fully Hnvtnlli Ytor.
V ' '
? V
RURALES SHOT 1 1 ,500.000 FRY f '(fSSU
bKbbBbv Jtilft . it .. itj i il LvAf DbbbT bT BMftBVKfltaiBBr (m v
Seventeen Killed and Eleven Wounded
In Slruoiile Between Constitution
nllsts of Sonorn Against Federals
Injured Taken Across Border
Hundreds of Americans Watch Flpht
From Border United States Sol
diers Forbidden to Participate
.NORALKS, Arlt., March 13. Sev
enteen Mexican ruruloa wcro killed
mill 11 wounded toil ay In (ho first
actual battle of the now robolllon of
tlin Bottom constitutionalist against
tch Mexican government. Tho cn
unlltlcs ucciirrcil during an extended
luohaiiRo between rebel btriiwtiool
ci concealed III tho IiIIIn about tho
Nugtilcs Korrlrou ami tho marksmen
of the federal defuiidcr. Tho losses
or tint attacking forco nru not known.
Tim fighting began soon after day
break nml contlniii'il until after noon,
when thrrn wn n rrIU All of
tho vtoiiiiilod wuro tnki-ii to tho Amor
I run Nldo of thu border under Hod
Ciom irolcfitlon.
Colonel Ituyra, anh-rotntnandfr of
the cnrrlfton, deolnred that under no
condition will ho aurrendir. Iln rx
)irla the arrival tonkhl of General
OJeda with &00 rrKiilurn from the
A Rim I'rlcU Knrrlion. OJed la rc
lortrd to lie within Mx houra march
liu: dlillinro of Nocatra.
Hundred of Anu-rlrana urn walch
Iiir tho flRht from thu border, which
la iichr. imtrolled by flvo companle
or United Htatea cavalry. American
umchliio riiiii have been mounted to
Itrotent noialblo Invanlon of Arnerl
oan territory by thn belllRerenU.
WA8IIINOTON, Murch 13. Ac
rordlnn to InKtriirtloim eul today to
( lllUn, In commaud of the
Mcalran border forcea, by Becrctary
of War Clnrrlnon, American iroopa
ant forbidden to return the fire of
Mexican troona except of apeclflc or
dera from the war department. It
la hoped thereby to removo one of
the principal catmea of tho friction
between tho border force of both
roiiutrlca. Tho order nppllea imv.
I'lnlly to NoitaleH, Arlt , uud vicinity.
WASHINGTON, Muwh l!l- I'rifi
ilciil Wooilnnv WiUoii hlinlloit'il mi
ollittr iircceilunt lu'in loilny when it
wni iiiniouni'cil Unit next week liu
will ennlVr Willi Kenntop I.iiFolletlo
of Wiaconaiii to learn bin views on
pulillo miiltcra. It wn also hi-mU
offiuiitlly iiunoiiiiccd Hint tho prci
ilcut iutenilu Hint herenftop l.nKol
Ictlq hIiiiII ho ciMiHultcil on nil Wia
I'linain pntrnnnuo, Tho notion of tho
lirobhlcnt in uouaiiU'ioil moat x
fiennt. l'rom F.uKollotto WHhoii expootn lo
lenru whorn tbo ppoKivnatteit atuiul
on tariff anil oiironoy rcfonn. I.n
Folletto Iiiih nlronily miiiouuccil thut
litt will Miippntt ppoRVPHHtvo moiiRurcH
loKimllctirt of whwtliop they nro in t v
ilnood by ropublloans op ilcinournt.
fall of mm
LONDON', March 13. - Hoply by
tho Ilulknu nlllua to tho peace pro
podiila of tho powoiH wna dolnyod
uKuIn todny, prenumnbly liccmmo tho
iiIIIch hopo for tho Immodluto full of
Adiliinoplo, thus ollmliiutlm; from
tho noKotlutloiiH nil couBldoratlon of
tho city's futo. Tho DuluarlaiiB hopo
to occupy Adiliinoplo tomorrow nt tho
lutuHt. Coustuutluoplo udmtta that
Hliukrl l'nHhu has aont wlrnloaaos thut
ho cannot hold out moro than n woolc.
Chinook Salmon EouJ Total 8,600,000 , injfft'SjK WMHpPyMWL
Silverslde 2,000,000 and Stcelhead JoSEPMS ' r(m ilkffi IHroJftfcSB
Trout Expected to Reach 3,000,000 secjSa or THE Vwtr HBf B1V iBLBM BM
-To Do Liberated at Elk Creek B aBKiLW aflBLft B
MM AuKififr S. ' Mm So B
mmiM .""v i .. . bbbbbbB -ri- bbbbbbbbbH bbH
Steelhead Larger Average Than In
Years Rainbow Egg to Be Taken
at Spenser Creek, Klamath County
"Approximately 8, COO 000 aalmon
fry and lu the vicinity of 3,000,000
atcclhead and rainbow trout fry will
be hatched at the Klk creek hatchery
and liberated thin aprlng and auiu.
mer In the i.oriio river and Ita trlb
utarlei," atate Henry O'Malley, au
perlntendent of Hut V. H. buroau of
llnlirrlei, who apeul Thuraduy In
Medford on hlu way lo luaperl the
Klk creek hatchery. Contliiulni; ht
"III the neighborhood of C,500,000
early chluook aalmon orri were tak
en lout fall at the Klk creek hatchery
Approximately 1.000.000 chluook
aalmon eRR were taken at the Anient
dam and 2.000,000 xllveraldea, Al
roady 100,000 aleelhead trout eRRa
have been taken at tho AppleRate
atatlon, and S000 trout are behiR
held for rlpoultiR. We should lako
nt leant 3.000,000 trout eRRi.
"Thl trout work la all done nt
atnto oxpeiiKo, tho atato flah and
came commlailnn furiilih tho funda.
Tho Mncleaya own the hatchery and
the Rovernment operatca It. Wo aro
prepnrlnR to take rainbow trout crr
In the Kliimath country, particularly
at Spencer creek, which will be
hatched and liberated In tho HoRiie.
Wo will not operate, In KUh lako In
the t'lnpquaa thla year.
"All of our flah are bcliiR held un
til they reach tho flnRerllnK ataRO,
and wo confidently expect, within
n few yeara, to mako tho Uoruo the
best atocked trout atrenm In tho
"The atcelhead tnken till year nro
the larReal wo have over had. nvcraR
Iiir over 12 pound In wolfiht- Tho
ceKatlon of commercial fUhliiR for
ateelhead I"lR to tell tnln
created quantity and alto of Mali."
The lid, on far aw the underworld
Is concerned in Medford, Iiiih been
olnniK-it on Unlit by Mnyop Kifoit
i fi.i.f ..c n.tiin.t lliiiunn. One
nun i iiifi ..
or two niiohliuiinbln rooming lulUe
in inn ouy unvo oeeu mi ui .
hlrablcH, notloo beinj; Riven to set
out of town.
Chief llillnon, Cilv Attorney IIoro
nml Mayor Klfcrt vihitcd tho quoH
(iiinnblo plaocn Wciliudny and i.
ancil tho order. Todny tho town i
cleaned up, to remain clean, atato
tho official.
HllltKVKl'OHT. I.a.. Maich W.-
Tlirca poraons aro known to bo deurt
nml fifteen otlteru injured nx n ii'
suit of a oyoliiuu which prrtclioally
destroyed Provencal, a vIIIiiro thirty
mllcH Houth of boro today at noon.
Nearly every Iioubo in tho town wna Xo dotuila hnvu been re
ceived here. A relief train has been
hent from Rhreveport to tho faccne.
VOHT SMITH, Ark., March III,
l'Vllowiiif his conviction on tho
uhnrifii of huniiin: his throo mother
loss children to death, Hcv, Mnrion
Capps, n M"othodiHt preacher, is sen
tenced to death hero today.
Capps lied tho children to nil oil
soaked bed uud set nine.
- rrBBBaV JitHAM Lvm. I tcJi n nBBBBLV "i
U rrA w;4i I P'O JH BBBBBnl I
ftnBucAHs . bbbP Tresiooit Wilsons UU iM f '
' THEtfc. WAY.
SACKAMUNTO, Cnl., Murch J3.
flovcnmr llirnm Johtion of Calif
ornia bcea in the Illinois inventlRntlon
into the while tdnvo trnffio mid ita
connection wllh wnRca pnid to women
a direct result of the piraidcntlal
cnmpaifiii of the pn.KrcanIvo party.
The Roventor riivo tho following
''The InvcatiRittiou in Chicago ia
without doubt tho direct rcMilt of
tho projjreshivo fi(;ht and of tho cam
piiiRn of tho proj;resivo party, which
had rt crcnt cduontioiinl effect.
"Quo of tho firt qucstiona dis
cusxed by tho progressives hut year
related to n minimum wnpj for
women, uud in discussion of thut
Nitbjcct nil over tho nation the pro
reaaivea imiutcd out thu condition
existing that it wiih cbontiul that
women who labored should hnvu u
livini; woro.
"In ChiciiRxi I talked on tho snmo
platform with MiH McDowell, a co
worker with June AddiiniK, nml nil
over Illinois, us well us every other
Htnte in tho enst, tho question wna
ntRiicd. Tho proprchaivea distinctly
took their ataud in fnvor of u mini-
mum wiirc
NI3W YUltIC, Murch 13 -Canadian
Pacific receded two points and Good
rich. Woolworth and Colorado Fuel u
point each In tho stock market hero
today, innrklnR tho principal declines
In ii Kcnornlly low market. Union
Purlflo went down to u point below
yesterday's clone. Call money loan
ed at 5 per cent which encouruged
aolllnff, and tho cnjaRoiuont of
1700,000 to Hamburg caused rav.
uro, nmoiiR tho money Issues.
1'rlcea lator recovered, with many
Rains of from 1 to 2 points boliiR re
corded. They did not react on tho
totul dopresslon, nnd tho murket
closed stronR. Y
llonds wero IrroRiilur.
SI'HINOFIBU), III., Mnreh 13.
Tho rcpublionn and progressive, mem
bers of tho htuto legislature lmvo
ooiuhlned to clout United Stntes senn
tors hut no 'effort was mnilo to put
tho plan into effeot todny. Seven
teen progressives huvo nRieed to sup
port Shonnnn, u vepubliean for tho
Ioiik lonn, the ropuhlienns nprceitiK
to support Funk, n prourossivo for
tlw slioit lorm.
:- IBBBBBT PflAMw trtD !? il fiBBa
I LjM- who want to JJiH
13. Six membeni of a court martini,
todny arc deliberating nt I'nint creek '
on the fate of ''Mother" Jones a
fnmotiK womnn lalnr lender, nnd -11)1
miners who hnvr been on trial thera
on n churge of oouf.piraey to commit
murder. Thejjialndedjit miduJRht
Inat iiIrIiII " '
Onlv two witnesses were lutro
duoed by the defeiue. "Mother")
Jones i seriously ill nt Camp Pratt.
Sim eollnpseil during the closing
hours of tho trial nnd was curried
Mroonini; from tho court room. If
convicted, the court martial is cm
itowercd to ncntenco the defendants
to dentil or acud them to the peni
tentiary for life.
The court mnrtinl is the outgrowth
of n walkout of miners in tho Paint
Creek districts. Armed clashes be
tween tho strikers nnd unurds em
ployed by the oHmtors marked the
The court's decision will not bo
published until It Is acted upou by
Governor Hatfield. It probably will
bo given out Saturday.
CHICO, Cal, Mnreh 1.1.- Four
siifcti wcro dynamited nt Digs? and
Gridley, iicur hero curly todny by six
yegnien who csenped with S'JtiO after
engaging in running revolver fights
at both places. Posses nro search
ing tho back country this afternoon
for tho men.
Tho safe dynamited was that of tho
lint field and Smith company at
Higgn. Throo of tho yeggmen patrol
led tho street while three others
worked on tho nfe. Nothing was
scoured from tho store. Then tha
robbers broko open the snfo of tho
Diamond Match company, securing
$280, of which $100 belonged to tho
Woodmen of the World. They were
at Work on' tho safe in the post office
nt Higffs when surprised by Frank
Curnduff, who lives next door. Ho
opened firo on the gang, tho yegemen
returning shot fr "hot, The yegg. J
men then wont to Uridley and dyna
mited tho Diamond Match company's
snfo there. Tho scoured nothing nt
Qridloy, being surprised by the night
watchman. Tho yeggmen escaped in
n running firo but no ono was in
POUTKKVILLK. Cul Murch 1.1.
Pawing out a shallow grnvo for
him aftor he had boon killed by nn
automobllo, Towsor, a ahophord dog,
lovingly burled his llttlo com)aado
Mlko, a Spitz. Tho shophord stood
guard ovor tho gruvo for forty-eight
hours and had to tyo druggod ftwuy.
SAX FllAN'CISCO, Cnl.. March 1.1.
That one of his companions, Mr.
Kitty Pope, bad nothiot; to do with
Ins robberies and enrried none of his
loot away with her, i the assertion
todny of Owen I). Conn, the
100,000 Jjantlnr" who wuaeaptHjred
here after being onusht redhanded
in the act of looting nn npuritacnt.
A country-wide search for the Pope
woman is on today, a the police
plnco little credence in Conn's tale.
They believe she was the brains of
Conn's exploit.
A pathelio letter from Mrs. Clark-
son, wife of tho Chicago pastor, who
deserted her husband and family to
flee with Conn, was found among
the prisoner's effects today.
It developed that Conn had n pecu
liar way of presenting gifts to the
girls of tho half world whom he
courted. On the frequent automo
bile rides he took with them, he would
always stop in front of tho city's
moat fashionable jewelry store and
snv to his companien: "Just a mo
ment, mid I will Ret that vrutch I
promised you." Then, stepping into
tho store, ho would claim n watch
ho had previously stolen from some
houscmnld, nnd left nt tho store to
be engraved with tho initials of his
consort. Reports from the city nnd
county hospital on tho condition of
Conn say tho patient is in n serious
condition. Tho bullet which entered
at tho trroin slintteriiie tho 1rfg bone
in the thigh took n downward course,
splitting; the bone almost to the knee.
TEN liilfLAR
OLYMPIA, Wash., March 13.
Working under tho motto, "Wo
should work," tho 6cnato addod
13C,321 to tho budget at Its night
session last night bringing tho total
budget for tho session up to 110,-
000,000. About 1500,000 will bo
subtracted from this If tho senate
concurs In tho houso in puholdlng
tho governor's veto of certain sec
tions of tho budget.
WASHINGTON, March 13. lnfor
mutlon that J. N. Teat of Portland
refused a proffor of the assistant sec
rotaryshlp of tho Interior department
was learned horo with regret, espo
dally by westerners.
Senator Chamberlain and others
have written and wired urging Teal
to reconsider on the ground that tho
position is h very Important one and
in somo respects moro vital to tho
great west thun that of seoretaryv It
Is still hoped Teal may tako the plcue
for tho good of tho "public luud"
states, ,
Financier Realizes He Will Never See
Europe Again and Wants to Say
Good Bye to Monarch and Friends
Before Sailing Home
Boards Special Train for Rome
Face Is Sunken and Drawn Ap
pears Thin and Feeble and Limps
XAPI.KS. Italy. March 13.
Drought to u realization that ho may
norcr be able to visit Kurope again
because of falling health, J. Plcrpont
Morgan, the American banker, an
nounced here today that he wants to
say farewell to European monarch
and friends before sailing for tho
L'nltcd States.
Morgan arrived today from Kgypt
aboard tbe liner Adriatic. Ho was
urRed by Herbert Satterlcc, u son-in-
law, to continue aboard tbo Adriatic
and return to Now York, but ho re
fused. Insisting on boarding a special
train for Home.
Morgan' face Is sunken and
drawn. He appeared thin and feeble
and leaned heavily on hi cane. The
millionaire puffed nervously at a
big, black cigar, frowning at onlook
ers who commented on tho difficulty
he experienced In mounting the steps
to hi prlvnte car.
The banker expects to see tbe king
of Italy, Kaiser Wllhelm of Germany,
King George of. England and meet
with other friends among antiqua
rians and Kgyptologlsts before sail
ing home.
"Mr. Morgan physicians declare.'
said Saturle today. 'Ubat ho. wllL
reclrer his health completely after a
few weeks rent. HI future plans de
pend entirely on his condition."
It was admitted, howercr, that tho
nhrslclans aro still concerned over
.Morgan's audden changes In tempeA
CHICAGO. March 13. O. G. La-
berec of Spokane. Wn., was tho first
witness today in tho trial of Albert
C. Frost of Chicago, and alx others
accused of swindling tho government
out of 110.000.000 In Alaskan coal
lands. Ho declared ho waa a former
business assistant of Frost.
,After admitting that ho was a pro
moter for tho Alaska Central ralt
road, Laberco testified that ho met
Duncan Stewart In 1903 and persu
aded him to Interest Frost In railroad
oropcrty. Frost, ho said, led an ex
pedition Into Alaska to Investigate
possibilities there, tho expedition
finding valuable coal lauds aud do-
cldlug to buy tho railroad outright.
Labereo said ho withdrew from tto
coal land ventures on tho advlco of
attorneys who warned him that tho
scheme might get him Into trouble
with tho government.
NAPl.KS, Italy, Murch 13. Por
flrlo Dlax, formor president of Mex
ico, arrived hero today from Kgypt
aboard tho liner Adlatlc. Ho said
ho would not roturn to his nutlvo
land but would remain In Europe
Dlax expecta to assist In efforts to re
store Mexico to a normul condition,
chlotly by advising his nephew, Gen
eral Felix Dlax.
OLYMPIA, Wash, March 33.
Trading stamp companies will. huvo
to pay a $0,000 annual fee in each
(iiuitv in which thev oneruto if Gov
ernor Lister signs tho Hustings bill
which was pussod by tho senate last
night. Tho bill is a blow itt the trad
ing stump business and it iuteuded
to k'dl it.
Slippery Pavement Sends Auto Into
Gutter, Bending Front Axle Badly
House H 6Mf letely Destroyed by
Flames Other ,Hms Endamjsred
Building Was Owned by A.Vetfen&er
ef TWs "City Rented Yesterday
and Completely Furnished t-
Owing to n wet Hllppcr)' pavement
tho huge auto firo truck pf the local
department skidded while making a
run to a firo at Eleventh and Orango
streets shortly before noon "today,
and plunging Into "the' curb nearly
tore a front wheel off of tho ma
chine. The axlo was bent to an angto
of nearly 4S degree. Ono or two
of tho boys wcro thrown from the
machlno but escaped with minor
bruises. A hasty examination was
made and the truck proceeded slowly.
A house owned by A. Pottengcr of
this city and occupied by J. Gran
man was completely destroyed. Tbo
origin of the firo was not determined.
Tbe loss will reach SSPOO, partially
covered by Insurance.
The house was a mas of flame
when tho blaze was first discovered,
so that nothing could have been
saved bad no accident occurred to
the firo truck. Other homes were
endangered, however, by the delay
but a hard fight with garden hoae In
the bands of cltlrens led by Chief
Hlttson and Officer Clngcade of tho
police force saved the nearby build
ings until the firo truck limped up
aad the heavy' fie6 eutse lato play.
Mr. Graaman, who occupied the
house, moved In on Wednesday, com
pletely furnishing It with new furni
ture The fixtures were put In tho
house but yesterday. He Invested
nearly SHOO and had not Insured It.
Previously the place had been unten
anted for some time. Mr. Granman
Is a recent arrival In tho valtey ami
has a daughter living with him.
Frank Lindley, driver of tho firo
truck, stated today that ha had slow,
ed down considerably for tbe corner,
owing to tho condition of tho pave
ment and was not awaro of any dan
ger until the crown of tho pavemont
was reached In making the curve.
Tho big car then suddenly skidded
directly toward tho curb and ho waa
powerless In his attompts to check It.
During tho winter months tho car
Is equipped with chains In tho front
as well as tho rear wheels but these
chains woro recently romoved owing
to tho continued dry weathor.
PONOMA. Cnl., Murch 13. Dr.
Harris Oracelou stated today that i
young mull named Sperry, a son of
a Sun Francisco flour manufacturer,
inoculuted at Victorvillo by him with
Dr. Friedumnn'tJ tuberculosis serum.
Murch :i, will recover.
On tho tenth day Dr. Urncvlon
makes tho following statement:
"Sperry hns gained fivo and a.
half pounds, looks decidedly bettor
nnd feels better. His condition is
Sperry who wus in tho lut singe
of tho disease, wrote to Dr. Held of
Pittsburg aud through this physician
Dr. Oracelou was uiveii the serum.
LONDON, Murch 13. The polico
uncovered tho suffragette "arsenal"
here today when they raided R studio
in Cumpden Hill Gardens. Among
tho "ammunition'1 seiaed were quan
tities of corrosive nold, phosphorus
oil aud pitch used by suffragette hi
tho letter box outrage wire culteM
and hammers nnd a number of fnU
uutoniobilo identification plates.
Olivo llocken. a jnilitant suffra
gette, was arrested May.
a t