f ---ffl.;fL.; fr - ....,..,...l..r.... I. .-..-.. ... . ......., wimvHKm'OAOUMMd.lVA W"fe " " "i sni'wip'W".i!ih . w 'Tny infj jwmnFTtrrfgiviHMrtf hi tUiLL'lJL'J.il, L-I.ll!!. I ' I, J. mtcdfotit) m"attj TRTBTmrc. atedford. on boon, avkdnksoay. MAnnr 12, iotn. I'U 1.8.U1- '-".i.1 i l1 .l-J.-l'iXlJ L. ' , ' ! 1 I. ' I1 I 1 , I, . , .1-1 .LlL!Xi. l -U-.g MACHINERY STERLING MINE IS NEEDED RN FALLS BEING INSTALLED l)flellihlelll of (till HIi'HllIK pllll'l'l' iiiliu', prultiility tlm most noted of Uh Itlihl In Nnullit'rii Oregon, Ih In Mail In Hie iieur fut unt ami Mill hit nir ilril mi Hiililly, nei'iiidiiijf In Indira IIoiin III IhU flly. A law niiiinllty 11I' WtippllfN mill iiiiii'liliiciy h Ik'Imk fliliMii to lln mini', It iti holimcil Hint eiiiihtnii'lloii uirk mi tlui now high linn illlch which mIII lulikit it ihisnIIiIii to initio imiuli moil! uiiiuml will ho htm led ui (bit ncnr fut 11 1 1'. Tliu 111I110 U iumv owned by K. B. llulliw of New York who iiiinoiiiifril 1101110 I lino ti(io tlmt In pliiniied ex liimixe ilri'lnniii'ii work. The Mterliuit initio Iiiim heeu ii henvy producer hi tlin itiH mill II in heecl Hint it will nuniii prutliifo lirny wlu'ti (IiIi'Iicm nri' iMiimtriicU'il intikiitir it poNHiblo lu uoiL tlio new ground uwiilnhle. GIVES CHILD AWAY THEN ASK IT BACK To kIvu tlii'lr clilld niiy, ucrco In M'lmrat", aue (or dhorco, iti.ikn up, drop dltiirro proceedings, link for their clillil again unit nit It back, rc liilrril Irits than 30 days (lino nn tlio part of Mr. mid Mr Charles l'ormun o( Ashland, Now that all In nercno iiRsIn tlioj plnu to leave tor thulr (or incr homo In Colorado, About n inonlti a no Mr. mid Mm I'nrniali decided that llfn together wasfunlicaraule, o they derided to separate. A sister of I'urinati man rIwii tlin child and she, adopted It, Later tlio J'arnmtu niadu up and de rided to atart over again. Till Mm nftor dlvorco proceeding hnd been Instituted. Tho divorce ensn a dropprd and County Judrtn Toil Vollo petitioned to fttiunl tho adoption papers. Till ho did yesterday, TO MEET RITCHIE NKW YOIIK, Mnrcb 12 - llerHUHo ho la anxious to cot an Immediate, match lth Wllllo Itltrlilo (or tho world's lightweight chainptanshlp, l-'reildle Welsh, chumplou KiiRllih light rlntit, today tiirnvd down an offer of IIC.000 (or (IrIiIm In Aus tralia and will nail (or New York March S'J, Welsh and Itltchlu mot In n 20 routuMiout In I .on AiikoIm two year nRo, tlm Hnitlliihimin RottliiR n c.loso dctltlou. Hllchlo substituted (or Ad W'olirsst when tho latter wan strlckcu with nppcudlcltls. WILL CLEAR SOON IS ANDERSON AY PREDICTION Tlin much noodoil ruin which linn liven looked for by locnl orthurdlsts arrived WmlncHilny iiioiiiIiik, iiicom piinli'd by (lurrli'H of miiow. Tho weiither biireiiu, however, preilltts only occiihIoiiiiI showors IoiiIkIiI mid fulr weather Thursday. Tlin predlc (Ion Untied todity la: Oiciuliiiinl nil it. Thiiraduy iinni'nill' fulr. North went erly winds, With only Hllnhtly over ono-hnlf tho ruliifiitl which tiaunlly (iilla ro cordud, tlin rnitclmrn of tho vnlley linvi; been wnutluK morn rain (or tho paitl montli. It U hoped that tlin prewiit pnclplliitlou la heavy ciioiirIi to inakit up tor n portion of tho de ficiency. , Itoporta from tho Willamette Mil ley today are to tho effect that hitow mid ruin Imkmii fiilllm; at nil early hour today ami la coutluuliiR, CITY OFFICIALS TO IT TAKE N At n apodal newt Ion of thu illy council held Tueadny evoiilni;, I I.. I In tu tit un auhmltted to the city conn rll tho proamnion of fellltiR hU ranch to tho dty near the Intake of thn uradty water )atem for 17500. Tho council ban tho matter under conalderntlou nud wilt lll the In take and ranch Huuday. Tho Hamilton ranch rousUta of .140 ncroa and protenta tlio Intake, on all allien. Ily purchaalitf; It tho city would bu In n position to keep atock from rotitainliiatliiR the clty'u water atipply. No other biulnean waa coimldi'rcd tiy tho city council. WIL L WIN FIH T IN TEN ROUNDS I.OH ANOIXCH, Cut., Murcb 12. Ton rouuda In tho outildo limit for Hntiirilay'n Hihoditlcd liu-round huttlu at Vurnoit, mil today by both princi pal Hud Audoraoti of Medford and Knockout Drown of Now York, l.'ndi lad ha predicted that ho will Hottln the aaplrutloua of tho other he- fori) tho flrat duuhlo iiumticred aea alou rolla nrouiid. Aiidornon really helluvea that bo will ndmlnlittcr tlio knockout ptiiich much earlier than thin, hut explained that ho nut tho tenth aa a ronncrwitho limit Juat to bo on the uufo aldu. Drown la ua ton fldent that tint auiuo period will nco Aiidumou u beaten tioy, lloth flRlitcra worked hard toiluy, Tomorrow will mark tho wlud-up of their traliilue. HettliiK reniHliiH at 1(1 to it with Amleraon favorite. DIED N CANON IS GUEST OF (I.os AtiRelea Itccord ) JiuIro Canon, cx-mu)or of Med ford, Ore , and a Rreat admirer of "Hud" Anderaon, tho prldo of Med ford, la In town and la tho Riieat of Ilud and hi manaRor, l)lek Donald HtrntiKo (o say, when (ho boxlitR came was hnliiR n hard tlmo to exUt In MeiKord. JiiiIro Canon was Ita dead liest enemy, but when Amleraon ranio upon tho aceno and made hlinirlf a atar, the JudRo took a IlkltiR to Hud and tho IioxIiir came He Ih hero on n matter of bualueaa ul tho name time he la au)ttiR "hello" to Ilud, hta manaRor, Dick Doiiuhl, 1'reilillo An deraon, "Khorty" Mllea and many of hlti Medford frlenda, who are hero to nee tho Hrown-Anderaou content. ATTEMPTS ESCAPE HAN Ql'KNTIN, Cnl., March 12 follow Iiir rciiMitSounl ottempta to efcrapo Carl Itclilelliach and rnul I'rantlkoa are under double Rtturd lu tho ta(o penitentiary hero toda I'rnntlkoH, who la to die 1'rtdny for the murder of i'ollcemen I'luley uud Caator In Ban rraucUco, Jumped from ii low nailery aa ho wan belli r led to the death cell. Ho climbed a '.'5-foot tower lu tho prliton yard nud for nearly an hour rcalntcd all ottempta to dlalodRo hint Ho was finally hound hand nud foot and lowered down. "Kilt mo now; J cannot wait until 1'rldny," ho pleaded on tho way back to bt cell. JteldelliAcb, who terrorised the Los AiircIcs central police station with a freak Internal machine loaded with djnamltc, wua mlaacd at tho after noon "check-up " Half an hour's search revealed him stretched out on a belt near tho flywheel lu (ho Juto mill, his body completely hidden. MUNSEY AGAIN SEEK MERGER G. 0. P. FATON NIJW VOHK, Mi.nli lti--A.).r. enlly nlioiiiloiiliit,' tlio idea Hint the proKn'Mnh en nloite will proo Hlroii euoiiuli lo win Hie next battle of bnllotH fnim tlio iliiM'ieralH, iVnnk A. Miiiiho.v, millionaire publibber nml vUHb friend of Tlieodore Iloocclt, lotted today nil upeal to liolli pro KreshiwH nml repiibheauN to meet on neutral ground "lid orj,'ntil.fi a new pnrty. MuiiHey hiti Hie rrpubiicaiiH hut o plenty of money mid lime more new ptijiern Iliiin tlm irf;iTHMiveH. Ho ileelnri'H the plnu to raise rnuipnin funds by Kpuhir hulccriplion bni pnnen n fallacy, lidding (but "nil itteuiptH to rniso money in roiihider nblo amounU In Hint way lime prot on flat fnilurcH." The publisher MinneM Hint if 10 perecnt of t!m rcpublicuii intent pledge IheiuaelivH to send iletcuteH in u natioiint coiifeteiice nnd n like IH-reeiitnyo of proKrchsiieH will do the Name it will mean nctory. nicn Cum! In 0 To 14 Days. Your druggist will refund inonoy If PAZO OINTMKNT falls to cur any enso of Itching, mind, Weeding or Protruding Piles In C to 14 days. 50 cents. MC N TO BE DONE BY JURY The Kraud Jury which will con veuo at JackKouvlllo uxt Monday, has much work ahead of It accord IrtK to District Attorney Kelly. Sev eral matters nro to bo probed, the tiaturo of which Mr. Kelly declines at this tlmo to disclose. "1 think we will havo rather a busy week o( It," stated Kelly today. "Thorn are a number of matters I Intend to Ret to tho bottom of. This Investigating will bo lu addition to tho ordinary criminal work of which tbero Is considerable." Fi PORTLAND, Ore., March 12. Portland fans aro today armed with huge rolls of Anderson money, but arc unable to find any Knockout DroMi takers. Tho Anderson-Drown flnlit at I-o AnRclcs Is attracting NOTICK. Notice Is hereby slvcn that thn un dersigned will nnply to tho city coun cil of tho city of Medford at Its next regular meeting on March 18, 1913, (or n llceuso to sell spirituous, vinous and malt Ibiuors In quantities less than n gallon at his nlace of buslnea nl No, 13 South Front Btreet. lu said city, for n iwrlod of six months. c. l. ui:i:d. Dated March 5. 1913. I RIVERSIDE RIPPLES. I Mr. It ( Bleed and Mr. and Mrs. II. II. N)i) wero Medford visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Karly and Mrs. G. 11. Allien wero In Medford Wednesday. Mrs. I. T. Oalllgar and Mm. W, W. (little are on tho sick list. MIbs Allco Harper returned Sun day from n two weeks' ilstt with friends In Ashland. Relatives who came to attend tho funeral of Mrs. C. It. Hitter returned to their homes tho Inst nf thn week. Hlertrlc llghta nro In nil of thn homes now on Riverside. They ham Just been Installed by W. W. Illtlle, II. II. No nud I. II. Porter. SYMPTOMS OF CONSUMPTION Yield tu Vlnol. The medical profession docs not bellcto that consumption Is Inherited, but a person may Inherit a weakness or tendency to that disease. A prominent cltlteu of Kvausvllle, Hid., writes: "I was HI for five mouths with a pulmonary trouble, and hud tho best of doctors; I had hemorrhages nnd was In a very bad way. Through tho addco of a friend 1 tried Vlnol, and I feet that It saved my life. It Is all you recommend It lo bo. I believe It Is tho greatest medicine ,on earth. I haio advised others to try Vlnol, nnd they have hud the samo results." (Nauio fur nished on request.) Vlnol soothes and heals tho In flamed surfaces and allays tho cough. Vlnol creates an appetite, strength ens the digestive organs and Riven tho patient strength to throw off Incipi ent pulmonary diseases. Try a bottlo of Vlnol with (ho un derstanding that your money will bo returned If It doc not help ou. Medford Pharmacy, Medford, Ore. Your Child's Health Your First Thought If you havo children, naturally your first thonghts aro for their health. You certainly want them to dcielop strong, healthy constitutions. Thu most careful attention must bo givcu when children show tho first symptoms of tho many common ail ments. Perhaps they are weakly and thin, or grow too fast, thus sacrific ing strength. These and other appar ently minor aliments may be the fore runner to a weak constitution for life. . Buch children need Jay no's Tonic Vermlfugo which Is essentially a chil dren's tonic. lTrat of all, It will prop erly care for the chltd'a stomach. It will also Improve tho appetite, and will add strength to the other organs of tho body. In cases of thlu or im pure blood, It Increases tho number of red corpuMdes, enabling tho en riched blood to keep the body healthy and strong. Among tho most common ailments that children develop Is that of a dis ordered stomach, leading to an Im paired digestion. In many case this troublo Is duo to parasites In tho In testinal tract. To correct such trou ble Jayno'a Tonic Vermlfugo Is un surpassed. For moro than SO years millions of children havo been restored to health through the uso of this tonic Insist upon Juyne's; accept no other. Bold by druggists everywhere. Dr. V. Jayne & Bon. Philadelphia, Pa. J. H. Mulhollen Painting, Paper Hanging, Tinting and (frncrul Iloiua Repairing Phouo 603-Y 3i0 WcKt Second Street moro attention hero than many of the championship bouts staged. Box ing authorities, with but fow excep tions, predict that Hud will (rim tammammmmetmmmmtmi Brown la tM alyl. Jak King, ths C Portland trainer at erltftl Ander son booster, declared today that An derson would wla In 13 rounds. lUI'iii." sssBgaggg-anLJ FIHK, MAIIIXK, AND F1RK AND MAItlNH. HYXOPHIM OF TIIK ANNUAL 8TATKMKNX OF THK CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF MISSOURI Of Bt. Louis, In thn state or Missouri, on tho Hist day of Decemobr, 1912 made to tho Insurance Commissioner of tho tate of Oregon, pursuant te law, CAPITAL. Amount of capital stock pnld up f 200,000.00 INCOMK. Premiums received during tho year 1511,314.93 . Interest, dividends and rents received during year.. 30.52S.CO Income from other sources received during year.... .12,80 ' Total Income ............................,.... .tOHl,870(M DI8UUR3F.MENT3. Losses paid during the year, Including adjustment , , expenses, etc. . . .. .....$33043. 9I ' ,,. Dividend paid during the year on capital stock ...... 34,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 129,344.70 ' Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year...-.-.. 30,439.14 . . Amount of all other expenditures 31,050.00 Total expenditures ....54 1,778.73 ABSBTS. Value of stocks and bonds owned........ G47,flCC.00 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc. 07,200.00 Cash In banks and on hand 138,802.03 Premiums In course of collection and In transmis sion . - 67,587.28 Interest and rents due and accrued................... ....... J 10,687.90 Total asscta admitted In Oregon....- f 882,132. R7 LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid . . ........ $54,131.8,1 Amount of unearned premiums In all outstand ing risks 437,217.04 Duo for commission and brokerage...... ....... 4,675.00 Total liabilities exclusive of capital stock... . .8490,023.87 Total premiums In force December 31, 1912 .................828,768,22 BUSINESS IN ORKGON FOB TUB YBA1L Total risks wrlten during the year ... ................................8993,222.00 Cross premiums received during the year............................ 14,964.40 Premiums returned during the year. 2,228.54 Losses paid during the year.... ......................................... 14,677.87 Losses Incurred during the year.. ..........-.................... 13,798.80 Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon December 31. 1912 .................... - . .11,238,961.00 CITIZENS INSURANCE CO. OF MISSOURI. By J. II. Carr, Vice President. Statutory general agent and attorney for service: James J. Dennis, Portland, Oregon. II. A. HOLMF-H, Agent, Jackson County IUbJc Bittldlng, MedonL Oregon. '! J" J 'J-i -ll.l'Jl ATTENTION MOTHERS ! Just arrived our new 1913 Spring and Sum mer styles of Misses and Children's White CanvaH Uuttoii Boots, Button Oxfords and Strap Sandals. "Wc will sell them at our usual popular low prices considering quality. Run of Misses' sizes, 11V to 2. ' . 9-Btitton "White Canvas Boots - 2.00 4-Button Gun Metal Oxfords S2.25 2-Strap White Canvas Sandals $1.75 2-Strap Gun Metal Sandals 1.75 2-Strap Patent Sandals ...1.75 2-Strap Tan Russia Sandals $1.75 Run of Children's sizes, 8Vfc to 11. 8-Button White Canvas Boots $1.75 4-Buttou Gun Motal Oxfords $2.00 2-Strap White Canvas Sandals f 1.50 2-Strap Patent Sandals $1.50 2-Strap Gun Metal Sandals $1.50 2-Strap Tan Russia Sandals $1.50 You save at least 25c a pair and where you have several to' buy for it soon counts up. "Parcel Post" paid to out of town customers. ctmdt , "Goo Shoes"' Opposlto Poat Office "Better Than Ever" See them in our windows V ? y j f ' t r ? f ' y y t y .' s ! . s ' $''. t.'Y t y i aTbV 2 i ,4 Everybody's doing it now WHAT ? Buying their Easter outfits at a Great Saving at KENTNER'S GREATEST SALE Suits, Shirts, Hats, Furnishings, Dry Goods, Notions Ladies Ready-to-Wear at Sacrifice Prices x i I : ! V ) ( I VI T y y iHrK4 vi 7K l . .. ., A , , lv ... -. r fWfil1 " -HSfc-y iH'fiiS trt-JK