lt-V Ml' ft ''a' awir Medford Mail Tribune SECOND . EDITION WEATHER l-'ir Tonight And Wew ilny. Jfm. 6H Mln. 31. orty-onni1 Trar. inny i' -Movxnlh Tr ATTACK TAFT'S i Durlejon SavsTeiti Dcternilnlnrj the Fitness of Applicants (or Fourth- Class Post Offices Should Be Re quired No Chance for Philippines Beekman Wlnthrop Says Goodbye and Will Be Succeeded by Franklin Roosevelt of New York WAMNOTON, March 11. Intlina. tlou Hint dm Democratic, admlntstru (Ion would attack fonnor .'resident Tuft's civil service order, covering .15,000 thlnl and fourth class post musters, was given lii'rn' lixtny by I'oitninitter General llurlcson. "Personally I H)iupathli with Hip order," raid lliirlifiou today, "lint I ilnn't think Mr, Tnft unit far enough. I think tents determining tho fltuc of tho applicants should tunn boon required." Following n conference with I'rcnl-ili-nt Wilson Secretary of War Our rlMon said today that ho did not be lieve thorn wns any chances thut In dependence of tho Philippine would l. considered nt ttm extra session of congress, Ho denied that ho and Wilson considered any appointments, M)lnK thy considered only broadly tho qtiostlnna fucliiK tho ndmlulstra Hon. Gnndbyo to President Wilson wna mi Id hero todny by Itcokmun Wln throp, assistant secretary of the navy. Iln wns nrrotnpnnli'it to tho Wlilto House by Secretary of tho Navy I)an Ids. Tho nomination of State Senator Franklin I). Jloosovelt of Now York im Wluthrop'a successor waa expected to ho confirmed by tho snnato beforo nlitht and Roosevelt la expected to ar rlvo In Washington In tlmo to take the oath of office beforo I'rlday. SEEK WOMAN WITH FIFTY THOUSAND LOOT SAN FRANCIHCO. March 11 Hcarch for n woman burglar who f lil 'hhi from hro February 2H with mom than fGO.000 loot wau started today' by tho Han Francisco pollen after thoy hnd wrung from Olto 0en, alius U. 1). Conn of Chicago tho ndmlnsloii thut tho woman helped Itlin In robberies throughout Cull forulit which ended horo Hunduy when Ow i'ii witn ahot by tho police. Owen, tho pollro any, told them thut tho woman caino with him hero from Chicago und Hint woman wn tho bralus, of thu pitrtuorHhlp, Whether aho In thu wlfo of it Chi i'iiko minister who Owuu hioh started him on hla unreor of crime, tho rup tured burglar will uol any. llo re mnlua ubaolutoly allont na to III Idon tlty. TRY TO FIND COP WASHINGTON, March 11.- Mom. bora of the Jonca nub-commltton In vestigating thu nllngod fulluro of Washington's pollro to protect mnrchora In thn Hiiffragotto piirudc horo March .1 today nro determined to find thu patrolmen whom Miss Pa tricia Slrcot nllogos refused to lutor foro when n hoodlum Rpiit tnbncra Julro In tho fncos of cldorly women marchers. Mian Stroot'H testimony aroused nuch Indlgnattou nmniiK commlttuo members. STORK FIXES DATE MURPHY-WOLGAST FIGHT SAX FHANCIHCO, Cnl., Miuch 11. Tho htork Is ro(iik to fix tho (Into for tho next Munliy-Molj;ii8t 1'inlit I HMO. Promoter Jimen Cot'frolli lecolved word todiiv Hint u "little HtrnnRer" Is expecti'il In tho .Mmpliy household in .'v York. 11" it oomort rilit nwy 'tho i'i;lit will ouetir April l'J. If llift hloik iliiluvH tlio bnltlii will tuko pluvu Apiil 10. DEMOCRATS ill Ml ER OW 1 E O'Hora Summarizes Results of Probe Mall Order Magnates Rerjard It as Impertinence for the State to Probe Abuses of Charier Rights Mask Torn From Benevolence and Philanthropy of Millionaires Girls Forced to Pay for Charity rmrAOO, Mjireh ll. -".Million. nlro imp1ocM of nirln who trMlfin! by llio hi'iinte eoiumitlcc liuie wlilvh Im probiui; start ntlou wiil'os und who ilft'lniti tlu-v run himj no couui'Ctloii lirlwnMi low wnes mid prostltulloit luno rllhcr I'liiMttu t'oimeienrcH or no I'otirtclfiircK ut nil. Thut hlurvntlon wncrs nro lii-iuu coiiuil into enor mous pnifilH liim nlmuly Ik'cii pnmd i'inelUhlCv." This h i he Mimniury kIviu tlio Uuitril 1'iihH toiluy of the work of the "atiinutloii wnKes" nnd "white luery" iiiMHtlj;ntIoii eouimittee by Lieuti'iiiiut Ooenior O'llnrn who liemU it. Wait I'rlmo I'netor. ''Deny it an they mny," Mild O'llnrn, "the milliunniro employen. riiunot I'nimiKu the pubtie Hint they do not know thut low wnp" is the prime fuel or in the ruin of ctrU.ll ia up to them to redeem thcmtclcs hv rniiinc tho whch of nil kIiIn 1 1 the bremlliue they fixed thoiuxrlvos 5S per week -without htnte compul sion." O'llnrn deelnrvd (hut rMuurd I.ei iiiiuin, lirml of n irrent ilepnrlnu'iit store, ttieitly admitted to the com u)iitee 'that the trig inrn-linnU of t'hicni;n hud ucreed to withhold .ill Information ns to their prof Km. I.eli. munii jrfiincil thnt n,ucntloii "on nd Mee of counsel." Tlio probers will meet tomorrow nl KlirinKfield to decide whether to force nn answer on profits from the department store and nfler that meeliiu; thev plan to k" '" Washing ton if thev cnu arrange a conference with President Wilson. Coiicleni't of Kioplojeit. Khthorntiiii; hix statement on the eonseienen of the ureal employers of women ami cirU. Lieutenant (lover nor O'llnrn centinued: .I'pi. . . . . -iiiean Kn-ai employers wnoso iiiillioiiH come from the people reu.ud it ns Kovcrnmeiilul iuthiliueuco for thn stale to inquire into tho nhuxo of their ehnrler righls. Some employee ntc claiimut; cirdittor philanthropy nnd benevolence for nuporliiijj ohnrilublo institutions, when nn n matter of fact tho institutions are supimrled by uirls nnd women. The Girls and women must buy dollar tickets for balls nnd otherwise con tribute to the support of these iusti tutlous, The senate has torn tin. mnsk from the beutnolenco und prd uutliropy from some of those mil. lionnires. It has shown thut Hicmi men highly advertised philanthioii- tsts have reduced to a seienco the practice of Inking llio full labor of I ho women and trills thev cimtlov nnd K Jiitr them in return not ciioukIi to live on. Thev get their dividend, from low wai;es and let the families of tho poor uinko up tho difference bolween n IhiiiR wuro and tho star vation wiikos paid." LISTER WINS FIGHT J Ol.YMlMA, Wash., Murrli 11-Tho Iiouhq this mornluiT, by u voto of 09 to 18, npproved tho (oniitu bill which reduced tho road levy to 1 U mllln for 19 H nnd 1 mill nnnunlly there after. This Is tho mouuuro to which Governor l.lstor iiBreod. Correspond. Iiir chnngos woro then nuulo to houso hill 640, which Mrs. I.lstor kicked out of tho ifovcrnor'a munslou Krlduy ulKht, and this was thou pntssod by n voto of 70 to 23. Tho Kovomnr'n voto of tho Cheney norma! iipproprlutlou of IUOO.O0O for a now ndmtulntrntlou bulldliiR wns overruled by 75 to 10. Tho gov ernor's veto of tho budget bill wna overruled only na to tho $195,000 appropriation for lualutonnuco of thu Cliunoy normal. PRIM CAUSE RUIN S MEDKOUD, LEADERS WHO kv iLmb4 Sy.MHH9BL,Awsy1iilkBM Huh ii VHpHHHr9HflrWc!wBHH SSSSSSSSk S lSSSl SBaSV '2 ilVHMIHir.i? SV SWST aYSSm: ISISSkSSSSSH Ph tmmm- Mnn aB : wti mmmmwnm r&iiHS$&Jk 4HVKaHlBBHLM'VnflBHHiBK mmwn HHHRI SSS jCbbbHW' ipMPIB 'A m?$ V 1 ' ' M'mm 4 mi. MISS TJTCZ MII.nOLI.AMO, MBS. BURLESON, MRS. L. M. NEIL, MKS. "GUS" RUHLIN. t In tho iiHtnry of the t l.llisl Htuirx Imvc Atnrri'iia cluptii ivltiierrd such n xtplu n (he niffra ptiruile tint pre tiled the In.iuurJlloD of I're. of i i vyn-oi' (uracil in ihi'r siiffrai:e uiiifjrms and ncuriii; the "Votes for Women" emblem, tlili a.l throng o( uffnitfUta puraJi-0 throush the t ei s i.f .c I . i,l ii .Leered by ihuu-undj of j.pctlator. It wn truly a sight not quickly forgotten. . NEWSPAPERS ASK 130,000 JEWELS ' INJUNCTIONAGAINST , SECURED FROM ; PUBLICITY STATUTE! SOCIETY BURGLAR! WASHINGTON'. March 11. Au. nounrcinont by Postmnater General llurlcson that ho Intends rigidly to enforce tho newspaper publicity law resulted In action beforo the United Htatc supreme court to restrain en forcement of tho law- until that court has passed on Km validity. Attorney Itobert Mori Is, for tho New York Journal of Commerce, nnd representing also the American News paper Publisher association, naked the Injunction against Hurlcsoti nnd Attorney General MclteynoMs. Tho court received tho papers and brlefa In tho case nnd reserved de cision. Solicitor General llullltt said tho gn eminent would not oppose Mor ris' application. Morrla said Hint both Wlckerahnm and Hitchcock had agreed not to en force tho law pending thu decision of thu mi promo court. YOUTH PICKS UP LEG TO L RYDNHY, N 8. W. March 11. A atory of great fortltudo nml extraor dinary presence of mind Ih recorded ut tho country town of Uunueduh In tills stato, whero a 13 your old bay had his leg rut off, but picked tho limb up nnd drove off to tho hospital with It to bo nttonded to, Stanley Huxloy, tho lad'a numo, had his right leg cut off by n wagon, Ho Immediately climbed Into tho wa gon, und calmly requested n bystand er to hand up tho leg to htm. Ho then drove to tho general hospital hero und It Is believed that ho will live. BRONNER GUILTY IN PORTLAND, Ore, Muvch 11. C. 1), Uronner today pleaded guilty In Judgo Kuvuuaugh'a court to charges preferred against him In connection with tho recent vico scandals. Ho was soutunced to from otto to five youra In tho penitentiary. Uronner wns pnrt owner of two restaurants in Portland und reputed to bo a mun of moults, Uronner Is tho fifth mem ber of tho alleged vico cllquo to either plead guilty or bo convicted, OKISQOX, TUHHDAV, MARCH 11, WM. TOOK PfiRT IS GRERT SAN FKANCIStO, t al , .March ll. Thirty thousand dollars in jewels and tnnkcta stolen durmt; n career that forces tint ndculures of "Knfflo" into the discard, lire ro eocred from the select St. Francis Hotel npnttment of Owen I. Conn, Sun lVaneiseo, Chionco mid I.on Angelex "sooiety burglar" who i un der nrcst here today. Confronted with the evidences of his guilt, Conn made one of the cuntinnnl confes sions in local police nnnaU. Conn was captured in n running pUtol duel with Policeman Hughes nfter beini; enught mlhnndcd in tho apartment of Mrs. T. I'. Sherman He una flint in Die leg hv Hughes and mnv lose tho limb. After fifty robbcriea in Chiengi nnd thirteen in Los Angeles nnd I'nsndeun, Conn rnine. hero and en tered fiftv homes while iwaini: as n "swell" nl the St. Francis. He went on nightlv tn.xienb joyriles with Mis I'.dith Kobeits, n tenderloin belle. He always used the same taxi nnd con fided to some txteut in Joseph Auluv tho chauffeur. PRICES IMPROVING E NEW YORK. March 11.- -Prices Improved hero today In tho stock exchange following tho clearing up of tho political Rltunttun and nu ex hibition of strength by the Ameri cans In London. Ycstorday's losses woro retrloved In short order. For eign Interests took back much of tho stock unloaded horo today, London nnd tho continent buying 30,000 shares, Reading gained two points and tho list generally 1 to IM ns tho result of n bull acltvlty. Tho mnrket closed fairly strong, Donds woro Irregular. TO WHITE SLAVE EVIL DES MOINES. Iown, March 11.--Tho appointment of a Joint commit tee to Investigate tho causes of tho socjal ovll nnd wlilto blnvery was urged by Governor Olnrko today In a special message to tho stato legislature, i rmmmmmmmmimmimmmmammtmimmmm-mmammmm--m-mmmim SUFFRAGE PARADE AT 1SM1CT1 TIIRTI F SFRIIM AUSTRIA PROTESTS 'S AT OKLURAUK, Servla. March 11. Flat objection to Servla sending troops to assist Montenegrin aoldlora lit capturing tho Turkish fortress of Scutarla wns voiced today by tho Austrian government through Daron von Ugron von Abranfalva, tho Aus trian minister to Servla. He also re quested tbo Immediate recall of any Servian troops which had been dis patched thorc. The Servian minister replied that ns Servla Is compelled, undor treaty arrangements, to nsslst her allies, thnt his government would nsslst Moutonegro desplto Austria's objec tions. Feeling Is high over tho atti tude assumed by Austria and the sit nation is regarded as extremely dell cate. JACK CUDAHY GETS $1,500,000 ESTATE CHICAGO, March 11.-By the terms of n compromise announced here today Jack Cudahy, disinherited son of the lute Michael Cudahy, mil lionaire packer, is to receive fl, .100,000 of tlio estatu from other members of the family. The amount given Cudahy represents one-seventh of tlio estate. AS JOSEPHINE'S ATTORNEY SALEM, Ore., March 11.- K. II. Richards la today apolnted county attorney of Josephlno county by Gov ernor West. L. A. Llljequlst was ap pointed county attorney ot Douglas county. ENJOIN ELECTRICAL WORKERS FROM INJURING POSTAL POLES CHiCA(U), M.uch 11-United States District Judgo Curpeuter lo day permanently enjoined two Chi cago locals of tho International Brotherhood of Kleetricnl Workers from molesting tlio property of thu Pofitnl Telecruph company. Tlio 1'ostnl eouipiinv printed copies of tho older and posted them on telegraph poles throughout tho city, Distviut Attorney Wilkeioon tisked tlio in. SERVIA SIEGE OF SCUWRI junction. i SMUGGLED GOODS WASHINGTON. March 11. The treasury department announced to day tho acceptance of 1100,000 from John Wannmaker of Philadelphia Indemnity for and compromise of clrll liability for customs Irregulari ties charged against his firm from 1S9S to 1911. The Irregularities consisted In the importation ot valuable merchandise lu "sample cases," which were passed by tho customs examiners at Phlla deplhla with notations "ot no com tncrclal valuo' or very light valuo. Investigation of JWanamakcr's books sbowod that tbo government had lost S50.000 111 goods thus Im ported. According to tho statement of As sistant Secretary Curtis, Wanainakcr on March 1 tendered the $100,000 as a compromise. It was accepted by Secretary McVeagh ou March 3. SELL ITS L SAI.KM. Ore., March 11.- The su preme court today affirmed the de cision of the circuit court for l.inn county in the suit brought by the board of truMec;. of Albany Collegt against C. M. Mouteith and others to quiet title to two blocks of ground occupied by the college nml which the trustees want to sell so the college may locate on another site. In a deed for hloeks of ground given tho college in 18C0 the descrip tion of two blocks was inadvertently omitted. Since thut timo the college has occupied the grounds but now that tho trustees want to sell the property tlio ilefondunts raised tho question that tho ground wns eon veyed to the collejo in trust und not in fee simple. Tho lower court held that tho property could be sold on condition that tho proceeds there from should be applied to establish iiiK tho college ou nnother site tit Albany. MINIMUM WAGE BILL INTRODUCED IN OHIO COI.UMIirS. Ohio, March U.-. Seunlor L. l Cook hero today intro duced u bill fixing a minimum wage for all workers in Ohio, except farm hands, nt 'JO cents an hour for eight liourt mid forty cputs an hour for all work done in excess of eight WANAMAKER PAY $100,000 FINE FOR houis, NO. 800. Hearty Welcome Accorded Scientist at Montreal Where Twenty Patients Are Inoculated Before Fifty PJiy slcians at Hospital Girl From Wilds of Northern Canada Come to Make Appeal for Life and Is First to Be Treated MONTREAL, Que., March II Hearty welcome was accorded Dr, Frederick Franx Frlcdmann, dlscor erer of an alleged euro for tubercu losis, upon his arrival here this morn ing. He was escorted to tbo Hoyat Victoria hospital, whom ho adminis tered his scrum to a number of pa. tleut In the presence ot SO physi cians. All tho doctors who welcomed Frledmaun aro most friendly and as sured him ot their support In Intro duclng hla remedr for the white plague. -i' Mary Rancour, a patient for tuber culosls, aged 1C, whose parents had died from the disease touched Fried mann's heart nt the Institution's clinic and as a result sho was tbo first patient treated. Tho girl lives In tho wilds of northern Canada, and hearing that Frlcdmann was ceming: hero she mado the trip to Montreal alone and applied to the officials to placo her name on the list fo treat ment. Mary Rancour has pulmonary tu berculosis In aBadvancl stage. Sha arrived at tho Institution hours .be fore Frlcdmann reached the city and waited In an anteroom. When Dr. Frledraaan entered he.was the flraC bo saw. Sho had tears In her eyen. Frfedraann looked at her chart and shook hi bead. Dut ho looked again at tbo child's tears, noticed her trem bling mouth and said: "We'll try to savo her." Sho was tho first taken into tho clinic. In all Dr. Frlcdmann treated 20 patlonts horo today. All tbo cases were ofo an advanced type. He de clared that results would conic in a fortnight. CHARLEY MITCHELL AT NEW YORK, March 11.-In tho Inht Mages Of Brighl's disease, Char ley Mitchell, t hefumous old heavy, weight champion U near death at his home in Iondott,accordiug- to a letter weened here from Tom OTlourke, tho old time manager. Mitchell was tup ped recently and- two gallons of water was taken from his body. It is feared another operation will re sult fatally but it will be unavoidable. Mitchell had memorable battles with John 1 Sullivan, Jim Corbel t und other ring heroes of u punt era. HORSE RACING AGAIN INDIANAPOLIS, Iud., March 11. Governor Hulstou U today expect ed to sign a bill which provides for racim- in the state under the direc tion of a stale commitioti. Tho hill passed the legislature but n few hours before adjournment. It prno ticully repeals the present law whioh closed up the nice meets throughout the atatc. GERMANY CUT OFF OF WALES' ITINERARY BERLIN, March 11. Berlin i to he eliminated from the itinerary of the Prineo of Wales' visit to Ger many at the conclusion of his present term at Oxford uceordiii to au an. nouncemont here. No reuson Is given for this move. Daniels to Inspect Nayy Yards WASHINGTON, March 11. AH tho navy yards of tho country am to bo Included In tho trip ot liispttetUm Becretary of tho Navy t Daniels Is planning hero today. He expwUi to start tho trip March S3, v- i ft,