- i - i n f " Jr'l i"?" Meiwokd Mail tiuuunk ...AN iNniJI'KNtMijN iUHT NmVHPAI'Klt ruiiiiiHiimi kvkut apthiinoon HXOKPT IIIINMAY IIV TIIIO Ml'.WrOllll I'llIHTINU l:U, Tim lioinoorntln Tlntm, 'I'll Mmlfnril Mull, Tim AUilC'inl Trlliim. Tim Houlh Mil iirtinlan. Tim Antilnnil Trillium, Offleo Mull Trlliiirm IIiiIIiIIhk, jr. 17.19 Norili Plr lrHiti timnii. Main ami, (IKOIKItTrUTNAM. JMIlor mnrInnar BQ Rntorod nn urcOnil-flUM iimtler at Mmtfmil, OrKn, unJur thn net nf Mrcli . l7f, orric.UI rniwr of Urn Cllr of. Mr-tUo-nl Offlrlnl I'liper or Jnekimi County. nvantmirnoif hateh. ynn yar, iy nimi.v, . ....-. rtu." Oim month, liy. mull. . ...-..... X- .60 I'nr mould, itlliteil liy rurrlnr In Mi-ilfiinl, .lurkminvllli. mill ln Iml IMint .JJ tfnturjlny mil)', liy mull. far mr... S.50 Vrk(y. iiir J'-'ir ... VBO (S.Oft joltsTnTmikgles By Ail Drown We'd like In liu 11 chttnre to run! The Nln-Ht enr (iiiiiiMtiv, henil, To miv tlio ur went wv "" It"' Or )'niHi too i'hl iimli'iiil. Tint mini vh Mho llm ticbU Wim 11 trltlt impolite, And tlio follow 011 the dhiKilnnc deck Don't speed her up juxt riylit. Thoy ernwil lo ninny In tin Air, The nlr l never nlrnr, Alt v. we'd mint tin' Mrecl enr lint W linven'l miv horn. Anifint llm nd fwl iir'M f the Tn' lnl ilnyw 11I Hi' White llniKK WBH HtMl wllilll I Men Tn 1 1 limt her HMlllll dllf?. Itirwi if v limn tlio cure fur In linriHirW w wwy In hnpny in lli U;ihwIiIrii llml tin' New ork phv- Ullllllll IXIIIulllI'll HlllllWl III till' lnl. . Mnny n iiihh mt III fntiwt set Iri d miner of lii'ln limited for "peril Tlw Hoomtv for llir Immi'itiiiti' IMiielloii of l ln Price of Moor kiiIii w 318 now iimiiilnirM today. WI10V Who iml Un Imek itu.llnckeniickT WI10 put tin fitiek in TinilituttooT WI10 (nit tin wind in Haiiilriiiu'linniT Who Hil Ihr noo in Knlmuiunof Hmnklyn linBl'- Whn iml IIih I'Mtt in ICiinkiikiM'T Who iml llm koko in KiikiminT Who put won't noiiuMiiu plimc to)l unit Tim flu in 1niinnitli, 0.7 UlniiliiKlmm AiiO'lli'mltl. Who til llm li"l in HolyoU, Mni.t Who put Hit Iihiii in IliniiinuhiiiuT Who Hit tint link in MiikoIii, Kili.f Whn put tlio iIhiii hi Atimtorilmnf Ciiii'liiunli I'lHiuliiT. Who put f Jit ail in Sitka Cniio. who won llir tinil until I Who pttl tin' lurk iii thntr Tnt-onm 7 Ami tin iikit in ohl KHkuiii'f t?illl I'onUtiilollip'in'or. Who iwl (ho imrt in Porlliiinl, . Ami Ihc nun in Itiuuforil, .Mo.f 'TniiH not tlio limn slii witter put In WntrrMlli. iIiuI'n plain. WATER WOULD TREDUE FRUIT CROP IN VALLEY Haii.DlpRti, Mnrrh t, JOia. .Mr. Htilllvniil Muitfonl. Oro lti'Hirctt)(l Kir: You will nolo liy tint iiiiouili'il i that witlef fur lr rlKntlnti liaR really iiimlu KIuthIiIc rouuty mid lloKiio Hlvor valloy laniM will tnornun In valuo iiropiirtloiiutuly nn wull, If tint hllml latnl owiit'r will only lot hU nlKhl ho roaturt'tl with Irrigation. I cannot muJomtanil why a man nwiiliii: laint whim ho ha lii'ou fully ronvliicoil that IrrlRtitlim will tmhlo tlio irniliictlvont'H will lit'nlll for n luliiutu In ilgnliiK fr rontrart. Home of thom hhotiltl ni'o thoito Callfnrnla contractu, for you k'vo twlr oml throo t linos tlio vnluo for tlio inonoy. You curtaliily liavo an llhoral a con tint't itri 0110 could wlnh for. I Hliiroroly liopo yon will not lo iln laytitt la Huvurlni: thu ncccasary ncro- iiko to warrant you In proreoilInK with your khuu! niulorlnkliiK. for It will certainly ho tlio iticaim of puttliiK thn valloy on tlio inup uh tlio ono hmilliii: Kiirduu Hpot on tlio I'nclflo count country. Uottpoctfully, (HlKliml) W. II. IIUMIMIIIKY. Tlio liicloHoil Hllp Is takon from tho Han Dloi;o Union. COW IN JEWELRY SHOP SCATTERS JRINKETS ABOUt, 'I'fSfj I IhKTON, (i:iiVim'li , '1 Wt Thti'pvovoihlal "hull in tlio I'liiim Hliiip,,huil nn iiuilntor hero whon u cnV illiKhoil into lliv Kolinoi'or jowol ry htoro, lirnko whow. ciihos uinl M'littorvtl tiiukolrt 11I1011I bol'nro hn luu iliivou out. GRANTS PASS COUNCIL FORBIDS TURKEY TROT (lRANTK 1'AHH, Ore, Jlnroli 10 Tho ttirkov trot, Kil.ly hoar ami nllior "raK" ilniu'tm avo lahno Intro llifonuli tlio luiiii'liiinnt nf 1111 nrilU jiani'o hy lliu city council. 1 ip;. 111 iiiiDium ;; E WAHIIINOTON. Marrh 10 That I II I n will ho Inlroiliiiinl In thn Mpt 1I11I m'mIoii of ronitrctm ami promonl at ovary opiinrtiinlly for thn chIhIi lUhmnui or a niliiliiHiiii wnitit xftiln, to apply niitluiially. win Hi" ilccUra Hon toilny or H"iiator I'oluiloxti'r nl WiiNliliutlon In I'oinniniitliiK upon tho illHutoHtiri'M or thn IIIIuoIh Hlato Ick IhIiiIIvi- coiiimlttoo In ChlritKO. "I'mtmitlou or wuiiidii. throiiKh tho iiiliilmiiiu waito Kiinlo, npholil liy law, In ono or tint cuhvuIIuI In tho proKri'HHtvii nattoiinl plntfortn, ' tin wnlil. "It la inn- or thn thing tn ho ili'Nll with liy nu lutliiKtrlal coiiiiiiIh hIoii which Khali havn liroml powcrM ami iliitli'H In Iflln flht. Ah 11 rofuriu It lu cuiultiR niiil an early lomliu; In Innvltuhlo, "InvdiitlKatloiiH urn not no iio-' nary now nu ilcflnllo net Ion. "Tluj roiitlltlou lit liiiliiMtry Ih prat ! well known. What wo want In 11 law I'ltnlilliiK thn national kovitii iinnit lo cinfnrco tho payiuotit or lit Iwtitt it IIvIiik nKi. TIih liivrtlKn tlnu Mill 1 01110 up early lu tho po clul m-Milou uinl will ho iirci'( at nv.iry opportunity. It prolmhly will not Miccooil lu thn Iioiim In tlio hm rlal ncmiloii nu arcouiit or tho tariff ami riirrtniry ilcli.ili'M, hut will hUv up until It In ncU'tl iiK)ii." RECALL PETITIONS I.OS AXOKI.KS, Cl., Mnn-lt 10 I'olllioiiH -cckliii; tho icfitll of l)i Itii't Allotnoy John I). l-Vrilunrl, fnimcil hv labor nrHiiiuitiim nl Im Auuclotf county nrr in thu huni4 of lulior uttornoyii ni'roriliiiK t' St'rrrtnrv A. .1. Mooney of tho I." Auki'Ioh Ittiihliui; Tnnlc Couui'il. All itulotM in I .on Auki'Ic. it i" I'luiiiifl. arc ht'himl tin iiiocinenl. Mnoitov ilonicil oinphittii'itllv tit-it Cliiivuco Durrow iirAnivulvtl hy I'lTtlitrlokn' offloo oil I'lmntw I hrihorv of jiirnrx i in nuv wny ooii iiiH'tcil with tho innvfuu'iil. Tho clri'iiliilion n' hi petition, ho xiinl, will hi'Kiu l'o wt'ok. HILL LINES ORDER E I'llII.ADIM.l'lllA. Pa. Manh 10 Onlorit havo hoon rocolvoil toila from tint Grout Northern Itullwa) of flrluU for two liniiit'inio Htvttinaltlpn whlrh will ho utcil by the 11111 lino In coiiipt'tliiK for roimt t ratio with vohkoIn that ttuo tho I'aiiama ralial. Oroat norrecy Iiiih Iioi'ii thrown nrotiuil tho ileal which wan inailo puh lie through tho titutoiuont nf n coin potlui: Hlililiiilhlor, who lilit on tho ointlnt'K which will ho iikoiI In thu now vi'DHi'ls. Juki what tho now vnMalA will ho lined for In a puzxlo. hut It linn ht'un HtiKitcHtril that thoy ho ror a ttniHi illNtrlhtiiliiK linn from AMorlu tor inlnul of tho Illll IIucn, whlltt ituolhor holiitlon In that lllll will mill tliem to hlx oriental fleet anil httmllo freight from tho cutit coatit for tho orient. LONDON, March 10. W'hllo KIiik GcorKo wuh on hU way to upon par llnmont toilay flvo MiiffriiRottoii Htonnoil tho royal coach at Whitehall anil iittoiitptoil to proKout IiIb majesty 11 "voto8 for wonum" petition. Thoy woro nrroHtod. Two other woinon whn iniiilo n Hltnllar attomyt woro nr- roHtcil at nnothor point. Ah tho klim'a coach patweil tho Mall four militant miffrngottoH huiiod ltantlfiilN or papor ut tho voltlclo, hut KIiik (loorKo iBiioroil piolr nctlvltloa A crowd throatoiUHl to iluck tho wo men lu tho luko ut Bt. Juiiich pnrlc ami thoy quickly disappeared. JONES TO BE CANDIDATE TO SUCCEED HAWLE', KOHI-MIUIKI. Oiti., Miuvh JO. M. V, JiincK, veuihtoior of tho lloM'linru Iniul ofl'lco in ttuluy an uviivvcd fitu-. iliilnlo for I'oiiuri'HS to hhocooiI . ( llnwloy, lint iniiunihcut, at tho noNt Kuni'i'iil olout ion. Jones Hlatoil Unit lio would not innko a lovmal nn iioumicmout uiilil January li UH li wlicn hln levm ih vouistcror of tho luiul tiU'ii'o vspho. MINIMUM WAG BUI FOR CONGRESS BEING PREPARED FOR FREDERICKS jrRDFOTtT) rAn; tr.trijnb. mrdford. ohraon. fONDAY. MATtcir io. inin. ),."" it, in in. 1 i,. 1 ,. !,. L J-J -- ' 1. ' ' I " -T J'JW'.L'J'-U.1 '-U. L J i - 1 J J'JIJI AT THE 1818 t- Koiihrcllf, wit'i (rnnrih lonii', llhikk 11 nl (li-hl .it I n tomuht ADJOURNS AFTER IIOIHI:. Idaho. MarcTh 10 Tho oiato IcKlHlnttire adjoiirnod kIiio dlo xlixiily hefiiro nililiilRlit limt iilKht, follow lute n tiny ri'iiloto with henna tloiiut ocrurrouroM. lu tho lat hotiri of the oioiloii It wait dlororod that the tonato hud fulled to act on tho ad ntoriiu tax hill, which provided fund ror tho oporatlou or tho Mate j:ooniiiitHt. lint It wu hroiiKht up unit iiMod. Much Important lobu lation failed to pan In thu ronatc. In oludlnic tho tluployrl, liability act. and u hilt provldliiK npproxtiuiiloly fftno.ono tor the Improvonifut or Mate Inntltutlou. When tho liouio Iwtrpod that tho houato would not art on thoHo nifainiroM, a content dovol npeil which reunited In both ho linen kllllnc inoamiros Imllscrlmlnntoly. Clock woro dtoppod In both linusn and iwnato Into Saturday nlKhl and tho mmIoii Sunday wan a contliiua tlnu or tho pfoc4lltiK day proceed Inna. ilfitHttir Mrlleth. Deinocrnt. and Senator Knlrrhttd. Itopulillcau, ' nl utoMt canto to blown during 11 honU'd dtbiito Ut the H-nate. POPE MUCH BEnER; HOMK. March 10 ArconlliiR to roportH front tho Vatican today tho condition of tho popo In much Im proved. IIIh fover in throo deKreea lowor and It liellevud that Influotixu Ih only hU present ttlltuunt. IIIh Bpeeily recovery In predicted. Tho popo declared ho fell much re lieved, lie pinned n tranquil night mid U propart'd to rogiuun aiidlences lit tho near future. I ASHLAND. Or., March 10. A pub lic market for Ashland may ho tho outcome of mikkohIIoiib mado by Mayor Joliuaou ut u recent meotliiR uf tho city council. Kxperleuco or othor towns aloiiK this lino wan cited, and Koutlmout horn fnvora nmkliiK ait ox oxporlihont ot tho phut. Klamath Team "Comes Back." Tho Klamath Comity Iliuli School liiiHkotbnU team "enmo hnck" anil in n no uncertain lnauuer last night wlion it doCcntou' tho Contrnl Point tonm by ft sccro of-10 to If), ayn tho Ivtnninth Herald. Tho local boys wont into tho puno with a determination to win and with tho help qf llto most loyal suppott of tlio htiulontH ami other homo poo pie, iihiyod in fine form every iniu ulo. l'.verv 0110 of tlio local hoyfi playctl well mu It fini lmnllv ho tntiil that any 0110 did bettor than another. Hum Was plron, iik ho was I'Viday nlghti i)n foul hntket8, ami tliono who miHsed the field buskoU Kriilny IilKht all hhot well hint niht. On the other hniul, tlio viHitina team did koiho ox oelk.it work, ami each of tho two forwardx and the feiitor mado houo cxtri'iuelY difficult haakeln. k' ,t T IDAHO LEGISLATURE EXCTN SES N Our Correspondents I EAGLE POINT EAGLETS Jly A. C. Howlclt T' " ' '' " ' , .. r (lcori:' GlvciiN, who has a farm near tho mouth or Mttln llutt'v wan III tOWII O row (lll)H ii;o. T. L, Tarlow, who liven oil Llltlo Ilnttn Juit above Lake Crcok, and wlfu worn kuohIh ut tho Hunny (llilo Saturday and HotlM with nin for-n row yoam inihcrlntlon to tho Daily Mall Trllnmo. I,nnt Haturiluy nftwnoou r-rtarlcd from homo In company with Itnv. M. (' UuvIk, Hiindny hcIiooI mlMlonary for OrcKon for tho t'oiiBroRatlonal church and tint Ktuto Siiporlntfiidr.iit !tv Howard N. Hinlth, for Tnhlu Itock mid Kiiinn Valloy, IcavltiK Mr. K. at Tablu Itock, Davln and 1 wont on to HaniN Valley, wln.ro wo- hpent tho nlKht with Mr. Sliolly unit thn ii-xt mornliiK wn two wont on to An tlofh ncliool Iioiiko. whom Mr. Davbi prouchid to 11 Hiuall rnri(;rci;atton and In tho uftornoon wo wont to tho Chuporall hchoolhousc arid I preach ed to u KOod sized audience, and from thorn to Tablu Hock and Ilcv. II N. Smith preached n flue rurmon to a very attentive audience. In tho courno nl our rounds I learned that Mln L. W. Sliver of Anhland wag onRaged at teacher ut I'haporell and kIvIiik r.ener.il itatln fucttou. That MUn Flora fitacoy .wan to commenco nchool In tho Antloch Rthool district tho next day, that Her. M (' DavU hurl reorganized tho Hun day school nt Mmpcrolt with MIm I,. W Silver an superintendent and MUa Stncoy an ccretory, and MIm Stella Aimborry an treanurcr, and that Mr. Cane ban been making Home subgUn tliil Improvement! In tho way of fenc Iiik'. I nUo noticed that thorn bus been quite n lot or fenclnr: dono all hIoiik thu routu that w traveled, that tlicre Beenm to bo roiiftldcrahlo work KoInK on and that tho farmers aro KottliiR their spring work well along. On my return homo I learned that Hon. John Wutklu. J. I'., bad Joined In marrlago Mr. Albert II. Clnrno and Mr. Klzona lUrdiman on Saturday, March 1, at tho homo or tho bride and that night had quite a gathering to celebrate tho event. On Tuenday morning I took tho car tor Jacksonville, via Medford and on tho car I noticed Mr. and Mm. Heath and her ulster. Mra. Williams, nlfo tho iion ndJMKhtor of Mr. and Mm. Heath. Fred and Mlas Francis, John Nichols. Mrs. Diamond, Wllbert Ailipole ot Medford, Mr. Vogoll and Dr. Klrchfccssnor, who. has a homo ttbovo hero on Kogiie river, nomo go ing to Medford and eoiiio to Jack honvlllo. The members of the Catholic church havo succcded In placing tho church boll In position and last Sun day morning It called tho pooplo to warship, whero tho services were conducted according to tho mien and usages or that church. I ALONG ROGUE RIVER 4 Mini Johitstiiu ' tnitilo n husinev trip to Medford hiht week. Mr. uinl Mr. Morgan hpoat Sat urday with her parenth, Mr. and Mrs. Heleher nt Central Point. Mr. K. Uorxinuii nitil Bert Clnrno woro married March J. Thoy wore both well known. Thoy woro sere naded by their friends durinj: tho oveniinr. Mr. mid Mr. Hnrvey Smith who have been living on tho Xichol rnneh, bus moved away ami Mr. and Mrs. Arrant lmvo moved into tho house. Mtv. Zinnncminn jjavo n quilling parly nt week. Tlioso who ntlend eit ji'port a very enjoyable time was hud. Spiuing ban come hero, as two mi. ton lmvo been up Itoguo river. Mm. Zimmerlv mid ton of Trail wero in tho valloy tho fiot or the week. Anionc tho rcoeiil visitors to tho valley were Jpxso Hngsdale, Frank MiddlehuVher, AH-. Croft uml Mr. Oniues. .Mr. Ahh took up a load of wira foiieo for L ,1. Marks Thursday. Mrs. ConiUh uanio out on Sutur dhy ntorning's Iriiiu to vi-it with Mi mid M"rs. Kd Foster and family. .Mr. and Mrs. Vx(o Jlets were, in Krtglo l'oint Stittinlny. Mr. and Mrs, llarvoy Smith spent Friday night with Mr. nnd Mrn. Aavoti Smith. I'eter lletx was out to the valley Saturdav after n load of oats. Mr. ami Mrs. H, Duw and family went to tho l.uwreutK plneo tw- miles ahovo Trail Monday. They have vented tho pluoo uml uro put tine in tho crop. Tlio spring term of school nt Low. or Trail district began Monthly with Mrs. Cusiok as tcnolnjr. This is Mc. Ctthlek's third term in this district. Mrs. Jasper llnuijiih mado ti trip to tho Meadows Thursday. Supervisor Henry .visited .Mis;:! Kula Houston's schnol Friday and, Friday nkjht stayed at Hird Jolui Htnu'si Jasper Hiinuah mado a flying tvip to Medford Thuriday. I EDEN PRECINCT . 1 A. If. FiMier nVtftmpriix wn in Nlilli Talent on ' luisitiest Wedlie-lay. F, C. Hcitner of tho exM'Hmcnt Htiition 111 North Talent lias had a telephone put in bin rwidonro. .Joe Under peril'. Friday in Med fird on hiiineo. r,i, Joo lleflo" f N'oHlii Talent wnn in Afedford Friday morning. A H, Furry drove omo of hi entile out on the range Tltumday. Mr. nnd Mrs. llnrtzcll of Kdeii Vullev were in I'lioenix TIuipmIhv. J. S. Hpltzer of Talent wn's in Aiedford Fridny mvrniiiK nfter n loud of Kroeerien. ,C. ('iirv linn Hiinrise seed wtn toe of' tiie' variety thnt look the medal ut the Vukon-Fneifiu exposi tion, t Kevernl of Mr. JntnoH neighbors turned nut Monday and helped him put in hi 'rnp, ns his Into grief had rendered him nlrnoit unable to gi nlicnd witli his sprint: work. Kind ueighhorM euu nlways find ways to liglileti one (mothers burden. Mr. Snltzer entertained nbout twenty Indies Inst Wednesday nftor noon at her benutiful homo in North Phoenix district. The oecnsioti wns 11 farewell for Mr. SheetH nildSIiis Carrol FiMi mid Mini Shorts, fr. Sheets nnd her dnnghter left Thurs ilny nnd Mii Fish is expected to lenve for New York next Wednesday. Mr. K, (). Ueuse, dniijliler of Mr. and Mrs. C. Cnrey, who is now liv ing in Is Angeles, writes her par ents Hint Itoguo river .vnllcy is for iihend of anything they bnve seen there. Only higher wages for finish ennienters keeps them there. Mr. Hense it doing well, so they will stay n while longer. Willi tho passing foray of L. V. Faueher, the members of Oregon Cnuip, No. 438, at Phoenix feel that there has gone from our midst o val ued member. Mr. 'Fniielier was nt one time ono nf the most active member. He wns sent to' head enmp on co in behalf of Wtu. Abbott, de censed, nnd by his nble plea succeed ed in getting n policy for the wid ow. There wn n tptestiou ns to its being paid. The facts connetecd with Mr. Fnnelier's life tlio past five years mid bis torriblo tuencs mid death nre greatly to be regretted by nil who knew him and his family. I CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Coram Itsionor W. C. I.ecver Is at tending probato court In Jackson ville this week. & S. Aiken ot Prospect spent a day hore this week. C. C. nnd Wes. Kolsoo ot Derby spent a tow days hero this week vis iting relatives and friends. Mrs. Wayne Lecver, Mrs. M. II. Parker, Glenn Owen, Luko Peart, J. n. Holmes Jr. and Tom Cutlom spent Wednesday afternoon In Med ford. The many friends of Wayne lover will bo pleased to learn that ho has fully recovered from his recent Ill ness and is again attending to busi ness. Tlmo for riling nomination papers tor candidates for tho city -election expired Tuesday at midnight nnd tho candidates now for councllmen aro Frank Adams. 8. II. Murray, C. S. Sanderson, Frank J. Taylor nnd Wnyniun Warner, two to bo olocted. For recorder, J. Jacobs and A. W. .Moon. Mis Mary A. Moo Is spending this week visiting relatives ut Applegate. Mrs. Martha Adams nnd son ot Merrill. Oro., visited her sister, Mrs. W. J. Nichols, hero tho first ot tho week. Wm. Puukoy nnd daughter and Mr, Pnnkey's mother. Mrs. W. Pankoy, spent Sunday In Gold Hill. Florence Mooro left for Hilt, Cal Suuilay, to romaln for an Indefinite time, ho having becurcd a position Micro. Deputy Bherlfr Sam Sandry of lloguo Hlver mado a business trip to Central Point Sunday. Dr. K. and Mrs. Davis and son. Miss niacktord, Mlua Herring. Mrs. F. J. Taylor and sou Raymond, Hay Mttgruder, Glen Owens woro Sunday afternoon Medford visitors, Tho first gnmo of baseball ot tho season wus played hero on tho Oak Park grounds Sunday afternoon be tween Jacksonville and Central Point. Score, 15 to 0, In fnvor ot Jackson ville. J. W. Merrltt mndo a business trip to Gold Hill tho last of tho weok. Mr, mid Mrs. J. A. Mann, James Herring, Gus Morris, Marguorlto Holmes, Js II. (lay and KrncstWebb spont Saturday afternoon in Medford. Card of Thanks .Wo wish to sincerely thank our kind friends and uon,unintaiiees for tho bountiful ilorat pieces, and for their ninny deeds of kindness, ex tended to us during our beveavment in tho loss of our father. H. H. NYK MRS. H. 11. SYE. 'If v J! Mi The beat pif'turns in town. Tonight and Tuo3driy THE SUFFRAGETTE THE'ANIXJS OF JAPAN (iiti?niilr.ligAN TENDER HEARTED BOX 4ppp-Bw?iKnit NURSE AT MULBERRY: NUtt8fiSfr,n l THE ELUSIVE KISS Comedj'-T-Pntlio . On Tuesday night the Indies of ' The Greater Medford Club willihave charge of "IT", and will present, in addition to the regular program Mr. H. E. Weed x ,. 5 a landscape architect of Portland who will lecture on "The Ornamentation of the City Lot." Mr. "Weed is the foremost authority on this subject in the statjj and you will do well to hear him. "We take pleasure in an nouneing that Mr. Sidney Ferney the boy baritone who made such a"hit with our patrons during the week end will ap pear in new songs every night this week. OF COURSE Mi's. "WoolwortlJ, who is without a peer as an inter preter of movies, will con tinue to delight you. Wednesday and Thursday "A Clue to Her Parentage" t,he sixth of thcv , , WHAT HAPPENED TO MARY series will be presented. Tho seventh will appear about March 20. ADMISSION 10c and 5c Never, more, never less IT (Formerly the Ugo) Auction Sale of Acreage ij' 4rm: pikhci: suudivision Two Miles Hast of MtMjford THUltSDAV, JU'IUfc 10TH OX T1IK LAND Ono and ono-quartor to flvo aero tracts will bo sold to tho highest bid- dor. Seldom does tho buyer have tho chanco to nanio tho price ho pays for real estnto, especially cholco pro perty well located and on very easy terms. Do not fall to securo ono ot those tracts. A special opportunity for the man ot smalf moans to securo a homo. Liberal discounts will bo mado for all cash. K. V. HF.HHIFF, O. II. IUKKCE Auctioneer Owner PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating Alt Work ounrwitwd Trices Reasonable COFFEEN & PRICE ab Howira Block, Catrattca ,oa eta tH. soma ruon a9. jRCGU THKH TONIGHT m ajmJfcoV A-racrw1 w . i 1 JH XQT?J CAMi AT TIIH STAR THEATRE Xfu let ti!cflvinco you thai 4ho photoplay Is tho mostpopnlnr form of entertainment In tho world totter, providing It U I'roiierly Presented. Your own gixxl Jiidgincnt will acknowleilgo our suisrlorlly In every 'reniiect. '-itsf -V And this Iji what you'vo been waiting for Tho tremondotis photoplay pro duction ' "CIXOPATItA" In six reels. March 17th and 18th. Matinees Dally, 1 to S p. at. ADMISSION. 5c AND ICc 4tHMjtiMltMlHH'l i ISIS THEATRE' VAUDKVHiliE I 11UVMK AXD OOI.D Tim Ilfltrew nml tlio Soubretfo I Comedy, Singing and Talking 2 Photo Plays, Momlay I MAKING A DASKHALIi nUO piznx rim: I IT IS XEVKIt TOO UVZB TO '. ', MKxo :: J ; Edison Special Two neeft ; j ; ; Don't forget that wo give two ; ; sacks of flour to the parties holding tho lucky numbers to- , , night at 8:30. ' '.', HHIHHIIHMIHIIIUm Rent We have several up-to-date, modern 5 and 6 room Bungalows MEDFORD REALTY'AND IMPROVEMENT CO.: M. I1. & H. Co- Bldtr. ' f t H IMiUHttH H -i J Luxury Without Extravagance . Hotel p Von Dorn -242 Turk Street 1 : X Finest popular priced Hotel in San Prancico X Modern Central X 4HIHtt4MM BeA locatidl i . i ana most, n n mi 1 s?V! hotel in the City. Running dnftiUed ice water in each room. , . European Plan, a la Cartel Cafe. Tariff on Rooms 12 rooms - - $1.00 60 room - - IJW efih ,50 rooms - - 2.00 eadi GO room Mi pilrat) UA 2.00 SO room Mtb frit A 2.90 30 uite, bedroom, par- . lor nnd bath - ' 3,80 Pnr unri tliua UII ITUUt U 31.96 ' extra to th bov rU lt 1 each additional ftut. 4, , I Reduction by watk of month. .Wnjwmnr ekir W.'KMy rm.ymitziMZJZZM F.G. ANDREWS tl.essoo of OrIUan'd DlwRJBPPf mpmi-wmof H ' 1 i 1 J w