Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 10, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ," f . i
ft w
Mm. Dick llland of 0 rants
spent Sunday nt Jacksonville.
Mr. nhd Mr. Hnrri ITelins visited
.'ncksonvlho Sunday.
Mr. and Mm. Kdgar Hnfer leave
Tuesday for n month's visit nt Coun
cil bluffs And other cnatcrh points. Steele nt Ytckn. Cnl.. su
ftcrlntcniicut of tlto California-Ore
gon Powpr Co., mndo Medford, a busi
ness istt-tnsl week.
E., D. JVeaton, commercial photog
raphers, negatives made any tlmo or
placo by appointment. Phona M.
James A. Wilson, whoso health la
precarious. Is making Jacksonville,
his former home, n visit.
Mr. and Mrs. It. D. Dow wero over
from Jacksonville Sunday afternoon.
n. T. Van do Carr of Salem, a for
mer resident of Mcdtord, Is In the
city In tho Interests of tho Clark &
Hcncry Construction company. He Is
accompanied by his wife.
Feed and seed. Schmidt, phono
260. 318
Mr. and Mrs. Vv. It- Coleman of
Jacksonvlllo have becu visiting nt
Phoenix nnd vicinity.
James llccklcy of Portland passed
through Medford recently, eu route
to Klamath Kails on real estate busi
ness. James T. Chlnnock of Salem, water
commissioner, la In Med ford again.
Vapor baths and scientific mast-age
for men and women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood. chrlopractor, SOS Oar-nett-Corey
nlflg. Phnnp H6
David Clngcadu and M. Whitney
of Englo Point made n trip to Med
ford Saturday.
Ceo. L. Hnff and P. J. Chavncr of
dold Hill spent Saturday In Medford.
Theo Lincoln nnd his family will
arrlvo from Little Shasta, Cnl.. this
evening to rclocato In Medford.
Mrs. K. Bland of Grants Pacs vis
ited In Medford nnd Jacksonville
O. C. Beach, music studio. Vio
linist, Will instruct on violin, man
dolin and guitar In correct method.
Advanced students and beginners.
Address 254 E. 9th street. Phono
Home 314-L or Main 3481. 307
Dr. J. P. Truax of drauts Tass was
In Medford Sunday on professional
Ed Helms and Fletcher Stout of
Jacksonvlllo spcnl Sunday nftcrnoon
In Medford.
James Polton, who ban been visit
ing in Medford and Portland, left for
Klamath cotinly Saturday.
Orchard, hunting, fishing and
Crater Lake scenes for sale at Ger
klng & Harmon's studio. Negatives
mado any placo. kodak finishing. 128
East Main street Phone 2154
Mm. Fred Williams or Grants Pass
nee Jennlo Woodford) underwent an
operation in Medford Saturday, that
was entirely successful.
J. A. Holmes of Wilton. Maine. Is
in Medford, visiting his eon J. H.
Holmes, end will rcamln a few days.
Tho late Geo. W. Baahford, who
was for inany years a resident of
Medford and this valley nnd died nt
Vancouver, Wash., January 4, left
an cstato In Multnomah, Jackson,
Polk and Coos counties appraised at
J1S.500. The heirs are tho widow,
a son, E. L. Bashford of Portland, and
two daughters, Mrs. C. A. Dlcklson
of Jefferson, Marlon county, nnd Mm.
C. A. Wilson of North Bend, Coos
For sale, building bIzo 24x48, ono
atory, shingle- roof cost $400, will
sell for 100 account must move off
Southern Pacific right of way. This
Js'a Bnap. Edgar 8. Hafcr.
Mr. aud Mm. Tetherow of ltoguo
Itlver Hpcnt several hours In Med
ford recently.
Miss Emma Armstrong, formerly
of Jacksonvlllo, has relumed from
Portlnnd nnd will locnto In Medford.
Mr. aud Mrs. Wllinrd uud Fred
Larrabco wore among thoso over
from Applegate during tho past week.
Grant Matthowa of Foots Croek
mado u trip to Medford and Jackson
HIo Saturday, .
Ladles' shoes tdtinod at Summer
vlllo'a barber shop.
W. L, Hvlylc, foreman of tho South
ern Orejjonlun In loq, was In Med
ford Saturday, en route to California.
D. II. Barncburg and Harry Mathcs
of Ashland transacted buslnfbs in
Medford Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. 13. Willis and
Clyde Bturgess huvo returned from
A. S. Furry, G. W. King nnd A.
Hearn of Phoonlx Joined tho throng
in Medford Saturday.
Mrs. K. Phlppu of Ashland was tho
Kiiniit of Medford relatives Saturday.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Buy Pboae 2371
Jiuiit raoBsi y. vr. weeks ao7i
"'""' A. a. Orr, 3882
Jason OttlnRor, who I Improving
a 30-ncro tract, between Medford and
Central Point, spent a fev hours In
Medford Hnlurday.
Mm. 0. W. Cooper nnd Mm. T. W.
Wing of Central Point district were
among Medford friends Saturday.
J. W. llnlley nnd Mr. and Mrs. W.
D. Lowell of Talent wore In Medford
Real homo made- bread at Do
Voo's. W. W. Harmon, who Is In charge of
the civil engineering oh tho tlrauts
Pass railroad, spent Sunday In Med
Attorney nnd Mm. Harvey Dear
inond havo been visiting In Qrants
Pass, their former homo.
Dr. S. A. Lockwood and Dr. Myrtlo
S. Lockwood (rcRUlar physicians, not
chiropractors) havo removed their
offices from tho Hasklns building
to 232 E. Main street.
W. E. Anderson nnd J. A. Oraffls
nnd their wives of North Phoenix
were among tho throng In Medford
Thos Flynn Is In Medford again
nfter an extended absence.
E. II. Hanley went north nRaln Sun
day evening. Mrs. Hnnley accom
panied him to Medford.
Bring that old book with tern
binding down and have It rnbound
at the Mall Tribune office. Costa
but little. y W
W. J. Hlllls. who left Tor San Fran
cisco ono day last week, has returned
to Medford.
Bert Cofflnburry and D. 1). Young
of Grants Pnss spent n abort llnio In
Medford and vicinity recently.
Mrs. Jos. Martin and Miss Emma
Wenot of Jacksonvlllo were In Med
ford Saturday.
Hats cleaned and blocked. Pan
torlum. 200
J. B. Eddy of Portland, a Southern
Pacific official, mado a trip to the
valley last week.
Fred Williams, who has been In
Medford for sovcral days durtug the
past week, returned to Grants Pass
Kodak finishing, the best at "Wes
ton's, oppostto book storo
Mr. and Mra. W. W. Wilson of
Grants Pass nro visiting In Medford.
Fred Williams of Grants Pass spent
Saturday with friends in Medford.
Bob Gordan has left for Portland
in connection with tho new rage
Insure and be sure. Right If we
writ It R.A. Holmes, Tho Insur
ance Man.
R. B, Orr, formerly of this city, has
I purchased a home at Fullerton, Cal.,
and will remain In that city.
J. C. Blgham Is nt the Sacred Heart
hospital, whero ho will undergo an
operation for appendicitis.
Gcrklng & Harmon, Btudlo por
traits, homo portraits, flash lights,
kodak finishing.' post card work and
enlarging.; 128 East Main street;
telcphono 2154.
W. J. Webb was up from Tolo Sun
day afternoon.
Larkln Reynolds, one of tho P. &
E. Co.'s carpenters, went south dur
ing tho week.
Edw. Van Dyke aud Paul Kinney
of Grants Pass wcro among the many
visitors In Medford Saturday.
Carkla & Taylor (John H. Car
kin and Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law,
over Jackson County Bank
nulldlng Medford. "
Ed Audrcws, tho local Improssarlo,
who has been at Red Bluff aud other
points, In northern California on pro
fessional business, returned Sunday
Mrs. M. Reeve of Jacksonvlllo ac
companied her sister, Miss Kato
Chapman, tho milliner of Dunsmulr,
Cal., as far as Ashland Saturday.
Now York Life Insurance Co., C.
Y. Tongwald, Medford National
Dank Bldg., phono 3371.
MIsh Blancho Wood was nn Ash
land visitor Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Roberts, who
havo been visiting" In tho city and
valley, utarlcd for their homo In Iowa
J. F. Kelly nnd J. L. Wilson of
Griffin Creek weru down from Griffin
Creek district Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Polk Hull of Griffin
Creek, who havo been In southern
California for several wcoks, are nt
homo again.
Robt. Gordon, ono of tho lessees of
Medford's now opera house, loft for
Eugene Saturday evening nnd will
extend his trip to Portland.
Mrs. Martha J. Noslor, a pioneer Of
Coos county, who died at Handon last
week, was tho mother of Mrs. A. J.
Roberts of Medford and Qulncy Nos
ier, formerly a resident of thU coun
ty. She was born In Iowa In 183C
and Is survived by 12 grown souss nnd
Ardell Bailey of Hotel Holland has
returned from n short visit at Port
land und other northern points.
J. L. Mooro has returned to Gold
Hill after seven mouths employment
on tho Medford brldga.
L. W. Smith of Gold Hill, who Is
looking nftor tho Fowler timber truct
on Foots creek, made a business trip
to Medford Saturday.
W. W. Woods and F. G. McWIl
Uams were among thcJso who caino
from Ashland on business the foro
part of tliu wcok.
, r i' ' ' I 't
y MBkkkkkkkHVHHaWa iSuKSrBIMaHHHH0laVsaa&.
III v.s9jH,'fLBi?9BKTfiiDMiB I
III -' v-.w-g. - mmvi.ii I
kllJUV "" """"" un6hvxx uUJ, Hi
President WlNon
A. A. Porter and II. E. Newton of
Josephine county transacted business
In Medford Saturday.
Dr. Geo. L. Helms was In from hl
orchard, located southeast of Med
ford Saturday.
Mm. U Wlug of Gold Hill was
among her Medford friends Saturday
Mr. aud Mn. L. I. Brown nnd Clydu
Shaw of Jacksonville ere Medford
visitors Saturday.
Mr. and Mm. Harry Helms and Miss
Gcrnldlue Rukcs visited Jacksonville
Mm. George Wells (nee Elslo How
ard) of Josephine county was lu Med-
ford'Sunday, tho guest of hor grand
parents, Mr. and Mm. J. S. Howard,
and her aunt, Mrs. Roberts.
Joseph Shaska passed through Med
ford Sunday on his way home to
Garnts Pass from Fresno, Cal.
F. P. Bull, n San Francisco attor
ney, was In .Medford recently. Uo
was highly pleased with the city nnd
valley and our Incomparable climate.
F. II. Hunt nnd C. H. Cole of Eu
gene and II. J. Rellly of Sumptcr
wcro among, the many who came to
Grants Pnss on business durlug tho
past week.
A. Frldegor spent Sunday with his
daughter, Mrs. J, D. Henry of Phoo
nlx. Weatonka Tribe, Degree of Poca
hontas, will hold a box social, to
which everybody Is Invited.
Dr. J. W. Robinson and his daugh
ter, Mlis norland, wero over from
Jacksonville Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Shaplelgh of St.
Louis, who havo been paying their
son an extended visit, left Medford
for home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carson of Salem
and Mm. R. Bennott of Corvallls nre
visiting lu Mcdrord and Its vicinity,
Circuit court will bo In session
again Monday, March 17.
Roy Davis, circuit court stenog
rapher, was In Medford and Jackson
ville Saturday.
Miss Graco Pcarco spent Sunday
with her parents, who reside In Poor
man's creek district.
Mr. and Mm. J. E. Wahl havo bron
visiting relatives In Roguo river dis
trict. Darby O'Toolo Is in Medford ngaln,
after a short business trip to Port
laud. A. A. Davis nnd W. J. Vnwtor loft
Sunday for nhort bualnoM trip to
San Francisco.
Mr. and Mre. W. E. Crane of Phoe
nix spent Monday with Medford
Churlos H. Lobo has returned from
u busluos strip to California.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Kolloy of Mor
rlHVJIIc, Vt., uro visiting at A. W.
Stones.. Green mountain ranch. Mr.
Kolloy likes tho valley very, much and
may locate hero in the future.
WASHINGTON, .March 10 Presi
dent Wilson was forced to reiterato
his rule against upidlutluK his rela
tives to any office when six resident
of tho state of Washington personally
urged him today to numo his cousin,
Albert Wilson of Portlalid, Ore., us
a 1'hlllpplno commissioner.
Tho callers Included John Paul
son and -W. Cochrane of Hpoknnu,
Wash., mid Hugh Todd, Charles
Drury aud Charles Heifner of Seat
CHICACIO. March lO.Dcnlnl of
the 'govetiunitiit'rt repotted lufepi
unco of $l'2:i,()UU in Mittlfiliciit nt'
oleomargarine i'raiiilK in wliieli Uncle
Sam wuh del'nuuli'il out of $1,200,
000 in tnnile hero today by former
jSecreJnry of (lie Tmittiuy JloVca'i.
ip' Pncor Ijtft nrv hi're pa lured
During tho past two or ttin'o da) a
tho postotflco and express office
clerks In tho city havo been having
tho tlmo of their lives with shipments
of skunk hides. Trappers are begin
ning to mnku their mutual shipments
of tho winter's catch, nnd highly
scented offices nro the result,
The express company got tho worst
of tho deal ns Chief Deputy Fish nnd
Gamo Commissioner Sam L. Sandry
ordered tho shipments by express
hold lu order that ho might Inspect
it, and determine, whether any beaver
hides wero shipped or not. Tho open
ing of tho packages added to the oc
casion In a groat degree,
scented offices aro the result. So far
ns Is known this Is tho first time
skunk hides have ever been shipped
by parcel post.
A dozen or more members of the
Canton degree, I. O. O. 1'.. cre lu
Gold Hill Sunday wheii lu company
with cantons of Ashland nnd Gold
Hill several hours of earnest drill
work were put lu.
Tho members of the canton degree
of these thrco cities have been drill
ing In uniform every two weeks for
somo tlmo past, perfecting themsolvcs
In drill work preparatory to giving a
public exhibition In this city when
tho Oregon grand lodge meets here
In May of this year.
Tho vIsIiom wero splendidly ontor
talncd by tho Gold Hill Odd Fallows,
tho wives and daughters of the mem
bers of tho Gold Hill lodge prepared
and served n tumptous chicken din
ner to the visiting brothers.
On March 23d, Easter Sunday, the
Canton boys will meet for drill work
In Medford und will bo cntcrtalqrd
by tho Odd Fellows of this city. Tho
program for tho day will bo n drill
meeting In lodge hall early lu tho day,
nftor this thoy will march lu uniform
to ono of the several places of wor
ship In the city and nttoml preaching
services; after the services they will
have liinrh and following this 11 pub
lic drill will be given on tho Directs.
SOUTH MEND, Inil., March 10.
Confession that u iiatlou-wido "arson
trust" exists wan made hero today by
Ben Fink, alias Fluku)licrg. Ho ad
mitted that ::0 fires lu Chicago and
numerous others lu western cities,
aggregating u loss of $500,000 wero
of incendiary origin.
Fink implicated CO Chlcugo and
New York Insurance unjitHtora and
100 others, lie declared that. Ad
justers Hpirii and Zur of Chicago,
whom ho ayn are heads of tho trust,
paid him from 1100 tn $1600 for each
building fired, Spirit uud .ur somo
times receiving as much an $10,000
for each building destroyed.
Mrs. panKhurct talks
to militant suffragettes
LONDON', .Mine)! 1(1,-Mr. Km
incline I'uiikliiirxt, the Milfi'dgot'e
li'iulor, returned hero today from
i'nrix, ami tliix afternoon uililiexucd
H big meeting in the London pavilion.
She denounced tliu nrietU of the sul
fingcttcH who attempted In pii'Muiil
petition to (lie kiiitf today.
after leaving Ute rMpiinl
The case of (lie lntv vs. )en
Akin, nged 111, churned with n htutut.
wry crime, came before Juveiu'o
tildgo Toll Wile today nt Jni'Uoil
ville. The loliiuouy m tho unnv W
inure or tcfc muddled ami tliu entire
tiny will lie devoted to the henriug.
Akiu'rf ciikc wns fimt called in the
eouit of .luiliec of the l'ence Taylor
hut us the boy wax under ngo the
euo win transferred lu the juvenile
Akin U neciiscil of criminally ns
limiting Kiln nnd Mnrv Savage, is.
terx, of Kogue Itivrr.
N'KW YORK. Mnreli 10.--.Iolm
McN'fimurn, nlin "AttMrulluii .Muck''
wnnted nt New Wextmiutitcr, II. t
in connection with the robbery there
of tho liniiielt Hunk of Montreal,
wtm turned over to Hie Ciiimdinit
nutlioritic. He will be taken lo
New Yetmiuttr nt ohm.
McN'niimru fiinucrlv conducted n
submit in Kan KrnheWco. He Moullv
proteatH lii innocence but for srv
ernl month. Im Miihhomlv ieMcl
nil effort to cvtrndltc him.
WASHINGTON. March 111 Prow,
dent Wilwm recuncd the iliplouinlic
corps late tlii aitcniiMiii. Hereafter
lie pniiMMOM to work from I) to II
o'clock in the morning in hit private
office, thU rulu becoming effective
No appointments will be kept be
foro II o'clock, cNccpt llnwo with
iiiemberH of Hie eahiiiot.
COLK At .'112 Smith OniM Mroot,
Medford. March IJI. l!tl:i, Ralph l'er
ditinuil Cole, ngcir J.'l yunrK, 8 nimithx
mill 'J.'l ihiH, sou of Mr. ami Mi.
It. Cole of thin city. Funeral an
nouneeiiient later.
(Continued from 1'ago 1)
"Their families hliould," miHUciel
llio witness,
li.vttou iiriuuiK'il In fiiruiNli ci
ilemized ulateinuiil hhowiug how u
girl could live oil .fH u week. lie nil
untied bin company could uflonl lo
pay girU a iiiinimiim wage of $ 12 n
week but objected -to hiicIi h'gisln
lion, "liecuiiho raining utiNkilled labor
iicerHhitiUi'H an ailviiucii in Hid eiilirn
wagii hcalc, und IIioho how gutting
M2 would ilcnimid 20 u week."
"No Kcrvmit," broke In 'Senator
Junl, "hliould wink for lexn than U
necenKiiry to pnividu food, Hhellor
uin clothing. You mini of wealth
don't hccn to icitli.o (hat for ycniH
homo of iho ineiiiboix of this coin
iniltcu Imvu been cndeliiig Iiiwh tt
protect your life nnd properly, tuiii
you ought In co-operate."
'Lyltnir pruinisrdtoMhi mverjllilu;;
posKiblo to n id the ifivcMigntm-s,
WANTI3D TO rent u furiil. Apply
2H V. JncksonUt.; phoito 411-lf.
John A. Perl
I'lones M. 471 nn 47S
Aiubulauce Hervlco Deputy, Coroner
uuim in lii w
NUW YOIIIC, March 10 Dr. Fred
erlek l'runx Filedmnuu, dlscovmor of
an nlleged tuboruuloslH cure, remain
ed lu his apartments at tho McMplmt
hotel hero touuy, aud prepared to taint
his cultures to Canada. Ho will re
turn to Now York the last of the week
and will adiplulster his treatment to
about 1,000 additional patients Here
Much favorable comment was heard
today ou Dr. rrlodmnnu's work jcti
tcrday when ho treated seven tuber-
miosis tulfeiers, under government
Inspection, In .10 minutes clinic. The
nervousness which marked his first
demonstration hero wan absent, und
Or. Frledmnim worked smoothly and
ranldly.t Tho testa wero given at tlm
Mouut Slant hospital and wero wit
nessed by Burgeon I. F. Anderson
and Passed Assistant Hurgcon A. M
Btlmsou of tho government health
The seven cases treated by Or.
Frledmnuii yesterday nro to remain
tinder government observation and
upon their development will depend
thn official report. . ,
W.8IIIX(VroN, March. 10 I'resl
dent Wilson today sent tho folio lag
nominations to the scuttle;
First assistant postmaster general,
O, O. Itoper Ho u th Carolina.
Third nsnlstanl postmaster general.
Alex Oockory, formerly governor of
Fourth assistant postmaster gen
eral, James lllakeslce, Pennsylvania
Commissioner of labor, Charles P
. . I ;
YOltlC. .March 10 Union
Pacific touched n now low point nt
HHH lu the stork market today. Ca
nadian Pacific dropepd four point
and Jersey Central a. Cloud reciiver-
Icr followed Financial strain both
here and abroad led to heavy selling.
Speculation centered around Union
Pacific nnd Btitd, but the mnrket was
listless throughout and rlo'ud dull.
Ponds wore heavy.
WASHINOTOV, March 10. Th
t-unntc confirmed todnv the immiiih
tuui of. JiiliM II. Murblc nl (iililnnn.i
to u nicinbei' of the niter -tale coin
nirri'i I'ohiinio'tioii.
Pule, Ilitn-Ooitii, Anuiiiclc llcktorctl
to cllnltli by Vlnot.
Miss Kntharlnn llurns or Newton,
Mass.. says; About six mouths ago I
was lu a run-down condition and my
blood was very poor. 1 bad taken
several medicines prescribed by phy
sicians, but they seemed to do me no
good. Filially -Vlnol was rccom.
mended, nnd from the first llnttln I
uotlrod n groat Improvement., I have
taken six bullion and I feel Hlrein:
and ns well an ever." Knthorlilo
Vlnul Is the greatest body builder
and Htrouuth creator wo know of -
tho curutivii elements of Iho cud's
liver, aided by tho blood-making,
strengthening properties' of tonic Iron
contained In Vinol, rcsloro tho lack
ing Ingredients to tliu blood, mid tliu
result lu health, xlroiigth ami vigor.
if vou need building up try it bilttlo
of Vlnul with the uiulursluuilliig that
your money will bo returned If It
does not help you, Medford Phar
macy, Medford, Oro.
J, HL-Mulhollen 4
Pnllltlilg,' Aiiitlng, 'ilutlng
mid (lonenil IIoiimi llcpalilng
I'hono 003-Y
IVM West Kecond Ktrcot
Vv" Carry a very fcouiriloto Una of
flriip'Tk'H, luctt eiirtulns, f l?ci urc. fllo,,
anil do (ill oInNAe of uphulstnrlllg. A
Aiicctai nlsn to tooli nfiur (Ids work
a to
In n
oxqluslvuly ami
will ulvo US KOOtl
niirvleu rt In
(J85lblt toi tet In evea
the Inrtrest cl tit
Weeks & McGowan Go.
BlootJBath,, ,
Knocks RhiumatSsm
Roinnrknblo Effects of n Rem
edy Thut Actunlly Irrl
Ktc tho Untlro
Hlootl Supply.
I' Wl'in
r,U' KifLui
u ,
II soumts uiiorr to tilo n l'tt Imtlt
but timt I preclssiy lint rffrct uf uut
rrinsrhntilo rnnftly luuiwit II H H It
lin llio (kj.'iii ir . Hon nt HKikltw
thmiiRlt tltn Inleillnc ilirrctly Into th
tiluixl In nv mirttitck tin lultufneo I t
work In evrty nttty, vein nl liny rupll
Isrr Hvery ntrmbrnne. every iirRttn of
Iho boiy. evtr riaunclory lciiw In
cftrrt a lMtr to strain Ihw bloml of lot
iutltl. The slliliutatlrttt pmixfllfS of
H. H, B. comfl His akin, llvtr, liiiwrU,
klilnrys. M.wtor lo nil work In tl eno
Mitl p( ciiIiib mil every Irrltittlns. rvrry
ixtln inntrtlnir ndim uf poison. It illiUntueH
ly lirlKnlleit nil niiMimillnlloim III Km
joints, illssnlros nntil accretions. remlsM
them nsutrnl ami scatters Ihiwo lunjulUr
ferinatlona In thn ntrvo chiiIp Mmt
rsii.ti such mystifying and oitoii UttUmt
slicunintlo v.ln.
And lMt f all, tht remsrhnlilo rrnt
cly U wflconm to tli wonhmt iiimch,
lcmiin It In a I'tiro vcKrlaliln liidulon.
In Ukrn nnlurnlly Into our I'IimhI Just an
I'll r ft iilr I Intiulcd naturally lulu our
TIHt great Hwlft lrfitirtitiry lum ront
ltdlllcil ( ilidlara In Hrfntlna, ro.luo
IliU klid JetUK lu Uin liniidn uf (lid pub
llr lld wnhiU-rful ri'innly. Ho Mvt your
MimmI n Ki'tM lAlh Willi K. H R, tor It
knix-ka Iho nutit funna ef ilicunulNiu
every tlmo.
ton ran Krt It nt any drug utore at
fl Ml a Niltlc. It I it nlamUrd ivointy,
lroldlFl rVef)ltio Iho Krrlrt
1'IimM ursine rver illneiwcred If ymita
la it peculiar r and )nl dwtr iett
mlVlrn. wrltn lo Th HvUl I'pCcltlO Co,
:I Unltt HUe, Atlanta, U,
The Best Thing Out
WAY lift
Is an nrhlng tooth, uud wo nro tho
propto to do the pululem uxtrantlng,
na soon ns you wmit "an unruly
nienilii'r" driiwii Wo nro oxperta lu
.ill bniucliiHi uf lletillKtry uud ham
madn it repiitiitluu for good work
and fulr dealing. You will find ua
dpeudablo lu every rwpoct. Ask
your frlcuda who lime patroHUed us
In tho past you vtll find we ataud
high lu their uatlmatluii.
Irfidy Attciiibiiit.
Tin: ii:vrmT.
Photos Photos
Tlmo was when pictures were it
luxury for tho ftivurml few modsrn
photosntph)- has iiliaiigod conditions.
Our ehlldniii nro growing' up, but
wo can keep them as thoy nr&-onu
follow thum through aohool imn al
ways bo with thum and have thum
v.lth us lu plOtUI'fH.
Wo havo now nnd uttratitlvo nlyles
In school plcttiroa.
Muko tluf iippoliitinciit tiMfiiy, ,
H. C. Mackcy, Studio
Corner Main and I'uutral t
Medfonl, Oregon
Official Photographor of the
Medford Commercial Club
Amatcui' Iflnishing
Post OnvdB
Puiionuiiic Work
TnloHorUiid dxlurior views
Plash lights
Negatives made aiiv timo
and any place by appoint
ment. 208 E. Main -Phone 1471
Clark & Wright
WAfllilNU'i'ON, l, 0.
Putyllo Land Matters: Final Proof,
Dosort Lands, Contoat nnd Milling
CniiPH, Hcrlp,
ibLfHBiLLv v x