SECOND EDITION Kortjr.roonl Tinr. iilr- .Hnviintli Yr. OF Illinois to Appeal lo Wilson (or Na tional Minimum Wapo Law to Com pel Employers to Pay Llvlitfl Wanes to Girls ami Women Department Store Managers Say Law Should le National and Will Alii . In Passing Such a Law CIIICACIO. March 10. Hllrrrd In notion by shocking hlorioH told li women u (lie state hiiiiili' "Mnnr. tlnii wagon" probers, Lieutenant Gov ernor llnrrctt O'llnrn Induy i-U'I President Wilson lo iiirt t with th' IIIIiihU ItiVKnliunlorH the Inllor putl of (lilt week. Ilo Intrude In Inv la1 fnii) tin president eldoliei slmwliu how girls mid women Inno been 1 i I -hi Ik white ttlttxi' revolts liv the tttt -Hikslillll of living mi l n week. Tin' lli'iili'iiiint governor IntmiU 1 1 urgo llio iiiHNiiKd of it frili'i nl Inw fixing ii tniiiiiiiiiiii wage for woirei mill llii' big Chicago merchant have iiiilimitril lo him Unit they will nut oimihi Mich legislation. O'llnrn was inUicil toilnv tint Ohio, Indlmiit, Michigan, will intl lulu ii pnilii' similar to ttuil run ilurlril liir'. tlcftlM o Trll People. Tin investigators tmlny recalled Jitinc Simpson, intiimgcr of tint In department store of Marshall FHd mill iMiniiiinv lo lln stand, I If iiruiii refused to toll of the yearly profi' of his concern mid the committee will decide Inter whether to punish him for contempt, Whni ukril for ah opinion ooiircniiiig 11 iiilniininn wage In iv. HlmpMin Mild: "I think tliu minimum wugn on vhlelt n woniun nut live In between $8 mill f0 n week, hut if n nilnliinim imi; Inw It riinelrd it will Inerriuc tim I'Oht of living, mill this increase m ill Inn i to hr bnnio liv llm pnlilii'." Simpvui iiinlntiiini'il tlntt if n In v providing 11 $PJ weekly wugo fc passed in IllinoK it would drive tnnnv concern out of 1usIiph. rntorn rlcrnl Ijuv. "It illicit not hrt Iniiinfnl lo busi ness if n federal law to tlntt effect were iiiluplril," ho lidded. "I wind 1 like to nsk thn eninmitlec 11 iiucstion. If ui' puy the girl in our rinploy n iniiiiinnm wugc of fJ n ilny. whni shall un puy 11 until with n family" SIiiivh(ui luvllrd the probeis t ioit tin) store nnil mirrcsI improv.' tui'iiln. George Lxttoii, iru president of (ho llnh Department store wns iho iu't wiliicis. Ilo tesliliod thai his rnmpniiy makes- prosonU lo its cm plo.uis. Thn plan was voliintiiry, h Miid, on thn purl of thn I'oinpiiny. ninl umi ho lenuhiuled at will. The lowest wugc pniil women liv hiii I'lim puny, Lytinn said, wiih $(l.r0 11 nrok, hut n (,-irl iPi'i'ii Iiik Unit mnoinit wotilil ri'i'olvo n jiithoiiI. uiulor Hi" llft plmi, nmniinlinu' t" nhinit two per font of her weekly Milury. l.tlon reftihCil lo iIIsimink llio prolil" of li'm eoiu'oru. lie thought 11 (,'irl I'otilil lio on .tU n week. Who l'ii)N llio lllffcrenn'? 'Vniir inlmminm whko l 0."'. jon MiyT" Hiihl Kenntor Juul. "Who ilo yon llilnk imyM thn Klrln the ifl.i0 ilit'fereiiful" (Contlouta on ptgo 3,) MURDERS WIFE KIIATTI.K, WiihIi., Mm h 10. - (loiiiff htulili'itly lnnnnu TltnmiiH Want. 11 inncliiiht llniiK' nt 5tll Hunter nM'iino, hi'iit ills wlfo'H huiliiH on' villi a oliiw hnmnu'i' nnd'Uion Itiul to kill liinmolf with thn hinni' woupon. Mrs. Wind iH dyiiiR in tlio oily hoHpltul. Wnnl, Hinionsly Injineto is iilriu in the, hospital. Waul, who wiih l'ii'Ht to nrieii this inmnin.;, htm led to hnild a I'iio in llm kitehon hIovo. Without wimilntr li droppud tlio paper and kiudliiii; wood with which he wiih about o start the fiu ninl takinj; up a ehov lianunor frau lured liis wife's hkiill in heyornl pliicoH, Then Im lit'iui to heat hiiu belt' oyer the hmui, IE PROBERS SEEK COUNCIL WIH HAMMER Medford APARTOFTHEINRUGURfiLPARADESHQWING THE MIDSHIPMEN PASSING THE GAPITQL: BBBBBSBBKBsSsB BHHHIHV'.mnir 1 W. ". flrjaBtpr'Gmm... H' W'i ' . AWWWl- . . W . j ff te, V "'flBft "i 'fffilHI purBpHs1LBSBB2diHKHHHHHMuBflR ' itl A JftrSMMlWMslBBgaWWIIPBMsTKtMBBMsCWBMalW Lj (n x nAilVTTsKuslBBBs SZBBflPBsVVSMEfiSFlKrHBBflEMKllSBHBBBBBBBHSa hSEUBMBMsVBZsflBBlsBlBllBHMsVMAl 1 lBHBlSEHSBTBBBBBVsBBHBr'V'cSfr-EflBHfcaBBBVVBBKBBBBB ai f tiWliSsgBwBHWIBBIBPFTT t,-: jMBEKiiAiBsMl!WBWB"WWiWBSMSWwiiWByT .wsaj s siciw.m. .... . FlRlEEN JUDGES 'BURLESON KEPT ""IIITra ADMITS DEMOCRATS PLF TO BE NAMED BY i BUSY DISCUSSING ALREADY HELPING- POLICE UNABLE TO NEW FREE LIST ATTORNEY GENERALJ POSTMASTERSHIPS. PATIENTUREATED PROTECT MARCHERS1 INCLUUMBER WASHINGTON. .Miin-li 10.- I.illlv t'limiRA in llm iM'ioiiiii'l 111 thn ile purtmrut of jusliee h contnnphiti'd at nlmu to Attorney (lonernl .Me IloMiohU. The ulloruo.v k"'"i1 " KwnmiM'il todiiv with whni he enllyil "ntpulnr" applieant for join.. I'lilitifiiiiiH I mm all ur the eotin trv were lietei;uiir linn in eioii mid by letter in fnwir of eiiiuliilnte for the I'n u 1 1 it'll jtiiticimhipx wliiili miiht bo flllnl. The jtiilsenhiw now MteHiit to whom iipHintrit uuit be iimuiil are: nmuif Judo of I'l'iuiUiiuin lo Mieeeoi! .Indue Arehbohl, iteentl.v hiipeiu'heil; (he tli"trii'l iiitltscfhitw of N'orthem ('alifornia ; ehief juslieo of the eourl of I'lniun.; eiri'iiil jn1jt' "I" llio heenlh circuit of llluiow to ue t't'Pil .linlk'i' (Iro-ieiip who rvMiK'i; circuit JiiiIko of llio nrt circuit court of MiihiicIiucU lo hiiceeeil Juilao Coll. eleelod to the senate, mid diitnct jiiiIkos for I'orto lti, Arb zoiui, Southi'iu Hoiiilu. Woktern Wiihluuuton and Conneetieul, ai.d three (ernlounl ciicuit jiuIkoh hi I Inw mi. NKW YOUIC, Murrlt 10 Iinpll entliiK mnwy clvilluu lilr.lmr.uim" not before moutloneil In tlio police Kraft prosecution iuoie In protons hero, ltoMii llorlx, 11 "ri'norl" woman, ruvo lehtlntony today. 8I10 dccloiod tlntt hIiu ninl tier litihbniul bail for years paid tribute. Her eonfeHon follow ed a conviction In tlio court of Ron oral Hoabbiim. Blie nituied many per HoiiH wbo Rot lior money, Including liotb pollcu and cIvIIIiiuh. CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE IS SACltAMl'.STO, fal., MiiicIi 10. -Prepared to tnke up more tliixu ilflUO billH mid Heyornl pioposed con htilulioual mucudmeiitd the slat IcRiHlatuiu ro-convenod ut noon to day for llio second half of the hi fuicaleil session of llio fortieth as sembly. The. first matter lo Im taken up in llio assembly wiih re orRnuUutlnn, the officers liuvin? been iliHchui'RCd duiiiiR the interim o biwo tlfg per diem ojieuso, MEDFORD, 1 WASHINGTON". March lO.-Kauev coiiRri'Mtineu filled the wnilun; room outfide of PostiuiiNter UuiicHon'H office, with Miioko mid chalter, lu dny. tiHti'iihibly to "pay their r. .m'cIk," but each carin Hi In pocket a litllu list of candnlatcH for Hiixtinni.teihipi. Alicndy the imp iilnr iniin in the WiNon cnlnncl, lliirlo-011, in feeliui: heauly the bur diui of lieiUR the "official hifter" of caudidale. Within the next few uioutliK ho miint delenniiii) oil caudi iliitos to fill .'l.'i.OUO of moro pn-t-mntcihips Iur, little and medium hizutl. The viNitiiiR coiiRrciinoii, powers mid men from bank homo who littered the wmtiiiR mom today mid chmiled democrulio pnenns of liiumph wciv all of the true faith. In the hundred or moro who patted their card to the weary hi'crelai.v within two hours, not one but aowel himself as nil "orittinnl Wilson man." The new imslmnster Rvnoral has 1I0110 little since taking office, except attend cabinet iiicilmK and Rrcel MsitiiiR demoeralK. Duo of the hie problems will lie placiiiR tlio pitrcel sist on a firm liiisiK. It is till in an cxporunentul stllRO. TEXTER WINS CONTEST The hoiiH'slend contest IiioiirIiI bv Uncle Sam asainst Clinton Texler, which wns heard a few weeks 11140 before CommisMonor Canon, bus been decided in Mr, Tcxter's faor by the html office al HosehurR. It probably will not ho uppcalcd. Tito contest was institulcd by llio ro eminent, which eharRed Unit Tes ter had not pioperly improved d eullivalcd llio place. EMALAN CITY DESTROYED BY QUAKE WASHINGTON', Maich 10-Cniw-Kreut loss of life and piopoity, an earthquake destroyed thu town of Ouajiinnuilpa, Oualcuiala, Salurdny, iicconliiiR lo advices roeeiu'd lieio today from the United States min ister to Unit country. The shuke covered a radius of fifteen miles, Hclief expeditious have hecu sent to thu stricken town, Mail Tribune OHECION, MONDAY, AIAItTH 10, HH3. NKW YOKK. March 10 Ilo,v wa held throiiRhout (lie world li thousands of tubcrcii1oU suffcrcis today that the consumptive patient' treated at the People's hot-pital here by Dr. Fricdmanii, the di-coenr of an alli'Rcd cure, are doiiiR splo'tdidlv. Dcelanition to this effect was Hindi' today by Dr. hiitidoMnau. head of the institution, who i loud in his prmsa of the Krii'ilmniui culture. "All pains in llio chest and uiuht sweats," Dr. LnndoMunn told Dr. Krii'diuann, "already hne disit -peared. mid the patients .-how mark ed iiuprotcmeut." The three patients mentioned wors the first to bo subjected to tieutmeni in tlio I'liited Static by Dr. Kned inmm. At ltn time Dr. Kricdmann wax extremely tienous, mid the milli ner in winch ho injected the tuber, eulosirt serum was the subject it' much adverse comment by New Yoik pliNMoinns. JURY FAILS TO AGREE IN DR. JOSLEN CASE SAN I'HANCISCO, Cnl., Match 10 Ilci'iiuso the jury could not decide upon the moral hiatus of Kthcl Wil liams, n nrollv Sealtlo eaudv ales- Rirl, it lias ill-agreed here today 111 tlio ease of Dr. Otto l .lo-lcn, ac cused of the "irl's betrayal. , The jury was out f8 hour. Accordion to Voreinan Spearman, nil nt' lli.. i iii-or- wore w-illim; to vote Joslen Riulty but were conxinced also (lull llio uiils iiioraN were not till they should be. and that she .should not ro unpimi-iicd. It was Joslen's second trial. Pto minent elitbwoiueu declined today they will force another trial of the ease. 'JS" Zi SAIL ON SAME SHIP AI.KXANDIMA, Ksypt, rimli 10. J. l'ieipout MorRitu, the Ameiiemi hanker, mid l'orlirio Diaz, foimor president of Mexico were fellow pu seiiRors on Iho liner Atlantic which left here today for Now Ymk via Naples, Diaa will ro to I'lanoo, whore ho will meet Iho ofticor sent from MeMi'o City lo escoit him hack to his native land. WASHINGTON. Mnioh 10.A1-ini.s-ion that u". iolicenu'U trore lui ublc In .niaintain order on l'ctinuvl ynnin ntentic here March 'I, the duv of the suffragette aride, iiltliouuti HOT patroluien kept that IIioivurIi fare clear on March I. wns made here today by Major Itiehurd Sy- ester, bead of the metropolitan police department, when he ro.-iiiuoil ! the stand before (be Jones sciiuto hiib-coimuilti'e iiiM'-tiRiithn; the fail ure of (lie Klice to protect (be women marchers. Miss ,1 u net Hiehaids cao damac intr U'stiinony iiRniu-t the polieo. She swore that at 0110 ihiiuI of the pnrai'o n serRncut and eeutceu palnilinrn abaudoued their work, making no ef fort to protect the women marcher.. Mis Hichards furnished the numbois of the tiolieenton whom she nlU'Rxd were derelict 111 their dutx'. PLAN TO REPEAL WASHINGTON, .March 10. lle H?al of the Canadian reciprocity treaty, extinction of which has been bitterly oppoe.ed by the ilemociiitii, is bchedtilcd, in the next coiiKroxs-. "I propose to renew efforts to re peal the treaty us soon as it can bo brought befoio coiiRie ," Kepro.-en-tntivo Webb of North California stated today. "It should ho taker, off tho statute books both as a nut; ler of mistaken jKiliey mid nl-o for our national solf-rospeo.t. It lui been flatly and linally lejceted by Canada." Majority Leader Underwood of the house, who lias opposed repeal of the pact, is expected lo dtop his un-tiiRtuii-m, lie t'11 voted the treaty, principally becau-o it wns n small concession (owaid downwind u vision of tho tin ill. OF ilCT SALKM, Ore., March 10. K. K. Wllfeon of Corvullls was today ap pointed prosecuting attorney for the fourth district by Governor West, In placo of K. II. Hryson of 13ugono, who resigned recently. Hryson resigned to enter prlvato practice, attiofl HUtfrfMl !( r.ily Mstl s T tr B aLm A MK WASHINGTON. March 10. Frco lumber, free mi gar, und free farm ma chinery ore certain to bo the fruits of thu Democratic regime, according to reports here totluy before the house way's and moans committee resumed secret deliberations on the tariff. It U said to bo still an open question whether or not raw wool will bo on the free list but It has been defin itely learned that the free list vetoed by President Taft will be changed. The southern protection Democrats ure opposing free lumber and Con gressman llroussard of Louisiana is flghtluR free suRar. lie Is asking tlio support of the western Democrats In reeking to protect tlio beet sugar Interests. The Democrats plan to fill tho new free list bill with articles of farm use. with tho Idea of Riving tho far mer tho chief benefit of tho bill and thus obtaining aRrlcultural support. TO BECOME A MOTHER NKW YOIMC. March 10-Morc than olio bundled xoiiiir vvoiikv teneliers, most of them brides of a few luonlh-, tiro directly interested in the ArIiI in the city board of edu cation over whether Mrs. Katherini. Campbell Kduell, director of the Krasmus Hall high school in Hrook lyn, i-. to have n xearV leave of ab sence. Mr-. Kduell, who i- the wife of u fellow teaelter, frankly says that she vvuuts the year off so that she can become a mother. She declares th.U other teachers have received lengthy fin loughs for the same, but none have had the bravery to tell Iho real reason. ROOSEVELT SECRETARY WASHINGTON, March lO.-Geu-eral Robert Oliver, ussistuut secre tary of war, under Piosidont Roose velt, is Riven tho uuie position under tho piesout mlmiiiistrtltiou, neemdin,; to aniiounceiiieiit by Secretary Gai lisou today. Tho. cntiro personnel of tho dopni Intent's minor employ(a will ho letuined indefinitely, WEATHER I'nlr tunlKlit nm Tn4nf Mnt, 7J1 Mln. aa. NO. 299. T Federals Defeated In Several Battles Mining Center Capitulates Reb els Greatly Outnumbered Oppo nentsHeavy losses on Both Sjiks Several Hundred Rebels Encamped Near Nogalcs, Which Is Deserted by Populace DOUGLAS,. Art., March 10. Following n twelve hour, battle in which many nro reported to havo been killed mid wounded, tho Nacion nlist rebelH occupy the border,'pjl of Nneorri today. , The federal gnrrNon cvneualed the town late la-t night uudor n fln of truce, mid 121 of its original 171 members marched, weary and be draggled, into A git a Prietu, opposite Douglas, today. How ntnny of tho fifty misunig are dead or wounded t-s not known. Mining Crater Fulls. Tho federal garrison at Kl Tlgre, an Important mining center, alio fell before the Nationalists late yesterday. Tho government commander surren dered without firing a shot and marched out of the town. Armed townspeople harried the federals In their retreat southward, killing four and wounding 11, according to re ports recelred at Agua Prleta today. General OJeda, In command of tbo federals at Agua Prleta, withheld all possible Information of the defeat of the government forces at Nacoxarl. Various accounts of the battle, how ever, were furnished by stragglers from tha tprn who followed tfce.fed erals In their flight " - Itcbels In Majority. According to these stories the reb els greatly outnumbered the federals, who offered a desperate resistance. Many rebels wcro killed in addltlou to tho heavy federal losses which seem certain. NOGALKS. Arls.. March 10. No gales. Sonora, was thrown Into h panic of fear today, when a report was circulated that several hundred rebels, encamped 15 miles south of tho town, wore marching toward thu border. Scores of refugees, carrying their valuables, fled to tho American side of tho International line. WHITE HOUSE DINNERS TO BE DRY SAYS WILSON PORTLAND, Ore., March 10. Hard on tho heels of Washington dispatches to the effect that the White Uoiue dinners will bo "dry" hereafter comes the Information that tho sal nm day banquet. March U. ut tho Commercial club will a "dry" af fair also. "If President Wilson Intends to have nothing stronger than water, at tho salmon day banquet, March II, at water Is good enough for us In Port laud," said one of the promoters of tho dinner. Seattle and Portland salmon enthu siasts aro cooperating In au endeavor to huvo salmon day observed nation ality. BURGLARS KILLED IN ATTEMPTED ROBBERY TACOMA. Wash., March 10, Tho bodies of two burglars killed In au attempt to rob & rosldenco In Huston, aro rcstlug at tho locul morgue today awuttlng Identification. The men were shot to death by members of u sheriff's posso early this morning us the mon woro attempting to rob P, Popoltch of his weekly payroll, which he could not bank Saturday night or Sunday. Tho officers were concealed In tho parlor of Popovlch's home, Sheriff JumloHon having obtained In formation that tho robbery would be attempted. Nothing wns found on the person of either of tho dead men that would reveal his Identity." Doth wero poorly dressed. m s m bra OWNS FROM HUERTA I : I I 1 I LI J '1 4 S aWw4 Vst ..!.